Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908. THE FUTURE OF QUEEN'S... "=== _.. THE NEWS OF WORLD), "cere | i OU Ends in Tragedy--Father Slays' | What Is Going On In The Poston) - i Le i i en, Na i 1 > '» » . RRS | His Son. { | World. | LE d T l d S ; oi) ) REPORT OF COMMITTEE Perlis, June 11.--A romantic love. (OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED! 1 hid of $15,000 was made for al adies attore uits in a7 1] story ended terrible tragedy at! {seat on the Toronto 'Stock Exchange. | a | PRESENTED TO ASSEMBLY. [iliicnau, 5 subucts of Bade fucker | IN BRIEF FORM, { "CPR. rafbe carmings for the Sexi] Wash Fabrics 4 | ¥ yesterday. 4 | Matters That Interest Everybody | "eck of June show a decrease of $332, # . Linen, Duck and Drill, White and Colors. Leave it to Trustees--Interest -of Somé time ago Major Bauer, gq re : 000), ! . S ' i ~Notes From all Over--Little! : ie . : 0 tired army fhieer, ecel Ved letter ! . i The Gre A i Trunk railway svstem's Church in Theological Facul- tired army officer, received » i! of Everything Easil y Read nd ; ty. from his son, who was undergaing his | po | traffic carnihgs from Junie Ist to Ww \ : militacy service at Freiburg, that he | and Remembered, {June Tth were : 190%, $653, S60 907, We rt Sune 10, I'he question of kM fallen in love with the beautiful | Parliament has vetoed supply for the | F554,859; decrease, $200 001. ; : [Cbarating Jucen's university from daughter of a railway employee, and! annual drill of the militiamen $ Sir George Drummond, president of Our pretty Suit is of Champagne Drill, Coat hip length, i we - wyterian Whurch caused a (hat he intended to marcy her, { The new Chiff botel, Newport, has |the Bank of Montreal, spenks in gene- { semi-fitling, two rows of Insertion back and front, tailored opirite discussion in the general as- |. The father wrote indignant letters been burned on its opening day, {rally favorable terms as to the out- | collar and cuffs, skirt pleated, fifteen gore, with two self-folds rombiy to day, and Sibion fot and threatening to cut him off without a! Ru. Pr. 8. Cleaver, elected pre ident] look of business throughout the coun- | against were vigorously expressed. T snny if he s ¢ » sue imes- ist 4 j try. : : : | subject came oo prose Nr a pany if J honid make such * mes- | of Toronto MethodistFonference, a ost of podining 'hasen in | Another pretty style is of the fashionable Bar Linen, in {report by Principal Patrick Winnipeg a Rhee: a ig tat 8 tainad ia North Hastings the correct Tia} { Canada is' altogether out of propor White, with Navy Bar, semiMit Coat, with Navy Collar and | a. pt reo! 0 ; ' obtamed | origy or Pearce, conservati is | H po . : i i x ! jot the spacial Sumihities 1 to leave to go home yesterday to see his Shy onservative, | tion to the basis ruling in other coun Cuffs, ' pleated Si i self-folds . y jadvise © assembly. ie report father { Th gi i | tries, and as a result the export trade Plain White Lawn irts, to wear with any This : : . ] e annual meeting of the i y . ; : : PinkRare re mars that Lydia Ji fwuggested leaving the matter to the A stormy scene took place between | and Steel pan will he Dapinion | jp Canadian cured meats is rapidly | wide, three self-folds. Special, at -- funmiversity D: 0 . i ' i = : { i . : : : : fo ereuy trustees, and met with the two, the young man declaring that | June 25th. po | falling off Separate Coats to wear with any Suit, in White Linen, cured her after everything else much opposition. he would gladly give up hisname and | Col. Hendrick, H.S. oonsul, Pello.