Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Sep 1908, p. 3

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We' are receiving and placing on display the "wery newest Fall shapes and models in the Corset world, and they cer- tainly make as goed a showing of good Hénest comfort as you could wish to see. The latest ideas ae here in many shapes, | and styles, graced lines, per fect workmanship comfort and satisfaction all combined in our New Autumn Models. BOC, gic. , $1.00, 1.25, 1. 50 © "to $3.00. 8 "Warm "Golf Jackets vd At no time of the year 4 €¢an you get more comfort from a Golf Jacket than the early Fall days and nights, handy to ) slip on, 'on a chilly "evening when going out, or in the house Try one and 'be tenvinced, Navy, | Red, Green, White, and in co mbined colors, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. before the fires are started. La Crumley ° 2 0X hoor "Mm THE BAILY BRITISH WHIG, = : NEWS OF. REIGHBORS WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND: |. ENTS TELL US. L Ben--" The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing Aad What They Are Saying. Morven Murmurings. Morven, Sept. '}. Threshing .is the otder of the day. It has been a very dry 'tgle | these' Tat to weeks. Mr. and MS. Smith" have Béen visiting their daughter, Mrs. German Yallen, 4 and Rave Toturnéd home a Mr, Smith iy improving nicely Sag. {Jey prefiched herd on Sunday morning. | vere is good pasture gow and there {is lots of corn in the country. Mrs. { Henry Young Js very ill with fever. Mis. Uh Ed Zone to the west and heft sorl-m-Wow; Damoh © avvison, hay gone' with hor to pay a visit)" YT . PRICES t Two Ladiés Dead! Chantry, Aug. 27.--The 'threshing machine is again in our midst remind- ing us that the summer is past. A number from here have gone on the harvest excursion to the west. Frank Harrison made a business trip {rough here last week. A large num- bor from here attended the funeral of Mts. Pureell, Delta, daughter of Wil- liam Chant, of that place." Miss Julia Alford © passed away last Fri- day, August 2lst, after many vears of suffering fram cancers. She was a {daughter of the late Hiram Alford, of {this place, and aged fifty-five years. | Miss Emma Elliott, trained yurse, Brockville, is visiting fiends here at present, ------ Items From Lapum. Lapum, Sept. 1.--Mre. 4. C. Davey, {accompanied by hék mother, and {daughter, Ruby, ave spending a week {at her sister's, Mrs. William Brad- {shaw, = Harrowsmith. p Wesley | Brown is on the sik Atnold Brown ahd Allen" Reid ave operating their steam thidshir jn this Sectioil Mrs. H. Rosé "wha calling on friendd in" Westhrooke, Monday. Mr" anid Mrs. Levi Brown visited on Sunday {last with Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. x Sidney Bush is visiting a at™ devham, Melville Snrith, Wosthrook, spent last' Sunday here with Edwin Bell. Mr. and Mrs: B. Rose spent last Sunday with Mr. Rose's sister, Mrs. J. Powley, Cataraqui. cen. Kicked By A Horse. { Ardoch, Sept. 1..~Threshing order of the day, and many oi farmers réport grain light this vear, owing 10 the dry, hot weather. The new bridge across the Mississippl here is now completéd, and much credit "is being given Delbert Godkin, who. was overseer of the york. An secident ocurred wear hare, fast week, when 1). Kellar was kicked in the breast hy one 'wof his horses. Over twenty. minutes elapsed' before he recovered, conscrousness: John! Fraser leit here, vesterday morning, on' an extended visit to friends in the United is the the as being very 'A"Snap of a Life Time To Furnish a Home: Bias. Visitors : Misses Ethel Schultz ane' Eves, Sat. J. Perve's, Si; WW, edd at. W. J. Fraser's: J. Derue Jr., at J. Schultz's, Plevna. News Of Sydenham. BIGSTOCK COMPANY "SATURDAY, SEPT. 5TH. Mathes at: 2.39. a '8.13. ic Production in Play Po : wt Now Engikng Story Bre And Mason's Corner Folks. : "Ome great big lau, from begining to 'ead, and the ho. love st Bo ho. = Bntinets To oe." vk Evening, Sedts now on sa One Week, Commencing Sept. 7 Matinees