' PACE ™O er sous ssc atti r A Few Refrigerators At Cost Included $n Our Mi Se . ~ y and Carpet Sous Midsummer Furniture The time to buy and save. Ladies' D ressers In Surface Oak, Sold Oak, Ma- hogany and Bird's Kye Maple, $10, $13, S17 and $21, 15 per cent more. Rugs, Oileloth, Curtains, Carpets, | Linoleum ete., big reduction: be held until need Goods them will you PHON® 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co., Drdor PORCH SHADES Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips of Iinden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock. R. McFAUL, > ' > . Kingston Carpet Warehouse > woole's Cotton Root Compound. oo» - ~ 'the great Uterine Tonic, anu : 1 only fa effectual on! < fF | Monthly or wgnlator on which women ca We I lat hick f= depend. Sold in three degrec % #a{ of strenzth--No. 1, $1; Lio. 4 ry ny 10 degrees stronger, ; No. & J for special cases, wy Dold by cll druggist: or sent paid on Joos pt Jt price. ! ree pamphlet. d-dress : F hlet. Addl HL oak Memoike a. FiRoRTe. 0x7, dormeriy LAT PETITE Ea THE MAN Who works with hands alone gets but meagre re- turns for his efforts. The man who uses his head buys Kingston Real Estate and lets it work for him, We Can Show You An . Attractive List. l.ook at -the 13 room house in Wellington Ter- race, 110 Montreal St. This can be bought cheap. ' It will pay you to see " per box. | CHILDREN NEGLECTED BY THE FATHER WHO WAS ARRESTED. Had Not Been Home For Several Days--Neighbors Looked After Children Whose Mother Died a Year Ago. About five o'clock, Thursday after noon, Frederick Bristow, laborer, rg: siding at No. 3 Cherry street, was ar- rested by Police Constable Timmer- man, and after his arrest a very piti- ful tale was unfolded to the police from many sources. Bristow has been on a very bad drunk and has not heen home for many days. A little less than 'a year ago, his wife died, leaving two children, the eldest a girl not fifteen years old, and the voungest of very tender years, to the care of their father. Their home life has not been the happiest, and all the trouble was caused through liquor. On Thursday last, about six o'clock, in the morning, Bristow was seen by a policeman trying to get a drink, but found nearly all the hotels closed. The bluecoat told: him that he had hetter go home, and Bristow said he had been calling off for a dance antl had just.got back to the city, but would go home as soon as he got a drink. Nothing more was heard of him until Monday, when some one telephoned to the station to enquire his whereabouts, saying that he had not been home since Sunday evening, and his children were greatly worried about him. On Thursday morning, a neighbor of the Bristows came down to the station enquiring for Rev. Mr. McCallum, secretary of the Children's Aid Society, to see if they would do anything for the children, as they were in a very pitiful state. They did have anything to eat, and were worried about their father, not put in an appearance windav evening. The neighbors were very kind the children, bat thonght that something more should be done for them. Police Constable Naylon saw tow early Wednesday morning, and acked him when had been home last. Bristow said he was home the pizht before, but he had not. His an- one, not terribly. who A sine to Iris- We BAND: CONCERT GIVEN BY THE SALVATION ARMY BAND. The Concert a Complimentary One --It Was Enjoyed By a Very Large Crowd. The Salvation Army made quite a hit by its concert in Macdonald Park last evening. It filled in an evening for the 14th Regiment band, which is this week in Quebec, and delighted a very large crowd of people on shore and water. The anmy band has a fine collection of instruments, purchased last winter at quite a cost, and it has some good players. To Bandmas- ter Christmas is due the great ad- vancement made by this army organ- ization, whose playing on the streets, en Sunday. evenings especially, is listened to by hundreds with great pleasure, The programme rendered last even- ing, was a popular one, in that most of the selections were favorite airs. "The Songs of Spotland" was a well- rendered selection and brought forth applause. The well-known hymn, "Childia,"' sung to "The Church's One Foundation," was rendered as an ex- tra hy. request, and was played with very marked feeling. The effect was organlike, and the band was compli- mented by various musicians for the excellent rendering of this fine oll tune. It takes a good Salvation Army band to render simple, sacred music. A military band cannot do it with the same feeling. Bandmaster Christmas' organization gives promise of much greater things during the next vear, when its repertoire will be en- larged. It can become a fine concert band. The people were so pleased with the concert that the bandmaster was ask- ed to give another next Tuesday even- ing, and it is likely the request will be accelled to. If the army band could during the rest of the