Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1908, p. 5

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IHISH a» J Cit \N WRITES ON HER TRIP TO IRELAND. i ¥ $ e---- > «© Visits Many Places of Interest cand Has Word of Praise For the Well Kept Roads. A Miss Mabel Angerson, who resides the commer of Prancess and © Vivi- i street, god who, with her mother, a visit to Ireland, writes the ig ps follows : : "Un an Irish jaunting car, atoom- by mother, nd he and Mr: BIR. Lavery, we drove along the shores of Burmiglordbough from New- townards, on a bright sunny day. . "The ear was not such as I have been led to believe that lrish cars weke ie like, but nevertheless a handsomé one, ¥ b ~ galirely oT "fron, ruber tires; this combined with ms Swilt horse, made our. drive a very ut one. We passed through t domains of the Marquis of = lLondoh- derry, and had the pleasure of seeing his house, knpwn as Mount Stewart, in which house ning Edward VII gnd Alexandra were the guests of the noble marquis. We then passed on to Gray Abbey, and saw the re mains of the old abbey, as built - in the tweltl * eenfiity by De Courcey, the remains of "which are kept in a aod state of preservation by the ard of works, Ireland. Gray Abbey i 08 in the village of the Montgomery's Since the pixteenth century. The Mont- fliers 's' residence here is known as mount, and the present owner is "Major-General William E. Montgom- ery, D.L., a gentleman loved and high- ly esteemed by all classes of people. Ho is almost adored, but le is no more thought of than his good wile, who, in her earlier days, was lady-in- waiting to thé late Lueen Victoria thy qu heing hor godmother, "UGray Abbey is six miles distant from Newtownards. We thea took inland, passing the domains of Lord Pally- walter, where we had tea gt the Dun- Jeath Avmié hotel. Ths has been a very pleasant drive and the stenery delightful. 1 all of Ireland is eoual 16 this then surely the green sod is a delightinl place. We hada walk along the sand and saw sonic boats passing alany on St. George's channel from Hellist direction, heading for Fnor- land, ad at this place the Atlantic liners can be seen on their start from Liverpool for Cenada. After a wait of an hour we drove to Millisle, where Mr. Lavery showed ug two of his houses and also m pigee of ground that he has taken to eregt a bungalo, as it is a beautiful spot, facing .salt water in St. George's channel and within eighty yards of the water's edge. We then turned for home (New- townards) and passed along anagther six miles of very nice country.' Every inch of the fields seemed to be culti- veited with early woses, potatoes and good crops of "all kinds, Go where <n may the roads are well kept, nicely, rou in the centre and sur- face: Men keep the ss and weeds alsb kept ditches cropped' short with wall flowers, and it is certainly a very great pleasure humming along on their well-kept roads. We left. Neéw- townards at two o'clock and after an abstnee of five hours, in which we covered filteen Trish miles, equal to twenty-four English miles," we had our tea and a short talk. then went to bed and slept like tops." GIRL FALLS 200 FEET. Escape From Death or Even Broken Bones. London, Aug. I5.~A girl named Olive Perry, while gathering flowers yesterday, fell over Clifton Rocks, a distance of about 200 feet, She had a warvelons escape death, for when rescued she found to be suffering violently shock, and no hones were broken, She was taken to the Bristol Royal Infirmary, and is waking a good re covery. from was from " Skeletons Discovered. Winnipeg, Aug. M6.-=A party of priests from St. Boniface College have A discovered remains of Fort St. Charles built in 1:32 by Sieur de la Veran- dreye, first explorer of the North-West, on au island in Lake of Woods American territory. . They also discovered skeletons of Father Auliggar and Jean Baptiste de Ja Verandryé, and nineteen skulls of French-Canadian voyagers who were massacred by Sioux: Indians in 1736. For many years past the Roman Catholic church here made attempts . to locate these remains but until the present month all efforts to do so had failed. in Invented New Rifle: Oberndorf, Wurtemberg, Aug. 15. Paul Mauser, the aged inventor of the pile, hearing his name, has invented a pew military rifle, the principal fea: ture of which is a twenly-five-shot § antomatic cartridge feeder. The rifle may alse be used as a single-shot piace, the bearer reloading after each shot, whi.e the magazine of twenty-five cartridges remaing ready for an smergency. The newsarm weighs but a few ounces more than the iifle now used in the Geman service. Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau King and* Queen leave for Ottawa, , Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- dav and Saturday, at § a.m., and for Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 6:15 p.m. James Swift & Co., Agents. To Marry Soon. Bendqn, Aug. 15.----1t is anpobneed that Wihston Spencer Churchill, presi. deat of the Board of Trade, will mar- ry Clementine, daughter of the late Sir Henry Montagu Hosier, who for thigtv-two years was secretady of Toys, : i Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a» t reduction in price in the order and' ready-made clothing department; « also gents' furnishings. Fook at dis play windows, 1 80c. Peaches And Flums 60c. oaghes and _plions, large basket, uit, 60 baskets. Ceawlord's. the A Ride; they] SASKATCHEWAN ELECTIONS. Premier Scott Sustained--Minis- 3 ted. : vi - ed : rghit places are still to be : Prom" ahd the election in one constituency is yet to be held. Hon. J. A. Calder is likely defeated in Milestape W. R. "Motherwell's feat din h Au'Appelle is co i | Hon. 7h ur was defeated in Prince Albert hut carried Duck Lake, wees fo incomplete returns. Ya. a M------ " Sf Liberals Elected. Regina City, Saskatoon City, Swift Current, Yorkton, Wadena, Canning- ton, Rosthern, Sallcoats, Duck Lake; Liberal ibly elected : Arm River, South leford, - Fetevan, "Francis, Hanley, Humboldt, Moosomin, Saska- toon tounty, . Touchwood. Liberals elected and probably elected, nineteen. VERE a ---- a Eaton parti ~ ina County, Prince od gl City, Pipestone, Moors Mountais; Maple Creek; South u'Ap= pelle, North Gu'Appelle, Milestone, Souris, Pheasant Hills, Prince Albert | County. wProwincial righters Jrabably elected ountain, Lloydminster, North ord, , Weyburn, Provincial righters® elected and dead: ing, sevel . Ir Vike Vb gre finally ip it is anticipated "that the liberals will be found to hive wou of least twenty fwe teasing fifteen for their op- ponents, The endorsement of Premier Seott's policy by giving him a ma- jority ef ten in the legislature is re garded ab a sweeping vietory, Lib- erals throughout Saskatchewan . are delighted with the resuly of the elec tion, coming, as it does, after a cam paign in which the premier's oppon: ents used every means to discredit the policy which he has been responsible for. =* ' Premier Scott, 1 province a measure of redistribution which was in every way eminently faic, has. undouptedly gained the ap: probation, not only of his liberal sup- porters, but of many who have ben nhignherell amolg His opponents, His fearless. append to the country has been justifily and the opinion of the people' exemplified ut the polls in a striging manner. ! p- He has thinisell been returned as wanker for Swilt Current hy a wma- jority which can only by gratifying to the liberal leader. in * A Late Despatch. Regina, Aug. I5--~Premicr Scott car ried Swift Current, a new constituency; hy - about 100 are faf frgfi complete. Hon. Al Gplder d 'Hon. W. R. Mother- well's are both likely defeated. Hon, Mr." 'Turgeon ' carried Duck Lake by ahoul seventy-five majority. Figures so far : Liberals, 19; conservatives, 17. PITH BoB Wen oF THE NEWS. pi TERY - TTX The Very Latest Culled From All Ever Te World. Ta Db. "Sankey, the evangelist, died at his home in Brooklyn last night. Sir Louis "Jette, lieutenant-governor of Quebec, will probably open the Canadiapt National Exhibition," To ronfo, ; i The Hamilton police are after pool cdoms where the results of fort Frie races are posted. The appointment is gazetted of KE, L. C. Forester, Ottawa, to he assist: ant analyst in the laboratories at- tached to the department of inland revenue, Bandits. held up a Northern Pacific train, on Friday night, nine miles éast of Spokane, Wash. It is not yet know whether much loot was cured, The Grand Trunk has paid a reg a- lar dividend on four per cent. guar- anteed stock and passed a dividend for the half year on first, second and the so b granting to 'the | majority, but returns J.1 WAS HE MURDERED?) os SAYS LEEDS FARMER MET] New York, UL PLAT. Rocks--Was Placed in Place Where It Was by Persons Who Robbed Iead Man. es