Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1908, p. 5

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"THE DAILY, BRITISH WHIG, W EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1908. Ir m RAILWAYS HAMPE A -- ---- CELLISELELLLL00000008. Laird, Johnson street, are ' . 9 thar summer at Amherst . § Gold in home from PITH OF THE NEWS. ---- i The Very Latest Culled From An, | { from To ---- . LEPHO STRINGENT LORD'S DAY ACT. NE, 838. ~ d. P. BICKELL & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE LA WLOR BUILDING, TORONTO. CORRESPONDENTS OF FINLEY. BARRELL & Co, this cottage, business come x New York Stock Exchange a. Cotton " 44 Coffee " Produce Chicago Board of Trade Stock Exchange St. Louis Merchant's Exchange Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia Winnipeg Grain and Produce Exchange. CLARENCE CHAMBERS, KINGSTON, ONT. Lily lor " / we . The hostesses at the Yacht Chub ted this afternoon were : Mrs Walter Macnee, Mrs. Herbert Robinson. Mis Lily Norton-Taylor, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss . Lassie Kirkpatrick, | and Migs Norah Macnee im Newlands, W. HECTOR H. HUME, Manager. when about go per Footwear! To Make Room ii a Shige Increase All Summer Footwear at 20 Per Cent. Off. with Miss - as been visit- gone down | few | tory, Miss a re visitor, John's hex >. jolly dinner party at Club, on Saturday William Harty, to There the Frontenac night, with Mr guest of honor, or fo oe Mrs. W. D. Gordon will at. the camp on Friday > ee ae Miss Madelon Carter, West Ir., as | which was months Harold 1 G. Peck, on | es 'ternational Machinist Officer hampering the operation of railvays, to there were two freight vards and but rather sent on to its destination. mission: It was the railway com- of the week as provided as law. W, tain amount of forwarding and mak- the bill operated in f of United cated that a relaying order will be tion of machinists, and who represen- Yivian Mow le | costs in the police court thistmorning gument Before Railway Com- mission on Toronto' Case--In- Fined at Montreal. by Ottawa, Sept. 2.--Argument over the, Lord's Day' act in respect to its was, continued before the Dominion railway commission this morning. H. L. Drayton explained that in Toron- Sunday was occupied in necessary transfers of cars from ofie to another. The work was not "originated" there He had not pressed for conviction .at the police court there, leaving the; matter to be settled hy the com- pany's business to pron ide facilities to conform with the law and arrange to handle its business in six days R. Tiffin, superintendent of the G.T.R. northern division, spoke of the delay and hardships involved unless a cer- lg up were allowed the railways. Other evidence was given showing' the loss to the companies and that favor States lines. The railway board at the end of the enquiry into Sunday: labor indi- granted to the railways conditionally. James Somerville, second vice-pre- sident of the international associa- ted the men in the arbitration pro- ceedings, previous to the present ' me- chanics strike, was fined $3 and 2 on the charge of using insulting lan- guage. It was shown that he had called one oft the present employees a interrupted afternoon visit street is Head, Otter Lake | | } | gc enone HFT MILLION MORE {west came home her® summer in| | . ' . Lethbridge, Alta, on Monday. " IQ Yi Over The World, . | - ; 8 Jr She Mrs, x Buchanan and ehil-] TO BE ISSUED IN STOCK BY ng Bee Allan line, inward, BY THE / tdeeh, of Grand alley, who have for i : T Bwili ht' 'the past two weeks been A Wer THE C.D, Re | The two-year-old son of Duncan Me- g 8 ichigus bother; Mr. A. A. Jor {Lean, Roduey, was--drowned in a cis- p dan, principal of Victoria school, at| Total Stock Will Then Amount tern. : : . EAPIFIRBBRIF III Iver ; ral : "Bastview,"' on to Two Hundred Million | he village of Sasahec, Rimouski f we xs of » N NTORCE Fiver Dh iy, Quebec, as 0st wiped o At the/ croquet party in the ity) e bhdnks of the Ht, Ja rence Fiver, | August Canal Shipments Show hy Se y out park, Sesterday, Mrs. 1D. Phelan's returned home this week. Big Wheat Increase. | Earl Grey has curtailed his trip on ia Hos 20 ' i 8, 2s at, leit on Fuesday for Toronto for aitant item of ) to : before | The sulbit: of De 8 Pp Pbk. y