Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1908, p. 6

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r PAGE SIX : ® : The Mark of Identity We are safeguarding your interests when we urge y«1 to look for the Fit-Reform trademark in every Suit and Overcoat you buy. It is the distinguishing sign of style--of tailoring--of value, Thousands of men have learned that it pays to look for this label--and pays well to find it. | D'3.Collis Browne's THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts likes a Charm 1a DIARRHOEA ........, specie n CHOLERA DYSENTERY. Cheeks snd arrests those foo often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. Whe Best Remedy knows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. No Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. 1s the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Yno is a liquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady. riahly velicves pain of wha kind ; creates a calm refreshing slech | ® drritciion of the nervous system when all other vemedies fad. leaves fects: and eam bs taken when ne other medicine can be tolerated. SIST ON HAVING CONVINCING . J, COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY 4 CHLORODYNE, WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by ali Chemists, Prices in England: ui, 29, 46. Sole Manulacturera: J. T. DAVENPORT, LONDON, S.E. immense swicess of is Remedy has given rise many imitations. NB. Every bottle of Genviae Chlorodyne bears on the stamp the same (of the iaveator, Dr. J, Colla Brow us. ¥ = Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. ------------ x Pretty flowerets, le All dressed new! ; li Just like decent folks you have not already pick your Fine ler Raiment, it's time you're looking over the iy new, attractive styles that have sprung up in store in every line. In Men's & Young Men's Suits we show a very range of Patterns in the new shades of Browns eys. No better made goods in Canada. They ¢ rightup-to-the-minute in style, and perfect fitters. & gu tee them to keep their shape. If our prices vm-one-fifty to four dollars less than all others 'of same qualities, style, and workmanship, uy from us. , $9.50, 11.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50. 1 lines. at $4.75, 5.75, 7.50-and 8.50. ys' Suits, 3 pieces, $2.90 to 9.50. ys' Suits, 2 pieces, $1.90, WAS. CLEVERLY DUPED Boldly Steals" Securities Worth $100,000 From Railway Van at Station, ' Liverpool, June 11.--A fashionably dressed young woman at Manchester successfully engineered one of the mosy daring robberies in the anbals of crime in the provinces. She escaped with a haul of about $100,000 worth of securities, but was arrested at Liverpool, yesterday, with the stolen property in her possession. The arrested woman was immediate ly handed over to the Manchester po- Lice. It is stated she has refused to give any information which will lead to her identity. Cool daring is the feature of the story ' of the theft, which took place at the Cheshire Lines railway station on Monday moming. The Liverpool train was being got ready to leave the station, when a woman and man had four parcels placed in the enard's van. It appears that she guard did not see 'the parcels placed in his van, and there was nothing to show to whom they belonged. Some minutes before the train was due to start, a smartly dressed young woman approached the guard and in- formed him that she expected 'some friends to catch the train. She intend- ed travelling with them, but if they did not catch the train she would re- quire one of the parcels that had re- cently been placed in his charge. When fhe guard was about to wave his flag for the train to start on its journey the youhg woman rushed up to him and asked for the package which she had previously selected. The guard did not entertain the slightest suspicion. Indeed, he had little time 10 make any inquiries. The parcel was handed to the stranger, and a porter was instructed to carry it to a cab. This was done, dnd the voung woman told the cabman to drive to the Mosley hotel. On the way, however, she must have changed her*directions to the: driver, because shortly afterward she was seen on the platform of the London road station with the package in her possession She was asked by the officials there if she required anv assistance, but she replied that she did not. Meantime, the owners of the pack- age, who were breaking their journey to Liverpool at Warrington, discover ed their loss. They had been travel ling together, and had recently been staying at the Midlapd hotel, Mun. chester. The missing package, con- tained securities worth £100,000. some valuable furs and a quantity of jewelry. 7' POLICE FIGHT 200 MEN. Hold on to Prisoners They Had Arrested. Paris, June 10.