|. The, Montreal street railway earn- | ni-fitting, latest style I'he committee recommended a de position for his sweetheart. At this | ili "takes charge of the co "lings for the week ending June 6th sem4- E» y a lo Mas a wna We lgrea St iverance of the assembly on the sub- the father dréw a revolver, and, ex- i Moncton, N.B. 8% were 370,161.45, ai antrense of $212.83 « re oars I han on ect, eXpreasing "gratification at the 'claiming that death for both was { The RM.S. Victorigh, Allan line | °°" the same week last year. 4 p io ig ols a gheqt pron Fox (rapid growth and expansion of petter than a dishonored name he throm Liverpool, inward. at Lo The production of gold at the Rand D av i d M. S ence v h PIE Queen's, with the hope that its suc- h i th a bullet | pat i ' in May is officially placed at 581,992 ' every remedy given me by doctors 107 frome a oie con au shot his son, and then sent a bullet { Point NS. at 10 a m. fies olmacod valued at £2.472 143. In s a: this" trouble, w worse instead of |i ied" i, Piper future, ord 2%. (00 through his own head. Duane. Blakesly,: of 'Camden, NoX..! Abril bout the cater vas oiiesy ol The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. T. was fast fading in health, | a 3 : » further, was struck by lightning and instantly | ? Nhl = 501 47% fa : and { was complete! discouraged. fat hil og church was ready to 'DASTARDLY CRIME ON COAST. killed during a severe t anderstor.. » ounces, and in May, 197, 5.477 fine * One da a friend advised me to try Hivvod th : otek Relation, ie i At Thursday's session of the Congre- ounces, nkham's Vegetable Com. HOVe a question of the char- | Mrs, Morrison Outraged and/gational Union of Canada, Rev. Hugl & | r : . : wh Pound. 1 did so, and am thankful to [acter of the relation should be deter- | Murdered. Pedley, Montreal, was elected chair- SAFE WAS ROBBED. / \ say that it cured the female weakness, ined by dhe Hod of trustees, which | 83 west-- ¥ making me strong and well, was ultimately: responsible for the wel. | Vancouver, June 3 11.-8ixty men mish. Port ut Spi; hades. & Thieves Gain Entrance to Brock| * Every woman who suffers from fe- [fare and finandial position of the uni. {joined the posse which spent a night | A ort o. Spain, Irinadad, there Street Store. | lin the district near Blaine, at the in- | have been only four cases of bubonic : male les shoul Lydi ink- versity. The t ani , ] ome time during Wednesday nik 5 hays Vernon md try Lidia B. Pin Shoring The Spates phould be . su {ternational boundary line, searching | Plague since the outbreak of the dis- a a Suing Vaduonday night | - od or | . . ys © se. = € p, ance t« © Store FACTS FoR SICK WOMEN. 'oc iation with She benefactors and los the murderer of Mrs. Elis Mori a recount of voles in the elections fof J- R. Dobbs & Co, 109 Brock A id ry. Years Lydia KE. Pink. gradu AS; might he deemed in the | The crime was committed near [10 Laval and St. Anne's, Montreal, {5t7*et, by breaking in a door, at the , JE ham's Vegetable Compound, made [J ihieres's of the institution. If o raleinere on the 'Great Northern |on behali of the defeated candidates, | 74, and made off with $13 which HAS COMMENEED HER, change were decided upon provision was in the safe. The safe had been roots and herbs, has been the n | railway, and is one of the most das- | will occur. r , standard remedy for female ills, (fe vt Fhiid foe rg » "the | ardly in the history of British : Horace C. Wright, secretary and A, Jit unlocked. ¥he office desk was | and lias positively cured thousandsof | © 7 * 3 ological Jaculty on {Columbia. Mrs. Morrison was walk- | Froude, physical director of the Peter- | Fat ny hen Dut Roti apart 'rem the money was found missing. Some ! ; a basis satisfactory to the church. |. 3 : ; r y women who Have been troubled with 5 ho » |ing with her little daughter when met [boro Y.M.C.A., have resigned. Mr. : ¥ They were gratified to know that the | "3 Ric OE RI LEEL. 100 We Wri : heques were the safe 1 his ' 1 ) ® hy chite right will study for the church. Fheqlies were mm. the sale, and this ments, inflammation, ulcera- [5 Sn it to rdfse half 4 million dol. |"¥ @ tramp, a young white man, who | Wrig : 8 morning whet Mr. Dobbs opened up y d tumors, irregularities, | | se he; id out och. th George S. Lyon, the Canadian gol E tion, DIS rities, [lars for the fae itv . | %et on Tr and outrage he woman. i x 4 > AS N ic oe, Dry i bone, ith ean Spits OF arte wus meeting { The little girl ran for help, but the charmpdon, Sturya a She mimo he stare, Je loud tices ou the flor. riod pai die nll ly : e ] e sum desir- . 