* WAGE TWO The Simple Life §s best 'To live naturally; work during the day, keep your temper} . eat thfee meals and take a Beech- DID NOT MATERIALIZE MEETING CALLED OF THE| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE SPORT REVIEW. A Fine Game Expected at Cricket Field. The Victorias and CL duled to play at the ericket field, this SUNDAY SERVICES| CG. were sche- |RECHAB TANDY-T TANDYTO SING AT \ % - £ \ SATURDAY, Aves 15, 1808. °° ------------ INCIDENTS OF 1 oF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs aphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Booth & Co., the "best place slabs. 3 f for. -BOARD OF HEALTH. What other 'stores do well, we. do better. Bibby's. The police station gave shelter last night to a poor wayiarer. "It makes you strong,' and Wine, 50¢., not 73c., Red Cross Drug Store. Ser-1. A tramp made-calls upon Alfred street people for food to-day, He had a hard luck story and was given asFigtance. Don't fail to see the Q's society en tertainers presenting Florence Q." Part of Queen's Hall concerts, London. England, at the Hotel Dieu garden party. James Baker, James Thompson and William Harris went fishing on Fri- day, up the lake, and came back with a mess of the finest bass seen this season, Theyt had sive in the bunch, and they all weighed over three pounds, the largest weighing about fou pounds. The finest leaves from Ceylon tea afternoon, in the senior city league QUEEN STREET CHURCH. series. This game should be one of ! Busy Week For Meetings, But [the first-class variety. The Vies. | Rev. C. A ykes is Home Again Little Business Has Been "Done | would like to turn the trick again, | and ciates = To-Morrow-- ~Another Meeting Booked For he Victorias will "ploy. o retum | Some of the Subjects Given Monday. game in Napanee on Wednesday next. 4 For Pulpit Discussion. The meeting of the board of health, |The Napanee team is anxious to get! St Andrew's--Rev. Dr. Mackie. called for yesterday afternoon, dia.| the' Victorias there and hand them vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Strangers not materialize; It was the same old {out a . trouncing, but they will . have | welcome. story=--no quorum. Dr. kwans, Dr:lbhard 'work doing .it. The Napanee | First Etherington and John Lemmon were bunch have only been defeated twice|, and 5 pan. = -- | the only members who put in an ap 2.16 noon. . Strangers : a this year, and - both | times have fell | |. pearance. The meeting was called for down before the Vics. Quite a num-{ (ited to ail the sers ices. Furniture & Carpet four o'clock, and | the members who Cooke's. Presbyteriun church, Brock ber wil accompany the team up. were. on hand to tackle the ------ strest--Rev, W. 8.. MacTavish, Ph.D. TIME am's - Pill regularly, as required, There is no medicine for the sim ple life, or the strenuous, like Beecham's Pills * Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cems To acquire merit ohe "must doing something better than - present best. That is the prnsiple we follow with our ' Shirts, Collars, Ties, Fancy Hosiery, Ete. All the time striving to give you better values than you ever had before, ----gp------ Agent for 'J. Brand Austrian plantations are contained in Salada' | Collars ; also "W. G. and rR. Tea. It is packed Mn scaled lead | Collars, 1 sizes. packets to preserve its delicious . flavor and aromd. Sold by all I RIT are not . grocers; never by peddidks "Ihe lowest or any tender not neces or in h bulk} ; sarily accepted. The street car service was badly : By ordes, bungled up on Friday night for about | ; 1. K. TO 3 half an hour. One of the bay cars De: ary. K 5 | . partment of Railways and Oanals went &ff at the junction and for a x a rh - PUT IN YOUR TANK ei W AT OUR DOCK.» Sor or Cangl't will be 'this « the ¥ * Beel, Iron 4, inti] 18_o'eloa on Nonday, at Gibson's ii at n= Baptist church--Seryiees, Sunday school, cordially prepa : the Departinent of Beenie» will form, part Contractors requested to bear in mind, that tendérs will not bg consid consid fuss od, unless made Steicty ju' hechrds i with the printed forms, ih ihe the ca of firms, unless there are wen "he actual dgnatu the Ay Sccapation and a e each member es i Yemdenee An ted bank Shogug Jor th g sum of 820, a Jade pryaiie hd inet ae aye gm Soich 30 ut hy nl wn be Sorted. if Te © tonderin declines entering into rt sndering work, af the rates stated in the offer submitted, The