Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1908, p. 6

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Be THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER - -- Er . NEWS OF, NEIGHBORS -------- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELLUS. : The Tidings From Various Points | 4p Eastern Ontario--What, | People Are Doing And What Li They Are Saying. 1 Notes From 'Perth. i Perth, Sept. 2.--This being the first | day. of the fair the townspeople are quite busy. The fair promises to be | good, usual. John McCann has |i | gone to Chicago 'for a visit. with his ! | daughter. Quite a number of "camp- have returned from the lakes ow- ing to school starting this week. Mrs. J. H. McMillan and children spent a few days last week with E MP 1 R E { Falls friends. Miss Evelyn McMillan 4 | returned to her home in Smith's Falls Poultry Duster after visiting friends in town and vi- . {cinity. Mrs. Robert Brown also is used, | visiting Smith's Falls friends. Kills lice instantly. Large Package as are the only kind that pay. The most healthy are those free from lice--and §/| lice cannot. exist .where 18 i - | Bitten By Dog At Violet. Violet, Sept. 2.--Farmers complain lof the dry weather as it is hard for {them to plough. Some of the young {people spent Sunday in Picton B. { Scouton lost a valuable horse by its Meleod's Drug Store, and all [getting caught in the thresher. H. dealers in Poultry Supplies."' : Sharue attending Toronto fair. | Miss Tressa Boyce leit yesterday to | attend schogl in IKingston D. | Boyce was thrown fibm his horse aud | ree eived a sprained: shoulder Roy | | Valentine was bitten by a dog but is | able around again Mrs. D Switzer to-day to visit | daughter Rochester, N.Y. 18 be left in to her Desert Lake Doings. Desert Lake; Sept. 2.--The farmers {are through harvesting and : are | ' | ploughing Corn is an excellent crop. i | Mr Fillion, Sydenham, has the job of { painting 0. Snook's house. B. Page Hck Poadnche an eal the troubles fned 8 orse. F raver meet] hy MO, a he DT Dint rg re . : ae rid Dr EH ness, Distress aftes | y'8 : ye . ssting, Pain in the Bide, &o. While theirmosd | Snook has to Toronto. Miss has been shown In © | Jennie Reid, New York city, is visit- |ing friends here. Miss M Wilson, Snook's. Miss May success uk SICK | tilendower, at Ww yot remarkable : { Page has gone to Three Mile Bay ~ Peadisohey Carter's Little Liver PIM ate orks marl vee Kemp and Mr. Babcock visited at ( we and regulate the bowels. Even iftheyoely -. | Hl. Snook's Miss Reid and HEA | Miss Olive Snook have returned from | visiting friends at Pleasant Valley. Sche they would bo almost pirigéleds to thoss whe saffor from this distregsing omplaint butfoitus na heirgoodnessdoes notend here, ahd those ers them will ind theselittie n- de fp so many ways that they will not be wil. todo without them. But after allaick heed ACH #0 the bane of so many lives that hore is where wemiake our great boast. Our pillscureit while thera do not. ' QOatter's Little Lier Pillgare very small and easy to taka, One or two pills & dosé. § are strictly vegetable and da not gripe pw ngs. but by thelr gantioaction please all whe m. Io vialsat25cents; five for SL Soil druggists everywhere, or sent by /GARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yor 'WAH ful ba ful Ba a S gone | Miss Blacklock, Miss Babtock, Miss | Joyner, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Joyner, Mi Jennie Bell Rock Budget. Rock, Sept.' 2.=W. the threshing ! street, and | is hustling the same kind of in | this neighborhood. The village school |is progressing finely the able Ferns, rain fell Jell rushing is Brooks businesg on | Moscow Carr work under management of, Thomgs IS, Colebrook: A fine shower of there last night. The friends of Wil {liam A. Wheeler were shocked to hear his sudden death wt Porgland, Ore His father and sisters have the l sympathy of "the community | here in their bereavement. Visitors: | Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler, North | brook, at J. B. Wheeler's; Miss Edith Yorke, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. I} Belleville, at J. Yorke's. ol of gon 1€incere Johnson, here attended Toledo picnic Perth, vesterday, to week, Ryan leaves, on Friday, for his 'home summer with Miss Nellie Hughes has gone to tertown, with Styan. Society will hald its thirty-hrst annu- al Smith's | Thomas Evans at | in Kingston. | Hall's. Lombardy iLocals. Sept. "3--Several from THREATEN TO THROW last Sat Poppelwell. 