Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BER ITISH WHIC, MONDAY, TUNE 15, 1908, -- DO0OO0000000000K 1000000000Q0F0OP0 0000000000000 Some Cool Suggestions. Women's Print Wrappers 420 Ladies' Print Wrappers, best English Prints, fast colors, dark and light grounds, dots stripes, figures, etc. Well cut and finished. Good» generous sizes, All sizes, Regular prices $1.25 1.35 to 2.00, for $1.00, 1.20 to 1.75. ' COQ OOOO00000 000000000 QOO000VD0000 é 1 | -- nf ne ES Linen and Pique Skirts 175 Ladies' White Linen and Pique and Natural Colared Linen Skirts, all lengths-and:sined waists, 'neatly plaited, strapped, and stitched, Latest 'models for #1.25, 1.75, 2.00 and 3.75. Black Sateen Petticoats 200 Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats, 38, 40, 42, 44 inches long, finished with deep flounces or frills, aceordeon plaited, neatly stitched ahd lots of ma- terial used, at 98c., $1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. CASH COUPONS" CRUMLEY BROS. j§ ° : : | : | QO0000000000000000000000VOOLLHO O00 000000000 RESLEADERSYAT 1504] od fitting of one of these new. hip ucing models, will satisfy you com. pletely of their absolute excellence. > By logical, sient and hygienic construce * tion, this popular priced, chémingly shaped se Bri ling 4 vogue of nder bips, slight bust en, without the least particle of diss "Blade offood quality materials, byrecos | materials, : gnized specialists of he art. bye On Sale'st-Your Dealer ; - Descriptive circular No. 507, coutil, 18 to 30, 81.50; Hg ------ TIED free DOMINION CORSET €O., Mnfrs: + Quever; Montred!, Torohto » BABY. CARRIAGES. Muist, bocleared out in 10 days. Big reductions at "RJ. REID'S, 230 Princess St. Telephouq 577 Ambulance, SUGAR Forms a large proportion of every to t and profit' to use now on) BEST TED which is wr i hotise ers supplies. It will be wens sg Be Preaving "trait La well THE OLDEST STONER TELLS OF DAYS OF PADDLE. WHEEL WARSHIPS. How He Came {6 Secure Employ- ment in the British Navy Somis Exciting Experiences. . A hale old man living at Enfield; F Willian Atkins by_ndme, claims to be England's olde naval stoker, for, as he told a press representative, he Was sweating in the stokehold of a British warship before the Crimean war, ? Mr. Atkins, who was 73 years old last December, remembers the transi- tion from sail to steam in the navy, and can recall the time when Bfi. tain's men-of-war were all paddie- wheelers, "I am 'as native of Brighton," he said, "and a bricklayer by trade 1 happened to be in Portsmouth in the beginning of 1564, and walking along the Hard I dropped into a publie- house. Two gentlemen were there who 1 knew by their uniform were naval officers, They asked me if 1 would like to join the navy. I said I would like to ba a stoker. They asked my trade--1 suppose to know if I was used to rowgh work--and when I told them I had worked at Brighton in an engine shop, they at gnee 'listed me. They were the engineer and Capt. Wilcox, the eemmander of the i Dragon, whieh was my first ship. Men ats not taken on in that way now- {as but it was quite compen in The Dragon was a vessel of 660 hp. sand carried six guns, two 96-pound- (ers and four 84-pounders. Her com- {plement was about 260 officers and men, and the stokers were 32 in num- ber, The atokehold in those days was 4 very different place to the stoke- yhold of a modern man-of-war, ' "Our provisions," said Mr. Atkins, were weevily bistuits and salt meat. i The salt meat had been in casks for roany years; so lonig, in fact, that we {used to say'it had been on board some of the ships at the battle of Traial- gar, and it might have been, judging by its appearance and taste. It was 55 bad that often we had to leave it, and then wé just lived on the weevily biscuits. We had no distilled water in those days, like the ships carry now. The water we drank was like dirty coffee. But I was young and healthy and strong, and managed all right." Although Mr. Atkin's stay in the navy was short---owing to severe dyse eatery contracted while on foreign service--he had some exeiting experi- ences. One of his most cherished pos- sessions is a little book, "Our Sail- ors," written by W. H. Kingston, auth or of "Peter the Whaler" and other fine sea stories. In it there is a de- scription of the attack on Fort Gus- tavasvarm, Hango Bay, on May 22 1854, by the Dragon and Magicienne. That was Mr. Atkins first taste of warfare. He was on the Dragon, which, Kingston, says, "had one man killed and one or two wounded, and was considerably damaged. That was in the Second China war, sand before it was over Mr. Atkins had & closed touch of the realities of war- fare. He was in the Naval