Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1908, p. 4

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i : ve oy : ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908. ; on . -- n-- m-- ements ---- ---- | JORIAL NOTES. . ce in the copnt of about 200. 11] SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AA AAAS | TRAV THE WHIG, 75th YEAR EDITORIAL NOTES jp --- allogianse existed elsewhere | ; Val ya, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published st 308 Because of his devotion to the racel y ! - ect, Ki i ' . fas he neods further for , . To A th 40 2 ocick pam "| rack nuti-gambling bill, the gover- [CL ont explanation: "| § 3 Kingston & Pembroke i pe 4 year. itions at 2.30 and 4 o'cleck p.m. lquiie sufficient explanation. B NE EKLY BRriisH hk 38 pages, pub nor hag been referred to as "Charles | "Understand distinctly," said Mr i - United States, charge! the Evangelist." He ean stand it MacKay, with tremendous emphasis, | y { Railway Company made S0c. for - Daily; ti x | "the fight is only begun. Our position | 8 ni 3 § i : best Job Printing! Mr. Studbolme, M.P.P., of Hamil- | in the main on public questions was | EN With : ! t bs ; , ; hn Timummai oie ith Offices in Canaday rapid, stylish, and chewd| (,,, ghould be given a front seat jn Clearly fought. The discussion during 's y ¥ ofl Hw As . i ; oh presses. - --- np . {the campaign only served to make ' v g EY " Si - L wn The British Whig Publishing Co., Led the legislature. His election as an inl mare maziiost. Understand: thes : . w A i Notice a W. IB PENSE, | : a | * dependent labour candidate is the | (he aggregate vote during the last | event of the day. 'parliament called for a conservative | : ] a | . » { Rh 1 Commencing MONDAY, nnd majority of hut ten, instead of forty- ti ! Daily big. "| he conservatives in Ottawa are dis: four. It will he interesting to note a {June 15th, No. 1 train will - ) satisfied with the patronage system, what the present vote is. Whether y - > »s . No More : In Oitaric: it is the main. hoMt of the the wioly Zalliance that - operated : 3 {leave Kingston at 12 noon A GOOD TYPE OF MAN. n Smingic it is the main. hold of the {'he . . r was gene 3 / % fi 2 ; Broken Backs . ' . _ | Whitney party. How can these differ- against me here yesterday wa general A & instead of 12.10 as at pre- . ? | > i . . The governor of North Carolina may lor not T can't say, but if so, there i § No.2 t rillarriv fotos . ; i 2 vo. | ences he reconciled ? } i Al ) ¥ (sent. No.2 train willarrive Ibis Little Device 8 | say to the governor of South Caro- [vile found a Riedy. i I 4 eo {at Kin ston 3.55 In in Te < . ¥ ; a ---------- "What is the future ol rovingi a \ a hy LIN. - Usts At lina, when they meet, according to There was a very large number of | liberalism ? Liberalism is 3 5 a. amit \ em tead 2 345 as 2 sent The Root of the tradition, "ls a long time between spoiled ballots in the recent election, | issue. I repeat now and here, liberal = i \ Jo. stead o hio as at present. E il drinks," but the saying will not be especially in Tonto. Strange, isn't!ism was a united factot in this pro- a : $ There will not be any V * | characteristic of the life and serkice of it, when Toronto is the very centre of} mer one week iytfary eleotion, da. : \ change in the arrival or de- And Remow > rentle i the Charles . pats . : . don't misunderstand election resu ts. \ i , - i " Bodin Hine peatioaes a th 0 New | Political illumination. [The majority against us may be seven. Pd parture of other trains, BR ighes type. P . s . : vi i ity. It will be found that a swing of 5 York has been referred to by the Whig Tue Yoronto News is eomstrained to lio, per cent. of the actors would \ » A : F. CONWAY, repeatedly because of his