'went to] OWNER FROM ROOF. enter an exhibit | : , at the agricul- O'Meara leaves, this having been en- home here, for Master Vincent brave young men left on Monday tol attend military camp at Barriefield. | ; " i % Lombardy, irday. Miss if fancy work, et ural fair. Miss M for Toronto, oving #4 rest 'at her he past two months. Woman Prevents a Riot at a Pic- i nic--Disturbance Caused By Man's Efforts to Avert Col- lapse of Frail Buiiding. Chicagh, Sept. 3.--A row which {threatened to develop into a small riot occurred at the picnic of the Cook county socialists at Alton Park, Lemont. It cut the speech of Eugene V. Debs, the party's presidential can- didate, ' considerably' shorter . than | "Comrade" Debs had intended. , Had it not been for the pres mind of a woman, Miss O'Reilly, the Chicago Teachers' Federation, trouble might have been of serious guests {.,nsequences for John Peterson, own- Poche tenves. it a Yas | er of the picnic grounds, on wh e resume his studies at St | crowd threatened to wreak vengeancg. ; rn St. | There were fully 5,000 socialists on ih Coles, Foronts, Me" and cn round: th sent bln hn cpt renewing oid Acquaintances here 110E the socialist national cam- the week pagn. he n Brooklyn, N.Y., after spending the his grandparents here. Wa- N.Y., where she will engage | u" dressmaking. H. Styan, of La- hute, Ques; spent the past few weeks his parents, Rev. and Mrs. M, South Elmsley Agricultural fair' here next Saturday. Mrs. | and, little daughter, | Anna, of Smith's Falls, were the Klyne house, last week. ter Declan ays, to Michael's Mrs. Sf were during trouble came about as a result of a number of photographers being : A Death At Bath. allowed to ascend 11 4] of the = lath, Sept. 3.--School opened on |junch counter building 'for| the . pur- Tuesday, with the new principal, Mr. {pose of taking pictures of Debs and Clarke, in charge, and the same as- {other party leaders assembled on the sistant teachers, Misses McEwan and | speakers' platform, opposite the build- Edwards. Miss Ethel Tophfi left, : Monday last, to attend model school | As the ladder ' Miss Mary Hanley, of | photographers a crowd = of so ialists, Belleville, is visiting at Miss Camp- [anxious to obtain "grand stand" bell 8. Rev. Mr. Ramsay and K. P. {seats rushed up and followed the art- Sheppard attended a Sunday school |jsts to the roof, where about fifty of convention at Odessa on Wednesday. {them proceeded to make themselves Mrs. William Rose and Miss Maggie | comfortable. - Rose left, on Tuesday, on a visit to Mr. Debs was pretty well warmed friends in Toronto and St. Cath- {up to his subject and had paid his re- avines. The many friends of Thomas |gpects to both the republican and Howard will be sorry to hear of his |democratic parties when the first in- death, which occurred on Friday last, [terruption came. Peterson appeared after an ilfness of two years. The de-lon the roof with a star on his coat ceased had been a resident of this vil- {and demanded that the crowd get lage far many years and was respect- down. § ed by all I'he funeral were | "There is no essential difference be- held on Monday, in St. John's church, [tween the republican and the demo: being conducted by Revs. Messrs. Mc leratic party, and neither Mr. Taft nor Tear and Dibb. Miss Grace Davy, of |Mr. Prvan will dare to--" was as far Asselstine, is visiting at William N. las the when Peterson shouted : | 'Get off the roof ! Debs tried to continue the thread of Farmers are [his argument, but it was no use. A having their threshing done by A. | general uproar arose in the crowd, Abrams, Kingston, with kis steam |and threats of "We'll throw you down thresher. 