ughion Aan rs. hard | vicit ol two weeks. the shareholders of the Canadian Pa-|{ « pull : or ark Presb) Haoder. Mrs Campbell Strange ask- | Mes. Thomas. Muir and her baby! cific railway at 'the annual meeti j terian church will be declared vacant, Zo Mane Frsdcis: Nacuue, Mis Helere| went up, yesterday, to Hamilton. |e be held on October 7th, wili be the | 1&Y- b. - Hossack adhering to his I aser and Miss Nortan-Tay Mrs. Henry Bawden, Clergy street | consideration of the request of the resignation. . fo-play with her, {hac decided to join her sons in Leth- [directors to authorize the issue of | , Ine Yorkshire Post severely criti- i bri Alberta, and will leave King- [850,000,000 additional common stock. | 1%es Hamar Greenwood for his re- ston about three weeks or a | This will bring the total authorized | marks regarding. Englishmen and the month, Miss Susie Bawden will\ re- sue up to $200,000 M0 of common | Anglican church: B : . main here but Miss Lucy will go with stock, the $£150,000,000 previously au-| Ihe station at Afton, N.Y, on the her mother, | thorized having been about used up. | Delaware & Hudson railroad, was 'en. } Mr. and Mrs. James Bute and their | It is not stated in the official an. | tered by burglars and robbed of about | family are coming back to the city nouncement that it is the intention to | $1,500 worth: of goods of: various : - - p- { from Wolfe Island. . issue any part of th* additional fifty |"1RAS. oN Mré. William Newlands, Bagot street, | we ue | millions "at the present time, but the | John Ronan, bursar of the Epileptic will receive on Friday, September 1th. | Mrs. Allen D'Orsay was expected | issue will He made from time to time | hospital, Woodstock, Unt., dropped Her daughters, Mra Percy Murray, of [from New York, to-day.' to. visit her as the directors deem th: circumstan- | dead on Wednesday without the shyght- Ottawa, and Miss Frances sisters, Mrs. George Warner, at | cos necessary. : jest warning. He came from Pene- of New York, are with her "Heathfield," and Miss C. Barnum at | Canal shipments. for August show a | tanguishene. - "The Avonmore." | remarkable increase in wheat ship-| One of the oldest buildings in eas- Chere 'will be a tennis luncheon on| Miss Agnes Campbell has returned | ments over the same month last vear. | tefn Ontario, the old Craig tannery, Thursday, to-morrow, from the west to on with her | A large percentage of the increase is | Cdrnwall, was gutted by fire and an thirty of the girls will be present studies at the Collegiate. United States aThin from western | adjoining tenement house had the up- and play tennis after. Luncheon will Miss Louie Fowler has states through Chicago and Duluth. | Storey destroyed. be at one o'clock. [to Peak's Island, Maine, Other grains show a large decréase. | Frederick C. Martin, a prominent - * | Grist, of Ottawa, who h Corn particularly has dropped off the | Woodstock, Unt., citizen, died Tuesday Mrs. J. O Crisp has asked ing Mrs. Fife owler. { figures. The records show wheat ship- [night from the efiects of mnjuries sus- people to tea at St Miss Lizzie Geale was in town this | ments of 3.671,820 bushels compared | tained in falling or being thrown off a to-morrow, to meet f week, on her way to Rochest from [with 1,811,019 in August last vear. [Street car several weeks ago. Mr. Kellogg, of Halifax. visiting Mrs, John Geale, Renfrew Oats. however. fell from 647.359 to | Martin was a lawyer and a pro- » | a .- . 153,000 and corn from 375.000 to nil, |minent Mason. , : was a Miss lair, Union street, has{and other grains in proportion. { James E. Taylor, a lineman in the | Zone up Amherst Island. | Judge Cassells. convened his court {Heat & Power company, 1s: at the Miss Katie Fowler, Brock street, is | in thid - city, this morning, for the | employ ol the Auburn, N.Y, Light, back "from Toronto. | purpose of resuming the enquiry into | City hospital hovering between life Mes. Nixon and Miss Hasler of New | the department of marine and fisher- {and death, and the physicians are not give a tea | York, are now at Amherst Ssland, { some | able to predict the outcome. 