adherence to | admit that "there is reason to think| Co "0" 4 cry majority the other : Gen. Pass. Agent. certain plans or ideals. that a high average of honesty pre-iway. In other words I think it will Ms. Hughes is not a boastful per- | vails amongst the permanent officials |be found that at least forty-seven per Fy EA BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY . . wating higt- | of the departments.' A belated tri-{e*nt- of the electors voted liberal A Train leaves union station, Oatatrio son, He is not congratulating h 8 , : while, say, fifty-three per cent. voted LA e street, LN daily (Sundays excepted, sell that his determination or diplo- | bute to worth. conservative." : ' anes Sidenhany | Na bs re macy are succeeding beyond measure, N Foste fte lav Yall bes To seriously wuestion the ultimate To secure quick despatch to Bannock- but he is resting easily in his suc-| T'- osler, alter a Ua) isuccess of liberalism is to danbt that burn, Maynooth, and points on Central cess. He is seeing through the extra spent in discussing the railway de its leaders will be true to liberal Bibby's for Dressy Suits nts Re TW, DICKSON og oer : lars, apply to R, W, JKSON, Agent, Ontario, route your shipments wia Bay partment's estimates, graciously al-|pringiples and will not be sufficiengly : 'Phone, No. 8. some of the measures which he spe- EE TX VTS ¥ Nr? Vivre | sume of, he . ; of Serge. . COMFORTA BLE cially Fommenls ed Whi ge den, is leading the "opposition nowa-| THERE'S DANGER AHEAD. # { r ou well his y te 8 ------_-- ng aut so days. The Constantly Growing Demand There's more to recommend a Serge Suit for Summer Wear SUMMER out NGS * two years. These include the bills on : SUMMER SUITS which the New York senate has pass- The Hamilton scandal over: the a) Torantd For. Mr. Roosevelt. than you'd think. - . ed concerning the public service com-|joged sale, or proferred sale, of bal-| The most _elaborate precautions are Not only is it dressy and therefore desirable, but being . La ; cre . : . . i i i it is decidedly comfortable for the warm days We have them in all styles and | Mission, the regulation of political | jots may be the result of a joke or [being taken to prevent the stampede light in weight it is Lower St Lawrence % . patterns. Latest designs and low. |V@rlies, and the direct nominations game of bluff, but it is not creditable os Dhisage, convention to Roose of Summer. ' : : : . i : « Senator Burrows, it is said, i le. A find Fabri est prices, $5 BC . by primary meetings. One of these |, the returning officer. He should i It is also stpéng and d ble. man can find few Fabrics . I » $5, $6.50, $8.50 up to lite i : : was chosen as temporary chairman, - bi h wl ualities. as does the Serge. as Pen nsular ,§13.50. political reforms, strange to say, is | not have entrusted the ballots to largely because he is not a Roosevelt that combine these necessar e > i being enthusiastically promoted "by | any joker man, and would not be carried away f i 's 3 : E] i ! . \ rie When you first look at one of our Suits and somebody else's : i Come in, look over our stock | M/, McCarran, df Brooklyn, a demo- 512 ot by the fervor of the occasion into side by side, they may seen the same. But look at the aut, Mar time Prov nces and see if we cannot suit you at cratic boss, who recently suffered ao | The political machine is very much| making a dangerous Roosevelt speech look at the way the collar fits, the button holes, the sewing. prices obtainable nowhere else. denounced, and by some people who Senator Beveridge, his rival for the the way the lining is put in, and then buy your Serge Suit of All reached by the * » . » YON 1 : 1 Also large new stock of Boots | Mr. McCarren, it will be remember. | used it in their