4 : or | this week. It cost the Canadian com- | ) : Me x P gd wii feeling, flatne ney, indiges- fed would soon he obtained. In view of |*°™men was found dead with her mittee $600 to send Lyon on to | %afe was found missing. It was evi- 7 tion, ABSSOT Nervous prostration. the urgency" of the case the nse | throat cut. dent that p sves als > Why ont you try it? p i goucy of a rs yo. Sstely SLEW THE ARCHBISHOP Leadon. attempting to board a train visit witaire -" el aa aha velo Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick (named by the moderator, to give le- ! : at' Hamilton ; ' Galt John Duncan y "2" found to have been removed from \ i -- OF 2 on, for Galt, Jo ' , | women to write her for advice, gual offect, if nécessary, to whatever {His Assassination in Tiflis om] Was struck and instantly killed by a soi Tari Hace. the ft t : nao a ee rear o 1e store She has gui ed thousands 0 detion should | i inesd 5 i h ye determined upon + by slot engine, the approach of which he «4 § health, A dress, Lyon, Mass, { the board of trustees, and protect the | w 8 y- es ae a approach of which he { was also smashed, and it is thought Pi I ™Y H {Interests of the.ehurch with regard t, | Tiflis, June 11.--Archbishop Nikon, Philip Kotche son, Tweed, pleaded | that the thieves at first attempted to ' / | the control of 'the theological faculty. {archbishop of Georgia, was assassin- guilty to indecent assault on three] £°t into the store this way I'he bolt on the outside door was broken off, . I» Re ' {ated in: Tiflis, on Wednesday, on the . % | Rev Rohery, Fampbell, declared that [ated o Miag Hi "| little piels, He was sentenced to two " a \ 3 J the conditionh * imposed by Mr. Car. {Step of the synodal building. His as- rs, les lay, in Central prison, |2nd as the door leading to the store . y 2 { : pars, Jes » day, son, ng . agnostic, | "ailants were revolutionists. A monk, | Y®8rS; less one da ntral } was unlocked. it ene easy matter 1 ) a . ; neg ete Fahdamentally land twelve lashes. nnd the chtrel should have nothing {in attendance upon the archbishop, | Lh : oa. | for them to make their way into tha n | was severely wounded. The assassins J. B. Belisle, a resident of St. Aga store. 'The safe stands near the front N : to do with them. He fered * . to ice Indi o. Worsted amendment asking the EE make | made sure of their work. They the, has feporiad to he folie that, window of the store : » provision for retiring allowance i * {emptied their revolvers into the body | OB honda Big whi hk d Was ating ------tee-- : 5 or | a ia - ' a i 2 garden, two BRO obbhers en- . 19 Jr olesors. Dr. Gandier, Rev. Mr, [of the archbishop and then fled. They Papen, INO uae ured 83500. | FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. N owen of "Hult, 'and Prof. Dvde have not been captured. . -------- : ut, h Four passengers, the tor i 2 } Four passengers, the motorman an Sales M t B a a of Queen's, supported him warmly. A e conductor were ed, whe " | . 3 "yr! " ~ Trouserings ANTLGAMBLING BILL. [the conductor were injured, wher o oon COME AND SECURE A BARGAIN. "rined rord pens . Princo} dou, lof eh 8, made an Cedar avenue street car was wrecked, carwest pleas forthe adoption of the It Has Passed the New York|on Murray Hill, Cleveland, Ohio, by The Frontenac cheese board met on egmmittee's resolution. ¥ : he be ia - = : » what is supposed® to have been 'a|Thursday aiternmoon, when the follow * . So watm is the interest taken by : Senate. ou charge of dynamite. ing 'factories boarded : he London Mil imnery tore, Tatest" Saitin B Work the assembly in the duestion that al Albany, N.Y, June 11.--This after A despatch from Reno, Nevada, White--Battersea, 60; Cataraqui, - gs; est Workman *naidarable body of ihoriant busi- noon, the senate finished voting on says that Mrs. Leon Martin, formefly (110. Elm Grove, 35: Excelsior 30. 