Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1908, p. 3

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NEW FALL MODELS IN CORSETS We are receiving and placing on display the Fall shapes tainly make as good a showing of good honest comfort as you very newest and models in the Corset world, and they cer- ¢ could wish to see. The latest ideas ane here in many shapes, and styles, graceful lines, per fect workmanship comfort and satisfaction all combined in our New Autumn Models. 50c., 75¢., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to $3.00. Warm Golf Jackets At no time of the year can you get more comfort from a € Golf Jacket than the early slip on, on a chilly evening when going dut, Fall days and nights, handy to or in the house before the fires are started. Red, White, Try one and be convinced, Navy, Green, and in co mbined 'polors, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. THE "KING" FLY KILLER s Kills* without crushing and do es not fabrics or injure the highest polis hg 10g ware »=3 Grocers. delicate Serd- the most Druggists, soil each, Our ,clothes- "values are easy 'to see. ' Cac /7~ Field glasses ar€ not needed to see the fine points of perfection in the kind of elothes we sell. Style, Fit, cvery detail of Fine Tailoring are there inside and out. - If better clothes ould -be made, this store would have them. We especially invite particular dress- ers and men who wore Ready-Made . Clothes to-see ours and never Prices $10, 12, 12.50, 15.00; 16.50, 18.00, 20.00 and 22.00. . JENKINS CLOTHING 00 = 114 PRINCESS ST. t | stance GREAT LABOR PONE AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK ON MONDAY. . Marathon Race Won By R. O'Brien, of Gananoque-- Orientals Beat Y.I.C.B.U, at Baseball--~Other Features of the Picnic. The monsfer picnic held on Monday by the Trades and Labor Comcil av Lake Ontario. Park was a grand saccess in cvery particular. The labor men were { favored by fine weather, and as they | had a good programme they had a large crowd. In the afternoon fully three thousand people were at the park and in the evening near! ur thousand were in attendance found plenty, of aniusement, as numerous things had arranged., The people started to park at 12 o'clock noon and conutin- - stream until 'late at ng about the picnic was and thang, ran off been the ved night LVETY well managed without a hitel every The Marathon Race. The: main attraction of the picnic was the 10-mule. Mara race and it 1S one of the dest races ever held in East- ern Ontario. Ten les over the road I's quite a grind, and a person must be lin good condition te stand the strain. Out of the fourteen starters in Mon- day's race eleven finished in good time. The day was an ideal one for the con- test. It was just about cool enough and the light breeze was a great benefit. The Sun. was not strong, not strong enough to wi boys, in any way The, course was about ten miles, start and finish at the park. After leaving the park the contestants rad west to Day's the Bath Road, to the where they turned and the same course. Mark oned at every tum so that cotild net maké any mis course entries received and (fourteen ranners started. bearing the fol- ftowin g numbers | ?. Nic ndRon; Partsmouth. : McMaster, Y M.C.A Parkins, C.L.C. B. Fletcher, Brockville. M. Watt, RM.C O'Brien, Gananoque Edgar, Y.M.CA Cole, Y M.CA Stone, Y.M.C. A Casterton, Y.M.C.A Spring, Y.M.C.A Atkinson, St. James' . Smith, James' Club. Partridge. St. James' Club I'he race was lled for 1.30, and shortly after this hour every runner was on hand. WgF. Nickle, M.P.P., acted as starter; E. J. B. Pense, Ex-Mayor McFarlane, W. W. Gibson and William Driscoll, were judges, and T. J F homp son, clerk of the course. W. Wi Gib- son followed the rummers in a cab to watch the progress of the race. The grand stand and baseball diamond was black with people when the men lined up for final instructions, and when the word to was