Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1908, p. 7

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§ ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1208. Ee -- eR -- . -- " - .. Anite ORE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. CAME It BLOWS A 0000 0000000000000 OTOOOOV0VO0D COO000000000 | ¢ BIRLS Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up 3y ; Reporters On Their Rounds." [MQ 3 CUT GLASS 4 3 - i X : 4 Samuel Massey returned to his homg & uy : FACTORY. at Umpah, posterday, ; o os Mrs. J. W. Beall, William street, is Wi gn One of the Girls Severely Injured-- | in Orillia, visiting her Scent son. 3 A » ! : mini Just fourteen more school days, and rriva Sn Sanasoque's Bo on, Day then all the 'kiddies' will be hap rT We have just received a' large shipment ot the very latest designs in fine cut glass. The new "Oregon" cutting is the most artistic pro- | { duct of the kind that ' we have ever had the good fortune to secure. 4 We have it in a variety of articles and will be pleased to show them 4 to our patrons. They FIGHT IN A GANANOQUE] For best rubbertired rigs ring 490. New 'Celebration--Two District Wed- Thy Marshalls of = Syrorise oo ! / dings. been spending a few days in Kingston Gananoque, June 12.--An exciting in- and vicinity. op ) : or cident oceurred yesterday, in the "Ladies dressing combs. : Good : woras of the Domtinion Steel: and | strong ones are sold at Gibson's Red Wire company, when two of the fe- | Cross Drug Store. x Toh 230. \, Q male operators got into a mixup, | Cape Viccent, NX. is to be merry. a ur a and came to blows. Quite a scuffle en: | on July 4th, and will have all sorts of sports including horse cacés and - sud before they could Le parted. One aired inthe police court in the meay | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun- Canvas Boots, all sizes, 65, future. tain. : A pretty wedding took place at the Charles MeArthur, sentenced at Ke- Roman Cathglic church at Brewer's [#ora, to four years in the penitenti- » Mills, on Monday, when Michael Mc- v, for theft, was brought here to- \ . ' ie - 4 75 and 85c. | - i Children's Brown Shoes %/$ |! ' at special prices. 60c, Thc Kinnear &d Esterre and $1.00, 3 {€ || Cor Princess and Well- | $ i ington Sts. Donald of Melcombe was united to | 98) . A , : Miss Sweet, of Bogart, came to the Miss Mary Murray of Brewer's: Mills. city, last night, and was removed to em {is ce many pur pnfored' ty Wen] £18 ant igs, S00 gus evo te ony the bridal ; repail dor appendicitis. : La mony the bridal party repaired to the The genuine Coco Cola is dispensed Men's White Footwear, $2.00 and 2.50. Women's White Canvas Shoes, $100, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. San Children's White Canvas ' Shoes, 90c., $1.00 we aa to $1.35 for real good quality. Cheaper grades, %|Synopsisof Canadian Northwest T5e HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. home of the brides parents, Where a repest was served. The bride. was the | 2¢ Gibson's Réd Ctoss Drug Store i - fountain. weeipitnt of many costly and heauti- ae aid a pels, Na Sma |e hon, Tork, format * lo spend their honeymoon in the ston, is in-the city renewing old Es acquaintgnees. £ At the Roman Catholic elfurch, Wab- ol . br at pe a od ch Weds, ray I'he morning, there was no session : Miss Jennie *daughten of of the police court. Nq_ggrests were } . 4 mornin ns 2 + yesterday. A lone tram w 4 Mr. and Mrs. Cronker, Selton, was made I for ha ight p. Vea La 3 tmited in marriage to Dennis Domevan, » cream made | froin pure cream son of Michael Dongean, of Las anh dispensed in polished glasses at downe township, by' Rev, Father Ca- Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ery, of Gananoque, : A truancy case was reported to the At the town hall last evening, the ice, yesterday. and the lad. was vd, outned public meeting from Tues located and 'sent to school. Few day evening last was held, In the chances to play "hookey' these days? minion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, Men's and Women's Tan Oxfords in buckles | . . | an t reserved, and laced styles. All just arrived for Saturday, [23 in Sewerved, a family, or male over 18 Yoars to the extent of one-quarter secti r A NY even-numbered section of Den 60 acres, more or less. < . - 9 (| Application for ho: entry must smnimeert A TT senate be made in person My the applicant at & 4 1 h Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency, © alisence of May or fleCaminon, Michuel The K. & P. railway has arranged | Bntey by proxy