178 WELLINGTON ST. ness wife wag on the order paper| (he anti-gambling bill, and the result Nan Patterson, acquitted of the mur- {Glenburnie, 60; Glenvale, 60; Pine ship, baw thin wowed aside jn arder to al-| was announced, twenty-six for passage | dor of Cancer' Yenc: in Nor: York. Hill, 90; Kose Hill, 65; Sand Iii], 30, | law this matter to be fully discussed. { and twenty-five against. The bill will after two sensational trials, was kill- | Sunitiry, 30; Silver Springs, 58; total | Phe debate is still proceeding, take effect immediately. fed on Thursdav. 618. Tailors' to Men of. Fashion. d A Fine Onfl ET. The jury in the case ™f Raymond| Colored--Gilt Edge, 30; Bay View, 179 Well S Had A Fine Ou ng. Abducted Italian's Children. Hitchcock, the New York actor, on|75; Latimer, 65; Mornine Star, 55; Fs e ington t. Ottawa, June 11.--The memlers of Hornell, N.Y., June. 1l.--The home trial for assaulting a young girl, re-|Oso, 40; Ontario, 40; St. Lawrence. the Canadian Medital Assotiation and of Antonio Gemiarretto, a. well-to-do | tamed & verdict of "not guilty." | 55; Thousand Islands, 30: Wolfe 1s their [riends 16° the mumber. of al OUL | [talian, was entered last: pight, and There being four other indictments {land, 43; McGrath's, 60; total, 126. MO were the guests of the Canadian his two children; a bos, aged © eight} againkt Hitcheock, he was remanded At 118e., Mr. Alexander secured all i ; Pacific Railway company, on Wednes: years, and '4 baby givl, of sixteen W. Basketville, nineteen years of the colored cheese, with the exception i day afternoon and were takin in g | months, together: With +880 in cash, age, of Neepawa, Man., cloped with [of three factories, Bay View, Latimer, i | special "train to Caledonia Springs, | dilverware, and other valuables are Mrs Addie Willinms, forty vears of {and Thousand Islands, and at ' the well-knows' health rescrt near Ot- missing. It is believed the children Baskerville took his father's | 11 3:16e., Mr. Kerr bought the white -------------- age tawa, where they were entertained at{ will be held for ransom. The Italian | team and waggon, and three children | cheese offered by Glenburnie factory, to the woman were also tak- [60 boxes. The rest went to the ywurb. Summer Cottages on Wolfe | ® luncheon in the company's" hotel | colony is excited, and the police are belonging Island, 'to ren furnished and sWown, innamerable other court peouring the country forgthe alleged | on along : b . esies. The medical men who wersdubduetors. Arthur Gordon Ranger, aged four White Lingerie Princess Gown. Houses and Lots for sale in the | the ob'ects of the hospitality, speak years, is in a critical condition with City. 3 ine glowing terms of the kindness The Pageant Of London. a fracture at the base of his skull, - shown them, and are lovd in their {| London, June 11.--~The lord mayor | the result of a fall from the balcony AE {Vith great eass walec\is placed in water: Fire Insurance '| praise of the springs as a health re presided at a-meeting- at the Mansion | of his home, 11 Brant Place, Toronto 0 5 : ith bo p sort. \ 1) house, last night, under the auspices | to the ground, a sistance of nearly 2 a pan, drafts opened and coal fire started. Fire soon i EE------ Paring 'the lancheon, Sir James of the University Extension Board, twenty feet. ol fa id burns up brightly, drafts are closed and oheck- Grait and Dr. P. Monticami ert, pre-|In support of a proposal to arrange | Robert Pelterie, a wealthy young / & ¢ draft opened. Tinmediately heat-power begins to J R.C Dobbs & Co sident of the medical association, ex.