given at 205 o'clock the men started away, followed by a hearty cheer. on | rry the 4 | | congessi n, ta 1G T.R. railway, ran back over ers were the runners take in the Sixteen tat were Club. St 16 ca Q g0 With The Runners. At the start Nicholson took the le: wd, but only for the first quarter of i mile, when he dropped back giving his place | to Watts, with Parkins, Atkinson and [ O'Brien bunch. The rest | were all le way behind i distress came from hrst mile post had got hold of him o enter the hack mg easy, set the next nched signs of er the WHIPS and and was run signs of 200 Atkin Park re without lead 1 winter abot 1 like third te second, eventh place, t! they wefe at the turmng post taken place 'in the still: leading. but had 'been, O Brien \tkinson-third, 1s came up to fourth | rly this the real { nd the runners began to | the ere made At this t up, Nicholson; $ Stone's legs went | took cramps badly mtinue. Watts, Adkinson attendants and on the 16 | ma the [rag r orQssing | Aricither change | runpers. Watts was | mot as strong as he | was runing second, i Parkir as bad and after race began sh of ne £1 sO to then the re O'Brie :, began Watts uid between the sixth and 1cceeded in tching up to 1st behind him for me saw the cadet begin ahead until he had 150 yards, which he had amtaiming Atkinson vas up to him, and just after ) bridge this. side of Car farm he also passed Watts, hut verhaul O'Brien. Between the bridge Watts fell back , Parkins passing him and held fourth held fimshing fifth, Cole Ir aller uri 1. ance between | hr ran s¢ j distance and as he {to weake: » he forged 1 about saw i and and ~ Arrival At The Park. first romner entered the park er went up and the large the field to see the finish, finished well, covering the dis- an bour and three minutes. | Aikincos was only. a minute and. Parkins made ou ; Wil flooded LO Brier the run te The other wed as OWS : minutes letcher--T70 minutes Cole---11 minutes -T4 minute foll Edgar Cast Spring--=80 mis Part ridge Smith---84 M Surprises were ace, especially Atkins | ne ew men to, thé ramming game... {Rewer ran bef mn CrtOn Tx ertor [A 80 nm minutes any im the Parkins, Parkins life and creditable race re his Sho rtly after the race the prizes, t present vO three ed rs by The Baseball Game r the Marathon face the Orientals medals, were Mr. Pense | cups and to the runne Aft La and a half Rings sia | Hmusemens. (AAD PERAHOUSE) ALL THIS WEEK. Evenings at 8.15. Saturday Matinee 2.30 GEO. H. SUMMERS #¢ BIG STOCK COMPANY Tonight "THE AMERICAN DRUMMER" Wednesday "THE MIGHTY DOLLAR." Great Vaudeville Change of play and apetaa cs nightly. Prices, 142030 Matinee, 10 and 20c. Seats mow on ( LAKE X ONTARIO X PARK CLOSING WEEE. TO-NIGHT $i sey stent Matinee Gr at 3.30. Free Show High Class Vaudeville New Moving 'Pictures. Latest Illustrated Songs. Childrén's 1 Cent Day on Cars. Auction Sale + Of Valuable City Property Will be sold by Public Auction, by WML MURRAY, Auctioneer, at his Rooms, Mar- ket Square, Kingston, on THURSDAY, the 17th Day of September, 1908 o'clock noon; Saturday, welve That valuable the dence the on the cornet Kingston Fhe buiMing cut st rooms, besides basement roor etc, is heated by hot water, modern mmprovements., Ihe whole proper fronts about 66 feet on Omtario street' and 79 feet on Princess St. Ihe property will be put up subject to a reserved Me Terms 18 per cent at time of sale, and the balance thereafter. Further at tune of Yiandel, 3 ston, or to The poration, . Taronte, Kmgston, Sept Auction Housahold Furniture Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 10 a m. 385 BARRIE STREET. ---- property late Capt. | of Ontario family resi is of contains 13 antry rooms, and has all the in 30 days made known applic ation nce St., King eral Trusts Cor- particulars will be sale and also on Handsome Weber square piano, B. W lor suite, easy chairs, rockers, couches, tapes try and wool og Stair carpet, tapestry and lace curtains, B. W, hall rack and chairs, walnut sideboard; extension table, writing desk, bedroem suites, spr ngs, mattresses, feather beds, cane seat chairs, Cheerful Oak Heater (new) splend range, crockery, glass Jand tinware, carpenter's work bench, tools and chest, extension ladder, and num erous other articles, s ALLEN, THE Telephone 253. TAXES, 1 908 After 15th September. \ charge "of aid Taxes, AVCTIONEER, 243 Sydegbam, St be 'made on | be en 3 per cet. will collection y, an wi 0, BARTELS, Collectar ROLLER RINK BAND EVERY NIGHT 1.