Sherilf Bel , of -Jelierdon county, NY, who charge of the distriet attorney's dnvestigation into the death of Hugh' Geaham, at Alexandra Bay, | N.Y. told 'your correspondent that alter minute examination he was fully convinced that Graham was murdered and his body placed in-the water and 'wedged, between two rocks. The autopsy proved conclusively that the man was alive whén his hotly entered the water. Sheriff Pellinger gays' that the position of the body was such when found as showed {it to have been placed. thus by: persons who 'robbed deceased. tod investigate! the dvtroimetaused of his . AN INTERESTING EVENT ; Expected in , Queen. gx QUEEN WILHELMINA. Apeldorn, Holland, Aug. 15.--1It .is announced, here that an intéresting event is expected in the Dutch, royal family. Queen Wilhelmina is now stay- ing at the royal castle, at Hetloo, near here. HAS NO CONTRACT To Visit Montreal Solely to Ad- dress Strikers. Montreal, Aug. 15.--~Relerring to the general impression that President O'Connell, of the International = Me- chanics' union, 8 coming here with the inteuticn of conferring with the €.P.R. mechinies' strike leaders, Bell Hardy said that the official will not come hero for that purpose, but really, to address an assembled and 'repre sentative body of the strikers. He has , nothing to do with the arrangements of the etrike, and cannot influence it. Looking For Good Game. Special go ?he Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 15,~The Ottawa ball tossers Will have a husy time, this afternoon, at th Oval, when they stack up against the Kingston nine which has a long list of victories to its credit. The slab work of the Ofta- was will be by Otto Quinn, and the locals think he will handle the wvisi- tors a bunch of curves that will fade them easily. Both teams have been working 'hard for this game, and it should prove a fast, snappy exhibi- tion. Play will start at 3 pam. Canadian Yachts Sweep Card. third preference shares. x More than one thousand head of one thousand tons of hay were de- stuoyed in a fire that completely wip- ed. out the hig sheep sheds at the Un- Satuday morning. . At Springfield, 1l., two white men were killed, an 'unknown negro was lynched, more: than half a hundred persons were injured and two score of houses, mostly = occupied by negroes, were lmrmed, last night, as the result of an attempt. by a mob, to lvach a negro, who had assaulted a white wo- man. 'It is believed further disorder will Fo Prevented he twoope A circular, has heen issued by Grant Trupk Pacific announcing appointment of various officials for that company... W. E. Davis will be passenger 'traffic agent; G. T. Pell will be -penetal passenger agent, and J. G. Ouiek will he general haggage agent. These ore dual positions with those row held by these same gentlemen m the Grand Trunk railway. - -- the the Baseball On Friday. Eastern leagne--Newark, 2; Toron to, # Baltimore, 6; Bulialo, 1. Urovidence,t. 6; Rochester, 0. Mon- tredl, 8; Jersey City, 1 American loagwé--Washington, Chicago, #®. Pluladelphia, 3; Louis, «2. Detroit, 5; Boston, Cleveland, 4; New York, National' league Pittsburg, ton, 1. St. heuls, 4; Cinciinati, 3-1; St. 9 &* Bos- b. RP ------------------ i Stayed To Put On Shoes. Vancouver, B.C:, Aug. 15.--A young Englishman named E. Warrener = was burned to ' death, yesterday morning, in a Tooming-house fire on Westmin- ster avenue. He stayed to put - on his 'shoes and was caught by the flames. His brother Bort alse had a nartaw escape. He collapsed in a chair 'snd had 'to bé carried out. Our Epioure cooked ham is cured and cooked hy a special process and should sell for 40e. a lb; we sell for 30c. Compare it with other makes and vou will see the glifference. Gil bert's. William Swaine, piano tener. Orders recnived at MeAnley'sn. "Phone 778. The golden heart does not bave the shegp were burned to death-and about | | Little Neil, ion Stock. Yards, in East Buffalo, on | respective gle i cup. Watertown, N.Y., Aug. 14.