Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1908, p. 3

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BR . -4 he] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1908. WHALING STATION Zmusements. | NEW FALL MODELS § "seeioiest| i cammmrameey SSiTomoAz corr. era ICONDENSED ADVERTISING Is Now Locating the Site--Will Be : . ; " Ei i . : ry wn - Ape S Situated on the Southern End Vga at 250. PweBing, at 8.15. RATES FIKE INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD cor A SQUARE MANO IN FIRST-CLASS ig Scenic Production in Play Form] . es, lowest rates, fair settlements, A condition, Will sejl heap. Apply Whi \ hk of the Queen Charlotte Islands. | "The Best New England Stoty Ever | First insertion 1c. a_word. Each consecutive KC" potis & Co , 109 Brock St. Tele | otuce. . Victoria, B.C. Sept. 4.--In an ef- Written." insertion thereafter half cent a word phone, 480. | A for etermine 16 k Minimum charge for one insertion, 25c.; A GENTS "R BIRD "YCLE T jort lo 4 teri 1 ihe. sod banks off QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER three insertions, 50c.; six, $1; on, Ronit [HE OPPORTUNITY -TO FURNISH ES. condi En RR ar E IN 1 south end of the Queen Charlotte And Mason's Corner Folks. "Ome great | $2. i Sais on on electric work, 1D nda, of Ordnance street. { Islands, with a view to the establish- | big laugh from beginning end, and work promptly, dune, ment of a fishing industry and to | the sweetest. love story eveg told." ANTED--. trician, '206 Wellington street. prospect a site for a whaling station | Matinee, childrens 38¢.: adults, 50c. w MALE, ; McMILLAN PIANO, IN USE FOR ony for the Gune Charlo Whal, ! Evening, 25¢., 50c., 75¢., $1.00. rr (ho taut age --------=--]A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF two months, summer rental. Apply 121 or the Queen Charlotte Whaling com- Seats now bn 8 ONCE, STRONG BOY FOR PARCELS, yards or cellars, or other Dopp carted Princess St, or Box "(, pany, Capt. G. A. Huff, of Alberni, ------ Apply Robertson Bros, Princess street. Prices right. Apply to 5. tle, Gen: and Capt H.: Balecom, former *com- w k Co . Se Ee - os -- - av eral Carter, 35 Main St TWENTY HORSE POWER STATIONARY « E : : One eek, mmencing pt. 7! MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND EX) ai = Angine, cheap. Can be seen at W, F. mander of the whaler Orion, are now uh s ' penses. One good man in each locauy O PURCHASE GOOD ¢ 2 GRO- visiting Skidegate, Jedway, and other Matinees Labor Day. and Saturday. with rig or capable of handling horses to T cery ie the city Re Runs Carey & Co's warehouse, Cataraqui St. ports of the Queen Charlotte group. AND advertise | and JHtroduce ~~ wyaranteed principals dealt with. usiness confiden- The Quoey Ono Wa ior GEO. H. SUMMERS 2% Huck and jouitry spesizives. Su expe al. Apply. Box "C.," Whig office. COMFORTABLE = FRAME DWELLING, pany has obtained a license for ad for you. $25 a week and expenses. Price A titling, ko 2% rn whaling station at the southern enc T CK OMPA| Y Position permanent. Waite i A. Jen: | sveNOGRAPHERS, CLERKS, GOOD SAL Ye Wellmgton: St wpiyfo . 'J. Boon, of the Queen Charlottes, the hundred ins Manufacturing. Cof¥Landon, Ont. ries also dinin room girls, \wo Sham. miles of territory being located from | yo, day Matinee, CUNCLE'S MONEY. for Hotel. "Apply to Canadian Employ. "WILLOW COTTAGE KING STREET Prevost Island north. The trip of Monday night, "THE CASHIER." WANTED--FEMALE, ment Agency, Brockvine, Ont. west, eleven rooms: lot 260 feet deep hy Capts. Huff and PBalcom is to locate Great Vaudevhile between sete atl ge 140 feet ide, Eo, a les and drive. the: site of the necessary whaling de- hange of play nightly. | HOUSE MAID. APPLY AT MRS. GAR a house, Apply Edward Ferris, on prem: ww site of the necessary whaling de Prices--Matinees, 10c. and 20c. Evening, T's, 3: Johnson trees. GENTEEMEN TO GET THEIR WINTER ; . ; pag hai ' to the OH 105, 30, re on