PAGE EIGHT, " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1908." - _-- ess THESPMLEDITION) SACRED RECITAL 57 === | 8 am. and 2 pm., returning 10.55 BANK MEN ARRESTED IN ST, GEORGE'S CATHE.|s®. cod 430 pam. foc. returh. ern | ------s | At St. John, N.B. Were Released| DRAL LAST EVENING. Bicycle Thieves Busy. | on Large Bail. | Bicycle thieves are again in evidence. St. Johu, N.B., June 12.-P. H.|By Soloists of Vocal Students| Yesterday a wheel was stolen) from i thas Albion "Hotel, and no traed of it | Roy, president of the Banque of St. | Club--The Attendance Was : 1 can be secured. Dr. Williamson's | Joan, who was arrestes), vesterdav, Custom Department | on a of John Knight, seere- Good--Programme Was Chiefly wheel is still out of hailing distance. | tary of the Bankers' A ion, ap- | Oratorio Work. hg_police ape inn estigating, {peared before L. Moreau, JP. last] A recital of sacred music was given, DN Sees { evening, and was released on personal lin St. George's cathedral, on Thurs- To Attend Fxecutive Meeting. { Al winds of new fur gar. i bail of 22,000, and of Messrs. N. Lord day evening, by soloists of the Vocal A meeting of the executive of the! men Hidde to . special {and L. Papineau, in $1,000 eac h, Students' club, under the auspices of | International - Building Laborers' Un- measure, an we also have i Messrs. P. J. L'fleureux and -P. |p Anglican Young People's associa- | ion, was called at Utica, N.Y., this Moderiing, facilities fcr re- | Bredouin, late mapagers, who weré ar lion he attendance was very good, | week, and Ernest Villard was selected ae pei repairing, and Te- rested at the same time, 'appeared be Land the programme, chiefly oratorio | as the delegate from Kingston. He | ying urs at short notice | fol Judge Lancélot, this mening, work, an excellent one. left for Utica last night. 5 he. age if Potaible Ter us | and yore released "on hai} of Ron The singers were Miss Mona Knight, | into i Feri wi -- {i 4 ifror he jormer, Me re od for {Miss Kathleen O'Hara, Miss Hazel The Tinsmiths" Strike. . 3 new. a T= i mers and «f ayes am, an or mR : n ice 'T " ha ti . ' of a p 2 h a BE fect satisfaction as to fit. | the datter, Messrs Deland and Cote, | M8 Bie, Miss Beatrj e Tandy, Mi . The tinsmiths' strike js still on, but Fe * $e bail: The caine cua {Carrie Bajus, Miss Ada Rosevear, | it was stated, to-day, by one of the 3 » Telephone 489 Lo Gn ob C174) ie hte Was adioum-tLieut.-Col. EK. 1. Taylor, Lt.-Col. F.|strikers, that two of the local firms : pa - | "H h Bt I Roy general manager {Strange and Arthur Craig. The most | would sjgn an agreement favorable to 2 pecia a ec Cand 1eosident of tho. defuget Pangue enjoyable number was the quartette, | the men, and that the ment would. re- & © RDS 3 St. Jean, together. with P. Leheures, | Hear Our Prayer" (Ryder), unae- | turn to work. There appears to bé no Sif 'manager "and P. Beaudoin. assistant (companied, by Miss Knight, Miss [sign of a general settlement being ¥ iv . I manager, appeared belore a magistrate iTandy, Col. Strange and Mr. Craig. brought about, a ' lat St. "John's, to-day, and pleaded The voices blended beautifully. tau y 0- orrow orning, : 0 {guilty to the charge: of sending. alse | The organ uimbers, played by Mr. Scarcity Of Clerks. {bank statements to the government, Harvey, Sho wis 20 ne ascompan- Report from the Dorchester, N.B:, 'ol | Rov s released $4,000 bail 438. were. the ach-Gounod "Ave | penitentiary, says that there is a 3 i at 9 o'clock and lastine Re x -- on $20,000 pail oh { Maria, Breitenbach's Tempest In| gscarcity of elérks among the prison: To morrow Morning, Commenc ng. 1 bargai f 1 lang Wi ios Bl. any The case was wet down for the 17th. (the Alps," and the Sehubert-Lisst ors there confined, and ms the King- remain, the following very special