Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1908, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 190 8. -- ! ? . JHE WHIG, 75th YEAR| tein subjects, apd the candidate may | the calculation of the people upon the' FHILIPSVILLE REPORTS supplement it with his views, and yet Aize of Tait's majority. -- Regarding the Crops--News of the FAILY SRITISH WIG, published at] 806-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario,| the mind of some state or section of . . 2 at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4| ond of FO . A man is travelling through the Village. o'clock 'p.m. | the people remain unrepresented. i . > 4 PY . WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, Ie ages. | pe reference calls to mind the plat- North-West taking pictures which will Philipayille ; Add. ~The dry published in parts on Mopday and Fhurs- : Y ? in Eng i weather is ing up the pastu a day morning at $1 a year. To United| forms of parties in Canada. In 1893 be used in. England in teaching the ako Parl z P oF res and States, charge for postage has to i ' . children of the public schools geo- ing a bad effect on the made 350¢. for Daily ; 25¢c. for Weekly. | the liberals of Canada had a great be. The land educati Be | corn. Corn is one of the heaviest Wed I a hawt, Job Pre] rally in Ottawa, and put themselves |&*2P 0) old lan : ucationists * crops in years. Many fields will aver- £ ices | : ' , ' ae LY i. : . as "™ and cheap work ; Dine 'improved presses.| on record with regard to certain is- [2F¢ BZ t. up-to-date in t eir methods, ug twelve feat. There vill bea heavy : usking. Many The British Whig Publishing Co.. LU'd | sues. Some of their schemes have stocks have two large well-developed EpW. Cy | materialized, and some of them have I OF THE ESS cars / already glosed. The late rains men - { not. It would be astonishing if all of helped the potatoes to some extent. ) T18 put | them were found workable, with one 4 There is a worm devouring the leaves a v Di | \ ! " Catch Up on many of the maple trees. Some . | division of the house always in op- | Brockville Recorder. bushes ate nb i DOM \ = { gy f : "Pass the t a" in the rr sushes are nearly bare. The last drv : meme | position and more or less obstructive. ; a ats i es 1s he greal f summer had the effect of killing . STRIKE IN THE ELECTION. | Platforms are good enough as a conservative s ogan. ; reat many fruit trees, andsmany a" Will the C. P. R. strike develop in- |... soncentrati . ic 3 ple trees partly leaved i i : ill the k. 8 I { means «of concentrating the public Cortect. You Are. ee Pap fa =! out this spring Addi ht to an election issue ? That is now the | Linq on certain questions, and in this i : Brockville Recorder. dropped off. A number of the farmers R burning question One of the great |... the liberal platiorm has been ex- cihaugh booze was- dispensed in the {),v, finished harvesting and have | 4 1 political parties has always espoused ceedingly useful. Colchester, N.S, election by, the tories | their threshing done, and report a fair to change the Bluenoses to a bright | vield. g : -- he cause of the railway company, has T 4 : a 4 a an the cause .ot a) pan) I'he party which has so much to say vermillion' hue. * i largely by it in times of distress. it was to unite his forces upon some F . i, ' Makes Old Lawn Mowers Better x : . = upo that it takes the Whitney government spending a week § BR ! | Fl LS : claimed to be the means of giving to | ahout platforms has not, however, in -- T: a Bir Jeo hate will nsiend the : ' 4 oron . J i C.FIL A LONG FEL1 the country the great transcontinental | oon