summer, give Sunday evening sacred concerts in Macdonald Park, it would be very | much appreciated by the crowds that congregate there on these warm sum- mer evenings. | The army's regular work might be made even more poph- lar by such concerts. pearance also showed plainly that he hgd not slept at home. He was in- thrmed that le had better get home get straightened up, but would not heed the advice. He proceeded to get «drunk, and proper, later in the day, and at Police Constable Timmer- man arrested him. The only charge laid against him was that of being drunk, but something will likely be with the children by the Chil- Aid Society. stow appeared before the magis- trate, this morning, and pleaded guilty to being drunk. His worship said that there had been reports about him not attending to his family and the charge was changed to one of not providing the necessities of life to his children. The magistrate said that it was p very. pitiful case, to go and leave two children, one sixteen and one seven years, without anv means of getting along. "The little girl came to me," said his worship, "and asked me if she could sell some of the stuff in the house to buy boots for {herself. Do you think that is doing [Fight by vour children ?" | "I have been good to my family," | and good five o'clock done replied the prisoner, "and 1 have not heen. here before in seventeen years. I {know 1 have not done right during the past week, but will do better. 1 vou will let me go I will put myself on the Indian list and will not take {anv more liquor." | The magistrate said that {suspend sentence, on the charge, but he found drinking again he would be brought up and tried. Be- fore leaving the station, Bristow pro- he would if was mised faithfully to go right over and | He | to the magistrate | get papers | was verv thankful for giving him a chance to redeem: himself and he promised to do so. out against himself. Return Fare To Watertown. Good going Saturday, 5 a.m., or 2 pm., Sunday, 7:30 a.m., or 1:30 p.m., returning up to and including Monday afternoon. Only $1.65. 9 Made. A Good Record. In the recent entrance examination, held in Lennox county, Miss Ellen Hall, of the Bath public school, ob tained the highest number of marks in the county, 560, out of 600, Excursion aso Ogdensburg. Steamer Aletha will leave Swift's at 8 a.m., Thesday, July 28th, two at , 30c. hours Ogdensburg. Back To Nature. Jy taking the steamer America you the islands in state, Saturday, 2.30 p.m; soe 50¢. | Two tramps sought protection { at the poli station on Thursday night. {One was a native of Jamaica, a man {with a college record, and the other | iwas an Englishman, a surveyor in his own country. Both left this morning and continued their way east. Yes, Alonzo, it is possible to get al men | | lh : | pair of pinchers at a shoe- store. | The important event in many their primitive | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. { Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Bv Reporters On Their Rounds. To-date, about three miles of con- | crete walks have been laid this sea- | son. | The steamer Mojeska, of Hamilton, {entered the government dry dock to- | day for 'an overhauling. The steamer America took about three hundred passengers to Ogdens- {burg, this morning, at eight o clock. | Mrs. Morrison and her little daugh- | ter, left, to-day, for South Manches- { ter, Conn., where she will spend a few weeks with her brother. | Some of the asphalt crossings along Bagot street where the roads have | bre rebuilt, have been demolished, and will have to be replaced. To-day, docking began again lat | Davis' "dry dock, after an interval of over three weeks. The repaired dock | was tried yesterday, and was found to be all right. A number of boats are awaiting their turn to enter. Quite a few of the lath { Riflemen have returned from {and they are very enthusiastie over the good time they had. The treat- ment was excellent. Every soldier of the regiment had a good view of the Prince of Wales. | The extreme length of the govern: { ment dry dock is 339 feet. Fully fif- | teen feet additional could be gained | by cutting out a row of stones near | the front. Without enlargement of the | present space occupied, the dock coul 1 {be made to hold a vessel 360 feet | long, P.W.0 Quebec | | | | | i He Who Runs May Read. The new dial placed in the { buildings' clock on the King | side is the plainest figured that ever been in the tower. He who runs {may read. The hands on all four | dials are to be painted black when | the painters get to work on the dome, {and this will make a wonderful dif- | ference There will longer be | straining of the eyes to learn the { time, -or the borrowing of telescopes. {The city property committee the |only live committee of the city coun- leil this year. The people can behold i the places where their money has been {spent on the city buildings and are for they are getting their worth in