Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1908, p. 2

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Mn Se THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG, T UESDAY, SEPTEMEER 8, 1008. et TTY PS Army Se VIC Corps. runner on s carried off the field in by his comrades in the SLY | if i | | ] | | pron SPORTS AT THE CANP 'A FINE PROGRAMME FOR | THE HOLIDAY. |i Autumn House Furnishing f | A rT rps was unning races with an s The] eH the am Events Contested, p; and Notes From the Lines. Were Prov Keenly Very Interesting-- |r yved with he members of the and the ndard, the Y.M.CA t Sunday morn- a Bible study class was condueted {opkins, the provincial secretary song. service was male quartettes. of Street churches, t evening service, Pound delivered a fine address. Hopkins, provincial secretary of returned to his hon 1 ing receive the serious illness ternaon, a i at which ti el and Prince At t} 1e } iv, ha , announcing ster | ones, D.G.M.S., inspected the | wspital on Queen street, yes- v morning, and was well pleased its management np was thronged with visitors mday and Monday. . shower of rain on Sunday after- down in great shape. g language privates were J his Col. | | put the dust yr using insult ¥ of a heavy drill [he bonfire "sing-song' eS : ig \« leveming\has been a special feature of the coupl 1 each and camp. The jarrived { large number trip among the y afternoon A member of t | been missing fe {dently did not | The duties of { were furnished by | gade, and to-day | brigade | ent 45th regt., | f | 1 regiment of Peterborough the camp on Saturday the regiment took 1usand Islands Mon- | | eth / | at ind Mc and Car Hornback ( and of Te I'l « he Signalling Corps has days. He evi » work camp yesterday | the 7th infantry bri- | by the Oth infantry} PHONE 90. T. F. Harrison Co.) Special Sale ! Of the Best Quality Wilton Velvet Rugs are in sizes, Yours, G. 11. Wade, of the goth regi -- -------- the camp medical orderly regiment, "Pete been attached t | thorough IR S, y thel 6th infantry brigade Bandmaster Kimberley, of went, arrived from Ottawa, nded the D. R. A yn the strength er, RCI has taken on the strength principal n Ontario, ma f the horses of artillery the 47th where he | | | | | matches and has Colour reported, taken Webs 1s beer Col. ] officer, E: yt | been | Sergt and, Ny 1 1 veter- le an i. mary {mspection valry and C. A. S. Lieuts W. K. Mc: { C. W. Livingston, P.W.OR, | 40th regiment, ste he 2nd ». L.. Hughes 14th regime: attached tl of en to a have | for course 17t attache Lieut |S H.S v, Indian 4th pson . dental! surgeo umpteen fo feet | ambulance and Vanst( | enter, R. C I 10th brigade Stewart, Army, h Hussars h . RATHBUN. d the 9th Artillery been to No has 111 cavalry field Eff 5th ng made to trace a box the property of the which wag en S rts are lery 14 hr Byrne and Car KR.: Halt 1 Hormback Battery, Alissa Eackant CIE, ~ 4th Feg11... WW. | route-to Kingston. it \M sth | yrigadier-General W. D. Otter, C.V | chief of the general staff, made an inspection of the troops, NSatur- day \ director RCD, been ta ac C, These Rugs 3 x 3! yards, 3 a {Not having patterns in offer them at cost price. na lost x 4 and 3} X + a ful rpg of all 81z48 Jve ( 7 \ reg Br §C 3r ( > 1aC, 45 g s GeheW: Jpn ALN Bai yy athe rege #Carvethy Ar a4 Ber Drag H \ R.CE, a of Jack and Pte. Hemming, R.C.D., strength ulitary with fireworks, held on Wednesday evening 1 ppomtments, promo- announced : To be Pay To capta C. Caldwell, intelligence, Sergt mb---Savignac lop f g t . ks: Dragos on the Drago tattoo, : Charlton, are R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse rank of rry, vice 12th Se aptain, La Bell, retired Lieutenant W. HV oth Batter rnumerary 1, G NEW MACHINE SHOP. 1 zentleman, gentleman, vice MeDonough, w 1st August Regiment- norary MUSIC. PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE CULTURE | J AMES SM ALL i Professor of Music. anist Sydenha oth with Willis Lewis Yerex, vice and Choirmaste dist Church Notes Of The Camp. T.] the cha Chomt Robert Durhar Sergt 46th Don't take the chance of "Peterborougl Lieut F. A transferred, being exceedingly sorry some day because you neglected to properly safeguard your pro- Regiment Edwar« f "To be t Lieutenant M. Currie, 1st August {40th Northumberland Regiment--To be | Prov Lieutenant. (supernumerary), was | George