Che Daily British YEAR 25-50. 1 139. KINGSTON, HAS RUINED PARTY Man Shot Because His Nose Long. June 13.--~Charles Bertrand rind twenty-five and is anise Was | VICTIM LOSES: AN EYE. i | Paris mechani tepday, hospital him a « VORPS, ves ving nas ix wl an eve now bw natur on ose of phenomenal dimensions He | Croix hn, the Rue approached along when a man Bryan Never Wanted by Democratic Party. That's What David Hill Says Who Favors i ly ld Johnson as the Opponent that he Tamme Ti oot of Taft. into a cafe to « cape it. But the Davi B, Hill, eo¥ing and for was walking Nivert " ton store SOY of man followedg him hun meant and, demanded with The irre that not ae peremptorily, about what he by such a monument Fong hi that man and on he declared wold replied sadly Ww but the artist, the masses | ownes 8 must draw fron better man candidate re patronage hi fe will have to for their They the masses wd what vould stand against the presenting 'the power of thin John who boyhood davs in a country Think of it! Torchlight with banners reading 'John the poorhouse candidate ! And fron what | able to learn, Me lohnson is more than a ncar-to-the people candidate. Heo is a well bal anted man and an able man. "Evepy I kept faith' it mile. He kept the faith indeed ! He kept it ou Nebraska, which republican to its cen New York, June 13 struggle go to former United States senntor o long time leader of the degocratie party in this state, sailed for Europe on the steamer Baltic. Discussing his retirement from active M; Hill said "Phere is no party When 1 met the late Governor Alteokl, to a little room up a back stairs ina smalls Chicago hotel, before the first o-called Bryan convention, | told him that the policies which he repre sented would drive the democratic § ty to hell "Then when try four years later, | fore von have alwolutely wirty," but I saw the futility with only ten votes "The key to this politica should be Taft, the candidate of poli tical patronage. What else is he ? He it put before the is a candidate by the power yl political patronage nothing cle \ "Both sides sponsible; he was an stand it, He thereupon drew a revolver fired at object of his hatred aimed sa badly that he the fortunate Bertrand through the He was at once hig victim was pital voles politics John son, spent the poorh shot democratic processions ex ted arvested, to th Johnson | eve retnoved have been KILLED BY A BULL nl the Farmer ha County to Death. June 13 1 Lawrence Gored Out and St time Brvan St. begged for another makes me said, 'Stop rained he the Broekv ill Jame Bullis, residing state political in his own : o farmer sunty an old well-to- in the irvan was nominated, as | now of n to back me. benim paien tra. Lawrence © "The democratic va Mr. Bry Mr { democratic pari part was minority report gored the river from here, wa by a bull when where his ds knowledge of vhen hi mto the A iter and found the body horribly ed Chicago Population 13. --Unoffi Sal tevday, by those ne, indicate ACTOS to death barn vard Fhe first rity never want od the hin Srvan entering he He in 1806, left of 1008 od ar wane iry the forced el in or 1904) the have the and a part 1] he eall democratic party, and se I kept the faith.' on what vied now peor hof- came time | father in himself 3 mutili ' | at political | i ire the coming . est ROBBED OF HIS BRIDE. : Chicago, Jure made tv of the Chirngo has ' a about 2.110.000. The y report d in the saa of 1904, the last general school census wa | taken, was 1,714,144 | | NOW SEEKING DIVORCE. nate ye ir --------- Sout But Brute in chary school eens that population of } Were ; Gentleman in Paris, China. 13. <A disillusioned , while [risicnne, who married a Chinaman Moun: [now suing before the Paris courts for he 'a pi a| The rp ondent been ling, whose father some Chinese minister lin who was an attach jwas received in good society. of the for Wife Kidnapped While Pair on Honeymoon. Spartanburg, d.4., June burns, of Jackson county, un a bridal trip geross Panther tam, mn Greenside says was robbed of his young bride gang of six men, after he had Lound, beaten and robbed. He and his wite stopped at a tage mn the mountains, and the night the men entered the of the couple, attacked Burns took his wite down the mountains. says he has not secu her since. tal population when 13--W. P.