viewing the im- | provements every day. city street has no is | pleased, {money s | ------------ | A Delightful Picnic. An enjoyable picnic held at Ontario Park, yesterday after- | noon, under the auspices of the home 'and cradle roll departments of the | First Baptist Sunday school. The | weather was ideal. J. E. the | genial manager of -the park, and Mre. | Jones, kindly arranged for the com- fort of the party. Tea servetl at six o'clock, to seventy or more members of these two depart- ments of the school, and their friends. The superintentlents of the depart- ts, and their band of willing work- deserved praise | was | Lake Jones large was ers, came in for much al for the delightful entertainment. man's life is an accident--the accident| | of birth. 'A double £4, requires a quick ~ eye, a true gun and | A-1 ammunition. | SOVEREIGN shells are | loaded with Empire pow- | der, Nobel's perfected | smokeless; no breech strain. { Our primers are absolutely | sure fire the most sensitive | and flamboyant made. Pa- | per shells are of the choic- | est splitiess paraffine stock. { The Dominion SOVER- | EIGN outshoots them all. For «fl makes of arms. Costs Production: Of Dairy Goods. J. A. Ruddick, in gn address recent- ly given before the committee on agrienlture, of the House of Commons, stated that while exports of butter and cheese have fallen off to the ex- ent of some seven millions since 1903 the increase in home consumption is sufficient to more than oTset this. Mr. Ruddick places the total wnnual pro- duction of dairy goods in Canada at nearly "$100,000,000. Of this total £36 - 000,000 is made up of creamery and cheese, $22.000,000 of home dairy but- ter. 835,000,000 milk for direct sumption, and $1,000,000 condensed milk. con- Home To-Morrow Morning. The 14th Regiment will leave Que- bee at nine o'clock, this evening, and should reach Kingston shortly after RAGES AND BASEBALL AT THE FAIR GROUNDS TO-MORROW. Two Y. M. C. A. Events to Be Contested at Queen's Athletic Grounds This Evening--Civic Holiday. Sports. Weather permitting on Saturday ai- ternoon a fine list of races and "base- ball games will be put on by the Gentlemen's Driving association at the fair grounds. Four races are schedu- led, and they gre all filled up. All of the best local racers are entered amd the events should all be keenly econm- tested. The baseball games them- selves should also draw a large erowd as they will be games. The postponed game between the Loco- motive Works and the Irishmen will be played and should be one of the best of the season. The C.L.C: have not lost a game yet this season and are at present at the top of the lea- gue, The Irishmen have not had a game in two or three weeks, but should be in fine shape as they have been working faithfully. This game may affect the standing of the league as the Irishmen have a chance of winning out; if they ean mapage to hand a lemon to the Locos. The game has aroused considerable interest and manv small wagers have been placed on the outcome. Y. M. C. A. Events. Two more events will be pulled off at the athletic grounds this evening in connection with the local Y.M.C.A. The broad jump and 220 vards dash will be contested. or Thompson is taking an active in- terest in local sporting circles and is doing all in his powor to aid the hoys. Civie Holiday Sports. Every thing is progressing favorably in connection with the old boys' cele- bration. The sporting committee have not heen idle hy any means and a fine list is being arranged for the day. There will be sports for all Kinds of people, old and young, including la- crosse and baseball matches, associa- tion football gnd all kinds of running races. The driving association will likely put on a" few horse races during the day. A Long Felt Want. A fow minutes in the creamery of Kirk & Lee is all that is required to meke one realize the importance of caring for milk before it is delivered to the general public. The fresh morning's mi is carefully filtered, pasteurized and properly cooled, then put in clean, air-tight bottles ready for street delivery. The night's milk is separated and made into butter, whieh is considered by all who! have used it to he the best butter on the market. In con- neotion with this is their - splendid grocery, which is being largely pa- tronized by the.general public, show- ing that the people of Kingstpn ap- preciate an effort to be up-to-date in every respect. a -------- 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, exeept Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Island ports, and at 5.00 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. «Kingston's Famous Fur Store." A Special Sale at a Reliable Store. OUT THEY 60 The reputation this store enjoys for doing things is in- deed lived up to when it an- nounces a mid-summer sale of Straw Hats Here's the list of prices. $4.00 Hats for $3.00 3.00 i 2.25 2.50 1.75 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 