Harrison Wade, gentleman, 2 --| August | it' well HM perty by covering members wita insurance. sport was i 1 bal | Fire insurance so Prec p-------- ix little in comparison with the Married In St." George's. amount of damage you '/made very happy, on Saturday after- »"s cathedral, their Dorothy it sustain in a fire that : § : 4/noon, in St. Leo inames being Miss {Paish and David {Canon Starr solemnized the lin the presence of immediate friends {The parents were present and the ex- | tremely pretty and .youthful bride looked charming in her wedding gown | Their friends the newly-married pair much joy and happiness. it is the height of folly to in the world is marriage armored against the wonderful ex- plosive products of the Nobels at Scotland. We have the world's greatest experts, the Nobels, make oursmokeless powders -- Empire for Sov. ereign shells and Ballistite for Regal. They explode with: the lightest breech strain and oil. They are safe in any gun, For all makes of arms. Costs one-third to one-fifth less than duty paying ammunition. Our goaran- / run any risk whatever. , This agency will put you in a first class company and wish it not only writes fire insur- Piles Must Yield. Any congestion or inflammation' the tissues of the body are due "to causes which always vield to Wade's Ointment. 1 r ance, but life and accident insurance as well. of McCANN'S, 51 Brock street. ol (foe | The remedy always cures eczema (salt rheum), ers, cata druf Pe oan the Deaminon a m) ulcers, catarrh, dan iruff and Cartridge Co., Lid, Montreal. all scalp or itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, at DOMINION AMMUNITION drug, store. 2De., NCTE eT 3 ATR Ye oe [oo ee [oe or [Ee § 'IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, | worship at St | they listened to an instructive chose | "But 'if any provide not for his | same and should be repeated to | | some knew | Mackie | - | i | the | one generation has brought. | sermon 1 | your members were neariy instruc- | attached for duty as | ol | en h | po Rangers" | Clark, vice | Services--16th | Two Gananoque young people were | Vernon | Mallory Greenizen. | ti action is particularly | prompt and effective in cases of piles. Wade's | [St | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- . | ewsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sv Reporters On Their Rounds. There was quite a large number visitors to Kingston on Monday. Students are coming steadily in' or- | der to get 'the pick of the boarding | Rev. Dr. Mackie Congratulates the | houses. . - Order Upon Its Great Strength The steam roller is working on Cler- "Its 'Watchward Should Be {gy street, between Brock and Princess | "Onward and Yet Onward." | streets. | Beef, Iron Sunday evening the Independent | make. Pint of Foresters attended divine Drug Store. Andrew's church, where | : 21! antl in- | part in the military camp tattoo on Dr. . Mac- | Wednesday evening. About | During August there were registered 1 10}in the city clerk's office, 29 births, 22 |p arriages and 40 deaths, t More beautiful weather never favor- led Labor Déy holiday here. The wea- | man should be thanked. may be a registration of 1.400 BOS FORESTERS WORSHIP. SUNDAY EVENING. os a} Wine, ('our own, 50c., at Wade' and bottles, Un 8 Order | 9 | Rev. " number. teresting sermon from kie, who of ther 150 members of the order parades the church for The minister | I his text from 1 Timothy 58: is service. own own | ther There students at Queen's this coming jon which opens on the 30th. | No communication has yet reached | rof. Shortt asking him to act as | mediator in .the C. P. R. strike. | and especially for those of has house he hath denied. the fail ®uid 3s worse than an infidel." "How strange to hear suc h teachings | #8 to those who had confessed the Christ | and were looking beyond this earth | F for things that endure. The | me : preacher. went on © to say that time| The roller rink attracted a large |, had fled since these words were spoken | crowd on the holiday. Roller skating by the disciple and the scene had | appears to be as popular as ever In changed, vet the words remained the the aty. us| Sunday's rain, ture, did a great amount of good to the parched lands. It lasted too short J \ with tones as clear and loud as when | they fell on the ears of them of old. | Pr. Mackie spo alt some