Labor Day and Saturday. GEO. H. ne Monday Magince, - Monday Great ae HE ERNE $ I : Change of play and Wpetiaitics nightly. Pr : hee of ar 1c. and 20e. a. 10c., aoe., 30c. Seats on sale "Friday. (LAKE ONTARIO PARK ) TO-NIGHT 5 T5F 5% u Fre ce Si a 3:90. ¢ Show 0. Class: Vaudeville New Moving ictures. Latest Ilustriited 'Songs. Saturday, Children's 1 Cent Day on Cars. month's vacatian = With their father, C. Stem end numerous other friends at their old home, intend to réturn to the 'capital in a few days. Mise Map- da' Daechsel and her brother Freder- fick, have left for Fganville, to attend high school, during the present Term. nd Mrs. Charles Fritsch started yesterday Jor New Liskeard, where Where thoy intend to locate pernfam- ently" Bath are natives of this place, with many: friends here, who regret their removal very much, but wish them luck and prosperity in their new home." Quite a number of our inhabi- tants areimow daily engaged in ficht- ing bush fires, which are raging in'all directions, and Wave already dose con- siderable damage, burning hay, fences, ete. As yét no homesteads or occapi- ed buildings have been destroyed near here, but with the prevailing hat and dry weather and soaroity of water in many places it will be very difficult to prevent further damage, ---- Newsy Keelerville Budget. Keeler ville, Sept. 1.~"he weather is very, dry pod smoky. Riin is! needetl 'much pasties. The wells are early ) ye, Harvesting iN' hearly finished 3: crop Wd Hoht!' James Boal and Harold Stébth 1ée for the west Jast week. "Séhbol again, with a good attendance, The | Sunday" school inténds holding al lawn 'social shortly. Some from here went = the esvursion to the #hou- od Tolighels on" Sftirdey fasts J. FL. Vioottian; of 'Sunderland, has a assisting' J. BE. Anglin with his is opened | AT THE BIJOU. STRONG YOUNG MAN door GAY as eek! Gi sped scr weak: Nh Te A SALESMAN NF ; Nel 4 University St, SERVICES OF 'AN ENE ic, ei able man, wy local representative for the sale i a + ampunt of Treasur in a + ¥ ea pede iG POA 143 Caner Bt, iia ve LO MEN, A%® RS. A% uNcE fy Ly each AH with 7 rig or Sapable o of h ing horses to advertise and introduce our stock and Joultry opeialties Hence necessary 0s 'a werk and Position permah perménent. Arite W. T so oe Manufacturing Col, London, Ont. WAN TED-FERALE. "Whig office. FIE INSURANCE E TUKS, a! E Ee Dae & oe Tr Seek: 0 To fy SP i'l i at Whit ITY TO TAD ES. Pgs JOB CLEANING Ens OUT OF carted. rds or cel or es right. ly 2aytle, Gen- ).. rafal Carter, 3% TEENOGRAPHERS, cL fas = A oly TEACHER, de® cert Treg Pein an and salacy i Ont. GENTLEMEN TO roe THEIR WINTER year's HOUSE OR conveniences, neighborhood pred ned oop SL 0 cham. ER HOUSE APP RS.' GAR- USE MAL Be Hson Red MM A GOOD GE Mrs. Jas. A MAID FOR. GENERAL a) laundry sent out, good wages. Apply to 179 karl street. ERP eid, 23 COMPETEN' T Apply 207 C SERVANT, WELL RECOM- Apply in the evening to Mrs. 244 King St. | FOR HaLy DAY, DAILY, an to" dé bedroom work. Wi jam street. A GENERAL mended. Kilborn, COOK AND HOUSEMAID, AT. ONCE. Raferenges required, Apply 2 Emily St, after. 8 o'clock in the evening. QO GROK, AMMEPIATELY, ENGLISH or, Scotch, preferred. Good. references, ' good 'wages. Apply: 'Whig Office. DAILY 'GOVERNESS, ONE WHO UNDER- stands primary work preferred. Address by letter, giving qualificatigns." E. F. He Whig office, SITUATION WANTED. SERVANTS, EXPERIENCED, Irish, arriving weekly If you need a ser: Guild, 71 Drummond DOMESTIC English, Sceteh; under supervision, vant, write The St., Montreal. | turned and ade he our Paes Lon FE § ha ilar, 131 Teock at Ly next to MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAMBER tars es = ho i tt aso Teonsiant 'practice. te course ler Barber C MUEIC, MISS GERTRU DE R. CRAIG, TEACHER piano and theory. ils 'prepared for exams. of Toronto Conservatory. Ad: dress 109 King St Abn Tre Clay 36° 301. ae 45 SITY. AVE, BRICK ELL WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, i MOD- . t board, | 188 GRACE sLovaH, AT.CM., GOLD