Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1908, p. 2

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¢h 5 \ YEAR 75--NO. 144. WAS A Pry . Commissioners SIS COL GOURDE i i ---- -- - S------ Ee -- missioner Fyshe was criticized harsh {ly for what i -- i NMI he called his prejudices {against the civil service and his boor {ish method of conducting bis investi {eation. The deputy stated first that report showed clearly Mr. Fyshe's jammus to the department He bad jourried opt his enquiry practically without any assistance from officials of the department. le could easily have secured all the information re quired from officials and had he doge sa much of the civil service report would not have appeared. Ho far as he was personally coneern ed, the deputy stated that finan inlly he was by means so wonlthy as {had been Tuggested, 'His savings were one-quarter or less of what had been mentioned, Never hy word of mouth or by writing had he ever given an one to understand that he could ad- {vance their interests with the depart ment. Col. Gourdeau then read a letter which he had received from Accoun- tant Owen about Mr. Fyshe's visit to the department. In this Mr. Owen stated that Mr, Fyshe tore letters off the files of challenged accounts and' when objection was taken as the min- ister had ordered that no do wments should be taken from the department, he had replied that he didn't give a d for the minister and that the minister did not know what he (Fyshe) was after. He later had said that the department was rotten, that there was graft somewhere, and that $6,000,000 was altogegher too large an anntial expenditure. He qualified his statement later by saying the outside service was ¥otten. Mr. Owen said My. Fyshe had asked him why the de no DENIED ALL THE CHARGES So FAR MADE. Commander Spain Lokt His Note- Book--Col. Gourdeau , Never Suggested He Could Advance Peoples' Interests With ths De- partment. Ottawa, June 19.--All interest is centred thede days in the sittings of the royal commission of enquiry into the charges against the marine partment. The sitting, yesterday, was marked by an outspoken statement by Col. Gourdenu, . deputy minister, ac- cusing Civil Service Commissioner Fyshe of animus against the depart- ment. Col. Gourdean denied, in toto, al most all the charges of maladminis tration and dishopesty made his department, and claimed that the commissioner had not tried to get all the information which could have bos, given him. The examination of A. W, Owen, chief accountant, was resumed. If re ference to The purchase of sulphol papthol from My. Aver) gn acount of an advance of $150 mafle him before delivery of the goods, Ar. Owen sta ted that he had beeg/on the patron age list and the depfriment had dealt with him for yeard The department knew nothing of thf Wingate Chemical company, his pring Mr. Watdon --" Dic any irvegalarity en, " Spain aoppunts Witness--'1 had sueh." "Have yon ever fownd any imacour acics in statemegts certified to by the deputy ¥"7 "1 have not." "The auditor-general states that Lo had no confidence in the oactifieates of Fraser. What about that *" "} cannot understand his making sich a slatement, 1 nlwuys thought Mr. Fraser a proper official." "What about Mr. Gregory, of (Qu bee 17 "Some of his werounts were ail right but others were not to my thinking." Commander Spain was recalled in view of statements made, Wednesduy, by the auditor-genceal. The auditor had stated that in 1905 the com mander had padded his accounts to the extent of 8800 or 8900. The com wander explained that during 1904 and 1005 he ad been continuously away from Ottawa. When he veturn ed he had lost his note book and ogulid not definitely make up his ac edunts. The 'minister, Mr Prefan taine, had told him to make his ac counts up asf correctly as he could and attach an affidavit, stating that the book had been last. This he hal H done, and the auditor's department had returhed it on account of a comple of errors. These were revise] and a new account put in. The res duction, he thought, amounted to £400 or 8500, "The auditorgeneral said vou gol half the refund from the deputy 2 "The auditor is incorrect. 1 gat ndthing whatever from the depuity in this connection. 1 never received an money whatever from him for official charges * Thesdeputy minister, Col. Gourdean, prefaced his evidence hy a vigorous etatement to the court in which Com. de- . against -- AAAI w BOYCOTT STILL ON. Hong Kong, June 19.