Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1908, p. 7

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/ Saturday. scan All Cloth Coats All Cloth Suits ne AT en ' Half Price $10.00 Coats for $5.00 6.35 1250 ¢ o 13.00 * $10.00 15.00 20.00 6.50 Suits | 7.50 "" Ll 20,00 ' " " $ 5.00 7.50 " 10.00 for " LE ALL NEW SUMMER STYLES SEE WINDOW DISPLAY R. Waldron. #15,00 Coats for $7.50 8.75 10.00 or IN WOMEN'S SHOES The French lady as one who is "well shod and well gloved." No costume, however fine it may be, will cover the neglect of good shoes. Women whe appreciate the difference be- tween just shoes and shoes of quality and distinction, come here for ideal shoes shoes that suit. There are no dissatisfied wearers of our shoes. We sell the same people over and over again, This week we are offering three lines of Chocolate and Tan Colonials and Pumps, best Smerican make of $4 shoes. All sizes . I. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The House of Good Shoemaking. define a : ~ BABY CARRIAGES. Must © be cleared out in 10 ddys. Big reductions at R Jd REID*S, , 200 Prine 8s. ® NEWS OF N NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US. , { The Tidings From Various Points | in" Eastern Ontario--Whet | People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Centreville Matters. Jupe 10.--The people hear of the death of an old and highly | respected resident, who passed away on Sunday' of last week Edward {H'erry spent the past week in Cloyne, {Miss Lizzie Ingoldsby, Tweed, spent a few dave at home last week. Edward " has his house nearly com- ipleted. Quite a few from here attend- ed the raising at James O'Ray's. Mrs. John Domovan, Forest Mills, is [visiting friends bere. Mrs. J. ; B. |Weese is spending this week in Napa- The ball held in the town hall there Friday evening, May 29th, was a sieccess. Mr, and Mes, F. C. Geraw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Milligan, Mr. apd Mrs. Ydward Sexsmith, spent Sunday at Noble McGill's, Centreville, were sorry to Robert O Connor, i {James mo ' News From Fellows. Fellows, June 85.-- Miss Jessie Gra- ham, the popular school teacher, thas resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grange attended the funeral of his cousin on Thursday, near Selby. Miss Ida Ketcheson, of Napanee, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Horace Denys. Mr. and Mrs. James Snider, tof Maple Avenue, visited at her sis ter's, Mrs. John Hagerman, recently. { Miss Myrtle Mainse, of Sweet's Cor- ners, spent 'a few days Inst week with Mrs. Lille Snider. Mr. amd Mrs. John Pitman, of Kingston, visited his |mother, Mrs. J. Pitman, on _ Sunday last. Stanley Reid, laid up Br some {time with u sore leg, is better. Miss Melmar Shey. is visiting friends in Kingston, A wed visitor has come to stay at H. Denyes', also dne at {K. Parrott's; they are hoys. Married At Brewer's Mills. Brewer's Mills, June 9.--A very hap- Py event took place at St. Barnaby's church, at nine o'elock, Monday morn ing, when Miss May Murray, second eldest daughter of John Murray, was united in marriage to Michael Me- Donald, a prosperous young farmer of Lansdowne, The bride was Handsome ly attired in white silk trimmed with lace and insertion, and wore a very {rity white hat with a large ostrich feather" The bridesmaid, Miss Rose Murray, «sister of the bride, "was at trod in ercam "cashmere and wore "a cream hat trimmed with pink forget- me-nots. Michael O'Connor, Gana- nojue, supported the groom. The bride was yiven awhy by her father, After the nuptial knot 'was tied by | Rov. Father Traynor the wedding par- ty drove to the residence of the bride's parents, where dinner awaited them. The gifts received were numer ous and costly testifying the hich es teem in which the bride was held. The bride's travelling wuit was brown cloth and hat to. match, In the after- uoon Mr. and Mrs. McDonald left for their future home in Lansdowne, car- rving with them the best wishes of a host of friends. Rev. Father Traynor is preparing for his grand annual pic. nie on the 17th. A number from here attinded the race, in Gananoque last weak, Mrs. Rochefort is visiting with friends in Kingston® 'SHOW ME" PROOF. That is What Hyomei Will Do in All Forms of Catarrh and Troubles of the Breathing Organs. It's nota question of Hyomei hav. ing cured some ope but will it reach your own particular case. If its Cold in the Head, Catiarrh, Bron chitis, Prigumonia, Croup, or any af fection of the breathing organs, W. Mahood says ves. and will refung the money if it fails. No other pre- paration for the same purpose can successfully do this, beeanse the Hy omei system of treatment is different from anything else You simply breathe and inhale its medication in dry air form which de stroys the germ life that Pres breathing, Nasal Throat Irritation and fang It brings to these suffering balsam laden airgthey would get in the Pipe aml Fucalyptue forests. The air that stamps out Bronchial trou- bles ' The prince of entertainers. Marshal