edallist. Teach piano ond theory: Pupils prepared : No Aoronto onserva- tory examinations." Apply at 83 Earl St. cluding extension kitchen, MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER OF pianoforte playing (»irgil Clavier Meth od). For information address 332 Queen St. Autumn term opens September 1st. MONEY AND BUSINESS, © OVER MORE QF contents than any other | Examine them at God. Emporiuse, OUR POLICIES building" and company offers. win's Insurance Square Market | | car, { LOST. GOLD BROOCH, WITH NUMBER 26, either on the way to, or at Lake Ontario Park. Finder plese return to Whig office BANK. BOOK, ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, between Thomas * Mills' office, « Clidrcace St, and: Weeke's, Photegraphers. Finder kindly, \Jeave; at Whig office, LONDON AND GLOBE ire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Form and City property insured at low: est possible rates. Before renewing old or guing nm business, (get rates from Strange & SWehge Agents. 'Phope 568. LIVERPOOL, PERSONAL. FOX PERRIER, answering to the name of August 24t Pleast return Mesealte, 855 Brock St, and TAN, AND WHITE yeaning, collar, Duke," on to H. receive rewa FOUND. HAIR) MOLES, BIREHMARKS, AY ARTS, gle. removed permanently, without scar. Twenty years' experience. DF. Elmer | Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Blentish Speciahist, 258 Hagot street, ~ MARRIAGE LICENSES. A: PURSE CONTAINING A SUM OF Apply 'Whig: Office. money. John Robb hay agency the past week. a number of / min 'helping putial se EH ---- C. 8S. KIRKFATRICK, ISSUFR OF MAR. riage Licenses, 42 Clarence ry ® Se Fee CE Geo. Chi ence strect. STORE OX KIN NIN Wh hig G STREET, ne OQINING ro SU A TWO ROOMS, ONE LARGE FRO hom. iftished oF rfid 2 SADT neen' 8 Mo Be ar 2 he s a lege iy Box Whig, = FROM OCT. 1, ~BR » Division ICK RESIDENCE, street, with twelve rooms, in. hot water Bago at 170. a 181 beatng, bath, * vision street. SEPT ETRMBER 18 the business i Wk thie - of | Prific wk streets, lately occupied wh Nis A Felix Shaw, 115 tioner, ply St, Kingston, Out. ON Bagot ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, Queen ant ARCHITECT, OFFIC K, Bagat Streets. | HENRY Pr SMI, ARCHITECT, ETC, Snchor Building, "Market Square, i ARCHITECTS, MER. ing, corner Prock and Phone 212. 1 POWER & SONS, chant's Bank Bui Wellington streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARC HITECT, OFFICE second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corn Princess and Bagot streets: Ene trance on Bagot 'street. 'Phone 608. BUSINESS CHANCE, FHORQUGHLY COMPETENT YOUNG office man would invest $200.00 with ser- s in established business, Creden tials exchanged. Former resident wishes to return, All gammunications tr aid in 'strict confidence. Mddress "Folges, | 143 Washington - St., Buffalo, N.Y, "Phone * As our Big. Mid-Summer. Sale i still booming. Making room for ou Fall Stack everything reduced. ? A again for everybody. Law$ Sydenham, Sept, 2A party = of | ment flooi #i' the 'basdment of his ow thirty ' young = people: went up-to | barn this wesk, Amey's Landing on Monday evening, J. RB. Anglin expects to tommence where they enjoyed a chicken stew. work 'on the réd' next: week in Miss Kathleen Joyce will go to Ot- Mr. how | filling Mr, Ddller's place as mail clerk, [Mr. Doller being on his vacation. Miss THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT { Daisy M¢libnald has left for Toronto, exs also Amey Benn. Mr. Checkly. i jit An- REV. ip ar CASSON, iss Dry Wood! Verandah # than cost. = Pay height. free. Store open nights, at JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker." "Phone, 147. sugimer - goods Meds Picking tawa in a few days to attend Normul College. Miss Pear! Switzer; of * Wil- ton, is "the of Effie M. Clow fo this week. Miss Pearl Sills was home over Sunday. Mrs. N. Fellow, of Na- pand®, is visiting her numerous friends {in and outside of the village. Mrs. {W. J. Shibley and family have return- jed home. High school re opened, yes {terday, with