salty overcoats ade, now, also last year's A steam whaler similar to the Orion £ 5 "ENE , turned and made like new. four own . and the St. Lawrence will be built or | == A En AE A TT cloth made into uptodate suis. Prices | HOUSES OF THE LATE GEORGE WIL- bought, and arrangements have been 3 Thoth Caloay The Tarlor, 0 Pr ald Stuart street, leased to made for the! use of the Rismueller LAKE ONTARIO PARK FOR HALF DAY, DAILY, COMPETENT SR E's Livery wy er Jmerce; 104, leused process. at Seachart and Kyuquot. Roman to do bédroom work. Apply 207 chant; double house, 42-44 O'Kill street; w It is expected that the whaling sta- and igh ods hie MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER Stree; "also _-- HH? AR ingwoud e are recéivine and placinz on displs the ve west MY ha ade + ase for evi night EN AN OMEN TO also lots on Lower / rt Street are recélving and J 2 play A Jy newe tion will also be made the ba for TO-NIGHT $2 vy Bg 5.30] A GENERAL SERVANT. WELL RECOM. trafle. Graduatés carn fwelve to eighteen Apply to Joseph Power, or John Twed: in extensive fleet of cod fishing craft, Matinee ay at 3.30. mended. Apply in the evening to Mrs. dollars weekly. Help secure positions. ompany intending to thoroughly . : ¥ hing Kilborn, 244 King St. : Ji Saulp shops. Constant acts arefu mstructions, ew weeks com ainl 1 Sg 1 a showi of g he CO¥ rt as je ares S cee 'an faialy miisg associ = Showing of Sood Wonest oWtuntase Hop 7 hie gr reson TY. Free Show DAILY GOVERNESS, ONE WHO UNDER Ricre Pair olonue Hee Nite TO-LET, © AlL 3 LRNESS, ONE 2 LR Moler Barber College, Toronto. : ry could wish to see. The latest ideas ane here in many shapes, ver ot 3 : rT i a hares - and styles, graceful lines, perfect workmanship comfort and | B. AL Hotel Areivals. High Class Vaudeville | {lds wicion £575 | " WELL FURNISHED RODS. NIT on satisfaction all combined in our New Autumn Models . Miss F. Gafieny, Mise L. Yary, DB. New Moving Pictures. . - Apply 176 Clergy St. [ih Yn et Tiare Latest Illustrated Songs. SITUSTIONS vacay) MISS GERTRUDE R. chtac, TEACHER | 321 UNIVERSITY AVE, BRICK DWELL- : piano and theory Pupils prepared for ing, 8 rooms, modern improvements, Ap- sy RX ¢ i ' Saturday, Children's 2 ) ( " TIER OF 5 REPT 50c¢ .y { Be oy $1 00, 1 dol . 1 . 50 | North,, Wash; M Liv he an - anu fay, Children 2.2 Cont 1 ym ods : RA A shaC MESTICS Hi ESEPL exams. of Toronto Conservatory. Ad ply to J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock St. wife, Rochester: Norman McLean anc seceiVeT 8 days bafore. above dates, Te dress 169 King St \ wife, Stoufiville: J. D. Onderdonk, Court of Revision. Guild, 71 Drummond St, Montreal." LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EXCHANGE to Ny 1 00. Trenton; J.B. Ellis, Toronto; G. G. sme me { 11188 GRACE CLOUGH, A.T.C.M., GOLD Chambers, Xo. 118 Brock St. Apply to aer : Be kvilie Gibs Mitts : : Medallist Teacher of piano ond theory Geo. Chiff, eal Estate Broker, 95 Clar- 4 Eiger, Be Ot ks by 3A . ¥ p a on Bi J Township Of Kingston. Papits repared for, Toronto Conserva ence street. {burg, Pa. resard, lars: " t, NOTICE is hereby given that a Court . tory examinations. Apply at 83 Earl St { Garnett, Mrs. Connell, Mrs. J. Nichol-'] oii" pe held : THN ' ; g 3 pursuant to the Ontario | GOLD BROOCH, WITH NUMBER 26 STORE ON KIN 3 : 0h rowers. Miss Marv | woiers Lis b GOL 3 s } 26, : 1: © ON KING STREET, ADJOINING ' [son, Mes. Benj Han n Ke a ye ot 3 ny Honor the Judge of either on the way to, or at Lake Ontario | \yjg5 BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER OF Whig building, now occupied by Joseph { Glover, Syracuse, N.YX.; D. Hapcroit, | © ie Town Hal in the id Toss hip Park. Finder please return to Whig pianoforte playing (»irgil Clffier Meth Hiseock. Possession Oct. 1st. Apply at J. Mumford, J. W day of September, 1908. ot 1b office od). For information address 322 Queen Whig Office. | H. N. Fitchett, A. i | Hopkins, L. B. Nelles, Ralph