bargain of Ladies ite Blouse . "Exl King." The latter, with its wild [ston penitentiary is over-run with meg I ths and Fancy All Over Laces. harmonies, its sweet and luring mys | suitable for position of clerk, it is Jong facturer,who was overstocked 1 required 6 D Abo terioso, lost none of its effectiveness | probable that some of the prisoners These we secured from a manufacturer, A aso erstoc ed and required egrees Ve the omission, of theatrical effects of {here will be transferred there. ready money at once. We made an offer, little expeeting to get these two simulated lightning. The closing num- et -------- 4 » - a = . . AOC : Fr eezing: ber on the programme was the Trin- Held Fine Garden Party. lots. However he was pressed for funds aud scce pred. ity hymn, which the congregation sang A fine garden party was held, Thurs. . 9 . . . ---- Imost heartily, day night, at MeAdoo's grove. ' The a i in m | 8 | : . affair was largely attended, and much es 6 ro ré d Ss S - hes or Is the remarkable accomplishwen HAD NARROW ESCAPE. enjoyed. Crosby & O'Connor's orches- w our : n lige 'o- : : ,3 i . always P 4 wood tra rendered a most delightful pro Lengths put up, embroidered front, with enough material to make the selection on band and make Young Plumber Was Overcome By | gramme, and the dancers made merry re iy to order any special size or White Enamel Refrigerators Gas To-Day. for a few hours. Oscar Perry was in waist, 3 designs. Sold regularly at $1.25 each. { Norman Comper, Princess street, ga charge of the refreshment booth, and shape. With beagles than Ju Have vee nat a young plumber employed by Taylor & | the Fueste Yur well attended to. The » Ch - T 3 - . if VOY , escape | Barden parties he 1 McAc R POY 0 morrow ¢ a0 Our gold is rich in color | terest of health and economy (0 have Hamiftcn, had & very narrow cecape | Barden | on A a A rr our 0ice - ' . A . i . is] have become very popular. Another ud word neh . from heing suffceated by ges, this . : and style, and manship one of our Refrigerators. We have them morning. le was engaged fy making party will be held in the near future perfect. : from 7.00 ¢ $42.00 some' connections with the gas pipes : Buy from the maker and 3 $ a up 0 «UU, at the house of James Freed, Wel Result Does Not Satisfy. get the advantage in price. . We have GALVANIZED, wHrTE|linston street, and was at work in| The majority of Queen's University , il! ENAMEL and GLASS LINED, the basement, It was just after an. [authorities are not satisfied with the other plumber who was engaged on [ ] * i] . . the job with him," had returned to the fusing to separate Queen's from the 1 El W. A. Mitchell S Hardware. [store for some piping, that he. was Presbyterian church, so that she may - 2 overcomo by the fumes. Mr. Freed wae | Pe0®lit from the Carnegie pension fund - pangenberg § ; : for, Profameors: Thos Seo a toe standing near him at the time, and was startled to see the young--man JEWELLER, ; great Soll [all over to the floor. Me. Freed goted ||¥ lake Partin the wavace for - a Pat up in fancy boxes. : leat Mon with grat presence. of mind, and did a Oa nen the Soralite arp ~N ar 7-8 v ds to a box i depend. in 6 not give a thought to his own danger. veg] ry : a he iberality of the » 33, -8 yards h a X. : % : ee. Issuer of Marriage ¥ { of sironathoN LR Placing ove hand over the end of the| c-bYierians throughout Canada will Allover Lace. Dainty designs, ranging 50¢, 60c, 75¢ yard. : : {not do. They claim that the assembly pipe, out of which the gas was PONr-{ st either unfetter Queen's or he- pamphlet, ed t0 Mra, Pecos, sind tha oy, responsible for its maimtenance. Your Choice To-morrow at the rate of | coox Mewes Ba, ThwonTo, DO omer indie} chell hurried to the scene, and they Afraid Of "M Wax." carried the youny man to the door. At St. Hs geinihe oy aE a ; n---------------------------- wsm------------ | 0 b : : St. - , p., yesterday af- : Ite pire was 11 cked up and a hur ternoon, the 2:20 class race, in which . C ar . hort SO a yet in br 8. Bo W. H. Carson's "May Wax" was again, 3 . M 8 . 