Nev { Lake, at J, Meeks'; Mes. A. Varker, chang ¥ \ Over The World. { : : fe ' A " { Mountain Grove, at Mrs. Martin's N . e THERE WAS A SORROWFUL. 1he faut quatida is still under de- | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | wigan Mrs. J. Preoch, Moumtain 'Rifles SCENE IN COURT. { the LOX. supreme cours - ENTS TELL US. Grove at 8. Grant's; Mrs, W. Burley, : L S---------- Verona, at J, Yorke's. | dei de, Geoffrion, Montreal, elected! : . a . The Tidings From Various Points prt with a_ companion A Matried Man Fled "to Detroit [Iki and ugh Blain a Sn; in Eastern Ontario--What Arden "Happenings. a game. . - preside lie sie oO a I . - : . Beir' Shefis your arm With ibe Joey Fendi wn guild, Feople Ast Boing And What! Arie, Juss, I-The parry The goods that you're likely to be inter- . y Hi ife's--~Given be Keoth: " aki usy getting their statute lab one . . SF Your UHL sk for some of Miah (1 otitien box Kec, Toronto, was| (They Are Saying. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Millif, Newburgh, ested in on Saturday will be priced to his Dominion ammunition, Stiff Sentence. committed fot trial on a charge of have returned home after swnding a 1 : . ~ nd J5¢ 2 the buntow of the Detebit, Mich., June 19. Frank Tag- throying carbolic acid in the face of Notes From Sharpton. Ta a with their relatives and make your shopping decidedly profitable. , . i gort, the: Canadian from near Brant | Miss Ehira Webb. Sharpton, June 18.--Miss Barclay is, friends here. Mrs, B. F. Detlor is The explosicn of Domin- ford i £ bringing Mabelle W. E. Davis, passenger traffe map preparing « nwnber of pupils for the : : bh her dugsh: : . ion Cartridges is practically Crmenetlyne Web I ar ager of the Grand Trunk, was Pre lentrance examinations. Miss Myrtle bord en a Bo A Brief Summary Is Given Below . instantaneous, because they English girl, Sito she United States | sented by, the members of the New |Tuylor is visiting frientls in Ringston tendin Newburch high : school, Wil bave the most sensitive pri- in violation of a federal law, was sen. England Passenger Association with a Vismtors : Dr and Mrs. Trousdale, liam Miter Saskatoon Sask ' has mers ia the world. fenced 0% six months in the Detroit iid ber Joning cup. L Hartington, at E. Taylor ot W. Han-| C0 ned after four years absence For sll makes of arms. Costs H, ' a t v a fue oD on Iron company, Lon-lley has several men engaged building : x TY one-third to one. bith loss than duty Hotise of Thon and pn a don, has received an order for 300,000 | the basement for his barn. hui a nhs of ports have SEEI¥ En, lighter then might have been imposed. | 00s of iron piping for water, gas and I. 2 Yah e e er 9S ol at close weave, free from dress- fine cambric and swiss em- idge Co. Lid, Montreal. Miss. Webb. wasn" court when. . sen. ther public works from the Victoria, Washburn Items. rr pe iy R et ay ne ing, 72 inches wide. Regular broidery edgiog and inser- tence was passed and showed great «Le, eity council, . ; Washburn, June 18. --Everything la Iv for % ler . Ge price, 25c: yard. tion, daintiest and newest DOMINION AMMUNITION emgtion., Taogart 'and the girl clung It is announced that W, A. Robia- {looks prosperols since the last rain. Sarl eady or SHI. Mew. Ne > Special Price for 19¢ designs. Edging, 5 inches y to each other, Hoth weepine until se | 00, who has been Canadian Express | The Perfect Brick and Tile company Miller a ha 3 rh Sund: y = he Saturday -- +. wide, insertion, 4 inches. "Traratéd* by the court officials. Mrs. | 320t, at Brantford, for twenty years has resumed work again, with Mr. hen ho hor 8 y Sup oy & : her : Regular price, 12¢. and l4e. Tarwart was almost overcome and | as been appointed agent at Hagil-| Oldman as overseer. Road work is rh on Mr. 8 ei Yury ao Vi Sar Come early for this saving. On Sale Saturday k . had to be assisted from the room. | 108 In sucesssion to J. H. Moore, | the