Adams, | o c am., to hear and determine the sev St. Autumn term opens Sepsputbes 1st arm 0 aC e | C. H. Creighton, G. D. MacAlister, C. plaints of errors and omissions in | BANK BOOK, ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, | se mmm ---- : TWO ROOMS, - ONE LARGE FRONT C. Stark, DD. Kerr. Toronto ( H : List oi the Mruicipatity of the betwee n Thomas Mills office, ¢ Finder room, furnished or unfurnished, on Union : i ith | ! hangston, of Ih t.,, and Weese's, Photographers. "Finder MONEY AND BUSINESS. oD Er rnifhed, on tins | Smith, G. M. Welch, Mrs. E. G. Mit I having business at the Court kindly leave at Whig office 2 Whig office. chell, Buffalo, N.\ I. 1.. Hall, Perth: | are require attend at the same time and -------- - 4 Seon 1. Patterson, N. E. Brais, Henry Dip CHAS. F. ADAIR OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF FROM OCT. 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 olf Jacket than the early Fall days and nights, handy to lock, Montreal: H. J. Shaw and wife, wnship Clerk and Clerk of the ARCHITECTS. building and eoniemns i Jan other Division: ~street, with twelve rooms, in : | New Yorl Robert Burgess, George said Court company oLers. Xam me pn A iarket cluding extension kitchén, hot water aw Or; BON urg 3 K aqui, S ith, 1908. ARTHUR FI ARCHITECT, OFFICE, Insurance mporiam, ? heatmg, bath, ete. Enquire at 179 Di | Neddell, Clayton, N.Y.; Mrs. Ed. Pow 2 : or. Otis da Bagot streets. $ e vision street. : before the fires are started. Try one and be convinced, Navy, ell, Syracuse; James F. Jeffery, 1". B 3 S------rts-- a - : : Williams, Ottawa; J. F. Sheedy, Port . ARCHITECT BTC N AND GLOBE . 1 x Pp 1 IL 3: 1 5 > . ' HENRY | SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, | LIVERPOOL, LONDO 2 ts vA - - . Red, Green, White, and in co mbined colors, | Colborne; Harry Conklin, Thorol! K Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone ¥ rance Company Available SEPTEMBER 1ST, ONE OF THE W. Goldth I, Saranac Lake on 345 . ? In addition to which best business stands in Kingston, on | woldihreac sarang k : A . ers have for security the the corner of Princess and W ellington { Thomas M. Darrah, Robert Darrah Ji x ' ' " ET unlimited liability of all the stockholders streets, lately occupied hy I. Nisbet, Sta- an Wheeling. W. Va Ri F. Robertson, The members of the various Lodges of | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, ME R Form and city property insured at low tioner. - Apply Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot . 9 ° ° @ 1 ranby: Wayne Clark and wife, Phila 1.O.O.F. are requested to assemble at 32 chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and est possible rates. Before ren ag old | St., Kingston, Ont : Ma od Til Th ok Wellington street Saturday at noon for the Wellington streets, Phone 212 or ging new business get yates from ---- --pe ® | le iphias 3 I Perfil, Pieton : H purpose of attending the Juneral of aur late Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 568. | T Shielc 'oterboro; George Johnson, | Bro. EE. Le Febyre, o apance Lodge No. | wat NEWLANDS., ARCHITECT, OFFICE | somm---- et ------------ BUSINESS CHANCE { Philadelphia Miss H M. Garrett, | J then' procee: Lou G. BRS cieh, Juneral second floor over Mahood's Drug store, | @ { Amsterdam, N.Y.; A. Stevenson, Mrs. | | o'clock train to Gananoque : torner Princess wad Bogor Steetts, 2 PERSONAL. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT YOUNG Hooper, G. W. Bennett, Peterboro F. A, KILPATRIC K, trance on Tago street, pull i 1 - office man would invest $200.00 with ser fo. b | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, WARTS, vices in established business. Creden- ---------------- 'y Kingston No. i ---- En 3 | i y re oy MARRIAGE LICENSES. | ete, removed permanently, without scar tials exchanged Formér resident wishes Ss Gown Of Linen. | Twenty years' experience. Dr. Elmer ] to retufn. All communications treated : $ SUE T MAR Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skmn in" strict confidence. Address olger," 2 . ; A AAAPAAAING ANAPAAPAING hb bb bb bb dl) ' Fall shapes and models in the Corset world, "and they cer- 3 VV VY v At no time of the year can you get more comfort from a slip on, on a chilly evening when going out, or in the house 1.0.F. NOTICE. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF ) Lae Ey ets 708 Dagon street 143 Washington St, Buffale, N.Y, 3 | riage Licenses, 42 Clarence VY VY VV TT TTT VV TV TTT TTY YY YY YY Members of the City Courts and all other Foresters are requested to assemble at the Court room, cor. Montreal and Princess Sts. Si 4 7 : : a i ¥ . = on Sunday eves a 0 at: AUTUMN MEETING T 25% Re en po FIRSTeAY THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Dr Wo WATT AN Of the W.C.T.U.--Past Work Re Unitarian. A 4 4 4 e. 4 " 4 4 i D 4 4 " 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 A 4 i > 4 4 " 4 4 # 4 4 4 4 4 4 ) 4 4 4 4 " 4 4 4 1 S. WATTS NO_HONING=NO GRINDING | or 5 semi | © OTC | mee Chon X Contributed "CARBO MAGNETIC" \ ~ FISHING SUPERSTITIONS, | C3", wc 1.U. meeting of | Allied To The Infinite, |, NOthIE causes so much trouble " a } \ - Fis : . autumn is an augury of those that are It is the privilege of every man to Mm the house ike wet wood. Wa : ] : Various Queer Notions Exist All |, follow, we may look forward with be allied to the Infinite. We may all lave a big stock of THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION. wr { 3 5 = Over the World. pleasure to what is in store for those bo co-workers with God, sharers in'the ALL KINDS OF Are you interested in a betten Razor than ol NY x / I T Ange les E imes fairs be Indi who attend. Ogr membership is not livine enterprises, partners in the - A = IR & 1 3 8 {Columbia the Indian | large, but we hope this year that : a 8 ree 1 ou have? N 4 intsh | . | large, n hog 1 ] . leific business of the universe oO y : » BR ceremoniously went to meet the first | many more will join us. The spacious link our lives with the Infmite is to WOOD | i 4 1: ¥ § apy o » To Fen ¢ » ' * If 80, your dealer will deliver to you a "CARBO ve salmon and in flattering voice tried |rooms of the Y.W)C.A. with their | 30 "0 "0 Che te te glory, per | and guarantee the condition of MACNETIC" Razor on thirty days' trial | c \ to win dheir favor by calling them | pleasant surroundings make it an ideal nanence and joys eternal. For us no | every delivery. without obligation on your part to purchase. § {oe all Shisis, itis ia | place to meet, and we hope that very | 3. tino day, no vanishing treasure, no : : d very spring in California the | pany will avail themselves of the pri= | anescent dream of happiness. For Orders receive prompt and care- "CARBO 'MIACNETIC" Razors don't _ v/] J Karaks used to dance for . salmon. | vilege, and not only help along the | (HFC Cy 0 00 dless, the | ful attention. pull--others will! - , gp Ncomvhile of of hei Runbue ir; work of the Y.W.C.A., itseli, but also treasure inde tru tible, the re flity re- | j r / § clutle self the t 8 » differe societie 2 mee nt Bur ro 5 | Ww Get one to day and you'll have 0 we. ZEA Tn Tid fo ve Eo ret a, 4 A ietios that Hay meet xibrmed. All of this is the joyous JAS. SWIFT & CO. ? he solemnly approached the river, took Mis Macalluta the president, was wrivilege of the man who throws in COAL and WOOD. NO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES. A i J i Cfomasa the fet si) rer lOO Mis. . ; 3 ; Tr hs he raat ate {back in her old place with "renewed Him in fullest obedience and endeavof The sketch shows an effective gown | 20M of and with the remainder vigor guiding in her pleasing manne: | Thousand Island & St. Lawrence Be 3 : lighted a sacrificial fire The » ; i i 0 b " 3 Ta having various novel features in the | {Shed a sacrihicia Are 16 same lthe work in which she. is. so greatly . . hy 