125 90 1.00 15 J5 50 50 35 And so on. A Any Panama Hat store $5. ec in the See our window display. Seog Wls 8G Physical Instructegg THE DAILY PRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 92, 1008, 15 DEMORALIZING THE WITNESSING OF A DARING ACT. a tk Rev. S. G. Bland Writes Warmly About a Performance Fermit- ted By the Winnipeg Exhibi- tion Directors. Rev. S. G. Bland writes to the Winnipeg Kree Press, criticising the Winnipeg exhibition managers tor per- mitting 'an unmanly and demoral- izing leature," i.e. the double some- sausting automobile performance. He writes : "1 his 'is obviously a direct and un- redeemed appeal to the vilest of all feelings, but ome. Only the pleasure' some hnd in witnessing pain 1s less human than the pleasure of watching a human being run a great risk. "Danger is an inevitable element in life. It must be disregarded at the call of duty. One should not, per- haps, object too absolutely to an ele- ment of it in feats which involve skitl and presence of mind and which show. the resources of the wonderful human mechanism and min But to strap a woman in an autBmobile and hurl her somersaulting through the air is no feat. It demands no skill. The commonplace mechanical principles in- volved would be exhibited as perfect- ly by an empty automobile and in themsélves--would, interest no one. 'The performance reveals nothing ex- cept the inconsiderateness of the di- rectors eager to. draw a crowd or their belief that a Manitobp crowd is very much on the level of the crowd that seeks its 'thrills in a Spanish pull fight, or such as found its plea- Lurable excitements in the bloody fights of the Roman arena. "I should be pained beyond measure if 1 thought such an estimate correct of our kindly and chivalrous western people. I believe on the contrary that such spectacles are to most of our people distasteful, and that so excel- lent and useful an enterprise as the Winnipeg industrial exhibition would lose nothing by excluding from its programme + such unworthy attrac- tions. "It may be said in defence that the performance is not as dangerous as ity looks. To this I would answer: First, that it is after all dangerous and any accident would almost cer- tainly result in grave injury or death, and, secondly, that even if all danger could be eliminated the appearance of danger remains, and it is on that ap~ pearance the performance trades. The interest of it, so far as it has any in- terest, is the ogreish interest of seeing a human being exposed to the risk of a horrible death. "But I do not see how anyone could attempt to defend the performance unless he were willing his own sister! or daughters should be the subject of it. MARINE NOTES. What is Transpiring About Wharves. The schooner Mary Ann Lydon clear- ed for Oswego, to-day. The government tug Loretta is the Kingston foundry for, repairs. The schooner Tradewind cleared for Sodus, to-day, to load coal for thg city. 'The steambarge up, Thursday, Kidean the at Kenirving passed on her way from the to Uswego for coal. The tug Thomson will enter the government dry-dock, on Saturday, to have a new wheel shipped. ™ The schooner Maze cleared, Thyrs- day, for Brighton, to lay up, as there is no work for her to do. The M. T. Co. steamer rived in the city on Thursday and paid off her crew. A few days ago the steamer Edmonton, of The Cana- dian freight line, collided with her in the Soulonges canal, and serious in- jury resulted. The damages will be at pnce repaired. Bothnia ar- Shipped Back From Kingston. It was stated in a Welland paper that a recent shipment of 6,000 bush- els of grain from a Kingston elevator to Buffalo was the first cargo to ever come here from the and be shipped back again. This is not the case, however. Four or five vears ago a cargo of grain came to the M. P. company elevator from Fort William and was stored here for some time, Afterwards it was shipped back to Fort 'William. - west, B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Miriam 0. Phillips, W. Gordon, W. K. Williams, Louis Spalding, R. A. Graydon, 3. 0. Mersghesder, E. F. Qua, J. J. Harpell, J. Lewis, Toron- to: W. T. Sampson Mrs. A. W. lay- lor, Mrs. C. A. Lewis, Mrs. W. J. Gib- Mrs. Gobel, Mrs. W. J. Watson, Mrs. Ww. H. Jackson, Gananoque; A. A. Lippi, Wm. J. Reid, Marion B. Maurison, W. Thompson, New York ; N. R. Turner, Prescott; W. D. Brown, Indianapolis: W. J. Wilson, S. E. Daw son and wife, Preston; B. J, ton and wife, Albany, N.Y.; T. G. Coleman, J. N. Hyman and wife, Bells vil'e; A. M. Bruce, London: Mra. C. A. MacHenry, Miss Bowen, Brooklyn, N, X.; J. Dewat and wife, P. Kinsella, P. Macey and wife, Charles J. John- son, W. H. MeCurdy, Chicago; Mrs. Louis Berg, Watertown, N. Y.; John Emo. J. S. Samhigh, W. P. Kinsella, Ottawa; H. E. Baldwin and wife, Fart Dodge, lowa: C. D. Rogers and wife, Syracuse, N.Y.; D. McVicker and family, Deseronto; J. Upham, Brock- vile; Edith Gay, Boston, Mass.; J, C. MacCormack, Pembroke: J. H. Ken- nedy and wife, Bancroft: H. K. Wad- dell, George A. Rick, Houston, Tex.; John Kennedy and wife, Montana; | Fthel N. Hamilton, .J. A. Dinnock, Palmerston: H. E. 