day, but there is a Ds Toado fiery an segtor to be a house that always stands back of its promises. , bo AA * » . . . v » A . Senator LOG, one of - i and Shoes at rock bottom prives. | ed, headed a fine delegation to the | virtue in the voting machine which 15} the most cautioms and polished of the ) See Our Special $12.50 and $15 Suits. | INTERCOLONIAL; state democratic convention, and it | operated so successfully in New York | republican leaders. will be selected as y RAILWAY 3 ISAAC ZACKS, was refused recognition because it had | state. It does away with the paper permanent chairman, with specific in structions to bury the "third term" {Excellent Dining and Sleeping Car equipment), @71 Princess street. not been. "regularly elected." 1t had ballot and does its work well. project out of sight in his: opening ad y . » Ie-- ad . ren been hand-picked all right by Mr. Mo- The inevitdble is' forced upon" Mr dress. He will laud Roosevelt and his | Carren, and represented his idea of a Bourassa---to lead the Quebec opposi- administration, but he Will follow this bh . % . Fishir i AE, Bathing ~ » registering machine. It operated me: up with the most definite and empha i | : tion. He will find the amplest scope | 4jo statement of the president' | W chanically, and did according to the s exbreias of 'hi % Pw mt of the president's op- -~ s . ! Boating Shooting. | OSHA A for the exercise of his talents. But bast position to a third term. Kingston's Only One Price Clothing House. y g | session of the legislature at presen lowed a yum of $8,250,000 to pass. radical and aggressive. Mr. Foster, much more than Mr. Bor- "throw-down" from his party. y Jolt of the boss in Shige uf i But is not a conservative, and has no| All this is still regarded as Necessary y. t Sy poy a oy - " : . . fring - i oo IRS I UU + it duc. not represent . the 'ides of the sympathy with the party in many re- to provide against a stampede. Two AAA I, AAA HAUNTS ka oc BUMMER E inner circle Moe sat Taft dele , fest Virgini PII PAIN NR ISP inner circle of local democrats, or the aspects. He is simply a critio--of the ee delegutes from West Virginia an special tours, and other pamplets de notions or wishes of the other bosses. | . dependent kind " d the other day that they pro- | eeses---- EE ---------------------------- -- w-- | gcribing territory, ' independen ind. posed to vote for Roosev elt. If only Mr. McCarran is finding consider- a few of the Taft men did this, the ) Made of 28 guage galvanis- able satisfaction in ghe fact that if first ballot would fail to nominate . . ed steel. Fire Proof, Water his bill carries the Birt state and ,, then things would be in a "tin. Montreal City Office, Froal, Wind Prost, Lighting committee will have to be recast, and --- ey oonditign. The Hestion really 141 St. James Street. ' » . M A 3 - . ie ability the TT --- " A required, do not rattle. the leginlatits, his Sous: vii Lost Its Power. managers to tonvince the ult =) Authentic " Slaters \ or 2 A lasting roof at a fair have nullified the procedure of the | prantfora Expositor. 3 that their man is sure to be lected f = pit | p price. state convention. Thus in due time | The power of the press in Toronto | If the convention feels EL that the } L | General Passenger Department, { MONOTON, N.B. Call in and see them at the and in an unexpected way. Mr. Car- West _ does not seem to bo efective. nomination of Taff is equivalent to i office of The World and the Telegram strongly | his election, they will probably be ran is coming to his own. supportel A, W. Wright, yet W. D. | willing to be \ J \ . -- ' : 2s 'a . We i, We BD, owt Roosevelt's \ I'he ante-gambling bill is the last of | Mpopherson, | the machine candidate, | and "save" Hira I estes glo \ \ A | R ND 1 y