|a series of historical lectures in the | Frenchman, flew over a mile at his HS 0iar ER v 4 pentane domme aud radiator surounditg dome. * v . press d gporétibtion of the action of | various metropolitan and suburban |place, near Yersgtiles, at an. gverng | 1 R -- The incoming cold air immediately receives the x the Canadian Pacific in giving the | boroughs dealing with the broad fea- [height of 120 feet, tising a mono | i ah ' am J 109 Brock St, mombers an opportanity of visiting a | 197es of the historical events which plane machine of his own invention R= . ! energy of this heat-power, and by natural law Typewriter Headquarters. lace of such interist and |eauty as] Will be included in the London pa- [This is the first flight made with 4 | J p ascends up tho hot-air pipes, thence to rooms. No (pledonia Springs snd besroke the | geants in 1909, machine of this type. | i 5 | gas escapes into cellar or rooms because thers is concern of the profession in its de | ~ PTI \ It is authoritatively stated that the | | Hi $ an antomatio gas damper providing for its escape didlopment. . - Sir Hillier's Appointment. Dominion Steel company is inclined to] 2 | SR up tho chimuey. : \ London, June 1l.--~According to the | accept thes proposals _of the leading | USE ONLY THE BEST 5 Made Marchionese. Daily Mail, the appointmebt of Sir | banks for a settlement of the coal | ; ! | lL Re ork, ue Fourth € oin| Walter Caine Hillier, as the adviser | troubles. It is also stated that the | . : the' ranks bf the Papal Marquisate in | of the Chinese government, is due to | steel company will soon make an is A : bh In the morning a gentle rocking of ths lever i : 1 a ; ; > a | sue onsalidated bonds America is Mrs. Hugh McLaughiin, | the growing financial relations be ue of con lide ! ove widow of the former democratic lead.| tween China and Great Britain, and R. Catorcheson, alias Draguson ki : . removes all ashes from grates. No dust in ce in Frooklynj who has just been [to the increasing tension betwee | formerly cashier of the Roumanian . LL : operator's face, for he first opened damper into y . y a . Sh ol " > » Iwav. Bucharest, sign-| : | 9. : » ade marchionese by Pose Fius X.| Chinese and the Japanese gof®en overnment rai . : he made a marchjon y Poy us Denis | ed a note for $1,200 on a bank ard W. { Sc ~"=.. dust-pipe leading from ash 4 « §8 Ary N is i { 8 { \ 3 » ) Countess' Beary ' end lar uis and | decamped with the money to New| ; pit, then direct draft at Marchionese Maloney of Philadelphia, a s . . sh ame the only others thus honored by Found With Throat Cut. | York. from whence he could not be 3 {| The model picture is a charming de a } smoke- ripe entrance, and all 3 came to Montreal, was ; I | ; 1 . wT | tradited. He | sit he hite olored nl A thehead of the Roman church. Mrs Massena, N.Y, June 11.-The body { 3 on | Sign for either white or colored mull, | . . : McLaughlin, who is seventy-cight | of an unknown man was found float | recognized and arrested on a char fine lawn or organdie, thy gown from.) a ¥ dust passed up dust-pipe to fstie STANDARD attics years old, wag born in she|ing in the St. Lawrence river, near | of bringing. stolen money into the | hich the sketch was made being of | ; : dome, then out chimney. . - hs . y Soe . BOR LI i % ' try. } in ex sl nmed ith in Dutch *Refcrmed Church, but early be | Maseena, last evening, with his throat| coun white French muslin trimmed w n- | » READY FOR USE came converted 1g Catholicism, She| cut nearly from ear to ear. He was est Day Of Ye fsartions of lace and a little hand em | Iv. IN ANY QUANTITY. hadbecn very active in charitable | only partly clothed and the Lody had Dullest Day nn 1 [ores The model was made with | . x o . @ ~Tuesday's Riw York, Sun } No need to_ghovel any ashes away. Pormalting soap aoTtening wates work throughout New York, been in the water for several days a Dutch neck it a high collar and a | » . i All nicely settle: sEpan ready to be The yo i oe. | volume of business on the Stock Ex- e 3 » of lace oa 2 aded if a aoe a paint. disintecting Weddfig Gift Is $100,000. Hg ee od of idelle age. change wis the lightest at pore, than i little yoke of. las B bead he ; : : many other purpesss. A can Philadelphia, June 1. --When he : A 10.655 obs Tone THE tr | quickly and easil} removed