Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1 NGSTONS PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH + Canadian Pacitic Railway Grand Tercentenary Celebration July 20-Aug. 1. QUEBEC, $10.00 Return From Kingsten Tickets Good Going JULY 18 TO 27, INCLUSIVE Return Limit Aug. 3. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- WAN AND ALBERTA. Good to go Sept. 1st, 15th and 29th, Avg. 4th and 1%th. : Tickets good to return in 60 days. Full particulars at K, & P. ay C. Pr: R. Ticket Office, Ontario St: 'Phone, 50, F., CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. Ie ------------ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pa. daily (Suudays excepted, for 'Lweed, Sydenhami Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north, To secure quick despatch to Bannock burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- lars, apply to R, W, DICKSON, Agent, 'hone, No. 8. Special Side Grip Fares During Ger-Centenary Cele- bration, Quebec. INTERCOLONIAL CENTRO from LEVIS Will sell round trip tickets to Cacouna . a _- . 3 Little Metis Dalhousie St. John, Picton, N.& . 5.4 Charlottetown, P.E.I. 5.15 Summerside, PEI 3.70 3 5.50 50 60 00 10 N.B 75 I'roportiouate rates to all point on the Intercolonial and Prince Edward "TUTA-THES" "TAN. BE HAD IN 2%, TAIL SIZE AS WELL AS IN REGULAR 50c. BOXES. - Everybody Can Afford To Give These Wonderful Tablets a Trial at Least And Prove Their Value. "Fruit-a-tives" or "Fruit Liver Tab- lets" the wonderful medicine made from the juices of rine fruits, have scored a remarkable success. The demand for them has grown in four years till it now extends from the At- lantic to the Pacific. Druggists at first bought them in lots of one dozen boxes--to retail for $6.00. Now it iz no uncommon thing to receive orders from wholesalers for 100 gross lots (14,400 boxes)--to retail for $7,200 There is only one reason for this great success--they cure sick people. But still there are "Fruit-a-tives" have not homes where they still Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Trouble, Skin Diseases, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and kindred painful and weakening ailments --- often because they have not cared to risk 50ce to try "Fruit-g-tives" when other medi- cines--supposed to cure -- could be had for 25c. This last objection to trying "Frult- a-tives"" has now been overcome. We have put out a new trial size to retail at 285e. The price no longer stands in the way Get a trial box and see for: yourself that "Fruit-a-tives" will help you If your dealer has not the 25c. trial Glve us your name will send you a valuable "Fruit-a- Fruit-a-tives Limit homes where been tried-- suffer from rize, let us know. address and | booklet--free recipes and stories of what | tives' have ed, Ottawa, Ont, nnd we containing done HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated EE ---- So tulations are extended to Miss Ella EWS OF NEIGHBORS Johnston, Miss Muriel Connor and Master Joseph Mangan for their suc- edhe fond : cess at the recent entrance examina. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. [tin Miss Kathleen and Annie Con- . ENTS TELL US. nor are spending their holidays at home. Visitors : J. Sibbitt, @. The Tidings From Various Points in [Eastern Ontario--What Wilmot and Miss Wilmot, Barriefield, and the Misses Mamie and Mabel People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Nisbitt, Kingston, at T. W. Spence's; Miss Edwards, Springfield, and Oliver] Maitland, Atkinson, at Mr. Curtis'; L. P. Shortall spent Sunday at home. ie -- - Young Heirs Arfived. Clarendon Station, July 20.--Young heirs have arrived to stay at the {homes of E. Dounelly and A. Boles. Heavy rains have hindered hay har- vesting but will do great good to grain, potatoes and gardens. .G. Mec- a ! 