'A number from here went |if you don't let us alone," were hurl on the excursion to the Thousand Is- {ed at Peterson. lands on Friday. J. G. Walker, A.| "Mr. Officer, let them alone; they're Holland and Albert Ewing started !all right where they are," yelled Debs. last week for the North-West. School Peterson looked over the obstinate has re-opened with Miss 1. Trousdale, [crowd for a moment, gave Debs a look Harrowsmith, as teacher. The former |of disgust, and then descended to the teacher, J. Medcof, will to Otta- {ground and disappeared through the wa to-morrow, where he will attend |kitchen door. ? the Normal school. Harold Redmond, | Then followed Jambs Medeoi and, Alice and Alma [the trouble was renewed, in which Walker returned] to Svdenham 'high {time Debs flaved the "capitalist school to-day to rgsumic studies. Mr. lelass," Taft, Bryan and the prohibi- and Mrs. C. Morsdck Saturday |tionists, and finished a period by de- and Sunday in Kingstou, Miss Grace |pnouncing the working class as 'wage Clow, of Whitby Ladies' College, slaves who 'never had and never will spending , her holidays at her' home {have either money or sense." here. Visitors : James Redmond, at "You are a republican because vour the Toronto fair; Mrs. Wood and {father was one," he said. "You are Miss Hughes, at D. I reeman s, Mr. | 5 democrat because your grandfather and Mrs. C. McKnight dnd . family, | was one. Everything has changed ex- at J. W. Redmond's; on fing. was raised for the setvices speaker got, Holleford Happenings. Holleford, Sept i oO hali an hour before spent 18 Zealand Reports. Zealand, Sept. 1.--Farmers DIAMOND -- WATCHES have {the threshing machine is heard again AUCTIONEE 5 tended A number from ed the ball at Elphin NOW IN PROGRESS. [fond of cattle to Montreal: Visitors The High-Class Steck of load of cattle to Montreal. Visitors Mr. and Mrs H. Dupont, Ottawa, have returned home after visiting at J. Cain's; J Tysick, Bathurst; R. Curl, "Tichborne, Mrs E. Donpelly aad Grant, and N. Blair, of Jathurst, at Joseph Tysick's; Andrew Crain Poland; Peter Tysick at T Kirkham"s: William Cain at A. Mc Charles'; F. McLean, McDonald's | Corners her father's, William -- and J. Tysick at D'E | Snow sterre § Ardoch Jottings. -- | Wrdoch, Sept. 1. The wishing for rain as it is very dry and raging on all sides. There very heavy frost last week report having nearly all their |corn frozen, A very successful little dance was held here last Friday night 1A larg wssembled. St. John's { church, morning, but had no minister failed to an appearance, Mr Robey | Watkins has gone to Picton to &pénd a few weeks' visiting friends. The | Misses Vanalstine aré home on a Visit | Edward McLellan west for Nahe | harvest week. Sheltz spent | last at Mrs. R | N Nunn is visiting friends at Mjssps {sippi. Mr. and Mrs. A. Munro fve | j gone to Kingston jor a few days | | From Allen, Wolie Island. | Allen, Wolfe Island, Sept. 3 several schools in this district opened) at- well attend Joseph Sar here fon, at Mrs at N Road I'ysick Kinnear& - sow people are Consisting o | Clocks Solic oS | fires Cut Glass, Gold will be offered at was Daily at 2.30 and 7.30 P.M. At Our Store, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts., Kingston, Ont. - Ladies Specially Invited. Chairs Provided are a | Some y crowd Sunday service, 'as the new in | put i went Miss Derews last week visiting I'he Monday, with-a very good i tendance. A Montreal horsebuyer was {through this vicinity on Tuesday laf {and purchased a number of horses {matched game of baseball will be | played on Saturday, September 5th, {on the fair grounds, Marysville, be {tween the Wolfe Island and Central teams, for a purse of $50. Miss Min- nie Hogan spent a few days, this ABSOL LY PURE. week, .in Clayton, N.Y. David Mahony SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS. {had his fine team of horses badly in Pri the chea jured in a barb-wire fence. Miss Lena Sams It oe as ie P | Babeock, Harrowsmith, is visiting adulterate n . { Mrs. F. Caverly. Miss Libbie O'Neal, MW.GILLETT 20070 jon Cape Mrs John Vincent, is at Pater Hogan's. LIMITED H. C. Hogan and family are at TORONTO, ONT. American Oils Hope For His Recovery. Coal Oil Westbrook, Sept. 1.