length on | : r though of a local na- time though. the Christian spirit and the nature of | God in man. Love is the nature t | When will militia department change oi | the headgear of the Royal Military { God, elevating man in all as dealings | College Cadets ? Must the cadets con-|¢ with men. j tinue to wear moustaches and collar He also dwelt on one's own, or those of his own house 9 . : . { All will be provided for, said Dr. | OX caps : During a heavy storm, lightning Mackie, and protected- by Him Only [near what it was to sufier | struck the barn of Joseph McConnell, | and ring endure, while others were given the | Odessa, on Sunday. The build- | and contents were destroyed. | The priests of Kingston diocese went luxuries of this earth, but all did not | into retreat on Monday morning. Rev. | have true faith in their hearts. Dr. | Father Gill, of Ottawa, is conducting said that the e of one| the retreat, which will continue until | orders or societies which Saturday next. look after these people, Those unhappy chureh was the cause for | from nervousness and dyspepsia should | use Carter's Little Liver Pills, which | hrothers," said [are made expressly for sleepless chureh encourages | vous dyspeptic sufferers. Price, s ranks and pro-| W. H. Reid, Union street, the well on your or-| known pigeon fancier has, had fine what | juck with his birds at the Sherbrooke, In my fair. He took 288 hirds. down, eichteen years ago | securing 117 firsts, 41 730,000 and | 30. thirds. Vv one-quar- | Everybody To-day vou | tattoo at Camp surplus | nesday night. The onl, millions of dollar These | horses will be removed from vehicles, proved to be facts,| to prevent accidents while the fire- by chance but by dint {works are set off. | , | persistently carried | The steamer America had a goodly | out.. You are growing stronger and | number on her trip to the I housand | America is growing stronger But dii-| Islands, Monday 'morning. She left | ficulties were given to our ordeg-to be | here at 10.30 a.m., gave stops at let vour be | Clayton and Gananoque, and came vet Onward home af eight o'clock. { li it is a question of price--then, | | all things considered, "Salada is the | greatest tea value for the money paid, tor experience has proven that "Salada" (packed in air-tight lead packets) is tea excellence. The British American hotel shows a great throng at the hostelry during the past three days. They eame from all parts of . tha world and in- cluded quite a number of tourists, and all were most during their visits. The policeman's baseball team will likely issue a challenge to the Young Irishmen for a game in the near fu- ture. The bluecoats are anxious to see what they can in fast com | pany; and the Irishmen say 1t a pleasure to show them how lang | be thev last. « x the providing for | presence of the are | pledged to being in the his sermon. "Chief ranger minister, "the her sons to join your nounees her benediction der. It is almost unbelievable and { i | | | | | Que, | to vou seconds, and invited- to the military | Barriefield on Wed- | Ly is that | { vou had a surplus of near! of a million dollars | ter 300,000 members and {have of twelve are statements | they are not of sound policy, request RO | overcome, watch word {*Onward and Civie Committee. This week the civic committees sume their regular work, so as to, ready for the ty council meeting next fonday evening To-day, the | { light committee meets. To-morrow, the | hoard of works will convene, exchany- ing days with the city property com- mittee, which, on Thursday afternoon, the final sketch for the It is to be hoped be | | | | } | register J lis to receive city buildings' dome, ) ' { the, sketch, and gstimates will be satis- [Factory arid thalk hetk will bé ho ne- echsity tory sql wing for 'its High | tine the dom& Fre Begin. do fi would Stole Basket Qf Grapes. A Bley im the camp wads rested, Saturday night, on a charge | stealing a basket i from in front of Carnovsky store, | Brock street. He night { the. cells, and on afternoon was hapded ovep | thorities. " It is | for some people, the alks ar- ol | | would « grapes s fruit it the Sunday to, the military au- quite & temptation when fruit is leit or GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Summers Stock Company Here This Week George H. Summers and his fine stock company opened