--Twelve detectives and police in unilorm had to fight for their lives at Boulogne-sur-Seine, Just outside Paris, against the organized attacks of 200 dangerous criminals. Six prisoners who had been arrested yesterday were on their way, under the guard of the twelve men, to, the Boulogne police station, when 200 of their friends, who lay in wait, threw themselves on the guard with great savagery. kicking them and using heavy sticks. : The policé, who had their prisoners securely handcuffed, * formed round them and beat off their AYPETessOrs un- tit_ help arrived. Five of the twelve policemen were badly hurt, but none of the priséners fe aped. HEROIC RESCUE. -- Every Shred of Clothing But His Cap Ablaze. Paris, June 11.<~An outbreak of fire ocourred, yesterday morning, in the basement of a washéPwoman's shop in the Rie de Berri, and the first and second floors of the house were soon ablaze. Suddenly son? one shouted that a woman was still in the basement. A policeman tore away the grating of the basement and dropped in. After ten minutes he appeared again with the woman in his armas. Every shred of his clothing except, curiously enough, his policeman"s cap, had been burned, and fel} from him as he emerged. The bvGve man, who re ceived an ovation, is to be decorated with the military medal NINETEEN GORED BY BULLS. Disastrous Day to Toreadors and Others in Spain. Madrid, June 11.--Bull fighting was disastrous all over Spain on Sunday. Nineteen toreadors and others en gaged in the rings were tossed and gored by the bulls. Two cases oo curred at Tetuan, near Madrid; four at Barcelona, two at Seville, five at Saragossa, three at Cadiz, one gat Murcia and two at Valencia. One of the Valencia victims was the famous torero Fuentes, who was re tiring from his dangerous calling after having made a fortune. His condi- tion is serious. OU are sure to save needless suf: ing and you may save life by hav- at hand a bottle of Smith's White . It is of vital importance or injuries be treated Here is a remedsr that re- n in an almost magical way, and cures bruises, PATHETIC DEATH, Kills Herself Because Daughter's Condition is Hopeless. St. Petersburg, Jupe 11.--The of Baron Meirder killed herself yester- day at Czarshoe Selo, owing to the hopeless condition of her only daugh- ter, a girl of sevenfoen. The doctor had stated that the girl could not recover, "whereupon her mother left the house, stating that she was going to St. Petersburg to con sult an eminent specialist. Two hours later she, was found dead jn the park, having taken poison. A letter qddressed to her hushand, which was found in her pocket, asked the baron's forgiveness, and stated that she could not survive the death of her child. The girl died last evening, and the bodies of mother and daughter will be conveyed to Niee, hs both had often expressed their horrop of being buried in Russia. wife LION ATTACKS A BOY. ; ---- Mother Beats OF Brute With Her Hands. Paris, June 11.--The twelve-vear-old son of the lion tamer La Goulue, whe wes formerly a popular Paris danger, was severely bitten by a lion in his mother's menagerie this aftérnpon. The. menagerie was on show at the gingerbread fair in Paris, and la Goulite had sent for a photographer to photograph her and her boy in the lion's cage. Just as they were posing the lion leaped at the child and hit him on the left arm. La Goulue rushed at the brute and forgetting all about her whip, beat it off with her bare hands, forcing the enraged beast back against the bar of the cage. She and her child then escaped from the cage in safety. Have Energy Plus. Ii you lmve only a little less energy than your duties require life a burden. If you have just a little excess of energy lile is a joy. Good, rich, red blood and an abundance of it will give yout the excess of energy. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative) will pro vide the blood mad vitality required They are a great nerve strengthener and - blood maker. In hoxes, 2e.. at Wade's deng store. Money back if not satisfactory. is Demand Note For A Farthing. London, June 11.--A Colchester rate paver has received a demand note for one farthing in respect of a rate *¥ special expenses the sanitary acts." After walking a mile to the collectors office to pay it, he tendered a halfpenny, but the collector eould not give him the farthing change. or under ------ Historic Sunday School. Liverpool, June 11.--The Wosleyans, of High Wycombe have just been ovle brating the 139th anniversary of their Sunday school--the oldest in the un ited kingdom. It was founded by Miss Hannah Ball, in 1769, nearly fourteen years before Robert Raikes began his celebrated work at Gloucester. Stop Falling Hair. It is easier to keep the hair have than to restore it when lost. The use of Dr. Dawson's testorer will always enable vou stop the falling out of hair and to quicken its growth. Restore gray hair to its natural color. In bottles, 50c., tach at Wade's drug store. ¥ on anor Hair to Funeral Extravagance. Lontlon, June 11.