__The Daily British Whig \ 8 -- - --e---- YEAR 75--NO. 144. | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1908. LAST EDITION TT a -- EE ------ THE BOOZE QUESTION Probabili . ---- PE TTT : 3 - i 3 - missioner Fyshe was criticized barsh- | IARD AS ADAMANT. \ ly for what be called "hic prejudice } i { -_ agninst the civil service and his bor ; A Process By Which it May "Bel {Discussed By the Portsmouth ish method of conducting his investi- Made Impenetrable. f Philosopher, B Toronto June that iow | The Portsmouth philosopher was in 19 1908, Ottawa gation. The deputy stated first } York, June 19.-X tale of rol the report showed clearly Mr. Fyshe's markahbi a 2 ; { } a happy mood last evenr ) } : arkable success that. at last has ------ { 6 happy mood last evenry, and dis | y . annus to the depmriment. He had crowned the cfiorts of § poor mventor | | cussed the Kindness of the Gavenogue! - ; Valley and Up- carried out his enguiry practicall 2: Binds Bim we vid { | police my © in se » : y That Actuated On of the viiicu: "uuy amisiaice rom olicois [Said That Men Were Slain; mods bio, vealed vas wkd vcs. | Despatches From Near And| Us, ssotat: i wading howe twa | J [rgd i | as My -- iit without any assistance from officials \ ! ¥ 3 terday, by James A. Wilson, 4 patent Commissioners ol the Separtmeal. He could. easily in a Boat. | attorney. The samo of the inventor, | Distant Places. j Fiver town the ether day and refusang | § ; ave secured all the information re { who is sixty veurs old, and o nating {| Ww fine them. "He fell on their necks | 3 tosouth and south quired from officials and had he Jdoge ol Abis city withhol bP and » th them," s phil , : a " 5 ¢ 8 hold, ali wept wi them,' the philosopher . 0 much of the civil service repoft | 7 ¥ - T said. "Amd why shoald"t he 7° pt " West winds, fine ---- " > P-- ' E » i The ievention is the discovery of al GAYS COL GOURDEAY would nob have appeared a LIKELY BAD BLOOD process for th: hardening of steel be-| ' i Portsmouth thinker went on, bringing and Warm. Sate SO ial as he was personally coneern- \ youd the breaking point | downhis fist oni the bar, "Why she ald d | 3 d h d - ¢ de ' ? nancial | ; 5 ha . gh ¥ Shoy urday, wester w s, thunder ed, the deputy stated that financially } "The inventor,' said Wilson, cia} ho fine a man for drinking too much Ie i 2) cality but , [he was by no means so wealthy as now in England. He left ten dave avo) -- | booze ! Didn't he come to Kingston o [StOrms In a lew localities, S------ em month ago with 4 Gananoque deputa- mostly fair and warm. had been Suggested. His savings were n fw a 5 e i pore to a cable summons from! : . PENTED ALi Nyce So [one sitter. of Jess of what hed het, THE MURDER REPORTED NEAR | u stoup. of Lugiich capitalists. 4 hey | GIVEN IN TAE BRIEFEST PO3-! tion, wclading Mayor McCammon and SIBLE FORM Warden MacMurchy, to ask Hon, Nr. mentioned. Never hy word of mouth aro about to purchase the exclusive! ¥ N + « ~ exclusive | FAR MADE. or by writing had he ever given any TO SELKIRK, YUKON. British rights to the patent for half | Hanna to give Gananoque more booze RRR RERTRR RRS one to understand that he could ad i | m million dollars in eash and forty per! agg places, when the commissioners had 4 i tters That Interest Everybody | tric) I 3 X | stricken them off the list ? That's th WARM vance thei res i 2 . : § Commander Spain Lost His Note- mend their interests with the depart Major Snydér, Advised of a] cent. of thestock "of the company tol ) ' bo orgamizd, with a capital of fifty | Notes From All Over--Iittle| kind of polos magistrate a town centred these days in the sittings of when objection was taken as the min- | Major Snider, of the mounted police | Un Were used as targets at the test-| Courtenay Bay is reported to be the | N > the royal commission of enyuiry into ister had ordered that no documents | bas received news of @ murder on (h | 7° "rounds at Georgetown, Md., anda nadian Atlantic terminal of the oli