3 Ml qn e | [ trimming. used. The original own Indians laboriously climbed to the ; interested. Mrs. Macallum took for a Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 River Steamboat Companies 7 ---- . mountain after the poles for the sof iv 8 A Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the fa A 7-8, =F In Connection with New York Cen- is life and lot with God, yielding tg YH AR [ras of White linen, trimmed with pearin hoy being convir 1 that ried alk, Romans xiv, dwelling iterature rd PB heavy whité ce and small crochet | 5 D8 hoo emp. Convinced at on what ought to be the purpose o | ature. ¥ ES 2 ¥ \Z D1 lations. Voile could also be used for if They Wore galieted Where the suis life, living for those - who are aroun tral & Hudson River R.R. Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 Brgadway, New York, N.Y [such a gown, or fine gashmere or pon bial watching no ish wouls * | us, following out the apostles', teach AT THE GRAND. | roe. The skirt was gored in the model No V5 . iny For none of us liveth to him -- ; ve Kingston aay, except Sunday, F | & Bi 69-71 BROCK STREET, |..q buttoned down the centre of the VT idespread, in fact, is the na- | oii and no man dieth to himself." | Opening on Saturday, Matinee am and 200 p.m. or sale by McKe vey irc » KINGSTON, ONT. Mont, but if a Softer material is. se tive hieliet gl the Necessity of aution | Mrs Playfair led in prayer. The min and Night. ingston Sunday, 7.80 a.m. and lected forthe. sown a plaited skirt w [never am is on Ishing ent. utes of May meeting were read _and In stage production of "Quincy Ad- Lea Cape Vincent dally, 10.50 amy approved. The recording secretary'sre | 0 Qawver'" the essential features ang 8.15 PR. Gonna. a port was then read, giving an outline S Charles Felton Pidgin's famous | Vibes to an. freonnac ong on Cate of the work of the past years. It told | Vow England novel. It is a distinctly | York State. Through sleeper Cape Vine of mothers' meetings, of two evangel- | sable piece, both in itself and in |°%9% to New York. ¢ ) ists, Miss Mudie d Miss Jackson: | Noyale piece, Week end round trip rate Kingston ta he one gave a chafing dish | through a window instead of a door ast ita an at the ingeniously natural work of the | Watertown, good going Saturday ow party to some of his more intimate | so the other fish may not see. who had been present at different seople presenting it. There is a laugh Sunday, returning up to and including 4 feminine acquaintances the other made The Eskimo women of Alaska never Des adding nach to Le Butetost oO! 3 lmost everywhere, despite the tender Monday, $1.68. a point of. returning early from the | sew while the men are fishing, and 2 Mmeeungs, 9 e interesiing topes § seriousness pertaining to Alwe Pet- theatre in order to be present. Chum | should any mending be imperative taken up, such as scientific temper- tingill's pathetic figure as the much NEW MACHINE SHOP. No.2 had hardly. made his appear theygdo it shut up in 'little tents out ance 1n schools, woman suffrage, local loved blind girl, and to her value as A call is invited for all kinds of gener: ance before chum No. 1. in his anxiety | of sight of the sea option law enforcement and many oth- the central feature of the love story a manufacturing sud wachive repairing, to chatter nonsense with the prettiest Under no circumstances on the ors Mill the foil held, one St Yrs It is a most entertaining picture of ng Jawn mows re in ap girl in the room, managed to upset a | northeast coast of Scotland will -a G. Mills home, the normal class be- | rq] life! It comes to the Grand on | machine in the city for this puriose)-- basin of beaten egy volks down the| fisherman at sea mention certain ob- | IPE entertained, and each one present | Saturday, September 5th, matinee repairing sewing machines, ie phono front of his new tuxedo. Chum No. 1} jects on land, such as "minister," being provided with the Temperance graphs, scales, razors, ed tools, 0 ind, 8 Fan ae . ; » | and night dies ; brazing, model og pattern | was much distressed, apparently, and | "kirk," "swine," "dog," ete., and the Ix neher * Yanual, and one at Me R making. Best of 'attention chum No. 2 hastened 10 his assis-| line will surely be lost if a pig is | parks. 