9 1" {Intosh, Haileybury, and Isaac Laf- non, Kingston, is spending her holi- | freuere, North Cobalt, 'are here on days with Mies Helen Magnet. Miss |} usiness and intend buying cattle. J ohana 0 Conn r is visitng with her | Mrs R. Leishman is visiting at Cam- sister, Mrs. O'Neil, O,densburg, N.Y den East. Mrs. F. Reid and Master Visitors: Mrs. D. Magnet und Miss, William Shaw, Kingston, are visiting Katie Murphy, Kingston at W. R) an'st at J. H. Cannon's. Mrs. J. H. Can- Miss Maggie Murphy at home, | returned from a visit to : : Callers: FE. Barr, Silas A Gift For A Priest. ! {Moss, D. Barr, Miss Ferguson, Wil; Westport, July 20.--On Thursday ev- liam Barr, Jr; Master and Miss ening, Rev, Father ('Rourke was. pré- | Burke, of Perth, are visiting at John sented with an address and over $200 Boles'; Mrs. J. Kirkham has returned in gold, from his parishioners, on the [to her home; Miss M. Letherland has eve of his departure on a three {gone to her home at Glenvale to spend months' trip to Irdand. Mrs. E./S. |a vacation; David Riddell and three Kelly, Chicago, is visiting friends in {sons have gone ' to Hamilton; Mrs. Westtort. C. E. McGuire returned, on | William Riddell js improving in Monday, to Massena, N.Y. D. Deacon, |health. Rev. C. A. Jones and Jchn Ottawa, spent Sunday at lowe here. Campbell, Kingston, are camping at E. J. Mulville made a business trip to [Crotch Lake. ? Brockville, en Tuesday. Miss Nellis " Mulville, Kingston, is the guest of | Wellington Wafts. Polly Mulyille. W. J, Wing and 8, V.| Wellington' July * 21.--Mrs. Julia White returned, on, Tuesday from a {Warder, Philadelphia, and Mrs. "ary three weeks' trip to Allerta and Sas- |Wistar, Cleveland, are the guests of katchewan, (Mrs. Ds Saylor, their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Maek Lont and Mrs. Henry A Grand Address: {Brezée were the guests of Mr. « and Crow Lake, July 20.--Service in the Mis. J. E. Clark on Saturday last. school house on Sunday moming was |The Wellington band gave an open air largely- attended. tev. © Mr. Crows [concert on Saturday night, which was address was a grand one. Berry-pick | enjoyed by a large erowd of people. ing is the order of the day; they are Miss R. Smith, Picton, is the guest very scarce. 'Lhe people have to go a lof Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark. Miss great way to gather them. Joseph | Ethel Haight, Toronto, is the guest * Reynolds is at his brother's, R. Rey- 'of her mother, Mrs. Melvin J. Cronk. nolds'; Gertie Reynolds, Miss | Mrs. William Blakley and children left Jertha Sulljyan and Miss Pearl Knapp {for their home on Saturday last after ara at C. hnapp s;, S. Riley and Mrs. [a couple of weeks' visit with her pa- Eliza Jack at John Hicks'; Miss Cora' rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hare. Reynolds at Lome on Sunday last; (Mr. and Mrs. D.: H. Jackson, New William McEwen at dames Castle's; | York, are the guests of their parents, W. L. Barker is having good success (Mr. and Mrs. I. Jackson. We are in the factory this season. Mrs. Geo. pleased to 'announce the favorable Palmer and Miss Hattie Miller are at [condition of George Morrow, Hillier, Held A Cerfirnmiation. Bangster, July 20.--Archbishop Gau- thicr, Kingston, held confirmation in the Sacred Heart church ¢n Sunday. Miss Ellen Nicholson, Syracuse, N.v., is visiting at Janxs Murphy's. Jo seph Murphy, who spent a few months in Cobalt is home. Miss Sarah Len- (non has ! Athens. Ate Miss 1908, * Saturday 'and Sunday at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perey, - Smith's Falls, are visiting Mrs, Perty's - rents, Mr. and Mrs, Hey Borie" Orangé Celébration. Jnpisville, July 20.