Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSBAY, JUNE 11, 1908. chee ee THES PALEDTION | FINE TUG ARRINES, =. 222 EVERY LODGE BUSY Sociability. | SHOULD GET LARGER GRANT. 'FOR USE OF | MONTREAL Everything, Wen sday hight, MEETING OF L( LO.O.F. DIS-| TRANSPORTATION CO, [made for the complete suceiss of the | TRICT COMMITTEE. ) | Recommend More Money For {first ball held in Tete de Port har House of Industry. racks for' many wears The weather | Thureday morsing, at nine o'clock, | The Bartlett is a Powedful Tug | was? perfection, a clear , a beauti- the grand jury presented its report to Steamer of Canadian i Type {ful moon, cool, fresh br blowing } i | {The Year Has Been Prosperous-- Money Paid Out During the Year--John Pollie, of King ston Was Chosen D.D.G.M. the grey ol hamacks The aunual meeting of the distriet } > comexittee, 1. OU, 0. F,, for Kingston Custom Department {Judge Madden. The jurors visited | and Has Speed of 'Thirteen from the lake, so that no « so wedried the penitentiary and the jail and | of the dance--the setting was very were greatly impressed with what | Knots--Reached Port Last |e rfect. they saw there. Everything in the | Night. : Within, jail was neat, clean and up to 5] Nhe tur steamer Bartle e M.T. (bower, made so with : All kinds of new fur gar. high standard. The members also oo og Sectnet bast op x are evergreen, and gre h-tinted | district, No 36, was held on Wednes- fients made to special visited the House of Industry and night, and will make her initial trip [by the spring, lilacs, , flowers | f day evening m | ataraqui lodge room. Meagure, and we also Have IX were greatly pleased with what they to Osis go and Charlotte with cos |of every hue gnd subtle fragrance, ar- { James M. Smith, of Parham, D.D. Bnsurpassed facilities fcr re- of caw; the y are of the opinion that the barges. 'The tug wat inspected by lo- (ranged to perfection. There was "jo, was jn the chaig. There was a cdslling, repairing, and re- {o) institution should reecive a larger fey) tharing mie, 16 day and is regard- [lavish use of bunting aod all the | full representation of members pre- rine furs at short netics grant from the government. ¥" led 'an One of the best that over ame Jlights, in sifting out places, were | nt, every lodge in the district being t makes it possible fo [thing in ihe house was in first-class | jacroxs the Atlantic. It ix a very [dimmed and softened by red shades. represented. Ns fo transform your old Furs { order, Before dismissing the jury | owerful tug, and will a great] The mess room, where the guests fhe B.D iM. reported that he as into new, We guarantee per- fg his honor thanked them for their ser- {addition to the company 2 feet. were received, and the billiard room, aid gn official visit to each lodge io fect satisfaction as to fit. p) | vices. | The tug steamer a built at {were used for dancing, and the musie the Hateiet rl instalicd the oficers, 3 | EE A a n ¢ Green- (hy the battery hand, floated through oe ES é ANS Telephone 489. we i Weak women should trv Dr. Shoop's| te a Lh nl {open windows oy the duncers within. | ™® the clement suggesher Iie . u : { Night Cure. Yhese soothing. healing, Himited, ran her trials in the Firth of i This last was a' novelty and a de Lp : aS had DE ; -- 247 of the Prettiest { Antisoptic suppositories go direct tolForth recently, "The Bartlett is a {lightful ono. The out-of-doors was | O° MSE He ge" yr ol J o {the seat of these ' weaknesses. My erful tug steamer of the Canadian [utilized as much as possible, and Prosperous one or. they orcer, ahd | powe " A ¥ adian | that every lodge of thefdistrict was 3 i 4 "" N Fy or 3 ¢ {a v f i arge B + 4 dohn McKay Fur House, 9 | Book No. 1 For Women" contains | type, dimensions ico feed B PF. x suppbs: Yas iad in a large PHATANES | actively engaged in the good work of on the barrack shuare, Besides this " , § | many valuablé hints "to 'women, dnd gig x 14 feet, molded, having triple . she order. . . : 148-185 rock st. | it is free Ask Dr. Shoop, Racine {expansion