order of the day. Recent visitors - N hay, Er ng oh Yeting | Lsitors: She upbraided the girl, who is her niece | Who has retired. were: My. Pringle at R. Shannon's: | nF aN BR 8 Mountain Only, a yard -- -- and had 'been visiting at the Tac. | 10 the commons, on Thursday, «the | Mes. McAulay and children at Mrs, | 070% Nr. snd Mrs, Arthur Lee, at Ee = ---- YT, , bi id : wtf 7 1G. A. Miller's; R. Watters us D. CREAM LUSTRE SKIRTS art's previ to the elopement i. bill authorizdng the dominion notes, | Pringle's; Mss. H. Thompson at W. . a 4 S % " CURITY ber poridy. Mine Wobl will be a issucd to help the movement of the | Woods's Mrs Samuel Woods ar ©, { Wond's; Ross Barr, Mountain Grove 250 HUCK TOWELS 14 --18 only, made on special 18 Sm------ ; PITH OF THE NEWS, funeral wil take place at the Roman ! -- Catholic church, on Thursday, 18th {The Very Latest Culled From All | inst, Visitors : Clare Meeks, Sharbot : 120 YARDS UNBLEACH- A NEW SHIPMENT OF ED SHEETING, even thread, EMBROIDERY -- 300 yards, da : Sy re (a irect il, : ported to England and Taggart to | €¥8in crop last fall was read a second Cueldy's; Mrs. James Fisher and { 8% his Bistet 8, Mrs, C. Barker's: Geo. Ssived a Siet Som ail ghder, by the expert adie Canada as soon as his sentence is | Me, though there was severe criti- Stanley at Henry Toner's, Erie. Kirk, who i" suffering from a Lroken Pp 1 all 3 Tailor, J. Rosen. i Severa served. The Taggarts were married i dsm on the part of Mr. Foster : ; limb, is improving. Wellington Lee is fancy borders al around, new styles, includine side - n . * 3 Toronta, fourteen vears ago. Mrs The C.P.R. steamship Empress of Items From Maple Dale. ill with appendicitis. Migs Sherbino, Some are hemmed, others pleated effects, plain gored Cenulne Tageart says her hushand converted | Irland arrived at uebee nt noon Maple Dale, June 16.--The webnt Cross Lake, is at B. F. Detlor's Miss plain, go 36x18. Regular circular, with fold, ete. all 'his property into cash and lefy [20d clipped three hours off the Cana- rains have helped the appearance of Blanche Haines, one of Monint Hope's pries, Oe. each, 1 Regular price, i ; PF most popular young ladies, was unit- On Sale Saturday, oC $5.50. On . 9 her pramilese when h nd Miss Wd dian trans-Atlantic record vig Cape the erops this year. F n od Y ; t ne ! Carter % eloped from Wilsonville, in 2 hae Matte. She made passage from most finished ding Ey pave ed in marriage to F. Parks, Camden Saturday -- - 4verpool to Quebec in six days and The people of Woodburn Fezret the EY £ 3 ople h re > ii io---- BLACK AND TAN COTTON { TO HAVE AN oUTING. thirteen hours. near departure of Rev. Mr, Calvert.] HAUNTS OF THE EAGLE. --- Rn Plain Diack . . ---- It has been definitely learned that Fred. Thomps i -- i 2 % . 3 : . o pson has torn down his da ttor tocltings, Little Liver Pills. Hilt © and'. Party Bound For Hckwan, who married Lieut. Gov. | barn and intends' building in the near | Breeding in Wildest Regions of OUT-POUR OF WASH anf a nat London. Prcudics Sanghter, ded hy the SS. Future. James Thompson and F. Cum- Scottish Highlands. BELTS. 350 "on SEHEit finish, double sole, heel and : CR gave his ownlisingy yeent Sunday at Inver ry. srec Was: belts, all embroid. sige y Must Bear Signature of - ,, name at the C.P.R. ticket office. The | 7y,, Yecort visitors were : ng 3 Although breeding in the. wildest ered in newest designs, lovely toe, Suis 8) to 10. Regnits couple took steerage passage as they Cummings, at C. Nuttall's; M i.jand most exposed regions of the ilt buckles, all sizes. Regu: Price, .. par n, =e ba 28, a ittall's; Mrs, W.|an pe € B Saturda Could get no other. 