--The Methodist: Sabbath school held its annual pic- nic to Lake Ontario Park on Thurs- | day last A little-girl has come to the home of J. L. F. Sproule. Lubricating Oils " Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of) all kinds. Prices on application. and Mrs. Alired Smith and son, W. F. KELLY & CO, are visiting at H. T. Smith's South Cor. Ontario and Clarence H I. Allen and wife, Ottawa, the past at Ww Sts. 'Phone, 486. week £3. Smith's William Gates and family, fter having spent the past week with friends in this vicinity, returned: to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. W.' Raw son.and family. New Ontario, are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. George Gates. The many friends of H. Christopher, who is still confined to the Hotel Dieu, suffering from typhoid fever, are anx- ious _for his speedy recovery. Miss Henzy. Kingston, spent Saturday with { Mrs. W. L. Grass. Mr. and Mrs. R. eompleted" harvesting and the hum of | i Toledo Church Affairs. ! always a worker. yo bb \ Mrs o woark | cept his grandson. 'What do vou care at S. Martin's; Mrs. Charles alker [pout bank deposits ? What you has returned to he in Wallace | are ¢ burg after an extended visit with | He friends there. appeared on that the crowd get down {he tame minus his star. had a red ribbon, which looked congregation | cigar band," tied in the | The red ribbon was intended to auspices, on the socialists, .but it had was fav- | opposite effect. | "You haye got [this roof," yelled *Throw him in the crowd {up the meeting.' The crowd | Peterson by him until he was dizzy. Then they drag- ged him to the edge of the roof and match between Toledo and Plum Hol- | probably would have thrown him te low, createll 'a lively inferest. The re- {the ground twenty feet if Miss sult was a tie, two to two. The gross | (O'Reilly bad * not appeased the as- receipts about $600, 'which will | sailants be applied on the new Roman Catho "Never mind lic church building fund. thoroughly angry The Presbyterian social on the even- {the capitalist class and is trying ing of the 25th ult., was a pleasant | break up this peaceable assembly.' event. A decided success financially. An || Miss O'Reilly, who was standing interesting programme rendered. | mediately below where Peterson An orchestra attendance [struggling with the infuriated Short addresses delivered on the roof, jumped-a stump and yell some of the local clergymen. led to the fighting crowd : : ' Mrs Violet Brigginshaw on "Men, common Monday 'to resume her work stu- {throw him down. It will only dent. in the Athens High school. Miss | worse for Don't let it be M." Boulger, Brockville, guest in | by that have the village during the Joseph la riot at our own picnic Mervin, of the Metropolitan Bank, To This had the desired effect ronto was renewing acquaintances men to the ground. After i last Dr Jrock- {they were all down, however, the lad ville, spent a few days recently here, der was taken away and Peterson at his home at the Commercial House. | was marooned on the roof until 0). MacDonald, Portland, a guest {erowd of friendly newspaper men in the village 'on Sunday last. W. Me- {cued him from his high perch Guire, Kingston, spent a few days the| When Peterson was taken down guest of his mother, Mrs. McGuire. | was shaking with fright and the rough I'he Misses Halliman, Ottawa, were | handling he had the hands | visithes-for a few days last week, at |of the angry men James Mooney's. Miss A. Smith, El-| "My wife told me to get the crowd la McGuire, returned after week's {down and I had to do it," said Peter visit with relatives at Gouveurneur, |son, with a quivering voice "The N.Y. A Sadler has been painting his [rafters in the building are poor and vesidence. Many 'of the residences dur- | the roof might haveseaved in. What ing the past summer, have been paint- | then, eh? 1 tried to be goad to these ed and the village hasanow a very |people; but O my ike bright and neat aspect reflecting credi- | tably on the aesthetic taste of the | i i do ome further. Peterson again the roof and demanded [his time Instead he like a buttonhole. got no of are Toledo, Sept. 2.