Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1908, p. 2

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THE DAILY" BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1908. PARADE THIS EVENING. in Bethel church, was undec the aus : OF vices of the Sunday school, and Notes About the 14th P. W. 0. proved a great success. An abun We have a Private Office for I-- -- ' Rifles. dance of Howers® had been provided MM Wh . Baby's EMERALDS DEFEATED IN| The lath Regitaent, will parade this | AT SYDENHAM STREET" willing bands had arranged them en O Issuing Marriage to the best advantage in front of the eve CR ta ¥ , GAME WITHCLC. |ocing to the chet bekd Them |" METHODIST CHURCH. | piiiorm: on which the htc fois 5 Own Soap S---- before the regiment goes to Quebec, the primary department mingled the i Kn Licenses Leaders of League Win Out By a [By that time it will be in nigh per- Programme By the Sunday School h ppy ¥oiees bo glad songs of yraie. OW . Best for baby, best for you. Score of 5 to O--Lrescents Win fost order. = --Addresses By E. P. Jenkins i RE ET ane Roo | Also the fivest stock of Refuse imitations. a Game in the Junior Series. ai ep ompuics | gx and T. F. Harrison--The Secre- | uch credit cannot be said on behalf Anything about Shirts can tell at Wedding Rings Albert Soaps Lid, Mfvs., Montveas, The fans at the Cricket field on Sat- | menceuvres which will be required at : tary's Report. of the painstaking and excellent work glance the reason why : ws urday afternoon, were treated to a Quebec. Flower Sunday at Sydenham street Jol the superintendents of the BEmat Shirts. We make it worth 3 e In ihe City. and an elegant Try 'Albert' ragged game, and a lively dispute The rifie colors of red and green, Methodist church was marked by a department, Miss Mabel Maund Mie to come h past a . stock of suitable Talc--Violet over a decision by the umpire, in the | which were placed around the regi. |spedial service in the morning, which M sa Alice Moxley, and also of [ 458 | because o " . a . - match between the Emeralds and the |ment's helmets last week, add greatly |Was of a bright and helpful nature Isabel Moxley, the Sunday school ox Wedding Gifts Scented and . : ' . : eabel isepti Canadian Losomgtive worss. 1¢ was a |ly to the appearance of the men. The | There was a very large ganist. I. ¥. Harrison, who has just re cass of the leader f * the league |Hlatness of the white helmet is there- | present, The pulpit was banked with : ) i v A 4 i 2 Tu elie here. |} Sn. arranged, . and | turned irom the International Sunda; Come to Our St Which ws will be very pleas- t ranse fort you get here. 1 congregation against the tailenders, and the Loco- [by broken. - Howers, very pearl , s On the plat- | school convention at Lowsville, Ken motive works' team had no difficulty | On church parade, yesterday, the re- | made a fine appearance. i Nine addre the PRINCESS DRESSERS in taking the Emeralds into camp, by jgiment totalled 267 or 100 less than | form were Rev. C. A. Sykes, the pas- tucky, gaye a surrey ali ig TS a And see our range of Summer Under $ a score of 5 to 0. "Teddy" Saunders [at the recent inspection. The attend- | tor, E. P. Jeuking, the acting saperin- atlievamonty sud Poe pid. bo Ful wear, Fancy Hosiery Canoe Jersey ' : tt aE pte Ete ine , yesterday, was good, however, | tendent® and A. Shaw, assistant su day hool _ work. He fp "that jn ea n siery, ance Jerseys, SMITH BROS team, not one hit heing made off 'his dering the hot weather and the | perintendent. A special programme She ntted States men u £ il ete 0 and be also had the honor [absence of many from the city over {| was arranged, consisting of éxercises, aut hal ele a - hook of Jewellers and Opticians. ------ delivery, . f fanning out a score or more men Sunday. solos, choruses and duetts by the}?