2 MeCalpin, at A. Johnston's: Mrs. J. Highlands, the golden eagle is one of lar price, 25¢. and aturday. ) James IH. McGill, the prominent Carey at F. Thompson's; D. Shook at | OF first birds to commence nesting 35¢. each. On Sale Cc Washington, D.C., architect, who died| J. Wilson's. Mrs.:D. Seo and dauch |OPerations, and as early as the end of Saturday, Only - - recently, left his wife n life interest ters Edna and Gertie at W. Thom. | January the birds are collecting mat -- in valuable property which will Zo 16 | son's. og to repair the old eyrie, or else . - ' his home town of Bowmanville, Ont.,| - are busily engaged in constructing a M U l Ch M W on her death. The MeGill ahs Loa Wotes Fra Ghidetes. new one. This year, says a weiter fn ost Unusual Price Chances in Men's Wear 3 ae ia: Chantry, June 17--Miss Leord Sea: | New yo SEE OUR MBEN'S PURE BOTANY ALL WOOL SERGE a ad tram the hat of o Micligan man, of Moulton College, Toronto, changed fo: pons ther fuddeniy SUITS, blue and black, single and double-breasted, 40 08 inadequate guard to the track below, ind ager ' Nodetiek A amay, Fu an that day we noted a pair of eagles Latest models. Regular price, $15 Oa, SaleSate » Kichurd Seaborn, eihion months oki oiiaye. rhe Bemis Ae ior, he | sarin sound Sher eptic On revi son ol Rev. R. Seaborn, rector of St. now o progress py Philipeville. re ow Bd oculity t] April 17 the keeper 30 BOYS: 2 PIECE SUITS Made of fine Canadian and Albert Johnston, of Smith's Falls bird sitting 3 iy the sun the hey English Tweeds, in light and dark shades, Knee-Pants, A 1. » 8 ! , 8 g nearly ree weeks prey- make and lining, sizes, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Regular $3 15 . 2 Pr. for 25c. ing is worth at least $150,000, Scotsman, after a very frosty Mark's Anglican Church, Toronto Junction, was run over and terribly . spent the past week with her parents |iously, and had also geen the cook injured, . here. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sherwood | bird alight on the top of the rock on rie " rm 4 : A 3 e, $5 and $5.75. On Sale Saturday are Visiting Athens and Drockville | which the eyrie is situated. This par- Price, 5 d A POPULAR TEACHER. friends this week. The. junior pastor | ticular eyrie is very cunningly placed 150 MEN'S OULING SHIRTS--Made of a soft French flette, Miss Charlotte McNeill Died on of the Methodist church here is about | undenthe shelter of a projecting rock; collar attached, new patterns, sizes 14} Oc to leave. He will be greatly missed in | 8nd cannot be reached without the aid Regular price, 75¢c. On Sale Saturday A Thursday. the Epworth League, in which he | of @ rope--in fact, it is impossible The death of Miss Charlotte McNeill, | took great interest. They held an ice | ®VeN 10 see the eggs from any point 250 MEN'S 4-IN-HAND SILK TIES---newest pat 1 which occurred oh Thursday night, at|eream social as 5 farewell. jx Taniage The morning on which we terns, in light medium and dark shades. Regular 1 20 2 residence, Cleroy' stree » : ------------ visited the eagle at her © WAS ex- : Montrinl. Jung A9--dames J. HI her late residence, Clergy street, has ai ceptionally ne ir di oe price, 25¢. and 35. On Sale Satwiday : 118 the Great Northern railway magnate, mediate relatives and friends alone. arriage At Harrowsmith. and very warm atmosphere, so we ONLY 150 PAIRS MEN'S HEAVY DENHAM OVERALLS arvived in the city, this morning, |. 4 to a large circle of the members Hurrowsmith, J ue 18.--Farmers | had no fears as to the results of the AND SMOCKS--Bl ue only, strongly made, and well 69c with a party of fyiends on their way | of the congregation: of St. Mary's ra.] 478 looking 4 little discomaged on gue- | eagle's absence from her eggs. Je finished. Overall 8s with or without bibs. Regular to the Labrador coast on a fishing thedral, of which she was a faithful Satty " A crops uiog haggward for jag hoped to obtain a snapshot of the price, 90c. pair. On Sale Saturday i ' np vant of ore rain. ' ) p and Dlagsure dip. Je, irs ya, and exemplary memiser. i. | wedding took place hers at Ter a. en Ia roi Jom He and 75 PAIRS PAINTERS' OVERALLS--White only bor for several days awaiting