Brigade during the attack on Canton, and also 'with the brigade which was sent to destroy a town in the White Cloud Mountains, and successfully accom- plished its mission, His discharge paper is marked "Very good" 'by five different com- manding officers. He is still a hearty, active man, capable of putting in a good day's work, bat this he finds it difficult to get on agecount of his age. CAIRO UNIVERSITY. One, of the Most Interesting Places of Learning In the World. It may not oecur to many visitors in Cdiro that that city is a university town. Sach, however, it is and as such it is known and regarded with respect all over the kingdoms and principalities of Islam. Millions of Moslems who have never heird of the Khedive are interested in Cairo, not becatise it is a great and wealthy city, the capital of Egypt, but be- calise itys the seat of Yhe University of El-Azhar. For that establishment is the chief seminary of the whole Mohammedan world, the gathering ground for all those who would make themselves proficient in the learning of Islam, the training school for the priests and doctors of the faith. In the mete number of ity students and its professors, writes Sidney Low "in The London Standard, it surpasses all academics and colleges, not mere- lr of the east but of the west also. Oxford and Cambridge, Berlin, Har- vard, are small compared to it. There are over 10.000 boys and men, of -all ages from 12 to 60, receiving instrue- tion at El-Azhar, and the teachers, the sheiks, ulemas and tators are counted by hundreds. Like the Euro- an upiversitips in the middle ages, its. constituency is cosmopolitan rath- er than national; it draws its pupils from every part of the thee contin- ents in which orthodox Musselmans dwell. Even as stidents used to come fom Scandinavia and Sieily fo Paris and it! id -------------- - Amusements. THE. PALACE op AMUSEMENT. Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts MONDAY 3 AND TUESDAY, ro "Customs Official Pull" hows bow a. couiitly of 3 Oilicer PM, 7 thieving tramps I a Custos x Custom Lut be jn return Coes out a "" - - . The Forger in High Society" Splendid pitores A ¢ aud pathetic story oh Noung dete miing love overcoming his duty Bewutifuily clear films ant (his week Solofsts ; OC. B. 8. HARVEY, Basso. ~H. J. BRISTOL, Baritone. MES. LESLIE HUGHES, Planist. . tect. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Masager. BIJOU MONDAY AND TUESDAY. ATTRACTION 1, Travelogue. splendid series of stil pictures, + Bloody Battles of the British Ariny.'" with an interesting description by Ralph Patton Jones, which will thes] every patriotic Canadian. ATTRACTION 2. Moving Pictures, BR whirlwind Comedy, with plenty of "go." "The Great Dynamite Thiel." ATTRACTION 3. Another raitliog Comedy, "The Sherit Who ®Couldn't Help Flirting"? ATTRACTION 4. yiasant song, "When Marie Was Sweet 16," sung hy Kingston's Finest Baritone, John Hobert Davis Don't Miss This BIG BILL. -0 tts.~ Won derland Two Shows In Ome. PICTURES Pwo good Comedies; "Engaged, All the Same" "Tormented by His Mother-in-lan" THERE NEVER WAS A GIRL LIKE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK. CAMPBELL & CLARKE Sister character playlet WANT " Song teamy in ) A OB, . BRUCE FRASIER, Mgr WOMEN LIKE SCOUNDRELS. Picturesque Villain Has a Fasrination For the Ladies. While some women are reforming and 'exhorting the scoundrel, other women are engaged in marrying and encouraging him, and so the balance is pre and mankind kept from growing its*wings with foo great speed. A writet in Black and White--a lady writer, 'who yet does not deny the cligrge against her sex of being sus- ceptible to the rogue--has this to say on the subject: We are, of. course, powadays many of us, men and women alike, far too sentimentally inclined towards the scoundiel. There is a point of diseas- ed mellow vss and effeminaey, in the history of sogiety at which society takes the part' of him «ho injures it, the part of the eriminal, and does go, in faet, seriously and honestly, and a section of the community seem al ready to have reached that point, But while fally 'believing in a sane and fir justice. the gecessitm of pun ishmenl and its nofunese, it may be conceded that not infrequently the scoundrel, whese sins being him with in reach of the law (lor we have in our midst slum-owners, "sweaters." managers with. . chorus "girls at a weekly, wage and others who pass for upright men), the scoundrel has sometimes a.'way with * that appcala to our sex. * same, imagination which, run riot, has started the bigamist on his caroer of adventure, gives him per- haps a sympathetiq insight in dealing with women; the 'same breadth of view