~ - YEAR 76--NO. 207. -- -------- KAISER AS MATCHMAKER. REBELS SHOT Di 8 i | 3 * ? E } . | To Marry Daughter to Heir of | Opened a Tremendous Fusilade on i Austro-Hungary. | ~~ Shah's Troops. od 3a i : a -- f---------- x Bertin, Sept. 2. Interesting reports | Londo "Rept. 2.~The struggle be- i LF 1 ---- tl A ' \ . . . : . are afloat to the.efiect that - the |tween' the poynlists, and the parlia- ; : i oD : 0 : kaiser has his eye upon the young | mentists, whi as been going ou for % a wrence Now Bigamist Will Spend Five Years man who will some day be Emperor jweeks at. Tabriz, developed into a an a a 0g : ves Nia. F h , h . + lof Austria and King of Hungary as bloody futident Du August 29th, aec- ; EL EE . . 3 - mL QS) Ig - . . the future husband of his only cording to & Teheran despatch receiv- iE f Ta gi ins west winds air mn Kingston. daughter, the sixteen-year-old Prin- {ed to- 1g. The shah's troops, which en i rom ttac hy ! d 4 cess Victoria Luise, The scion of {had been eamped outside the town for EL a 1 : an cooler. - royalty who is the 'object of this al- |days while the leaders parleyed, en- i ta . : Thursday, fair leged august matchmaking is the [gered it 'unopposed 'on the 29th and and 1 . . Masquerading in Windsor With Latest Victim neh of Whe reigning emperor, From i ely ot in Wolff's Attention Drawn by the Screams ot he ! cis Joseph. a 3 . + |lusilade on he soldiers, killing and . . ---Believed to Have Several Young Karl Frans. who is just |vounding 800 Little Ones---His Thamb Was Almost A twenty-one, is the eldést kon af the kh . Wi § late Archduke Otto Franz "Joseph, y Chewed Of. Ot er toes. brother of the Archduke Franz Fer- HARRY LAUDER COMING. . g ah} dinand, who inherits the Austro-Hug- J SE garian prone when the present aged Comedian to Get $5,000 a Week ---------- y Windsor, - Ont., Sept. 2.--Convicted her children some months ago. [Honareh dies. Archduke Karl Frans For Twenty Weeks. Chicago, Sept. 2.--A mad dog run- Wolfi, who was between the dog and of having married at least two differ-, Becoming financially embarrassed, cause the aol Fa, Fernand Londen, Sept. 2.--Harry Lander has [ning amuck in Lake View, vesterday, {the children, grabbed for the strap ent women, and possibly a third, Na- [the absconding husband had the te- Fause the Arches 0 anny 3 erdinand just signed & contact for an Ameri- [created a panic among the residents, {about the dog's neck. His aim was thaniel Self, of London, was sentenced |prerity to write to his first wife for for his . own iD in conbe uence can engagement at the highest salary but the only person reported to have bad and quick as a flash the dog had by Magistrate Bartlett to five years ir money, and this proved to be the key | 4° | o0 morganatic marriage Jo ever earned by a vaudeville artist, $5,- [been bitten is Gustave Wolff, a young |Wolfi's right hand between his teeth penitentiary for bigamy. Self, who [to his undoing. At the time of his Princess Von Hohenberw, 000 a week. Lauder will sail on the|j¢weler, residing in 1711 Diversey and was biting through with all his was masquerading here under the arrest Self was staying at an hotel Confirmation of the reports as to |f-usitania, October 3rd. to open in|boulevard, and he was injured through might. Though he suffered excrucia- 'name of George Ferguson, was arrest- [with Miss "Lillian Norrish, also of | 00 TH Kaiser's plans for his |New York at the American theatrd, [saving others from the brute's attack. tingly Wolff caught the strap 'with his ed, two weeks ago, on complaint of | London, whom he had married a short daughter is naturally dificult to =e |October 13th. He will stay in the Wolff was seated at the front win- (leit hand and iorced the dog down his fikst wife, who is now