Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Sep 1908, p. 8

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" ------_ 8 Yu a + -- . Har PERSONAL 3 MENTI x. ¥ THE 5P.M.EDITION i | i | ; =z Of The rr HOTEL Wil CHARGED INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. |ruic wag CAUSE OF NEIGH: Mrs. hg = id Doig. WITH SELLIN( ING LIQUOR TO Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By BOR'S QUARREL. fave returned from Thousand Island Reporters On Their Rounds. F. G. Beall, returned to Toronto, » Cabmen's 'phone 490. Clergy Striet Resident Was Fined | {to- day, alter visiting friends in the| Forger Arrested in Ottawa, Also sc Diy pune: rs. 3 and Bound Over to Keep the | Mies Ida Caldwell, Lanark, is visit- Wanted at, Gracefield, Gus0. Beef, Iron and Winé; "Jour gown," Peace--A Long Case in Police ing her aunt, Mrs, A. Strachan, Ba- 2.R. Constables Are Quarrel- make. Pint bottles, 50¢., at Wade's Court. got street. ling. { Drug Store. A neighbors' quarrel, in which the] J: J: Thompson, physical director{ Ottawa, Sept. 3.--The man arrested | The Slestiyacht Castages liad - Won iy of Ve families were con a the Y.M.CAA., is in Toronto on|at Toronto, giving his name as Loo arge hm : > e § ceenet including 4 baby in arms, oc- fitineas. B "| Duval, of Uttawa, is 'Leopold Derval. YD BY. iano tuner rot fOAPIET YB attSition of Magistrate Rpt nd of the M. T. Co, He Had passed a forged check iat | Chickores's Re orders. at = Me |darell, Sail the noon hour to-day. bony to . Rollingwood, to-day, on a|Gracefield,' Que., for $61. This, as in Auley's Book Store, Er Robert Baird, Kvipg on Clergy sires "Mis? Bessie Cal . |the Toronto case, bore the rubber : The summer girl is still in obr west, was accused' of assaulting Mrs. Vis tin ig Caldwell, Lanark, is stamp of Booth Lumber ¢ company, and midst, but a few more cool evenings Agnes Campbell, a neighbor. 3 i he ot mn rs. James 'Minnes, | way, signed by Robert Hay, manager. be apt to crumple her up. rs. Agnes Campbell, 42 Clergy agol greet. | He bought goods in Gracefield and hot $50 passen Xe came up on street west, told 'her story. On Satur- iy NM teeves, Alfred street, is|got the" 'change. The Hull police have ihe: steamer py to-day, Pon day last, 'her eldest daugh¥er; she ie ng T 5. Risear, Spadina been looking for him ever since and Alexandria Bay and intermetinge said, had her baby out on the shady grant; ome. 3 have not communicated with Toronto. dite, , side. of the street, whem one of "the ames Ferguson, Garden Island, was| Nelson 'Chevrier, hotelman, was Ho oho Taylor, Latimer; Ont., has his Baird children threw dust in the baby's femovad Fi the Hotel Dien, suffering charged in the police court, this morn: ) Sanerete silo completed; | It was built | €Yes. Witness crossed over the street, The typ id Jove > _ |ing, with supplying liquor to two eh Yi silo molds, which he pur- to get her Joby, when she was at- BS ompe arold and wife, 8 ancouver, minors, aged fifteen and fourteen years chased lately. tacked by Mu: Jsaird N » Vier ating William Harold, Tospoctively, Wom he had ought g > s 2 » e caug t me by the throat, tore from Maniwaki to s A > woods ure vo th Garin my waist 'and hit me with his fist,' tk Mr. and Mrd. F. R. Burns, who spent | for the winter's work. ys claim at the Residence, last evening. Mc. |®aid the witness. A white waist, which | the. summer 'here, have returned t0|he went back on the pod agree ve i » their home in Buffalo. ws t rning wages, detained them Auley's orchestra furnished music. gave evidence of having been torn, Th ! on [Mi ment concerning ges, Thermos bottles will keep liquids | Was exhibited in court by the wit-| ie a nt is announced of Miss | at his hotel and gave them liquor for boiling hot for twenty-four * hours. | Me%8. Ei | h hSmpitn to' W. B. Pres:ia week, presenting them at the end} - Ask to see them at' Gibson's Red "It's a lie, I never struck her," eried a oO! he patford Expositor. with heavy whiskey ' bills. The boys . Cross drug. store. Phone 230. Baird who had to be told to kéep 158 yrtle