8 8, . " . . > t ave tested, 8 fille 3 , : le Wax some time before he got over tha The have Sufitented other Ha ied Sold only In box Ic ngths. We Don't Lose Many Customers for 3 | danger point, As Socn a his condi: not enter against the Kingston mare, Ln. would allow, he was remavec to! which proved too speedy for them his home, and thereibe will he confin- the previous day. "May Wax" is . ed for a few days. This afternoon ha certpinly a wonder. Her owner was v a ove was renorted to be doing nicely. The gered "$4,000 cash for her, but re- : ] fact that arwstance was clese at fused to look at the amount "May ~ ; hand at the time Mr. Comner Was ov- Wax," after trotting at Montreal next : ® Ee AND oe ereome, was the" mbans of saving his week, will be entered at Alexandria, life. [Ottawa and Brockville. She will {then likely appear on New York state Heard Him At Belleville, {rocks ~ " ! " + A good story is being told on James | . Low, clerk at the Randolph hotel. The | Death Of Mrs. Neil McKegg. other morning at two o'clock he was | Myo MeKegg, wile of Neil Meheeg a. action of the general assembly in re- satisfied if the assembly would direct- disturbed from a pleasant little doze tor ' Mis R -------------- E-- . -- -- -- . Which shows that our assortment and by the telephone bell, He replied an sud daughter of ¥:- - S. Honsy "INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | ~~ HAD GRAND RESULTS. TREMENDOUS BATTLESHIP, . Hound it was © nig clerk o the : I ee: , Fo { prices suit all classes. |Quinte Hotel, Belleville, who was call- [1s Sor", hospital Friday a patient | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Local Option Does Splendid Work Will Cost Enormous Sum of £3. jing. ai . sufferer from poeumonia for fourteen Reporters On Their Rounds. } in Orillia. 250,000. SE BE TH EM » Is that you, Jim the Belleville weeks. Deceased was born at Glen- When you need 5 cab 'phone 600. Orillia Packet, Conservative. . | London June 12.-The admiralty p clerk queried. tvale forty-two years ago, but lived in Fancy poxes Ganong s kwvangeline | Focal option h been in force nl ving eclipsed the Dreadnaught els "Yes, sir," was Mr. Low's reply. 'this city most of her life. She was chocolates at Carnovsky's. Orillia for a month and a half Vo lof battleships by the St. Vincent, will "What do you want bothering me at 'an active member of Princess street | I doz. nice lemons and 15 large | The results have been all that could [oo he elegraph, start in i this hour for 7 Methodist church, where she will be | nutmegs for 10¢., at Mullin': [ be desired. The stree i weer © 1 September to eclipse the latter, laying Va Well, said the Uuinte clerk, missed in the good work. Mrs. Me Mrs. Andrew McMahon, Kingston, js | from drunken en re ACT | Low Portsmouth a new leviathan fod Yu Dl ye Sopping Kegy leaves to nou the loss M a |veiting Mrs. Daniel Lrishin, Picton iestze 38. BEATER > itl hea is atymumeny ane sven tar eka "+ 7 * 3 J AY [loving wife and mother a husband and Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner, Orders | Wa 1g » : Vl SCE diglacemen ie Ot Hieent, winch TI FEE EE P4400 0 0400000004440 04 00040004 up here and our guests are complain. { son, era at home, and a davghorr, received at oi 8. 'Phone 778. | without encountering om Te twill be lanuched in October, 1909, | na. Mrs. H. Robinson, Colborne street, Ws J. C. Allen has been re-elected] 'drunks Lin ' only df 19.250 tan and cost about £1 ---- S---- | ff he Randolph hotel man then made also ber mother and father, three sis | district. secretary of the 1. 