that, misapplied, has given a stamp of devil-may-careness to his ill deeds is, at any rafe, less repul- sive than the self-degrading prudence of ithe hypoerite. "In polities and in {rade," Emerson, that law-abiding eitizen, remarked, "bruisers and -pir- ates are of better promise than talk- ers and clerks." \ The women. of the upper classes. of society are likewise credited with a tendérness for knives and rogues And, though it'may he true that there is something that appedls to a wo mah's deepest instincts of pity and compassion in the downward tending career of the ne'er-do-well, yet the m of her apparent Weakness for the triumphant illsin remains un- feat] g i CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First lsscrtion lo. a "word. Each gon secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25c. ; three insertions, Sle; six, ¥1 ; ope mouth, $2. WANTED-FEMALE. DENING ROOM GIHLS AT Iwo a», Apply BritisteApwrican Hotel once. Office WANTED-GENERAL. GIRLS A¥D BOYS. LEN STRONG The W Crothérs Co. PLAIN SEWING DpoNE, kind. Call or write to . less Bos King street, over Armstrong's, THE PPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinde of work promptly done. F. J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF ya or re, ox other baggage earted. Prices t. ABPIE dS Ss. Lytle, General St. OF ANY FURNITURE TO FINISH OR RE- EN "ni joderate. Good work uaranteed. W. H. Whittingham, Uor, Bagot and Queen Sts., Kilpatrick's Old Stand. GENTLEMEN GET : made = Gallo- finish guar Brock St. DRESSY + their Spring Suits way's. Style, price and anteed to please. 191 next to Bibby's Lavery. NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. are making a study of light homes and public bulidings both wit Gas and Equtridey they invite you to consult them. All advice cheerful. ly given free of charge. Nickel and Silver Plating. Sesman & pHigg, ie Co., 70 Princes Sty "Phone, 441. a SITUATIONS WANTED. WASHING TO DO AT HOME RY HF. spectable young women. Address Lox 'M.. MN whi office, IXPERIENCED MATERNITY NURSE wants nursing by week or month, First-class references from the best medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, 243 Montreal street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn ilwelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Con stant practice. Careful instructions Few weeks complete course. Cata- logue free. rite Moler Barber College, Toronto, WRONGS IN MANITOBA. Registration Clerks Fail to Ap- pear With Adverticer. Ottawa, June 13.--When the election bill againgcomes up for discussion mw the fl ous the Mamtoba liberal members wil be able to present a most compelling array of facts in justification of the governments de mand for a further Impartial revision of the lists im that province a fideral election is held. krom pract tonslituency complaints have been pouring in as to the delib- erate unfairness of the methods em ployed by the Roblin government in conpecrtion for ths registration of voters and The main takin are this month, The main objections taken are that the registration clerks have been de liberately distributed over the vince with a view to making registra tion as difficult as possible in the districts haviny a liberal complexion, cally every rn that obgections whily registration is facilitated in the to be strongly con of revision cow practis of the districts known servative, and also that the fact there only held cally electors (ante | For isions make the necessary tion to have their panes placed o the lists the revision court judge Many flagrant instances of the justice done hy employed by the ment have ben Manitoba liberal members by eonstitaents during the last few day and further unsolicited reports of coming in daily th one makes the most by the inade beng in each county it impossible Tor disfranchised for registration by provincial govern placed before th similar nature are In addition to already threo illustrations of the present- situ ation in Manitoba may be givin from ol data now in the npmony a mass hands of the members here. From Do Creek, Man., for instance, one of Mr Burrows' constituents, Mr. Le Martel, a school teacher, writes that the re gistration clirk appointed for the dis trict never apieard at all on the day set by. proclamation for the registra- tion of electors. A considerable num ber of the voters bad driven in to the appointed places, ent waited all day for the clerk to appar. These people will be entird¢disfranchised uvndess the Dominion government comes to their rescue, as would take a full koro with the progsions made | pro-| | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the ty! personal applica- a § the present