pencer, Sydenham |are now in the detention home. The g street, left on "Thésday to spend exhi-| case was adjourned for a day. 3 The Living Age will' signalize the be- | quiet by his counsel, Ald. Rigney. \ v A ) B ; ginning 'of Is 359th vo ume in Octo- To Ald. Riguney, withess' said that hatign Wook with iriends in "Toronto. The ™C, P. R.'s special constables 1 ber by opening instalments of two | she did not strike the Baird child, nor 1 an McLaughlin, Ot*awa, who has guarding the company's property dur- We have given this department spacial di. serials : "Hardy on the HilL¥ by M. did she follow the child across the |Peen visiting his uncle, Thomas Sla-|ing the strike, have begun quarreling ti P i : F i ter, Pattie street, returned home, to-| among themselves and several cases of ion in ev ery particular, and are anxious for 1908 09 E. Francis, and "Sally; a Study," by Inga into jhe House: Oh day. 4 abusive language' have 1 - Hugh Clifford ary Cosby, living on Clergy street, > assau an abusive lang 0 . a 5 "Keep boiling hot for twenty-four | Said that she saw Mrs. Campbell go Thomas Reid; Victoria - street, re-|phoon preferred in the police court by ur' customers to come and see the di erent hours," liquids in a Thermos bottle; | Across the street after the Baird chil- turned home, Wednesday, after spend-| officers against other fellow con- kinds. . Now ready. , Call or write. & [two sizes, pints and rts Gib. | dren. The children were too fast for |10g the summer: on a'survey in - the (stables. sizes, pints and quarts, at Gib ' th . It is. a work of art Showing 9 | son's Red Cross drug store. - Phone | her, however, and got-into the house. ["Fd i atid Mids Bectha Steati| The lirst stage of the governor-gen- Ladies' Union Vests with long sleeves and all the atest design 8. 230. Witness saw Mr. 'Baird take hold of ford who d Miss Bertha Strats] oral's match mm the Dominion Rifle Two drunken sailors got into a mix- | Mrs. Campbell and uke her roughly, oT, who have heen attending the pssociation met to complete "this high neck, 25c Each. { J h M K F 4 up on Ontario street Wednesday night but did not see him strike her. ol ey, obehiiy i Toronto, return: morning and resulted ina tie for the y nig v 0 ilver tw / . i i r » 0 n C ay ur ouse | and for a few moments bad language | The nine-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mics Leak Reo nll I stecet® ins D.R.A. silver medal hetween Arm. Ladies" Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, and fists were thrown ardund in all [Campbell was called. She said that retire rd ¥ : oi F ie ire | Dergt. A. Martin, 15th 1. oF FINGRTON. directions. I'wo men finally parted the | OB€ of the Baird children threw dust re Mien ho B tel 3 pleasant visit | herta, and Lieut. C. D. Spittal, CA. 49¢ Each. pugilists, and started them home in|in the/bhaby's eyes, while she had the b on hiv Mis: Be lievifle, and rout' 5.Cs Ottawa, They will shoot aff y opposite directions. haBy. io She Sve ne Baie grab A tres Devlics of A Ce disn adi fou. the medal. i The Jeathgr is puld Ladies' All-Wooel V ests and Drawers in White The 1 'omedian, George H. {her mothér by the throat, and push " ail} th but otherwise thewconditions are fair- Sunnca ad Hie clover rary of | her against a stone wall. f SCEVING,: FURNING between Fort William | Jy geod. ' and Natural Plain and Ri bbed, 75¢ Each. $ y } and Winnipeg, '427 miles, is here: visits pee ---- > White : i wil we roan wa | Mr. "Campbell, "sworit] 'corroborated | And W x : fun makers, will be at the Opera r. "Lamphe worn, corroborated |, .! yo parents, 'on Wellington street. NEWS OF DISTRICT. Ladies' All-Wool Vests and Drawers, A : House all next week, presenting late | the evidence used by his wife. Baird, N ; : O J 8 a oa} ' : Mrs. Turk and children, of Geneva,| } comedy successes, interspersed © with [he said, had mo provocation what- " fine A ' pe high-class vaudeville. Popular prices |ever, Jor Sting ghe way he did. He Ro lay Hon hi fing Jere, The Tidings From Various Points and Natu al, 99¢ Each. i rovai inees labor de saw the Baird child thr 5 oh s g i i will prevail. Matinees labor day and « row sand on Prof. Turk' went back to "Geneva last in Eastern Ontario. " I esden Saturday. his baby. : Shiki Ketches Tweed entenced T n art i . | week. . Philip Ketcheson, Tweed, sentencec 4 The r good Robert Baird said that two of his a, . to the Central prison for two years i: Tarsg! ) ) » one place you can buy g hill Fames Ferguson. the: ian accide : i 3 ; : c : reliable tooth brushes, Gibson's Red [children were playing in front of the pn BUGON, 4 a cciden- tes . 