cheque thus sent in will be return. od to the respective contracts whose ten- business, there was they de Sporting Notes. Gans will take up his | ing for his third meeting with before tung' Nelson in the waited until 4.20, and as pastor. Rev. 1}, H. Marshall, of St. not a quorasm present then, George, Uat., will preach at both ser- parted, vices. Strangees welcome. The all-myportant question ! St. George's cathedral--Holy com- the board now, is that of. the honor Coinwalls have suffered municn, 8 a.m. Matting and choral arinm of $500 suggested for Dr. Bell, | ty aniuute pe males this season than |communion, il a.m.; preacher, Arch- the medical health officer, for his at-|any other team in the National La-|deacon Grout, beihi, N.Y. Baptismg, tendance at the isolation - hospital, | 'crosse Union. {1 pm. Evensong, 7 pim.; preacher, and which brought about such a live New ors pape rs estimaté that the |Canon Starr. ly tilt at 'Thursday's meeting, when] Ginits will turn over a prolit of Sydenham Street Methodist church-- the session to a rather sudden | $100,000 on the season. Ihe receipts Pastor, Rev. Charles A. Swvkes, BD. end, [up to July 15th werk sufficient to pay! «ill officiate at both services on Stn. The board of health is composed of | the seasombs expense day, August 16th. Services at 11 the follow g: 8S. S. Corbett (chair- thomas Lipton is am. and 7 pam. Midweek 3 service man), Muyor Ross, Dr. Etherington, | than ever to try agai for the. Ameri- Wednesday, 8 p.m. : : Dr. Evans, Dr. Knight, Lem- | ca s cup. 'lhere are still six" weeks for Brock Streot Methodist church--Rev, non and Francis King. { him to issue a challenge for a race E. Burke, B.D., pastor. 11 a.m. Speaking to the members who were | Sandy August, of 196V. the pastor will preach; 7 pan., Rev. present, Dr. Evans stated 'that | received a treigendous recep- | J. H. Miller, Almont, will preach. train- "Bat- course of a week, more twen- "Joe LIKE NOW MONEY. NO TO SAVE Game Six more anxious John oti HOOK in there Keer were three additional eases in thesso-| tion at Hamilton. ill poor Long- | Sunday school and class meeting, 10 lafion hospital, that 'the beard | boat sadly looked on, thinking what | , \, Praver meeting; Wednesday, 8 meet to the necessary might have been had he won the Mar- |, p, Strangers made weloome. emen {o are of athon race, 1 : Chalmets, Presbyterian, corner Bar- It to have a winner In | cia and Earl streets--Pastor, Rev. M. ball. ins the American | Macgillivray, D.D. Services: 11 a.m. ociation paid twenty | "On the But Outside: Ay Hon- ent. for Louisville, est Question and a leartening An- thi eal ww clea swer'"": 7 pm., "Mental and Spiritual TITHE HI00. Trials and . Alleviatians." | the Cornwall ¢anal. and found that tichton cordially invited to all ser- | they had not suffered any damage from the wash out. Repairs to the bridge has advanced so that the com- pany intend running their first train over it this evening. while 'every car was there in line, as mY Napulors inserting Sus advertise. yo : : n out authority from (he De- those down' town did. not know what partment will not be paid for it. was the matter, and kept moving. About half past nine tle tangle was straightened out. John Donnelly and Diver James Clark "inspected ten butments of = the Ottawa and New York railway bridge where the late accident took place in and PARLOR SUITES, extra handsome, Hepular $100, Our Aug. Special $74. : Parlor Suite, 8835, reduced to $67. irran Parlor Suite, $70, reduced to $59. tient Parlor Sujte, $55, reduced to $45. wore shir Parlor Suite, $25, réduced to $19 fron CARPETS, full stock at sale prices, 0 per cent. off. A chance to save. | should wake these hat they | staying non base- As- per He in y pays Columbus, in League, Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Colusa bia Dry Batteries, etc. in wtoek. REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. awa Verge, id that id hold | provead- and ect seasons, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders for Steel Rails and Fastenings. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned and marked on the envelope 'Tender for Steel Rails' and is for. Rail Fastetings"' respective- ly, will be received, at the office of the Commissioners of tHe Transcontinental Railway at Ottawa, until twelve o'clock noon of the 1st day of September 1908, for forty-four thousand tour Jrund: red and forty-seven (44,447) gross tons of eighty-pound (80 Ib.) steel rails (open hearth or mer, at the option of the Commissioners) and the necessary fast- enings, in strict accordance with specifications of the Commissioners. Tenders must be made oh the forms supplied | by the CommMsioners, which, us well as the specifieations, may be obtained on application to Hugh D, Lumsden, Chief Engineer, Ottawa, Ont. Full information in regard to deliver ies, and also as to the other conditions on which tenders are to. be anade, can he had on application to the Chief Engineer. Each tender must be signed and sealed by all the parties to the t#nder, . and witnessed, and be accompanied bY an accepted cheque on a chartered Bank of the Dominion of Canada, payable to the Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway, for a4 sum equal to fivé per cent (5 per. cent.) of the amount, of the tender.' . ; Cheques deposited: by parties whose tenders are rejected will be returned within ten days after 'the signing of. the contract. The right is reserved té reject any of all tenders. two leader, ex { Thrall : Strangers vies. . Queen Street Methodist a.m., Rev F. 11. Sproule, pm., Rev. William Shorten. | school, 12.15 p.m. Midweek Olym- | pam., Wednesday Evening "Lead Kindly Light" the , Depth "0 Eyes | Weary": "The Lerd Is Rechab Tandy, Toronto. | wil sing se orf) selections | henec'i tion, 1 Detront red an ass thd slilthe church--11 B.A; 7} Sun service, 8 box at | the out back to batter ing the and bound yard | so that he threw the f health call sd for first st there was no herr, ry sud end vt] l- | pic al he chi t Dr. |lish third suliered for and 220 the want of a quorum. kneland Dr! vans that he will move! title. for a meeting of the board to be eall- I'he ed dave until the members | Canada turn © will this for a month, if it necessary. 4 econd this norm Hamilton 200 meties, sprinter, ; and kang- 100 yards | to his | the ion at anthem, "Out of | That. Are My Light," Mr. Tandy after the DID FINE WORK. i am] ; solos, pion at probably go to defend cha will amateur Steamer yvaras, next sumaner IA 2 In the Release of the <> Wahcondah. The steamer Donnelly returned, lerday, after releasing the SS. | hcondah, from Farran's Point, {she went gshore last Sunday noon. . This is the most treacherous spot in the river. The steamer took a shear and was driven out seven feét forward. The steamer Donnelly ar rived at the wreck Monday afternoon and 18,000 bushels of grain were put into the lighter Grantham, and 7,000 bashels into the harge Dorchester, 1,- 200 feet of one and one-half inch steel hawsers were fastened on the shore to windward of the Wahcondah, and wire purchases were rigged ap to it, and with the assistance of the steam er Donnelly, after very hard pulling, the steamer was released afl; six lo'clock Wednesday evening. ' As she } was not leaking she progeeded to Mon- treal. ve The Grantham and Dorchester also took their Ij rage to Montreal. This is one of the best wrecking jobs that has been done on the river and re fleets eredit on John Donnelly, of the Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking com- nany, who had charge of The wreck- ing. Capt. Chiff, Montreal. represent- ed the owners and underwgiters on the steamer, Beans, and the also yes- Wa- where after- states Federation of the explain' to | committee why Athletic asked Amateur be Olymyic the and for evary will to t tHe the Canadian Leslie reached last | against Longhoat's entry thon race. At Boston, | from. all over | bute to Denton Peola, Olio, Yaseball the RUGS---1 (Green Brussels, 9ft.x6ft, do Regular $19.80, Our special, $14. 1 Oriental Axminster, $39. Y Our specia! $28. Dozens of similar offers. SIDEBOARDS $85 to $70. $75 to $64. Reduced from $60 to $50. Reduced from $45 to $37. PHONE 90 Yours, T. F. Heirrison Co. MARINE NOTES. compact filed a protest the Mara- Joyd broke is peace ae Are: Beginning Move. The steambarge John Randall tied up here awaiting orders, The steamer Haddington passed on her way to Fort William. The schooner Ford River cleared for Charlotte loaded with feldspar. The steambarge | Westport arrived from Rideau canal ports with freight. The steamer Anes passed down, her way Montreal, with freight. The steambarge Navajo light from Conway, where charged a cargo of coal. At Folger's wharf: Steamer andria, up, Friday night; barge Waterlily, up, Saturday ing. At Swift's §wharf : The