Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1908, p. 9

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"| BEGOND-SECTION, da The YEAR 75. NE 13, 1908. ily British W PAGE 8 TO 14, hig NO. 139 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JU Ee ---------- rr R= Vienna, May 21.~The niost pictur esque of al had 3 emperdt's dismand july hfitions took place this morning, when. a vist army of 82,000 childeen, drilled "and dis ciplined, : marched to. the Shoenbrunn Palace to pay homage to their revered sovergigh. The ceremony was splendidly ized and most "impressive, The om peror appeared on, the palace balcony | before which (the army of his admirers was drawn up, and cheered: with, ag enthusiasm deeply touched him. petor descended and walked young was which the children; and the ccremony closed | with 'the singing of Haydn's stirring natiobal © anthem hy | RLO0G young voices, tears standing im majesty's oyeg as he listened to familiar words. For many, weeks preparations had been in' progress for the great dav Most careful arrangements were made for the canvevancd of the countless co hortsi of small people to the grounds of the palace; swhive all wore assed fed nt ten" o'clock. Children living within a' mile came on foot; the ree his the organ Ped in Finally the env | among | eléar'| CENES IN FRANCIS JOSEPH'S DIAMOND JUBILEE. = { EERE EEE TI TTA 7% Lmperar Lays the foundation Shame of an Asvivm. for founding / Orton Girt resents o. Doyguet to the Emperor mainder were carried by | train: or omnibus, ' Theee thousand teachers and officials {employed at the Vienna schools were lin charge of the varigus detachments of ehildeen and marshaled them {through the streets, © All traffic in the | neighborhood of the palace was stop order to avoud any kind of risk, A number of doctors were at | ached to each party of scBolars, and an ambulance was establishod f within the grounds of the palace. ach child was provided with a Leard bearing the name and address of its parents, and was given a light {breakfast before starting. Provision was made for supplying with refresh mont those who were hungry faint with the exertion of standing for such a long - time, Affer the grouping of the children in the grounds and on the terraces that stretch in front of the palace windows | Frau Ritzinger, of the Vienna Burg { theatre, « recited the poem composed Hor the occasion. A' group of little giles, wone more than three feet four {inches in height, performed a special | dance, and were dressed in empire cos {tume tramway, service Or ------------------------------ A DIPLOMATIC WOMAN. On the palage terrace the whole jm- | perial family assembled with the dip llomatic corps and other notabilities, The old emperor was moved to tears and constantly pressed his handkor chief to his eyes. When he descended [to the garden personally to thank the | children, he said to the burgomaster, {Dr. Lueger, "For me children are the {most beautiful, the dearest things. {The older 1 grok the more'l love | children." The Wnrthusiastic cheers | from the thousands of young throats | which greeted the emperor were a'de- {lightful sound to his ears. With a flourish of trumpets the fes ttival play began. It opened with a chorus sung bv 1.000 children, accom panied by the Philharmonic orchestra Then the curtain before thé temporary stage was withdrawn, and a female figure representing Austria" approached the terrace in a triumphal car. After her came a little girl, who recited verses commemorative of an incident in: the. monarchs life, which represent- ed Jim child of _ three, putting money into the carttidge box of 'a poor sentinel. Then a dhoir of girls in the quaint and charming costume of the thirties of the ladt century danced and strew ed flowers at his majesty"s fect, while singing. of his goodness of heart. They were succeeded by another little maid, who in a song told of his courage dur- ing his baptissn of fire at the battle of Danta Lacin. Immediately after wards, to the strains of the Radetzky March, a little army of boys, wearing a military uniform from the early vears of the last century, came for- ward and sapg and dapced as they sang. A fair Inssie recited verses, ir which the emperor was eelobrated as the patron of peace, science, art and commerce, An adult femade fighre was next seen She did homage | | i | | symbolizing Vienna. to his majesty on 'behali of Vienna and its children. The festival play concluded with more dancing and sing ing, but = the apotheasis was reached when the children, with the help of flowers, laid rout in gigantic letters the initials "F.J.1.7 and "60," the number of years of his reign. The were brought to a close by the singing of Havdn's hswan. All off without a hitch, though come 1.200 children suffered from the effects of excitement and heat. They were mostly slight and were attended to by the First Aid Society. -------------- Bright Little Ones. Babies that ave well sleep well, eat well and play well. A" child that is wot rosy-cheeked and playful needs immediate attention, and in all the immediate attention, aud in all the world: there is no medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets for curing indi gestion, constipation, Ginrrhoea, teething troubles and the other dis- orders from which young children suf- fer. The mother who uses this medi cine' has the guarautes of a govern ment analyst, that it is absolutely sale. Mrs. J. L. Janelle, St. Sylvere, Que., says: "1 find Baby's Own Tab lots the most satisfactory medicine I have ever used for cowstipation, teething troubles and Yreaking up colds, Every mother should keep this medicine in the home." Sold by medi- cine deglers or by mail at 25¢, a box { from The Dr, Williams' icine Co., Brookville, Ont. proceedings passer] CASes, Traitor's Appeal Rejected. Paris, June 11.