methods their cases that have been cited in the press two or TO-LET. FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for turniture, ete, McCann BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR- nished at Morton, on the Rideau Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St. © NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, all moderna Improvements. Possession Ist May. Apply A. B, Cunsingham. SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR uni , on St. Lawrence and Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock streety JOHNSON ST, redecorated, Ap- HOUSE, 417 modern conveniences, gas {or cooking, new plumbing. ply 419 Johason St. ROO Oy Geo. CLM, Clarence street. 2 BRICK LARGE OFFICE App to Bit, 9% FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOHNSON ST. * 2 bathrooms, Bot and cold water and gas heating om fat. For par ticulars, apply op Ahe premises. FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI- ture, goods, ete. rate rooms and our own lock and Key. Ww. GO. ih, Bro Agent aad arriage Painter, 200 Qaben St. "Phone, LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZFD BRIGITT well ventilated rooms, for the sum men in 'The Residence," at inter section of West, Fart and Clergy Sts. 174 Earl street. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets, HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT ete. AnchorBuilding, Market Square. 'Phone, S45. Estate POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. chant's Bank Building, corser Brook and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213 WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. , seeond '@oor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. 'Phone 608. PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, waris otc without soar nes. Dr. Fler J. Lake Nose Throat and Sign Specialist, 258 Bagol street MARRTAGE LICENSES. RIRTHMARKS permanently years' experi Eye, Kar Blemish removed Twenty S KIRKPATRICK, TB8UER Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Cc, The Thing That Counts The thing 'that counts in the long rum is the life we live. All our pious declarations: are judged by the daily deed we do. Ourswords are less con sidered than our works. We are pot judged by our church tags, but by the and love we make ftrath and goods | manife t in { men Our {our creeds, in and man. It vou attend, but the good deed vou a tend to, that your {to being a religious man. Your pray our actions to our more f both good chur characters the sight is not the constitutes claim @ { the by your deed } } Address, Rev. C. W, answer Casson, at 25 | literature. and ohviously that distance names placed fifty mi'es away, of them will drive their the lis have n NEWS OF DISTRICT. | The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. Rev. Arthur Davis, pastor of Picton i Baptist church, has resigned. le govs to Sherbrooke, (ie Dennis B. Gallagher, death wy the bursting of an emiery wheel in i Montreal, of Brdekville For selling in hours, Dennis , Killaloe, fined $100, and it being a {cond offence I'he death of Mrs, curred at Davidson, | whose maiden name iwas gu daughter of John Joyut land [James Charles, Belleville, fon Saturday, had the misiortune to lose the top of the second and third fingers of his left hand, as he up a joiner, G. T. Martin, | Mr Rabb, Perth, the contract for Perth, The contract {about $30,000 I BF. Milburn principal Belleville High School, has his resignation as principal, to take effect on August 31st. He retained as a teacher who met was formesly liquor Melner Costs, wa Bushfield Sask. J Miss Joya), Port 8 ol was St or., Smith's Falls and have been awarded sewer excavalon in will 'amount to of ! building and comtents tham any other 1 or i 2 8 GENTLEMAN'S SILVER SNATCH rday might Figder kindly returiie ht. oo Till Nv LOST. to Whig % = 5 REP COCKER A will answer to name Person harboring advt will be prosecuted U7 Well ton Si sane FOR SALE, TOPPED CARRIAGE, TWO CANOPY Apply to McUsun, 51 Urock seals. street. CART HORSES, DELIVERY HORSE 8; driving horses Apply J. Brevener, Catarag NOS, - 60 Apply AND TWO GOOD HOUSES B 62 Wellington street. Cunningham. A. A SECOND-BAND runabout. neariy new, a bargain, ply 495 Princess street, RUBBER TIRED Ap A JEWELL GAS RANGE, 00D new, used only 8 months. Apply J. R. C, Dobbs, 109 Brock St AS to 208 BAGOT located and house, olen en ro ments ST confortable ms CONVENIENTLY hd brick , anosern 4 arcanged SH 7 HProve FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE offer the balance of stock, conasting of Buggies Hunabouts Nuanhn pes and Business Wagrons, at a reduction of tha regular selling price, from: ten to