hous, No oust, the Ganntrouue the charges against the marine de [should be taken from the department, |river, a short distance below Sefkir | He result astonished army and navyig yp. | a Ait thankfully recalled partment. The sitting, yesterday, was the had replied that he didn't give ga |The telegraph one from Dawson | Yi" 118. The projectilis fired at the! The Toranto Anglican synod made al A Bot long sinc w hen the - marked by an outspoken statement by {d+ for the minister and that the White Horse is out of order nnd j lates Lent them, but It ne other} selaration in lavel of : the three-| Argsion i saved obey of bie Col. tourdeau, : deputy minister, ac- minister did not know what he |Bews came via Valdez, the Uni ture. I he process takes the heittle-| fifths clause. bik ae men Hom appeariag in cusing Civil Service Commissioner (Fyshe) was after. Me later had said | States cable, The message js as fo | wie oo tof the steel. The complete control of Manitoba's oy de wre be recy Focily Le tween Gananogue and Kingston Book--Col. Gourdeau Never! (| Goun Traged. d Le , Gamedeau then read a letter gedy an arned About k : ! . ] v . - : . : ? u 3 | wants, 'Let's . Suggested He Could Advance [which he had received from Accoun. the Men Going By Boat to mil ion' dollars. | of Everything Easily Lead | all es have morp booze,' is bis i 0 N taht i : My client spent over fifteen years and Remembered. | Motto. onor to bim for lus Peoples' Interests With ths De- [tant Owen about Mr. Pyshe's visit to Selbirk--What is Likely to| perectine his roc i ai straightforwardness and his kind 3 the department. In this Mr. Owen PL perecting. hus krocees, t was aided Lauder a winding-up order the court] ¢ ar fell TAD. id Tas. Kanduess partment. Have Happened. by te Uniled Stat s government {ordered the sale of the steamer Ar-| 0, "ur UN Olsens, who go to visiy Fyshe of animus against the dopart- [that the department was rotten, that | lows: : { ™Miton said th + patents in this co n-Melephone systemy is now vested in the The Portemcnih Til ment. : there was graft somewhere, and that "Ned, Ellolst, arrived in Dawsor, i Td heen granted, b are still} ommission. i i il iG philosopher's speech Col. Gourdean denied, in toto, al- [86,000,000 as altogegher too large an boat No 13 alone. He had la | n the patnt offi e, and w I Le is! A young son.of Joseph Watts, Belle was Su ly. applavded by his audi-|® ° most all the charges of maladminis- {annual expenditure. 'He qualified his |*een on the river with two others | ** sho tly. H said the covernment| ville, was ct is the. Moira river} ive, tration and dishopesty made against statement later by saying the outside | the way down. 'Ihe souml of shoot | tests were made with the greatest while bathing. | stated that Mr. Fyshe tore letters off, his pretty little town. When I feel his department, and claimed that the [service was wotten. Mr. Owen said | Dg was heard by other small hoat| 3Tecy, and that he belived it was W. N. Kyerson was elected Peden' RR RRS ER & SRR 3 i : : Metal plates tre by ihe ¢ .: Ottawa, June 19.--All interest is Jthe files of challenged accounts and White Horse, Yukom, June 19.- Ml plates. treated bythe new pro {gyle. - I must get intoxieated, I'm going ated, ¢ to commissioner had not tried fo get all [Mr. Fyshe had asked him wi passengers on the river bank below | the intention ofthe navy department | of the Canadian Electrica! assoeia- » the imformation which could have beey - Selkirk." to ejuip its vessels with the new Pro- ition, Totunto. te ORDERED PAYMENT, given him. : 3 * HAH HA Inquiry by Major Whod as fo whe | css steel. | After-an all day's session the LOF -- The examination of A. W. Owen, | jg #8 | left here in boat No. 113 showed \hat . {supreme court came to no decision re-| 8 London, June 19.--In the chief accountant, was resumed 4 re BOYCOTT STILL ON. | Ned Elfolst, Neil Anderson and David A SECOND REQUEST garding rates, | Scottish courts Thomas ference to he purchase of sulphol-| ; * Bergman left in the boat on May es { The Chinese in. the. ioldud piovinee 15 Ogilvie, of Aberdeen, sole papthol from My Ayer om, afeount of Hong Kong, June 19.