'Taylor | their way to Mrs AYO {came in contact with a live wire. {in Picton. YGarside. who married Emeie | While the survey is not complete on i Mr. Stuart Dobbs in town in. Ottawa, on January 13th, | the Canadian steamer Neepewah, Miss Florence Williamson 'is at sent the guest of Mrs. Robert ser, Union street Mr. Edward Birkett, s home from Idaho possible Mrs. John Rowlands is staving with ain, Mrs. James Lesslie, William street. - - home from Toronto [ 1908, has been arrested on a charg Miss Mabel Dupuie, visiting her aunt, Mi "Elm Brook." Mr. William land on Mondas that he may in October, with his wife and baby Mrs. H. Bates, Hales much that a long drive, yest Milly Ferris Joseph Walkem in Watertown, John. Prooke Wolfe Island to-morrow Charles who pre St Fra- Loui is C. Harmey but it is probable that be the eventual crime ise said have in- Yorkshire, Eng | organization, will Garside :: Bagot street, bigamy letts returned to Cleve |i night It is be down this way charged to a wife and family a | » Cottages Mr. J Skinner ws able ta Montréal for a S from ------i to | Beateh By St. Louis, Cubs Yield Position. was again 18 was up week-end visit 'Maitland House." with The Rev. (i McArthur, who | | i Wai | been in England for some time, | 4 Baseball interest | heen of a Presbyterian | heat, Tuesday, with home | ¢turch in Barrie, Vermont, and with {fighting for the National League lead McArthur, who has heen spend- | ership action, and two of them the summer in Miss Machar's | Paving double-headers | honse, on Sydenham street, left, ves-| With less than a game the states : first and third positions, a Hugh Osler up to ' 1 | shake up was easily 'possible on Monday, and joined Mr | As it who is down from Winn i voung people are i tl Harty-Kery wedding In dale," from the farm {NM J. J. Harty, the Hon A number of Kingston people receiy- | Harty and the proom-to-he invitations to the reception to yesteplay. given at "Rathnally," Toronto, Mes, JJ. K. Kerr, in honor daughter's wedding { Miss Mair, of Toronto, are Miss Pearl Morton, of Winnipeg, will | Mrs. H. Hubbell's, come to town next week to visit Miss | Miss Muriel A -- who has Nr. and Mis mother, Ms Hubbell, will Place,"" came Y to stay with Mrs their holiday. Browne, at the "Cedars," Tw | Cove 2 Mr Grout, of [been in town for a few days | Miss Loucks returned to Ot |p' L | Rochester, tawa Monday 6: sO hetter she wi fo rd Miss Mrs kem Mrs from ay 1s staying 1a while Mi N.Y will is given - charge In in oe oe | Ing kinson been . Wil has Bessie Smythe, Mr Marie, niece, town Mrs Sault Ste | his | terday, {or leave] Mrs | ronto, | Dalé; of visiting decided will went To iss was, the important fall of Chicago, to a to-morrow John Bell beaten by St third place double-header the and her Annan Carruthers ipeg for was the and [ Louis, fr William | Pittsburg went up [from Cincinnati and back at { the om second rs winning gaining seq ond position New York's victories top slightly lengthened the club standing of this morning, ed 2 dos wool a Leavitt, of rockville, Ovi lead of the two of an | | i street, | of Ottawa, her grand former I'he clubs, Club leave, this | New York Bernard Pittsburg Hamilton's | Ghicago guests a the three leading is: Won. Lost. 71 15 % 17 is Bagot Hubbell, been visiting 3 | P.C $ R Waldron, "Arthw home | WeeR, last week from | 605 | 597 ad "oe that town James Omemee, has | League--Montreal, 2; Balti- Providence, 4; Buffalo, 0 2; Jersey City, 0. Newark, 1 League--Cleveland, 1; De York, 4-0; Philadelphia, 6; Boston, 0 Chi Mrs Fastern till Adam October all | | it i Shortt She will he loss sections of life--social, terary, musical, philanthropic Miss | Muriel Shortt will remain at Quéden's and after k Master Shortt will I. fellow he been entered at Trinity lege school, Port Hope Mrs Hugh. Maephdrsor treet, returned to town last week I'he Rev. Alexander Laird and Mrs probalie will be the Kingston's in . Grace greatest to on l'oronto, American 0. New . . "oe i Mrs. Capt. Mills, Universit¥ avenue, | { returned op Monday from an extended! rail } visit at North Bay and other point. 3-1. Washington pea o, N 3 « 8. 3 Miss Roberta Macdonell, Brock ] 2 1 fi Louis, 3 street, has returned after } ationa eague ew home ? a delightful visit of threa weeks with | Boston, 1 0. I hiladelphia, ' i Hymn, 2.9, 8t Chic her sisters in Brooklyn. N.