--A number of Visitors remained in our town after attending the Orange celebration, on the 11th. Among them were, Mr, and Mrs. John Prite, Miss Emma Doherty and Miss * Louise Young, Carleton Place, at J. H, Morris'; Mrs. J? "Echlin and Master Howard, Watson's Corners, and Mrs, John ~ and" Miss Bella Griffith, Perth, at "rs. John ook's; Mr. and Mrs. Bénjamin Willis, Clyde Forks, at Hugh' McKim's; Miss Mayme: Wilson, Clayton, and Miss Kate Forsythe, onte, at Thomas Ireton's. Mrs. ; W. H. Churchill and family, Perth, are camped in the grove here. Mrs. William Dial, Ottawa, sient last, week at J. M. Dial's. Ber. ry picking is the order of the dav; large crops are reported. Messrs, R J. Dial and Thomas Cook have had their houses recently painted, which adtls greatly to the appearance of our tillage. Miss Maggie Murray, Perth, and Miss Edith Porle, Ferguson's Falls, spent a couple of days with Mrs. J. H. Morris, last week. Mrs. Alexander MeGarry is on an extended visit with friends in Dakota. The great rainfall of the past three davs has kept the farmers back with their Lay; most of them have a lot cut and out. R. J. Dial called on friends in Perth on Sunday. Miss Baird, who has been nursing at .J, Moulton's, re- turned to her home at Appleton on Monday, A Very Successful Garden Party. Charleston, July 20. --The garden party held on Mrs. H. Johnson's lawn, on Monday evening, was a she- cess, despite .the unfisorable weather. About six o'clock ip - the evening a heavy shower fell, and it was thought that it would have to be postponed, but the sky began to clear and a large crowd gathered. About $200 was real- ized, the process going to the fund that is being raised to place in Trin ity church, Oak Leaf. a mem rial to Rural Dean Wright. Refreshments were served\on the lawn, which was Leautifully illupninated The rector, Rev. R. B. Patterson, was absent, amd Rev. ® Bryan presided in his place, The sreakers were Rural Dean Dobbs, Rev. 'F. D. Woodcock, Hon, Senator Derbyshire, A. BE. Donovan, M.P.P.. J. R. Dargavel, M.F.P., and A. W. Johnson. The fireworks were grand Our Windows this week! show our determination mot carry over one single pair of Oxford Ties. * 3 # 3 $5 : A Few of the Tempting Prices: All Queen Quality and Ultra $4 stamped price Oxfords Pumps, iif Tan, Black and Patent Colt Skin. Now ---32.8 All Ladies' $3 Tan, Patent Colt and Kid Oxfords, Le SS About 15 pairs Queen Quality and Ultra Swede x Pumps, stamped price, $5. Now - br -rd-v= wvnons «$3 All our $3.50. Men's Tan and Patent Colt * Oxfords, Now Bt eT J Aout 90 pairs Men's Tan, Gun Metal and Patent Colt Oxford $4 Shoes. NOW «-«« = =cvnn = 55 pairs Men's Patent Colt, Tan and Gun Metal Shoes, the best American makes. All $5 goods. Sale Price --~-$3.97, 3 gross Lily White Shoe Dressing, regular 10c. Now - -Se. --] J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. § Wu The House of Good Shoes. : FIFIPIIIF III IIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIINIINY Ses mam. 00, : ¥ tunity to save money. ne Summer Furniture Sale Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your oppor-# This sale includes a full line of: Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 67 Carriages and Go Carts. and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. and the evening was much enjoved hy all. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Earl are oe- cupying their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parish are occupants of their George Bertrim's. who, a couple of weeks ago, received {an almost fatal injury by falling Berry Picking Now. =~sihrough a trap door in his barn aad July 21.--Miss Jordon, |striking on his head on a Island Railways duly 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. until WITH Parlor GLACIER Good for return August Junetown, cement 8rd, > 1908, Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. General Passenger Department, MONGTON, N.B. AND TR Tercentenary Celebration, . Quebec, P.Q. July 20th to August 1st, 1908. Round trip tickets will be issued' from Kingston at rate of $10. Good going July 18th to, July 27th inclusive all tickets goud to return until Aug. 3rd. RAILWAY, SYSTEM Low Rates to Pacific Coast and Feturn. Good returning until October 31st. Vancouver Victoria | Portland J s Los Angeles | $101 10 San Diego J . NEW ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD- Seattle San Francisco IAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St, Paul, » Winnipeg, Man. Brandon, Man, Regina, Sask. - Fdmonton, FIRE, And proportionate rate the Canadian Northwest. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the Canadian Northwest via Chicago and St. Paul, good going July 21st, Aug. 4th and .18th, good to return with- in 60 days For pullman accommodation, and other infotmation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Stag in tickets Quebec Steamship-Company | LIMITED. River& Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron with electric lights, modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- S, at4 p.m, 27th J 101) "th S88. "Campana," electria bells and all and Chdrlottetown, rd "NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and B.S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 25th July, 8th and 22nd August, Bermuda Summer Excursions, $40 and upwards, *'Bermudian," | by the Twin Screw BS, 5,500 tons, Sailing fortnightly New York, from 2nd June to 5th October, Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above B80 degrees. | The finest trips of the season for health and comfort, . ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and stateroowns apply to Jy P. HANLEY, or C. 8. KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. | LaKe Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, . 1,000 ISLANDS. from Strs. NORTH KING. vommencing June 27th, leave Kin ston for Thousand Island \ ints ATs except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return- fng leave at 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y,, (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. yg STR: ALETHA---Leaves Mondays for Bay of Quinte Ports, at § p.m, Halifax, ! The 'only substitute for Stamed Class Artistie, Durable, Economical, by D. J. DAWSON Sueeessor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Victor and Berliner Gramophone. Will- iams' Sewing Mach.ne. Phoenix Fire ¥ixtingunisher ; and a full line of Musical Instraments, Music, etc. CABS! The Old Stand apd The Old Num- Phone 490 OFFICE NO. All orders promptly attended night or day. The Old Cab Stand With a New Number PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. Prices. to ~ THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money loaned on City and 'Farm Pro perties. ¢ Municipal an County Deben. tures. Mortgages purchased. Devosite received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director woek's Cotion Root Compound y b- ~_.. lhe great Uterine Tonic, an ¢ (3 only safe effectual Monthly Wed ty GE 4% !togulator on which women ov depend. fold in three degro( of strength--No. 1, $1; iio. 4 10 degrecs stronger, $3; No. § for special cases, ger box. Sold by cll druggist: or sent prepaid on Feo2. 14 Jf price, free pamphlet. Address : ox Menmiea Ba. Trgonre. Out. Jormerly Wis Wm. Murray, Auctioneer ---27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, darness ote. Sale of Horses every Saturday. vy ALLAN x LINE Montreal to Liverpool July 24. Aug: 21. July 81, Aug. ¥8, Aug. 7. Sept. 4.! TO HAVRE AND} LONDON. Corinthsan sails Pomeranian sails A 8. Rates of passage and full {nforma- tion may be obtained from PL HANLEY, Agent G.T.R., or C. 8, KIRKPATRIOK, Loeal Agents. { Corsican sails .... Virginian sails .. Tunisian sails MONTREAL STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER ISLAND :-- 1.00-4.00 p.m 1.00-4.00 p mp 7.4 15 a.m. 1.004.000 p.m. Breakey's 6.309.830 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 3 1200--4.00 p.m; 1.00--4.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON i-- 8.30~11.30 a.m. 8.005.830 p.m, 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m, 8.80-411.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m. 8.30--1.00 p.m. 8.00 pam. Breakey's Bay, 3 'p.m. . FRI. 8.30--11.30'a.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m. + SAT. 8.30--11.80 a.m, 8.00--§.30 p.m. SUN. 9.45 a'm. 1.155.830 p.m. Sat --Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's dock, at' 8.00 p.m, Time Table subject tp change without WE THURS.,, Bay FRI. SAT. SUN. Full [{aformation from 'JAMES SWIFT '0. Freight Agents, J. P. HANLEY, o KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, notice: | Boat ealls at Gdrden Island going to Mpullorytown, is guest of Miss Cassie floor. 