-- [16th Made to a Bishop to Go to Wash of Hai nan are. reported dying like | partner of Thomas Ogilvie an advance of 3150 made him before | f The boycott against the The murder probably oecurred five ington. | flies of the plague. ay |. and Sons, Toronto, appeal- delivery of the goods, Mr. Owen sta- Japanese is' still strongly §|or six days later as that time 'would t Maxwell Hardisty South Battle | 5, sd against the p Anant of ted that he had been on the patron. |g 2 maintained. The govern- be requiced to run from here to Sel - | lord, was found dead on the prairie the income tax of ¥ 10,000 age list and the department had dealt % ment has prohibited - meet- | kirk Whether the murder was for - {by the police patrol. : 7 estimated by assessment in ith him for Jey Hepurtment ings at restaurants called ¢|the purpose of robbery or the result ; PS : Non. GW. Boss, in the senate default of returns as knew ping o 3 ! ngute hemical to discuss the question of Mjof a quarrel is not known hed * . {suggested the creation of senatorial profits of the firm. Ih tompany, ys principals. self-government and simi- [names indicate that all were Scandin ; | districts in Canada. court dismissed Ogilvie's Mr. atfon--"Did you ever sds lar subjects avians, Norwegians or Swedes, people 4 | The boyvott in Hong Kong acmi t contention that =the busi- any irregalarity in Commander , not given t Atl . 3 : | . Ag hong agains i tivel trolled ) 10L given to quietly obeying orders % 4 Ei | the Japanese « is reported to be still Regs 13 enjarely. sontratec in Toronto and ordered payment of the tax, Sali a RE RREaR x¥% ¥TRERER REEFRIFYEES BH * Spain's aoanunts FAIR | The supposition is that the close in ri x « strongly maintained. itaens "1 had no knowledge of < = [timacy of travelling for several days . Wiliam H. Taft was nominated for ry 7 vo nu ever found puty was in Quebec and who paid his ['® a small boat engendered strife and \ the presidency of the United States Za Jou av '. otal any hace hy expenses. This impertience made the bad blood, which culminated in mur 7 by the republicaus in convention at melee nan *mepls certified to by the |, untant so indignant that Be loft § der. y Chicago. oo Le sot." the commissioner witheut replying. al ; A New York doctor announces a A Saturday Book Sale 0 "hy 208 Col. Gourdeau then wrote to Hon. fs new cure for rabies, eficeted by di Special sale of recent copyright The auditor-general states that hE "P Brodeur, the minister. ahout TAFT CHOSEN ; id Irect injections of antitoxine into the | ovels--regular authors £1.50 editions bad no confidence in the osttifientes of Mr. Fyshe's condiet. 'The extraordim 7 ep-- : j i { brain. will be held by R. Uglow & company to +E Fraser. _ Nhat ahigut. Ahat ary remarks of the commissioner made And His Selection Was Made : ; J { 'The Alberta government has granted | morrow, Saturday only. Five hundred wich -- tat ™ prs | the deputy question his mental con Unanimous, hi 10.000 to the Quebec Battlefields' | Volumes wifl be sold at 39¢. per copy Ladies' and Children's. Bathing thy } wo Fro ent, i wavs dition, The man. was almbst stone Chicago, June 19.--At 5 o'clock on 4 fund and E. b. Osler has given, $1, Remember special price for to-mor- Buks, at 33 und 83.50. hate it ) ¥. Prager 8 proper ol beinl deai and with prejudice against the | Thursday afternoon, Secretary of War Bi ) 000, hae iin about Mr. Gregory, of Que department added he was starcely Wiltiam ik Taft, was hoininated by 3 ral mill and furnaces of - the Go By 5 pA qualified for a comnilssioner. State he Expublican convention for the pre g whe Superior Corporation, ot "Sault ay Go By Steamer. A ee 5 " Wo co of piv a Sere all Fight ments of maladministration and dis | sident of the United States by the J Ste. Marie, will reopen oh Mouday| It is