® , x Effective, g 2 Sees scholars, and everything was given in | Beers He urged the parem's and 350 King St. Institute Meeting. a manner that was most pleasing. | adults to be more ae * * 4 Issuers of Marriage Useful. At the annual meeting of Addington 'The choir was also present, and add- Support of A elptal ay hea : Sue Licenses. . ra' Lm > Sag art of the pre closed a mgst an eresting Farmers luatitute, Tamworth, the of- oj lo the Iousical, pa : ie =e address by a fervent appeal to teach- ficers for the : p we elect | gramme. At the opening there was in ®Hurd- ed 8 Curent Your Mere elect 4 instrumental march given by Miss | ©1S and scholars to be in their classes 5 g 8 \ y : : every Sunday in the year, without , Oak Ma- road . . " 7 Horwo i ---- Bird's President--Smith Gilmour. L. Shaw. Lhen followed a chorus, LT hat Eye Maple, ete Vice-president--M. Shannon. Ring the luvitation,' followed by ar and Secre Are -- od the Pastor. Mi. 18 ve ecretary-treasurer--J, B, Ayles- | prayer, offered by the pastor ' After a recitation by Rheta Hunter, 00 ® $12, $15 worth Shaw led in the responsive reading followed by a well rendered selection 0 s oO up to $65. Directors--C b Wa ' : After another chorus The Recessio : . A gar, Thos, | After anoth ch hv n a > ¢ atte > auperinbe Evans, Mark A Gilmour, Wm. H. |al." (by Rudyard Kipling), two junior uy p male rire ite , hi Cup ao Paul, John Kairns, Wm. Nugent, H, | members of the Sunday school, Muriel carne ty i the re ey ibility » pstin F. Bell, . ' pa wn | Saunders Jo ord, extended | "2TDHY ¢ Sponslly) 11y resung Bell, J. M. L schhead, Wm, Brown, | Saunders and John Uflord, extended upon parents to saturate their chil ge --- - apo words of welcome. The other part . : : -- 3 "J dren's minds with the pure milk of Hunting And Fishing Club. of the programme was as Jofows : God's word! The Sunday school. he Phe Northern Woud and A meeting of the Bourbonnais Ki De A an SE! a BirY 0 Ee ™ | said, was never intended to supercede | Ofer 158 pr Th t Dry | Mi-Ka Hunting ine Club, was a angi, Laardon A unupg yr parental teaching, but rather to sup- |, rT anh : held here on Sa ay 'evening, Sew- duck. ie hardsag, Xa y Andres, "J plement it. The formative period of > rR 2 . . Pp py srhert wn py o "Peddy" Saviders. who pitched star gral members of this club belong to Dy Aang Dos 3 ng Sor childhood was the time to sow the Sac doar o . { , game for C. L. C, delivering a puggler | Bingston, among them being W. 8_|oise, "A Dozen Daisies, = by er Ts good seed in mind and heart. A soul | ot the smount of mone Chiffoniers to the Kueralds - iL Hughes, H. 8 Folger, G. Y. Chown of the primary class: chorus, heer saved at the beginning of life, is al- | by buying your wood from.us ee ES------=>= | and Arthur Macnee. The meeting was | UP; Dearie," by Margaret and Fliza-] io other & more glorious work than \ He put nine men to sleep at the bat lin honor of the president of the club, {beth Cunningham, Helen and Jean], Cl caved at the end of the jour t he! i. and x t our quotations on Agents for J." Brand Austra "Phone, Store, 666. Resi- Suitable for any Collars dence, 48 Compare Handsome and con- 5 LS ps venient. No Gentle : = in the frst four inmngs. He had |S. H. Pool, of Philadelphia, who, with | Chown and Grace Sykest recitation, nue" Totter a life of dn. Bea Muirhead ! efore you buy > Muah 5 rao complete \® Eg Pen oe : od to b A th i M Pool isit | "The S * « \ % without one, $9, C3 a sp 0 burn,' as the saying goes. rs