} Mrs. Arthw ham and 10-4; Cincinnati I Nora (Gordon, came {day, from Toronto {+ Mrs. Iva Martin, Miss Phyllis and | will the next wes Girorgee he a N 8 St has Col York, 48 Brook Johnson | Louis, 5 0. | Miss | Pittsburg, Mon Cunnin SMELTING WORKS, home, on Underwood," with Miss Charlie Short, | The Building at Deseronto Total- the ly Destroyed. > be home end of week | from Metis During an Do You Know That a pretty Bill-Head, or Ietter-Head is a good advertisement ? | Deseronto, eledtyic storm, work Sept. . Halloway MeParland Lo-morrow 's -- | dell and Mr. | | Fred up Foront i for wedding, and {at the dinner given by Mr. .J in honor oi the graom-to-be linm Harty My A Miss Bess P.E.1 Corby, Mrs York, Mrs Mrs £3pello. and to New ri last nigl the smelt by i struck destroyed | - Wad went M: ny owned ' to ht bir by lig I'he being company were stotally shed purpose of had past were "ron were | . ming and odio {broke out built for of New York and | large supply : "| works. whicl months which was of charcoal in a Mr the storing a he iron Lapenses E. West. are visiting Alwingtor Edward Lo to-day, to vi Allaire Shortt Shortt 's been closed down ie of Charlottetow: Mr. and Mrs. R t were being ted to testruction tor live ted any A HANDSOME BILL-HEAD WE CREATE, not copy We give you finest work at lowest prices, and the reason is that we have every facility and the most modern styles of type. If you want a nice piece of printing-- come to us,--we do it proniptly. out and st very expe Their . the stree soon is to W arrived from New " whter Otterburn w eat loss town they the pected run it her a da only orks whicl were ily two ton Mil to-da Vi gnoring known whet but | round not | works i re | thought to Cine, returned built, fu Ne be doub 1 Folger | onmore taken Miss Mg he 1s rooms | Fell And Cut His Face Morgan, deck Iransportatior met with boat it Mh Mar tawa Mrs hope Ar George raret the John hand on Montreal steamen litt Ot nzie and te to her friends [vere aécident, in fe During men were will probably {putting down the Mor gan shpped and fell, inflicting a nasty right I'he to pull out, but was held to Dr stitches 1d. The injured man was able to leaVe on the wound was co vlown of this Low her when expect to ) end Edward to | Rosemount, a se while the ni week visit All back wa in have town for | port she hat when winter a furnished | Montague Strance, E Foronto Mrs Ouse arl street, | vash over his eve boat ready until Morgan Hanley office, required You wanf] the best If you are looking for good business. We furnish the best but cheapest in our Hine --and that is why we Wish to quote you our prices, =m Mr. and was William Bailie street, will to-morrow itogtheir daughter, Mrs--A ston, Westmount, Que Parrie removed a visit was on where sev Johin- | were to close the wour ve PLEASE vs Not merely try to please you wow Mrs \nnounce u of their daughter, Mabel Hanna, to Mr. Frederick IR Simkins,~ of Toronto, The wedding will take place the last of -September Sydenham. Miss Hanna ar Lady Stanley - WwW. A Ont soon as his | boat as Ha | the Lillia: dre ' The Rev ani Sydenham, nna, gagement Many New Scholars. Inspector Kidd attendance at the getting the admitted 1 school reports a schools busy el He " { the Letter-Heads, Bill-Heads, Note<Heads, Memorandums, Circulars, Envelopes, Business and Calling Cards, &c. at Is a a duate of Institute, ( has tawna The of Miss Grace Polson, daughter of th late ¥. B. Polson, of Toronto, to Mr 1 Alexander Kingstone Handy, of New | from York, son of the late Ralph Richard] where Handy, of the 45th Derbyshire ment, and nephew 'of the late Hamil-| floods {ton Killaly, of Toronto. Mrs. and Miss Polson sail on the 29th this month for France, to absent a year, engagement announced life and destruc villages Heavy doss of of several the an are Tyrolean thaw tion reported frontier, pre and and f per to lu been killed to Lord Roberts Logdon. It a a base of ecop- the whole en bird's Swiss unprecedented has terrific avalanches thirty leg | cipitated Between wiv kn Ve present Sons are wn Ontario's has folldwed him silver geet set in nickel matte, a casket of ol to be 1s nu a in We do all kinds of Job Work from a mere card to a large book. Estimates given. THE WHIG JOB ROOM KING STREET TELEPHONE 292 per on closed eve maple The majority of the T of control are in favor of West Toron to annexing, particularly the council and citizens of that