¢ "B u was the to 8 a baseball game, VETY one Sided | winnmg out, ganie l tere ribly hits iY and it affair, 111 put certamiy a I'riple Las In spots the sit dragge mero nd runs and in Errors I erc not hy le game was number of people | grew to the cnet OUner spot s a rare event Mh ed by a time the pitch but no and at excitement scrapping we engaged 1 of the the in danger of ayed good needed, a burlesqu hstic had fom of first mnings Fhe Just the were no fi ners pl I was game have when went to bat Orientals Dickson, 1b . . Laird, « Appleton, rf Van Horne McCammon, Derry. 2b Saunders. s.8 ih p Turcotte, Filson, Cotman, Stokes, Dayle, Dehaney Joyce, 1 Coyne, Lf Palmer, ¢ i Total Score by Orientals Irishmen "Billy" referee The feature of run dove by Laird He picked ed to seit. him and gn left field, far Ditkson batted before time and put the leather sphere up against the board right field, good for two bases. two runs. THis is a fair sam the hitting that w going on, » for s xteen beg touthed ug Harings : 133253320 301010 made 00 McFarlane a satisfac A the game was a home m the second inp- a shoot that secmm- pasted it away oft it Coyne out south of fence in scorin threw a good game for! winners and received fine support sated made his debut behind the bat and certainly proved a find. He handled the many carves Wilh perfect I'he Treshmen seemed to be badly st it in this game, having lost | ¢ start. One or two bad errors «them many different times ing the game pings runs on five re In the | McCammon the am ease runs. at In the 3 scored nen made a hard and even up but n Gan, situate | ang Pringess Sts, of the purchase money | par. | was good, | anters | t from the go in, | win- | ps raised his voice at the question until it , | eight or fen year's work left in my body, " bord any sadly mistaken. nd, third! 13} telegram thas CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion l¢. a word Each consecutive msertion thereafter hali cent a word Minimum charge for ome insertion, 26c.; three insertioms, S6c.; sixy $i; ome month C$ APPLY TO THE ROB FUR REPAIRERS, Napanee. mson Co, Ltd, TO PURCHASE A LIMITED of 1866 Veteran scrip. A Whig Office. NUMBER Box 66, Roou AND BOARD FoR R Tv preferred, od Sharbot Lak NI NG WANTED--MALE, Robines A STRONG ROY TO LEGRN THE HARD: ware business, apply at once, A. Chown & FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD COM- FOR SALE. raze IN FIRST-CLASS Will geld cheap. Apply Whig A SQUARE condition, omee, McMILLAN PIANO, IN USE t sum he Pic lh 4 ue "Bo wer LO. 4 >4 1 COMFORTARL FRAME DWELLING, 'on York, FOR ONLY Apply 121 panies, lowest rates, Lo C Dobbs & Co. 108 Brock Su Tele > . bone, 480. SERVICES OF AN ENERGETIC, RELL i able man, with good influence, as local representative for the sale of a limited amount of Treasury Shares a a' hy class corporation, paying from per © to Te cent. dividends. Reference required Good income for right man Po AG 143 O'Connor St, Ottawa, Ont. WANTED-FEMALE, AT ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL, and cooks, apply to the matron THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH ES timates on electric work, All kinds of work prom F. 1. Birch, Elec : Vo GA a street, a ouT oF age carted: Lytle, Gen: AT JOB" CLEANING ASHES yards or cellars, or other rices right. Apply to eral Carter, 35 Main St AT ONCE, housemais PURCHASE GOOD CORNER GRO cery in the city of Kingston. None but principals dealt' with. Business confiden- tial. Apply Bex "C." Whig e. TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE washing. Reference required George Mills, 124 University A MAID TO work. No Apply Mrs Avenue. £ GENERAL SERVANT No' washing. City Apply in the evening, IMMEDIATELY, FOR S. 8S No. 9, Kennebec, hold second or third-class certificate. Apply hi ualification and salary expected, to J. A Newton, Sec.