3 : Yittla - : ' ! , hho ; i; "ie | less one day, for assaulting little We show exclusive decora- Cross drug store. house. One child went into the house tally shot on Wednesday morning, 3s airle was. on Tuesday. taken to the : tions in this beautiful China. The Living' Age for September 5th |and the other came out. Mrs. Camp- improved to-day. The doctors are not | gris, y hie hit " i tell 8 rohit P" now 'very: much afraid of blood pois- | Central to complete his germ. ; draws upon a new source, The Hin-|bell struck both of the children, and oning: * Elvin is bestirring itself in the way . : Sets justan Review, for an article or the | witness said that he told Mrs. Catap- N Fruit "Unrest gH india. Written by a | bell mot to strike his children, or k Miss Lauretia Beaupre, Portsmouth, pn] Da ovements wil be bela - Bal \ x if n ' p & : ember 1 [& p g Comports clergyman at Jubbulpore, it presents | would strike her. He denied the state- Sceompanicd Bex Se ter, is. = Burns, in the school grounds, -the proceeds an intimate view of the subject, in- [ment that he assaulted. Mrs. Camp- Lo up iti oe Bebe, tow vaste] to be devoted to the building of new : Y ou SHOULD BU y Plates dicated by the title, "The Adoles- | bell, He pushed her aside but did nat A --E remain _ a 'few weeks sidewalks. i ' . cence Of An Empire.' strike her. Witness said that Mrs. hi th vy + the General Ho Phe marriage of = Miss Mary Louise It is sufficient for some people that | Campbell struck him, and then called Stal a ort os 3 he te rs tho McCGannon, Brockville, and Acneas ding pifts they drink anything called tea. Others | for her husband. 14 f 38 5. DSSEISUNE, | o fward*MeCormick, ~ of the firm of . EE : : i standard brand like "Sa-| To Mr. McIntyre, witnessed adimit- | Lortsmouth, was improved to-day. Riley & WMéCormack, Calgary, Alta : She-will'be Able to be*removed to her !| $H1E : Ee rE Nat! lada, was a Tod in St. Francis Xavier 4 we prefer a ) C s \ * whieh has a reputation for be- [ted that he had heen ¢onvicted 'in thé home ih a" Tow davs ing good. The latter get more. on- police court of assaulting his wife. Dr: William Bere, House: surgeon at church" on Wednesday, Rev. Dean Mur: S an enher joyment aut of Jie. In buying tea | He had also been before the court for the" Kingston 0 ER AY Ho lA loft ray bfficiating. ¢ " Ce P for the satisfaction you expect to yet | drunkenness, but was discharged. Wit- there tolay having fished hls 2 rh At the ¢lése of last term Miss Arm- J } i siti of from its use; it will pay to purchase | ness also served a year on' the ""In- ' strong retired from the position JEWELLER "Salada Avoid anything "just as | dian list. DY. Beggs will go td Toronto for a teacher of domestic science: in the good. Imitations are. invariably of| Mr. McIntyre asked the witness few W ceks, before going west, where Brockville publi¢ schools Out of 3 ~ . here his' Rttl 1 he "will practice! His friends are Sorry I x if an poor gHality. where his little girl 'was standing at a) 14 several applications thé board has rtp ------ the time of the row." to soe im 1edve the city. ; : chosen' Miss Helen G. Carlyle, Brant- y DIAMOND MERCHANT : 9 "Oni lier owh -- ~-- lot."" said the J. EH. Bardet, Henfrew, niet with ford. 