--It is announced from Paris that the court of casss- tion, . yesterday, rejected the appeal by the ex-maval officer Ullmo, - end imprisonment in a for attempting to sell service rinformation to the German government, You sure to save pedis Be Ww. may save lp yy v- Nand & bottle of Suith's White It is of vital importance or injutjes be treated Here is a remedy that re- in an almost magical way, strains, bruises, lame any other ve A FAMOUS ACTRESS SAD PLIGHT OF MOTHER OF IRVING BISHOP. ------ Is Now: Starving After Giving Away Thousands--Appeals to Old Professional Friends' For Help. New York, June 13.--Blind, hopeless- ly erippled and lacking even the com- mon necessities of life, Mrs, Eleanor Fletcher Bishop, mother of Washing- ton Irving Bishop, the mind reader, is living on the charity of a good-natur- ed landlady at 228 West 11lith street, New York. The woman. who gave thousands of dellars to charity, who nursed the sick and wounded soldiess of the Union army throughout the givil war, is now dependent on the charity | of stigngers for her food and . Defrauded) she says, of all her pro- perty, which was warth hundreds of thousands of dollars, she has not even enough money left to purchase oint- ment for her ulcerated Junbs, Her son was one of the wonders of the aye, his feats in mind-reading hav- ing pugzled even the greatest seient- ists, Scarcely able to stand, Mrs. Bishop --or the Countess Nicholas as she is now--hobbled out, yesterday, when ealled upon to explain an advertise- ment she had inserted in a Sunday paper, asking Kate Claxton, Mipnie Merthold and several other actors and actresses of a on dav to com: municate with her. Willen Mrs, Bishop was in the heydey of her stage tri umphs these players were all her per: sonal friends. Now that she is help less she believes they will comp to her aid if they know her. conditide. The death of 'Washington irving Bishop, at the Lambs Club, on May Lith, 1589, created a sensation of such a faturg as still to be of interest to the public. Bishop was but thirty- three years of age, just as the height of his career." He was. giving an exhi- bition of his powers Lo 4 company of fricndd at the Lambs Clik when he fell ihto a state of coma. Several doctors were called, who propounced him dead. The body was immediately hurried to an undertaking establish- ment,' and there, without wailing for his family's consent, an autdpsy was held and "thé brain removed in the hope that some light be given to the scientific world as to the manner in which Bishop performed his marvel] lous feats of mimd-reading Mrs. Bis p had the dottors engaged in the autopsy arvested, claiming Eo ; son wis not dead at the time the autopey wad held, that he regained consciousness during the antopse hut that death resulted from the nets of the physicians. The jury disigreed, and the case hns wever since bebn brought to retrial. At the tame of Bishop's death, Mes Bishop was in Philadelphia, where she was producing "lH Trovatoss' and "The Bobemian Girl". as well as "Caste," for the benefit of = the funds raised in that city to erect a monu< ment to Edwin Forrest. In her early life Mrs. Bishop supported Forrest, and also. played with Booth, She was wall known . in Shakespearian drama a the older theatré-gorrs of New Yo k remember that her name was once a power in the theatrical warld. She declares her son left $100,000 worth of jewels, which are tied up in the courts, apd she has been entifely anable to realize on any of this pro- perty. Her own fortune, declares, has been taken from . hee bv. fraud. Last fall her home at antpelier. gave away never was she known ¥, 3 on, which she cannot 3 ita EMER ER dn sharing her meal Mrs. Carter room, but is, also with her. When sionally, she goes: without food After the death of Mrs first husband she married Count Niek olas, who is" still living in Rutlan Vi. Douma "Favors! Protection. St. Petersburg, ance committee of the douma' has de tion of the free entry of goods aboard to. the coasts of the Amu territory and to territory and for the abolifion of th free importation of Chinese - ware through the Irkutsk customs office. Stop. Falling - Hair, It is easier 'to keep the hair have than to. restore it when lost. The use of Dr. Dawson's Restorer will alway®. enable you stop the falling out of hair and quicken its growth, Restore hair to its natural color. In bottles 50¢., cach, at Wade's drug store, tc Bagatelle For Paupers. London, June 11.--The Board of Guardians have from dhe local working men's club bagatélle board, cues and marker for the use of the inmates of the work- house. i At Braokville the Trousdale, charged accepted a with Coates 'a material crown: cannot be found. Bishop' June 11.