P. Wilder, says: Hymoei is casy to nee and swift to eure. It insures against coughs and colds. It vou pure air and kills the germ of disease, It helps the voice Hyomei complete outfit, $1. else causes op. eR Troubles. organs the ed gives > Wood's A MARESVIILE WEDDING. Byron Scanlin and Miss Margaret Meagher Wedded. A very pretty cerémony nized at St. Mary's church, Marysville, on June Sth, at 7 pam. when Miss Margaret KE. Lorettg Meagher, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Meagher, was united ih marriage +t Byren Seéanlin, son of James Scan lin, of Enterprise. ~The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Meagher and was of a very quiet nature ow- ing to the illness of thet bride's rol er. While the strains of the alding march pealed forth, the bride, hand- somely attired in grey silk eclenne with hat to match, and carrying a bouquet ol beautiful white roses, and leaning on the arm of her father, was es- corted to thes altar. Miss © Annie Scanlin, sister of the groom, attended the bride aud was attired in pale blue voile, and carried a bouquet of pink and while carnations. Joh Meagher, brother of the bride, was best man. 3 A beautiful gold pin, set with pearls, was the gift of the groom to the bride, and a handsowie gold ring and tie pin to the bridesmaid ond best man. After the breakiast was partaken of by immediate relatives Mr. and Mrs. Scanlin left fgr Mon: treal and Quebec. Fhe bride's tra- velling suit was of herown cloth, with hat to match. A large number of costly presents teftilled to the esteem in_ which the young eouple are held. Among -- the pifts was a handsome check from the bride's uncle, DD. Shechan, of Westbrook. The bride was very popular among friends for her bright and vivacious manner and kindliness of heart. Mr® Scanlin is a successful station agent at Moor Lake, on the C.P.R. was solem- LENNOX ELECTION. The Vote at the Various Sub- Divisions, In Lennox the count so far is de clared to give a majority for Cars callen of tfieen. The official Yount will be announced on Monday next. In the meantime hoth parties are claiming the election. Lhe figures, un- oficial, are declared to he: * Madole. Carscallen. Amherst _Isddand- Stella No. 1... ... ... H8 Emerald No. 2... .. +40 Adolphustown No. 1... : Adalphustown No. 2... 12 Bath . as South F rederic ksburyg { Town Hall No. Hawlasy No 2 .. North Frederickshurg-- Town Hall No, Hough's No. 2 ... ... ... Sheflel's No, 3... ... .. Ernesttown-- Mill Haven No. 1 Storms Corners Odessa Xx 3... Odessa Ro. 5... Switzerville No. Pp Wilton Nao. 6... .., a... Richmond . Lonis No. 1... .. in. Selily Ne. 2... Forsst Mills No. ete ven Roblin No. #4... wi i. Napanee-- West Ward No. 1 West Ward No. 4 Centge Ward No. Centre Ward No. 2 Fast Ward ... 1,453 AG8 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. Some of These For 1908. Alexandria Sept. 29 and 30 Almonte : Sept. a, 29, 30, Oet. 1 Belleville : Sept. 16 and 17 Brighton ., FPR > Sept. 22 Bancroft se Burk"s Falls Hobcaygeon Brockville Cobourg Central . Cobden . Colborne ,. Cornwall Coo Hall Delta | Lanark Lombardy Lansdowne Lyndhurst London, (Western Fair) Madoc Marmora Morrishurg - Maberly Merrickville . Newhoro Napanes . Odessa Ottawa Perth Picton Port Hope Peterboro Roblin's Mills Renfrew _ ... Sturgeon's Falls Spencer vite Stella Tweed | ~ Toronto pa - Vankleek Hill . Dates of Oct. 1 and 2 Sept. 24 and 25 i Sept. 2% and 80 « Sept. 15,16, 17, 18 Sept. 16 and 17 10:11, 12 . Sept. 23, + 29 and 30 10 and 11 Sept. . 24 and 23, 2% and 23. Sept. 11, 19 Sept. 15 and 16 Sept. 22 and 23 Sept.-1,2. 8 Oct. 1 Sept. 17 and 18, Sept. 5 and 6, Sept. 15 and 16. Oot. 2 Septal, 26 Sept. 3 and 4 . Sept. 28 and 24. Sept. 2V Sept. 17, {Central) . a7 ana ir, 24 ant 24. 29 and 30, Sept. 29, Oct. 1, Aug. 29, Sept. 14 Spt. 18, fs 17 Sept. 8 and VU. TU "Sept. 29 and 23. Sepr. 22 and 23. Sporfhg Notes. The New Westminster lacrosse team leit for Montreal June 10th to play the Shamrocks for the Minio cup The Hamilton Derby, won by Mr. Dyment's Uncle Toby, had a value of Xo, of which $1,700 went to first "Sept. . Sept. Sept. Whithy hal, of T8ronto, has been 'do- ing wonderful woth in pole vaulting. Archibald wil be among the top-liners in the great games at London. At the Brooklands track, London, Eng., Felice Nazarro, the Halian danv- er, made 5 world's automobile record of 120 miles an hour for a distange of 2} miles. Longboat will accompany the Cana- dian team to England at the expense of the officers of the Irigh-Canadians. He will run a fifteen mile exhibition at Montreal to-day and sail to-morrow. Ottawa Citizen: The Ottawa uni- versity baseball team will play the Victorias of Kingston at Varsity (wal next week. The Victorias have seve ral of the fastest players of the old Kingston. Ponies and promise to give he he ity Sagun whirlwinds a decidedly. * Mice eg the great English long distance winner, has returnéd to America, where he will try to break his record in the six and seven mile events. Schrabb holds all the world's