the ar Iu the death of Miss MeNeill King- ford Buas's, when his only daughter, | until within a few yards of the eyrie, Regular price, 65¢. On Sale Saturday rival (of 'the party mul will steam Etta, wos united in marriage to Her- and then shouted and whistled, think. down: the' river this évening, : in 'tlveplvy ttod by 'ew ,| bert Dowker, son 'of James Dowker, ing the bird weuld immediately take MEN'S FANCY E MBROIDERED LISLE THREAD tose is deeply regrettec hy every' .ong formerly of this place, now a resident | flight. But there were no signs of life, SOCKS, worth 25¢. On Sale Saturday CRAZED BY CONVENTION. interested in refined christian educa of Manitoba. After a. short honey and as we could not actually see into . tion, toon the' happy couple intend resid. | the nest we surmised 'that the hen J, J. HILL: brought deep sorrow, not to her im- ston has lost one of its most success. ful and highly esteemed teachers. Hor In the interests of her profession, to | . ' : : was off feedin Just as Multi-Millionaire . Made = Ravi a it ing near Harcowsmith. Harrowsmith reding. Jus we: Were on Hi A an . oi er ply ahd baseball team wns defeated at Yark-| 8 dangerous part of the cliff, how \ 3 -- ------ . a i 3 p he 6th. a ever, and in such a position that the Chicage, June 10. 1. Frank, a|ago, and at the conclusion of the tt the 64 Thum, match i ox" | use of the eamera was an impossibil. r d OC multi-milliongire from Butte, left a Easter term Miss McNeill was obliged appointed low ol or Ny on ity, the eagle sailed leisurely off the Sanitpriuth in, Cincinnati three days |to resign her work. Since then her Mes Bert Putters ap td il and nest, and so the opportunity of a - 8go to attend the convention. The ex-|increasing illness has been borne Elkhorn, Naniton an ath photograph was lost for the day. She PRINCESS STREET citepment in the hotel unhinged his | with the gregtest patience and resigng- Rogers' appesreq to ye an 2 bina. judging "| faculties aid he was picked up to tion. ' rom the lightness of her coloring, and I ------------------------------ night a faving madman. He was put| In every benevolent work Miss Me- soared off till a mere speck in the sky Ns ne lS S niriocerl unalér Teptraint at the Palmer House | Neill was foremost among the prome- Wolfe Island Budget. ter J¥ing vainly to reach the nest Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. and Pr," Bweeney had him transferred [ ters, and the poor and the afflicted Wolle Island. June 17.--The excur-| 'Tom two points, we made our way to | '\D y to the Detention Hospital. : have, through her death, lost a most sion run from here on Suturday -- a vely 24 nest of the fork-tailed kite, Phone No. 844. Frank, at ong. time came within one sympathetic friend. Much sympathy | ing was attended by about one hund-|™ heh as how become quite extinet, vole of defeating Witliam A. Clark for|is extended to her SOrroWing . sisters) po). ' '} Davis' orchesira farmished a8 ar 38 Setind ix vtncsted. and -_ the senptorship. His_mania tdok thefin their bereavement. good music for dancing. James Done- p pe th 2) " : ' form of a third term; for President Ah : n van and wile and Joseph Greenwood Suh ie tu bad aot Bou Senant. CLLLLLLLAL0LLLLLLALLLLRREALLLLANLLLLPLA00000 Roosevelt and the physician's exami-F | Bemi-Princesse Gown Of Linen. had a pleasant trip to Montreal last ol irtony pears. yok it sti] : b- z nation showed that his mind was a week. The concert in the C.M.B.A : be 2 ve WE'VE [ kite were using it § 3 complete wreck. fl hall by the English church on Mon- The tg Were vivan boasts : $ GRIP 3 { $ 5 he i , i f the salle wavir oat one of the Ow sina] actupstion -o inn ic. | difficult to sav--and when the tree Also a large Variety of Sporting ark <etations, can have any of bridges are badly ia 1 of repaic. was reached, the eyrie was found to iW Goods, Razors, Razor Straps, Pocke five ify he gHt of President Roosevelt ' y S---- be audite doasttod. vith corte DR | or PCa piiy of the fest aasariimant that ee Bil, dnd without bother- News From Bethel. : of the unlucky bird's feathers still Remember the place, 354 King St, 2 ing his bead with civil service, either Bethel, Jume 16.