'tennant. Miss Eula Tennant is gpend- ing this week with friends in King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Westlake, Glen Juell, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, Franklin on Monday last. Huckle- berry picking is the order of the day. Miss Arley Purvis has returned after in Brockville lasp- in this seec- the farmers have Mr. and Mrs, A Chick were on. Monday guests at Jacob Hegbison's. Apples, are re- ported to be a very light crop. | --- , ing, Paid Good Figure. Moberly, 'July 11.--The corn and grain is much ymproved by the re- cent rains. The patrons of Maberly cheese factory day night, by Manders 1 his hundred pounds. very satisfactory. very plentiful. not returned from Brockville vet, but we hope to Visitors : Miss Emma Morrison, at Thomas Kirkham's: Lorne Fournier, Althorpe, spent Sunday at DD. Buchan- an's; Mr. and Mrs. Robert spent Sunday at My. Boles'; Donnelly, aland, is visiting Boles'. Locals From Latimer. Latimer, July 20.--Some farmers are | through haying, Unarterly service will be held in the Methodist Episco- pal church, here, next Sunday mors ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tavlor spent Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. L. Hughson's, Lake Opinicon. Their daughter, Gladys, accompanied them home. Mrs. J. Sherman has returned home from her daughter's, Mrs. Shan- non, Sunbury. Latimer boys expect to play a game of football against Elginburg team, on Wednesday even- at FBlginburg. Miss Pearl Gib- son, Inverary, is at R. Dixon's. Mrs. L. ilughson, Kingston, is spending this week at her daughter's, Mrs. B. Cpllings. Miss P. Taylor spent the 12th with Miss M. Clow, Inverary. Mrs. E. Bruce, who hag heen 'very ill for the past few days, is reported very low. Miss E. Shannon, Sunbury, spent a few days of last week at .J. Sherman's. 8. Taylor and T. Sher- wood anticipate taking in one of the excursions going west soon. Miss L. Traves and F. Darling have returned home, from Sydenham, having tried wir examinations. Misses Marjorie and Georgie McFarlane, Montreal, are { at N. Spooner's -- Back To 'Old Home. ™ | Seeley's Bay, July . 21.---Mr, | Mrs, George Gilbert and two chil- dren, Lindsay, are visiting their old home and friends the past few days. |M. Dillon, Ellisville, and. Miss M. , | Elliott, were quietly married at the _in Lombardy. {home of the bride's stepfather, J. has taken position | ryan, last Saturday evening, by the Wood's store. Lam-| Rev. M. Brumrige, in' the presence of tport, is visiting {a few near friends. The happy couple Hart's. Miss Minnie Burns, |have the best wishes of all for many charge of a school &t Out happiness and prosperity pending the summer holidays [Miss Ethel Smith and Miss Alice here with her sisters, the Misses |Johnson, Watertown, N.Y., are visit- Burts'. The public school is being re- |ing friends and renewing old acquain paired and thd interion Miss [tances here the past few days My. Karley, Athens, is a guest at {and Mrs. A. G. Doggett left last Wed Seymour's. + Harry' Bulger. of | nesday, 15th, on a trip to England to as guest of the villawe | Visit friends at different points there last ., week. Miss Minnie Fowler who [1 hey expect to remain about as been at Lanark for the past two months The Leeds Rural Telephone months is home for a few weeks. Miss [company 18 installing the "phones thia Maud Singleton, Smith's Falls, is |week. Tt has the wiring on the dif home for her holidays. {ferent lines well advanced. The Ri { desu Navigation company has secured Budget From Atkinson. {a contract to carry the mails to Oc Atkinson, July 20.