residing in [time ago. The police believe he also]. o" hut the Viennese are persuaded | United States for a season of twenty dow of hig home when his attention fand choked him until Reginald Oliver, London, where Seli deserfed her with [had wives in Woodstock and Paris. that his majesty had them definitely | weeks on the William Morris cirenit. [was attracted by the screams of chil- fa neighbor, procured a revolver and ' reg : dren. The animal was cowing fvom killed the brute. in mind when he took 'his daughter ------ : : re . the st, snarling at everybody with- | i's } 2 i g SEVers along to Vienna last May. on the 4 We ti h |, Wolf thumb was almost = severed. . 1 : > i | 'ear a was close to the Lesls of | Ris ug) pun? a HEAD LIKE PILE DRIVER. | OFF TO SOUTH POLE. occasion of the congratulatory jubi- To Build A Railway. gin xeach. He Was close tg thectgols of iDr. N. Ellis Oliver, 1707 Diverse ! -- lee visit of the German ruling sover Pedleville, Sept. 2--Notice Kas, been [#0 old man, who hurried out «i the [houlevard, cauterized the wound and | I g 3 3 £0 + . 3 ; of » 3 naking: - a : the v3 i Ya ga Negress' Dive Merely Dents Hard | Commissariat of French Explorer |ecigns. given that an application will be | way, ng Neke the animal aking a | the n jun the young man to the Pas | C i Ss li : Archduke Karl Franz Joseph lately | made to the legislatures at its ext [Straight Line for a. group of children. | teur Institute. Ground. | arries Supplies. 2s : 4 ge bai'd Washinet D.C. Sept. 2.--Wash-} Paris, Sept. 2.-Dr. Jean Charcot finished one year's Service as liduten- | session jon A ey a It hy i ls mm---------------- ashington, D.C., Sep = as A - Ah iit jant in a German Hussar regiment. |electric railway from this city to : Eon hy A wr Plating oo > eft Knoien explores and Porro Princess Vietoria Luise, although not Point Arm, a distance of about five PITH OF THX NEWS. FLUNGES FAR TO DEATH. night on just how far a negro may thas le : 1 ) a prdtty girl, is said to be growing [miles, The two cement companies at -- Z , ' . > hii a. 8 rqtiy gil, 8 ¢ g By comprehen fall, head foremost and live, [Pas (Why.Not) for the South. Polar up tobe an exceedingly swoet and [the Point now pay out about half a |The Very Latest Culled From All| Son of Hotel Guest Falls From feel Sul Lay - Gertrude Brown, a negress, | who regicus aan nd Antarc. | talented young woman, who, as the million a year in wages, and the pur- Over The World. Window. ? S$ displayed in this te - ABO 5 o HS S18 \ i's second ar 3 ' ; : . " vay is ; {ive . x . $ holds Vi Kotor] By } making t or tic axoerition it is noteworthy only daughter in a family of = six {pose of 'the pailuay i try to bring Prince Boletoff, a Russian, will at Chicago, Sept. 2.--While his invalid Ye rely » neighb GO lorid: y i 8 : i > a st i oy s trade forkme = ag 2 : BD 0s pi "and Thirteenth Het ha or that to-morrow i€ the anniversary of hl it iy constant chum of her is trade of the workmen to th tempt to cross the English channel | mother lay in an adjoining room, Wil y » & : 8 ¢ Js. ae | . { mother, the empress. city. with an aeroplane. lig D. Docke Jr., the five-year-old v falling recard te : ed veste the day which "he started on his . ' iam. 1), lockery, Jr. the hve-year-ok fashi tapi : Hh fulfing Say 13 do Aailed t er The, das ion ! : i Major-General C. J. Moorsom, who |son of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Déx fashionable and distinctive she stg od & v ) y s : ) : . : Find : - hy, she a AR Hnmeciia oir $ | helped to repulse the Fenian Raid ip kery, Memphis, Tenn., dell, yesterday of design, products of world S---- _ ------------------ investigation and found that there I'he Pourquoi Pas is a three-masted . | Pp i : e ) i Lx F Tol . was Joo screen over her