-- The boycott against the Japanese is still strongly maintained. The govern- ment has prohibited meet- ings at restaurants called to discuss the question of M4 self-government and simi- #, lar subjects. ever Commander FEE FTEFS HESS no c puty was in Quebec and who paid his expenses. This impertience made the accountant so indignant that he left the commissioner witheut replying. Col. Gonrdeau then wrote to Hon. L. 1. Brodeur, the minister, about Mr. Fyshe's vondaet. The extraordin ary remarks of the commissioner mad; the deputy question his mental dition. The man_, was almbst stone deal and with prejudice against the department added he was svareply qualified for a 'comniissioner. State mente of maladministeation and dis honesty were recklessly made after few mintttes' perusal of accounts in the department. The whole report soomed to show Me. Fyshe trying only to secure evidence to agree with his provions prejudice against the de partment. In conclusion Col. Gonr deau didmissed + Mr. Fyshe by a sar castic reference to his boorish man ners. ALIGE VERY ANGRY AD TO DOFF MERRY WID OW AT CONVENTION. J. 'on Immense Hat of President's Daughter Qbscured View ot Others on the Platform, Chicago, Jue 19.-Nicholas Long worth is boss ih his own howse, de spite the persistence of certdin news papers in referring to "Mrs. Nicholas Longworth and her husband." He Je monstrated it at the convention, Mr and Mrs. Longworth were seat ed in the frat row on the platform. She was hapdsomely dressed in a gray-green gown, with long white gloves and a Merry Widow hat. Twice an assistant sergeant-at arms came up to her and asked her to remove her hat. Mrs. Longworlh refused in tones that sent the ther mometer down ten degrees, At this point Nicholas intervened He loaned forwmrd and said, "You had better take off your hat, my dear." "I won't," said Mas. Longworth, and she said it with a snap. "Come," said Nicholas, in a less complaisant tone, "tuke off your hat.' "I won't, and you shan't make me! retorted Mrs. Longworth hotly. "Yes, you will," said Nicholas, rais- ing his voice so that he was heard by a half a dozen people in the neigh borhood. "Don't make @ scene, Alice. Jake off your hat." PF. Mrs. Le ofth gaid nothine but looked mutinous, wind her eves darted angry h "Alice," said Nicholas, "I want you to take off your hat." DAILY MEMORANDA. The Finest Panama Hats, From $5 up at Campbell Pros, Cents For a boys' nobby * Hat. See our window Co Waldron's Sale White Hee Advt. Saturday night. Civic Finance Commjtites, 8 pan, District AOU. WA Meeting, 8 p.m, au aseball, Cricket Meld, 2 p.m. Satur ¥ 'snap' hrim [daw George Mills & Serfe Coats Yacht Club Race, 2.80 pm + Satur WV. Saturday Sale of Muslin Gowns and Skirts, at Waldron's, See dwt. * Read Waldron's Advi. <Saturdry night, White Serge Coats and Blouses. Waldron's Sensational Sale' of Muslis Gowns and Skirts, 068¢c., Saturday morn- ing. 3 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1908. KILLED THEM ---- in a Boat. LIKELY BAD BLOOD THE MURDER REPORTED NEAR TO SELKIRK, YUKON. Major Snydér, Advised of a Tragedy and Learned About the Men Going By: Boat to Selkirk--What is Likely to Have Happened. White Horse, Yukon, Major Snider, of the mounted police has received news of « murder on th river, a short distance below Selki The telegraph une from Dawson White Horse is out of order aml news Valdez, the Uni States The message #5 us IL ows : "Ned, Ellolst, arrived in Dawson, in boat No. 113 He had 1.4 | seen on the river with two others oa | the way down. The sound of shoot ng was heard by other small on the river bank Inquiry by Major Whod as to left here in boat No. 113 showed hat Ned Elfolst, Neil Anderson and David Bergman left in the boat May 16th The murder or six davs he required kirk. came Vip cable, alone. hoat passengers below Selkirk." whe probably occurred that from five would to Sel later to Whether the putpose of or the of a quarrel known names 'indicate that all were Scandi aviang, Norwegians or Swedes, people not given to orders Fhe supposition timaey of mn an small bad blood, der, 8 tune run here the murder rabhery for result I he was 15 not quietly obeying that the in travelling for several days hoat engendered strife and which culminated in mur is close ---- TAFT CHOSEN And His Selection Unanimous, Chicago, June 19.