years presumed to build one. Whitney At Fault. hore and tend Na a ay at : ner 1 : . rea roads, and has, it is believed, profited | My. Borden knew perhaps how difficult | Toronto Globe, Delta. Mr. and Nr air at ® ® Than New---~Improves New Oo The continued clash between the men | foasible, sensible, praeti arrange: | ahout five years to complete a fail: Fith friends here; returned home Just. Sharpens the Largest Horse : Mower as well as the 'Swallest, Lawn Mower, - _Handy tool to sharpen Kitchen sKuives and Garden Tools or any- thing that a scythesstope will do. WANT. The school book reduction shows Canton, N.Y.. after Lennard, of and the company makes the situation | ment of ideas, and so he did not try [ure. How long it would "take to to Na Haskin has re Knowing, that the Fall S uit proposition will soon confront , rre she spen axceediniy ritical. There is talk of |; > gh re re " ke a success or be k mn. 8 . exceedinigly critica ere Ol1it. He simply got a large number of make a SUrugss nay never nown three weeks with her sisters. Miss | you, we wish to advise you that we have ready for your ap- ar peal to the government, but it houghts which he called his 1 . Adeli 1: jas ' v 3 . Y an apy g thoughts which he called his own, anc % Adelia Haskin has returned to New , s h f h h f Exceeding The Average. York, after visiting her mother. proval the Season's Correct Styles, fresh from the hands o Hamilton Herald. i : es. The government forced the com-{ed. The Halifax. programme has| The life of tha present dominion par- George Lynn has vacated the Halla- the World's Best Makers of Men's Clothes, : > : : A 5 day terrace yi i ; pany, through the Lemieux Act, to ac- [not been carried out by the man who liament will be nearly if not quite Philns Race anfl ha moved into the it four full 'yéars. , This is longer than pe x h t etl : the average li i ine Pes- representative for the company when |g quite impossible for any one to ex- | gore rg 3 of "its mine predeces it' refused to do so. The deed wasre-| press the mind of his party on the { months. may be useless under the circumstanc- | (hich Mr. Foster very kindly endors- PRICE 35 CENTS. AT understood that p i t » Samuel Farder has Porchnnd tn It behooves every man in terested in good Clothes, the best Corbett Ss. Halladay property, and will take pos- ! Clothes, to come here to see our showing. session September Ist. After spending 4 corded by the company, which is apolitical situation in a féw words or - Severs] ke. With Trieinds in this vi- Suits of Merit, Suits ¢f Character, Suits of Individuality. reason why it should not make a sec: |paragraphs. Platforms, therefore, are Campaign Matters. Laishley have oll 0 ri x I . 3 2 ome ond appeal for arbitration in the hope | like gilded signs, pretty to look at, i rs. abpear 10 in in Toronto. After being the guest of Our prices are always in keeping with our. values ani ' PURE FOOD INSURES of a better deal. Meanwhile there is a {but not having much to do with the [in evidence early in the campaign her mother and sister for three weeks, u'll find that they're never isflated. They're right prices ! renewed clamour for. public owner- | business they represent. For the liberals it will be: "Four iss. a Hourghan has _ returned to yo : TT ship. The World, its special advocate, years more for Laurier." Ludi oe iv Smits Falls, Albi Mr. Ames says he made the same| For the conservatives the slogan "ue TOON: 01 _Yerona, is visiting - his New Blue Suits . says the union men and the farmers nes br . | hg Rh . 