ool, 1s on a visit here. ¢ Spurrow, wy Lgrale deed it is to build fence at HER - . . apt 4 5 nail 813 upto S15 PE "Nipper * Matheson wa®# not in very solo, Mary Andrews; 'duet and semi- | ¢ o precipice rind a a pital h oF The Northern Wood and Have your FURS Made ee " ! N & . ier o . g OSp ' ° Oak and Mahogany, 2 > good form, although it must le stat Rochester E 4 chorus, Pearl Richards, Noriha Hughes |}, ¢(om. . Over and Dved now, as we 7 g ed that the support be was given was ages r XCUTSI0NA. and six: girls; exercise, "God's Treas I'he singing by the congregation wa Lumber Co a i : i : ery poor, nine costly errors being Per steamers North King and Cas. |ury," by cight boys, solo 'taken by lyery hearty. Several of the h¥inns 2 are getting busy with new chalked up against his men. pian, for Dominion day and Fourth of | Miss Edwards; exercise, "Spring | cung were selected from the new Sun. | Cor. King and Place d'Armes St 'ders The U. L. C. team went to bat first, | July. Tickets good going June 30th | Flowers," by five little girls. day' school hymnal, recestly intr a : 8 ad Jes: orders. and tallied two runs, Esiord and Ew-{to July 3rd, valid for return until At every flower service it is usual to]. & oe school: The a >. ow . @ the | anaio the school. The attendance | Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints |W, KF. Gourdier, July 6th. Fare $$. J. 1 Hanley have a chorus by members of was good and altogether t} ser N Servier (Fully guaranteed, These paints are Exclusive Furrier. Phone 700 : art doing the scoring, The Emeralds ! ass 8 « : wy TH-go with these $3 to $75. Ar got a man as far as third, and when | 8gent. Chinese department, but yesterday this | .o heartily enjoved se $3 to $75. range had to be dispemsed with, owing tol ld J the best preservatives for wood, leon , old alike. Next Sunday morning, the | and stone, they dry quickly, with a hard § not seen elsewhere, there: was a chance of scoring Walsh 3 -- fanned In the second, the C, L. C. the unavoidable absence of some of > + 1 ; . » ' We é pastor, Rev G A. Mackenzie vill | glossy surface, work freely under the T . awkenzie, wi i aU THE FRONTENAC Carpets added two more runs, scored by Es- Nets Were Seized. the class. This class has an attend: Feanduct the service and speak special brush and can De appl : For sis by LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY In all the newest color effects, in wil ford and McKim, and 'the Emerald¥ Inspector Taudvin made a trip to Jance of from sixteen to twenty-two {| |v to the members £ the 8 nd oO * Sunday A STRACHAN . : ESTABLISHED, 1863. tons, Brussels, Tapestry, ete, went out in one, two, three order. Kepler in his launch, on Friday last, | members, and is making marked pro- | <chool. by voung and and seized about forty yards of net. |gress under the able leadership of 3 i The dispute over Umpire Nicholson's |! ---------- Hand Luriains > decision occurred in the third innings. |The inspector is on the lookout for | Miss A. Benn. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, 82.00, A special' purchase, "°F 31:78 and | A C. L. C. man, running from second | all offenders, and is a very busy man | Mr. Jenkins spoke Lriefly, referring FEAR | Money loaned on Ofty and Farm Pro. : to third base, caused the trouble. The these days. to the good work carried on by the perties. Municipal and County Deben 4 tures Mortyages purchased Deposits received and | 'crest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Sunday school, and made a strong PHONE 90. YOURS, Emeralds claimed he was thrown ut, ; but the umpire cried "sale." The Em- appeal to the members of the church