engines of 1,100 H.P., sup- [the cadets provided sitting out places The 'statistical feports showed that 3 Wis., to mail it. Ask the doctor in| {plied with steam © by large boiler [in the form of canoes, and it says there was membership in the dis- ese | strictest confidence. any. que stions YOu Io orking under Howden's forced draft. {much for the King geton girls that they trivt of 1 a with very few suspen- { wish snwored. ne. Shop's Night | ¢ She has steam" windlass, steam steer- [could * take traims, and IMhh-heelod sions for RO payment of dues. { Cora in gold be nll dealers, ' o Hele of slee- | slippers 1 ball-reom finery into np 4 % . i Bibhy's new collars, 2 for 205c. {ing gear, complate ¢ apmen of elu ¢ op betwee 2nd oe and come ue The financial statement showed that N , lisplay ™ » Vary 1 Ire i | ? 4 f tric light, steam warpin, capstan, {canoe on Nees, a a ME during the last year there were paid OW on dispiay. 188C Vary in sizes " Jon a el gut bith (Je Srharoed from a paddle for whe next in_sick enolts In lis dimtrice, #2 for girls from 2 years to 16 years. Don't Is een ALCO! ile e¢ malter LH . : NING; In widows melits, $810: . » i - ! 3 6 Degrees Above of saloctis, cabin, galley and joe | Besides the dancing there was bridge | fuperl benefits. $350; in special bene. imagine you can buy the material and ; house an, tial Jn Cavadinn-owned for the downers, And many datalom fits, 00.2, " tatal of ®512.13, The have these made at anything like the i | vssels he machiner as been con " © ea ir lavorite game, assets of the » he creas re 3 3 a , | Freezing [structed by Messrs, Muir: & Houston, before and after supper. $81,613 to $35. A109. or nerves for prices we sell them, for you can't. Any : (limited, Kiming Park, Glasgow, and ng the Sugtis were : Col ud the year of $1,199.00 number of mothers agree with us there. . S-- ork susie oe trig ; re rs. H. E. stall, wearing g hand- entio s calle jo = ; y ' £00 Jwarked throughout the trial with per of or 8 hanc: | Attention. was called to the spllen- You can savedrom 50c to $2.50 on every {ect smoothness to the satisfaction of [some Empire gown, of cream, with {did accommodat hich ford This is the remarkable accomplishment | % : 2 acco ation which was gflorc , . : : jowners' Feb sentative and the build- [beautiful lace and jewels; Mrs. Nor- led by the Orphans' Home of the Order dress you buy from us. We always keep a good ® of our : : § %. The Durtlett was loaded to her | man Stuart Leslie, in a creation of {at Oakville, and the members f the selectio an d make § h } : ) at iin anc Ye o " % non band - i 'White Enamel Refrigerators working trim, and attained a speed of | pale bie, and diamonds, anid Mrs. order were gurged to see that anv order any special size or : [thirteen knots. Her manoeuvring qua Alan Palmer, in a lovely gown of | orphan chitfren in the distriet receiv- { d S og { With less ice than yon have ever used he. {ities Wire nies throughly' Watid. ee atters officers, also, " at this institution Hie | are fil ome an ce % - p 8 been wit 0 we order of * NER. encation which " tb Hellows ne Our gold is rich in color [| fore. It is worth your while jn the "in-| She Aa Among the gue wre : Col I ; y : "nt \ t coo} 8 terest of health and econoiiy to have the Mdntreal Transportation company, ong the guests were: Col. and | so cenerguly provided, r Se , 3 '" . AR and style, and workmanship J | terest of health aa ¥. Taylor, Maj. and Mrs. ¥..} The report of the special -conimittée Fhes : Dainty W hite Dresses. The materiaJs are White 'Royal Lawns and ai which | Si | one of our Refrigerators. We have them limited, of Montreal, under the super. | Mps. E : perfect. : lintendence of Mr. Dunlop, of Messrs. |. Lafletty, Capt. and Mrs. John impressed upon the members of the | Cock 1 Miss is 'g i i i ) i i > John Reid & Co., of Glasgow, London | ochrane, and Miss Christine, Capt. forder in this, district the importance Organdies, Lace or Embroidery trimmed. Buy from the maker and i $7.00 up to $42.00. aw New York, to whose designs she [and Mrs. de Bury, Col. and Mrs. [of Decoration day, the law of the or r Bg ha 3 \ : The small sizes are made from French get the advantage in price. [§ have GALVANIZED, WHITE has been built. After the trinl trip | Douglas Young, - Col. T. D. R. Hem- | der heing construed into a command Sw : A : ENAMEL and GLASS LINED. 