1 One s th . | "charges" in the house that he made [Seems to be: "Pass the tomatoes rother, W. H. Ludbrook. A social in New Brown Suits will unite upon it. One wants the as : : 2 1 along !"* aid of the cement walk fund, was held, ) suratice of permanent employment, outside of it against liberal members. & last Thursday evening. Receipts were "New Green Suits New Fancy Worsteds ow and the other the assurance that his He means insinuations." He has Science Is Learning. about $35. Mrs. E. Farnam is gain- not made direct charges anywhere, of | sontrear Homa, ing streageh every day. New Black Suits New Full Dress Suits crops will be moved when they are he would not now be at large. In an article in one of the technica ii BAKING harvested. 2 5 Yous py magazines on R vailable rc a Frock For Young Girl. o Is Mr. Borden ready to take up this PLANS FOR THE. DOME. cheap alcohol for motive power, we . See Our Special $12.50, $15 and $18 lines. £ . POWDER issue ? He once endorsed public own- The city property committee has had fail to note any reference to choice to- it ership of railways, but dropped it . : : matoes. Yet in Colchester people who 2 . ' wh may be termed another unpro- : ~N, : da. upon the demand of his supporters in 5 : ; i I I opened cases of choice tomatoes: took 3 y . The Best 2.00 Hats mn Cana at ductive session with regard to the |out bottles of whiskey. Science is the press.and party. will he resume |, 0 of the City Hall. The charred re- |always learning from unscientific peo- ; \ 4 { : 4 is rious or : ; : i the agitation. It ie a serious matter |, ic of the old dome are a daily ple. reali Hi on the eve of an election. As between | Lin dor of an undischarged duty, dnd ' i) \ : | . i An Easy Stunt. ; . 8 » its » 00s plo. . . . P. R. and its employees the |;4 ii time to restore the crowning - . Hamilton Herald. A 3 rvative leader will be slow to work of. a's . oo : bi b i$ 3 . . b { y ol splendid edifice without fur-| An teresting piece of news is the k 3 3 } '1 i PURE FOOD ie / ther "dglay. report that Francis Lalor, M.P., has | I! Kingston's One Price Clothing House. : ; : There 16 s who © Is so |¢leared $100,000 on a natural-gas deal. / ° I'he dissenting school trustees would Jere 12 no. one Who fommants So In view of the" fact that ths coming Vv AAAAS much wisdom that he can say off hand : : d campaign in Haldimand and Monck oept a conciliation, even appointing & | prepared it. It could not be since three years and nine not attend a regular meeting of the what should pe done under the cir- |is likely to be'an unusually live one WW. COMPANY board because it was not summoned ! ) Ee. GILLETT LIMITED eaial. Then. they would. mot cumstances, but it has occurred to the "Frank's" windfall may come in han- f dado Loi Gis Agni mahi he paar a may Ain hs fv N FORONTO.ONT. . an! ' p : Whig that as the original design of [d¥- Win or lose, he wilk not have to . > J FEAL LEEL PELE FA TAHA F RETR AEE SEEr Y 141 attend a special meeting even when it go broke. the building was well-balanced the ut- : ° was called as such. They are on , A : , ; Bishop striko--and' the.businiess goes on as] Most the committee should attempt is The Rise Of Bourassa. - the restoration of it. It was worth | Toronto "Telegram usual. . : : T ois while to estimate the difference in the The rise of Bourassa may supply a Bethune THE GAMBLE IN PAPERS. . |frame work of steel and wood, but |'¢W ant-conservative rallying point for the racial enthusiasm of Quebec. College The rumour that the minister of | outside of that point there was really {When Laurier passes from the scen Fly : : : : A Ses the scene 5 2 public works has acquired an interest | little ground for a difference of opin- [the conservative