--1he rain of Fri- | tober 1st from Kingston to Portland day last put a stop to hay-making [on the line of the Rideau canal. An for a couple of days, but the farmers | early closing hy law has been passed are all wearing broad smiles as it is|by the council of Rear Leeds and worth hundreds of dollars io them for [Lansdowne for the closing of all the grain and root crop. Who would |*tores during the months of June, not farmer ? Several houses {July, August September at 6 | have already them, and the wire connection is daily A Hunter has purchased a Hugh Congra- spending a week berries are very tion. Several of finished haying. scarce were paid, on Satur- the secretary, ~My, factory paid 99¢. per This is considered Raspherries Mr. Cleaver are has hospital him soon. not see Corley Mrs. at Thomas a and Toledo News. 20.--Mrs.' J. J, 18 the guest of her mother for the Mrs. J Mrs. G. Pepper with friends Mary Pratt in CA. in, We foledo an, Athens Mrs Rape, Somervills Moncay Miss olf bert--tiar Mrs. 'M has July Ron week. and spent clerk at who |vears of let, i painted. Jean John Prockyville, w a two and in P-m. in each year. be a telephones erected -- expected. new rubber-tired buggy from Wilson & Son, Gananoque. | ow | Lines From Lombardy. | Lombardy, July 21.--Farmers are | busy haying. The crop is fairly gopd in this vicinity. Since the recent rain there are good prospects for an abun- dant harvest. Miss M. O'Mara, To- ronto, is here to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward O'Mara. Miss Sadie O'Mara re- turned to Boston yesterday. Miss Muckler, Micaville, has been the guest of Mrs P. Kelly for some time. Master Gordon Neville, Ottawa, is with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Covell, for the holidays. W, Bellamy, Toronto, visited his brother, B. B. Bellamy, for a few week's re- cently'. Miss Vaughan, Herbert Vaughan and J. Casey, Ottawa, were guests of Mrs. Thomas Breen last week. J. Salmon and H. Morricy, Jasper, spent Sunday at Thomms Breen's. J. hlyne, of the Arlington hotel," Smith's Falls, visited at his home here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur, Smith's Falls, were guests of Rev. M. and Mrs. Styan at the parsonage last week: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garvin. Kitley, were guests om Sunday of the latter's parents, Yinol Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, ccughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. summer loghe, Breezy Point. B. Tent nant and family, New York, are oe cupying Aberdeen cottage. Mrs. G. E. Judson and son, Athens, spent: last week at Camp Lookout. C. J. Ban- ta, mother and sister, arrived, last week, to spend a few months at their island home. Miss Annie Hickey has recovered from an attack of appensi- citis. B. Falkner's cottage is com- rleted. Miss Harriet Green has gone to Portland to visit friends. Miss .J. Eyre is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Scott, Morton. Carrying Place Notes. Carrying Place, July 21.--Rev, J. de P. Wright arrived home from Ottawa, having had a pleasant cruise - on his steamyacht in the Bay of Utinte enl Rideau waters. During Lis absence Rev. C. E, 8S. Radcliffe of Brandon, Man., formerly a) Camden Fast, preached very acceptably. F. Kemp has launched out in the butcher busi- ness in our town. We wish him every success, Miss Jessie Young and her sister, Mrs. Bentley, arrived from Vancouver, B.C., a few days ago, and are under the parental rocf at Wel ex's Day. Mis Edythe Corrican is spending her vacation with her moth- er. She arrived from New Yor: on Friday. The new tennis court at Mrs. Corrigan"s is well patronized by the lovers of this exciting game. The Car- rying Place baseball team are practis- ing evenings on the Globe grounds. A number of speétators are gen erally present. Over one hundred j eo, ple are now encamped at Twtlve O'clock Point. Open air conderts are held in the ovening. Mrs. Robinson, Consecon, is the guest of Mrs. Buch- anan, The telephone company are in- stalling telephones in the rhouses of our village. We notice St. John's rec goodly R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St. -- - m---- T -- DO00.00 0000000000000 000000C0000000000000000C Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. "The finest in the city. Phone 58, POPPIES tory is being sapplied with one. Mi Mrs. Wright at the rectory. Miss Mor- | ris, Toronto, is staying with Miss | Davis. McCauley hus