rumored around the city that Kies 5 g, Vaars, Pape White, od frp eee by Y n rr honesty were rockleskly made after g | following vote : next; the steamer America will carry the Mee aly aan sh Wed lk I How mintites' perusal of accounts in Tals, .. cvs on. oe... TOR Theodore Barringham, Palgrave, was | 14th regiment to Quebec for the eels by ha an LE The i Stay. the department. The whole report Fa 'rbanks... steian wesnees 4M) kicked in the head by a horse at thejbration. It is not definitely known ed he oot opr he auditor seemed to show Mr. Fyshe trying only Canton... AR | Ontario Agricultural « ollege, Guelph, | yet whether this is so, but it would Dre . taokings 1-1 rib mander had pci his aceounts to secure evidence to mgree with his Borer... .... ...... j - and very seriously injured. ' be fme for the regiment if they went g «Specialy che Bi i» y : : i : ~ ' . 5 the extent of 8800 or 8900. The com. | PTOVious prejudice against the . de Lalollett . ane. 35 fhe C. P, R. will extend a branch | down this way, Blick Hose, full fag partment. In conclusion Col. Gour- Hughes... 67 BISHOP CHAS. H. BRENT. from Moosejaw north-west to Outlook od and faut Black Valtia ry Poe wander » ined i « tay y es 3 SA PU Sn and 1908. Aiaged fap shuiug 1904 dea dismissed Mr. Fyshe by a sar Roosevelt eareis w 3 Bishop Charles Hepry Brent, of the!a distance of 123 miles. This will SATURDAY, for 18 hen castic reference to his boorish man Knox..... : «.. £8 Protestant Episcopal chiirch, is again | serve a fine stretch of country. L Now Stock He "Ladi good nat | ERR ETR ew FS row only, Ladies' Suremer Vests, Pure White, Lace Trivumed, 2 for Be. White Shirt Walis, with full entbroidered front, at £3 away from Ottawa. he Patus : : assess amaest mn 3 od he had lost his nite book .- ners. Geveral Woodford, of New York, as|asied to guecesd the late Bishop Sat-| The Presbyterian College, Montreal, wash m nis. 'Two great uickly as Semmtor Lode, permanent |erwe as the bead of the woportant | has appointed Rev. Charles Bieler, of h ) ot dlefinitoly . i . lines, at 25¢ oguld not definitely make up his ac ALICE VERY ANGRY hairman of the convention, annoume- | divecss of Washington. Bishon Brent| Paris, as French professor in .sweces- TO PROF ROSS ON QUEEN'S tobat Rilibims ch villa eBunte. TRY minister Mr. Prefon- : » . Wn «l the ballot, and ckly tl ilk lew his dired } i taine, had told him to renke his a « 1 allot, and as quickly as the will lave under his direclion the great | sion to the late Lr. CUoussir } r v designs, ye quality cotints uh as 2oFrectly as he could heering™which greeted Tail's nomina- | work of getting dn with the proposed Judgment was given in Pook of | QUESTION. Reg r A " Price ' tion ended, hopped upon his (huis | cathedeal for his denomination in the | Medland Bros. for $7,285.72 against | v - a nd attach an affidavit, stating Y an t avi ating that HAD TO DOFF MERRY WID | ind said : national capital, a proposition which | Mills & Co., of Toronto, on a gro-| He Shows That the Theology the book had been last. This he haul § "At the rn iQ i r } dope, and the awlitor's department | \ OW AT CONVENTION 4 the request of Governor Hughes | only great intelligence and tact can cers' bill guaranteed by the later] Professors Would Receive Pen- uarterl St le Book had velurned it . aed under the instructions of the un' | make successful. Ho was sent os Bish- | firm peck on account of a =o y % 5 : x . sions--Recess For 'Keeping |: cougile of errors. These were revisel ted New York delegates, I move that {op of Philippines in 1901, and hadhis | Coiling Fraser, aged seventy one '" 8 For sumo onth and a hew account put in. The res Imanense Hat of President's] the nomination of William HN. Taft] headquarters ai Manila until brought | years, was caught in a heavy belt at | Abreast of the Age. duction, he thought, amounted t a) Daughter Obscured View off for ths presidency row te made wn-| to Washington. He.is a bachelor and ll. Liman's feed mill at