opposition will look A dre ss of natural color linen is OSHAWA, ONTARIO in the. St John shown in: the illustration, the model i $ . y Vid fie Lord Aschbidi T Telegraph has oc- | ion. Those who have advocated some- [for a long day of power at Ottawa to bei Losi lf Lo itor, the Lord Archbi orol mn . . . . ng designed or a voung girl. The x hop of ko casioned some comment. The Montr thing new in design and larger in pro- ; have its dawning.in Quebec: That op- | ; 8 youn § ba A Residential School for Girls "=: : . . : 6 position may have noipartizan reason |"%!f! Was untrimmed, the bodice being Proparation for the University. Young chit. | 0Z0tte says it is a cool while since | portions cannot have kept in mind I ornamented by a littlggheavy lace and drom al : tu : ; : : Hh to rejoice in the greatness of Henri ; : bie Also risen. For terms and particu- | 5 liberal minister has complained of | the inappropripteness of it in view of | Bourassa. \ rows of buttons. we bodice was is | the fact that the building itself, in its| Conservatives 'have reason to long | Made with a centre panel back. and SISTER-IN.CHARGE or (0 THE aa 4 : 2 for political chaos ome in 0 . | front and had a yoke upper portion. SISTERS of ST. JOHN THE DIVINE |1ather a good while since any micis " poh 1cal chaos Yo Some in. Quebec y : ; 208 .« | When Laurier goes. French-Canadians er. i 5 er or. + conservative, had oc- me costing $25,000, more or less g an : Major Street, Toronto 1 | ter, hberal or conservative ; do : g = man > |would then grope for a hero and B. A. Hotel Arrivals. COLLEGE RE-OPENS SEPT. 16th. | cosion to rejoice" that polities made | would be as much out of place as a |iuder and find no big men on either | Thomas J. O'Brien, Thomas Keeley, : him rich. $25 hat on the woman who could af- | side. % Athens, Pa.; G. M. Wattles and wife, gambled in| ford nothing better than - a calico If French-Canada finds a ready- | Buffalo, N.Y.; Louis Hurry, Elmira, n Ar 1 nr ps § : x 3 } 8 » roe Te Pr newspapers before the last general | dress. made hero in Henri Bourassa, that N.Y ; Go. B. Coults, George Taylor, \. y 1 i Tl o pl ketche hich | leader. and hero will fall heir to Wil- | E. Henry, W. J. Scott and wife, n 18 a sig FOS- y ans - sketches : <7 J clectio it va not a ign ol peo 1c two plan ; or ske Ss wh frid Laurier's hold on Quebec. He Ww. Lyon, J. B. Watson, Arthur Hogg, j perity, for the party was then, as | Mr. Powers submitted were not exact- | will enter into possession of a great | E. Burnham, Francis Leigh, Mrs. A y now, on its uppers, metaphorically | ly rejécted, but they were not approv- [estate of power. Sanguine tories. ex- | M. Moore, Toronto; A. W. Taylor, peaking. And yet it indulged in deals | ed. One called for a work costing from pected. that F. D. Monk, K.C., or | Gananoque; A. I. Smith, Sherifi ; some other Quebec partizan, would Richardson, George Young, Ottawa: i) ~ H 8 nT Ottawa Ladies College that 'involved many thousands of .dol- | $12,000 to $20,000, according to the administer this estate for R. L. Bor- | A. A. Hanar and wife, New Jersey; : i (OTTAWA, Ont.) Jars. It bid for and secured La Presse, | material that was used, and the oth- den. Charles F. Jones, Elizabeth, N.J., | = . . EO El -- Ov. the bok ewig) vilcges a tht coms, | the leading. French paper in Quebec, | er a working costing from $20,000 to : Bourassa, the grandson of Papineau, | ohn Bacot, John Bacot, Mor ristown, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. SUICIDE END OF TRAGEDY. tic. Scienggs oo MUSIC and the $27,000. A third sketch will be prepar- {18 anti-copservative always. And the N.Y ; K. J. Callaghan, M. E Miner, ipi---- -- : (Canadian Conservatory). "Prepares for the ing liberal paper in New Brunswick. | ed, one the following of which will future ny ior Henri I Boutases ! Yioa, N Y Hl 0. Howat aoe Wiies The Prices Paid at the Var- Farmer Who Slew Wife end University, Leaving Examinations, Civil Service. x ; Aree bin : oien P41, |feBding the hberals in battle to keep ambridge uss ! aylor ane . 