0. 0. F.|two men under the influence of li F 500,000. The new battieship will prof, . the wires spit blue. ters, Mys. John George, Mount Ches- |for this jurisdiction. {since the 3rd of May, and Ot tably be of 21.000 tons and will gost This Week ney, M#s. James Lee, Harrowsmith, | Do not forget the Y.W.C.A. garden | these was a stranger who had some [£2,250,000. She js intended to be Regrettable Incident. pnd Mary, at home; also two broth: [party to-night, 3 to 10 p.m, 14th [nto town on Empire day: The mo ompdetad Tor sea in eighteen mont] A Bi Sal i Woodstock Sentinel-Review, z ers, Charles, of Willowbrook, Assin., band. Admission 10c. | marked difference is at night After | uiter her keel = laid 1g ec 0 The defeat of Mr. Pense, in Kine land Sidney, on the old homestead. H. Cunningham, piafio' tuner from | midnight wow, the streets are quiet, | i' ston, is one of the regrettable inci- One sister, Mrs. Joseph Stewart, pre- | Chickering's, leave orders at Me [liste Jrmesly disorder aud to, Rast ! To Those Growing Bald. + * ! ; Morris Chairs dents of the election. Mr. Peuse 18 | deceased her four years ago. Aulay's book store. Prag . : . a man of fine character and first rate | : The board of health has been ealled | 2° till nearly morning. There have f. Darepwend, of 'foronto, wil 3 e Was , . rong 2 ong Fag A PAU heen only two arvests for drunks how the latest ples « . " We are closing out some afility. He a ane. of She strong | Married: On Wednesday. to meet thid afternoon. On two pre | 00 atin Job Satine | Sturt the futon pies of hin. tam ) * § oO PO wition in the late . PRE, we of and o« Y hai YON a w Randolph WY osig v riled stra y : | A pretty wedding was solemnized by | viots occasions yecontly, no quorum - onse will doultlons ake . a : ' pretty d gna of fancy legidlajure, and will be greatly need- Rev. C. A. Sykes, on Wednesday, [could be secured. Poser! a iy ill bt! ma F tay, Jame 6th. Everyone is in i ti ' g future offences rare. The predictions » woe these new Paridan and shades in Morris Chairs. od by the little band whose duty jt | Be¥: t= ie , Renfro ies intoreste CA. gi Fe. Sie p ade will be to endeavor to keep the ~ gov- {when Miss Of Labonte, Renfrew, | Eadies interested in Y.W + BBE Lihat business Would suffer. have hoes } Rew York styles, which ornament th 4 ' the "ded t was married to Milton Wart, James den party tonight please send con ol si fier Whatever effect local | i CARPETS. eran § hare Winjority within-sen. | street. The pretty little bride was at- {tribufions to the residence, 196 Joha- emt y Ju } ; : he or s has | i he na Youn Bppearast Also imported lines of sonable bounds. It can scarcely be 3 {option has had on business has beer to the wearer 3 {ti 3 iful gown of cream 'son street. 3 ' I . Yllsnid that party zeal served the coun. (tied in a beautiful g Be i . {for the better. The ond weokness | -------- Tapestry Velvet and Union | try very well when it secured the de. | S80, with hat of pale blue and| Fancy butter beans, Carnovsky's } whith has developed. is due to the pre : . feat of such t ti 8 {plumes to match, and carried a show A large number of Oddfellows and], nes of n Hoensed - hotel at: Atherlov. 1 Special Prices At Mullin's Squares at sale prices, his dervices ars oo mech mon when | or bouquet of roses and carnations. | Rebokahs will go to Cataraqul come- (y/o have heen 'some complaints of | Pest- laundry' starch. 22.) : Also a line of Exminster re a ed. Hos beide was assisted by het sister, } tory Jormarron. sharin, ecole fowdyism on the part of parties | Colluloid or Bee starch, 3 . $ 8 mly abonte, gtlred 1 Us- { the graves Hd depariec rethrem an . dna bh «fre Te te at nich { and Smyrnia Door Matts oat Bouks At Little Cost. ({T0F (tS A ah, ad ar Ir 1 doy ren endl coming home from there late at nig JAMES REID, luda alin supyrights. n- [ried rotes amd carnations. The groom | Good rubber tired cab always when | Going Some { arary sue- | 2 1 » ~ : oC . . 