RAILWAY the several measures in the success of | won out ily. But if the impression grows that Fait ta \ . H A AERA" which Mr. Hughes is particularly in- J -- cannot he depended upon to play the i There Is only one | H a ' . . \ . e e Whitney Outlook. ' part of a safe candidate, then nothing i a | -- wlio Calan Sireions to Manitoba y terested, will prevent some of ie loo eaders 3 ter S ugust 4th and 18th, a Toronto Star, I en me of the local lead Hi I a a 2. r la hoe. It 1s and Ast, A ¥ Foot of Wellin on St : N . fey . Mr. Whitney and his eolleagmes have [ who have gone to the convent \ " _ gt * AN ACT OF INGRATITUDE, a chance either to do' better, or to | Taft delegates, from iin oe a le : ' returning within 'two months of going -- The greatest trial of the Quebec op- heap up new matter for condemnation. | rush to Roosevelt. Just about one i em oe b d d : h For Pullman or Tourist car reserva pesition in the new legislature ig to | It is our practice in Canada not. i to { more Grant speech, and Taft's nomin- -- ran 2 wi t ( on and Soy iia Anlotmation, apply : # ; i . . ' xe ] : a a to J. P. NL , Cer, Joh he deprived of its leader, P, E, Le kill the government with an axe, but { ation would he +cooked. ji Omar tARLIY, Agent, Cor, Johnson blanc, Of all men who deserved well to allow it to perish of *slow decay. -- ------ h d 6" h l a EXACTIQN OF PLEDGES. three words, e ater Local Branch Time Table. of the party, or of the people, he was Lovers Of Loaves. ---- 3 2 depot, Foot eof J nson streety Irawir the milk of encouragement | in 8 . drawing he ourag Goldwin Smith, in Weekly Sun. No: 5 mall meacld 38 a.m 1.07 am » o I : nt: 5 : a Heo had conducted himself with a rare! votes "government." It is the vicar us and will presently h : . sently deprne logis " . Shoe Polis of Bray among the provinces. tors of the ren Saordise of ® dogisty 7 mall awe 3.19 p.m. 8.51 p.m What Was It? parliament own in private that they Lve. City Arr. City to your shoes to be sure mouthpiece of the little band of sev-| Llind mare that led him to such an in the fulfilment of 4 pledge. Thi | rd | 4 fast express. 1.02 p.m. 1.29 p.m the blind mare, was also one of the | home rule, for which some men must | LAI Sihor tram ally eXcapt Sunder, y gratitude." It brings up the question The combination of political temper thould be elected to our legis ature . i : . . particular wa } i his opportunity, his time, and some-| tario did not work any harm to the ¥ on the liquor | For Men to $7.00 For Women to $5.50 LIMITED. the commons rose to protest that the | not even its politiclhns can kill it. | What scli-respecting man would care | Su Cruises in Cool Latitudes Trains will leave and arrive ay City the chief. He was, in the first place, | Montreal Herald. The Resort of People and Insti- 7?» f amexperienced man. He had given | Conservative journals are already tutions Everywhere, S h o €, na slate rame. ugg Es Arr. City ovr twenty-five years of his time, and from the Ontario cocoanut. They f y . 2.81 ' : : * ¥ Top. The system of exacting pled ' : { . . dh . i , a ¢ pledges from 8 Xpress .... 2.85 a.m. 5.17 a.m the best of it, to the public service. get that Ontario pretty consistently. | candidates for parliament Brows upon No other shoe by any name bY a Stee Tid, 12 35 wh pn 12.58 pm. : ---- " - 4 [eC 8 p.m. discrimination, When the party prac- of their ow I 7 3 nl * " | 8 15 1008] wenn 708 p.my 7388 p.m. g : -- 7 . } \ \ Don't be deceived by imita. tically abandoned the field in the judgment. You will hear members of | without the slate frame 1S) GOING EAST. t It 1 tif general election, he held his ground, Guelph. Mercury voted f } 1 | 0. B mail 1.43 ons. means lon e a nd mi or the faistiful sue pi erc . 