3 4 Wounded Son in Error Suicides. niversi What it wanted with, these papers in |'involve: practically the erettion of the [Quebec in line against the Borden op- | wife, George H. Mott. T. W. Shiblev ious Centres. 1000 Ch City, 11} Sept. 2. Insiine. ab Fiaihing coutws sirsoued for. For Calendar | Gre : address the Lady Principal or 9 Montreal and St. John may never be | old dome, and it and the new *clock position. and wife, Miss McDonald, Abram Bar Montreal, Aug. 31.--About AY Ys he I a wife and fatally wounded his son in error, REV. W. D. ARMSTRONG, M.A., DD. PResioewt | will cost all if not a trifle more than ker, J. Snow, B. Foster, W. J. Mc- | head of butchers' and canning cattle, BOUND FOR PENITENTIARY. Intosh and daughter, Benjamin Les- | 100 calves, 786 sheep and lambs, Sand li Turner, a farmer, committed rh ser," William Sager, New York: Miss S83 fat hogs were offered for sale at Ju hus : uel + 8 far er rn : St. Charles stockyardsthis | suicide in the county jail last nig Point St. Charl yrds He hanged himself with the sheets FEV School Shoes NEAT, STRONG, AND DURABLE. MADE TO WEAR WELE= 4 ++ +444 + +4444 being kept poor ir public lide. It Girls' Blucher Boots, sizes 11 to 2, $1225, $1.50 and $1.75. Small Girls' Boots, 8 to 10, $1.00. $1.25, $1.50. Boys' Blucher Boots, sizes 1 to 5, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Youths' Blucher Boots, 11 to 13, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.76. THE SAWYER. SHOE STORE F444 HHP E EARN REEL Sb Hh bbb be lower parts, is sadly out of repair. A I'he conservative party FIV IUTOPPUIUUUUOOUUN HEE 444 34 St. John Telegraph, the lead knowt -- I'he assumption is that they had {the award of the insurance companics ile 3 x ~~ \ [or 0 2 . | ely to do th the moulding ef | for the loss sustained by fire ' : . . y 3 Cook's Cofau Kool Compound. i 30 Co with Le \ ba mr . p Three Were Kept at Police Station | Miller, R. G. Wood, W. H. Nash, the } yd { yb lid on, and hence the desire of | Some of these companies are said to EF Kroner forenoon. The best peeves had 'been . h A ~ the great Uterine Tonic, anu | ! C Over Night. Bar 3 y » Je I before comin + on the mar- | from his cot. : STR only 4 effectual Monthl; | the conservative party to g posse | be dissatisfied with the fire readjust Three prisoners bound for the peni- Jarton, Miss Ella F. ack, Ne bought up belor 5 2 hi The shooting of Mrs. Turner and : p r on which women co rout th some .¢ >. o np : Pen: york: Louis Will and wife . L.|ket, and 5c. per lb. was about{the) ati y 90th The 1 or wy cost. The pur-| ment, and with some. cause. At one |tentiary ent last ht he , J her gson occurred on June 29th } .e sol a Eg SS degroe p n 3 . { f tl t I | st { = i A } at the po- Jausch Miss Bausch, Master C. W highest figures paid here fo-day, "but oh ¥ r was the result of insane jeal of Ktrenglh . + A005 asin YOWET Was sup 2 me case {| meeting f the committee there was lice station, anc were this morning ss 7 - : o > iv tr 4 m y 8 8 s & 10 degreca stronger, 83: No. § : pawer was supplied in ane case | fn mo : i aor to the big p SHS IMOTIING will, Syracuse, 'N.Y.; H. McLean, W. | they were not extra. Pretty good-eat ousy on the part of the husband. The 3 Shcctal cascy, $5 per box. v a Montreal publisher, a man.who | talk of saving some of the nsiarance horifi M C ar paso S R Murch, J. Hi. Doumall. Moit. | tle sold at 3c, to 43c., and the Gom a pli be Sol by cll drugels 0 | . , . Shep cColl, of 8 yomag, ar- yo, gall, : x th : $ s 8 Xai of ul hw pr Sonb 1 tosbleed freely for the cause, | money, and of reconstructing the of . 