place are ! almost a unit in favor. of it An will figure in the police court, on Thursday morning. | One citizen . will appear before magistrate charged with his neighbor I'we barns and the whole crop of William Ceok, of River Road. bo destroyed by fire on Thursday, Septenizher 3rd. America the ' Thou- 2,30 Home early. tohrs p.m Steamer board Islands, wonto sand 50c. & as Fancy Large White Freestones. I'he Brandy or Pickling peach. Have | a look' at them at Carnovsky's assault case The steambarme John Randall arriv &d this afternoon irom Washburn wit} a cargo of bricks ' Because you believe a thing | doesn't indicate that vou regard it itive fact. assault seasen s er township, were night a8 a pos Fuesday | of vagrancy preferred by the charity | { OUSTED FROM SECOND PLACE, | at white | all three clubs | separating | change | 612 | Deseronto | ompany s | | which struck on | Superior, during a fog, last week. her She is dock three bill of | bottom is much "damaged likely to be in Detroit dry weeks, and will have a $25,000 The { repair British, French mining |ecountry under {Canadian Mining {Toronto to-night and will proceed at once to Niagara Falls On Eriday they will put in a da: the exhib tion and later they to Cobsalt and other mineral [, North ol { . j Untario. Belgian touring and the the reach German, enoi the auspices I Institute, will eers, of at will go sections | NEW YORK STOCKS. | | Prices Furnished Br J. P. Bickell & Co., (per W. Hector H. Hume). . September 1st Opening. Close. SO aig Stocks. { Amalgamated Copper { American com, Am. Sugar Refin. Co, \ div. 1} per cent. . [Am. Smite. & R'in. Co {Am. Car Found / | Anaconda Min. fAtches. Top. & | Balti. & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid | Canadian Pacific | ( hes, & Ohio C. Mil & St. Paul Co Southern ND Loco, ex. 135} YR 102 184 ' 1 911 Hi Bia 543 174 lor do | Cons | Distillers Lol. Fuel & Gi. North Ry Kansas & Texas, com | Missouri Pacific Min. St. P. & N. XY. Central Erie Railroad N. Y. Ontario and West Northern P | Penn. R.R | Reading Rock Island Southern Ry Southern Pacifi 1 . L l se ave Iron pret a com NS. Steel com KL, Steel pret nion com AGO PRICES September C CHIC { Wheat September Opening 97 December v6! May Corn. wa sn 67 65¢ September December Many ' on Stock Letter Sept. 2.--The the Vermont fied the market this especially with the Harriman wer especially active Ihe dustrials, however, showed a disposi nd. Interest just now ithern Pacifi Erie to Harriman's inten show tl Hills Some Nc Ye result satisia élections pri ir morning I'he those identified interest favorably | ted eS stock tlroads ° and: strong n tion to lag bel centres reference whicl | on and with tons, speculative myster better At present v. The than for the market but dullness prevailed i" show Lime was a lit ed a past [tle rea the bearish si ol weak pots which is flo a Cotton Letter. Noon York, bearis! N Interests who were took ts are again on h the people. whose information on of best change in markets tendend the i las ow and wi selling tober 0 prices profits « wird spots and are the spot and We sentiment contin Vv tonditions any trade not expect while southerr to de while the weather tinues spot show a lining an in south has been week. favorable as of as since the heavy rains t Stock Dividends. have heen" declar- United * States Feather Leather, pref., American pref., and Smelters ref.. 1 div. 1} » Board of Trade, New York the other lead- ing exchanges, will be closed on Mon day next, the 7th inst New York bankers hought delphia 810,000,000 bond issue Chicago recommends the purchase of wheat declines. Foreigners must for require- ments, September corr dividends Regula on ¥ pref ' ed Central bacen, r r cent and Phila- on good come to America has made another high record. May corn is a good pro- position, but posed noming what erville noon fired shots ed 820 license kill Special any Canad: puty to-day, "He and wh and King, member twenty worked also plaints ple go citizens and th A It result fine was pl New michi, place, I } and fifta fis Wie Durir passed Montre amount the yA 10 IM American | 'rs 1 uial The old» president ther company, found sidewalk charge, the magistrage having shortly, 'scab.' the magistrate held him a ad dismissed part public had Ww loading threatened 