VIS oC WHITE SUITS T F HARRISON C0 eralds left the field, and fifteen min- SOLDIERS Al CHURCH for financial. gid, i eh THE DA D K OUT OF » . utes was lost in the argument which ---- NewEngland Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open, from 10.80 a.m, to8 am: the bost place to _get an all round Lunch la the city. Meals of all - kinds on shortest notice. English and Chindse dishes a specialty, 'Phone, 655. nounced that during the vear seventy COMMISSION. followed. The C.L.C. team finally gave seven children had professed Christian -- way to the Emeralds and the came] ARTILLERYMEN JOINED ity, and Mr. Jenkins asked if this High Water Pressure Caused was not good resnlts. Was not the proceeded. In the fourth the first three THE RIFLEMEN. money givin to help along the Sun Break Under Gates--A Dam THE DELIGHT OF THE men up for the Emeralds fanned. The UU. L. C. scored their fifth run in the day school a good investment ? For Will Have to Be Built--Gran- next innings, and the Emeralds were] 14th Regiment and R.C.H.A. the year ending April 30th, 1907, the tham Was Filled With Water. LADIES . ain retired in 2, two, three order. ' sum of $106 had been raised for the . . again retire one ' ote Parade to St. George's. Cathe- nL fun ad oa. ry sed for nr On Saturday night, the Davis com 0 Connor knooked, a fly into centre i : ? . 8 field, Dufily fanned and Anderson was dral--A Fine Sermon Was year an effort would be made to raise pany dry dosh was put out of com aR put out on a pick-up of Ewart's. Preached By the Dean of | 8400. ale euth by the high wa So cool and comfort- Phere was no more storing after this, Ontario, T. F. Harrison, superintendent of under the gates we i Pro a i ured bl . b he ueup, was - Jollows ; 0' Bri 1 On Sunday morning the 14th Regi- the Sunday sehaol for ten years, gave | the company were found Sade ate - a y e for warm v eather. Fmeralde=Nic olson, ei Brien, | nent, Frincess of Wales Own Kifies, |® ten-minute address. Mr. Harrion | keep the water out. ao it oa plate We have them in many 8b.; Branifi, 1b; alsh, rf; U'Con- had 1ts annual church parade. Headed and Mrs. Harrison have just returned | sary to build a dam across its styles y ROL, 8.81; Duffy, Li; Anderson, 2b.; by both brass and bugle bands it left from attending the big Sunday school | entrance. : ly : : : Pierce, ed; Matheson, pe the armours at 10.45 o clock, in| Onvention at Louisville, Ky., and he Oy Saturday, the big Achooner Gran White Suits, In plain { L. C.~FEsiord, 3b.; Ewart, 8.8. | command of Lieut.-Col. Kent, 'and pro- referred to that great gathering. Some | tham. owned by the Donnelly Wreck or with Pale Blue Trim- McMahon, Li; Dehaney, 2b.; Dickson, ceeded along Montiel street, down people, he said, had an idea that the ing company, entered the dock for re min . 85 : a, $5. LALA AAAI LLL LLL PRT TT A The Greatest Cele- bration of Modern EX \ &. hy N 3 X DASA Wb; McKim, rf; Saunders, p.; David-| Princess and along King to St. Sunday school,was only for the child pairs. Her owners had the vessel : y ren and that it held no interest whyt- plug removed in order to let out the White Suits, in plain Times TENT TTT son, Sd Burks, eo. George 8 cathedral. Hundreds lined the i id i A Score by innings : route, and admired the fine body of | "YT 'or older people. At this con | water in her. The plu 3 i i » ih 4 © plug was not Te . - » RBE | men pow constituting Kingston's old | tonuon there was an attendance of | placed, and when the dock filled with o rimmed with Linen we 00 noo0oo0 0-0 09 rifle reciment. At the corner of King close upon nine thousand people, de- | water, the Grantham, lving on the or