1n memoriam -of Mss "Th ' ys work. ® Repairs ma. tes! hate} . The corre i nmers' Stock ; tance seen while baiting it. As on the land Frances Willard. The corresponding e Summers' Stock Co leaving shop, Work guaranteed. "Go into my room and take mine," | chickens must not be: counted until | he adjured his friend Jencrously "I've | they are hatched, so.at sea fish must | Vsecretary's report was brief, but full This attraction, headed by the po- Sutside oe Oy attsaded to. {of interest because of the recalling to |pular comedian, George H. Summers, A HUNTER, Machinist, 80 Mont- rand new one; just came home to-| not be counted untilMthey are caught mind the numerous letters and resolu- | will appear at the Opera House, Mon-'| real St., (hear Princess) Kingston. Orders It is good luck to find mice nibbling] tions sent during the past year, and |day, September 7th. During the en- Changi No 1 smiled qyeerly. "1| among the nets. A horseshoe nailed | the replies received. The principal re--| gagement, many fine plays will be 1D: A solutions referred to the three-fifths | troduced, and a splendid line of high- taken at Simmons Bros. and A; Van- kno old boy," sw e sai to the miaAt will help, ahd a herring | J I know it, old boy,' was whik he said P g class vaudeville features will be pre luven's Parcel Delivery. Yon : cnther Lirood: fashion Ps Ss duce | clause in the local option bill, and the grinning in a rather forced fashion. | caught and salted, dewn will produce f Claus ibarette bill. ¥ A er ures Ny Sm Io CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Fact is--well. my own looked a | wonders. . kip slot The treasurer's report was slightly | mers has been surrounded by a clev- The Perfect Brxk & Tile Co., Wash- 1little. shabby this evening, and I've In the Shetland islands a 'cat must | not be mentioned before a man bait- | discouraging, but we hope with our [er company of actors, and will ap- burn, Ont i Mati- . got vours on ! N 3 : : ] ing his line, and among the Magyars | own best efforts and the aid of kind | pear in laté" comedy successes. We have ju ceiv ] exw line of 'Men's Box Calf Bluch- An Accident of Hungary a fisherman will turn back { friends, « soon to make that all right. [nees on Labor Day and Saturday. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, ers, good heavy soles, 4 her lined; good for' working pur- "What have y to sav?" asked and wait over 4 HUB he meets a] The ork Yee are Sure i J and T ve rb ck That wl stand Imaime, poses. Special Price - - - 50. . hu you to fay'. 22! woman wearing a white apron | right, and the money will be provided . : delivery. Brick that wil stand inspec : . jtne mamstrdgie i a Joman who Was very vear the natives of the Duke | according to the need. The' lumber Service Is Praised. ton ut yenmonable rate Capacity of Men's ip. lio x ue a he x reg ¢ an brells ; os 3 a . " . . » 4 Men Ss Bax Kip, lig , Bluchers - 2 ghatged with ; ha an ii A | of York islands decoratéa eanoe with | Samp mission is Progressing favor The Grand Trunk company is receiv- Pah : ay > Se mi . over the complainant's hea was | gq srs and fer fill it } hell | ably under the capable n rement of n " ¢ atari \ ra 1 1 chars 3 oe ower anc ern, 1 1 with she A apa nanagemen t ling rea number of etter; Boys extra value Box Calf Bluchers, size 1 to 5, { leather au accident, your worship "hd vou . : i rift ** . Miss S le } Mr M E he W ga great nu ? letters from lined, good school boots = = - - . > } her then 2" "Oh: J rRoney and cast it adrift ""to 'com- | Miss Sproule and Mrs. Munt, the W. [patrons praising the excellent service 's