'Ont. to Sdcceed her. - ! Notes From Camp? : ' * Ia serious" nceitlént 'oi Sanday. He was : 2 : y : { 3 . | witness, Ihe following offjoers, Wwarrunt offi "Better be careful of the lang guage preparing to 'take 'a tip it his motor He Met His Fate, . cers and non-commissioned officers | ooo usibg." said counsel Ior the CBT and had' 'attachéd the crank to St. Th 8. Journal Issuer of Marriage ig been taken dn 'the strength of |\(itnegs. Witnoss had become very the engine to btart the machine; whe nA New: Brungwiek gentleman who Licenses : e camp, irom Agus t 31st 2 Lieut, much' excited, Y [the 'rebound of thd hdddle struck his | | mide & fortune Hin Mohtana' mines » A. E. Mae( oll, modical officer, 15th Continuing in the evidence, My. Mé- Hight arm, breaking the large bone of | broke into 'politics dn the conserva- Regiment; List, 32 NE. Boat woud, Intyre, who appeared for the prose- the 'wrist. . tive side, in' his native province, a medigal "othger, (th ment; Dergl.: | eytion, asked witness what he had TT A PY little 'ver a year ago, by buying two . Major J. R.Me Hwan, W.0:, as in been doing -previdus to the trouble. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. | |iberal papers in St. John and turn- structor in signalling; Sergts id. Crow- | «F ay reading a paper," said the -- ing them" over. to the support of ' the 00 ng n ley, C.M.8.0C.; as sergeant mstructor; witness, The Cheese Sold on, Thursday For | consérv ative marty. © The result, as Lance-( orp! : Woodburn, R.C.R., as | "What paper were you reading "' 12ie. might have been expected, was fingn- Has Opened sergeant bugler on supordihate staff. "The Whig, because it. is a good | At the Frontenac cheese board, held | cial Injury to the properties, and he i", orp. R Belch and oti Ross snd grit paper," was the 'reply, and the [on Thursday afternoon, there was Feeenth poapasen of them a 4 Joss Som '¢ ki 3 j Lesjarcins ave been attached le No. ieourt aud lawyers smiled. boardéd, 1,222 boxes of white cheese | © e was afraid if he helc Some "uns Won't kill no matter 2 Cavalry Field Ambulance, for ra Asked by Mr. Mcintyre, witness ad- and 278 boxes of colored. These fac-| on to them much longer his fortune { RI. > essen Pees 5 4 00300 b Bt, »O-O0-000000 Very appropriate for wed- Row al a TYange the sportsman tions mitted striking Mr. Campbell, and [tories boarded : { would disappear more rapidly than he riay h..e. By buying your gun | Lieut. II. 0. Lawson, R.O., has been [said he gave him "a -- ---- good | White--Battersea, 100; Elm Grove, | made 'it. Toronto - also has * an here places the responsibility up- {attached to the 5th Battery, C.F.A.. one." a 70; Cold Springs 100: Excelsior 60- | example of a similar nature. The on your accuracy. | during the camp Charles O'Reilly, 37 Clergy street, | Glenbuinie, 114: Glenvale. - 101: Gilg public will stand for a strongly par- For each. Gun we sell can be aid Mrs B CR a5 i nnhY ka 5 wtimer | tizan journal that it Knows is honest, A full hi f H r for > bod The | said he saw Mrs. Campbell strike at | Edge, 25; Hinchinbrooke, 50: Latimer, u ine 0 osier y ior everyboay. 1© thoroughly tried hefore leaving : id oo Mr. Baird. Baird pushed her aside. Wit- | 180: Morning Star. 42° Pine Hill, 130. | but it has no use for journals whose our store and each gun guarau- To Resume Civic Business. ness denied Pasitively the statement | Rose Hill, 75: Sand Hill, 90: Seaburn partizanship is dictated by the money best Hosiery quality and reple te with Next week, the civic committees will |, . - = . ' behind them. teed. . Bid that Baird grabbed hold of. Mrs. [80: Wolfe Island, 43; McGrath's, 30; | Pet : y » Shells, U.M.C resume their regular sossions. 'The | Campbell. Ha did not seo Baird com. | total, 1,22: 3; Me : eT : : splendidly good values, among which are Loaded Is, JM. oy city counci wi resume its regular 7 BRE . ole A rir ax, swe: Telan An Unwillin ribute. i E 3 * » Wi ; he t El i meetings on Monday, September 14th, mt ot paanaalt Pehe Mrs Camphell a retrial, Fins Lawrence, 8 Toronta News ? the following excellent values : x mcnesters, y S. = Ri AR TL : | No sane person pretends that no- ds The ve the ake ot [imposed a fine of $5 and costs upou [Silver Springs, 75; McGraths, 50; | i has 1 ot ay 'lay = AM sizes, kept. im stock, both ess i a Past | Baird, and had him bound over to | total, 279. " "| thing oi national