Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1908, p. 3

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0000000000000 000OVVOCTVOOVOH COQUOOCOO000000d » 258 or our Summer Verandah --That most comfortable sp ot of all-on a warm summer evening, : wi » Cushion Tops--in every conceivable va- riety, and priced so agreeably and. unus- can afford' to re-clothe all the old pillows, and add many' new ually, that you ones, There's nothing so luxuriously soething, when you're disposed to lounge, as the soft puffiness of many cushions--and these hundreds of pretty cushion tops will de- light every woman who cares for, Deauty, as well as comfort, Bateens and Cretonnes and every, kind of serviceable wash material. are shown some are light, some dark, and many are in the soff tones between;«both figured and stamped--with figures: and floral.de- signs and ideal heads. Cushion Cords, too--hundreds of yards of the finest kind-- with tassels, ropes--and ~ » 000000000 ro ---- RR EE EE Rs everything else that can add to the beauty and charm of the cozy corner. CRUMLEY BROS. QO000000000000000000000 000000000 0000000000000 NEW FOOT WEAR On SATURDAY 1 will open out a ge stock of new goods for Ladies, Children, Men and Boys. You Are Invited to See This Fine Stock. A. E. HEROD THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 286 Princess St. ON SIGNAL WATCH, Experience That Makes a Sailor's Heart Hot. It is customary for a marn-of-war to fire 4 national salute (21 guns) when- ever she enters go foreign port, saysa writer in St, Nicholas. The port yok: nowledges the salute, gun for gun. 'This time in entering Yeddo Bay we were requested to waive the salute, | me, asked why 1 wad sihere. | grebabiy. because we comp so often it | like one of the family coming home to dinner. The emperor's birthday w similar to 364 other festivals annual ly celebrated in Tokio that it is' not worth chronicling, 1 saw their royal highnesses the emperor and the em- press, but so have millions of others, and the pageant impressed me loss than a little affair of my own that subsequently occurred. 1 was on signal watch on the after noe officer four feet ing shorewatd through his binoculars zs the admiral's bar rowed straight for the ship. At the r moment he commanded, ""Bug- r, call the guard." 'hen all. the red tape required ta get an admiral aboard. was unwound. This geocom- plished Lieutenant Dorn came at me irly foaming at the mouth, 'What are you doing om the bridge?" he wp anh on signal watch, wir. " "Then why Hecate Sou saw it, sir' or saw it | What right have mn to say I saw it?" Yor saw Jou} looking at it through Yon d that 1 was look ire s barge: you have am Taking at, Your doty was to have reported to me what you raw com ing toward the ship, Faiting ew |laoked like pirates, Was 80 very { where to find Their crime was 'smoking out of hours, # To return to.amy own case: On 'riday night Lieutenant Dorn sent for me and gave me a kindly talk, wind- ing op with the promise that he would make a sailor out of me. 1 was on the showe list for the next morning, but for reasons of niy own tarried on the ship. This same officer, noticing an j swered : "Broke, sir!" ." He told me to go to his room apd $10, which I was to ashore as quickly as pos- it take, get sible, and ngt to forget to return on the next pay favs Charlemagne Tower, Piitsharg Dispatch. At the Philadelphia delphian adverted to Tower's. great popularity with the kaiser and the German court. "It is not surprising," he said, "Mr. Tower has a pretty wit! 'My sister, who lives in Berlin, tells me the kaiser, inviting Mr, Tower to dif' with: him informal: ly, called him in the invitation 'the most on map. in Berlin." Mr. Tower in ly said : "The mest en- ged man in Berlin will be but too Bary to dine with the most engaging one." » Campbell Bros', Summer Hats. v Are the ones that have made the hig it, club a Phila: Charlemagne in rey © Witness. There is in the northern part of Nadigghear the most remarkable na- THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG, o-- FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1908. NEWS OF DISTRICT LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City and Vicinity--Other Briet Items of Interest Easily Read And Re membered, he gShuual meeting of Leeds county w.C. .» will be held in Athens, on a re and 19th Miss H. M. Shipman, trained nurse, late of Carleton Plave, was married June 3rd, in Roxbury, Mass, to George Myc Keen, of Boston. W. B. Adams, Westport, was elected DDGM, of St. Lawrence district, 1.O.0.F., end Westport was decided up- on as the next place of meeting. Miss Mary J. McCBray. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McCurdy. Drum- mond, graduated as a trained nurse from St. Luke's Hospital, Ottawa, on Thursday The township of Kitley has lost one of ils very oldest residents in the death on Friday of Harrison Coolidge. He had reached the venerable age of eighty-six years. The marriage took place in Brock. ville, on Wednesday, of Miss Appa Maud, second daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. P, Doyle, Maitland, to William McEathron, Brockville, Mrs, J. D, Koowlton, an elderly re- gident of Crosby, died on Wednesday night, at the advanced age of seventy- five years. Her husband and a large grown-up family survive, » At the residence of William Staf- ford; Lyn Station, on Wednesday, the marriage took place of his eldest daughte r, Miss Etta, to George Rob- inson, son of Joseph Robinson. 'The engagement is announced of Miss Minnie Shaw (formerly of Leeds) to Burt Conway, Winnipeg. The wed- ding will take place at All Saints' chureh, ip that city, on June 30th. John 8% MéDonald, known to many in Lanark, and lately of Arville, N.D., has rented his farm and entered into partnership with his son-in-law, Mr. Carney, as proprietor of Hotel Smith, at Ray, N At the close of the exercises of the Methodist Sabbath school, Athens, on Sunday, Mrs. (Rev) 8S. J Hurhes was presented with an address, accom- panied by a pair of goldbowed glasses and a pearl crescent. The residence occapied by Mr, pert near Sidney Crossing, and own- ed by Mr. Duffin, of Belleville, was bursed to the ground last week, Mr. and Mrs. Rapert lost everything, in cluding a piano, gold watch, new fur- niture, Sothen, In Trinity church, Brockville, Wed- nesday, Miss Mary Lenna, duu hter of Horton Davis, a well-to-do farmer liv- ing on the sixth concession of Eliza- bethtown and Edmund J. Kerr, a pro- minent young resident of Montreal; were married. On Wednesday last a pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Rob- ert MoDowgall, Poland, when his youngest sister, Sophia, was united in matrimony to William Paul, son of Moses Paul, popular young farmer of Poland One of Lanark's most familiar fig- ures; James Spenre, passed away, on Monday, after a short illness. De- ceased had been troubled with his heart. James Spence was born Aug- fist 20th, 1861, at Pately Bridee, Yorkshire, England. We came to Can- ada twenty-six years ago, The death oecurred at Brockville on Wednesday of Capt. Stephen Griffin, Alexandria Bay. Recently Capt. Grif fin stamblad ani ful on the sidewalk in his native village, producing an injury to one elbow, Nothing was thought of it at the time, but com- plications developed requiring his re- moval to Brockville for treatment. Finally blood poisoning set in and he pass d away suddenly yesterday. Cap- tain Griflin was seventy-three years of age. On Mondav the sad intelligence came of the sudden death of Mrs, Os. Me- Lenaghen, at MéDonald's Corners. Owe of her bovs was awakened hy his mother's moans, and with the assist- ance of his little brother thev sum- moned the neighbors, who procured medical assistance, but it proved of no avail, as she passed away a few hours afterwards, Ra Point Road Budget. Point Road, June 11.