steamer | Rideau King cleared for Ottawg; steamer Rideau Queen will arrive from doement is announced of : [Ottawa to-night; steamer Dundurn will Mise Janet Louisa Mallory, eldest clear for the west Sunday morning; ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burnham {steamer City of Ottawa will clear f Mallory, Belleville, Ont., to the Rev. [the cast Sunday morning; steamer David Ween, M.A., Maidstone. "The |Castenet, up, to-day. wedding will take place the latter] At MI" Co's wharf: Th Bart- i part of September. Jett arrived from Fairport with barges | Miss Sue Thayer, second daughter | Selkirk Melrose coal laden; the | | | i | spring The Vessels to BAD BOY WAS CAUGHT in And Taken in Charge For orderly Conduct. Boys will be boys. At -a street home early last night, members of the household were start- | led when a score or more apples were | cher, pelted through the front door, The | man of the house gave chase, and succeeded in. catchipg one of the {guilty partes, a lad about fifteen | J. years of age A number lads | bring ¢ lish ' in the party, but the citizen was un- | Can a wid bear fruit if he ean able te fet hold of any of the others. financial backing. The trin will T his one lad was rather slow in make | 83.000, and Mr. Crocker proposes that ing his escape. The angry citizen took | Toronto and Montreal clubs guarantee him in charge, and walked him over | $1,000, apiece, and Hamilton and Hali- to the police ste ation and lodged 2 | fax $500 ariesee Such a combined complaint against him. guarantee should be easy. There willl 'It wasn't me that fired the apples: | be ten men in the team. was another fellow," said the lad the way to the lockup. Of course is always the "other fellow" who | damage | the 18 nearly 20,000 New England paid tri- Tecumseh (Cy) Young the Boston American team's veteran pit- American League grounds. Three silver loving cups, travelling bags and two big floral pieces werd presented to Young. ' Howard Crocker's scheme a team of English athletes Dis- persons down down down down Reduced from Reduced from u ) Bagot 1 the | OI | League on a. on to to package to gel cost Pure Silk Ribbon 4 and 4} inches wide, * Colors, Sky Blue, Navy, Blue, Pink, Green, Car- | dinal and Blaek. Regu- lar 15¢. : Special To-Night, 10c Yard. of were arrived she dig By ordar, : iE, RYAN, Alex- Secretary, steam morn Tha Commissioners of Transcontinental tilda, Dated at Ottawa, S0t , 1908, Newspapers Jnserting | this " advertise- ment without authority from the - Coin- missioners will not be paid for it. pecial Sale ! Of the Best Quality 'Wilton fa Engagements Announced. The eng CORRECT TIME Can be secured from the Chronometer in Our Window, Now the City Clockl is out of commission this will be very convenient. ? Smith Bros. Jd ewell ers 345 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage sLitenses. 'Phone 6686. did not severe then as excuse The accused given a by the chief, and was |allowed to proceed to his home, [the citizen did not want to make a Pebarze against him in court All he desired was to ex- ! | amp! of the youngsters. stated that the case was | The citizen I made all the more serious because of member of {the fact that thé youngest [his 1 family, a baby in arms, was very These Rugs are in sizes, [ill and almost on the point of death 8 x 31 yi 4 ] x | As a result, the family had been given 3 x 3} yards, 3 x 4 and 3} X J elt ye Monee Riper made on the He also that boys had causing consider- sett of lable trouble by their pranks, around ; I house of late. The police will an eye on this particular neich and a warm, time 1s now the who misbe- lad's was | does the a Howeve K, [g st ---- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. (i. N. Crawford and wife, 'John Hoare and family, Chicago, Ill; Charles K. Naugh, Boston; Miss Me Murchy, Miss Gracey, Ww 3. Mudie, the | Charles H. Watt and wife, anogue; Mon- { 5. K. Ross, W. GG. Davidson, J. N Grolean, Wm. Mitchell, S. E. Porter, Geo. Mason, J. Nuller, R. Burnett, J 0. English, J. Bohan, A. S. McCon key, Montreal; E. Jeffery, Picton; H. B. Sherwood and wife, Napanee; J daugh- P. Dorance, . Camden; 1', Robertson, Faylor Master Gordon Robertson, Ottawa Dr. Ars > IM. and Ga Smith, Newark, Del; J Sask R. Weston, Potsdam, N.Y.: Miles W v et Green, A. W. Bradford, J. Morerpss, son-of the late 2 Chandler, nH. Whitaly Tarenin: HL A. Fieh, e Velvet Rugs le aC tire tug police and