Pale Blue Shades, 220010000575 street, thé I4th was met and preced- legates from China, Japan, West In- | blocks, also filled $7 50 ed by the Royal Canadian Horse Ar- ies, Mexico, Yukon, Canada, 1 nited The break under the gates came sud i 8 ' 39 5 Junior Game Saturday. tillery band and fifty men, from the] inten oie tah het cities This | denly ; Nothing wrong had been pre 2 eparate ( oats, $2.00, In the junior game at the Ericket | barracks. On arriving at the cathedral | ™™" ta show that : unday school | viously "notiesd. R. Davis, Sr., head 3.50. field on Saturday afternoon, the Cres-!it took but a short time for the artil- ik was not merely for children | of the company, stated that the break Separate Skirts cents defeated the C. L. C. by allerymen and riflemen to file into the a one: t was quite evident that the| was, no doubt, due to the extraor i e } F LS score of § to 2 Umpire Fitzgerald | sacted edifice, afid occupy the seats world of torus Was iv io the work | dinary pressure from the high water $1.75 and up. . P the sSunday sc : t this «o 3 SCasor lve vears ag he ald : handled the game in good style. 'Lhe allotted to them. of thes yl yr schon. JA 4 as Sou thi a a Twel * years ago the Received this week a game was characterized by very heavy Dean Farthing preached a strong i ad donated | company had a similar accident, and . . hitting, Deeks and Walsh each making | sermon from the text, "I go the way the vat 9 ig for Hoe furxying [had to build a dom : shipment of.) Indian y . . ew ) ours wen the dod oe e pumps we Initi a home run. The lim up was as fol. | of all the earth. Fe thow strong, (0 TF HOT (LE OF boo sare 1. When the dodk filed, the pune wor Head Suitings, so pop- PORCH SHADES lows : therefore, and show thyself a man," he : o $75, wd been, pro- | soon got to work, in an end wo te Is f I adie . wi it Crescents--Walsh, ¢.; Kane, p.; Mo-| David's last words to Solomon. "fhe Sa ol the work, and in a month| get the dock clear. but the a n ar or A 108 ; ite * den, Abi; Carson, 2b; Mcllonbell, s.s.; preacher congratulated the 14th on ons a Stout gr hays fuachod der the gate was a large on ' Suits. It is 36 inches * . « . . . ' , 8 . 0 pb ntsome sum. o oy, t] pumps couldn t begin to cop * a= Are Just the thing for your Huseulic, 3b , Uoademele, LL; Wright, having ues chosen 'tu. Ko Ju Quek ee would he' lard ta realize. the amount puing The EE. her ; wide, for 25¢. a vard. ' el; McKee, rl. : ! « - 4 . . mr i ; - 'e. t " : Verandah, made of thin strips C.L.C.~Deeks, -¢,, Ewart, p.; Rush- | mend our race and religion to those of good that sould be Scamplished if iy and floated from the Jo k White Ducks, Drills, . olin les " . prihe : 1 mongy coule wr realize avis savs it wal ake probaly : of Linden Wood artistically _ |ford, 1b; Davidson, -2b.; Doherty, 3b.; 2 Anubis sa aiid laith, oe un The speaker, in cloning kad for alan onth : yo ay 3 + a oe r for Piques, Lawns, Mus- ah, 840° sr, rf.; Forbister, | introduction dealing with the whote|,.. = dd ' 0 : » TE Sruat 2 ing i imityv : stained, all sizes in stock. rr Bunati, &4- tn onhor, rf; Forbister, map, that is a men developed. Lob in literal ofivting, am) expressed the hope | the re obening of the doel A number lins, Organdies, Dimity ' hi RR body and,mind alone, but also in tha he Sune ay school would have | of vessels were se hed the 1 for docking ete, ete. o another successful year. during the next couple of weol Af Quebec, 20th to 31st July 1908. The preparations, on ga scale unprecedented, are now #0 complete that the whole world knows that in July there is to take place t Quebec the Greatest series of spectacular events ever en acted