quite a large attendance {Miss Decan and Miss Raker, | teachers, returned on Monday guest former evening Our clothes- values are 7%, : easy 'fo see. Field: glasses ftemot npeded to see the fine points of perfection in the kind of clothes we sell. Style, Fit, and ery detail of Fine Tailoring aye there inginy «. out. If better 108 ah iA bd 1hiRE, thif stdre would have them. We especially intite particular dress- ers and men who never wore, Ready-Made Clothes to see ours. Sa . . ~ Prices $10, 12, 12.50, 15.00, 16.50, 18.00, 20,00 and 22.00. E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING C 114 PRINCESS ST. [to resume their work, Miss Dunlop, teacher of form four, has entered up- her duties. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest of. Gans Anogue, were calling on friends last on | Spencer, evening ~ Pleasant Valley Notes. Pleasant Valley, jare through harvesting, {wheat and late oats. The the steam' threshers is heard every: { whete now. Some of eur young wien {have gone west, J. Watson "and PP, iE llerbeck being among the fimher. 'Wo wish them bon voyage md a speedy return. - Visitors : Mrs, Georoe Mclvor, attending the funeral of sister, the late Mgs. N. Switzer: My and Mrs. Carr and Master Garnet, [Camden East, at E. Hughes'; Miss %. A. Barr spent Sunday at her home Jane Ellerbeck visited her. sister Toronto reeently: E. Hughes and Miss V. Ashley at Camden East. The [home of Mr. and Mrs. F was {the scene of much rejoicing on the {evening of the 27th ult , it being the anniversary of Mrs. Bradiord's natal day. E. Hughes has improved his house a balcony, with cement foun- dation. O. Kerr and T. Lambert were the mechanics. I. J. Curran lost a {valuable roadster recently. T. H. [Watson also lost a valuable bovine or |stock animal. Our school has re-open- led with Miss Davis teacher. W, { Babcock has rented his farm, he being junable to work it ewig to ill-health. { Mars G, Barr visited friends at. Osa [Station recently and was accompan- {ied by her little nephew, H. G. Mac- {pherson. Mrs. E. Hughes has just. re- {turned from Mountain Grove, where [she visited her sister, Mrs. D. You mans, and other. relatives. | ' i « } | | | | Sept. 2. ZS Farmers except bitck whistle "of her Joyner by as Denbigh Fights Bush Fires, Denbigh, Sept. --Mrs. F. Chatson, who jor, some bd had been in rath- tr delicate healij, and for a change a couple of mobths vis iting at Mre. A. L. Stein's, at returned home much H. D. Bryan, of Ro- who enjoyed nearly esunty life, visiting at Charles Wienecke's and friends in this vicin- the city again, this 'atly improved by {the change. George Fritsch, : Renfrew, the guest of lis parents, "Mr. and { Mrs. Adolphe Fritsch for a couple of { weeks, has returned to town. Adolphe | Chatson, who has been away for some jvears, is paying a good visit to his | parents and "Othed relatives in {vieinity. Misses Louisa and Martha Stein, Ottawa, who enjoyed a ¢ | apent { her daughter's, | Brockville, has Limproyed, - Mrs, | chester, N.Y., | two months her brother's, other numerous is leaving for [ity, | also © gre | morning, of the pending government money { glin* has 'Been' very successful in get | ting money for the roads: The we. | pairs of fate have been a great | improvement. Rev. Mr. Sparling, of Kingston, preaehed a' week ago Sun- | day to a large congregation. R. J. | Boal has re=roofed his house with steel shingles. Miss Susie Sleeth, Miss Mary Boal, Miss Annie Dixon and Miss Maud "Dixon spent a very pleasant day at Isaac Helder's, with Miss Ada Holder Miss Jennie Clark is home | again after spending a few days at uncle's, Thomas Clarke's Mrs, KR. J. Stanley, visiting at Saylor for a few days, is home again. Miss Lizzie McCutcheon, of Kingston, visiting at David Sleeth's for a month, has re- turned home. Miss (lara Taber, of Athens, has leit for her. home after a two wdeks' visit at J. FB. Anglin's Miss Moroughan, of Secley's "Bay, has left for her home after a few weeks' visit 'at Charles Clark's. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. William Michlroy, "of Seeley's Bay, at John Patterson's; John Hanley and wife, of Milburn, at R. J. Boal's; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, Cedar Lake, at Charles Clark's: Miss Ada Thorne and 88 Irene Thorne, of Lowell, Mass., at J. KE. Anglin's;" William Sutherland and N. Williams, . of Batterddn, at Edward Sleeth's. e 2 th Yarker Yieldings. Yarker, Sept. 1.--The pastures are fast drying up and the output milk has been reduced. considerably. Timber is being prepa#sl for a new flume which was. carritd away during the time of high water. There will be no electric lights until thesffame is built. Charles Joyner. Was imjured while qperating a seli-binder, . his horses dr away and, threwing him off. Peter Vanluven ie having a hall made in the Areade bui 2. Dr. Oldham"s family and B. W, jamin have returned to Yarker. from Syden- ham-_ 'Sine Babcock, harher, . "here, whose place of business 'was badly damaged by water, owing to x fire, has his tomsorial parfow. in! better shape than ever. The Syhday school social was a success. Everton Ember: ly returned to his heme in Montreal. M. Vanluven and family will move. to Winnipeg. A private picnic party of the follow- ing persons had a very pleasant outs | ing: Mrs. John Shangraw; Francis | Shangraw, Mr. and Mrs. © Joseph! Joyee, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Walker | and family, Mr. and Mrs, , Joseph | Amey and. two daughters and son, of | Camden. East, Almer Shangraw, two | children, and, Miss French of Pennsyl- | vania, and Miss Ada Brooks, of Cleveland. Yarker visitors : Miss ton, Sydenham; Be e Montgomery, Auburn, N.Y.: Mrs, Kennedy, To- | ronto; Migs Maggie Mon £1 and Miss Coward, Ringstonig Ruig ht, | { Towa; Miss Trickey, Brockville: . iy William E. Browne, Brockville; Miss| Agatha Babcock, Toronto; Mr. Fer- guson afd son; Montreal: Mrs. 8. Van- dewater, Wagarville: Wiss "Hattie tr | | of | Maria Carl- bd ish, Napanee. Mr. Allaire, Sarnia, is | sad m his holidays. has refit ned f MINISTER' s OTHER ABILITIES Fails and. Manual Labor. Adrian, Mich., Sept. 3.--From testant pulpit to trench, and all because of a weak throat, the story of the meteoric misfortune of Rev. G. B. Clark, who moved to Adrian with his large family two vears ago, and whe has since been performing all sorts of the hardest kind. of manual labor about this city. "I came to 'Adrian just two years ago," said Rev. Mr. Clark, in ex- plaining his "fall." "I had been preaching in the south for three years. Then my voice gave out and I went further gonth, bat my throat got mo better. I' then thought of coming to Adiian and finding some- thing to do to earn some money. | remembered the days of my alma mater the happiest time of my life. 1 remembered thd®kind people and the beautiful little city, and I came here, bringing 'with me wife and four children. "My first work was in Reedsville, W.Va., where I spent a year, whelly interested in my work, doing all 1 could for my parishioners in every way. Then 1 received a call from Ohio, and occupied pulpits for the Voice Tackles Pro- sewer as sO my {next two years in Crawford and Megys counties "Always afflicted throat, 1 began to experince greater difficulty atthe end of first year. During the second the trouble grew worse, and .it was only with difficulty that 1 spoke at all during the last year of my pas- torate. "It was then that I was forced to give up active preaching. I went down south into Florida and spent several months in Alabama, but the shange in climate- did not seem tp have any ei- fect toward relieving the trouble, and 1 geeided to come fo Adrian. I have been doing work 1 could get, includ- ing sewer digging." weak still the year with 4 For An All Day Sail. Take the steamer America for Brock- ville and Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 am; Meals on board." §6c. returm + ---- biel alas dl Liguids witl "keep --ire--eold two hours in a Thermos battle, to see them at Gibson's Red drug store. . A syndicate, headed by Herschell ¥, Jones, proprietor: of Commpreial West, has purchased the entire stock of the Mianenpolis Journal, for $1,200,000. G.T.R. express jumped the track Princeton, Ont, on = Thursday Two persons lightly in: seventy+ Ask Cross 7 morning. 