-Treas., Dead Creck, Ont. For | TEACHER, refer 124 GOOD small family. ences required. Wellington St A MUSIC, RING, ALICE piano classes. TO GET THEIR WINTER overcoats made now, also last year's turned and made like new. Your own cloth made ints up-to-date suits. Prices wad workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock St.,, next to Bibby's Livery --= | GENTLEMEN MISS MURIEL STREET, has re-opened her CRAIG, Pupils prepared Cofiservatory. TEACHER to Ad MISS GERTRUDE R. mano and theory exams. of Toronto dress 169 King St AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER Graduates earn twelve to, eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip sho stant ractice. Careful insfruecty s com. fete course. Write Sioler Barber MEN MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER OF trade pianoforte playing Crirgil Clitvier Meth: For information address $23 Queen Autuma term opens September 1st od). St SITUATIONS VACANT. "WILLOW , COTTAGE, KING STREEY west, eleven rooms: lot 260 feet 100 feet wide. Good stables and drives house. Apply Edward Ferris, on prem STONE ST All ES, PRINCESS STREET, in good repa Possession Oct. 1st. Ape ply K. Whig "Office. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MOD. ern conveniences, with or without board, Apply 176 Clergy St. be UNIVERSITY Av E, BRICK DWELL. ing, 8 Jocng modern improvements. A ply to J. S. R McCann, 51 Brock St. " LARGE. OFFICE ROOM, IN EXCHANGE Chambers, No. 118 Brock St Apply to Ged. Cliff, Real Estate Broker, 9 Clare ence strect, STORE ON KING STREET, ADJOINING 3 hig building, new cecupied by Joseph Hiscock, osséssion Oct. 1st. Apply at Whig Office DOMESTICS--DUE SEPT 25th Applications Should be | 3 days before above dates. The Drvamond St, Mantreal "PARTIES OF 12th and received Guild, 71 > COVER MORE OF contents than any other Examine them at God Emporiam, Market OUR POLICIES building and company offers. win's Insurance Square. SITUATIONS WANTED. AS COOK OR GENERAL in private family, apply to Box C Ce. HOUSEWORK, | - » D., Whig LONDON AND ;LOBE Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stogkholders. Form and city property insured at low: est possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange .& Strange, Agents. . "Phone 568 MARRIAGE LICENSES. LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance PERSONAL. MOLES, B IRTHMARKS, WARTS, removed permanently, without scar years" Shparienes: Dr. Elmer J Far ose, Throat and Skm Speci: 258 Bagot street. | HAIR, etc. Twenty Lake, Blemish st, { LOST. FROM % Vgc xX RESIDENCE, i pave faoms, Hie © HR i bot < water hee on! 79 Di ON SEPTEMBER best business stands the corner of Princess streets, lately occupied by F, tioner. Apply Felix Shaw, St., Kingston, Ont. 181 ne 1ST, ONE OF THE mm Kingston, on and \ ellington Nisbet, Sta- 115 Bagot ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE, cor. Queen and Bagot streets. . HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone 345. {IN POST QFFICE ON SATURDAY | |. Crown Bank Soekethook containing railway | © 5 TAA. { ticket 'and paper Finder kindly return to riage Licenses, | 382 Alfred St KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF MAR. 42 Clarence St. FOR SALE OR .TO RENT. TWO, SOLID. BRICK HOGSES, CORNER Ordnance and Wellington streets, & rooms aol), moderate Fons {| BETWEEN NOS. 7 AND 60 WILLIAM | street, a tortoise shell back comb, with gold | band' Finder -<will be rewarded by. re turing €ame to Mrs. (Dr.) Bute, 60 William street James ¥ withont avail, They ,put three men around the bases, but that was all they could land. ? . Unitarian. i Other Sports. REV. Cc. W. CASSON. ' BE POWER & "SONS, chant's Bank Building, corner Wellington streets. Phone ARCHITECTS, MER. Brock and 212. WM, N Sec , corner tiance Dry Wood! . ARCHITECT, QFFICE Matiood's Iifug store, Princess and Bagot streets. En. ont Bagot streets; Phone ;6¢8. "LANDS, foar. o While' the baseball and road. races ) were being held wp near the baseball amond, 'Other sports were being pull ed off in different parts of the park. All { kinds of foot races, sack races, dog races, swimming races, etc, were run off dur mg the afternoon The pavilion was eared durimg the afternoon and even and a fine orchestra being present tc the 1 , many a good dance held Fhe baby show, for the handsome ¢ r awarded by cab stand 600, w main feature for the and sweethearts, ai i pavilion Mr. and by the Christian Heathenismi. It is a fact easily authenticated that much of Christianity as popularly un derstood and interpreted is a restate ment of so-called heathen beliefs, The | supernatural elements found in the | New Testament concerning Jesus are found in many other Bibles and relig ions, differing only in their setting Wonderful birth-stories, divine incar immaculate conceptions, to practically all religions other religions besides Chris- they are regarded as heathen Can we justly do other than them all to be in the same class and all equally worthy or un- worthy of belief ? ------ Address, Rev. C. W. Beacon street, Boston literature, cl mg, supply was nations, common In all tiamity legends. consider wre | 1¢ ers off [84 child of picked contest. atter No is mot! { when it crowded Ihe W. Marsh was after a very hard In evening | Ing was again resumed in the pavilion I'he big silver water pitcher donated by | Proprietor Byrrowes for the best waltzer was won by Miss E. Stokes, | who had Charles Hanson partner. A grand display 'of fireworks 3 off during the night The fire Works were the best seen here in some time The picnic was a decided success from and the different commit finish great praise 1 tae ers, daught came the show » Ga Casson, at Mass., for the ' . | | ol | as saman-- I INSURED WITH THE LOXDON &| Lancashire Life Assurance Company, | Thomas Mills General Agent, twenty-five years ago, for $2,000.00. Recently 1 re- ceived a cheque for $3,000.00 in settle- tent. I am well satisfied with the re sults. The policy was on the DEFIR RED BONUS PLAN, and my PRO} ITS | on Pho investment of $1 830.00 WeTE 1,150.00, plus my insurance during the His | (erm of Policy: gs | J. HEWTON Manager Kingston Hosiery Company, Kingston, Aug, h, 1908 | tees desery GENERAL BOOTH. in South Africa in Seventy-Ninth Year. New York Sun Holiday makers who thronged Water- loo station, London, Eusg., recent turned their heads at a sound of cheer ing At the window of a moving 'train jthey caught a glimpse of a venerable | white-haired man who cried: "God bless | you," who waved his hand, and in whose { eves tears were- standing. It was General Booth degarting, at the age of 79, upon-an arduous tour of South Africa Iready the general's eyes are dim- Tt med by the film of cataract, his shoul- | ; { ders bowed by the burden of years, and this gait feeble. An unquenchable spirit | alone can carry him through the exact- {ing South African program, which will { necessitate his fravelling there nearly | 4,000 miles in trains and delivering close | upon 100 addresses, "Will my strength hold Tour Time's Vagaries. Bohemian Magazine It took ome day to make tho earti It took just ferty days to drown i It took one month to fort m trust It took just forty yowrs to down it. | It It It took one hour to get a loan, took one hundred years to pay took four years to Write a march It took nine minutes them to play it. it, It took an age to build a town, took one hour or less to burn it Ok one vean to spend a sum, It took four