Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Aug 1908, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1908. BEECHAR'S ,.. PiLS Eo, 'Morning The haphazard will never discover Beecham's Pill and note the health. Last Tring BEECHAN'S Night PILLS SAW HUSBAND FALL SAD DEATH OF CHARLES DARLING, OF INVERARY. a remedy Was Up in His Barn Some Eggs When He Made False Step--Suffered Terrible | | Injuries. { Further particulars have been {ceived regarding the sad deathe Charles Darling, near lnverary, | Wednesday morning. out in the barn gathering eggs {hig wife, and was not engaged Taking repairs to the barn, as lat first stated He was up around the rafters, when he missed his foot- ling, and fell. a distance of fourteen {icet, alighting head first on a waggon tongue. Mrs. Darling happened to {look up just at- that tinfe and she {saw her husband fall. {and ran to his assistance, but he was | tikconscious, Yand suffering from a ter- rible fracture of the skull. He struck the waggon tongue with terrible force, ,and the fracture was a complete one. A hurried call was given Dr. Robert Hanley, of Kingston, but the unfor- tunate man passed away a short |time before Dr. Hanley arrived. His injuries were of such a nature that it | would Wave heen impossiblé for him {to have survived had niedical aid ar- {rived' in time. Dr. Hanley states that ithe fracture as bad as it {could have been, and the was without doubt the worst ever {came under his attention. Deceased was fifty-four years of age and for the past five years had been {living in that. district. He former Hived on the Washb#rn Road. .Pitts- {hurg. He was well-known and highly respected © by the whole commumity, it was with deep regret that his many friends learned' of his untimely end. 'He is survived by his wife, one | stepdaughter, Mrs. John Gordon. and lone son, also four brothers and three isters The brothers are Kilborn, Almonte, Noble, the well-known black- on Mr. Darling was with 1 sole "verywhare, "Ia $1500 $15.00 You Won't Fre e Mat- me ster Ostermoor uch Cool O During tress, but comfortably moor. August you on on an will sleep re a lovely p was case that Rockers 50 style Rockers £1.50 Rockers, £3.00 HO large $1.75, up |emith Ihoth farmers, living near Inverary | religion deceased was a Methodist and {a regular attendant the church at Inverary. at wing Poles $1 © Grille 3 a » 14 : CHEESE FACTORY BURNED. Carpets and co All the pere, cent leading lines reduct on CURTAINS, 'DRAPERIES Shades, Poles all reduce BABY CARRIAGES Rel ete . Fire. | During the severe storm of Tuesday | night, the Union cheese. factory a { Fredericksburg, owned by F | Periy, struck by lightning, and | almost totally The storm in that district very severe, A barn to Mayhee {living near Odessa, was also struck by lichtning, and destroyed, together {with part the crops and {farm implements ole a was destroved PHONE 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. | was belonging John Oi season's Stop Salt Rheum. { Don't endure the suffering that salt { rheum and similar afiections cause permit then? to become chronic. in mind that Wade's Ommtment positively guaranteed to cure (salt rheum), old sores, piles, Bear x + { = oq bed R zema Sores, of the Wade's or eruptions boxes, at hw scaly itching skin. . In big drug store. be. Going To Wisconsin. George Cameron, Philadelphia, Rev. Dr Pa., | has joined his father, C.J { Cameron and fanhily, at "Millhaven. Mr. Cameron fledged barrister and it is is a full his inten tion to practice his proféssion in Van B.C. His father Rev. ameron, has accepted call to Episcopal church Kansas, recently! embraced creed | couver, | ( 1 large a m that Settled Dispute. Prof. Adam | vestigation lealt with No employees mt of labor adjusted number of ttlement Shortt, chairman of in which the its reported to the depart that on and conciliation, the trouble between Steel and PORCH SHADES a otia company has amicable 'basis affected been | The | the an workmen is 1,750 Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips of linden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock, R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse A Real Hair Tonic. scalp falling made If ir the diseased i the should 2] just mistake remedy h out no in selecting Hair must 10 a Restorer done. will Restores In Dawson s do hat he its natural Wade's drug gray ait color bottles, NL at store Had 8.30 the | station, received with Some Trouble o'clock Wednesday firemen the lower a call from the Iro Firemen Hall and Babcock the