--The dry wea- ther is making the farmers think, as Crops were DEVET 1a a more serious condition than at present. The farm- ers are afraid to do any planting as it is useless unless it rains, as the seed will not sprout. H. H, Reynolds had six majority at No. 1 poll, Barriefwld, which is an unusual thing for a grit. Joseph Me- Gfath has completed the cement walk into James Baxter's house, which adds ghenily to his handsome residence, B. ilmot's new cement verandah is a great improvement. L. Wood and 0. Murray, chatnpion runners, rounded up ten miles in fifty-five minutes, They will certainly make Longboat step be- fore the season is over. They intend starting in the Gananoque race on Dominion day. H. Lebeup spent Sun- day on the banks of the Ridean rusti- cating. His physician has ordered him tots of ¢ exercise for his health. Misa CG, Ruttan, who was taken ill with appendicitis and operated om in the Gemeral Hosp tal, some. couple of weeks ago, is rap idly recovering and will be home in a few days. J, Done aldson, Joyceville, spent Sunday at W. Woods, Toy pistols 'and tetanus promise to bene chummy as ever the coming t) § 4 tion to i Cy JHAmusemends. SATURDAY, JUNE 13th. Bargain Matinee, 2.30, Evening, 8.18, VOELCKEL & NOLAN'S DIXIE MINSTRELS Best All Star Negro Show. " 80--Re-' fired Jokers--80. Great Palm Grotto First Part, Vaudeville Olio, Afterpiece, Prize Band, Singers and Dancers, Grand Street, Parade at Noon. ° Bargain Matinee, Children Adults, 25e¢. Evening, 15e¢., 25¢,, 35¢., S0e, Seats now on sale; (ARE (ONTARIO, PAA) Commencing June 13th Until June 20th. Cars will run to Park, from 1 p.m., until 7.30 p.m. 15¢. ; Saturday children's one cent day. BLJOU SATURDAYS, AT 10 AM; OPEN On FRIDAY "THE MAGNIFICENT SCRIPTURAL TRAGEDY" "JUDITH AND HOLOPHERNES." PRINCIPAL, CHARACTERS, HOLOPHERNES, General of Babylonian Arm BA-SHUR, Holofernes oS worite JUDITH, A Highborn Jewish Lady. AK-BU-ZAR, Holophernes' Chief Officer OZIAS, The Jewish High Priest and SATURDAY, + Nobles, aves, Oitigens, Nubian Flders Slave-girle, Priests, Warriors, Fan-bearers, ote, # NIFICENT 8 MAG SCENERY, FINE Al TING, ASSY RIAN se LENDOR, OTHER ATTRACTIONS. NO. A Rattinmg ATTRACTION 2 "A Married Man's Comedy, entitled Holiday. ATTRACTION NO 3. Pine Trave logue, "A Day In Gay Paris'* ATTRACTION NO 4 Song, There's Another Pieture Mother's Frame." THE KING EDWARD THE PALACE OF AMUSEMENT. Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts | -- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. "THE ASTROLOGER" This is a beautifully colored filmi. The gradual changing of colors and objects Is simply marvelous. ' 5 'THE PROFESSOR'S SECRET" Shows haw the Professor fhoculates his wany patients, with Monkey's. Blood. The result is too laughable to explain in print, Come and see for yoursell, Soloists : C. B. S. HARVEY, Basso. H. J. BRISTOL, Baritone. MRS. LESLIE HUGHES, Pianist. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager. Itlustrated In' My Sc. Only Two .Places To Go bec. Wonderland And Home PICTURES. "BILL THE BILLPOSTER"" Comedy, "A LOVER'S RUSE" Or how a. persistent wooer. finally wins, Drama, "WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN," sung by Clare Smith. ; ALL THIS WEEK, DERDAS Juggler and Trick Card Performer THE MEMBERS OF CATARAQUL Kingston and Granite Lodges and the Daughters of Robecca are requested to meet at their Hall, on SATURDAY, 13th inst., at 2 o'clock and préceed to Cataraqui Cemetery' 'to de¢prate the graves of deceased Brothers and Sisters All visiting Oddfellows are invited: 2 F. A. KILPATRICK, Secretary of Committee. The Editor's Table. "The Romance of, the Reaper," by Besburt, N. Casson; Doubleday, Page , New York; 184 peges. £1. Here sted in At ive, form the nside history, = Sor ft vears. of ohe of the greatest American businesses, the manufacture of agricultural machinery, Jt reads more [ike a tale of "The | Arabian Nights' than the detail of practical activities. It isn alse informing and reassuring in C its portrayal of the vast henefits devived bv nations from the use of laborsavieg machines. Thera is an inspiration for every re- eruit of industry, in this exposition of the results of enterprise. oyunn Hall, The Maid of the Mask, A Tals of Rothenburg," Ly Ray Palmer Baker; William Briegs, Toron- to: 100 pages. A very welcome 'addi. the best class of literature and a promising advent into the fi are . but preliminary coniposi- igus, 3 4 mary wi work is pro- m = 5 An Unalloyed Joy. ; Often the enjoyment of what we eat and driok is allored by om. the CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a Berd. Each cob secutive' msertion thereafter half cent s word. Minimum gr Fe for one in sertion, 23c. ; three insertions, Soc; six, $1; one month, WANTED-FEMALE. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO washing. Apply in the evening, 10 Mrs. T. McKean Robertson, 82 Lower Union St. HOUSEKEEPER FOR WORKING MAN with small family. Middle-aged wo man preferred. Good wages. Apply to Box "LC, H.,s Whig olive, WANTED---GENERAL. GIRLS AND BOYS. TEN STRONG Crothers Co, The W. J, ALSO A CHAMBERMAID, AT ONCE ] Apply young man for night porter Hritish-American Hotel office. PLATN ESRWING DONE, OF ANY Call or write to Mrs. Cayless, Bus King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work, All kinds of work promptly dome. F. J. Birch Elgetrician, 206 Wellington . street. BOOKS. TO KEEP experienced Ap FEW SETS OF at night by competent bookkeeper. Charges moderate. ply to * Bookkeeper," Whig office, oUT OF ! A JOB CLEANING ASHES yards or cellars, og other carted. Prices fhe eo 22 Lytle, General FURNITURE TO FINISH OR RF finish. Prices moderate. Good work an! W. H, Whittingham, Cor. ot and Queen Sts, Kilpatrick's Old Stand, GENTLEMEN TO GET Suits made at Gallo- way's. Sty price and finish guar: anteed to Cy 181 Brock St next to Bibby's Livery. DRESSY their Sprin NEWMAN & SPRICGS FLBOTRIC co are making a study of lightin homes and public buildings bot wit Gas and Ejestricity, they invite you to consult them. All advice cheerful- A given free of charge. Nickel and Iver Plating. Newman & Spriggs, Hinctrie Co., 79 Princess Sty "Phone, PERSONAL. PHYSIOAL CULTURE AND SWIM- ming classes are being conducted in Queen's University © ymnasium, by Prof." Palmer, Specialist in Hemedial Work, also assage, Mencing. Office Hours, 11 to 12 am., 4 to 6 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Now Groceryand Dairy| Specials in Teas Teas and Coffees LOST. sp ANTE TO-LET. FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, Songs for furniture, ete. McCann' A RED COCKER r to BOG, BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR. nished at Morton, oa the Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock St. NOS. 77 79. ALFRED STREET, all fmprovements. Possession lst May. Apply A. B. Cunningham. SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, on St. Lawrence and Rideau. Apply to MeCenn, 51 Brock street. and HAVE and OWNER ling at Advi FOR SALE. CANOPY TOPPED seals. Apply to street. CAN A WATCH Whig office same bY oa paying for CARRIAUE, TWO McCann, 51 Urock JOHNSON ST. redecorated, Ap- BRICK HOUSE, #17 modern conveniences, gas for cooking, "new plumbing ply 419 Johnson St. TWO GOOD HOU SES oe y 62 Wellington sur Cunningham LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. change No, 118 Brock St Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Estate new, used only 8 wonths, Apply Broker, 93 Clarence street. J. R. C, Dobbs, 109 Brack St T - FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOHNSON St. | VOCRIR SEANIEL PUPPIES (RLACK 2 bathrooms, hot aug cold Watap and nicely marked. 3 ne By i Nd gas heating on each flat. or par- ow : HERE oh fre ticulars, apply on the premises, hn red stock. Apply 109 Princess A JEWELL GAS RANGE, GOOD AS to ROUTE, WITH WAGGON in first-class order best of ¢ reason fur' sell Whig office. GOOD MILK and cans, fifteen milch cows in dition. Satisfactory ings Apply Box MN. T.. HOUSE FOR THE centrally located apply in the St. near FURNISHED sumer months For further particulars, evening, to 58 William King St FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI. ture, goods, ett. Separate rooms and our own Jock and key, W. G. Frost, Biorage Agent and sarringe Painter, i St. "Phone, 53 FOR THE MONTH OF JU INE 1 wit L offer the balance of stock, cons MLing of Buggies, Runabouts Ntanhopes and Business Waggons, at a reduction of the regular selling price, from ten to twenty-five dollars, ¥ you want to got Aa good rig at a low price, now is your chance. James [aturney The Carriage Maker, Princess Nt. Queen LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZFD BRIGHT well ventilated rooms, for the sum mer in "The Residence "' di inter- section of West, Fari and Clergy Sts, 174 Farl street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any viher company offers Examine thet at Godwin's lusurasce Emporium, Mark, ot Square. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHAMARKS, warts, etc, removed permanently, without scar. Twenty years' experi ence. Dr. Bler J. Lake, Eye, Ear Nose, Throat and Skin Blemisi Specialist, 358 Bagot street. LONDON AND CLONE Company, Available agvets $61,187,215 In addition t which the policyholders have for security tha usiimited lability of alk the stockholders, Farm and ity pro- party insured at lowest possible rates. Hefore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, 668 LIVERPOOL, Fire lusurance SITUATIONS VACANT. eo ---------- re ---------- NE N AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn iwelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops, Cone stant practice. Careful jostructions. Few weeks complete course. Cata- logue free. rite Moiler Barber College, Toronto. 'Phone, SITUATIONS WANTED, DELIVERY DRIVER WANTS STEADY job, Knows city well; at liberty Sat urday Apply Mr, Juffs, 15 Ridean St ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. XPERIENCED MATERNITY NURSE Wants nursing oy week or month First-class references from the lest medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkius, 243 Montreal street. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT . ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. Phone, 845. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. ARCIMTECT, OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. flee, sesond f0br over Mahood's Dru store, corner Princess and Bag streets. Entrance on Bagot brid 0, "Phone. 608. WM. NEWLANDS 8, KIRKPATRICK IRBT FER Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence Si. WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, on co---- THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C, W. CASSON. Where To Find God. Would you find God 7 You will find for Saturday. We have a few Chests of Tea, which we will sell 4 Ibs, 5 Ibs. 30c. Japan Tea . Old Government Java Colles, at . de. 85¢. Black for $1 $1.00 . agen . -- per ib 3 Sealers Jam - 3 Sealers Jelly ... . 6. 3 Tins Peas .. 8 Tins Corn 20¢ Fruits and Vegetablen "of alk kinds Pineapples, from 10¢. up to 20¢ Bananasi from . to 20e. per dor Oranges, from to 30c, per doz Kirk & Lee, 277 and 281 Princess streets Telephone, No. 417, 15. -20¢ COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What Is Going On In The Business World. Montreal street 1,000,000 more 125 to shareholders of record on Both Canada is the richest mineral coun try in the world. More £100, 000,000 have already been invested in Canadian mines, but the work of velopsoent is still in dts infancy. It. ds rumored in Montreal that Hong J. R. Rolland, manufacturer, and membed of the Quebed will be the successor to Sir G. Reid on the diregtorate Canadian Pacific railway It i& rumored that the emplovebg of the United States Corporation will be cut. The reduc tion is said to be based on the eat ting of steel prices, which gives an ex cuse for this action, The Chili government has the proposal mede by a Freach cern to construct the harbor works at Valparaiso. The work will begin this year and be completed in 1913. The improvements will cost in the neigh borhood of 320,000,000 railway & to stock at June The issue than de senate, Robert of . the wages of the Steel aceepted con Carrying Place Notes. Carrying Place, June 11.