--Crops are begin clinging to the sticks of which the l doors tron Princess St, He lng a detlor from President Roose ning to show the effects of the con- | pest was composed in volt '16 that effect, which he would | tinued drought. One of the milk When near the eyrie. the cock bird not cha for the best job in Wash: drawers of Camden East factory, had | came sweeping over the brow of the CLIFTON A REED ington, He values it almost as high- a very narrow escape. While turning | hill. and on catching sight of us. im- ( ? lly adithe gold medal awarded to him around the waggon tipped over and | mediately began to rise against the Manager. by "4 for bravery. Raynor won . all the cans went off, but fortunately | wind. Higher and higher he sailed his finetial and the president's 'admira:| The drawing shows a charming sum- for him in place of going with th: {and it was wonderful to see how he tion by saving two lives from the | mer gown in princess style, the de cans he jumped the other way and | ascended. with wings practically mo- schooner «fomwell, wifich was wrevked | sign being suitable for Yariouls mater- |. .y none the worse after hie mishap. | tionless, utilizing the wind in a mar 3 ot Delius, age, in. 190%. ials, such as linen, rajub, Pique or |W Curl had a shingling bee on Sa- vellous way In the space of five ! Er ------ pongee. 'The original gown wad of | yugiay and completed the job they | Minutes he had risen to an extraor- | Baseball On Thursday. pele blue linen, with linen-eovared started. Stover's merry-go-round was | dinary hight, and when some passing 6 T TT eT ------ day evening was largely athendel. of a good number of eagle's eyri 8, SO GO E H BE CRITICALLY ILL. Ee 2. Frank Greenwood is having his resi- | the following day we set out to "rs to denca painted inside and out. 'The for- | discover a nest which was situated HABIT 2 It 'is Bald Hon. John Burns is " ty hours devotion commenced in the | on the other side of the valley, in an We hold our trade by force of merit. We make it advant- Dying. - Catholic church in the * village on| ancient fir tree The weather had | or Soing tothe King Fdward for your| Londen, July 19.>John Burns, Eng- Monday evening and was attended | completely changed, and' instead of | friars and Tobaccow, ns we carry Cigars Tand's anost prominent labor leader in 4 largely as in former years. A large bright sun and warm breezes, we had from parliament, is evitienlly ill and small : ~ 2 number from here will attend the | to fight our way against a strong Ze. up to $1 each. : hopes ave entertained For his reconery: ? Kingston Mills picnic on the 24th. | northerly wind, with squalls of snow ageous to buy Shoes here Our Shoes are trade keep ers. There is a difference between Shoes that are trade keepers and Shoes that are trade winners. A trade winning Shoe is a Shoe sold for a little money--a SLLLLL0LLLASLA00000000000000 LLLLLL000000000000080¢ Plott ope ih o i England. They le k, on lth inst, and are due at ee home again on August 20th next. ;! The SS. Enipress of Ireland is at to 3» Tobacco, 25¢. Ib, up to $3 1b. Buns hae' beet failing in health' for " The steamer Wolfe Islander will run and bail. We had doubts as to the Refer and Meerschaum Pipes, 10e. up a long ime. 5 9 AW oa v to the mills on that date returning att| eyrie being occupied, as last season Caters Be. package up to 400. pack . 28 7 11 o'dock. J. B. Srans has Rut his She hen. bird was found daad an he Basis 14 y fi 3 : { Rh) ine la oO ted i st, \ of her yroken ae. " h RoSkesti's Letter To Life aver, a Ratoline launch * € eh 1s oo he awav--although whether this was se Nalking Kuda 11 - op da id, sng , Ruyeg } dupe 19. Fran . 