may, however, he ma ie MeParland was, elected chairman, anc NOPE f {at an Agency on certain conditions by the » for an excursion to the Thousand Is SS ENOABLE {father, mother, son, daughter, brother of | ister of an intending homesteader. are v i lars Allen suéretary, The Sguinitice lands on July 4th, from Snow Road, OES appointed to look into the advisabil- |, ¢, Kingston. The excursion will be ~~ I 'An 3 vi application for eancellation must be N. ity of attempting to hold % celebra- pleasant. InaS in person. The applicant must be fot ¢ ton on July Ist, reported that they Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid | isthe for homestead entry. - DUTIES. --(1) At vould arrange for a---fremen's demon- [assortment of gents' furnishings and least oix months: stration Irom 9 to 12 a.m., Napanee, [ready-made clothing at low prices. The . " k -- . residence upon and cultivation of the' f} aingston, Clayton, Alexandria Bay | order department is well assorted with | Tv ei A year during the term of EEE and hedwood, being likely to takd| ew goods. First class value and fit I ty A" homestandar may, it he %0 dn % part; in the afternoon for baszball at guaranteed. [siren, perform the required residence oo 5 the driving park, apd two or thre: Nearly all the delegates to the NO HONING-=NO GRINDING sien by living on farming land owned $10.00 Coats for $5.00 %15.00 Coats for $7.50 rood horse rates" TH repert was un- Rissignary tonterente of the Moutreal h | meron jn. exteuit, al han alg ty no) ir ¥ Jimously accepted. . ethodis conlerence pave returned 4 ' omestead. Joint ownership in land will 1250 " "695 17.50 + "5.75 |N promamme.of eh sporis wk be {he he toeniet eee, iu CARBO MAGNETIC". Rot Tk" ls iret (rovided with Mayor MeCammon as | terms of the convention, and Were (8) It the father (or mother, W the 6.50 2000 < « 10,00 JJ |Beirman, Clacin "Alen seretary, and | mc pleased With thes sing. in she THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION. short, ecard, os Womertioder ba8 A) » ~n 5 . . . . iecrye K. Taylor, tressirer, Some | city. {wWned solely by him. not leas thas slenry #350 had already le n subscribed, |e "Take them to camp with "ou" Are you Interested in a better Razor than (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of the seillitz powders, in a tin box Only you have? : thomestead. or upon a homestead snte . " fore thirgswas a certainty of celgbrat- for .by him in the vicinit % : ' ' . ity, such hom $ 10.00 Suits for $ 2.00 ny. On fotion of Charles glavdenald =, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug if 80, your dealer will deliver to you a'"CARBO 3 steader may perform his Swn Ponliente = " " - t wa® unanimously decided Mo request |'Store, : : mM " » ho duties by Mving With the father (ue 15.00 7.50 Mayor McCammon to appoint Monday Principal Gordon, on Sunday last ACNETIC Razor on thirty days' trial mother). ' vs T : : ¥ . 5 i E 4) The t ' - hy August 17th as Civic holiday, when a | preached in Knox: chgrch, Winnijer. without obligation on your part to purchase. |§ pair Sem vidnhys in the te 20.00 $e s 10.00 whole day of aquasic sports wil be [The Free Press says the sermon was T "CARBO MAGNETIC" Razors don't = x Ing not more than mine miles in & diFect . i i 3 i » ble fcr beauty f disti | Une. arrenred with the Fastern Ontario | remarka « aunty of ciction. ull--others will! i Yachting Association here, to help on | Many members of the large audience P SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH \ ' tho day. His worship in reply stated were in Knox church during the years S Get one to day and you'll have 0 WEST MINING REGULATIONS, . that he had much pldysure in comply- j of his pastorate. Xl WO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES fL Mr a tisine rights aye We Logon, Ring. abioet was re:] = RB E500 dered cn 38 Ba 20" ne api - J. W. Logan, g ' : ' | 2.560 acres can be leased to one applies moved to Breekville General Hospital, WS OF NEWBURGH. | cant, Royally, five cents per tomy I -- AP 1 H hr fic | aqua ester nw rious ic " : 1, ff I 7 JARTZ.~A person eig o yesterday, for.a serious surgical op Bridge Pulled Down and Traffic (gu i 9 Ab LL lage andigver having ror dincovery : eration. The government supply boat may loca a clai L800 feet by 1.500 + ' Wi Ww DISF LA Y Reserve, wes in port yesterday, with . Impeded. : " RAZO} . i Sleim hot Loh 4 suppl s for the adjacent lighthouses. Newburgh, June }11.