-lhe eles tion passed off very quietly in this vicinity. W. W. Yeung, of Trenton, hax secured the contract for repairing and reshingling St. John's church. Misses Corrigan and Young paid a flying visit to W. Nethery's, Reduners- ville, one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Vandusen came up from Red nersville, Sunday, in their handibme gnsoline yacht, to visit their grand mother, Mrs. Corrigan. W. Herring: ton is suffering from an attack of ap- pendicitis. Rev. W. L. Armitage, of Picton, | will hold missionary weetings in. Amdliasburg and Hillier parish. on the 14th inst, Rew. J. del'. Wright taking Nis services in Picton. Mise Bessy W . of Mtawa, a sister of Ray. J. del? Wright was a passenger S88. Routhwark, whith sailed recently from Montreal for Fivedpool. She is taking a three-monthe' trip through England and the continent. Light Weight 5¢. lin the © | the Him in the great movements of the {present time--in the made {by men to establish brotherhood and promote pet {may find traces of God in the {but God Himself vou will only present, Sinai will but here and now there Voice. In the sacred books of the | Past God has written, but in and on every hea Move not a vou stand. Look not endeavors SOFT Woop, SLAB WOOD, MILL woor, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order, [James Swift && Co 374 Princess Street. and realize You past, find its justice ree, sound sounds {echo, ever {field of nature rt of | {man God writes, | from where isingle foot away a single behind. God is here--the ing; inspiring, eternal God ! oo. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence | River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen~ tral & Hudson River R.R. n or moment hving, mov Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. THE KING EDWARD CIGAR STORE 35% KING ST. -------- Kingston and 2 Kingston, ne Sunday, 12.00 pm Leave ( Ape and 4.30 par Making direct econnact ons Vincent to and from a York lg Fhrough sleeps eent to w Yor Week = re Watertowr ¥ Sunday, returs Monde £165 FOR SALE. Vincent daily of Cigarettes Carries a full line Imported Domest. a and Will hay a fine New | bn west and closet eieto cellar. A snap. lss00. Witt TUX a Single Frame Cot yon, Hammocks | A ot. A splendid | Hoath Organs and Souvenir Post Cards | ne 8 sna vel & suis sme! Eh Chas. Bell, Heal Estate and Insurance Agent, CLIFTON A. REED, | = voiicn sion County of Frontenac. 'County of i Frontenac Tenders for Coal Coal and Wood. ANY PERSON OR PERSOXS HOLD- | ing accounts against the County of Frontenac am hereby instrocted' to for- Nard the same to the County Ohrk( gparyn TENDERS WILL BE Court Howse, Kingston, on or before] erived at the office of the Conmy Clerk, TUESDAY, June 16th. Any ncooung Fred Hom K a not forwarded will be laid over until the DAY, June ah ha "n persons willing to furnish 1158 te id to be delivered st the next regular meeting of the Counei, in] from' November, | of Scranton Toal J. W. EDWARDS, A. RANKIN, } our House Gaol or Regstry Offices, in ' + Ae po pee. | Kingston as may be required up to De County Clerk, Chairman of Fisa [eember 1st next, the Cotl te he of good quality weil screened and free | bret. Also 50 or mors cortls composed of Maple, Heech, Ironwood, to be sound ; | guaticy and t7 be defivered as follows o 15 cords, one-half dry and owe ball green before January Ist next, and 25 cords or more if required, one-half dry aod ne-hall green after dauuary Ist pext T'obac grade, ne of the of Wrier Mecruchaun | Any all deserip Cigars and {82.000 highest « cos of the alpo finest and Case th Sporting ASSOrt ment n the city Tackle of Goods, Pipes price you wi Fishing Ample Apology. Christian Advocate. Dasent, when acting for Delane the Times, once received a lotiler sent for publication by a Mr. Wieass, The signature, almost illegible, was print | 70 8 CE to be ject tor the ap ed as Wiseass. The correspondent |proval and measur ot of the Chair was indignant, anid to cool his wrath man of Loumty ne Ee for a Dagnt inserted the following editorial | gnily accepted. note: "After a careful study of the | JW. FOWARDS original we came to the conclusion | o SHANNON, y that though a doubt may exist as |property ta the orthography of the first svilable of the signature, there could be ng possible mistake as to the second." Betane County Clerk Chairman County The BAC. government will jesus no the GTP Derbies. In the new siyies, #2 and $2.58, at "Bros |i licenses along the line of What teade would you recompiend to a *mdll man? What sort of fruit is on a coin 7A te, Grover {(growsir.)

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