cell win- |=ailing vere) with an auxiliary en J 2 4 | 1866, is dead in South Africa, afternoon from an eight storey win- | famed looms in- a host of dow Ripping the sereen away he | gine "of 500 horsepower, and has a aN A | I'he government has declined to ac- | dow of the Vendome Hotel, 6,200 | pleasing weaves and pattern Tg fe 9 | : 3 Dr. Char i - i cede to the request of Builders' Feder | Monroe avenue and was instantly kill- effects, all marked at prices g x i a 3 A i S-------- : With the greatest and most On every hand fabrics, climbed out on the ledge and seeing | speed of about eight knots. ations for an increase in the import ed. The only other occupant of the {@ Which prove conclusively our i ' duty on Oregon pine room at the time was the boy' } ability to undersell and ov 0 » WE che ned 1 st | staff y a cre wenty CATT 3 = : ; wy : : a over n the way down she turned almo | staff of eight and a crew of twer A Tangier despatch says that Ger vounger brother, Joe; two vears old, value all others. completely over, her head striking, the [two men. '. ®. ' ot] | . He ; e! 3 ' thei of 1 v i apt . o many is secretly sending her consu I'he little fellows were wrestling on a hard ground first. Physicians found | I'he expedition is expected to Just Tore Qut the Ton ue of S aithless back to Fez, and so stealing a march | hed near the fatal window. It is be- . she had sustained no internal injuries, [two vears and lar stores of food on other European powers lieved that the older had Jost his foot ae i i rR . ; » ¢ » older st his fuot- With Fo Ee S Mr. Gaudrault has been nominated | ing during the tussle and fell against New Fall Suitings ith Forceps. no one below, she let go cot is accompanied by a scientific the spot. where she struck the ground | have been laid in, of which the follow & alone suffering. ling are a few items S th TY f I S i 3 { s i v £ & for the commons by the liberals of the scree f the v | Rich g 3 : 8 was § r sade a- | 'wolve ORO VEe at: wee ed Lam i ) : . ono 1 window, which gave I al vay as a hard-headed nig I'welve ton preserved meat; 000 | Chicoutimi, Que., and Mr. Coderre by | way letting him- fall to the pavement ~ : | y 4% t 1 | AMOZON BROADCLOTIHSE | ger," Gertrude said. bottles of wine; five tons of desiceated {the conservatives of Hochelaga. below i ~ ¢ from 75¢. to $1.25. -------- | Yegelables; six -tons of Rows He Po : . The British barque Amazon, for of dried fruit; one and one-half tons , Iquique from Port Talbot, has been > WW of chocolate and jam Was Dragged to Death at Heels of His wrecked near the latter port. Only five : SEDAN BROADCLOTHS, REPUBLICANS WON, Vv Among other things which the Pom of her erew of thirty-two were saved. from $1.50 to $2.50. CHEVERON TWEEDS, VW quei Pas carries are several motor by the Indignant Vil- Hon. Col. J. M. Gibson, the pro- | from 75c¢. to $1.00. White River Junction, MW |sledges, a large number of hooks, and spective new lieutenant-governor of Vermont, Sept, 2--The Wn phonograph. f "lagers { Ontario, will be. invited by the Wost- republicans retained com- N| 'the expedition will head for a part . fern Fair board to open the London he L contral of Both ex- 8 of the Antarctic continent south of - - fae. 00 to $1.80. NE v $1.00 to $1.50. BRADFORD WORSTEDS, from 5c. to $1:50. MEAN 'TO HER. Jonesboro, Arx., Sept. 2.--Mrs. Arch Pickett, yes- terday, slot and lilled her husband, a well-known resident of Jonesboro, be- cause she alleges he was '"'meéan £o her and abused her."' Mrs. Pickett escaped with her stepfather, a prominent farmer, but both were arrested later. Mrs. Pickett confessed. ecutive and legislative Cape Horn, and will attempt to make Count Zeppelin has had to run away branches of the government its way along the coast a8 far as Al tome, Sept. 2.