Cofwin Compound: » : not mean ta ¢ her then i Oh, | pensa® the fish for their™ fellbwy . Missionaries. A large package jon its dining cars, which is beyond The st Ut Other line of Boys' good Scho oots $1.50 and $1.75. Fos oa 1 didn t mean tof break my | aaucht and eaten.' Y of magazines and other literature was | comparison. A commercial traveller . torine 1 Girls' School Boots. sizes 8 tu. 1 rood value Box. Calf nmbre.a It was always the enstom of the |sent.in August, by the union. Several | writing to a friend recently, says : Biucher . -. a ro { or . Maoris, the primitive inhahitants of { other important items of business were | "(Op dining car 2802, train. No. 1, be : Bi The Fall Styles In Hats. New Zealand, to put the first fish | discussed. The election of officers' now |{ween Port Huron and Chicago, 1 had Cheaper grades .--- - -00. Are all here, derbies and fedoras, | that they caught back into the sea [came in course, and were as follows: {as nice a dinner as I had ever been 20 . Japan among the primitive race {could he selected of the Ainos even the women left at ------ home are not allowed to talk, lest the His New Coat. > fish may hear and disapprove, while been chums for so long | the first fish is always brought in day sizes 11 2 . $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. gt 3 50 *2.50, 33.34. Camp- |' 'with En that i Sight Jomps | Xe. Lier ) Mace lum, president; Mey served with in any dining car. © The . . wil ros. , the stvie centre lor men s | other fish to come ana be caug . .. Sparks, rst vice-president prvice s excell t,o lovees courte- Before we clear off our argain tdhles. We offer the Bar- . y | T Yorons 4 ra ».{8ervice was excellent, employ courte nd gain in Babies Bo i : 37 48¢., 59c., '68c. and T9e¢.™ hats If the fish did not' come soon Mrs. T. X. Roge rs, treasurer ; Mrs. H. | ous, and everybody seemed to Je anxi- coox Mer:aien Ba. Trrowre. Gormeriy Wi gain in bBahie ots - Si €., 9c. bE ar Ce rr mes B enough in British Columbia the In: | Lyon, recording secretary; Miss Clark, ous to give good service." Every pair will save you money Good, Bad &nd Very Bad. . dians used to employ a wizard, who | corresponding secretary. | -- OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF "What kind of eges have you," asl Mafle an o age Of Cumming fish | re . | Bibby's $2 hats are wonders. TOBACCO : ed the"man entering the store a Dut iy me a er 10 attract | If You Take Delivery: At Our Door. | For a few weeks after marriage a es "We have fresh eggs, stored pggs, 1 VE 23h 9 the Tah. We will allow 5c. 'off the price on {woman is unable to understand why and theatrical eggs," replied - any basket peaches, plums, pears, her husband wears such 4 small sized er, looking over his spectacles, Good Riddance. grapes or bananas until 6 p.m. Sat- | hat. pay exhty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, . "What made yon send Biggins to urday, when our usual cheap fruit | Some women break into the gossip Ontario street. c = Campbell Bros'. Popular Hats. congress ?"' (sale commences at Carnovsky's. Octane because they are unable to at. . : - The new fall styles all in. "Well," answered Farmer Corntas-| : - . rat attention in any other way. Furniture and Stere Fixtures i - -- : sel, "he would insist on wearin' a! "Have you seen them ? The All the new styles in men's fall hats, Repaired... Varnished.. and .. Polished See Bibby p display of new | high hat an' Prince Albert cmt on Thermos bottles at Gibson's Rad 9%, Bibby's. ; I Cabinet making. ' hats, One price, ¥ week davs, an' we jes' naturally got | { Cross Drug Store? Two sizes. Pints The heart ought to direct the w i Crawford's for peaches. tired o' seein' him around.' ! and quarts. of the feét, B. GARBER, 389 Princess St. . 4 - Our New Styles of Fall S hoe ready for your inspection. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why s

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