} Paris, June Pa \ ( " >" county, by Is in Hsing £50 000 | depot | ntaming A was h « Kansas City No trace postal pon stolen nt the Saturday Inst. VEeArs ago was The on, legation, He woman Paris cot at th m scare during yes WOMAN WA made wha and Her their room | he acquaintance and lis now petitioning a divores He tsought her hand i amily objected, hut ultimately {scruples were overcome, and the pair AY Noir married in the autunm of 1902 While in Kotope Hsingling was a 'BANKER IS A THIEF, ¥ Bw husband, but 4 vear or eo after the manginge he was recalled ti; Pekin, Indianapolis, Ind. 3 his wife accompanying him Mme 13.--Pleading guilty wl Hsingling found life there not at all horse stealing, Robert H. to her liking, = Her imme JGreen, Waynetown, vice- 51 intely he sot his foot he president of the Farmers' came metamorphosed. He shed bis and Merchants' Bank of European manners, to speak, | ine that plate, a trustee of the and, adeording to his wife's account, [WOE local Methodist church and from q courtly, dignified gentleman a large property owner, became .a brutal Oriental, was sentenced to from one te her statements she to fourteen years in the speakable indignities. She was sta penitentiary. He was up in a room and kept prisoner disfrahchised for one year timately, after , months of and was fined $10. A num- finement, she eontrived to communi ber of stolen animals were with the French legation, found when he was arrest- after a period of lengthy ne ed here under an assumed her release was obtained nanie, As it feared an attemnt he mide to Kidnap her she left AHHH, an. Sueort Provied iy. the a gation, aml the guard saw her sal i Mistook His Mate For A Bear. °0 board a steamer at Shanghai Nancouver, B.C.. June 13.--At Bearjotere i* Ae Bi Tal th Bay, near Rook Bae, two logeers went! hild > hk out after big game, B. T. Blakeslee, |® po 4 mistaking Richard Grommet for al Ahudgment was reserved, lear, shot him. CGrummet died in She] he septal at Rock Bay. in marriage June to ed by Net hushand, in China, EER 13. twenty-five weeks which plicated, and sentenced to for [imprisonment He the fprisonment in til his relense, ried his sworn that him. but | « that the nd another Serrano was Rome, June Giuseppe ao, a | old, Parl FO man, FRTIIFRSENY Years auo at he ¥ he (Was afrested some # According | or a burglary in was ime # suffered un locked mon ir months was ol in the would be first part hi counting when he sweetheart, she would spent pied some days un ar who had forsake Bexxers, ; and wotiations cate to never would told Pekin was dler hin of the 1 publi and the i bans bee upset, ne day nmarrmge had terribly EIEFEXETERS wl : ce under hn Ban hed ¥ and is epstody o FROZEN TO DEATH. | Fate of Blacks jn An Expedition in 'Africa. Sucked Into The River. A re Paris, June 13 happened recently named Delanoix, ent Berlin markable di hy peslition of A curious accident at Lille. A tranwp, van after a sat: The and the tramp iter cat nor the tramp ha The police add fire aster Charkas D. Ullmo, the French 2 officer foumi guilty in February last of selling state dooaments, was pub liely degraded 'at Toulon [men did all thee could to find the man the eat. Both believed to | been sucked into the river } tion. Klemburg, in the he extreme north-westery German Fast Africa. In the franca, of the was ov storm, and mito a sewer into the the seen ran crawled Neither been shwer the cat on tower mo by of the Smee, | the party riaker twenty hall to soiith of the of the tra Dar Fs-Sala Kirschstein, expesitiion now vrontineent, near f froeen and ard {have DAILY MEMORANDA. A Thing much sought after Campbell Bros', Fine Straw Hats i "Dandy Dixie Minstrels," tirand Opera | Campbell Bros'. House, 2.15 pos For big vale p vier es in Nursery Rhymes Concert, Wolts | : ® u Island, on Monday eyenin Steamer | Wolle Islander loaves a Bilton Thea're--Magnifh "Judith and Holophernes" ; Comedy, "A Married Man's Splendid Travelogue, "A Paris." Crackeriack song, other Pietyre In My Mother's Frame," A CHINA CHANCE Muffin Dishes, Entree Dishes, Rawmkine, Custards, Bullion Cups, Hon-bons, Radish Dishes, Plecuit Jars, Spoon Trays, Olive Dishes. ; wore : | ninety miles To-Night. hats. | particalar from bv ina lette the ummer come im at 1 ™ alo ------ ! written re . . . i gist of the Senator Power in the Canadian sons] suid that the patent medicines | Day in Gay] Nova Scotia were worse than There's Ane! liquor. In some of them there was {mors alowhol to bo found than in whiskey itself, { Tha Canadian Pelmeted De, R. J president, Dr, tary and Dr. { treasurer. IT CAME AS A SHOCK The Lamented Death of Donald Daly, of Attending The Conference. London, June 13.