--For tearing out Ris Just as he was preparing to return {froin his admirers, and no ohe but of Vermont. in the state WV fexander 1 Land; whepe the vessel will [former sweetheart 's tongue because she { home, however, he learned, a i in charge of his offices at €LLLLCLCC CCC election, yesterday, the W | take up its winter quarters, bad Broken her promise to remmini| ago, th Boston; that «he had married | Friedrichshafen know whithershe has voters endorsing the party, ¥ \Excursions will then be made to- [faithful while he saved enough to sup- [a well-to-do miller of her native vik gone. ; ; ticket for state officers WW wart the Pole-by means of "he motor port her, a travelling dentist named lage. : i | 1 he International Waterways Com- healed by Lieut./Governor [el Francesco Vergani has been dragged His love turned to hatred, Vergani | mission is to meet in Buffalo on 25th, | | Exclusive Suit Patterns In an extensive assortment Ol pretty weaves, and beauti- ful color tones, including " the new Ombre and Cheveron AUTOMOBILE BLEW UP | Stripes. We advise an early ? -- to death by a horse to which he was | hastened at once to Italy; bought one | to discuss the question of the boun G P New- , as inf tad : o s Sa iF POUL" a GIRL-MOTHER'S CRIME, tied by the bystanders who witnessed | of the stage coaches from which itine- | darv line between St. Regis on the \ : . rant dentistry is practiced there, and ' St. Lawrence. Prouty's plurality was esti- { Deserted Infant in Swamp Near | Vergani, when a youth oRnineteén, | drove to Monselice, a village near Pa-| rhe London Times says that the mated at 28,000. | Guelpt fell in love several years ao with | dua, where he arrived during fair | new White Star line steamships just ' : - Pa. . Eloise "Ferrari, a girl a year his juni- | time, gathered a crowd and performed | laid down on the Thames, will be Gaelph, Bite Sept i Emma Walk- or, and the daughter of a prosperous |a number of small operations, mean- | bigger, but not speedier than the -- call Remember the or ere, «nheléen-yvenr-ol Amneroom Lg, mer of Revigo Province. The girl | while questioningshis patrons concern- Lusitania. : a ry om 3 ne FATHER ASKS REWARD girl in ow Fergus hotel, has admitteiTiikod Kim, but. her parents ohiociud |e Tid Tort fomis | | ""The Cuban post office has giiscover. | AR" Episode at Napanee--Off = For (§ you would like bess may be . to Chief Constable randall that she | that he was too young and too poor As he had expected, it was not long | ed in its bureau of supplies and Sump. ke Smt to fo, Offered For the Capture of His [is the mother of the three-weeks-old to wed. Hoping to make a fortune in [etore she and her husband appeared | vouchers a shortage of upwards of Son. child found in a swamp. neal here last. LA merica, "the: young "man took Pas: fin the group about his coach. Himself $10,000, and Senor Rodriguez, ha Oneonta, 8.Y:; Sept: 2. --Earl Hill Fussday. She stated that she hired a sage to New York, after making his { unrecognizable in the long beard" he | been missing since Friday last rig, drove to Guelph, and, after hid- | yeetheart promise to accept no hus- | yore, Te heckondtl: to. the woman. | Panama has at last séttled its Sec CCCCCLLCCCCcCcce<c hig vengeance. Vv Vv v v v Vv Vv v 2 wv v v v v v v v v Vv VWAAAAAAMV AAA NAAN YY | Napanee, Sept. 2.