1 a Henry Shook and wife, Knox mon stock 2} to 3ic. per lb; lean Jd his mother were shot while they Bp [ n rece'pt Jf price rid | ! rived with Edward Koberts,: sentence Y 1] s and shall and hi y ; v reo pamphlet. Address: TH 7 thé other case by a capitalist | fices in the north wing in conformity lod in that ity to four vear for Adam Bertram, Dundas; M. R.}canners sold at lic. to Zc. ar e were standing in the dark just out- Coax MEraike Ba. Tarowro 0x. vormerly Winds > V : | : ¥ gr iL years " | Schmidt, Baltimore; F. C. Young, F. bulls at about 2c. per.®lb Grass-fed side the village church. Et] »" releas: | money ant of the | 'Deputy Sherifi Wright, of Windsor, | ¥: Fray, Rochester, N.Y.; L. H. Bag- | calves sold at 2jc. to Sie, 29 the Turner, who was sixty-nine years Both papers had to he releas no 5 , brought Nathaniel Self, given five ot, Bermuda; William Cassells, Mrs. | good veals at 4c. to S¢. per Ib. Sheep old; had heen separated from his wiie ' Pve ) ; DR. LITTLE S FEMALE I the purchasers finding it difficult | entertdinéd, and the talk that led to years for bigamy. 3nd a constable | William: Cassells, Glasgow: Capt. F. | sold at from Bic. to lc., and the Hiab for some time. He was reputed - to } cts af + this lusio s the part of the |} athe hod i ) J. McDonald, 'F. Murphy, Wellington; | at 5ic. to 6c. per Ib. Good lots af fat | ,o wealthy, owing several large farm TULATING PILLS t ar n heir contracts after the | this conclusion was on pi from Chatham had in charge Peter , ald, irphy, ington; | ¢ 3 . I b Vv, 0 o H) G | via : | - : Tune ¢ y ¢ Ot ar 1b. } y Mrs. Turner wa aldermen, very indiscreet. It is.safe to | Harris, sentence y yes rl N: Ro. Turner, Prescott; George King; | hogs sold at about per 1b in this vicinity. Mrs. 3 eleell | ald then, Yery un : ito inte at ent enced to Mve years: i ™NComwall: W, B. Northrup and wife, BE --§~'" 1 forty-nine years old, ar d since © the or supression, at all Druggists, or by i -- ! : Belleville; M. M. Se Chicago; E. G Fast Bpffalo, Aug. 31:--Cattley re- | qoharation had been living near Say- wall ®t. LITTLE MEDICINE CO. ' has any personal interest in the | - Foster, G. C. Foster, Mount Vernon, | ceipts, 4,600 head, good, active and lor Springs. The son, Glenn, had Toronto, Ost. Lelograph. He reprosents St. John in| EDITORIAL NOTES Cloudburst Near Kenora. N.Y. steady, common slow and 10¢c. toidbe. | heen working oh afarm a few miles lal aph St ' a. Wir a Sa 3 ake a ror. Dime steers, 86 to 86.50; ship- | fy at int. Commons, and will appreciate, Provincial attorneys and prosecutors x innipeg, < BePL. an A cloudburst lower; prime steers, 26 0 2 50 P- | from that po t near henora has played havoc w i , 25 to ¥ butchers, $4.50 to Set I itn The Cause Of Stiff Neck. ping, do.