on this Continent, The greatest of all questions has been solved How to give the people of hoth Contin pictorial deseriptions will make every pos of them 3 practical LEAL LLAL LLY TTT TTT TTT ee Tr Se LL ALL The "Standard"' of Mon treal, the great National Ill ustrated raper of Canada will publish a superb Tex centenary number replete with all the details of all R. McFAJL B.A Hoth Arivats, © |i indie si 5 ered Be Fe oem Marked at quick sell- 4 * C % F. M. McKinley, L. A, Seyer and |lead lives of purity and righteousngss Fewer of the work of the Sunday , INE Prices. wife: J. A. Reeker, Viotoria, B.C.; ¥.:| before God and man. .lt is unfair ta] "07% which was of a very encourag Marine Notes Kingston Carpet Warehouse | M. Crossman and wite, I. 1. Parke; | men to infer that_they have no reli-| '™% nature, Yhe stauiner, Renie ing cleared, with > coal, for Smith = alls i. F. Bricker, Mrs. FF. F. Bricker, | gion. Women, and devout women, too, % Brookhanon, Mien.;. A. P. Fretztag,| are mainly responsible for the pre-| | At Bethel Church. The schooner Jamieson, clearad from Fhe service held yesterday morning | Richardsons', with feldspar for Sodu , ® | Brooklyn, N.Y; M/ Weinstock, New valence of one sfandard for men and teettttttettttees York; H. MH. Doulas, Oneida, N.Y.; | another for women, Mothers who bring : : rahe stanmbarge Nay louise arrive : their girs up to go to church and from Rideau . canal point oad » the spe ates, containir wealth of magnificent everal gr Miss Jennie Hunter, New York; J.T. f Cammon and wife, Clayton, N.Y.; Mr. | live the religious life, in many cases . freight and Mrs. Hudson, Buffalo, N.Y.; KE. | treat their sone as if they had no Good Morni W I The schooner Mary Ann Lyder arriv : Watson Gardiner and wife, L. G. Gar- | longing after God, ne desire for right- ng, en . ed from Oswego, with coal for R diner, chauffeur, Amsterdam, N.Y.;|eousness, Maly a voung man with a Crawford : Mis, 'R. Steward, Kansas City, Mo.; | yearning for the things of the Spirit, The steambarge Robert McD wal an y Emmanuel Blott, Montreal. Wallyce M. | has betn turned aside when he found - rived from Oswegn, and is unloading Tuttle, Daunton, N.Y.; Charles K.|[ that such aspirations were not expect coal at the eotion mil : The Always Busy Store. " Nagle, Boston; A. C. Hardy, Brock-| ed from him. Man's highest honor is 05 The tenure : anadian passed, at Supplement 22x28 The ville, George EK. Smith, W. DD. Adams, | the power to commune with God _. fine 0 lo or o mg Rt On. lm way . Gibraltar of America with L. Gzowski, Arthur Andrews, Wil. | through the Spirit, "Is it quite man i 3 4 ht dr ww Po th Kk wu arrived reece -- the fleets i the Nation liam Anderson, Toronto; Ed. E. Brige, | Iv," asked the preacher, "for us to 7 ee 88 hate .* a r Sl t : x saluting 3 : 20x47 fromm Uswego, wi coal for OWRTY 0000000000000000000 Magnificent for: fidelity and E. W. Lewis, A. I. Cartwright, Otta-| allow ourselves to be classed as ir- The sc} or. Maxwell arrived irom , - ft " y " ¥ ¥ 4 effect ach of these charn and a Mortgage of wa; Charles' Hardy, A. G. Albright, | religious." God came to earth gs a Erie, with coal for the penitenting ! f ; : its ing pictures will be rammed Ring : ; Thomas Wingate, George Farrell, 8.| man, He left His church in the care of T Co's: Steamer Rosemount and J $2,000 will secure Saks, Montreal; = Major J, Davison,| men. The church is powetless to-day, --_-- bbls Be Lossmaniiv, ai in all lands, besides 36 pages ' India; C. H. Laurier, Levis: Dr. Barr, | because men withhold their strength the wav to Prescott. with grain cargo of beautiful illustrations on . : i satin finished paper, the Good quality at Sc Per Dozen Pint or Quart Sizes processio a hug went Lx4h with colors 1 the uniforms and dresse A scene before Cuebec, another huge colored FET Fe ede feeb EF Shelburn; Mrs. Bogart, Missy Bogart, | from her. 