--James A. son had his automobile put commission on Sunday event He with two or three friends motored | i to Deseronto. and put up at , Stuart House. The automobile! was run wm who, with an accomplice, is charged . ; with the murder of Eldredge Davis, a jing the child ir the swamp. had din- [hand until he returned to claim her who, encouraged by her husband, | tions which began last January and Bainbridge farmer, on Thursday last, [nec in a local hotel, returning to I'he two took their vow of faithful- | goreed to a trial of a powder with | Senor Jose Domingo de Obaldia has } hed Lat i} ' rus § afternoo i i 2 WTA | T : de » she alter nw e evenl of Norwich | Fergus that afternoon. ness in the village church. repeating | (hich he had been polishing the not | been pronounced president. The nati ler the : ! : ' . i fa : : i if : : | +» of e pa was of the ion Phe girl is remanded to fail for a together, as they concluded, "May I o¥erwlean teeth of several of the vil- | onal assembly is to convene on Sep- [One f the party was of " opin " 3th that the gasoline was leaking an struck a match to investigate, with | l and for whom the officers and Oneonta had been since searching walked into his father's home, here, {Week. She has disclosed the identity [he stricken dumb if [ violate the oath { lagers. | tember 1: ban . i , s of the child's father, giving the name + taken.' 4 5 . oy hr . as: hia serch 4 vosterdavy morning, and said he wa : ps 1 g I have aken. Catching up a pair of forceps, as Dr. Koch has been overwhe Imed | the result that an explosiof occurred hungry. He was fed and then tlie [OI & member of the Fergus Lacrossc Fortune was slower in coming to she opened her lips die seized and tore With honors in Japan,-and, like Count | | : lerably | ] i 1 she ne 2 Mie Sez, ? i 3 The hine was nsiderably Irnec father walked him to the municip Club him in the ne Ww world than Vergani out a'large part of her tongue, while ppelin in Germany, has had to hide : 3 machine w . con 4 hl h y d building rned h over to the of had hoped, and it was eight vears be- gut : 5 | from his eastern lion hunters. Before | Peiore he fire was.m A v AAAAAAAAAAAAAANAANAAAAA) | Mlding, turn um 3 ; , the crowd looked on frozen with hor- | g | take several dollars to put the ma. | =m-------- cer in charge, and demanded the | She Did Her Work Well. fore he considered himself able to sup- FOF | he left Fokio 'he was presented by the } _ TT E------ Hs x c . : : - : : | : | 8 ) 3 skrie vepai | reward that had been offered fof Earl.'T Trinidad, Col. Sept. 2--Myrs. 8S. 7. [port the woman of his choice in the | Thien as the asorized husband dashed mikado with a magnilicent silver table | ¢ Mi "N a K i MARRIED, 4 s ¢ 2 e : iss Mvrtle Knight soy ---- abst Rooke, a telephone perator at Fol- | fashion to which he thought she was |; s fa : | servige Fy y § opers t o > | ferward and caught his fainting wife gril \ 2g wook OS ronte > N Prockville And Ogdensburg. om; received a message, last Thurs entitled iin his arms, a rush was made for the A: statue of Free Cuba," is leing 5 A Paes n : iis t Norne Hare Fridav, 8 am steamer America, [day night, that floods were rushing He found employment in the mean- | woach:: The crowd's first instinct was | Prepared in Rome. It is to be twenty I t 'N ' y k i} rnday, ' C a hn = 3 i : £ . < 8 8 8 8 ; . : : | lett ew York, are "Oo gover V S « oti to the numerous requests, we|down the mountains and that she [time with an itinerant dentist, who, plainly to tear him to pieces. As they | four feet high and stand in iront of o 4 [of rh, ar gia lemng M i ALLEN » 8 . R 2 bi . > > 1 f > eT af - ny he { O i sOh and wir on on . * ir 5 x : lor P : ak ancy te , ung : y fhe uw HE Jose. s(n. the arrviva 1 1 % will make one more trip, 50c. return. { must flee' for her life. Instead of run aking a Juhey ) Be young Hatian, tore hin from the coach, however, th monument » Jose larti, the Cu dy ad i TT a 5V RH ning she sat quietly at her desk -ring- final y ag e ie 1s Paripe » 8M 1 somenhe shouted: "Tie. him = to his han, pats tot, in avai, vind will pro- Miss Edith Frasec). also gre te fn Sau pes . oe wit \ £ I Sa ering ol | horse