eall, and in the The damage About evening on frem BES SASSER SELLERS RLARA FIRE LOSSES INCREASING quols Sh ert a that the were found kitchen fire was put out was done answered tstovepipes trouble any caus ing be- fore "Three Swallows." John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows, Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, "Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Maj the Sar losses by make figures Tne aggregate fire each year that are appalling. ity King." Owners of large business blocks, tenement owners, school boards and others are the lookout for ad- against For An All Day Sail. Take the steamer America r Og- densburg, Friday, 5 a.m., returning Ogdensburg 3:30 p.m, Fare Meals on board. Has Bought An Automobile. Justice Britton is the latist auto mobile magnate He enjoys a spin uburbs, pur of moderate power ever on ditional destroying flameg, The Best Safeguard Is Fire Insurance leaves safeguards 50 Se. about Toronto having chased a machine Deafness Cannot Be Cured. { by local applications, as they canno reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed dition of he mucous linmg- of the Fustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire- v closed, Deafness is the result, and un- oss the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will he destroyed for- ever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous We will give One Hundred Dollars The cost for its protection is slight, and in good com- panies such as are represent- ed by this agency, the pro- tection is absolute » 3 3 » 3 » ® * ® * » » » » ® » * * » » * * See our blanket -policy on dwelling and contents, every- thing imaginable covered. McCANN'S, 51 Brock St. 'Phone, 326 or 621. for that cannot be curedshy Hall's Catarrh Send for circulars, free. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills for consti- » » » » * > » '» * » > » * » » » » » » » Take a. BITTE IISRIREIINN i CLLLELREEEBIOESEL0E8APELLLLLRLLFLLLLLBELLLLLRLE pation. x Sn Sold by Druggists, 75¢, il OF | result et at Inverarv, Sampson and Ira, | In Barn at Odessa Also Destroyed Bv | i) court room Wwe Gathering | were unable re- | the of | great that-t was | aif of the prosecution, Haverson, K.C., Toronto, and T. J. |States She screamed | | THE LIQUOR CASES. {The Police Magistrate Had a Busy Time To-Day. When the liquor cases were called in the police court ' this morning, the 1s crowded to overflow- large * number of citizens to gain entrance. court did not open until 10.30 o'glock, | and long hefore that time a large crowd had gathered around the court room door, all very anxious to hear proceedings. The crush was so] he constables on duty had to close the doors. John Ayearst, provincial inspector, Toronto, who lodged the information against the liquor men, appeared in court with Donald ing, and a Rigney, appeared for the liquor men. The first charge taken up was that against the steamer Cas- { pian, charged with selling liquor with- lout a license on July 26th. Mr. Hor- sey appeared on behalf of the steam- {boat company, and entered a plea of | guilty. Mr. McIntyre asked that the maxi- mum fine be imposed, the prosecution undertaking not to lodge a second | complaint. ' ; { The magistrate then imposed a fine lof 8100 and costs, with the option of two months in jail. The second charge up against the steamer North King, gelling without a "license on 25th. was that for July and costs .or two posed. D. A. Givens appeared on behalf of the steamer America, and pleaded guilty to two charges of selling with- out a license. Mr. Givens pointed out to the mag- istrate that the charges against the steamboats came under an entirely different category from the liquor deal- ere. In the case of a saloon-keeper, he was able to secure a license, but li- had been refused the steamers on the great lakes and river St. Law- rence. Jn the United States steam- boats were granted licenses, with the that the other boats had to compete with granted licenses. Mr. Givens asked that the court be not in the charges against the steamboats, but that instead of a fine of £100 that it be placed at $50 The magistrate said that the steam- ers had heen deriving the benefit, and not paving a license Mr. Melntyre said that Mr. Givens' censes those SO severe erick | | or | catdrrh, dandruti, and all | who are visiting | Dr. {charges Sunday, aj the differences have| bv | Raob- | extinguisher, | lof Sebastopol, that is | way | ) con, surfaces. | any case of Deafness (caused hy Catarrh) i 50c. | | argument might be -all right for a gislative body, but he censidered that it was out of place in the court t {of justice The magistrate thereupon imposed a fine of 850 and costs on each charge against the gteamer America. | The charges against "the hotelmen {were then taken | pleaded guilty," through counsel, the | fines imposed in each case being given | Counsel for the defence announced that | they would withdraw the [charges against all the accused : second | The Fines Imposed. | J. 8. Randolph, Randolph {two charges, $70 and costs, month | P. M. Thompson, Club Hotel, 5 and costs, or one month McKenna, Imperial Hotel, $75 and costs, one Hotel ot ong | two charges, Patrick two charges, month. James or | Spepee, The Hall, two £75 and costs, or one month. Harris, 'The Sunday July month { charges, PW. E | charges, Congress, two Oth, ¥75 and {costs or one House, or Paradis, Ontario $75 and costs, Joseph {two charges, one month. Lewis Hotel 12th, Revere two July month Windsor IO Hartin, and costs, 'or one Frank McCue, | charges, July 11th, Hotel, and costs, two one month. | Con. Millan, Iroquois Hotel, { $50 and v Haag, one charge, costs, {Ce f two charges, $75 costs, Pp | one | month W. Dunigan, Kennedy charge, $50 and. costs, or one month W. Marshall, Grimasdn hotel, one month hotel, Haffner, Anglo-American hotel, charge, $50 and costs or one house, one one charge, 830 and costs, or Victor Feeles, Grand charge, and one 50 costs Albion charge, $50 and costs C. D. Horne, Provincial charge, 850 and costs McConnell, $50 and James Carey, hotel, hotel, one Joseph Collendar ho { tel lI George Jenman, Russell house, month one charge, costs one £50 and costs, or one Saunders), 50 at charge, and cc Detective Gives Story. pleaded guilty, exception of W. Telfer, pro the British-American' hotel, case was proceeded with as All the hotelmen with the prietor and this coon as the other fines .werp impose *(Continued on page 5.) of mma nme emasnad § The Siege Of Sebastopol. There will be nine hundred perform- ors the grand International Mili tary mn to he presented at the Canadian National Toronto. musicians, eight ten full bands take or military part in the tattoo and spectacle every | evening. Moonlight Trip Io Clayton. Moonlight excursion to leaves Tickets, 25c. Lost His Effects. Among Fernie's sufferers is hr Cartwright, of Kingston lost all his effects, including ments and - diplomas, all worth the fire {Aletha o'clock. Con instru; in £2 0060 occurred ee -------------- Brochville And Ogdensburg. America, Friday, Gananoque and rare S0c. Steamer calling at both ways. The Islands At Their Best. Saturday, 2:30 p.m., steamer erica makes a complete tour. Supper on board. ee Foot-Elm, for sore tired feet. Sold at Gibson s Med Lross wig store, Am- The | He Offers Bgnus of | Alexandria | $100,000 for a motor hoat designed for | racing purposes which will attain Mcintyre, on be- |Peacock, and James one of the chief factors of 'the well-known boat A plea of guilty was also regis- [present collection aggregat tered in this case, and a fine of $100 x months was im- | up. The following | absence and | one | Queen's hotel, one] Tattoo and Spectacle, the Siege | Exhibition, | This includes three hundred the intention being to have | Clayton, | N.Y.. Thursday, August 6th. Steamer | Swift's wharf at 7.30] He | He was on & home visit when | 5 am.,| Rockport ! Fare | A SPEED OF 50 MILES |NOT i SATISFIED WITH PRE. SENT ATTAINMENTS. $100,000--A. ""R. Peacock , Ready to Give Fortune For Motor Boat That Can Make Half Hundred Miles An "Hour. % Bay, Aug. 4.--Offering a speed of fifty miles an hour, A. R. the Pittsburg millionaire and Steel, corporation; has forged to the front as the greatest enthus- iast oi the day. The offer of Mr. Peacock was made to the Herreshofis, builders. whoge craft sail the world over. Whether the firm will undertake to win the large bonus is an undecided question. At the Thousand Islands Mr. Pea- cock and his sons have acquired the largest collection of motor . racing boats on the St. Lawrence. The per- formances of the Pirate and the Dam- phino are well known to the sporting world. Only a day or so ago ah- | other new racing boat arrived here for the Peacocks by which more lau- {rels are expected to their string. The 0 | os close L000, | To Flay On Saturday. The Yjictorias and Napanee baseball teams will play at the fair grounds on Saturday afternoon, at the Driv- ing Club's matinee. This game should really be one of the best games of the season, as both teams play fast ball. The Napanee bunch was