arrived | from California to spend the summer | h's aunt, Mrs. Corrigan. His | new Peterboro canoe is an attraction | for the young ladies of this place Rural Dean Armstrong and family | passed through our village en route | for their summer home on the George with lake | shore. Mrs. J. Chase met with a pain ful accident lgst Friday. She id im I ros ing. Easy Corn Curing. Get a box of Peck's Corn Salve--teo- day, apply it as directed and a few days hence all your corns wii Le en- tirely removed. In big boxes, 15c at Wade's Drug Store, Brockville And Ogdensburg. Friday, America, 8 a.m., calling at Gananoque and Rockport both ways. 50¢. return. ' Mrs. Anthony Shalhub, wife of a Windsor, Ont., storekeeper, grappled. with a man whom she claims' to have found looting the store on Monday afternoon' and held him. He gave his name as C. H. Miller, Louisville, Ky. Sylvester Thompson, a highly re spected resident of Rossmore, Pringe Edward county, died on Saturday ev- ening. About two weeks ago the de- ceased suffered a paralytic stroke, which caused Ris demise. Mr. Thomp- son was seventy-five years of age. At Ingersoll, | Magisgrate Morrison sentenced Elijah Titus, of Centreville, to six months in the Central prison, because 'he ignored a summons to appear in the police conrts> After some months. iliness from lung trouble James 'E. Carter, son of Wil- liam Carter, Belleville, died on Mon day morning. Deceased was in bis twenty-fourth year. ; ol "To regain possession of bis Sevens year-old daughter, Marie, F Cornell, a Windsor, Ont., laborer, has GEORGE-W. MAHOOD, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bisonette. Mr. and and from Kingston Kingston, Ontario, Mrs. 'J. Wright and Miss Marion spent catsed the arrest of his wife, Mary Cornell. Lockridge, Tamworth, iz the .ruest of | : -- Suid l The Remedy Century, --the most wonderful Medicine ever NES rr astounding the riedical world. 10, cases cured in ome mouth in Paris. The Natio Medical Board has recommended (his Remedy for use in the Iusans Asylims where, as is well k majority of the male inmates are vistims of lost Vital! in its most terrible form. In Europe the remedy ev.dorsed by all governments and is now used as & Specific in the great Handing grities of both France and Germany. Stoos losses in from seven to ten days $0 that they never return. Draoius entirely cease after a few day's treatment. The skin becomes clean, the eyesbrigh' Comfidence returns, step elastic, bowels regular, lierndaches dirappesr, Ko more weak me. mory, the m.nd Lecomes bright and active. A Food for brain aad Blood. A anent cure no matter how chronic the case. Just send us today your name and nddress painly written and a § days treatment of kestorine will be sent FRER iw plain sealed packs eg Do not hesitate a moment. We will treat you wiih s_ccess and wich bopest confidence. Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. Po. Drawer L,'2341. MONTREAL The 8t. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Lid : MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows, Made entirely from Cal Sugar. Be sure you ask for 'St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. CANADA has made a further reduction is now being performed nade which does not compare at all favorably with that I hold in the Canada Life. and been paid than satisfactory Pari, Ont, April 24th, 19055" ~ J. 0. AUTTON, AGENT, LIFE ASSURANCE CO. To-day I am in good humor, because the Canada Life has notified me that it Dear Sir, -- Kingston. ® my premium. This is what was promised, and When an insurance company does this it is more thal be said of some others, and [ am therefore pleased. have society insure Life, which has, matured more the Canada profits paid ale Nn an Endowment Policy as the This was a bonanza to me. 1 have wero large and Yours truly, HOG : - - fe The same contract can be secured to.day at tha Office, 18 Market St. J. Oy HUTTON, Agent. Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Authors & Cox

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