value hos deen ac: Ladies' Plain Cashmere Hose in Fast. Black white and Black powder. complished by the liberal adminis- : few years. The works and property keep the peace oa i dine oi 3 p the peace. Ihe bidding opened at 12c., and 8] tration. Only a mad 'partizanship all sizes, 25¢ Per Pair. do this past summer s . | WwW. A. Mitchell S, YACHT CRUISING RACE board, with the exgeption of Arigan. | of its achievements. . The British pre- Ladies' Plain Black Cashmere Hose with 3 S56, committees have had a good deal to - SE 21a i i2ic. Mr. Murphy secured the whol would deny the advantage of certain i 3 DWARE Poth Ae The following motion, moved by} ference the railway commission, the 85 Princess 8b, HARDWAL - The Public Arvest, th th | TO the Foot of Wolfe Island oh TOMh McGrath, was carried: | Lemieux et, the extension of the In- spliced heels and toes, 35c Per Pair. 1c public seems O agree with the 3 4 8 ere are severe satesmen | * ad 30 abe x ; Whig that the new dome to be erected | , : ¥aturday. , who belong to this board who are} Jortolonial Jullvay 2 Nontreal, the to Dial 5 : A HINT TO SHAVERS on the city buildings skould be in The Kingston , Yacht Flvhe Sanus} selling their cheese off the board fig, | UPD Vain ol or ti : En ner Ladies Plain Black Cashmere Hose, in all 1 fet t keeping e structhre « it | Labor day cruising race will be held |, 450 ¢ the ruling price of this! Par Sue siaiiol i RH , \ Ae 111 te » cariv hi BS Safety Razo ke pi 2 with the fuetare, "hat oan on. Saturday afternoon. The race will Bory ad ny bu EL ale | [Far tment of imuitration, all and | sizes and a very fine thre ad, suitable for carly 330 . ¢ EE Ihe down fo" the foot of Wolle Island: | pan calling. their cheess his Q Ms Srequl. le depariment . of | rear FOR 25 CENTS. | The people - do not) want a botched and it is hoped to have a number of Ren it re hie cheese iu this man | | agriculture has been well administer- fall w ear, 49c Per Pajr. . nta \ Good work has been done by the Get one and try it: { dome, but one that will be a credit to | ed. the power boats accompany the fleet. 1 > 1 I } | the ¢ ity. A ot : . 4° {and, whereas, the board has unsue-| 4 0 genartme nt. There have been » A. STRACHAN l The boats are divided iio two class. cessfully 'endeavored to have those some Bin results from the heavy ex- : me : es, and will start with a handicap as Joijexmen sell: their cheese on the | penditures on the militia : { s John McLaughlin, Deseronto has They Want More Light. follows : board, be it resolved, that this board | - : | . been committed for trial on a charge Some of the residents at the head ask the patrons whom those salesmen | | a of stealing goods and money from an |of Arch street, are complaining that Class 1. represent, to urge their salesmen to MUNICIPAL MATTERS. : 4 i sufficient Jight in that If Fair Wind. If Head Wind {sell their cheese » board to the | i : : , 299 90) . . on the © '@ V'%! School Trustees Should Have! old man who lives near Deseronto. It | there is not is alleged that there aré two other [vicinity at night, It is stated that | Teapi starts. ; 2.99.7 {highest bidder. " pel ; ! patties, in addition to McLaughlin, | lanterns have been used by some of | Kathleen ... a: 2.3 2% Council's Qualification. Big... ... -. 2. 2.1 Barge Winnipeg Daraaged. Toronto, Sept. 3.--The Municipal As- sociation has decided , that it is not concerned in the case the citizens. a Chiriya... ... ... 2.4 2.1 St. a . Atharines, Sept. 3.-- Between -- ---- } advisable for that body to recommend any change in the systems of munici- Ta re | five 'and six o'clock. last nig ght, as the | barges Winnipeg and Ungava were en- es . ' . rr yal ting. tes ms were car- Oweeneo . starts Oe . | tering Port Dalhousie, in tow of the |P! andi Mf Resolution were car ' x ried in favor of the construction of a provincial police force and urging : Freda... ... ... 2 | tur Bartlett, the hich wind drove the 4 taby- Grand... 