'and adjustment of compasses, . the {ming and: Miss Grace Hemming, | that the living should perform their models. I'he larger sizes exact copies of {Bartlett returned=to Grangemouth to | Capt. and Mrs. J. Hahilion, Miss | duty infallibly towards the dead a ua Nasr Xl vam 3 complete conlihg for the vovage t { Lenove Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- In view of the pew ritual which has expensive Ne w York designs. W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. Montreal " [hn Blake, Mr. and Mes. de Mowbray inst heen issued by the order, the . r i 3 Spangenberg smi m-------------- | She was commandgd on the voyage ph is Wd Yas. Iva Martin. Ma ommittes urges the holding of a . Cook' Cotton Root Compovnd out by Captain Muir and took fom Ry Las 2 art TF Be TR. Wh . wlge of instruction as soon as the 8 I make. the Butler, Miss i. Butler, My. and Mups. lcombination 'of lodees, or lodge teams ' ° ' . y . y . -------- ; en days ic trip from | : ) JEWELLER, ; 'Ihe great Uterine Tonic, mai jt lasrow to Montréal. {John Bell Carruthers, Miss Marie | can be sectred to sive an exemplifica » PE oaths |C a | Careuthie, Mr, and Mrs. Perey Ste { tion of the new work. ve 4 de in Thiet dag PERSON MENTIO | venson, Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Miss Jean | In view of the motion, a notice of Issuer of Marr lage # of oR 0. E 30 AL 1 R, { Duff, Mrs. Arthur F, March, Miss Des- | which has been given in grand lode Licenses. : vor bok | Movements Of The f The Peovle--What| is "i Sorde on ie ia | tio Sholish he Hiarint JFormittes, a = 3 ¢ 84 a motion was duly moved and seconde They Are Saying And Dota. | and Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss | to this effect: That the district com behid. R. '. tlie went to Tuponto, | Boma and Miss May Smythe, Miss {mittee is persuaded that the business at Bool, to-day, ' { Leta Carson, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss of the district can be best condueted " Ars, ¥. Belch sy returned from a Mildred Jones, Miss Lillian kent, Miss | along the plans provided for this co n ht rE ] visit at Syracuse, YX. : | Kathleen O'Hara. Miss 'Kate Smetlie, | mittee, bit that the greater useful FHP PLFP40 0493445400 FEEL LPE4P 0440904000454 Miss Ethel Kel y is leaving, Moa-| | Miss Marion Redden, Miss TLoretta and | ness of it depends wpon a programme, .. . day, for Santon: Mass, ; to Miss Irene Swift Miss Maddlon Car | whic h should be prepared by a esm oO oung ee, evening, or | ter, Three out- of town girls, in t- i a . a i ls x ' . i = 3 pret-i mittee sdme time before the meetin We Don't Lose Many Customers for {Pellovilte, to inspect the 15th regi-| ty frocks, were Miss Molson, of Mont- {and it is: recommended that the in I ment. | real; Miss Lillian Taylor, of Ottawa, leoming D.D.GM. wint a committee Migs Margaret Grant, Toronto, Ws !and Miss Doris Suckling, of Toronto. for this purpose. an Kf ending a few days with her parenis, | There were twenty dances and, al Jt was moved and seconded that the King street west, Lil ait | namber of extras, and very attractive] grand lodge be requested to instruct 5 J. 8S. R. MeUann is in Toronto at- programmes, with the regimental cont- ithe representatives to the Sovereign tending the high court of the Inde- | of arms adorning them, 'were carried | grand lodge to secure, # possible, a AND ---- pendent Order of Foresters. { home as souvenirs of a night in June feliinge in eV regarding the offi- Miss Cassie Fox, B.A., Picton, left, | which will stand out among many] cial eeipts, go that the signature of * . this week, fo visit her brother, Rev. | june nights, the memory accompanied | the financial seeretary only will he ne + it Tet bro | : | 