'God cannot be worshipped 5 of 200000 bushels: steamer Acadiad Napanee; H. B. Woodruff, Svdenham;| by proxy, be that proxy priest, choir. 4 y will arrive from Fort William, op whole forming the greatest Do M. Alkier, Guelph; William Martin, | or woman. The church, Canada, needs Tuesday, with grain and grandest comumemora J. Zi Martin, Milwaukee: A. E. Wilkes | the enthusiasm, strength, courage, of : -- tive nuunher ever issued IH ordered through agent at 3 . Band wife, Winnipeg; , T. H. Poole and | the men. "Let David's words to Solo- . . ] ' wife, Philadelphia; A. W. Allen, Ki-| mon ring in your ears," concluded the City Council Doings yee your order will he filled p i 8 gk my : 1 tena. Bins A. C. Kreyier, Chicago : Prater. a Ii h hat To put through the license reduc bit the demand is so over "with ] H. M. Moxon and wife, Miss 1. Boge, processional hymn was "Op. ou want a hat that's tion hill will require some tall hustl whelming that delay may rooms each, mod S| Picton: D. J. Tuskey and wife, Toud-] Yard Christian Soldiers," and the re- light you and comfortable ing: meantime [ts of corns will be forfeit your chance to secure ' : - p improvements; der, Wis; D. W. McNaughton and wile, | cossional "Brightly Gleams Our Ban- . tramped on. The cure is "Putnam's, the preat souvenir Bea ner." Vv one of our Linen Hats. the old mwhable corn extractor that warned in time and save re ; i Wansan, Wis. % central location. ----- After the service, sthe artillery band See our windowlal of these at has been curing corns amd warts for A A . . and batterymen proceeded eastward years. "Putnam's" never fails eases Mrs, 'Robert Read died at Merrick- | along King street to the barracks ---------------- ville at an early hour gh Sunday. ' | while the lith Rogimgnt took a route Picnic Realized $2, 1007 We cannot Kuarantes . march westward along King street, to The magnificent sum of $32,100 was orders to he filled if < Why Your Teeth Ache. Barrie, to Clergy to Princess to Mont- - cleared oy Rev. Father Kingsley as a placed with us before next Usually toothache is due to neural: | real, and thence to the armoyries. Others at from 28c. to || resuit of the big picnic be held last FRIDAY Se gia in the gums or to congestion and rr ---- $1 50 week in aid of the Church of the W. J. FE. MALLAGH, swelling of the nerve pulp. As Ner Holy Name, Cushendall. This is the Dr.A.P.Chown:|] sr=cise acess. '-. viline relieves congestion you ean . Passed With Honors. i de church easily see why it cures so quickly. | W- Ar Kingsley, of Wolfe Island, has et tint aver male at a chun . 848. 5 . PI Nisbet's Old Stand. 0090000 00000000000000 greets. Alse Bottle Wax by the stick or in pans 5c and 10c. Corks, all sizes. 00000% 00ers cssneteee Nerviline does more--cures anv ache or | Passed with honors the final year ex- tent. pain, in any part of the body. and Susann of Javal sudioat college. 1,000 Islands--Rochester it be earache, neuralgia, lumbago thet years of his course he Stenmers North. Ki Caspi or rheumatism--so long as there ix took at Queen's. Br. Kingsley will : ay ies nt Nomis, a 1073 pain; Nerviline will cure. All the ills [80 West to practice. He is the third am. for Thousand Island ports, aud of the family ave relieved by Polson's jof his family to become a medical ; at 8.09 pm. for Bay of Quinte ports Nerviline. ey avd Rochester. practitioner. SP0ececcece

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