'Romer, Columbus, Ohio. son, For An Afternoon Trip. | Pake the America's tour of the is-| lands, Saturday, 2.30 pgn.; supper on boartl. Only 50e. : | Fifteen Cents. Buy a man's or child's crash hat at Campbell Bros'. slaughter sale of sum | mer hats. Soft Shirts Now. Nothing so comfortable, sensible and popular as a perfect fitting Soft Shirt this hot weather. Our large assortment "us to offer you the best selections at prices that will make you sit wi and take notice. ; Buy your hot weather duds here and get your money's worth. - Hot Weather Sox, Underwear, Negligee Shirts, - Belts, Etc. P. J. HUNT, Headquarters for "W., G. R." Collars, § sizes. Rushing Out Ladies' Lawn and Mus-: lin Dresses Saturday All our Fine Dresses * go at Half Price Another lot af Chil- dren's Gingham & Lawn Dresses for less price than the cost of mater- ial. Saturday they go at 39c Each : Saturday Morning All' Remnants of Dress Goods, Prints and Ginghams will be sold at Half Price NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. -- We have just received 1 from the leading makers, a very fine line of Clocks, suitable for Drawing Room, Kitchen, or Smith Bros. 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. . "Phone 666. Your first order, because Wwe know that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes Lo the fact that you cangot do better anywhere else than you can with us. You will find that we are not "all at sea' in our business, but thoroughly *'up-Lo-the-minute" and watchful of the interests of our custom- ers, knowing that, by so doing, We are really acting for our own ultimate bene- W.F. GOURDIER. Exclusive Furrier, Phone 700 . Do not let the bpportunity go by to lay a stock of our' Fing Scranton Coal. P. WALSH. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Ladies of Kingston : Ihave removed to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re- member the place. J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR." HAVE YOUR WITH GLACIER Artistic, by D. J. DAWSO Durable, Economical, Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices Victor and Berliner Gramophone. jams' Sewing Mach.ne. Extinguisher ; Instruments, Music, woed's The Great English Rewmed, Tones and invigorates {bow nervous n ete. d Veins. C Nerv i orry, Des atorr. E: 'rice $1 box, six for ours. Sold by all i . on receipt of tailed fret The Winder ca, New pa > ing Persons may have perfect sight yet. sufler from headaches ea by weak internal eye muscles. This we designate as latent eye strain. My system of testing gNes me the net amount of strain to relieve, thus I am able to give an exact correction for any case of strained vision. Eye headaches are' but symptons of eye strain. Dr. A. P. Chown ai at 000000000000000000000000000000000000000e TOTOTVOV00000000000000000000000000ROOGNGS The average married man has about Windows Decorated The only substitute for Stained Glass Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Will- *hoenix Fire and a full line of Musical stem, makes new «ions, Sper $5, Oe wil please, fx in Med' cine painphict rvonto, Ona CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num- Phone 490 All orders promptly attended to night or day. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, pois. loaned on City and Farm Pro« os. ures. iiunictpal County Dabdhe ortgages pu " Deposit received and interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. A. GLOVER. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m., to 8 a.m., the best place to an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on short. est notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. 'Phone, 5. DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, in irregularities or supression, at all Druggists, or by mail, $2. DR. LITTLE MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont. BigReductions On price of Lawn Mowers. Ask for our prices before going else where. A. STRACHAN. One may get along without doctors, | lawyers and preachers, but the gro- \ ceryman is indispensible. Ii a man who owns an automobile is a bachelor it's his own fault. One way to face diificulties is by urnifg your back on them, ' eight o'clock, to-morrow morning. It's Now On. Bros', slaughter sale of as much to do'with managing his home as a mouse has with managing the family cat. We "don't believe people would more lawless if there were less law. | one-third to one- fifthdess than duty Importers of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. our list. ing ammunition. Our gearan- McCann, Sa pay 51. Brock St. Phone 320 Entec Lad. Montreal. = ! | DOMINION AMMUNITION Hon. W. Harty is {ouching up his Channel Grove residence with paint. It is a fine summer resort. be Campbell super bats, | 1 or 621.