--Cana- dian yachts swept ihe card at the Crescent Yacht Club regatta at Chau- mont, today. Tuvader, Hamilton; Iris and Cheriyia, Kingston, and Trenton, winning in their s, and Kathleen, King- ston, capturing the main race by de- feating Crescent, Waterfown, in the first race for the George challenge Hundreds = witnessed the races, which were sailed in 'a brisk west wind. The yacht Kathleen, to-day, won its race, at Chaumont Bay, by two and one-half minutes. Wirelessed An Invitation. London, Aug. 15--The deputy lord mayor of Liverpool wirelessed to Lord Roberts and Lord Stratlicona alr invitasion to lmcheon at the town hall on arrival here. 7} they ave un- able to accept, the deputy will meet the Empress of Britain in ovder to receive and welcome their lordships hone. 80c. Peaches And Plums 60c. Peaches and plans, large basket, Lest fruit, 60 baskets. Crawford's. H hiv lawyers ean get him to Pitts burg, to meet his creditors, Harwy K. Thaw may be a free man within » month, ¢ Royal tea is better than any other 40e. package tea pat up, and you get a handsome prosént with each pound. You don't have to wait till you set a basketfull of coupons to get any: thing. Gilberts. St. James' searchlight excursion, Monday, Aug. 17th, 7:30 p.m. Steam: er America. Band on hoard. 8c. Try "My Wardrobe" for = keeping clothes cleaned and sed up-to- date, 188 Wellington street. The things a n is going to do don't put money in his pocket. Buy Colgate's and Mennen's talcum powders at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, "Phone 230. ® Love is the poetry of life ard matri- mony is the corn heel and eabbage. "The latest styles in hats and on at J.P. Forest's. Wearing mourning is not. alwdys an unmistakable gign of grief. | Boys® suigi, new goods, mow. im, 5 brass face. ooked hum, 25¢, Crawiord's. head a i 3i Pith' oy Found |! np Brockville, Out., * Avg. 15.--High | /* the Palace of Duteh | for "| Pgiiice, which is shut up and desolate, i #8 or 3 8 royalties at both, and at Li ders the Duchess 1 the Duke of Connaught, King De eteral ceil she ha or era and mag careful 10 avoid g any she is likely to her: time to hari b and J owing more and mori int it. Fis week she took in two charit- able functions and : gf HE ike of Ma os 4 Duchess esa large part set; who sympathize entertans them @ " her parties are very quiet and are announced in the newspapers. Meantime the Duke, who is making with rarely. bk "| desperate efforts to keep his end up in jocicty, finds that.even a Marlbor- ough without is a very. different person from a Marlborough with America' dollars, He glives between Blenheim except' for a dozen rooms, and the Ritz Hotel in London. _ He is working hard for political pro~ minence, but is an uninteresting speak- er, and since the possibility 'of his get+ ting handsome campaign contributions from 'the Vanderbilt fortune has van- ished he cuts a less important figyre with his party chiefs. £ INDULGE IN NEW VICE. Ether Inhalation is Their Latest Habit. Paris, Aug. 15~The inhalation of ether, which for some time has been a favorite vice among certain Parisians, is being taken up by Americans here to some extent, and one of two unpleasant episodes have happened recently as a result, At a small dinner given by a smart American who lives near the Arc de U'Etoile the hostess happened to alone in the drawing room when the first guest, a young man well-known to New York society, arrived. He almost staggered into 'the room after he had been announced, his eyes half closed and his face blanched. . y "What is the matter with you?" ask- ed the hostess, who. to be a gaol friend of the man. "You've been haling ether." LTE TREATY, Sit man admitted the fact. The hos- tess 'explained to him that he was in no fit condition to attend the dinner, and asked him to leave the house, which he did at ounce, : » The nexts day he called to explain. He Had made the aequaintamce, it seemed; of several y French noble- men who carried vials o ether about with them and who inhaled the fumes frequently during the day. The young American had been persuaded to try the effect. This was on the morning of the day of the dinner, and his recovery had been' slow. "It was simply an experiment," he said, "and not one which I would care to repeat." * The habit is not one easy to break. The effects are said to be even worse than those of cocaine. BOSH WAS HIS NAME, Witness Was Not Trifling With the - Dignity of the Court, New York, Aug. 15--Magistrate Har ris had a little difficulty inthe night court yesterday morning over the name of one Oscar Bosh, a six foot four inch grocer, of 224 East Thirty-first street, who was a witness in an assault case. The magistrate asked him his name and what he saw of the fight. "Bosh, I saw these tw----" the big witness began but the magistrate in- terrupted him. "What do you mean. by bosh, sir? Kindly answer my question, sir, and give me your name," said the magis- trate, "Oh, Bosh, Bosh. 1 saw these two " continued the witness. Again he was interrupted. 