records from the 2.000 yards = LE and has rap 11 miles 1,137 y, hour. is wile and child. _ The best part of breakfast, to most people, is their cup of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. Perfect berries, careful selection, expert blending, insure the rich color' and delightful flavor of this Anty Drudge and the Millionaire's Wife. Mrs. Envius--"'Just because Mrs. Swell's husband has made a million dollars is no reason she should put on airs. T can remember the day when she washed clothes for the millmen right here in this town." Anty Drudge--*'Yes, so can I; and she isn't a bit asham- sed of it. She was just telling me yesterday about the first time she used Fels-Naptha in her washing. It made her work so easy that she had time to be bright and happy and help her man along.' It saves you money. That's a queer thing to say of soap. But it's true of Fels-Naptha. How? Simple as A, B, C.>~ Clothes cost money. When you boil clothes you weaken their fibre just as you soften meat or vegetables by boiling. Hard- rubbing wears them out. When you wash clothes with Fels-Naptha you neither boil nor hard-rub them. Fels-Naptha does the work far better in cold or lukewarm water in half the time and bother. Your clothes will wear twice as long if washed with Fels-Naptha. And they'll be cleaner, whiter and sweeter after every washing than you could get them in any other way. All that's required is to follow easy airections on the back of the red and green Sure wrapper. Be and get the genuine Fels: Naptha. ' C000 00000000000 0000000000000OOVOTOOO000R00 | + HERE ARE A FEW :(Jood Specials ALL NEW G Oo ODS. -- Children's Fine Kid Strap Shoes, sizes 3 fos, only 50c. Children's Fine Brown Strap Shoes, s 7, only 60c. : Children's Fine Brown, Strap Shoes, 8 to 10, only 75c. Children's Fine Brewn Sta Shoes, § to 10}, i only $1.00. Girls' Fine Brown 3.Strap only $1.25, Girls' White Canvas Shoes, sizes 8, 9 and 10, only 75¢. Girls' White Canvas Shoes, 8 to 10%, $1.00. Girls' White Canvas Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, best grade, $1.35. Children's White Ankle Strap Shoes, 90c and 1.00. ' Women's New White Goods just in. Best sizes 3 to Shoes, 11 to 2, best grade 9 grades, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. Boys' Grey Canvas Boots, sizes 6 to 10, 60c. Boys' Grey Canvas Boots, sizes, 11, 12, 13, 65e. | Boys' Grey Canvas Boots, sizes 1 to 5, 75e. Only a few pair left of the Women's Patent Button Oxford Shoes s at $2.00. PAGE SEVEN. CUT GLASS We have just received a large shipnient of the very latest designs in fine cut glass. The new "Oregon" cutting - is the most' artistic pro- duct of the kind that we have ever had the good fortune to secure We have it in a variety o. articles and will be pleased to show them to our patrons They make fine wedding pres- ents, Kinnear & d' Talore Cor Princess and Well ington Sts. | | | | { { | N | hs | { | { | { | | | | { abort ie oA GASOLINE 20c. PER GALLON Put in your tank at our Dock. We always have in stock Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Columbia Dry Batter ies, ete. Repairs promptly attended to. Selby & Youlden, Ltd, Kingston Foundry. American, Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline i | We make a specialty of handling i Lubricating Oils of all kinds, Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario, and Clarence. If you wish to be successful at tend The } Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school Hookkeeping, typewriting, tote and all commercial thoroughly taught by competent exper®oced teachers, Day and night classes. Fanter af any time Rates very moderate, Phone, 440 H. PF. METCALFE, President J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Hecretary. business shorthand, graphy, subjects Deseronto Asparagus JUST ARRIVED. Potatoes. THE FINEST YET ws RP A. GLOVER'S, Cor, Bagot and Earl Sts. | SPECIAL IL NOTICE. | To the Ladies of Kingston : | | | I have removed to the former | Board of Education rpoms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re- member the place. J. ROSE LADIES' Sane The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom putting a some good coal a sell good Coal, It's the kind thay -- sends out the most heat, snd 8 makes the home comfortable ; ives 3 the Lest money ~an buy, "ae there is nome betier mined, "y We deliver It to you clean and § without slate, at the very bottom prices, Booth & Co., § Phone 133 Foot of Weat St = The old Cab Stand With a New Namber PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- 'ed to, day or night. | "Elephant" Pure Ligaid Paints (Fully guaranteed). Thess paints are the best preservatives for wood, iron {and stone, they dry quickly, with a herd ly surface, work freely Sader the {Brusn and can be appli by anyone, {For sale br A. STRACHAN. ---------------------------------------------------- -- "JUST IT." For oe Breakfast on a cold slice of "Mid Conrad Hau," MYERS, Fhotee "9,

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