--~The game of Mining Recorder YWhan Irving Rouse, of Ithaca, N.Y., hus | baseball = between - the locals and | ppm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, N.Y. $500.00 has been expended or pald and urrived and taken possession of his | Stratheona, played here, on Saturday other requirements complied with the t a ssidenc Rlack Duos 1s: | last, was we biggest kind of bur : 69-71 BROCK STREET, {claim may be purchased at $1.00 an jummer residence on a lesque, the Jocals pe 25 Fy For sale by Mc Ivey & Birc ' KINGSTON, ONT. | acre. : . 4 1 of them is mgorted es being sever ly | baseball. = . Boys' and Men's Gre 13] d . : injured. I ie Site wil probably be Try *'chocolate walout sundae," at \ y y 1 wake Bue wedding fim o Mr. and Mrs. 3 land for the season PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, - - me 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00, ' i : 2 Oliver Adams and family of Toronto, Me, ed Bhs; C. H. Finkle and Mr : ud " asidenc s Mrs. Ryan, drove to Kingst = pe -- a have sened up their new residenc | anc Mrs yan, gston, iD a i - Tay fond for the season. on 1 uesday afternoon, to hear Mrs wach of a river may ve Toned 10 one mes 5 He ® e Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gibson, King Loslio Carter in "Du Barry." Mrs. J. | Rion for a term of 20 years. Heutal, 33 oA : i i p ) Denyes and Miss Elizabetl H . 10.00 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24) et, spent some time this week in . : Miss Elizabeth Hum 4 rion Alexander Amo, Jr., who | phries aré in Bowmanville, this week, Per cent after the Sutius saieeds 436M o * pe 5 sndi bo y n . . iY, has been spending the past few months Attending the convention of the Wo i Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ; n New Liskeard if spending a short | man's 1ssionary Society of the Meth- N.B.-- Unauthorised publication of this iin here with his parents, Mr. aml odist chureh. Miss Limbert spent a or en | advertisement will not be paid for. . 31a A Amo. Oak sirogt. couple of days in Napanee this week . Y fay he : - George F. Hill and 8. P. Fitzmartin . . vols." were in Napanee, on Luesday, as jury There has been no chocolate produced in «Dandy Dixie Minstrels. r Tin Oxto. .s, rubber sole, of men, at the county court | | country equal to With the same big compan Rev. R. Duke returned from confer- . $3.50 slever colored performers who enter- 1° 3 dav n the. ve . tained New York audiences on the | S000 0, Munda, During the vent | White Canvas Oxfords, rubber sole, 2.50 New York theatre rosf garden OF | host of friends on the Newburgh cir- three months, the Dandy Dixie min cuit, who greatly regret his departure White Canvas Boots, rubber sole, - 2.50 20c. PER GALLON 9 trels, headed by the famous Cotton The new pastor, Rov. M. Sexsmitk . Cowan S Pickers' band, will be seen: at the comes highly : recommended, and will White Canvas Boots, leather sole, $1.50 to $3 ir 3 day, June 13th, mati- a irand on Saturday, ne MN likely preach his first sermon here on | wo] h Put in your tank at our we and night. ; Sunday evening. July 5th. Mr. Beal y - Nothing quite so stupendous in addressed the high and public schools We have a full stock of Running Shoes & Boots | Dock. We always have in ninstrelsy has evér been attempled by Puesda last oiub Gordon a Nhite. Blue 1 Black {fj stock Spark Coils, Spark + colored aggregation before. The Srey rng youn se n { Yrastas mn \ hite, ue anc ack, \ | Plugs, Columbia Dry Batter otton Pickers' band is a specially Storey, is RE ill "with a p endi {ff "les, ste. ganized coterie of solo Iupicians, citis. . Messrs. P.' D Sete) iit REID & CH A RI ES Repairs promptly attended ta 4 i h id who sithee on parade, 5 ee ais Neshit, Roland Duke and Perey Pat 5 to. igre lis. Per ormantes or of a Slafe rso ROCHE sitions o JOS mm > TNT Y Jy { This is a confection every one should buy. have won the proud distinction of be- | {LO he Yave secured positions on 111 PRINCESS ST. - KINGSTON. [J ee------ . ing the only colored band to have received orders. this week t . i f, . N aers, 0 Join |= ow - a. " - a played in New York for three conse- their ship at Kingston, on 26th inet Selby & Youlden, Ltd, ne a-- - cutive months. \ Mr. Dalton, of Kingston, spent Sun EE ---- " - - -- ---- ---- The serformance - begins with "Ne g . rinkle's ie hich ant x | 3 . BAEELISLEL00000000000 000000000 S8LL8808 |macniticont first part, the seem being | nig tt C0 H- Finkle's. The high aad The ra nd Duchess | en |] Ringston Foundry | | THE COWAN CO.. Limited TORONTO an elaborate setting in the Royal rd inst. A large number of entrafice » ar The i i - ' . Palm Grotto. The ohio features, num candidates are expected to