--The members Roman Catholic to be cgngratulated on picnic held: under their Saturday last. The weather orable an ideal day for such a gather ing, and the ladies of the parish who have always been notable on previous like affairs for their bountiful spread of dainty edibles, certainly proved their reputation in surpassing all for mer efforts. There variety oi amusements and sports the enter- tainment of the A football the his successful ap pease the to get down from Peterson velled several "He is trying to break down," on the the roof grabbed was a neck and shook for visitors below were him,"" yelled Debs, now "He is a minion of to k im was mn were was was crowd by leit Don't be the charged created use sense \S vou 1s a our enemies we week and the deseended here, week. Wickware, a was res ne received at a Distress After Eating. If vour food sours, ferments or di- | gests slowly, causing pain; ow flautu { lence, take Day's Dyspepsia Cure and your stomach to proper ac- inhabitants Jones' Falls And Return, 50:. Rideau King every Wednesday and [restore Saturday at 6 am. James Swift & [tivity Co., Agents. | It removes all evils arising from in . ) ERI P {digestion or dyspepsia. He is. truly shiftless who is too lazy| This preparation has digestive, ton- shift for himself {ic and laxative properties. Each bot: Bibby's for the best $2 derby hats | tle contains sixteen days' treatment. in Canada. | For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. I have noticed L to that the winner is According to a forecast of a reci- | procity treaty between Canada and | the West Indies the islands are to {give "Canada a preference on food | stuffs and machinery and Canada is | to reciprocate with, a preference on | ratv cocoa, fruit and sugar. . See Bibby's swell hats, $2. | Ii a'man is a good gunesser and pos- the faculty of keeping his {mouth shut he may be able to pose as a statesman, | See Bibby's smart hats, $2. | Black > Watch Lieut.-Gen. F. W. Kitchener, brother On a TF Plug {of Lord Kitchener, will succeed Gen. 2g on T of | Woodehouse as governor of Bermuda. Black Chewing obacco. | The British minister to Venezuela sesses The Name of hard | H. Baker, Napanee, spent Sunday last street cOmdains. poany y - a emg ot D. Sheehad's. A number of our . Stands for Quality thas gone unexpectedly to Trinidad ta . {communicate with the foreign office. See Bibby's new hats, $2. : i UEELEEEEEEEEEEE) BRE RBABBAE BMEBEE EWE vr . Stanfield's Underwear (Chapler 1) A Talk by the Maker to the Wearer. Stanfield's Underwear is made of the best wool that grows on the best wool-bearing sheep in the world-- the long, silky-fibred Nova Scotia wool. The founder of the Stanfield mills did more than anyone else to develop the wool industry throughout the Maritime Provinces. For half a century, the farmers of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have saved their best wool for the Stanfields--first for €. E. Stanfield--and now for his sons, John and 'Frank, the President and Treasurer of Stanfields Limited. The wear of a garment depends on the quality of wool from which it is made. Underwear may be PURE WOOL, and ALL. WOOL and still shrink, ravel and wear out in a single season. Because the underwear is not made of good wool in the first place. There are seven grades of wool in the fleece when clipped from Nova Scotia sheep. A/ V Only the first three grades of this best wool are used in making Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear for men and women, There are no weak spots in the fibre 10 break in the garments. There can be no unraveling, because every stitch is locked. * Garments can't shrink, because of our perfected process of treating the wool BEFORE garments are woven, thus insuring absolutely Unshrinkable Underwear. Stanfield's Underwear is right from start to finish. In all sizes from 22 to 70 inch chest measure. BLUE label for medium weight--BLACK label for heavy weight. Your dealer probably has all sizes and weights