--The Keewatin, Algoma, New We Saskatchewan A reduce . Canon Tucker, Judge Mae Bishop Anse late of Qu'Ap present at sonferenes on North Am hish andl acon Mihical Association | Mae kav . Planehard, Winnipeg, | donald, Flliott, Ottawa, secre Flies, ar i. P, Small, Ottawa, | Indian evangelization « Pina | i | i n the in 4 { ENGAGED TO CHURGHILL. fed Let Oat of Prison to Murder S Sweetheart---Aid- to let ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUN E 13, 1908. In se ics. She Takes Interest 30, 000 Volts Ay | paper Transformer and June 13 of J. IL may lose Surg ~Lawrence J Maver, trac his © right save A Buffalo, N.Y. Muyver, the { lon magnate, hand hefore thim from the fof Niagara shot newspaper « / on the effects of Falls elettricity his- body through a folded n° Friday at th Lak: Erie Traction company's transformer {station at Athol Spriggs A hand burned almost lifeless where the heavy current J holes {burned in the sole on Maver feet, showing where eft, tell the {etary of the remmrkable | accidents in which a human being has pid with a great amount of and lived. The transformers from FONE can 30.000 volts which mto i and of ore most DOROTHY HOWARD. Howard, the LADY Lady Dorothy child of the ninth Earl of Carlisle, i the noted English beauty whose én gagement to Winston Churchill, pr sident of the board of trade in they British eahinet, (hag recently been| Youn announced. The wedding is expected | newsy { been char ity in the Maver seventh amper beng Maver new wer in hi .SHOT THRO Transferred to News- 'Son of Traction Magnate Points Newspaper at Is Almost Killed. 1 plaining {not LAST EDITION -------------- Probabilities 3 Pants June 3. 1908, Ottawa < v alley and Up= pet St. Lawrence, 10 a.m.~-Souther- ly winds fair and warm: Sunday unsettled with shows s19 and thunder storms. : Route. in a Second He: 3 {SATURDAY "the 30, the working oi a He pointed one of the lhe men the machine former to his friend folded papet toward 000: volt tr standing very and whether papgr tohched it or | Ho knows however a very ready com woo ctrie | the Joe i through body and out foot into the station The stricker clonsness " bowed do y the floor he vy he re instormers were close to the one Wr, 18 SPECIALS AT §STEACY'S. transiorme the ity, and hot His body with the h it oi current ore tt toment owrrent throng y T st ame { 1 wil, his friends crete floor howed hi aml whe arms of Long Lace Gloves, ciricity grounded to take place the latter part of June and will be one tof the big events of the Lady Dorothy is | wn intellsetu Vestn wl takes interest worke thy | PROSECUTIONS IN YUKON. eason, woman Tund Establish- . ed. Tune 13.--In the Hq Wilirid Laurier present nis Service m politi 8 A Secret d hard for! Quring some of contests in Ene Howards, has n Fn said liberal rec nt land. Her | for entices 1 lish affairs have int resty politieal the influential She the ha Otta ol Commons ed a retarn ihe which he had with Shearer, secretary NYocial Reform | reference to the of the | Lord ® Day act in the Yukon. In April bir. Shearer sought a declaration the prime minister that the insti of under the act not private parties in reply, quoted from a Commisgioner Hen in which he stat | use amily, of | | | | i | G. and in Dr. J. Moral Canada, Rov, the Council of n of enforcement To Be The Secretary. London, Ont, 13.