1 oa : 5 "werd wae supported by Frederick Hubbard, | you 'phone 600. po lea? x The Leading Undertaker, | of the fest fer nd which, are lof" hia city. After the. ceremony ithe | Councillor William Fawcett, of Walle peut 150. ghibieats strove Pl 147 : : ne abwamngbls at {bridal party drove to the home' of [ Idand, has sold two Norma Reyal|,™': Tifular Se. to §¥2 ht { : one, de moderale prices. hese books are ' Lo 3 last, vours for 25 Thomas Milly' re All our $0¢c, pur : {all handsomely bound § 16th 3 | the groom where a sumptuous repast | fillies, ane and two years old, to] = tohle Car. Johnson: and Division nr ni racy ine ii vie h With |, waited them. Many beautiful gifts Porth parties for $300 cash. The fillies | M00 sale. i ) ! rover designg, | : i s hi 0 ; ; Ws i ; a ia rs : % 3 : : : .o" were received showing the high esteem | gro by Dr. G. W. Bell's imported Eng. | = RRR PRNORRIYREE |idntical with the original expengive |, "0 pich the young couple 'ure. held. {lich shire and ate beauties oY leditions. There will be a sale for alan wish Mr. and Mrs. Wart a long : a {limited edition only at 48. a copy | i f gy vy 3 . OPY land happy wedded life. A mmnber of : [this week, at McDermott Bros. tr aire ent claim the The Plaintiff Won. : y A -- ---- groom's sister, Miss. Olive Wart, Belle- | © At the county 'court Napanee, gn ac ) It Helps A Place. ville. The happy couple will five on {ticn was Irotght by John 8. Me PPy pi i y Picton Times. James stro, . Yeen, Ringston, an apple dealer, g ; 2 : . Local option eame into force "in the > i d . s { \ : - \ against Elwood .Joyee, Napanee, to [the 25th thoy had de ha He Picked Up The Paper. fecover damages for the lows sustain races and local sports with the larg. | A Hood story is being told about a [ed on a carlond of apples Which tw hs | Kingston traveller who visited Dese- [plaintiff claimed were of an inferior © est attendance "hey ever had. and the . . x X A an > . 1 " : lit ro Th + b & = " One special trade winner of our store is hoy wt Lo ct ta come: dict m favor of the. Dla for Sion 8 = June, July and August * : : i og then : from merchants who handle his 's |30 and recommended that rach party| © y \ > the absolute completeness of our stock their towy, aries them righ. goods. He came out of a stors with pay his own cosis, od on tin Vers \ of - are prepared for It, are sh Specials For M of the papers, which he im- | dict the judge directsd fdoment to, , k oe y be entered after thirty days for the Q. 4 4 We have a'large stock of 3 The Newest Shirts, : ay wile rempyal sale 83 straw | r et. v plaindiff for $172.50, without costs, 0 @ A 5 the best Trunks made in -~ a4 3' A9, 81.75 straw aailots ot ¢ ] we iT Nand 2 : : ; 7 ; Canada, manufactured by the Collars $1.50 straw sailors for #1, and others : ) Sheet Music, At 7c. A Copy, 7. BT largest and best factory in hn ries Sumi ' at 2c, 0c. and 73. Thomas Mills Paper For one day only, Saturday, June % Canada. Our goods are fresh ou cu shh Ca. : : : pick it up 13th, there will be on sale the lai 4 § : and you will find the prices Are always here, with never any question two-steps, new waltzes and new popu- low. in regard to style and quality and always / "It 'sometimes costs moner to think ur song pp nel Dally : Suit Cases, Club Bags, also : Sey ' 3 Dear, and Tap o'sthe Shawl Straps, Trunk Straps ; y > aL : 4 : about doing things hére instead of |, - Can ** - an advantage for you in regars. to price, x ain the coma the cet," het Neon al Tea owl 4 | ff rin he. drvimner $C refused to pick . my hits 3 and swore Sut b sunmans for the Tickadtn ne i ray Sum. X or 0, 3 belly: % Sunday or. Nodes. | Only Fx ne