9% C, A. Fox, Watertown, N.Y. | by the pleasantest thoughts, | cossary, and that when so desired the } Yo rl era Ot W. BR. Sooner, of Halifax, was the | | subordinate lodge may procure a i. | guest of his father, Col. pooner, this | CONCERT AND SALE. f spec ial stal for the financial secrotary - i y | | week, en route home from British Co- | in issning receipts to members, 7 " . . Tum bia, J Fine Affair Was Held at St. There wa a very lively discussion Which shows that our assortment and Mrs. Daniel Sith has Jute for a Luke's Chureh. [upon some of the qiiestions before the . - visit in Lachute and rownsburg, | The concert and sale held under the [meeting and it was generally con prices suit all classes. Ques, and will visit Portland, Maine, | JC (ORCL ALC AES Build, of St, | ceded that the session Swas one of the #2 [before her retarn. CL Te church, last night, was a most | most interesting that has been held 4 SE H THEM. ; Miss lena McMahon, William street, successful affair, and much Xnjoved by [Mm Jeans *% hn Pollie, Kinost#n. was FOR CHILDREN AND LARGER GIRLS : . . a named by the committee as DD.CGM ' Jeit on Wednesday for Ottawa, to en hg ] : : ter one of the hospitals as nurse-in- | the large Ruiner m 2Hendnnos Ay for fhe ensuine vea¥. and the next Yi > xs 3 « o. Forperi, occugied the char LL . White Nightgowns, rand oy ; ie - | i : . training. Her many friends, wish her {arrangements were under the charge | Meeting of the district committer will McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St i all sucess in; hier now work, {of Mrs, Watson, and the success was | De held in Kingston in Mav next White Drawers, : tdue in No smal ensure he 'of ---- Sag i : A GREAT SCFNE. Pe The Pro, CAPSIZED A CANOE. White Skirts, . +4 1444S {was a most delightful .one, and in- - Thite Kkir rata XB FEEL EFFFERPF PPLE I PERI 404 Splendid Jewish Tragedy at The!%a® a most dilightful one, and in-| Young Men' To Danger ai White Bkirt and Waist combined, 8 i cluded piano duets by the Misses Ste- Bijou Theatre. { wart, solos by Miss Gertrude Laidley, Kingston Mills. All sizes in cach make, A thrilling tragedy, based on the | piano solos by Master K. Walker,| (On Wednesda¥ afternoon an aci-| This Week scriptural story of Judith and Hglo- | solos by Rev. Mr. Bilkey, quartette ge. | cident which might have been seri il ' phern, will be presented at the Bijou jection by My. and Mrs, Marshall, { ous in result, took placa in the Ri Chi dren S A Big Sale of to morrow and Saturiny, with magni: {Miss Musmarine and Mr. Marshall, Jr. | dean river below Kingston Mills. Two ficent stage setting, and costumin~ sok ) a8 { orneri, vecititions | young men were out in a canoe, pad 1.2 ce facia e hn : : . nd ont atin. THR soins i% Ary Min: Hengie Comer: dling around the river: When. about) White Knitted Vests and Drawers. Morris Chairs laid' during the uprising of the Jews | A very interesting part of the pro- | half way between the shores, the man Whisée or Drab Corset Waists. aginst their Assyrian oppressors, | condings was the contests, The first [in the bow went to. Yemoyo his] Bie ; AN We are closing out some|The uprising was on the point of sup- | was a drawing contest for a box of [eont, and not beng used to a canoe, | White Health Waists. . ul pression, and the elders were about i choice chocolates and the winner was | Fe moved too quickly, turning the pretty % designs of fancy to submit when a beautiful and high [Miss Florence Scofield. The prize for | craft over. As is usual in many of shades in Morris Chairs. born Jewish woman undigtook to [the hoan guessing contest was an | these accidents, one man the en PETS. i save her countrymen, This was [autograph quilt, made by the Ladies' who caused the gaccidmt oould nof CAR . Juglith. She proceeded, attended only Guild, and this was won by Prederick | swith, and it fell 5 the yvoumg man in Also imparted lines of {by her maid, to Holophern's camp and | Clayton. The different cale tab les did | the stern to pel him 'to the shore yh ' . x. > caused