« OUR ROOS ER BRAND OF : i r, the rvi which our con-|are necessary in these degenerate days. | ¢} C.P.R 3 0 3 W $2 Frid 8 am teamer America I WOVE hE se 6 « are necess hes wenerate days \ g e. if o : 5.50: heifers, 33.5 o ¥ 8, = Fr / Jm., ste P 4 5 y | ) | the . main line, and all th Usually from sitting in a draught. £5.50; heifers, 33.50 to 3; COV riday TOBACCO. temporary wilh-be able -te render the | They will do great service for moral | transcontinental trains - are many i! Nothing better than Nerviline--it 're. | to $4.50; hulls, £2.75 to 34.50; and | will make the last trip of the season hours late. The heavy rains washed moves the eh kills the Sain stockers and feeders, $ to Gananotjue, Brockville and Ogdens- jaway the dump in many places and | jokes vou well in a fow minut re The stock heifers, 83 to $3.25; fresh cows |burg, returning leaves Ogdensburg the rails have sunk so that it is im- strains. swellings hinba o. Nothing | and-springers, steady to strong, $22 330 p.m. Meals on board. 50c. re | possible for a train to pass over excels Polson's N rviline. Trv.a latos to $58. >: a3 hl {safely. All the damage that was done | 95. bottle. : : oe Veals, receipts I'he one experiment of this kind is jour a dash of rdin would not be 'ae is west of Kenora. 'lhe company sent and ¢. lower, at $6 to #9; a few at | voured by the gods. lout every wvailable man to have the - 80 25. go wrong. : : | tracks repaired and the work is being Literary Specialties." Hogs, receipts 13,600 head, fairly ac-| The right of way of progress is open The New York bucket shops are! rushed. A "The most beautiful queen on any tive, and 5c. to 10c.. higher on good, |to the jgne with a desire to take it. closed. Another evidence of Hughes' | throne" is what Durland calls the | common very slow; mixed, $7.15 to Hope and work for success at the same time. for -- -- - ome = sirfister purpose to | with former plans The i dea of making { burglary @ fire is not generally te o omen' o irrog Nest for Women's use, in irregularities question whether Mr Pugs- | infer that it will not be repeated. and chewing, at forty-five rty in the ensuing campaign. RK is ity and law. ind, is a good tobacco. Why wy exhty-five cent Andrew Maclean, pa probable that the "enemy" has been| . : YY I'be Soldiers are having real camp turn. per 5800 head, aetive If you go with the crowd always, many will be the times that you will Ontario root. cured--of--thé game of muzzling import Biatio, 3 ing weather. A military mustér with- CRO - ---- ant liberal papers In eleciion times. § t il it can stand financially while: in ,opposition | | | Presence Is Demoralizing. Empress of 'Russia, in his notable]8725. Yorkers, $6.50 to $7.20; pigs, Albany, NY., Sept. 2.--A protest [articles in the Woman's Home Com-|g8350 to 86.25: roughs, 85.50 to $6; to move about as nimbly as he would | S is made in a report submitted to the |panion. Irving Bacheller begins in| taps, 84 to $1.50; dairies, $6.50 to $7. liké, because of rhemmatism, but he! pon Mr. Fov is now talked of as| State commission of prisons by Secre- | September a new series of Jricket Sheep and lambs, reecipts 10,000 I ledge of public busine a | tary George McLaughlin against, the | tales, which bids fair-to beas populaF head; sheep active, lambs slow: lambs, be. 3 ne eda y siness ? r. Avie . : : £ GR ry ¥ } = : . a: Kknowledg 1 | the opponent of Hon. Mr. Aylesworth| fy;ther confinement in the Duchess as his' famous ben Holden." Jack |gqo5 to $6.25; a few at $6. year- After Once Tasting 1 your the SFe 1. x : ; " Ww al y an intellectual vigour that therei. Noth York. What has become of | county jail, at Poughkeepsie, of Harry | London, on his trip around the world, lings and wethers, $1.75 to 35; éwes discounting | Gamev? He was so anxious to col- | K. Thaw, acquitted on the charge of | for the Companion, in his little boat, | g4 55 {o $4.50; sheep mixed, $2.50, to eee | lide with something real hard. | murder on the ground of insanity. the Snark, has sent from far-off £4.50. : > SR Sry 'D SIGNR : | . | Mr. Mal.aughlin s report says, among {Tahiti a description of I'he Nature - a--," : y JUST LIKE GILDEI SIGNS. | Stanfield. M.P., will resign if it can] other things, that Thaw's presence in | Man' he ran across in that Pacific Chicago, Aug. 31.