write, here, ber ten big acts. Watch for the i 3 on that examination, which beging on { " rand sitwet Jurade #¢ wou, Mth inst. Miss Carlotta Convert, Fin Is the Corset 0 he 3] PRICE gvidvg | HEI THE BEST derprise, : snent a few days fast week ? fu 1gares | \ MN V7 | If you wish to be successful at- Genuine Panama Hats. with Miss Fleda Denyes QUALITY RIGHT tend The A 5 OG dros' The big bridge was pulled down, on ois § > . IN WOMEN'S From 8 up, ai Camphell Bros', WedneaY, avd wnkil fle Armporaty Hany expert lady corset fiieghave | & i Kingston Business . : + v h is ereote: : , re SS 2 the | : A al | Grand Cane, La., | bridge is erected mo rigs can get | expressed their appreciation o | es UANTE f , | 4 special from Gran ane, La Ww ms TY. | College > SHOES say thd Red tiver has broken through | across from the south. The temporary style, fit and lasting qualities of the | Limited, head of Queen wireet, 4 the levee near Westdale, submerging | structure, which is to be built just : "yee | + CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE bi 3 chess Corset, 25,000 geres of growing crops and | east of the old one, will be ready for Grand Duchess Corset business school, Hookkeeping, drowning much stock. Westdale is in| traffic in a few dave. The Salvation | shorthand, typewriting, tei P. Walsh, Coal Dealer! graphy, and all commercial s i Red River parish. about forty miles | Army held an ice an Sein) in the ons Shre pw barracks, on Wednesday evening. - Ao : - eH south-east of Shreveport. new =a Wood's Ph BARRACK STRE/ subjects thoroughly taught by i i 3 % he Engl i Lomedl RE competent, experisnced teachers, The French define a Will Give At Homie. CH rs a ti dainty Siamese Day and aight classes. Fnter at ho i . Portland, Jufie 10.-The village is Bervona system, Dukes pew | ue any time lates very moderate, lady as one w is "well 2a pan - the election campaign Debitit pivod a | Yelns, Soren Ners HAVE YOUR | we iPhone, 440, . ~ dy, Mental ond B orry, Des . ALPE P hod and well loved." is over. A number from here sre at-| Sade Lornat Weakness, Emisvions Spon | TH. F. METCALFE, President. = 8 if ' tmding thé two. days horse faces, in are gi i of Abuse or Excosnes Windows Decorated | J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ' No costume, however 4 Smith s Falls. Rdgar Howton" Relta, milf eurd "did by ail droscinin or ith fine it may be; will cover called on friends here on Sunday Ly n {HERE Mrs. W. Seott who bas ben very ill Med cine | the neglect of good v if avalos: Wi. Lams wep 1a New bs a Frwin, ons | GL A ClIER | : i g H on itu 8 } % shoes. ~~ biogs wp by bom on Monday, Mint ily Gain a WE slr 2s owe Deseronto Asparagus : "4 pV Fs . WORTER. » i ifferen - 2 Sunday in the village. A number from Use. Big 6 for sanature | JUST ARRIVED. so LL Colas She diferces be bv tentang 0 che git |D, J. DAWSON "pojar= Successor to Dawson and Staley, 17] tween just shoes and shoes of qpality and PY] | Brockville on the 19th. The steamer Tove mentite distinction, come here for ideal shoes-- hdr] | Antelope runs daily excursions from Noy? ST Princes strvut Pienaar t | THE FINEST YET | oes i : 1 | Smith's' Falls here, Me. and Mrs. R. -l Shoes shat sue f } t Willis, Smith's Falls, sent uw Victor and Berliner Gramo . wii are no dissatisfied wearers of our the guests of Me and Mes. W. H. Beanie Machine fe ny b 1 fing o low i ae Instrumeny a. Music, over bi We =) the same Boe i % : i PRN J en The Another Consignmest. = i -- ; This week we are offering three lines of in Murphy's. Hall, "tn. Today pent. | Of Panama hats wae this morsing| "Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints SPECIAL NOTICE. Chocolate and Tan Colonials and Pumps, The young men are ure. to have ev. | received at Campbell Bros'. ur guaranteed). Thess Jaints rel best American make of $4 shoes. All sizes eyshing wees 3 People who murmac symp helically Ee ary Sakis, wih bad = a i : . > ? ver your tale of woe do it only to surface, : under bye : ; at Men's Pine Panama Hats. PA in until they can get a chance to |For ---- be Nanri ay Sapoge, | T0/ the Ladies of Kingston : . x / sed values, $5 at Campbell | unbosom re Jd A. HA [pf Bave removed to the former 8 ue up, p unhote a poplar. with STRAC N. {Board of Education rooms, Mou - themselves that other folks feel in the jtreal street, corner Princess. Re- way: "JUST IT." (member the place. . Face creams and latiom for tan and " v a Buy. them at Gibson's. Red \ J. ROSEN, Cross Drug Store. "Phome 230, LADIES' TAILOR. : . { as y : Fr \ ¥

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