the great general to fall in [a good business, and it is expreted | The swimmer got Ws companion to Tapestry, Velvet and Union love with ker. Holphern cave a [that a good sum will be realized. The | the overturned boat) \gpade him take Squares at sale'prices. magnificent feast in her binar ives Sahles wens under the, enre ul the fol- | hold of it, to steady himself and 4 » . the guests had depart olophern [lowing © Fancy goods, re. Marsh: | vt over his fright. He ke t him Also a line of Exminster fell asleep, through drunkenness, and | home made ay Mys. Murray and | thers a moment or #0, and as he d Smy rnia Door Matts then Judith, after a praver to God, Mrs. Graves; itn cream and straw- | sould not get the canoe right side up, JAMES REID, 4 ent- off his head and makine her es- [berries, Mrs, Saunders, Yrs. Caldbeok | he started for the shore with his cape, carried it back to the elders. jand Mrs j Birmingham: candy booth. 'companion'sl arms around. bid meck | The Leading Undertaker. The story does not appear in the {voune ladies of St. Agnes' Guild of It was a hard struggle, and when ho : "Er 3 tible, but 'in the 'apoerarhe. All the | the church. This booth was very pret- arrived on dry Jand, he was nearly] Phone, 147, magnificence of Assyria is to be seen | tily decorated with red, white anid exhausted. The secident happened in Ei ---- -- ---- in this juctare: A hustling Somedy i blue bunting. the quiet part of the afternoon, ani ; yo puts ol, and a fine travelogue, St. Lake's Picnic no ond knew anything about it until : a : » LT a ia fc ' : : ri . it was all over, and the boys - MERE IPRL ENE SEER ERA PRRC ORR The annal picnic of St. Luke's | ready to return' home. when. Their et Baseball On Wednesday. church schos! will be held at Brophy's | ¢ thes attractel attention. Neither : Point; or Lo Island PP i + > Eastern League--Providinee, 4: wy of ng md Patk; as tis} way ceriously bv g coy City, 3. Bufialo, $s: Montreal, now called, on July Sth. Arrange- woh setion ly injured v the oteur Toronto, 6; Rochester, b, andy ments are under way fof this out 10; Newark, 7. ing. which promises to be a most ene Boys Played "Hookey.' jovahle one. \ : n American 1Leayne--RBoston, 8: Cleve The bovs who play "'hookey" from | } N or Ir V I "Wi N N ER Ceagon 3 Prilndenbin 3 Sremoit|" . Fans For The Debutantes. shoot thew 'dass are given & merry : i i { } { i t | © hicago, 3: Philadelphia, 2. Detroit, chase hy th lice, Yesterd he 7: New York, 6 (twelve innings.) An clégint stock of evening fans polos ie aotified that hy Bri National League--Vittsbury, I; New NOW Oh _exhilitics at R.. Uglow & 1 were ricsing from their classes, and 2% J 8 J | d Au t York, 0. St. Louis, 1; Philadelphia, 0 fom} anys. Special dicount prices constables succeded in rounding up ad un ' uly an gus One "apébial trade winner of our store is {ten innings). Cincirnati, 8; Bostop, for this week: the youngsters, and as a resglt, the : » > ; | J @ are prepar for It, are 5. Brooklyn, 2; Chicago, 0. three were in their prover plgess at] € 4 - ~ the absolute completeness of our stock ; Cts His Head OF. aol de Viele Drower Mass g - you ? Newspaper Men Here. G | tragedy 'at the hance of boys plavine the old game ZF Of " . We have a Jars stock of The Newest Shirts, ee a newspaper men Rijon, Prida i slay. ng days, without being brought to xR JC the best: Trunks" made in ) Be a -- me 8 m---- hy > Canada, manufactured by the ' . ' . 7 : . largest and best factory in on Merig Doctor 3 Ble, : » anads. Our goods are fresh biyele wae, stolen from the verandah r pnd you Will 35a ie PN in front of b's residence on Brook Ji : street. Ax yot the police have been un- | Suit Cases, Club Bags, also Yo style and ny jeri nak, ; Rox: on! Ee - gu © h tage for you in fer toprice, . Hl" - | X nes x Coens. OF 1 Al hie "£ : \ 4 ia Ba Tap should let un doctor's alone, ---- i. simpeit. At Mallin's. Vice large bright lemons, Se. per Cpe to Y.W.CA, garden nasty 14 3 10°10 pm. Wily Dal, h 198 street. .

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