twenty-five dollars, ¥ you want to get a good rig at a low price, now is your chance. James Laturney The Carriage Maker, I'rincess St. T WILL MONEY AND BUSINESS. oF OUR POLICIES COVER MORNE them at Marks company offers. Fxamine Goodwin's Tnsurance Emporium, ot Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOHM~ "ire Insurance Company, Available assets $01, 187.215 In addition t Which the policyholders have fap security the unlimited ability of all the stockholders, Farm and city pro- periy insured at lowest possibile rates. Before renewing old or giving Rew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. a EE -- WoO "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT wWoobD, fellow | than | hJamesn Swift & Co r is paltry if you have not paid for | non to prohibited | i , Jane started | dirt { composed of Maple, Beech, | Ironwood ! before | one-half grees after the | proval tendered |! asked to be | LAB WOOD, ILL wWoor, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order. : | 374 Princess Street. : Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies { In Connection with New York Cons tral & Hudson River R.R. _ Kingston daily, except Sunday, and 200 p Kingston Sunday, 8 awn and a.m M nt Cupw New Vin ing direct connect ns | Vincent to and. from ail ¥ {York State Through . sleeper Cape oent to New York Week end round trip_rate Kings Watertown Bool King Nunday, returning up w Monday, $1.65 | County of Frontenac, and cluding Fenders for Coal and Wood. . ' -- {| SEALED TENDERS WILL BE 'RE. ceived at the office of the County Clopk, House, Kingtton, up to THURS. 18th, at 13 o'clock noon, | from persons willing to furnish 115 tons | of Seranton Taal, $6 he de rod at the Court House Gaol or Registry Kingston as may be require cember Ist next, the Conl ¢ good quality well screened and free frony Also 50 or move cords of Wood, to be sound Hick and © and to be delivered ax folio cords, ong-hall dry and one ha January Ist next. and if required, omeshall dey January lst next The wood is to be subject to the and measurement of the an of County Property The lowest of any tender sarily accepted J. W. EDWARDS It SHANNON, quality 25 ro mere ape Chale not Beton County Clerk Chairman County week for them to go to the nearcet| (harles MeDowsll, B.A principal of | frroperty. court of revision at Lundsr and meke personal wpplication before the judze to be placed on the hist. From Duck Mountain, Man., Frank Ferguson, ane-cf Dr. Roche's constitu- ents, writes that, although rogisira- tion was advertised to take place at Piet Mo n'ain jostoffier, the peis tration clerk only came as far of Sup ny Slope, six miles further south. The whole body of electors at Duck Mous- tain were therefore unable to regis ter. They will be disfcanchiswi, as the nearest court of revision will te Wd | the Renfrew Collegiate fustitute, the refusal of inspectogship of public schools for the county tg room of In Spector K. G. Scott, Pembroke, whe is (to be supsrannusted ' | Through the courtesy of T, B. Cald- well, M.P., a batch of 100,000 | pickere] fry, frsh from the govern ment hatcheries at Ottawa, were de posited in Mississippi Lake at Carle ton Place, of { At Pembroke, ote of the most rcharming weddings of the season was celebratid on the 10th, when Miss Nettie Munro, daoghter of the lata John W. Manure, was joined in matri i mony to John Buarss, Busaville Fracked for money, but | [ench case. Buarglars broke into three places in Belleville, the offices of Orr & Duck worth's carriage factory, Marsh & Henthorne's fowndry, and Lott's mill In each place desks eto) were ran Fittle was found. Windows were forced open in "The genuine Conti," Talinh castils soap, ix sold in Kingston only Sibon's Bed Cross drug store. "Phone A Bev. CW, Brown, Sarnia, Dut, hs 3 fo the pastorate of the has |. i : i { young | | Frontetiac sre htved i i i | at | A . t church, Region, Sask. sucopsaion to Bev, Joesph Oliver, { November County of Frontenac. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS HOLD. ing accounts agningt the County of instructed to for. ward the same to t County Crk Court House, Kin , on or before TUESDAY. June 16th Any weeount not forwarded will be Paid over until tide oext regular mesiing of the Uetneil, in 3 J. W. EDWARDS, County Ulerk St. James' Church Excursion --TQ OTTAW Wednesday, June 17th Via 6.7.8. in. at 8 am 1.35; Chlideen A. RARKIN, Chairman of ¥Finanecss ' Special T) Adujta, 90¢. under 13, special train will leave. Oitawa, ag 780 paw.. all tickets $end to rsturn wy regular temin, June 18th. = F. 8. Beott, Napanee, elected DP.» CM. of Bay of Quinte 10.0.F, dis trict, - :

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