Whippleville, Kingston, Jume 18.10 the Editor . ~ : nie Ae ens bot t Neweastle, Ont, on April | A and whi les . y sire to repeat the dis $400 or £3500. : Others on the Platform. a 4 nous Th ips : - ul y ny oH at Ne en He nt. on Ag ril IN X.» and whirled to death on the!l have he dusy a » *f it the 3 ' The auditor gensral said vou col Senator nrose, Pennsylvania, Sen-| 6th, 1562, He Jectured at Harvard | shafiime. jagrecable but | desire to be OU > ral gh Chicago, June 19--Nicholas Long | ator Beveridge, Indiana, end Wil'iam | University in 1907, and is the author! Lisa Col. Rankin the 24th Re- {teous to my very ' courteous friend, half 'the refu,d from the deputy ? . : h ' i } author | t tankin, of h 3 3 "The auditor is incorrect. I wai worth is boss in his own house, de- 1 0, Emery, Georgia, the colored dele | of many noted books, and was for! iment of Chatham, Out., has resign. | Professor Ross, whose letter appeared ndthing whatever from the deputy in spite the persistence of certdin news sate, who seconded the nomingtion of many years on the editorigl stall of | ol becnuse the government has invited |in your issue of yesterday this connection. I never reerived an. | PBPers in referring to Mrs. Nie holas | Foraker, also seconded the nomina-| tha Churchman. | to. the Quebec celebration only one{ 1. The professor says that had the money whatever from him for official Longworth gad her husband." He de tion of Secretary Taft. The howina | company of his resiment. ipetition which he supported heey W. H. Seiles, of 8t. John's [granted no financial-advantage would b ---------- charges." mounstrated it at the convention. tion was made unanimous. The con | "Rev . Thesdeputy minister, Col. Gourdeat, Mr~and Mrs. Longworth Ware sents vintion then adjourned to Friday : church, Smith's Falls, who has been (have accrued to the professors in ed in ie front row on the platiorm. | When a candidate for the vice presi in ill-health for some time, will take | theology. mm -- i prefaced his evidence by a vigorous | { 3 elatement to the sourt in which Com. She was baudsomely fltussed me 2 | dent will be nominated. ja three months' rest. He will spend | My pnswer to this is 8 quotation fray-green gown, with long white veel lsome time at Carlshad Springs, Ont. {from the petition which he supported DAILY MEMORANDA gloves and a Huts Widuw hats nt-at TROOPS BY BOAT. {HOPE TO GET THEM UNI | Fhe work is mow progressing so ("lp any Case as the theological pro . ice an assis solgea a -- A The , . . . : . Pinest : arms came up to her and asked her Terms on Which Company Will Panama Hats, to remove her hat, Mrs. Longworth From 85 up at Campbell Bros refused in tomes that sent the ther mometer down ten degrees, on sabe | | MARRIED FORM IN COLONIES. topeedily that the 'men on the com {fessors would not participate in the | THOMPSON EAL 3) | mission assert that the Panama capal [benefits of the Camegie Foundation | by Re Canon' Gout fs | will be ready for' ocean to oeean they wright be pemsioned out of the He 1 i " Ir hem. ' : i f y right ¥ . ] Hamilton Safer 19.~The Inland | A Committee of the Imperial| transportation at the end of five funds] raised by the ricent endow a Gy Ju ye : : bi y fonts & riat- W in t years. ent. : At this point Nicholas intervened, | Navigation company has made known Recittn 38 ny sures » he {yen P. Timmerman, the general sup I" is rely a proposal for an as ig y A He § 4 1 d jh } the conditions under which it will Views of the Seli-Governings at -f : a rl iif = Wray a Propo=a'- lor an ah For a boys' nobby "snap" brim Seraw | He leaned forward and said, ou Tog ron fr H It od Colonies | erintendent of the eastern division of nuity for Professor Ross, an annuity | Hat. See our window, George Mills & | had better take off your hat, my convey roOps Irom Hamilton anc colonies. {the C.P.R., is about to be replaced in {from funds roised for other pur i 1 ingstom ys Jun® I8chy .~ els. le hd dear." : foronto Ito Quelye. i asks for the London, June 19.