a week's en the Grand Opera House The company 1s well and known to the city, having and nic matinee \ bill and Sl | | | { { The { sidev { -------------------------------- | | The Pain Must Go. pains quick White Lini- quickly gagement at { on Monday favorably public of thi theatre-going played x worst aches r after been The disappea | ment | penetrates soothes t the omith s a | three vears ag lecided { hit. At the and | Money," was™ the it to-day ! sed large but 25¢., | audience. In } andience was Lo f | which has m it 0, [ 1 was lamed parts, Iv nele and we 8 gives away | draws O | relief if by mag and have it | only at Wade's drug store ee ------ Capt. Van Straubenzee Injured. Toronto Hunt Woodbine Park, I. Van Strau- | the captain was his concus as ne by a the evening, another present our-act comedy-drama, entitled ashier," a play of human intere a. Joving daughter sacri love and, all a woman holds dear save her father, a broker, from rum and dishonor. . The various complica- | tions the | ravelled George "Reason | kept the original { of his | rin "1 { cashier, ] ¥ I During the play of the , in s her | to at ( lo tournament Captain | benzee's pony fell, a I thrown heavily he from jon | Saturaay, upon light cained consci forwar plot were cleverly un- H. Summers, a audience in humorous The difficult Jurke, ilbert Elton' theft and m , interest. Joseph Howard,' an at suffering a in of the 1SNess is reported improved ad, as He morning, brain la) sporting banker laughtér by hi interpretation work Or | ¢ un and his con Spray, dition v - and "Three Swallows." John P & "Three swa : Famous fo y century, Of hirhest standard of Distillers to His Majesty role of Se as the Irish Whiskey, Sip OWer B ! used of urder watched with Laurence, as 'Harry torney, who gave up his affianced wife and pleaded for the life of his friend, fand was repaid by the | tude from that so-called friend, | clever piece of acting Ed Renz, as '"'Charles Frye, tive, who was bound to have some one { hanged, won applause. Frances Bar {row, as "Alice Ashton." the | daughter, proved herself to be an | ist of muen ability in the portrayal of | her role. Gertrude Stanley, as 'Kitty { Bird," the typist, showed lerseli' to be jascinating actress. Nina Gay and Kitty Arzman did good work in | their parts. The specialties between acts worth the price of admission and were | the work of accomplished artists. Mas- {ter Louis Atwell, choir boy soprano Isang in a charming manger, tw lsongs, "When the Blue Birds Build | Their Nests Again, Sweet Nellie Grey" jand "Miss Killarney," and was vig- torously applanded. Rowley and Gay, | "Phe Bonnie Briar Couple," old fav- | orites in this city, won additional | fame, with their Scottish dances and ; | the music of the pipes, There was | breath of the heather in their perfor- { mance. Gertrude Stanley, the pretty singing sounbrette,, sang sweetly and her efforts were appreciated. The three Hylands, musical comedy art- | tists; carried the audience by storm ir comedy work, singing and OW acd was over purity, the King basest 1ngrati Kingston's Famous Fur Store. broker' art | were Suck days as these a Felt Hat doesn't Took amiss, and in the evenings one is almost im- peritive. You'll like the new styles we're showing--they re entire ly different {rom former shapes --and you'll find it a pleasure to make a selection iu this Prices to suit you. a Thy t dancing and their playing on the sev- eral instruments much | a Imired. {| "The American | presented to-night tand for the rest of the week high- |clads attractions will be produced. The re-opening of the Grand Opera | House took place on Saturday, when a capable company produced "Quincy, Adams Sawyer." i store. Sect NEC Importers Of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. musical was Drummer" will, be by the company, | { A | "Synopsis of Canadian per The 14th Regimental band will take | over wn a homestead e more than nine miles in a direct line, | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST $ ¢ £ At ei) persons who sufier | per- | * :xcellent ly entertained ff Northwest. . Homestead Regulations. NY even-numbered section. of Lomin- n Lands mn Manitoba or the North Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, may be komgsteaded by any sole head of a family, or male years of age, to the extent of ofie- of acres, more or