defeted hy the Vices on Victoria day, and that is the only, game they hs lost this They hav efeated Ganano- que, Orientals, Belleville, Deseronto, and other teams, easily. The Vies are in good shape and should give them a fine run. Four : pace and three trots, will also be pulled off on the track. season good rac one Hope To Do Well. The lacrosse team had a fairly good workout at the fair grounds, on Wed nesday night. Both nets were put up indulged in. and are go- and a good was Kvery man now knows his place plays it well. They say they ing to defeat Belleville These teams have played twice and each game has ended in a. tie, three goals each. "Hughie" Macdonnell and Craig, two men: will strengthén the line-up quite a bit, but, the of Macintyre will still he felt game two new | | Sporting Notes. Cleveland, last Napoleon Lajoie, 2,000th hit in the week registered hi American League. A despatch from Prenton, N.J., | states that Col. Louis Perrine, of the I'ri-State Lee Club, of that place, is anxiolis to ar fastern franchise for season, and is attér the Montreal Club gnee more There are just five days before the anival of the Olympic champion, i "Bobby" Kerr, and "Jack" Caliery, {long distance 'runner, and the Hamil ton committeé is employing every minute of the time in endeavor to make the reception a worthy » The system of identifying ho get League next an mn their preliminary gallops at Fort Erie with the visitors. The only white jackets on front but also" red caps, that is attracted tor them the moment horses come. on the track warm up : Mort Culver, of the Ottawa detective force, won. the for the all championship in the police the first computa- MeClarty and MeAr: vp tied for first en points. Upon een that Culver and the made a hit riders | has not the wear and back, attention | numbered to trophy round By and | tournament | tion, Culver | thm of each having w it Toronto, place, recapitulation it was | was awarded to him of the Olympic miles 5 yards, I've approximate time-table of all authorities was | based on antici that would he run in two hours and thirty five tors | had .obtaine gixteen points | trophy The Marathon 263 distance 26 kilometres. exact was or © the tion the race and intending competi- pretty took minutes, had run to that time winner nearly has been tremendous miscal | Nobody = has offer suggestion to the the course Instead three hours, and explanation the ulation, involved « anv intelligen that all thé over | close it | the there no of eason Sore Cracked LI Nothing will hea Pr. Hamilton's Ointment. { three times a day Cracks tissue forms, trou is all iday. You'll find thousand {for a healing ointment like Dr ilton's. Buy a 5 box. them as Just Rub it heal, gone as in new in a use Ham- 0 enemies P Kingston's Famous Fur Store. GREAT SALE OF STRAWS HALF PRIGE AND LESS Our mid-summer sale affords a splendid opportunity for you to bu your children new Sai- lors yy. the balance of the sea-- son at trifling cost. | One splendid lot were 50c. and 75e., now 25c. Importers of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. the United me good runfiers fell so far below their pest form. If they had been race horses some critics would have been for ruling all of them off the turf. Pitching one of the greatest games of his life with the vision of his baby's dying face before him every moment, | George Bell, of the Brooklyn team, shut out Pittsburg. A moment later he broke down in the dressing-room and sobbed like a child. "Brace up, old man, I've got a hunch that the baby is going to live,"' said Manager Patsy Donovan. "You go home now, and remember that we're all pulling for baby." The next train to Knox- ville. Pa., carried a big, athletic-look- ing man. 'It was Bell, hurrying to his baby. A telegram received a' short time before the game, informed him that the little one was not expected %o live. He had been selected by Donovan to pitch the game and had set his heart on winning. "I'll pitch the game," he said auietly to Dono- van, and he pitched his very soul out and won. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. A simple minded man is not neces sarily. foolish--not' necessarily. Beef, lron and Wine, "Our Own" inake, pint bottles, <50c., at Wade's drug store. 