--In the House of thas office by Charles Murphy. Mr. {poses 4 hariotts Ary, youngest aldron's Sale hite Serie Coats, " can't. ™ i Zov S i pf ¢ or WN ia Ki , i ? : nul or hie he la fe 9 Seo Advt. Saturday night. go at I won't," said Mes. Longworth, | government allowance r transport Commons, yesterday, responding tol jimmerman bas been signed to oth- | 2, To my #tatoment that four young Charles ¢ id i i s 3 4 ses in, s 3 ob { ! and she said it with a snap. Ling the troops, and horses by train Joynson Hivks, who asked if pro | ep duties. imen were added to the minjstey of | y it 015 « Saturday seorgs 4 , residence wa Oivie Finance Committee, 8 pan. " * 3 "a 9 a a 3 IRN District A.0.U, We Mesting, 8 pin. Come," sail Nicholas, in a loss and for BUS eh fou iment posals might not be made to the} t the Tillsonburg hotel fire inguestish. church as the fruits of a year's ing, f ul ben ye 5 % V : es - - . 1 ps . * ergy Nt t va a . Baseball, Crjcket Weld, 2 pom. Satur complaisant tone, "take off your hat. rust Ar rd Lili i iate to the Canadian government of a reciproc al | C ries Crossitt, bailifi, swore thet! rk in Queen's divinity hall the pt Fogle made wilh I won't, and you shan't make | pany will supply 5 hill of ia © *A€ character, affecting the validity of pa- | 13 ekborough, the prisoner, told him! fessor replies that seven finished | . or de and Aegueinte Yacht Club Race, 280 pm., Satur me!" retorted Mrs. Longworth hotly. sat sipction of the officers. (Camp bods | © 0 in both countries, Winston| while the fire was still burning, that heir course. This then is the\ full ances ted Lo sited Pec "Yes, you will" "said Nicholas, rais- | will be prowided for the men, and fq ail cid a committee of the! he had done it, using the = words, "Uuhowing--seven young men received Ap------ er -------------- Saturday Sale of Muslin Gowns and ing his voice so that he waa heard hy | steel cots for the officers, 3 ial tariat will. © fn ac ii done it. {Shawing . . " ] ROBERT J. REID. Skirts, at Waldron's. See sdyt. * haf 1 E be itrh Tt stain' ship-officers' quae' mperia, 8 eretaniat wall, accord- | done it. {from the charch gn free education ir { , Read Waldron's Adve Saturday night, [2 "80 & Cagey people in Whe neg he ir aif 8 ; . the off cars. | 20°, with the resolution, adopted at| Albert Sparrow, Newburg, a labor: {theology for three years, and amly } The Leading Undertaker. White Serge Coats and Hiouses, borhoad. Don x wake w scene, Alice. | ters * he Re ol a Clonal, 3 the imperia conference, ascertain the | ers on ile C.P.R, near Lower Hrizh- [four hate entered the ministry Of | "Phone, 577. 227 Prinbess street. Waldron's Sensational Sale of - Mustin pl ake off your hat. a : and hes June the in op hich will views of the self-governing COiomes on gn, NiB., lost his lile owing to the |i}, remgining three | know that one | Uuwns and Skirts, o8c., Saturday worn: F. Mis. EL OFth: said nothine. but fand Doric ars t WN FUER Wi the question of the uniformity of pa-| horse which be was driving backing [who entered college seven veats ag. Th e i a il : f the ! he eum; und het ovis. dread (lcupey thy trpops. Wat laws. . fu the meantime the €O¥| ave the. siggp dump iato the river. [yo study with a view to the ministry A = tangy Hashes. eriment could not approach any sine | Horse and man wera both drowned. [hoo turned aside to Journalism. "Phe "Alice, "anid Nicholas, "I want you B T WENT gle colony. Lopuuents were made om| The customs revenue for the first fart. therefore, confronts us that the | = {to take off your hat. ------ . the fact that a lapse of twelve months | fifteen days of the month Of June, ministry of the church does not get Country EAS Alier's had Jmvoluntarily to. | san Pulled Trigger With Aid . of ses nothing done to carry out thet ymounted to $1,963,770, which iS 8 leven the few that emter the divinity "finan the Merry Widow and then fell Umbrella. conference's resolution. The Mofning | gheinkage of $587,246 from Inst year. pai. The time has come when thi infu, her Jap" again and Slenchipd % Edmonton, Alta; June 19:--Richard | Post pointed out that the method, | fhe excise revenue for the same peri- | 3. When Professor Ross proceeds to] country and the camp and the "ik SES uk i a : Davies; aged forty-eight years, whe [outlined by Mr. hurt hill, is dilatory od, amounted to $715,000, 5 decteade |ocanl the cnuse of this pacity of | water and the Ssh are ealling vy hat iy Edo lake of your came to Edmonton about four months and not called for by. the conference, of $61,000. 