less. i warter section, 160 ' r entry must be pers wy th cant at a_Domin: is Agency or Sub-agency. Entry by ay, however, be made by san Agency conditions by the father, mother, brother © sister of an an homest n t r Here's A Labor Day Winner Of all the good things we've ever known, our $2.50 are the most certain of them all Certain worth for your money or y@ur money back. The style and cdm- fort is winning us fresh patrons every day. : a T. P. J. HUN be be fi cancellation The applicant homestead entry (1) At and ng application must person must ligible for 5 DUTIES upon least six months' resi iviition of the land in terny of three years. pesteader may, Mf he so desires, required residence duties by srming land owned solely by him, st less than egighty (80) acres in extent, in he vicinity his homestead. Joint owner: hip m land will not meet this requirement. If the father (or mother, if the father eased) of a homesteader had permanent en farming land owned solely by less than eghty (80) acres mn ex n the vicinity of the homestead, or upon red for hy him in the vicinny, r may perform his own resi with the father (or ent, "wh homeste dence duties mother). (4) The term teding paragraphs living CORRECT TIME Can be secured from the Chronometer in Our Window. Now the City Clock is out of commission this will be very convenient. Smith Bros. Jewellers 350 KING 8T.- Issuefs of Marriage Licenses. 'Phone 666. "vicinity" defined in 'the two pre as meaning not is MINING REGULATIONS Coal mining rights may be leased twenty-one years at an annual rental of 00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres an be leased to one applicant. Royalty, five ents per ton _ COAL 1 A person cighteen years of age r having made a discovery may locate 1,5 feet by 1,000 feet. Fee $5.00. $100.00 must he expended: on the cach year, paid to the mining Re Co When $500.00 has been expended or id and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 ntry fee, $5.00 Two leases five: miles: nay issued to one apph 20 years 1, $10.00 Royalty, ceeds $10,000 WwW. W {inister of the ation eet square DREDGING of a wive a 2 per cent aft CORY, Inter f uals $0 } P ev me, Pork Sau vd or I er Home I'ry as 'Ph Ma a have our TURDAY ust as ) Brock will SA good J St 0, Long Coats for Ladies ép Febtghaataf % & KK ti Will find this store the cor- rect spot for big values. Bleached yand Unblearhed SHeqtings AU Swidths, +256. and up. wis YIM (2 pile uke nna Safdg Sin in stock and cen make anystyle yo desire. » W. F. Gourdier, 'Phone, 700. 76, 78 and 80 Brock | sessesssssessessense If Your Eyes Hurt a rave don't just suit you better get others. Pillow Cottons, Plain, or F Circular, all widths, 15¢. a yard and up. Hemmed Sheets, sige « 24 yards long and 2 yards wide, extra quality Cotton, 75c. each. Pillow Cases ready for use 15¢. each and up. See the White Bedspread we sell, at $1.25. It's a dandy at the price. Flannelette Blankéts, White or Grey, 3 sizes, $1.00 a pair and up. Wool Blankets, best in the land, $2.75 a pair and up. Bleachgd and Unbleached Table Linens, at 25¢. a yard and ups Table- Napkins, $5.00 a dezen. 5c. to Regular $1.25 for $1.00 Children's Boots Dongola Box Calf, Buttoned, Laced Bluclier Cut Sizes 5 to 7}. Girls' and Little Gent's stronz Boots. Sizes 8 to 10. Misses' Good Pebble Boots, solid insoles. These boots will make good school boots. $1.00 Per Pair. H. JENNINGS, King St. Headquarters for good ser- viceable Towels. in NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. good Real Estate Bargains 6-room Frame House, on John St. and Double Frame Mouse, on Charles St., with barns and stable. Can be bought right for a good investment, both rented. J.R.C.Dobbs & Co ' 109 Brock St: OPPORTUNITY. Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen Street. we detain Typewriting, Shorthand, Civil Service. 1 rates d to the first sterin, betore Sept: 1st. hi . " rite or call for particulars. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary; F. METCALFE, President. 0000000 OOOOOOFS 000 000000000000 0000000 We want to fit you, make your eyes see better. 4 anada's Leading Busi+ Practical, Progres- Hookkeeping, Tele Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 ji Princess street. 3 twenty-five 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000

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