~1t is lear: ed hore on reliable authority that Rev Father Kidd, Kingston, has been nam cretary to Archbishop Me of the archdiocese of Toronto. June | last rom ution { chould { Tha pre w | Jotter written by | di reson February, od that it was his desire to vies in the Yukon, and that he | 1 laced at the disposal of the police | sopret service fund to assist in obtain | ing evidence, these instructions er had its hearty of the minister of Writing avain on Ma ¥ilirid announced that # had ranged "that all anptications for finder thi Lord 8 Day passed upon by he will im of jus- proceedings as be left to Evay, S STABBED mir, mn Fuppress had Sip Wilirid added that, approval amd that justice. 20th, Kir been Jailer. [ 1 roseentic na | aot shall 'be at | Mr. Henderson and that | mediately notify the minister | tice of all those in which he evedings should | taken.' arded as satisfactory, he would « than married lared that ther se dead Hh one girl to any onee else, The jatler ag and after day, ded 1 right, wn juest recd that he some hesitation to the go and wins he, ve re. by wire | thinks pr hi " NOT 8 pris kill Lim that inst long the deed, biddie lover to was ace hix 10 SWoOre tarry an NECeSS for released him, duty ao re Li hours later. girl dead, and his own farther jun ailer has Leen arrested 11 2 loss of the 4 resulting from her colligion PITH OF THE NEWS. ril, with thé American line ste Paul. Alter a gthy cansideratior it found that Capt mander the erinizer ip fault, the gleet. The en bone apt. Lumsden, bv the ' Hart as follows : "The comrt has the chargehartly true an loratic the diff # PR SOneT was re irked | n wy Ser solemnly he wi rot th Lhe DISMISSED FROM SHIP jailer the Ary { And Reprimanded By a Court- Martial. Eng., J court-marti of a turned noble Ser pri had con te tabbec 'ortsmotuth, th ni to @ t |maval hment, in te Vice inve the ermiser Gladiator, last Ap amer St for several da bet ower to stigate British len Lumsden, com The Very Latest Cul'ed From All Over The World. i Norther inst ti ha ( of hazarded by a ugh zh people of Persia are in | 1 provincia ing found taking in 4 Mt was placed ogton Actor in ni n rofybed Bosit which the 6 reprimanded ed from his ship to he Want Canadian Cattle. 11 remedy atthe commiticemar Meat in breaking dov an control of the bringing in Canadian eatth of thie Lond June Practical mer two inch 1 The Chines » who eufiervd cower riots last fall have been award- cd 320.000 damages. A Buffalo comps has ized to ented by J Ont Mrs threw carholi ward Chandler, remanded. Nine men one fatally Minnipeg viver on the National Trang | continental railway construction. Evan BE. Fraser, M.P.P., denies he | rumor that he would resign his seat | to hecome a commissioner of the | Queen Victoria, Niagara Falls, Park Six socialists, five of whom were forvigners, wore convicted by Magis | trate Kingsford, of Toronto, for ob new t for the preser Mi < solv ohe Van- | shortage of Melhuish city in the i of the Fraders tor fi of day, "and n the market by fattening been organ fare } in present Tottenham, manuiacture R. Coleman, The tor foreign for tthe Manche i states that only five ca were discovered cattle slaughtered atthe ox of t mg Taylor, who face of Ed was asain epdosis {Canadian killed outright and | explosion at Flizalwth Ellen acid in the Toronto, ' Je were IT INCI injured hy Napanee. tr-- Hundreds of others, all at at- 13. It was a shock | brothers, Arthur and Holand, and oie sister, hathicen, are: left to mourn.| This is the second time within two years Bhat Nr, and Mra Daly have | been bereft the sympathy of the | whole town goes out to them in their affliction. The funeral will take place len Sunday afternoon at 2.90 o'clock to the Eastern cemetery. At the cheese board, yesterday af- ternooy, 1,160 white and 770 colored | chose boarded, sale 530 colored at LED Te; 96 colored at 1 38a; 8 white at lije. . The balance alsp! changed bands at above prices. he went to British Columbia John ey haw commenced the in the hope that the change would! new : sewer Weat =treet. ¥r. and Jenefit a I END Napans, J to the citizens 'of Napavee, When it! was learned, yWsterday morning, thet! Donald Daly, son of Deis Daly, had passed away, at n early hour yes: | terduy morning. Although he had Feen | in poor health, and had beep to Phil- For Bray Yatisty of Dueling, adelphia. for the pest two months wn dirgoiy en operation it was thought | In