3 "John," asked Magistrate Harris of the bridge officer. "Is this man intoxi- cated or crazy?' *No, judge, 1 know this man. He lives in my neighborhood and his name is Oscar Bosh. He dida't mean 'Oh, bosh,"" explained the policeman. "0-0-0-00h! Now -I understand," said Magistrate Harris, mess testified, DEMOCRATIC FUND. To Be Raised Through Appeals to Individual States. : Chicago, Aug. 15~The democratic national cAmpaign fund of 1908 iwll be raised through appeals made to the jn- dividual states for comtributions, Each state, under the direction of its mna- tional: committeeman or a finagcial re- presentative designated for that by will detgrmine its own method of raising money. e. financial committee gen-' erally agrée that between $500000 and $1,000,000 will be require¢ to finance the coming presidential ec Cabmen's 'phone 490, | A large sailing yacht with 4'seven young men ais crew, touched here, last | evening, on its way boys have bedn on a long cruise, and wiil énd up at Toronto, Cooked ham, 25¢. Many a man who duty that dirties his hands plun vith delight into that which blac HL, Adphinighi Cupningham, Chitkering's. Leave Aunlev's . $5,000 furnishings sold at down town prices. Hit 2 work and is |: and the wit- & the lake, The | Orawford' 4 sarinks ; Trot the Jok otk uptodate gents' | he cages vidently "siding in" with tress." ¢ ; in Strong Resolution. : New Ha Conn., Aug. 15--Den+ unciation of the liquor traffic, an ap- peal for sanctification of Sunday' and' the exclusion from membership in Ca- tholic societies of those engaged in the liquor traffic were the striking features of the resolutions adopted hy the na- tional convention of the Catholic To- tal Abstinence Union, 3 The Union declares its allegiance to the Catholic church and especially' re- minds the clergy "of the anathema which is uttered against him who preaches any other gospel save that which has been delivered to the Apos- thes: . With all our souls we welcome the encyclical of our Holy Father, Pius G., on modernism." The resolutions also say: "Catholic riodicals that cannot lin: without iquor advertisements should: die. Let them not drag' down the Catholic in their greed. e earnestly suggest that Catholie organizations which exclude saloon-keepers from membership and which forbid the use of liquor at their meetings should not tolerate the forma- tion of clubs within their membership which despise the letter and spirit of those laws that have been' made ; by their organization for the honor of the Catholic. name." ; It was voted to hold the next con vention in. Chicago. Rev. James T. Coffer, of St. Louis, was elected presi: WAS FOOLISHNESS. © 001s : Slav Woman Had Not Washed in 60 Years. Cranbrook, B.C., Aug. 15--Stories of the funny side of the Fernie fire are coming to light. Fernie is sixty miles from Cranbrook, and the crowd 'was bundled hurriedly and crowded into the cars coming east. On Aug. 3 there arrived a grand sig nor from the banks of the Arno with the most forlorn. desolate, battered, and disgusted 'old Plymouth Rock rooster tucked: under his arm that the wonder- mg eye of man ever rested on. What he wanted this ungainly fowl for is a matter beyond even his own ken, but through all the crush and ruin he clung to that relic of the old box he used to call his home. A Slav woman arrived with only a waterproof coat over her, but in tik: sleéve she carried a chicken about a week old. Another clung to an old box, suciy as is used for carrying a silk hat, as if to life. * Town in the wash tent a Slav wo. ma + consented to allow her child to be washed thoroughly, but when she was asked to bathe she stmply said she was sixty years of age and had never had occasion for such foolishness. The chief of police had to be called in to overcome her objections. BOWMANVILLE NEWS SOLD. Publishing Company Secure Opposition Journal. Bowmanville, Ont., Aug. 15M. A. James & Sons, publishers of the States- man, have purchased the Bowmanville News from James Gale who has pub- lished the paper for twenty-eight years. It will be published as an independent paper, with George W. James as editor and "publisher, Gale Bros. bought the News in 1880 from