cand let him drag him a 3 Je unveiled on Marti's birthday congratulations over their little dentistry, and enabled him to acen-| | Ph a in January next. | ¥ mulate enough to make him, in Italy, | The suggestion met with instant ap The great oil well fire fear Tampico g ak : aly, g : | 10 greg e e rea ampico, a comparatively rich man {| proval. One of the horses was quickly I { : . J ch, B wincipal of a EE ? Fi the. Gith Vh | Mexico, has just been extinguished, Fla h, | A wr nepal ROBERT J. REID. Corresponding through a¥ 'mutua 1 uniastened from ie cunpn erean | iter burning for two months, It took nstitute leaves tony friend. Vergani had heard regularly | Was bound to its tail, and the animal six giant centrifugdl pumps fun Gays | weeks" trip through 2 The Leading Undertaker. [ which she sat was swept away The from his betrothed during the first six ! aledady frightened and Yeaning was | puring mud and gravel into the «¢ pen Bhd, and France, in the intere ' | "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, is, | body of 'the little her ne. wa found. | Years of his gxte. Then the letters] 'dshed tog ga . | ing before the orifi® could he ® -niip°{h»h:- - nds oine was found, |? . blocked | education. Charl B.. Fox, of -- i pi thi a : i Americs to Fhousand Isl on ER ite wate found, suddenly ceastd. The Italian w as wor The Flot § the Holy's Vengeance { and the flames smothered, ER Louis, fo oh y Hag his he ) Pur S : d See Amusement Column for the four) canon, the head piece of the instru ried and anxious, but still confident Was dragged nearly twa miles . for -- . (lor. a ty date, he sob] e pices an Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude- ent still at her' ear that the girl remained true to him, | the runaway amma was stoppec FIRST MARRIAGE STANDS. el ) nj : ¢ : v7J: Muvi a {men a rear He was confident, too. that. had anv- | Vergani was then almost bevond re Monday evening. Their red coats ma 'Tine ars Bijou Theatre--Devil Waggons Jot -- ts | thing befallen her, his friend would | cognition." The object of his vengeance | Efforts to Have it Annulled Been |® ple Aasing picture on the streets du g Narld Ihe eh ee d v x bh They Ate Toadstools. {have informed him will probably not recover, Abandoned plug, the atterson: 1 The, defends In When making your pickles, pulon 9 Fg ity Sar rby stirs Eileen London, Ont. Sept, 2.--Mr. and bi im-- 2 x . our country are always admire | Catsup, Chile Sauce, etc., ' use My Own --_ EE only the best ingredients. It pays in tae end. We guarantee our b : HARRIS rofess -------------- Four seamen on the British bar fue | Ing up one subscriber after another hold of {and calling : "Pick up and leave at once; a flood is coming down the val ley Calmly she stuck to her post until no less than forty subscribesd" DAILY MEMORANDA. were warned before the building in Puritan were suffocated in the arrival on Friday last the vessel near Boston v | Roller Rink opens this evening Mrs. M. Kimball, of Aun street. had |e eem--" ew 'York, Sept. 2 Instead of the|evervone when they don their coat . final judgment to annul the marrie red and et their cap jauntily on la ry Earow escape from death TRUST COMFANY OF AMERICA: SLOWLY SINKING, of OM Hoon Mabn ia e ev - afte a number of toad a Te » oO I58 ele Maloney, s 2nd, In Canadian History. |Vich they a : . erbert Oshorn being granted as ex- | ' 0 Ra was appointed Gov stools, under the impression that they | Has Paid Off Its Loan of $25,000,- | Death May, Stop the: Trial = of Hopbert on ak ih of the | that i | 3 Caplan SN 2 S ices and Vinegars eroor of Canada. ones: were io ushrooms , The Joist ake was 000. S ~ Robert Caldwell. calendar. This means that the = haf: oa lo hi \ ' 3 aro A dams, a pioneer {qui discovere Wd ¢ vhvsician . ; - . 