--The fin- cided in favor of a bill for the aboli- from the Transbalkalian vou once | Hair to gray Midhurst cage of . William receiving stolen property, was adjourned. Alan witness for the - " --_-- 1 s | WILL BE VERY BUSY. goes | away, as she is' compelled to do ocva- He -is to Be Doorkeeper at the } { Convention. i a] i, r e y ' STEPHEN .R. . MASON. Stephen R. Mason, chief of doorkeep- ers at the republican national con- vention, will be one of the busiest men at the bi~ gathering. With hun dreds of persons employing every im agfnable ruse to gain admission to the Coliseum at Chicago, and upward of 12,000 tickot-holders to be taken care of, it without savine that the head door-keoper will have need of all the tact and executive ability that he cap muster. Mr. Mason will have under his direction a force of nearly 200 door-keepers--men who have been selected with great care and goes -- SPAIN'S' FUTURE so"s infantry regiment, in whic May 10, the anniversary Very Quarrelsome Neighbors. , Names of the parties are Corng and Toes--both were, unhappy tH trouble was mediated Putnam's Corn Extractor. Any corn goes out of business « in Awenly four hours if "Putnam's" is applied--try-it, ° by Mid. Freeland, the second wile of the late Henry Freeland, who resid for many years. at Burnside, the Bne old country home on ths Preseott road near Maitland, passtd away in Toronto, on Wednegday, isn Mo. " visit. the ors to hon the FRANCE'S PRESIDEN T IN MANY POSES. a es. President of France arrived in London Exhibi 'KING IN, UNIFORM. The interesting photograph reproduced above shows King fonso of Spain with his infant son, the Prince of Asturias, who was born at the Royal Palace, Madrid, just over a year ago. The. future king of Spain is wearing the uniform of. a private in King Alfon- Al- bthe infant prince was enrolled on of his' birthday. onfusion or over e door-keepery y, 80 that this nvention management the repmblican party by the close of the they will all crowding will be p enture alone will cost 184,000 or 83.000 { entiol | tony than those who Liver Pls hate given when tak lizziness, No one ky have used ( what relief they on for iy the side, 'stomach. riers ittle In constipation and discrdered spepsia pain om May 24 tion. 'He was accorded. all' 'the extended to' iy and fhe Ea yi mont Eatdialy Feceived by the » ORANGE JUICE AND HEALTH For Stomach and Skin. Few of us realize what ag important sert the skin plays in keeping us weil or making us fil : The millions of tiny glands, or pores, are intended t6 MJ the system of 'waste -muxtter, which the blood brings to the skin. It is a well-known fact that the healthy skin carte off more Urea or wuste matter than the kidneys. Just think bow much poison remains in the system when there is any skin trouble. The skin and stomach are intimate- ly associated. Find a person with a dry, harsh shin and you will find one who suffers with indigestion or con- stipation, and both, usually. Both may be relfeved by a judicious use of omange juice. Both can be cared by taking the Juice 'of an mange every morning before dredk- fast, and taking "Frult-a-tives™ at night. "Fruit-a-tives" are fruit juices In tablet form. The fresh juices of oranges, apples, figs and prunes are separated from the pulp, and then combined in suth & way that the me- dicinal action is intensified. Orange juice alose will mot cure Skin, Stomach or Bowel troubles. But when takén In connection with "Fruit. a«tives," a positive cure results. "Fruit-a-tives" may be obtained at alt dounlers or will be sent on receipt of price-S0c a box-6 for $150. Pruit-a-tives" Limited, -Ottaws, McBILL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL. Session 1008-1900 Courses in Arts, Applied Beience (Architecture, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Theory and Practice of Railways, snd Civil, Eleetrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering) Law, Medicine, and Come ercey Matriculation Examinations will com- megs on June 15th and September 10th and Examinations for Seeond .Year Fix hibitions and Third Year Scholarships, will conumence on September 10th, foctures In Arts, Applied Science, and Commerce, will begin on September wt; in Law on September 13th; in Medicine vn Septgmbes 16th. Particulars regarding examinations, ontrance reqiMrements, courses of ptudy, fees, ale., can be obtained ob applica~ tion to : ' J. A. NICHOLSON, M.A. Registrar, Royal Victoria. College, Montreal. A. residential hall for the women stud- enta of McGill University. Situated Ra Sherbrooke Street, in close proximity to the University Bulldingsd snd laboretors les. Students of the Coll are admit ted to the courses in rts of MeUin tniversity on fdentical tertud with wen, but mainly in dsparste classes) In ade dition to the lectures given by the Pre fessors and lecturers of the University, students are assisted LY resident tutors. Gymoesium, skating rink, geneis pourts, ote Scholarships and Exhibitions, awarded sonually, Instruction in all branches of music in the McGill Conservatoriums of Music. For further particulars, address The Warden, Royal Victoria College, Montreal, Crescent Wire Works Bee our Garden Border, 7c. wnd 10c, ft., also Manufacturers of Fencing, Wireguards, Railings and Wire Goods of all kinds. Factory and Show Rooms, King St. West, Opposite Hospital. Telephone, 880. MRS, MARY GREGOVICH ------ Of Philipsburg, Montana, How She Was Cured of druff, Mrs. Mary Gregovich, of Philipsharg, Montana, under date' of Nov. 6th, 99, writes: "Il had typhoid fever this summer, consequently was losing my hair terribly, and my head in laces was perfectly bald. Newbro's srpicide had just rome inte use in Philipsburg, and the doctor strongly ronumended $t to me. After threes or four applications my hair stopped fall- ing out and is coming in again quite thick, I used to be troubled greatly with dandruff, of which 1 am now quite cured." Kill the dandraff germ with Herpicide. ; Sold by leading druggists. Send 10s. in stamps for sample to The Herpicids Co., Detroi ich. Two sizes, 50e, and $1. GC. W, Ma , special agent, Tells Dan.

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