Our stock of Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, lars, Belts, &e., is still complete. make an Mr. J. C. Dale, Madoe, Ont., to | {ug Emerson, from Montreal, two { Mr. Norman Lee Lauchland, of Mon barges: the tug Bronson cleared [treal, the wedding to take in{Montreal. with twe hates: September. tug Mary P. Hall cleared for | Miss Louisa Arletta, {treal with three barges. | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. { Merrickville, Ont., {% Mr. Fresh MoConkey's Hill, of Riviere de Loup, lant randv.. Sak in marriage will take place Red Cross stated 1 Rer! 0 life is deter: of of one for Col - place coal 0 youngbst. | D. Crozier, John J. Que. The Septem- grain Huyler's high Kingston only at Never Store: von nined by and when was in Gibson's house. ; E very its loves. Helen Isobel, youngest Mr. and® Mrs. Henry Elms," Perth, Ont., to Chandler; Lanigan, in : yer. Miss ter of "The thur B. heen -- on full 'wS1ZeS Children's Dresses : 3 Half Price To-Night : NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Not patterns olfer them at cost price. liaving a N18 We | keep {borhood, for 3 ER ol Prof in al Kingston's Famous Fur Store. of { tore youngsters { have. { by | Was | On Friday o'clock a serious runaway Ontario street. A ladies and two at the Johnson streets, frightened They ran far A Runaway. afternoon, about five G of took place wedding containing was cab, children, of Ontario and the horses be dashed down the on | three | standing R. McF AlL, 'pet Warehouse place corner when You can't del ghtful to i € cream soda, SOL ag it is satif uit g rola came and street. street under was as as Brock were one A jul es control seriously fainted were BOLRISISOSOPAARAORLASN rd bei bee eer "IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room installed. I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Givé me a trial. DAVID HAL Appearance ladies and horses Fell Of A Car. A young man undertook to jump off Princess and was | road. He { stopped. | to another large crowd city. THERE IS ONE THING P That you can buf that you can Hever say to yourself afterward you "didn't need' that one thing is A HOME You can get along without an auto or maybe a piano, but it does not pay to be without a home of your own. . \ a moving car coming down street, on Friday night, thrown head first to the lay as he fell, until the car When some one went -to go back himi, he got up rand walked away. It was fortunate that he jumped off the back rather than the front of thé cor, he might 'roiled under the wheels Worthy Institution. Y.W.C.A. building is filling a 6f usefulness. It wil accommo. date fifty Oddfellows duting the an nual meeting. Women find it a quiet horaé when making a short stay in the city, and have gone awdy with praises for its accommodations and services Therefore, « it is deserving of a greater measure of public support | than it has received. ---------------------- ) Enlarged For A Week. In the polica. court' to-day "Bert{ Grimshaw, a member of License In- spector Wright's "Indian list,." acensed of drunkenness. He was not asked to plead, the case bei ad- excepted) for $1. 00. This journed on a week by the wiv may- includes Pearl, Brown, Green, [| sistrate. Grey, and Al the new shades.j| SD Regular prices 50 and $3. Engagenent Announced: Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Lennox *an- 1 Hat t only to each customer. Took In The Hop. A number of voung gent went down to Gananoque XT to attend the club dance at that place T he place Vester Phone 335 I the 9 64 Brock St weekly een day, launch vacht Irusts--and Cuarantee applving for let company, have I'he imited, ters of I'homas S In Hsin Jaltimore: K. W. B. Moody, | Wilson McRhea, son, Guelph, Ont The | vae ht Sayona: Lee. Belleville: | A Dollar Drinking A Dream. and wife, Youngstown, Pa.; Miss | and it is just as pure | Freeland, Perth: Mrs. L. D. Fletcher, iniured. One Of *r aun and thoroughly wash Anderson. Cleveland, O05 4. H. Jen- born was called, to attend her. She an dream of. Wade's Drug Store. | = | Newman, Chicago; J. B. Edwin, New from all parts of the hig You have youf choice of prices $2, 250, 3 and 4. McGill University. Th marriage will Belleville: H. J. Snider and wife take place early in September. . Patterson, Pa A. H. Lawrence, W.