3 he day. The | tually the cause of death it would be | mnocks, $1.27 0 $6.50 each. ¥ 3 N & Eastors Halts i t 1 hand breidery. Fhe: : K -. Mr. | clouds eam» across, he appeared to | cheap Shoe that gives no sa tisfaction it wins trade just once. 20c.! PER GALLON real x DE mots: 9; Ho Tr Tiaced on the front of in. { aden past for a werk a = be a good distance above them. By Trade Keeping Shoes are Shoes that Rive the buyer full value . doped ke AY Ys. 1 | the bodice, and was done in white, the leave Yarker for Smithfield and Rev. | this time he looked. no bigger than a for his money, look well, fit well, and wear well. We sell only et Pada, be Toronts, 5; design being heavily padded. The Mr. Batstone is coming to that place, | Tk. and ultimately became quite good Standard Shoes. We stick to them and people stick to i: Pui - ' ark ok ' Y joan "skgnzue-- Vo hington, § .]Yoke and undersleeves were of hand- Mr and Mrs. J. Curl spont Sunday at, fusieible, having meached o eight of ua, and by this method we KEEP OUR GRIP on the Shoe / your at our , x. hi ' Q¢ [some white Mot lace. Croydon. Miss Sessie T'Hara ix pre | 0 Y , ¥ Vas rade. ' Dock. We aiwaye have in I op re, igo, 6. St baring a Suies of stholtrs oe. the | ey Tad ea ot masa Sie ann | § Mf You want a large men sure of satisfaction for your Shos stock Soak Sails, ask 1 Mhiladeloh o. ¥ as Iahinga), : THE VICE- ENT, entrance examinations. Walter Hives | pp TO A= the enples Use n toe money, come to the store where nothing hut good Shoes are jong Y - g win | gue--Citinnati, 1: Phil. 'York has made a number of trips to Na- | oo foo with a wide outlook. North. sold, ; i : i , 7:-New York, 5. |New York Lawyer Secures the Pance with farniture for Mrs.' Miles | word from the nest. the heather Repairs promptly attended Bi ion 11. St, Louis, 2. Iitsbur, 8 Nomination. of yans, who expects fo lent on the | evadually became obliterated by the | H SUTHE D & BRO hGH Chicago, Jyne 19.--+ Congressman [6th of July for Manitoba. heavy soveling of wg Hg the hill * * a -- ' . James 8. Shefman, Utica, N.Y., was tc some 4, eet appeared | | nominated for vice-president on the Bell Rock Briefs. dimly through the mist, with blind. The Home of Good Shoes. On thet drone tre ThE. com | hell Rock; uve 11~The towd over | ing elonds" of "opin" rit" being \ FLIGIBPIIIPEIIII IIIS IIIIN, vention then adjourned. the long bridge leading to Moscow is | swept across the plateau before the y r . ' h > ~Nr. Sherman is a lawyer, banker, greatly improved by the work put on | gale. m-- pe s-- and saceessful busingss sia, who has | it reteutly, A shade Fe gloom wae . 5 " had experience in public life service ns | cast over the community on Sux ay . ES ' major of Utica, and as congresseian | morning by the desth of Arthur Grant : A Very Special. S UU GO A Ie for twenty years. He is widely known'inged fifleen years, som of Sidoey | Line of fine straw sailors, $1.50, ve- : ¢ : and extremely popular. Grant. Acthur was an exceptionally | gular #2. Thos. Mills & Co's dig re-| Forms d large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be ? LL ------ bright boy of a gentle and kind dis moval Sale. § to your interest and profit to uss (especially for preserving fruit positi nd a favorite with old anid the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well- ig and Mry. Grant have the k ! nown iu Ee ve Elbert Hubbard's: praser is that ninety per cent. of" the water flowing over Niagara Falls may be diverted for power purposes. What Elbert would do with' the other fen per cent. is the puzzle. Ex-Empress Eogen . years, has, at the ripe age of ei i Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining. Ask odd, thrown away sticks and. rule i Your Grocer foriand see that you get Redpath's Geravulated. J. A, aud goes about as spry as akitten. | HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent. i o