--Cattle, receipts he HKeview of Reviews comments sian als i : | the jail "'demafalizes the discipline of | island. 20.000, steady; 'beeves, $3 to $7.05 : | be shown that he organized the| the institution." Texans. 83.50 to $5; westerns, $3.20 to o upon the mutability of political par- A cl ties, and the inability of any one to | dr unken orgie m qlche ter . during i J - stockers and feede rs, $2.60 to FRESHLY MINED lati 1 which will stand | his election. It was in his interest. |. Received Long Service Medal, cows and heifers, $1.75 to $5.50; anstruct a Hattorn ¢ sie | ; on : . . ne OR : 4 j i in The democratic par He knows that. It should be enough. | Yesterday, Luspestos Dawson made a . £5.25 to, oS i i to 10% no one wants an old-fash- Lr -------- - --w the test of 10 p - i ~ présentation o a long service meda Hogs receipts, 23 y 0, 0 2. = y Joa. 4 Tr $ k : " 3 | ph gs, 7? ae. | oh hat dug font of he earth a Yous ty is divided in swtiment. That which | Hon. Mr. Monteith will remain in {t¢ Thomas Moore,' of Portsmouth, higher; light; 3-10 $7.35; mixed, ioned cod fiver oil prepara ago. It's cleaner--hasn't stored «ill suit 'the south' will not suit thet : i who retired some time, ago, having "35 to $7.13. heavy, $6.35 to emulsion because SP sive. MOPUS Ji. mq dust ( Ha icl 0 cept | the Whitney government, a sale seat, to the position of keeper. Mr. 2}: good to choige heavy, $6.55 to tion or its Tryer Sud ia many aye a west, and that which wi be accept- |, 0 found for him. This seat is | Moore ain in tin penitentiary service . : B00 6.20 Yo $6.50; pie. 33 Vinol is a much better body ed te ot yroduc are it is atila tha ha states a | } y y ) 123. gh, 2 1 ; " k Bar rar ice on aticy qu [fab to th en eeperinlly to] "sir found than a safe suooessor, | thirtpaix" yours $6: bulk of sales, 86:65 to $6.9. | builder and strength creator wright, well screened coal fn al oF the eas e PRO t y « a pee yrs i 4 & a ak. v The stariaard: sien at standut fl APC! tofrae east, and especially 10 hich ju something in "Nele's' fa-| pt --- Shee, Te estors, $1.40 | forold people, weak children, . prices for better even than stand- Fammany all. i vour - | ef or The est. native, 0 o 25; w ¥ ¥ and quality, Similarly the republican pacty..can- |. iil The tribe of gypsies encamped in to $4.30; yearlings, $1.80 to $4.90; and for hs, colds, bron- < > anv iaork fresolu-1 Brvan is sting hid dhe : je. | Barriefield left on Wednesday morning lambs, $3.50 to $6.20; western, $3.50 chitis etc it does no good not umta upon any aperies ot resolu rvan 1s wasting 1 & 14 nn ae . v . . y - a hs rR. CRAWFORD T ) 3 ; } Bouncing the extravagance oi the. Sov for the west. They have two fine | | fo $6.90. . 3 bo tio: we political conve & cing the e ance 2 gOV- y . ha , | ions. Th pol tieal convention may |! i xtre 0 as covered waggons, with windgws along - ! we will return your money. Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. §'ndopt what appears to represent the | ernment and of the republican major ihe sides and back. Fach waggon is . Two wrongs is usually the result of GEORGE W, MAHOOD, : , } a . 0 wr ' 2 current opinion of the party om cer ity. And the only visible effect is' drawn by three horses. . " retaliation, } Fai Kingston, On tario, Sir Rickard Cartwright is not leav . . : i : 1 | beneficent. rule. The governor is the ine the government. He is not able . . : | createst reformer of the day.

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