5 : ed lor or aga nst the measure, not . -- a.m, 2.17 am g aud became its loader, Poor Nelse Monteith! Was it the | on their own' view of its merits, but a real, 2 Just aapress ry $0 aia he it x ---- 6 mail .._.1225 p.m. 12.56 p.m. i en, 'who faced an ordeal of criticising | untimely end ? But then, Charlie | was notably the case with regard to | L$ i imi » "Soo," w iscovere : n'a» : i | --------1/08 p.m; 7.88 p "of 2 in I a government with an over-power.ng Smith, of the "Soo," who discoverad Gladstone's revolutionary meascrs of | ' Nos 1.28, 4.5, 6, oa "a raph Black and all colors, majority. , i 4 vanquished. That mare must be 4 evidently have voted against their! For full particulars, apply to ' Patrie s fittingly refern Es g pir | : La Patri ; ob fi ing y « : ¢ > hoodoo. 3 oy opinions and the general tenor | vil J. P. HANLEY, Agent, the verdict rendered by Laval, under Out Of Busi of their political lives. We had the Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sta. ! the circumstances, a8 ™an act of in Meateeal Suton usiness. other day a suggestion that nobody | -------------------------------- 4 % | i » ; who had : Quebec St hip € pany as tohow far & man should sacrifice] ance workers and. 'liquor men in On- iy > had not pledged himself to vote | $5.00 $4.00 ue 80 eams om an dh question. The tendency of th | : ; . Whitney government or any good to |... : Y this sys- | | times his life, in the interest of par- the: temperance: cause. The good thing te n B a Pai Aon legislatures | . av : open de, B self: pes: ! | ty. A day or two ago a member of |} 4). temperance cause is that T ndech aptl] self respecting men. | 3 River & Gulf of St. Lawrence . 4 to be a telephone ' . methods of the house, in late and ir- vLpone, or wos than af regular hours was kil ing the mem- Toronto Droviasial Gains. xm Screw / Aon 88. *Campans,™ bers and that this result was not jus- The li ei : > Mi lators now left in Fagland } se | 4 | with tric lights, electric bells and ail he liberals in Ontario have nine- mm England with free- | inkonk aN TITRE AA ama ETE | moderns comfort tified. The right of the citizen to serve | teen out of 106. The conservatives in | 10M 110 vote acrording to their con.| NEKRKIGIIIIENE HAA IAI | SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- sience are in fact the Lords who DAYS, at 4 pm, 15th and 200, , i June, 13th and 27th Jul 10th and wt ' : the people, when he can, and to a Quebec, according to latest returns, " . ho | CIR RY Stop preached ..| have thirteen in a house of seventy. | threw out Gladstone's home rule bill, | 24th August, 7th and 2 September, C ALLC 3 reasonahle extent, is 0 four; or almost eighteen per cent. in | 87d to whom probably a majority of | 3 for Pleton, "N.S. i at Quebec, URES add S) casionally with great effect. Does the each case of the total membership. the commons really looked for its ro telephone, for a tdephone has nig | ' F. G. LOCKETT, KINGSTON. | conscience to violate. The cnly legis- | = Gaspe, Mal Bay, y Grand River, : : " etic Ths 8 de, PEL, 3 own, yy LWAYS ™ Aa publie service pay? That question The two nationalists elected in Quebec | JF¢tion, This gives the house of lords, { Pinner) o, F and Charlotietown 3 Lk wo | resents another sidd of the case. | are former liberal members of the notwithelouding its manifest faults b \ 4 aA oh . . a : os | and new ial i : SRS (ice in the poe bo em the Goes Boas am | tan at he pres. sic moor ne Pure C Srehin i NEW YORt FROM QUEBEC down cally and say that he has tional affairs, : ; ' Genuine Pure Cream Ice Cream in Bulk Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax : : ie i istac: . . ET . 