1 wi f t Ottawa, better cured if they a minister 0 LXperwence be I Somerville denied the charge the weight of as of Du I gn fre as evidence was against which w and A charge of tre it of the a al at iguay, to n wide was C.P.R right arrested a shoot Arrying whe luniversity, commissioners is financial a will meet with the approval f civil students nd o v Ved " of avalue h i mn vined Robinson, \ who *owns Holmes w o1 po crusade th It befor wit f of BLINDED BY GASOLINE. Li as Sept. great unless to Ve allowed out "on bail Yesterday a dispute arose while an Hull not cles be in terday 1 sing was AY Pashelrac, several He was, the t imes, fire-arms Ottawa. the 9 man and of at he Whig. 1 could had searched Mackenzie labor, thought pointment of Prof. Shortt, of Queen's h do ne ave Kir when of as one of the civil L man an authority matters I believe his f the vith ars and fox the to on absolutely on gont inued Ma appointment service for t ases departr Police After Those Who Sidewalk, are velists A} heer n the lice hay against some there out made of 1 a tiny ourt is the pp York Broker plosion. N.B Wealt ke, in seri aturde) sportin the wild ~ \ walks al eve him with ahou mneconvenience, t the ry a nuisance Victim ) Yor Ww injured by badly injured v Al] al same I'wo hur Fhursday that ides and TWO nurses of m he from cy accid hz cannot oust. 1 on bas red vi Hafid 5 odore at de was S of his Grain And Coa Ad of a gasoline tank on a hands were terribly out travelled returned Robir and it 1 with son be the mot without 52 for being drunk, and will it practically vards by aispecial constable but dock, foreman but to-day, be tried by a judge for attemptin SPEAKS WELL OF HIM, The Opinion of Mackenzie King of heen throug we, the fearless banking « a S¢ of he he anvone cased o i a wn BICYCLISTS BEWARE. Ride oltender police court will be chance f A k 1 explosie lacerate on, that a Ww your e local canal of 042 kets the bid home Liquids will keep ice hours A in his Seali them Lore in a at { ummings leep, at Kama ng wax I morning t mn Ther mos Gibson's ie at «t nsul fied imperative Fassett, gixt Smith of Tanawand Wednesday Buffalo. on cold Red walked off and was killed and bottling aistance 2 1 Receipts. the happened ana restored ol v { WHO th for v seventy - Gibson'sC Red Cross drug store May stock Get demn fac ats 3 at 50e. before you a good praise Another Of Carnovsky's Bargains plums at years bottle. A wax tr 0 im- Just the Som- after was and Que, He the fin- to think hout de skec ' ap- rice the His t has on peo mak the { Fx- { rthu at Mira the i" boat l and 1 hea one octor lined for Fez Ax Cross K train a adiny A. E. HEROD, 286 PKINCESS ST. z g-- A Snap of a Life Time To Furnish a Home. As cur Big Mid-Summer Sale is still booming. Making room for our Fall Stock everything reduced. A bargain for everybody. Lawn Verandah aid summer goods less than cost. Pay freight. Packing frec. Store open nights, at JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Phone, 147. con- CECE EEOSPORCEERCEAEREN Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The' finest in the city. . A.J. REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. delicate Hard- the mbst Druggists, not - soil Kills without crushing and do es 10c. each fabrics or injure the highest polis h. ware s»3 Grocers. = The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd . MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Madde entirely from Cane Sugar. Be sure you ask for **St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. mn, - The Canada Life Assurance Company Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company on" the North American Continent--a Canadian Company , made .by Canaglian people for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividends ts policyholders have been large all these years, and are bound to be. large, owing to the unique position occupied by the Company. Rates for women the same as for men. Canadian Company made by purchasing Canada Life Contracts. « Full particulars of how 'a policy will shape for you, given the office--18 Market Street, Kin-ston. J. O. HUTTON, Manager. at Nordheimer Steinway Pianos Pianos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 188 Esenyfen 88 3 Gan 0

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