--At 5 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, Secretary of War William H, Taft, was nominated by the ropullican convention for the pre sident of the United States by the following vote : Tall... .. ...... Fa'rbanlks.., Cannon Foraker.. Lafollette... Hughes Roosevelt... ... --a: Lan . KnoX...... . weer savias wiv. 68 Getoral Wooriford, of New York, as juickly as Semmtor lodee, permanent hairman of the convention: announce «l the ballot, and as quickly as the heer:ng which greeted Tafl's nomina tion ended, his hai and sand : "Ay the request of Governor Hughes and under the instructions of the un ted New York delecates, I move that the nomination of William TH. Tali for ths presidency pow te made wn animous,"" i Senator Penrose, Pennsylvania. Sen ator Ueveridge, Indiana, sand Wil'iam 0. Emery, Georgia, the colored dele sate, who seconded the nomination of Foraker, also seconded the nomiha- tion of secretary Taft, The howina Was Made hopped upon Pi 1 'Sald That Men Were Slain! e Daily British IW Bj. RM ZARD AS ADAMANT. ; A Process By Which it May Be Made Impenetrable. York, 19.--X tale of ro markable that as last erowned th WE ol a poor myveator mde wealthy was told yes { terday, by James A. Wilson, a patent name of New Jone and i attorney Ii the ipsentor, | ixt) of this city, | The invent process for youd the brea "The im now in kng nN PSspone I who ;s s withheld, n is the discovery of a hardening of steel king point, wr, Tsai t ideon, "is to a cable summons from a yroap of English capitalists. They avd about to purchase the exclusive! British rights--to the patent for half 4! milion dollars in cash and forty per] of the stock of the company to! be orgamizd, with g capital of fifty | million dollars. } "My client spent over fifteen years| per'ecting his process, He was aided | by te United Stat s government. | cent, dune 19-1} © su were used ad targets at the test { the | to We { Sth, 151 tion was made unanimous. The con vention then adjourned to Friday when a candidate for the vice-presi | dent will be nominated. | TROOPS BY BOAT. i | Terms on Which Company Will! Carry Them. Hamilton, June 19--The Inland Navigation company has made known the conditions under which it | convey the treope from Hamilton and | Peronto to Quelxe It asks for the government allowance for transport sng the troops, and horses by train, and for sustenance. Each regiment must guarantee $96 men. The com pany will supply 4 hill of fare to the sat slaction of the officers. [Camp lols will be proyided for the wen, and steel cots furs the officers. Tho captain'y ofl ship-officers' quar. ters will bo give over to the offers, and the Dundee, Duneclin, Glensllah, and Doric are the boats which will 'carry the troops. sOLLET WENT THROUGH. will | Metal plates treated by the new pro- in yp rounds at Georgetown, Md. and} result astonished army and pavy! The projectiles fired at the ent them, but lft no other} I ho process tikes the hrittle t of the steel." | Yi dan said th patents jn this coyn- are "Bl ranted, bg d will Le is office, an He said the government testa made with the greatest secrecy, and that he believed it was the intention of the navy department to equip its vessels with the new pro ris, ' ¢ heen patait shiortly. were n th wre] cess steel, | supreme | garding A SECOND REQUEST Made to a Bishop to Go to Wash- ington. | ford, { by the police patrol. | sugrgested wastricts i | the Japanese » js | strongly maintained. | the, presidency | } | 210.000 { { | i {and BISHOP CHAS. H. BRENT | Bishop Charles Henry Brent, of the | Frotestant Episcopal church, is again | assed to guccead the late Bishop Sat- | CF the bead of the important | diverse of Washington. Bishop Bret will have under his dire¢tion the great | work of getting dn with the cathedral for national capital, a proposition only great make suc ap of Philippines in 1901, and had'bis | headquarters at Manily until brought He bachelor bom at Newenstle, Ont, on Ay 2, He lectured at University in 1907, and is the many noted . and VOATS ON editorial the Churchman. THE PATENT LAWS HOPE TO GET THEM UNL FORM IN COLONIES. | as proposed his denommation in the which intelligence and tact can ssful. He was sent gs Bish shington. = a was Harvard author | was for! stafi of boc many the ol | A Committee of the Imperial Secretariat" Will Ascertain the Views of the Sell-Governingy Colonies. i London, June 19 --In Commons, yester ay, of to the House responding Jovnson Hivks, who asked if proj posals might not be made to the Canadian government of a reciprocal character, affecting the vahdity of pa-| tents in both