4 divinity students he enters on ew | joudly to us, and to thoroughly. = & Mf "The 'Baud rose in and pulled {820 from the Ottawa Valley Sqmimit . Muctin Fina, o farmer, was iostent (oround and I shall not accompeny | enjoy this out-deor life the inmes' © a MRD Sh im mnicide . He accompli Iv killed by his wile, Elizabeth, at 'him. It is quite probable that enguiry ial lookin fter. t a hat The Merry Wid ted yesterday 4 7% a. af 1 pr wan needs special lo a gut a ha ah Fon ¥ erry i oy his death by means of a long Enfield @ Little Falls, N.Y, as he lay asleep in [will be instituted in the proper pues ". the onvetion's poi rhighy am ie rifle, over which he ry and pulled CALLS FOR UNION. 3 Him Bois in Salictusy N.Y. Mra. Finn iwhen the eanse which he ausigne : Our store is full of good things. : oon. 52 the trigger by aid an umbrella. | walked to & namely St. Angrew's cangregation and | i . was fromm. Dosprite the factithat the bullet went Londen, June 19.--Canon ua mile distant, where she drank Paris [och like gongregations--apd all | let us Al Jom hamper pe clear through his body, and left a Davidson, Peterboro, Can- #! gen and chloroform. {causes discovered or suspected will be | i at Will Show Decrease. gaping wound in bis back, the unfor- ada, addressing the Pan- Garge G. Meter a, ong. cof Ae carebully. examined. 5 : Jas Redden & Go. Anglican | wealthiest men ' prosi- | 4 be, it seems me only day, urge {dent of the dnadm ay bask, hich {right that St. Andrew's SeRErpaLios. § E . various Protestant demomi- {elosed its a few tks ago, has {to which an asmaal appesl ism dos. nations. 'The door of ac ren indicted by the grand jury on | financial support to the divieity Importers of Fine Gr : cess to the Roman Catho- jeotmts charging - him, with' gmbezzle- hall, and which mever tums 4 deal " Te lics was closed and locked ¥& ment and wusargropriation of finds. 'ear to such appeals, should kaow {For Every Variety of Dwellings, : by them but not so with # He was released under bond. ithe exact position of things and | yo Aol aims (hat over $900,000 marth. of Co: enpeces I inp. Hagar ao 15 whether ge ul . Aird, "plains that over wi Ca- express it if mo dis as to wheth In the city. iseluding Farm Lands, fi id . a ont of between $300,000 and : ®, radian work went "to United States or not, with regard to (Queen's divin: | Western Csuads in the best Jocationy 350, ; ! dry docks and shipyards last year hall, the church is reaping what [AP to -------- ; "70 while the United States duty peverts ; SWIFT'S REAL FSIATE and mw. Judge Fortier, Montreal, has heen | prvsids he | repairs United States ships being | 5. 1 perteive and enjoy the profes SURANCE AGENCY. : i chairmen of the proposed es- | Abwriie ing. : . duns wants a corre 3or's hwreor when he say the recess of y . ide the v . he : gman by i in devoted to keepiog | Armed robbers held up Ttalinn lai Eat | oy Tages me Se Et i A. rt | jicnat tv, dp ef | New York, June 19.<1t.is believed | tanate man lived for over two hours, fthat the not earnings of the United {and was constions a good part of the States Steel Cotbaration for the cur | time, 3s rent quarter will correspond v oo ¥ ah with returns in the al Syndicate Purchases Ranches. quarter, For first hali of current it | "Voacouver, BON June 19---An Foo: is estimated that the net earnings will {lish syndicate has : as compared with {ranches of Joseph Col FEVEFT REFERERS ie