7 Boat leaves every hour in afternoon for Chosen Friends' picnic at Staley's Grove on civic holiday. We show different scenery every time on the America's tours of the Islands; Saturday, 2:30 p.m. 50c. ' There's one good thing about the fancy mitomobile. It doesn't eat up wour fancy foliage while the doctor is in the house. Poor tea is poor economy--use "Salada" and you will appreciate the excellent qualities of high-grade tea. The post office will have but one de livery on Monday next, the civic holi- dav, so that the letter carriers may have a brief breathing space. The gion of Carter's Little Liver Pills £1s pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, but do not purge.' They are sure to please. Try them. A Toronto policeman blew out. the gas and was nearly suffocated Yet that overgrown hamlet the nerve vell "Reuben" and "lay" at the small-fry cities every time it gets half an opportunity Every housekeeper who Campbell's Varnish Stain is with the results obtained. else like it, they say. apply and so durable. carries a full line of stain. has to has used delighted Nothing So easy to W. A. Mitchell this popular MISS STEVENSON MARRIED. A Happy Event in a Barrie Street Home. On Wednesday evening Kingston lost one of its finest daughters when Miss Susie Helen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, 174 Barrie street, was married Frederick Or lando Harrid, of Newark, N.J., son of Urlando 'Harris, ot Poplar Hull, Unt Ihe ceremony was pestormed at the bride's home at 8:s04o'cloek, the Rev. T.. E. Burke; in; the presence ol the ymmediate relatives of the tracting parties. The parlor, where the ceremony was performed, Ww peautifully decorated with palms, fern: and cut flowers. At one end was om alcove of palms, from which pended a floral bell of pink and white carnations. The bride looked charming in becoming wedding gown of silk Paris, white tafieta chiffon and trimmed Valenciennes lace, and silk to by con as sn her crepe: | with with embroider de over ounces Headquart ers 3 : , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CORNWALL CANAL. SEALED TENDERS DRESSED to the undersigned and en "Pen der for Repairuy Washout." will be re ceived at office until 16 o'clock om Monday, August 10th, 1908. Plans, specifications, andthe form" of the contract to be entered Seeh i) July, 1908, Bargent, Resident v St', Lawrence Canals, Cornwall, On at which places forms of tender may be obtained. 5° Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages lo prepared or to prepared "by the Department of Labour, which - Schedule will form part of the contract. Contractors are requested to bear ia wi be conside , unless made strictly mind that tenders with the printed forms, and in the case of firms, unless here are attached the, actual signatures, the "nature of 'the ocenpation, and place - of residence of each member of the firm. An accepted bank cheque for m of $10,000 must accompany ea r, which sum will be forfeited, if the party ° tendering declines enforing into contract for the work, at the rates stated in the offer submitted. . The cheque thus sent in will be return- ed to the respective parties whose tens ders are not accepted The lowest or any sarily accepted. : By order, L. K. JONES, Seer Furnishings ' -- When : man buys furnishings he nature ally wants the best his money can buy. Our store offers greater furnishing values in return for your money than you can obtain elsewhere. Try Us and we'll Prove It. P. J. HUNT, «3. Tend Austrian and I. Collars, § sizes. the su ich ten Agent for Collars, W. G. a. THE REAL CAUSE, tpnder "woi ; veves The Ancient Scalp-Fever Theory . Exploded. At one time dandruti was attributed to the result ot a teverih condition of the scalp, which threw off the dried' cuticle in scales. - Professor . Unna, Hamburg, Ger- many, noted autherity = on skin di- seases, explodes this theory and says that dandruff is a germ disease. This germ is really responsible the dandrufi and for so many heads. It can be cured if it is about in. the Fight--way. The way, of 'course, and the only way, ta kill the germ. Newbro's Herpicide does this, and permits the hair to grow luxuriantly, just as nature intended it shuld. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to The Her picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sises, 50c. end $1. G. W. Mahood, agent. Department of Railways an Ottawa, 28th' July, 1903. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for it, CORRECT TIME Can be secured from the Chronometer in Our Window. Now the City Clogkl is out of commission this will be very convenient. % Smith Bros. Jewellers 345 KING ST. Issuers of Marria ge Licenses. "Phone 666. for bald gone right av special FOR YOUR SU ER COTTAGE. A nice Ham and a 'Piece of good Sugar- Cured Pea Meal Bacon are necessary for the sunmimer home. Also some very choice Cooked Meats. Wa have a variety to choose from Hy J. MYERS, 60 Brock St. 