the city, snstating, ¥ Farne. Lands, ern Canada oea that after the shock of the operation | be would vecover. © He returned from! Philadviphia. a couple of weeks ago, end never rallied but gradaally grew weaker, Deceased was a clever young | man, barely twenly years of age. Last in stricting the streets, but were allow.) led to go free } Governor Hughes, New York, in! dv to a telegram from New York | asking him if he would peesnt noming tion for the viceyrmidency, replied with an emg hatic "no." A report will he Milan, June 13. <The puestion of women's hits io the stalls of Ren Vitres has been solved in Rome and Jobe Italian centres by syppcial probi- therhition of the prekciure. The prefedt of thie big city, however, has declindd t vesed presented to Toronto Methodist conferenie. recom- | mending that Methodi® peaple do vot finterfere, so that the managements ; allow their some to go to the mili- | have had to content themselves with ! tary camps while the canteen exists, { posting up appeals to women patrons, which have beey generally disregarded, {exeapt at the Sela and three other To Represent U.S. | first-class theatres. i "Washington. June 13--~Rear Admiral | Past night at fhe Olvmpia Comedy i William 8. Cowles. President Roose | Theafre--a muchfragtented | middle vel" s brother-in-law, will gcrompany | class resort, where lively veenss of pro- the battieship Now Hampshire as a {tout have often ocomrred of late--there representative of the United States wits again fn angry demonstiation, AREY WHE IhAL, Seah yous to [Grouns af women Weating monster of J Hpicture " hats the. fropt | din the middle of uly to vim) Ror a ont al ag of the omissions} | Have superintendent sof | market | TED A A BIG RIOT An. Angry Demonstration. Over Woman' 3 tet Picture Hat. Long Silk Gloves, ie VAIN FIGHT FOR A LIF Rows 60 Miles, Vain. Bt Lace Hose, Comrade in 5 oo A oR Embroidered Bose, White Kid Belts, Th correspondence! ge White Wash Belts, , , Colored Kid Belts, Wash Stock Collars, Si of rowi Drumnaitt hed som fle is qr i from shock I loss of blood HAA CARSCALLEN ELEGIED, ASAAIORISIK | ® New Bow Ties, Embroidered Collars, Fancy Ribbons, Summer Underwear, etc. Lennox is conceded as having elected Carscallen for the Ontario legislature. The Napanee Beaver, the conservative paper makes the majority 15; the Ex- press, the liberal organ puts it at 12, The Express says a I ount will be ask-. ed for owing to many spoil. ed ballots, looseness of handling the ballots and making up the returns in some of the polls. The re count ay materially change the result Mr Madole put up a strong ficht but the money used by Conservatives in and around Napanee revers- ed Mr Madole"s former majority in Napanee of forty-three 'to a majority for Mr Carscallen of twenty-one All over the country, and especially in North Fredericksburgh and Richmond, Mr Madole made large gains and but for the wholesale bribing used in Napanee, would have won #he election by a 1 margin * ¥ Hh FFEXEFEFESF ASK TO SEE UM- m Our Special line of MER CORSETS at 50c. FHEEEEFHFES + & a®3 + EH 200( EE EER BUT WE SHOULD HAVE IT. Peers Earns MARRIED ITERLONI MOH: Decided on a New Canal. Tune 13 SL natructi Not refer y & demth vm rrment tek shuragh Hambiy, veber ne sixty Lun 8 Croke Monday, residones 0. On ROBERT J. REID, | The Leading Undertaker. | "Phone, an. 227 Princess str SUMMER DRINKS Gurd"s Ginger Ale. Gurd's Soda Water. Gurd's Quiside Tonie. Gurd"s Caledonia Water. Imported Sweet Ginger Ale. Ix ported Dry Ginger Ale. Radnor Water, anti the last of the Fo had érther removed | nia? whisked off for her or had vrudet! Jas, & 00 withdrawn. When the play Saally be. | : Importers Of Fine Groceries, a gan it Bas Balf-past fen alddack } gr: George Williams was drowned in (hel famons Halian eomaBan, Vie boinio Talli. stnounsed that the pre | feet had promis {boy st the foot of Morse street, o TL te intervene in the + these ohsti comply. with the that they remove Municipal guards a fo as they had dn ut thor } their persuadions. mati deadlock The vast nudiencs ed the voices of the pins they attempted to stration was kept a half, with fese S00 Wenn ivy meanwhi intersper wie hat, » 4 her had