decades' work to earn it, It took-twelve hours to cook a bean It took two seconds' time 10 eit 1,' It took a trice 16 skim a' note, It took full several years to meet it. ~ It took five years to build a ship, It took five hours' time to-sink it, It took an age to age old wine, It took eight seconds straight to drink it. He out >" rang out strongly. There's another It I have studied } It | my: nerves and digestion anti] | can | play upon them like a violinist upon the strings of his instrument. | know just how far I can tune them up and when rest is imperative. But sometimes, when 1 look ahead, a vision comes to me of that great actor, Sir Henry Irving, playing his part one | night, leaving lis theater, and then-- death. Perhaps my end may come upon {me like that. But I am living for the sake of the present just now, and for he good work which the present brings ito my hands. And when my time comes I the world will be amazed at. the' perfec- f tion of the organization of the Salva- | tion Army. When «aie army loses my {leadership the machinery will run jnst as smoothly as before. Many strong {leaders will arise 10 ofgamize and ex- ttend the army's work. Indeed. to re- peat a phrase I myself have coined, the took one day fo build a trap It took one moment more to set it; took one hour to catch a skunk, It took one fortnight to regret it. Ie took ten vears to make a home. » It took ten minu tust to deed st. It took a week to write this ""pome,' It took one E.Z. mark to read it. ' An Unkind Blow. New York Tribus Thas is hind blow which Sir Charles Wyndham dims at America. and must go far to offset the praise bestowed 2hon a eech by the Ger- man, Dr. Brandl 5 must be remem- bered," said Sir Chatles, "that Ameri- cans are always talking. They Aueney with their mothers' milk. [I do not consider, however, that there is any- thing like the same proportion of i good public speakers in America ds in England." } i ee. Sixty prominent New York and iin the house like wet wood. Card of Thanks. |. | parations, imbibe hE Nothing causes so much opie \ 21 have a big stock of ALL, KINDS OF WOOD and guarantee the condition every delivery. oll Orders receive prompt and cares ful attention. JAS. SWIFT & CO. COAL and WOOD. Thousand Island & St. nwronce River Steamboat Companies n Connection with New York Cen tral & Hudson River R.R. Kiugston daily, except ay, 5.08 2.00 § Ki ngsthn Siriday, 980 a. and I and Vincent State Leave m. and J eave pr : . % Thad Cape» Vincent daily, J > aL Making i nd. from all oh amy, direct ¢ ons rk points in New X ugh sleeper 4 ape Vincent to Week-end tind: trip, Watertown od. x returning up Wand | PRUGGISTS MUST BE CHARY, Iney Sell All Kinds of Hair Pred parations, and Fear to Diss criminate. . Druggists sell all kinds of hair pres and as a rule they are wisely chary of giving prefesence to anv particular one, but many of them have come out plainly for New bro's 'Herpicide, the new treatment that absolutely kills the dandraff germ H. Swapnell & Son, Cham- paign, lll, says?! "One customer of ~tirs who did not have a heir on top of his bead wher he began to uke Hopicide, now has a fair start to- wards a good head of hair. We be. lieve Herpicide to be by far the best preparation of its kind on the mar. ket." Hundreds of similar seglimenic als from everywhere. Sold by leading druggists, Send ten cents in stamps sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, BOc. and $l. W. Mahobd, special agent. for G. Court of Revision. Township Of Kingston. yop is hereby given that a Comat will held rain to Totes List aa 3 Township Seu 4 A i Cataraqui, Sept. =. on ; Boston capitalists en route to (Cobalt were held up by enstoms officers at the Falls for having an excess of liquors in the special train. flashes round the world hearing the tidings "The general is | dead,' will also bear the words, Long |! live the general," . 5 en p--y

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