| Lieutenant-Governor » i Brown. . and Mrs Fraser, : of their daughter, S ¢ H. McRhea, C. V. Gran-| Annie, to Res w. tham, Miss J. Grantham, Miss Moody, | will take | | . PJ in October. : ID. A. McNenghton, Finch: E. M.) vleir | Harris, Petewawa: Grant S., Whist | ler, | imagine . anything more | Can Make a |B. Stewart, Mrs. J. 'P." Day, Harrow the taste than Wade's | . . {smith; W. J. Pink, Mrs.. Pink, Miss Il Big Difference before they finaly ing. . Fine ice cream, 7 . Mrs. i E. Morganholt, Fred. Fortunately no ! sare fi and, crushed fruits, In Your H. Anderson, Mrs. J. H. the ! li ' : § i from fright before . Fog bis 3s. x. ie E : ed polished glasses fulfill every kins, Virginia; 0U. D. Powell and wile, stopped and Dr. Kil 1e juirement the mos Fxacting person | F Yonnic Goldwach, Ada Smith, Ida soon recevered and was sent héme in York: W. H. Bogart, Buffalo; 0. G. hack. The rungway drew a DOLLAR HAT SALE Boyle and wife, Philadelphia. SATURDAY "ONLY. 1 our Fine Straw Hats on Satur- day for $1.00. Regular Cheaper thas getting your old hat cleaned. Bilious Attacks During this hot weather there are a great many people find their stomach upset. l'oronto, are guardianship of the Florence A. children of the the town county Waterloo 2 Kasagra' is sold in| at Gibson's Red We have received a choice lot of Seal Skmg and invite you to see them. We make a specialty of COATS, bi W. F. Gou dier, Exclusive Farrier, 76, nd. 80° Broek A street. persons of Arm- late 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North ~ King and Caspian leave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 |a.m., for Thousand Island ports, and at 5.00 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports | and Rochester. and infant Armstrong of the of strong, Anna bE Galt, in "The genuine 2c. and Be. bottles, Cro:s Drug Store It's no use believing in angels heaven if you cannot discover here. Farewell Bibbyv's Fathers are useful moral guides their children as. warnings. All that pa girl needé to get engaged is a man and some moonlight McConkey's - assorted caramels," in| 9c. boxes, at Gibson's Red Cross | 1 Drug Store. : | that which roots in saeri-| in service, blooms bunch of Tooke's 69¢. Bibbv's, . Wisdom is in aging the keeping the heart .vouthiul The best of all the churches is temple in your breast Our prices turn Bibby 's. : of EC ALS0T: Any Colored Soft Felt Hat m the store (Hawes and Borsalina 2 CLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLELLERLLLLLLLLLELLLLLLL4000000 400000 They are billou liver out "of order, Thowels sgular, tongue coated and little desire for food. What we would bottle of our Little Pink Laxatives They stir up the sluggish liver and bowels and free the system of all poisons. 25¢s a bottle, to be had only froma Dr. A. P. Clown 'Phons, 343, _ | 188 Prissess was in any | Their Turn Now. A sad blow has been given spirits of the anti-treating The customs officials of Kingston have received an advance of $50 a year each upon salary, and, therefore, are | making raids 'fapon and other | fountains at the head legions of | friends. : recomend is a a . " TT. = HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated WITH = , GLACIER The only substitutes for Staied Clash Artistic, rable, Economicsl, by D. J. DAWSON pi iccessor to Dawson and 3, Busy, 'nr street. to the price on summer clothing society, " WE CAN START YOU RIGHT. McCANN'S, | 51 Brock street. Phone, 326 or 621. | to soda nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, [sabelle, 'to . Frederick C. Shoenthal, of Buffalo, N. Y. The wed- ding is to take "plac e on September Wed. of A Delicious Temperance Drink. please your palate and' quench thirst use sufficient Sovereign Juice to give a light straw to a glass of icdd water {about 'teaspooniuls), sweeten taste, you will have a pleasant héVer- both refreshing and thirst-Guench- evsasusaeasensisasianenss seco ve0e! oa teaseaat avs sue See window display of these Hats. Importers Of Fine 'Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. - rt tatntrtatttatrteinttntat taint dbiahtihe To | your Lime | color head_ and | three | and the Lov © is Dennis 'Pelow, Gananoque, = who pleaded gitilty to. two charges of forgery, was sentenced bv Judge Reynolds to one yead in the Central prison. : St. James' choir © moonlight, Mon- day, August 17th, at 7.30 p.m., steam- ev Asperica. Tickets, 35c. Home early. ) Na stop at Ganbnoque. in joy. 81 shirts | fice, grows Another to-nicht, to * ° . ® age, : ling. way. - heads this New brown neclwear. Bibby's.