in stock, If not, he can easily get whatever you wish. STANFIELDS LIMITED -. TRURO, N.S. Is More Important Than 4 Oampea Tl i No one can live without sleep for a whole week, while Dr. Tanner and others have fasted forty days. sle¢p is fiecessary to do good work--you can't rest fmock, or on a spring bed that sags to the centre--\ ody should be supported throughout, and yet be on surface, which yields to every move. " Felt Mattress and a "Banner" Spring tly--will give you comiort and rest--will prdvent that tired feeling next morning. The two cost less tha? a cheap hair mattress, and are good n ordinary lifetime--no cleaning--no repairs. We are the largest Bedding Manufacturers in Canada, and protect you by this trade mark, which is plainly shown on each, aud is A "Money Back" Guarantee that tired feeling to change your "Star and Restful in a he 1f you don't sleep well, or have in the morning, it will present Spring and Mattress for Banner." «+ T. F. HARRISON C= 229-237 PRINCESS ST. AV V¢ a . ., REID @ CHARLES, SCHOOL. HOES ' WE KEEP THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. 111 Princ>ss St. ICUOO00CO000VO0D SIREENEEEEEEE &) . Evangeline : Ganong's G.B. Chocolates The finest in the city. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St Phone. 58. Always fresh. It is planned right, made right and wears right In three winter weights--RED label for light weight-- | Syncpsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of Do« minion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 6, not preserved, may be home- steaded by any person the sole head of | & family, or male over 18 years of | | an Agency On to the extent of one-quartex sections, 160 acres, more or Jess. Application for homestead entry must >» made in person by 'the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency os ub-agency Entry b roxy may, however, m a in dione Dy the | ther, mother, son, daughter, brother ox | {ster of an intending homesteader, | cant, | | An application for cancellation mus§ be | made in person. The applicant must be \igitle for homestead entry, DUTIES.--(1) At least six months! i residence upon and cultivation of the ~ (land in each year during the term' of ! hres years (2) A homesteader may, {f he so de sires, perforin the gequired idence du< tiles by living on farming~laind ow olely by him, mot less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, if the ther is deceased) of a homesteader had | ermanent residence on farming land owned sole'y by him, not less than hty | (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity ol the homestead, or upom & homestead entered tor by him in the vicinity, such homes steader may perform his Res residence duties by living with t father (or mother). (4) The term "vicinity" In thé two preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- ing not more than nine miles in a direct e. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTHs WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres can be to one appik RoyallLy, five cents per ton; QUARTZ. --A person eighteen years of age and over having made a iscovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet 1,500 feet. Fee $5.00, At least $100.00 must be expended om the claim each year, or paid to the wining Recorder. When $500.00 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with the Jaim may be purchased" at $1.00 an | | acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00, DREDGING. ~Two leases of five miles sach of a river may be Issued to one ap- olicant for a term of 230 years. Rental, $10.00 a mile per annum. Hoyalty. 24 per cent after Lhe output exceeds $10, 0004 WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this sdvertisement will not be paid for, ONE BARE TEST : W: Of our fine Scranton Coal will prove to you fits superiority over all other kinds. P. WALSH, 565-57 Barrack St. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room installed. I can do it in first-eiass style and at the right price, Give me a DAVID H Phone 3356 9 64 Brock

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