countries, Winston Churchill said a committge of the imperial 8 erctariat wi in accord-| ance with ihe resolution, gdopted at the imperial conference, asvertain the views of the self-governing oclonies On| ton, the question of the uniformity of par! tent laws. In the meantime the gov | afiment could not approach any sin | gle colony, Comments were made om has | ears old, and 4 nating be- | { wh He loft ten days ago GIVEN IN TAE BRIEFEST POS. i lies of the plague. i to t will - TTT m---------- IA THE 'BOOZE QUESTION Discussed By the Portsmouth | | { | | | f | SIBLE FORM. F PROEMEROPRRRR RR Under ordered Iyle, Courtenay Bay is reported to be the Canadian Atlantic terminal of the GLP. The Toronto Anglican synod made claration in lavor the Liths clause. The complete eontrol Aclephone systeny is now Ccolmission, A young songol Joseph Watts, Belle-| ville, was deatned in the Moira river! while bathing. | W. N. Kyerson was elected president | of the Canadian Electrical : tion, 1oronto. | After an all day's session the L.OF court came to no decision re rates; sale | his ! } SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY SELLING. ol of Manitoba's Toronto June | a happy mood last evenmy, avd dis | per Se. Lawrence. Biogsion own who sot drunk in Lie Distant Places. ad A i { > - and wept with them," the philosopher | west winds, fine | Portsmouth thinker went on, bringing | booze ¥ Ridn't he come to Kingston a storms in a few localities, but | { Warden MacMurchy, to ask Hon. Mr. Matters That Interest Everybody | stricken them off the list ? hat's th Remembered. | motte. All honor to him for has pretty little town. When [ feel police magistrate thangiully ree three ¢ leadi 3 | town s leading men from appearing in vested mn the gp. Portsmouth philos LAST EDITION. Philosopher. 19, 1908, Ottawa | cussed the kindness of the Ganano jue! river town the other day and refusing | 10 Rt m, --F and warm. Sate down'his fist on the Liss. "Why should month ago with a Gananoque deputa mostly fair and warm. | Hanna to give Gananoque more bouze | BIRRRI Notes From All Over--Xittle| kind of police. magistrate a tow n ' straightorwardnes wd k a winding-up order the court! Sigh tus nd his hinds I must get intoxicated, Pm going to | | od | the time pot long since when the | Court here. Let there be recy rocity pe was. loudly. applauded -- lr ----_--, 1 i : [IS] , NEWS The Portsmouth philosopher was in an Valley and Up- 'D , t I ; Fi mn Near And | police magstegte in sending home two! to fine them. "He fell on their necks | tosouth and south ---- y | sa "Amd why shouldn't he ¥' the THE WORLD'S TIDINGS A urday, westerly winds, thunder-- So hoe a man for ¢ finking too much ere-- 1 tion, iuclading Mayor McCammon and | { Places, when the commissioners of Everything Easily Xead | wants. 'Let's have more booze,' is his to our fellow-citize Of - the ol the steamer Ar po Rca lanena, Who Fo to visit Gananoguwe, No doubt, the Gananoque | 81 hingston police saved one of his tween Gananoque and Kingston ened of five, ophier"s speech by his audi associa ORDERED PAYMENT, i» London, June 19.--In the Scottish courts Thomas Ogilvie, of Aberdeen, sole partner of Thomas Ogilvie and Sons, Toronto, appeal- ed against the payment of the income tax of £10,000 estimated by assessment in default of returns as to profits of the firm. The court dismissed Ogilvie's contention that the busi- ness is entirely controlled in Toronto and ordered payment of the tax. The Hai nan Chinese in the island povine are reported dying lil HEE of | Maxwell was found EEF Hardisty, South Battle | dead on the prairie E% EEXTREESE | Hon. G. W. Ross, in the creation in Canada. The boyeott in Hong Kong against repprted to be still the of senate, senatorial Wiliam H. Taft Was nominated for of the United States by the repal licaus in convention at Chicago. A New REFHEEEEE FRI FEF RENE Saturday Book Sale "A special sale of recent copyright novels--regular authors $1.50 editions { will be held by R. Uglow & comyany to- morrow, Saturday only. Five hundred | volumes wil be sold at 39¢ Per copy Remember special price for to-mor row only. May Go By Steamer. It is rumored around the city that the steamer America will carry the 14th regiment to Quebee for the eel bration It definitely known vet whether this is so, but it be fimo the regiment i they down this way.) BEPLY OF DR. MACKIE TO PROF. ROSS ON QUEEN'S QUESTION. That the Theology Professors Would Receive Pen- sions--Recess For 