4 ¢ | ago. I Aarah of the Eastern townships od in An tied a S 0 a} New York, Sept. 2.<The Trust com New York, Seot. 2.--Deéath may. de- | riage supposed to have been pegform i In------------------ to be Absolutely Pure and an active promoter of 'the St. Law : $ ve |pany, of Americg, of - New York city {feat the processes of international Taw [ed in Mamaroneck is still in force SEVEN WERE DROWNED | + R was bern | administéred and both Mr. and" Mrs. | ; . ' : ' . ; rope snd _Atinmia Anhiwny, Coaticook,! Kimball are now out of danger {upon which & sensational run was pre- | in the case of Robert Caldwell, known [and that the relations of the vour in ew re ¥ ¢ y ange 3 Quebec, August 183, 1887 Rie] |cipitated during the financial panic of | as the "great American affidavit { woman to Samuel Clarkson, with ; : ; 1860--The -Prince of Wales (now 'Ring . 4% { 1907, has managed its business so suc | maker," who it wanted in England on [whom she eloped to Montreal and A Dreadful Accident in Penobscot | Bdward VIL) pisited Ottawa. o : Perished In a Fire, cessfully as to be able to pay off in la charge of perjury in connection with | from thence to Europe last fall, must . Bay. | ds. g den 3 0. Shae CR taWa. | Brighton, Unt... Sept i - Mrs. Wil-lits entirety the loan of twenty five | the celebgated Druce tase, ~ remain unchanged ; Deer Isle, Maine, Sept 2 Seven - 3 1906--Lord Grey met with an cnthis liam Caldwell has received news of hnillion dollars which it then eliected Mr. Caldwell, who is well along in No explanation of ' the-unexpected | summer visitors, out of a party oi [JMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, amstié receptiom at Edmontor the death of her Sou; W Baia) ge he company in point of assets and | years, and who failed physically and gurn of affairs has been made." ten, were drowned by 3 capsizitg i ------------------ | WAS fireman on the San Pedro, Los !|jabilities. was the shcond larg in | mentally after the famous trial "in| Oshorn's friends say his atttitude is "tir toot. slot Yenbh- | se Angeles and Salt Lake Road. It is the country, and the run which it suc | which a dukedom was at stake. is in purely Yeo, believing all action en Sy $x koa : 3 hy & MUSTARD CROCKS | supposed he fell asleep in his cabin cessiuffy sustained exceeded any ever | the Manhattan state asylum, oh} hould be taken entirely by the young The drowned are andy Yiu For Pickles, at 5c. %and 10e¢. [with a lamp burning and accidentally | known in the history of America. The | Ward's Island. His condition is such woman. The = deepest mystery en- Miss Alice Torro. Washington, D.( each, Pickle Bottles, at 25c¢. per knocked it over, creating a fire which ordeal through which it passed de- | that it is probable'hemever will leave |(ieouds the reason why Mr. Maloney, Miss. Eleanor Torro Washington dozen, at TURK'S. 'Phone. 70%, caused hig death. monstrated that it was clearly oy, athe institution alive. He is sinking | (4d Philadelphia millionaire, wishes to D.C. : TT | ---- sound basis, and its Solin gradually. 4 [have the marriage remain upanuulled, | Miss Kelloge, Baltimore. Md. NEARLY FELL IN GORGE. | to - Arthur | three hairs, and march about with To Play In America, \ had been a prudent one when he was the first to desire that Lutie Kellogg, Baltimore, Md Rome, Sept. 2.--Dorando, the Itali EE ail Cuts $100,000,000 From Bud lit be called void. It is khown that he Mrs. Lucey §. Crawley, Philadelvhi er y . - ¥ . A 5 udget. '1 rs. Laey Nn. Lrawley, iadelphia as h no \ 1; . : : . hose i ¢ Balloon Were Some- Look--At. The Snaps: an rvupller, who made such a vallant |- * Acecused-0f : Tokio. Sept. 2.