'Phone. 570. SHOWERS of BARGAINS ALL THIS WEEK --~AT--- BEARS CARRY TAILS We must reduee our i stocks in.order to have ? room for New Goods, which will arrive about 15th of August. FIRST FLOOR Special Reductions in Silks, Dress Goods, about the "skin" games that are play- ed on them by the hunters and trappers, who think that the bigger the "game" the more the glory. We carry not only Bear skins but ed net. The bridal veil was fastened in her fair hair by a coronet of orang Her only ornament was blossoms. a necklace of green pold, with diamonds the gift of . the| Miss Jessie Begg played Lo March the bride from Froc and moonstones, groom. hengrin"s Wedding entered Her pift was a handsome gold bangle the ceremony the bridal down to a recherche wedding Mr. and Mrs. gratulations of many t he bride s going-away of navy tailor tan straw Mr. and Mrs. midnight train for lantic City, after which up Newark aud presents by friends as the party pread Harris received the con friends gown wa male with with blue hat trimmed Harris left onthe G Montreal At they will take Many we bine and Frid residence in costly beantifuy the bride side the city, including pieces of cut gle and heautiful from mn ont some ves and silverware and numerous cheques for good amount A Drink Without Danger. Tea is responsible for many lot-weather stomach tgoubles. heing unhealthy, it not the thirst make ice-water some" add, to each glassful three onfuls of A on Lime sweeten to taste. This drink that water | Jesides | quench whole does To tea Spe Sovere Juice, makes is a de and refreshing beneficial. cooling, cl edly | Good Fishing. Sydenham lake has called it hish stories this season and are biting nobly. But as fact beyond peradventure that youn Jack Hickey, from Kingston, who has been summering at Sydenham with his mother, has the finest catch to His was a nice string of n bass, weighing ea trom one and half to three and a half pounds. v August time tells on the nerves. But that spiritless, ambition can he easily and quickly altered taking avhat is known by druggists | everywhere Dr. Shoop's Restora- tive. Withire forty-eight hours after beginning to use the Restorative im- provement will be noticed. Uf course, full health will not immediately turn. The gain, however, will surely | follow. And best of will realize and feel your strength and am- | bition as it is returning. Outside in- fluences depress first the "inside ner then the stomach. Heart and kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen | these faiing nerves with Ur. hoops Restorative and see how quickly health will be yours. again. Sold by] all dealers. Richard iz in Relleville jail charged serious offence, assault upon one | good the bass 18g show. rock | sey a BE feeling no by | as all, you ves Simpson, Tudor township, with young ' a n girl. tbe vie bedi * 2 every other kind of fancy Fur. such as Mink, Seal, Sable, Ermine, Fox, ete These are made up into stylish articles and garments, to look ex- tremely dressy for Winter wuar. Low prices. W.F. GOURDIER. Muslins, Linens and Sheetings. SECOND FLOOR Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Skirts, Silk Blouses, Lace Blouses, Net Blouses, Children's Dresses White Petticoats Nightgowns and Drawers. GASOLINE 18c. PER GALLON. Put.in your tank at our doock. ve] Spark Colls, Spark Plugs, Colum- ba Dry Batteries, etc. in stock. REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Lid. Kingston Foundry. TSE Big savings for you at WMAN & SHAW'S The Always Busy Store. N IT LOOKS BLACK. FEF rE Bilious Attacks During thi hot: weather there are a great many people find their stomach upset out of tongue food. bildous, ela They are order, ho coated and little liver for the o are driving . - a good business ir Scranton Coal, a sample ton. P. WALSH. HAVE YOUR, Windows Decorated "GLACIER Tha only substitute for Stamed Glass Artistic, Durable, Economical, by 2 D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street: High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. Victor and Berliner Gramophone. Will. jams' Sewing Mache. Phoenix Fire Fixtinguisher ; and a full Jine of Musical Instruments, Music, ete. in Let What recomend bottle wo would is of our Little Pink Laxatives the free o sluggish liver the system up and alf poisons. stir a bottle, to be had only Dr.A.P. Choi ) Phone, 8438s 185 Princess St. 2000020000000 000000Ce

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