1} jured. 2 : The Alan! turbine steamer Victori- an, from Liverpool, reported, ninety- five miles east 'of Fame Point. It's easy to take things philosophi- cally if there is no expense attached. Buy Abby salt at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. Two Christs. There are two distinctly different views of Christ. deific Tailure, the Goad who died the world that after twenty of life still refuses be saved. there was Christ, human sue the man who lived for a after twenty centuries: of remembers and reveres his is for yow to which one And os to the still fit death name choose more worthy, the more glorious. As a Unitarian, and accept the second. To me Jesus was the man, living nobly, teaching traly, daring grandly, dying heroicly, --a man worthy of my fullest honor and reverence. -- C."W. Boston, Address, Rev. 2% Beacon street, literature. Casson, at Mass., for tl TO CURE DANDRUFF. It IS Necessary That the Dandruff Germi Be Eradicated. "'Restroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the germ that causes dandrufi, falling hair and baldness, you will have no more dandruff and your hair - must grow laxuriantly. lerpicide not only contains the dand- rufi germ destroyer, but it is also. a most delightful hair dressing for regu- lar toilet use. No other hair prepara- tion is on this scientific basis of de stroying the dandruff germ, and wone other claims to be, for the simple reason that it is only recently that a de- stroyer of the/germ has been discov- ered--Newbro's Herpicide, the only hair preparation that actually kills dand- rufi. Sold hy leading druggists. Send 0c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, S0c. and $1. G, W. Mahood, special agent. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF!' TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at "forty-five cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Untario street. The death took place at the Royal Victorian hospital, Montreal, on Wed- nesday, of. H. A. Whitney, for many years connected with the Intercolonial chee. There was Christ, the tor centuries warld that | I definitely reject the first | railway in the capacity of mechanical ' superintendent. : The Alan steamer Bovinthion, from Tod London, for Montreal, has arrived at | Nothing causes so much trouble in the house like wet wood. Wa hive a big stock of ALL KINDS OF WOOD and guarantee the condition of every delivery. wo Orders receive prompt and care< nu | will accept as the more probable, he | ful attention. JAS. SWIFT & CO. COAL and WOOD. 'Thousand Island. &St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Cpunesction with Wow Fark Cone tral & Hudson River ' R.R. Leave Kingston aay, smeept Sunday, 5,00 a.m. and 2.00 is . oa ve Kingston Suhday, 7.80 a.m. and p.m. Fours Gabe Vincent daily, 10.50 amy and 6.15 p. Making oe connecting Vincent fro and from all i olots in in York State. Thigugh sleeper tant to New Yor Week end robng. 'trip rate Bis Watertown, going Satu Sunday, tufiing up to and inc Monday, sn MUSIC. PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE CULTURE JAMES SMALL PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. Organist Mina Choirmaster Sydenham St. Methodist Church. (Late Organist and Choirmaster Si. James' Methodist Church, Montreal and principal Churches, Dundee, Scotland).. £ Studio : 154 Johnson St. Terms od Application; ¥0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS he Serfuct Aa & Ne Co. Kank PAISLEY 8 CRISHOLK, Lessee Ape rea 10 eantract for immedia felivery. ck that wal stand lion at" feasohable rates. Uapavity plant, 30 00 daily. Parquet Flooring ELLIOTT & SON, LIMITED Mapstactyrers, 79 King St. W., Torantos 3 ; i pide as i u ding of ~WRITE --FOR ~HESIGNS ~AND PRICES Sew

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