--The government's [does not - favor Clarkson atid is ex- Miss Elizabeth: Evans, Mount Holv- Thote in th a ; n \ hort a few fefiort inthe Marathon rdce, in Lon- |, [ouisd, Ky. Sep > financial policy, adopted by- the ca- [tremely - proveked by the recent .dis- .oke Seminary, Mass. 5 what Injured: sr Piet i {don, has signed a cohtract for a six charged with incendiarism, ""~gas | hinet, yesterday, invelves a curtail- appearance of his daughter from his Jason C. Hutchison, Bangor Niagara Falle, N.Y See them. Come quick; Only { months' vaudevilll engagement in the brought here, yesterday, from Chefo™ memt of .expenditures ia <100 00: 000, summer home _at Spring Lake, N.J.. I'he thiree persons saved were of the big:*balloons which one of eachs ' i nited States. He will sail for Am~ kee, to escape. mob 'violence He . is | of which thirty pér cont. will be Miss Maloriey is supposed to be with Capt. Haskell, Deer Isle bus, Ohio, in the international race, $25.00 Sets fo --3$19.50. erica in a short time, accused of setting fire to the residence | taken from the army 'budget and ten {friends in Philadelphia. . Prof. Edward Crawley, Philadelphia,.} is lying partially wr ed about a 16.00 * ¥ ---- 14.00. | of Charles Cooper, near Cherokee, re- | per cent. from that of the navy Ja-{ A possible explanation of the unex- | husband of Mrs. Crawley mile and 'a half east of the Vogt farm action is found in a story Henry B. Evans, Mount Hols oke, jon the northern limits of the city. " 0. ' a 1 : ¢ 3 . : ; sto ------ 114 Dies On Operating Table. sulting in the destruction of the pro- | pan admits her financial stringency. [pected ] : id Pl . T row ).--While undergoing 'perty and the death of twe of Coop- 'but insists on the utmost economy [printed by the World as coming from | buother of Miss Elizabeth Evans. I'he balloon had a very narrow es. 2 i" -- Toronto, Sept. 2 q . 'a ¥ " bar Fuses ; - on bt the General Hospital #'s children. Two other children are aud depends on foreign countries to Rome, $0 the ices, thal the. flope and cape Som Jonding. in the Niagaea . -- ETE. Miss A. Thompson, of Brampton, col- in a serious condition. Cooper is so accept the situation. ipeluding post- the college o the ws I ; y fhe Coal Strike Ended eo ruilnay | the oecu- . lapsed and died. The woman had badly burned that his recovery is not | ponement of the exposition, as en their consent 0 the annu ent o the a : Ms fof a deep, railway at ane h ou 6:75 - : ! been suffering . with 'goitrd for years expected. Mrs. Cooper is also serious- {act of wise economy on the part of ymarriage which was Je ered neces- Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 2.--The coal | pants were pitchec out an o Bin e | five days ly bumedt Blood-hounds tdgk up the the nation. {sary by the fact that lise Maloney 's strike in this district has been called | tracks, some 'twenty feet ov al pms trail at the house and followed it to bid father, Martin Maloney, Philadelphia ofii The end of the strike mepns that | slightly injured. These are : a . it a papal mdrquis and practically all the miners in the Bir- | Mueller, in charge, %ib fractured; Gers a 3 ' 0. 2 3 g arreste oe ¢ cl i = » illionaire y colley cars, loaded with ex- | Sprous" house. Sprous. was arrested According to official forecast, the 'millior y J % all n e oi : i ROBERTSON Eight trolley car : ty P members of the | Roman | mingham district will be on a _non- {ald Gregory, ankle sprained; Harold Sept. 2.--One left Colum and was sent to the hospitd } Ne - $id g alled y rOug here. Cooper and Sprous' season's rice crop in Japan, will be hié family eursionists, were stalled" by potnto' and brought \ > $ yj a ES hatima far bues on the rails near. Bristol. Conn. wore engage 'in a suit over, lumber. on basis", | Gregory, back injured, of Z \ "eighteen 'per cent, above the average, church. _ 5