the late George S Climie. It was started in 1874 by the late J. A. Wilkifson of "Big Push" fame; and has been published success- ively by Wilkinson, Chas. Cliffe, Cliffe rnham, H. A. Durnham, T. W. Mingay, George S. Climie, Gale Bros, and for the last decade by James Gale. DESTROYED C.P.R. STATION. Blow Big Safe to Pieces at Stonewall. ; Stonewall, Man., Aug. 15--Profes- sional safe blowers destroyed the C.P. R. station on Thursday morning and blew a heavy safe four feet high to pieces. They secured about $100 in cash and valuable xpress packages. "yeggmen" is apparent. They ¢ in the usual way of these strolling ofiminals by stealiig a hand-car, you spend here the more DENOUNCES LIQUOR TRAFFIC. | Abstinence Union Adopts a} | THIRTEEN DEA That it was the work of experienced | - The more Foul save. Bibby's. ; He THE CUT 2 Spot Organdy, beauti in Stock, CLASS SUMMER Made up fa the latest styles of the finest trimmed with Vi and open, and blind Embroidery. One third off _ New White Skirts, in Lawn, Linen, Pique and trimmed with Lace, Embroid ery, Self-Pleating 'and $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 up to $5.00, ~~ = Sizes are. * The Leading Millinery IN FIERCE .GIPSY FI . Revolvers, Knives and - Other Wearons in Battle . Betweeny Two Rival Bands. Tey Vienna, Aug. 15.--A vegular battle took place last night between two bands of gypsies attending the horse market at Friedeck, Silesia. The Arouble began in a quarrel be- tween two gypsies belonging to rival bands over the sale of a horse, 'The Yasrel shooting the other dead in the of a beerhouse. : The other gypsies at once joined in and fought fiercely with each other with knives, revolvers and othes wea- pons. Elevgn of the gypsies had heen "illed before the police approached to 'nterfere. All the gypsies: whos were not hors de combat then sprang into the river, with the object of swimming acrofy. Two were so exhausted hy their 'wounds that they sank and were drowned. The others, when they reached the other side, found that their vans with their wives and children (were in the hands of the police. The vans were found to contain a minature arsenal of weapons. and a large hoard of stolen goods. garden Home From North-West. Japum, Aug. 13.<A hailstorm visit- ed this place last Friday, doing econ- siderable damage to vegetation. number from here attended the fune- ral, on. Monday, of the late Mrs, ¥nnis Tueas, of Maple avenue. Mrs. R. D. Brown and son, William, visited friends in Yorker oii Wednes- dav. Lieut.-Col. Clyde, Odexsa, calling on friends here on Wednesday, and gave some glowing neccounts of his visit 10 the North-West, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Love, Mr. and Mrs. James Huff, and sons, Harold, CHif- ford- and Frederick, and Miss Jessie Huff, s, On Sunday, guests of Messrs, James and John Reid, Glen- Messrs. Cummings Yarker, are pa Kingston, is the guost = this wiek Mrs. F. Brave, 3 worth spent a few days last week wi Westbrooke, is a few Mire rt Eee Bell" Chagies sted, Camden East, visited David M. Spenc resulted in one of the men| i of} : Mra. (Dr.) Avles- {hat Mrs. Emily Bimpkins, Harold Snook, 7 - - a Store, 119 Princess Joseplt Pex : with her oy. Chen ! Cloyne. Frank Hinch, Toronto, was renewing old acquaintances here Sun- day last. W. Hinchey snd Fleming intond L the xoustion to J Manitoba. = Mj i id i folly a 'a weak with : King ston. Mrs, Allan Peters, Saskatche. : wan, is visiting her father, George Mil- ligan. School will re-open . Monday. Miss Florence Wilson, Newburg, is vis- ting Mes. R. Milligan. 1 ~$1.85 Watertown Return $1.65. Good going Saturday, pms Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and 4.80 turning up to and including day. SAY : Thursday, at the home of the bride's Jurents, Mr. and Mrs, James Dun wm, Brockville, Miss Violet Vivian Dunham was univ in marred to John MoNaugh* _ ddwards, gry The ceremony wis performed" hy Rev. or Rycltnan, Ringutan. "Kasagea," in 25c. and 50c. bottles at. Gibson's Red Cros 5 "Phone 230, Drug Star. The formation of 'a civilign = rifle as- sociation in Brockville will likely be accomplished in a few days. If You Are In Good ai Jeet Men, and: Especially Women, Who Are Plump Are Most Liable To Get Too Fat. - = J.P, Forest, King street. Our, prices give you the Ss. i Willio : Form, Stay That Way # 5: am. or 2 Pv x

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