'Keeping Abreast of the Age." { fo the Editor) the to be York doctor for announces new rabies, eliceted by rect njections of antitoxine into brain. The Alberta government has granted to the Quebec Battlefields fund and E. B. Osler has given, #1, 000, The rail mill and furnaces of the Lake Superior Corporation, ot 'Soult Ste. Marie, will reppen on Monday next. Theodore Barringham, Palgrave, was kicked in the head by a horse at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, very seriously imjured: ' The C. P, R. will extend a branch from Moosejaw north-west to: Outlook a distance of 123 miles. This will serve a fimo stretch of gountry. The Presbyterian College, Montreal, has appointed Rev. Charles Bieler, of in. succes- sion to the late br. Uoussir i Judgment. was given re ok of | Mediand Bros. for $7,205.72 against | . Mills & Co., Voronto, on a gro-| He Shows cers' bill guaranteed by the lati r| rm Coll a ch the cure Ladies Suks, at and Children's $4 and 88.50, Bathing Pure § for 26¢. § die Koike Vets] Be ? ih + Wt 23e. hire, knoe Ten Ladies' Numer Vests, White, Laco Trimmed, 2 Wikite Shirt Walsts, full t embroidered front, at Bove" Lisle ok | 1 ar good length, fast bi 10 with 1 is not st would 14 35 rib. g oO for went 1 Sipxcial, Hiack and st hi FTURDAY, i NA SIRT Paris, as French professor ROT ERREE ol DN Quarterly Style Book on sade Be ns Fraser, was caught Liman's Y., and aged seventy one} in a heavy belt at fred mill at Whippleville, | Kingston, Jume whitlid to death on thell have no dese to repeat shaftime, {agreeable but | desire Lisut.( Rankin, of the 24th Re to my very courteous iment of Chatham, Out., has resign- | Professor Ross, whose letter « because the sovernment has invited [in your issue of yesterday. the Que celebration only 1. The professor says that had ompany of his regiment. ipetition which he Rev. W. H. Stiles, of St. John's {granted fmancial church, Smith's Falls, who has been thave accrued in ill-health for some time, will take | theology. a thige months" rest. He will spend My pnswer this some time at Carishad Springs, Ont. {from the petition which he supported Thm wor BOW proyressing 50 | "In any 'tase as the theological pro- | : ecdily that the 'men on the com: |fessors would not participate in | a 3 od ow 4 that the Panama canal {benefits of the Foun aniiuton ey for to oeean they gright be pemsioned out of Chariots at end ol five funds the pshite \ ment." IL. P. Tiouncrman, the general sup- | "This erintondent of the eastern division of nuity for Professor the C.P.R., is about to be replaced in {from funds raised that office by Charles Murphy. Mr. poses. Timmerman bas been assigned to oth-| 9. To my statement that four young er duties. 5 {men were added to the mingetry of | t the Tilsonburg hotel fire inguestiip. hurch as the fruits of year's | CBarles Crossitt, bailifi, swore thet! work in Queen's divinity Buekborough, the prisoner, told him, |. feceor replies that * the fire was still burning, that fhoir course. This then we had done it, using the words, showing "seven young dove it." {from the church a free education Albert Sparrow, Newburg, a lal Of theology for three wears, and only ers on the C.P.R. near Lower Hrijh: {four have entered the ministry. of N.., lost his life owing to the | (pe remaining Mhree | know that one horse which he was driviag backing who entered college seven vears over the, steep dump iato BIE. 10 study with a view to the ministry Horse and man were both drowned. (poo turned aside to journalismg. The The customs revenue for the first [ft therefore, confronts us that the Is X dis , cour friemd wated ol. {teous NT apy or one the supported been advantage would the no to protessors u vo IH A quotation is the mission assert Carnegie Ie ady transportation years. the yw ocean the king, raised recent ensic Son by is surely a proposal for an an - DIED n Kingston, os Flot te Mary late an other An nut i Ross, for Fund 18th ingest io Ar Saturday forge wlan 13 « Cathedral, mass wilk acqumints to cody n hall, Emshed thel full received ir red Frieods wher atone he end todd wid ian fe . ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. R27 Printess street, The Call of the men ago of the month of June, wet Country when the the fact that a lapse of twelve months | fifteen days ministry of the church does not sees nothing done to carry out the! snicanted to 81,963,950, which is .Blovem the few that enter the divinity econferenen's' resolution. (he Mofning | shrinkage of $587,246 from last year, hall. Post pointed out that the method, | Th. excise revenue for the same peri-{ 3 When Professor Koss proceeds to Man Pulled Trigger With Aid of Umbrella. Edmonton, Alta., June 19--Richard Alice's hand roge involuntarily to- ward the Merry Widow and then fell ie kb Or into her lap again and clenched ite The time has come country and the camp and the A CHINA CHANGE Muffin Dishes, Entree Dishes, Ramking, Custards, Bullion Cupas, Bon-bons, Radish Dishes, Biscuit Jars, Spoon Trays, * Oltve Dishes, 1 bat ¥* out a hat landed inf Alice's lap: For the convention's session her was froma. "Are you going tc take off veur said Ma - hand rose again and pulled pin. The Marry Widow rest of smile The Will Show Decrease. New York, June 19<1t.is believed that the net earnings of the United States 'Steel Corporation for the cur penit quarter will correspond very closely with refurns in the preceding quarter. For first of cyreent i Hundreds of others, all at ape it is estimated that the net earnings will be S36.500.000, as compered wit year when new high record was Davies, aged forty-eight years, who came to Edmonton about four months ago from the Ottawa Valley commit- ted suicide yesterday. He accomplished bie death hy means of a long Enfield rifle, over which he bent, and pulled the trigger by aid of an umbrella. Despite the factithat the hulle went clear through bis body, 0d leit oq gaping wound in his back, the unfor- tonate man lived for over two hours, and was constions a good part of the time. 25 Syndicate Purchases Ranches. "Vancouver, B.C., June 19---An Ene lish syndicate has sod the ranches of Joseph Collet, John Moors and James Aird, in the Nieola Val lev, at a cost of between $300,000 and qo > i Judge Portier, Montreal! hus heen he - 4 CALLS FOR UNION. % London, June 19.--Canon # Davidson, Peterboro, Can- ada, =» thé Pan- Anglican Congress, yester day, urged a union of the *& x outlined by Mr. Uhnrchill, is dilatory | jand not called for hy the conference. | .f od, $61,000, & y Martin Finn, a farmer, was instant- v killed by his wile, Elisabeth, , N.Y. as he lay asles hie home in Salisbury, N.Y. Mra. walked to the home of her mother, o where she drank Paris green and chloroform. ! George G. Metager, one of thoy wealthiest men of Toledo, and presi. | [dent of the Rroadway bank, losed ite doors a few weeks ago, bas ito P 1 smounted to $TIS 000, o decrease |... 4 the cause divinity students ground and 1 ghall OL (him. It is quite probable that enuiry will he instituted in the proper place, Fion | when the namely St. Angrew's congregation and such lrauses discovered or suspected will be carefully examined, i which [right that St. of this pawcity o be enters on new not accompany {water and the fish are calling loudly to us, and to thoroughly enjoy this out-door life the inner wan needs special looking after. Our store is full of good things, Let us Sl your hamper, Jas. Redden & Co. cause which he assigns like all congregations--and ~Mageesehite, it seems. to me only Andrew's congregation. which an asmsal appeal 3 made various Pfotestant nations. The door cess to the Roman FEVEFEREFS Bn n Faweif, demomi- of ae Catho- lics was closed and locked by them but not so with the Anglicans' other separ- preside mt "ok the : pany, Aber-!done in Canals, Importers Of Fine Groceries. For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lets, Etc. ! ity, Sadi ¥, Lands, fn Nao CLT Tn ot Apply to - SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN. SURANCE AGENCY. been indicted by the grand jury on [for Soames) support to the divinity vovmts charging him wish' groberzle hall, teh never tomms a deal ment and misanprapriation of fands. ear to such appeals, should Keow | # He was released under the exact position of things and | # An Ontario shichoilding frm com- should fovm an opinion and feariessly | 3% plains that over $500,000 worth of Ca- express it if 0 dithsed a% to whether | { radian work "went to Unit~d States or not, with to Uneen's divin- dry docks and _shipyar st year, ity hall, the church is reaping what whils the United Bale. du - te si Sows. ive ind e' ph repairs to United States shi bl | 1 perteive » enjoy ow ! and wants ime {sor's Ymwor when he saye the recess of by ' six months iw devoted to keeping i o ®i = Armed robbers held up Jtalinn labs of "the age~Yours, ete, orers at Fort lain, §.Y, and 4 Eat kdl se 4

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