3.8, Trinidad, 2.6 : it om found in his public life the satisfac -- To stop any pain, anywhere in or in Bricks ne, "11th, and 23th, July "ih "and tion Which he desired ? There is a , Bourassa's Plan. twenty minutes, simply take just ome 4 - 22ad, August, certain glamour in it, a certain ex- Montreal La. Presse. of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets, | i Bermuda "We are not disturbed that Mr. | Pain means congestion--blood pressure Summer Excursions, $40 and upwards, by the Twin Screw 8. "Bermudian,™ altation or exhilaration of feeling, Bourassa goes to Quebec. If he has a | --that is all. Dr. Shoop's Headache " eh ren So Ae SE LRESEE 1 Ag REES, 166 Princess St eventually, as in the Leblanc case, 8/},ve not the faintest idea what it is, Soaz Mood pressure away from pain : . J . Screw SS. ~Bermudi set but. when he has reduted it to practi. | centres, ter that, pain is gone. #15500 tons. ling fortnightly from pet > rejection. cal form, we shall be in a better con- | Headache, Neuralgia, painfal periods Phone 58. New York, from Bnd June to 5th 7 HERI | All this is the outcome of the bit-| cal b i urs : dition to either approve or condemn | With women, ete., got instant help. 20 ter party spirit which finds expres-| "00 | «the political fight | Tablets 25. Sold by all dealers. MAA AANA A AAIANAAKE conservative, had uo. kind-words taf shauld become leatiot in nite of him- (Persia, indicate that thi, shah * con pn a ---- D- : Jos og Saurosma apHy say of his opponents. Though a long |self, seving that neither Mr. Leblanc | tinues to keep on top bu are Tr og nn RICK, 'Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. server, and sufferer, in a puklic sense, report ascribes 1 as a leader of the bleus he has been _ Ho, FOR A HOLIDAY! | " i of those he ards as traitors. H oA o" Steamboat Co, rouges, and thdy gave him opposition Big Majority But Noy Very Large| Bibby's : iF for 25. The Commodious Str. "Ecelwat i p. din in an election. Mr. Leblanc, as aij, ve . hat Mr. Bourassa | Numerous reports from Teheran, nor Mr, Pelletier will be on the spot." [lively and the outcome is dndertain. @ threat to ity i oyal rio & Bay of Quinte obliged to show no quarter to the MR. MACKAY EXPLAINS. citizens Bond . itary i N Mail LINE | DAILY TO KINGSTON MILLS. Lake Ontario & Bay of @ to Liverpool | in the election, as they were bound, Emile Barto, an' : Pro Tr i BE . 1 American, men n sails ....June 12. July 10. ; : ' on route, to do. The end] lnjpeviewed at Gwen Sour Hon. A. (and women, were armen wt the | Sichmmn v= =o 5 3a." |unerach 50h, Cetin sous, KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, ame to him, as it comes to men |G. MacKay, leader of liberal op- | Amiens railway station on Wed v. i} v -. : "gl £ 's Wharf, Foos rock | 1 . in \ingt ite. hin. or. his position, said : i charged with: A nesday, irginian July 3 July 31 (girs, 0 and 114s am, 2.30 and 7 1,000 ISLANDS York labours : Rates of and full taforma~ | di. 10 am. 1345 3.30 and 8p. | ' our ly * . nt "I the same forces were at in |Ormeschevill. It iz believed that they i Each Way Joiind 8p fn. | 3d Sa Th ge, Fine, ne oppor do. her, | ben 10 ban of otrnationl rah ERE es Chis, 5 Bf Ber Rls a % ES Str. NORTH KING. torial somservative riding: sock aa | Tho" Bos feneae Kindeton 730 am. | AE T2 Ki so : : this, AcpStunce : : i ' pi of the Jute Sohes 4. Leiteh, Round Trip Tiek waiafdage st 1013 am. R. CRAWFORD TS hdd tar formerly divkled in political alegiance [given within. tno hd tt poses of un estate of $100.0. chartered lor apecial tm | : a | 1% 1° tin 8 vi Nab re el, Sin, ie "or Rp wy. i hE TE TY en (28 WL SE 8 : Ye - Sat P- Full information from JAMES SWIFY Pre more a girl blushes, thé more q | " | ent. {wrecked p 3 AN Hoy. SWI ah imines ber ee lo Nin the A bg. ma ; Hbby's for. Tooke coll i ' i 1 "ja Sd PATHICK, Tikit, gests. -

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