5 2: (Winni ins east' pir, PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHES {fn «55% 335 Winsioow sation tie sore pit and 00002 Wd hott bo kes 89000000000 anssannase Fereirtsrserreneens So. Finish on line: between light house |water-line, and she is leaking badly. |!" favor. of 'the thorough enforcement --- ¥ =" |of railway taxation. The association L fic ' Be dr and buoy. She is now in Port Dalhousie harbor, supported a proposal that the qualifi- |} ¢ Ye bis Very Soft Fine Kid, hide scicgpna no heels. Black Kid and Red Kid, All sizegin stock Pale Blue, Pink and Tan. To order aly. Price $1 25. "Hira Bho Toockett Shoe Store. New Stock of Trunk and Bags received to-day. -- sesvesesescvesse and will probably 'have to be docked. cations of ~ ws candidate for the posi- Ti » 7 | A FAULTLESS WENT TO CAMP I tion of school trustee should be the - h . . , | Baseball : On Wednesday. same as those for a member of the oA ¥ Soon : And Thus Escaped Being Deporied | Eastern « league--Providence, 2: Bul- | couneil and the option should be given / PEL = : By Immigration Inspector. falo, 0. _. u_ |to elect trustees by the general vote, gE : Vmmigration Inspector Peter Devlin | American league--Detroit, 5; ( leve- with the assent of the electors. W¢/ have ready for-your inspection all the Correct Styles, has just deported fybm Belleville, three {land, "3. Washington, 3: Boston, 2.|° A motion that no member of a joint in Meh"s and Boys' Apparel for Fall and Winter season of Hritisk families. he men were ac-|Philadelphia, 5; New York, 2. Chi- [stock company doing. business with a 1908-9. - companied by ' thelr wives and" chil- 1"%aj 4: St. Louis; 1. ., |couneil should be allowed to become From the Best Clothing Manufacturers. We have gathered dren. oF " Rational leagte - Philadelphia. : o a member of that eouncil was defoat- there Choicest Models. Auother man was to have been de- Broo lyn, 2. hicago, 8; St ouis, 0. Jad. A motion in favor of the amend- ] . ported with the rest. but he joined Pittsburg, 8: Cincinnati, ©. ment of the municipal act to exempt | 7 y the 49th Regiment and came to Bar- | * Wiiicipalities from finbility for dun | ; ¢ S40 : field. and thus escaped. He will ages as the result of accidents on the We want you to fegl, that it's a pleasure' to do your vid trip to the eoiat alter the Very Cold At Camp. highways was carried. { trading here. That every feature of your purchase will camp. is over. | 'Last night as awfully voll for the Controlier Hopewell, Ottawa. intro- | have our closest and m ost exacting attention. The man | deported ones appeared quite. | fetont at the camp on Farrieheld | jused a. resolution -thsposing that -- with only a few dollars will be as well treated as the man (~ Te OD Ea op WEE Heights." Even some who had strvad legislation should be asked for to pro- - with a million. Ours is a store for everybody. . i BL { through the South African war found jc ide that no municipal feanchisc , : ' the coelnéss disagreeable. It was bard) (ting the use of the public strents, ! Two "Indians" Summoned 4 g pu ee " ® : for many to sleen, it was so chilly. | Gould he granted exept on the vote Two men who were placed on thie {The soldiers ate hoping there'll be no | ¢ tha property owners, but it was "Indian list, have been summoned { more nights so cool whils camp lasts. [1 ot A resolution carried in favor of | to police court. One case will be | | the repeal of the Conmee act. ge -- ss | | \V INGS i "ON"'S heard tosmorrow, and the other on Likely Tory Candidates. . : ' Saturday' §: ' In local conservative circles. four In the pine forests of Nei Bh 0n- ~ . fare mentioned as possible. candidates | tario, only half the usual logging will Where the Good Clothes Come rom. Last Of The Season. in the coming | fede] tlection They | he done this. year. Millions Rt Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Steamer Ame- fare: Mayor Ross H.W. Richardson, lamber are held hy every mill in those vica tours the. Thousand Islands, Boe. |T. J, Rigney and James A. Minnes. |parts, . - z ---- 4 0s00cseococcs recone ANAARGO GOERS AS i = AA A AA A AAA PN *reemxsessencessonsne i

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