--%he Lambeth board of guardians, vesterday, decid ed that no outdoor relief should given to widows during the first six months of widowhood if they = had spent lavishly on funeral and mourn ing any money received from a club, insurance society or other source. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." he Belated Medal Awarded. London, June 11.--The admiralty has awarded a medal to a naval vet eran named Samuel Hicks, who re sides at the Norfolk village of Lud ham, for services in the Baltic in 1864 Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a perfect little pill. 'They please those who use them. CUarter's Liftle Tiver Pills may well be termed "Perfection." When the stairs were tailenders a year ago at this time, fifth place looked good to the fans. The Penalty Of Fast Living. Is paid for by an irritable condition of body and mind, by exhausted and broken sleep. IH you must and will live a killing pace, better keep in mind the sustaining powers of Ferro zone, a wonderful tonic and recon- Wractor. Ferfozone is a blood mak- er, a nerve strengthener, a heart and brain invigorator. Jt creates appe- tite, imsures perfect digestion and un-| disturbed sleep, restores the vitality and strength lost by excessive living very quickly. Ferrozone will do vou inestimable good, tev it. Price, Be, per Rox. or six hoxes for $2.50, at druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. . x HAIR TELLS CHARACTER. Color, of Hair Said to Indicate a : Person's Temperament. Many people believe that biorde. or light hair denotes affection ahd Fie hair constancy. A srson without hair is mot devoid of chars ine om it. disposition of. aver: baidheaded man is to show! duch 'solicitude for the welfare of others, A germ rand; of innocculated a rabbit germs, feausing it to be com totally bald in five weeks' time. To nd She sealp cl this dangecous germs it 'Necessary 16 of New bro's Herpicide. yy fd he "Destroy the cause--you remove the oS be tion ein 11, 1908. The Habit BARN od Vo of Health li d Norttadct HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Many people to learn to ke it, which all habit acquire with are subject ta Biliois Attacks, troubled with In i Pills will reform all the health, which the body will guick sickly habits hy occasionally usu mitted by Beecham's Pills, : ha iy With an expense ratio HEAD OFFICE - to your interest and profit to use the season being now on) BEST known Redpath"s Granulated Sugar is th your Grocer for and see that you HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent. will The We know other typewriters of all | kinds and we know that the L. C.| Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of then has--AND MORE. We want to place an L. C. Smith Bros.' Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the "typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine itself more con- vincingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave. the de- cision to you. Ii YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already 'have a machine we will take. thd®' in"part payment. S THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. It has not a weak link in the chain' of fairness. of ailing. For heaith, after all, EECHAM'S PILLS teach good habits to Stomach, Liver. Kidneys and Bowel TVOUSness Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Heiens, Lancashire, England, Sold by all Druggists in Canada and U. S. America, 'Bigger Profits to Policy-holders It is easy to see why a policy in this Company is an excellent investment as well as a protection. Lag year, the new business amounted to 37,081,402 ,--a gain over 1906 of $1,677 855. expenses were about the same as last year. For the lag five years, the actual mortality was only 47% of the amount expected. And the Intereft Income exceeded the mortality by $198,103. competitors, with a yearly expanding Interest Income, and a favorable death rate, it is but natural that The Mulual Life of Canada is eaming more profits, which go to the policy- holders in reduction of their premiums. _S. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston. SUGAR ! Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be LT Typewriter Supplies for all 'makes of machines. ; Rented and Repaired--all makes. d. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS; 205 IUPEEN STREET, OTTAWA, LOCAL ' AGENTS; BY oven-sumbered section of Doe muinion Leads in Manitoba or the Borthwest Provinves, excepting 8 snd 28, not reserved, way be howe Sendo, by say person the sole head of o fnoily, or ale over 18 grears of age, Ly the extent of one-quarter section, of 180 sores, more or less. Application for homestead entry mus§ be made {8 person by the applicant at a Dominios Lands Agency or Sub-agency. | Entry by proxy may, however, be made {at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or ister of an latending bowesteader. An application for eancellation must be made jo person. The applicant must be eligible for nomestesd entry. DUTIES --(1) At least six months® residence upon and couitivation of the land in each yean during the of three yearsy (2) A homesteader may, if he so dee sires, perform the required residence du- ties Ly living on farming land owned wolely Ly Bhim, pot less than eighty (80) acres In extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint owmership in land will sot meet this requirement, (8) M the father {or mother, father is deceased) of a homesteader permanent residence on farming r¥ned solely by him, not less shan (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity ¢ homestead, or upon a ho entersd for by him in u vicinity, such homes steader may performs his awn residence duties by living With the fathes (on mother). (4 The term actly hate two preceding paragrapl 19 Ll as meau+ ing Sot more than pine wiles ins direct line. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH« WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL. ~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres can to one applis cant. Royally, five cents per tong QUARTZ. ~A person eighteen of #ge und over having made a discovery Siay locate a claim 1.500 feet by 1,500 feat. Fee, $5.00. At least $100.00 must on the claim each year, or the Mining Recorder. When $500.00 has been expended or pald and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased ot $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Eatry fee, $5.00, . DREDGING.--Two leases of five miles seach of a river may be issued Lo one aps plicant for a term of 20 years. Renta), $10.00 a mile per annums Royalty, 2% per cent alter the output exceeds $10,000, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior; N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertimnient will not be paid Jor. How much better it would be largely a matter of a little practise. H yom pation or Beecham's suffer fram Co are or Hes bits and sct a ly follow "on ig the health suggestions trans. In boxes 25 cents, ag land he ~~ Yet the operating to Income smaller than its JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works First-Class Work Guaranteed Satisfaction Assured. Lettering in Cemeteries Neatly apd Prompt ly Executed, 372 Princess St Opposite ¥. M. C. A. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses everv Saturdav. - 103 WATERLOO, Ont. (especially for preserving fruit GRANULATED which is the well- Ask J. & oe acne of sugar refining, get Redpath's Granulated. You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? Standard Visible Writer We do not belong to any trust Then again, with the I. C. and nobody dictates the PRICE | Smith one machine is equipped to we sell at or HOW we'shall sell. [do all kinds of work-----better writ. . | ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating, That's OUR business. figures, stengil tm without We sell our machine strictly on! touching the ribbon and heavy its merit | manifolding anything that any * | typewriter can do the L. C. Smith All the writing on the L. C.|will do--and more. Smith is always in sight, and | direct in the line of vision, The! yi hg Lan eT MD ATED. | You can lift the platen, or writ- POINTED OUT so that the I c ing cylinder, right out and put in Smith is just WHAT WE ( LAI | another in a second. You can es | write in two rolors, and you do --a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. { not have to touch your ribbon The typebar and hanger aré the | from the time you put it in the heart of a typewriter,.that means { machine till it is worn out. they are the most vital part--a weak typebar means a weak type- | h . Show us a typebar-tear-| You can @o-all thesy things, and . d do them better ing that is narrow and Has mo |. J nore. an wearing surface, and it tells ws | thas you sn With anv other typs- that under hard wear such a type- | X y - / writer will not retain its align-! WILL YOU DO THIS? ment, and sooner or later will gg | 1 out of order. And remember THIS IS the \na- On the L. C. Smith the bearing | chine wes want to place in ybhur examination is wide and the bar heawy, and|s c= 'or trial ynd will stand years and ye rt hard | AT OUR rxrrder. It doesn't work', Aa - cost you a penny te try it. \ hry 0 \ % = Typewriters "apc da ' iS ELECTRIC C0., 7° Riincsss st: the » £ / / . de i, '

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