from pit. On equals 20 pounds SAL SODA, gave his i ; Par che in aor. . Big Jeb Almost Over, last year. That day was the lightest Ill From The Shock. {}] coming upstairs 'operator finds that he re- BOLD EVAAYWHERE. | |i" Philidelihia Flectsie company, | gros hae. ben mad onthe loupe. |] day that the Stock Exchange had of omervatives to a Fromenso wend ||| 3%r8 BO whisking off, and his wis don's Who Walon fue 3 madéat wirkly wage, Yraching dpurations of the er. R. aad aii eit ithe | house last Sunday night to intimidate scold him for "making everything white. man of No. 1507 "Pismond on ac There re ill seventy wiles of steel Detactie Stories, sui} the hess of she hiaehiold, tho latier . Vv ed to his godspeed a wedding preseut | to lay, but the officials of the com-| A large shipment of new deteetive | ye i ug a. ous lL. Jrom| . ef $100,000 to cheer the pair on their | pany expect to be able to open the stories by Ri holas . ster hot just a the actions. of the visitors, er! Operator is delighted. When asked the name of way. The fortune which ) hu Mrs. | second track some time early in Sep- hie in "the "Buflalo Bill well-known citizen, had a tad effec | " his furnace, he proudly said, { i; " ber. : : ; y , RY : a 0 s » . Ave - atte w pd, hu he hus | ay Sic sscuritios which: will yield MOONLIGHT ATTRACTION. Judith And Holophern. band vOWS vengeanse, | A i . You must see the maonificent Assv- - | 2) \ 4 Beware of tments For Catarrh Nursery Rhymes Concert at Wolfe rinn-Jewish tragedy - at The Bijou, f Emeralds Admitted, i . That Contain Mercury. Island. : Friday anf™Saturday. The Kingston baseball executive met As mercury will surely destroy the sense! A pleasant concert will be given on 4 . W¥ednesday evening. The application i of smell and ly derange the! Monday evening hy the choir of St.! "The Lion ali 'the Mouse," get a of the Emeralds to join the league was | Shtle system when uth artiste ough | james' church, Kingston, assisted by | copy cf the k Sg, at McDer:jread. The Mic-Macs having dropped | never be except on prescriptions | Mesars. J, Cousins, L. Marchand and | mott Bros. vw . \ jout Jt was a i to allow the Eme i . ' from repli pRy Eland as the damage | [). (), Waring. Miss Edwards will take| Bibby' s car. ialds to take their place and | play | 6 McC [ AR Y hay will -- Jn ten 101 to Shegond FOU | aioe Hinckley's solos. From the rate] Major Mozley's marriage to Wiss A [their games through the season, The : Ca Oper. a 4 the tickets are selling there is promise} C. Scott, oceurs in St. Georfe's o «| Emeralds are a fast team. chaafia Ee 1 i of a big crowd from Kingston to em-| thedral on June 2rd =v _ i he eysten Regular $8 10,88 goods; for SEND FOR BOOKLET. g : -------- ; 1} London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, SL. John, B., Hamilton, ry. directly the 4 and m r. | joy the moonlight trip. Tickets, which i The Majority Was 303. LEMMON & SONS include return tip, can be had at At ten o'clock this morning, J. B.| mond i returns not later them 11, ! fation. The figures were: Nickle, 2,215 a Fries 78: per {Pecse, 1,522. Metealfe, 29: majority Paks Halls Family Pun tor comsti- The death is reported fiom Inkate, : [for Nickle, 393; spoiled Lallots, #9, : 3 be e vil . i =o ; Se Lif Be ei A Dosa PINEAPPLES ~ . : ; i Unusual in , but we have them, : also fancy sora, red and black | All sizes, for preserving. J cherries, plums, apricots, watermelons! . . . . > ; 0. Cartuvahte rT --Order now while prices are right, | OFFICE NO. 1. : : or he ; - wii 5 ders prouip PEE 4 QV: L tune Nora, Gos. ihe rns Wore company, hn -- (Fine ravaingas 1h Bijou; | Ra H. TOYE, 302 King St faces of 1 the. Ca Cope be' sure you got Wade" St Steamer Wolfe Is- : . ; ing " : 4 taken In and made | Wode's Drug Stowe. » - | Walkem, returns officer for King- Foi by F. J. Cheney & Cou. | lander leaves Ke at 7.50 and : ; [ ston, made Wd cial election décinr- RIPE i signed. and Saturday'

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