NOCOB00TO00000BOCOs 0 5 or Your Summer erandah ¥ / --That most comfortable spot of all---on a warm summer evening, Cushion Tops--in every conceivable va- riety, and priced so agrecably and unus- ually, that you can afford to re-clothe all the old pillows, and add many. new ones, rGFOO0CO0O0000 000000000000 0000 0000000000000 There's nothing so luxuriously soothing, when you're disposed to lounge; as the soft pufliness of many cushions--and these hundreds of pretty cushion tops will de- light every woman who cares for beauty, as well as comfort. Sateens and Cretonnes and every kind of serviceable wash material ar¢: shown-- some are light, some dark, and many are in the soft tones between, both figured and stamped--with figures and floral de- signs and ideal heads. Cushion Cords, too--hundreds of yards of the finest kind--with tassels, ropessand everything else that can add to the beauty and charm of the cozy commer, i: Lay ) aaa aDOOS00S 0d 0g 0 i: | a CRUMLEY BROS. O00 00000000R000000 0000000 HGO0O00 000000000000 2 ofiE00000000 NEW | FOOT WEAR STORE. On SATURDAY I will open out a large stock of new goods for * Ladies, Children, Men and Boys. You Are Invited to See This Fine Stock. AE. HEROD THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 286 Princess St. White Dueck Trousers at $1.0¢ ream Socks TOuSerS at $ Cotton, 3 200. ; See Our Special Summer Si ts at 10. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THERSDAK JUNE 31,-3908. THE. DAYS _ EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL 'Occurrences In The City And Vicinity~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered, See Bibby's great O0c. belts. When you need a cab 'phone €00. Wiliam Swaine, piano tuncr. Orders teveived at McAuley' 5. "Phone 778. Limestone Jodge, No. 91, A.0.U. W., meets to-night at eight o'clock. The book of "Fhe Lion and the Mouse," only 4te. at McDermott Bros, Do not forget the garden party, to- morrow, 3 to 10 pm. 11th band; ad- mission, 10e, . Vunpiggham, piano tuner from Chickering's, Lede orders at Me kAuley's book store. . "Witch Hazel Cream" for tan and sunburn. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. The cadets of the Royal Military College will take part in the ter-cen- tenary proceedings at Quebec, Read the book, "The Lion end the Mouse," for: 4%c, special sale price. MeDermott Bros. A hand satchel, containing a small sum ol money, picked up on the street, was handed over to Market Clerk McCammon. Bibby's for new bathing suits, fee cream, strawberries, art gallery, 14th band and other attractions at garden party, Y.W.C.A.,, Johuson street, to-morrow evening. Libby's for Mauchauffee's underwear. Five lunatic prisoners from St. Vin cent de Paul were removed to the lo- cal penitentiary to-day. They arrived from the east this afternoon. Good rubber tired cab always when you "phone 600. An exciting runaway took place, on Princess street, on Thursday morning A horse, attached to a spring wag- gon, standing near the corner of Mont- real street, became frightened at the down car, and dashed up the street. In passing the car barely missed hit- ting the rear wheels of the waggon The steamer Brockville, the pro perty of the Brockville Navigation company, will be. sold to Capt. Chris- tie ond Engineer MePhaill, of Deseron- to, for service on the Bay of Quinte. Negotiations between these men and the managing director ef the company have been in progress for some time past, Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. 1 surely would not send it free unless 1 was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint- ment would stand the test. Remem- ber it is made expressly and alone for swoolen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar, 50c. Sold by all dealers, WILL IT PROFIT By Experience of Franco Canad- ian Treaty. London, June 11.--The Standard de- vous a column to the question of German-Canadian trade pointing out Ha acc umulatiog signs that Germany wishes to improve the present state of affairs. It says the German govern ment is being strongly pressed to move in the matter by commercial in- tercets. The Berliner Tageblatt recent- ly devoted a whole page to the Fran- co-Canadian treaty, and the possibili- ties of furthering the trade relations of Germany amd Canada. The Stan- dard wonders if the home government will profit by the experience of the Franco-Canadian treaty. To Those Growing Bald. Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, will show the latest samples of his famous hair goods at the Randolph Hotel on Tuesday, June 16th. Everyone is io- vited to see these new Parisian and New York styles, which ornament the head and give a younger appearance to the wearer. Australia Pays Expenses. Manila, Jund 11.--The insular con- stabulary hat is going to Australia as a guest of that government to par- ticipate in the Reccpstion of the Ameri- can fleet. The Philippine authorities donate the services of the band . and Australia pays the expenses. 'A Strange Story. Toronto, June 11.~The Globe has a despatch irom Sault Ste. Marie which claims that the employers of the in- dustries shere and the Algoma Cen- tral were driven to the polls and com- pelled to vote conservative, under threats of dismissal. ------------ . Another Seat For Gouin. Montreal, June 11.~There will be no contest in Gaspe on June 20th, as Grenier, the opposition candidate, has retired. and 'Dr. L. J' Lemioux has been declared elected hy acclamation. A Big Consignment. Rochester, N.Y., June 11.--A con- tract was closed for 5 consignment of six hundred thousand tons of coal for Prescott. ~ ------ Evening Fans. R. Uglow & Company have a bean- tiful display of evening fans for the June festivities, at twenty per cent. discount. Cheese Markets. Woodstock, Jue 10, ~Twenty-two factories offered 3,700 boxes of cheese: all sold at lle. to 1lje. at the Bijou, Bibby" s for Tooke outing shirts. . republicans are likely to hav 'Hemmond Jor Sires ; a i can put dollars aud they need it. "He party with the hoodie i America, s $1 straw hats. obo EE ------------ HAmusements. SATURDAY, JUNE 13th. Bargain Matinee, 2.80, Bening, 8.15. VOELCKEL & NOLAN'S DIXIE MINSTRELS Best All Star Negro Show. 380i, fined Jokers--30. Great Fam Grotto First Part, Vaudeville Oliv, Afterpiece, Prize Band, Singers ahd Dancers. Grand Street Parade at No Bargain Matinee, Adults, 26e¢. Evening, lic. 25¢., 35¢., Seats now on sale CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word. Pach cons secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 205¢. ; three insertions, Otc; six, $1; one munth, $3. WANTED--MALE, A MAN, TO LOUK AFTER A and driye del livery waggon. Chowan & Co, . RGETIC Apply t " Children POLY te Hoe. 13c. ; HUSTLERS TO travel with manager. Must he wurk ers. Promotions rapid. Apply even ings, bD. Craig, Anglo-American Hotel. 4 ( LAKE Y ONTARIO I PARK ) Commencing June 13th Until June 20th. Cars will run to Park, from 1 p-m., until 2.30 p.m. Saturday day. The Montreal Jockey Club, Ltd. SPRING MEETING BLUE BONNETS COURSE JUNE 6th to 20th. Racing and Steeplechasing every day, Rain or Shine. WANTED-FEMALE, A KITCHEN GIRL, FOR THE HOTEL Congress A GOOD GENERAL washing Apply in Mrs. T. Mckean Robertson Union St. SERVANT, NO the evening, wo 82 Lower HOUSEKEEIER FOR WORKING MAN with small family. Middle-aged wo man preferred. Good wages. Apply to Bex "OC. H.,'* Whig office. WANTED--GENER AL. CHAMBERMAID, AT ONCE, Young man for night porter British- American Hotel offigo. children's = one cent ALSO A Apply PLAIN kind. SEWING DONE, OF ANY Call or write to Mra. Cayless, King street, over Armstrong's. -------------------------------------------- THE OPPORTUNITY TO PURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. ¥. J, Birch Electrician, 206 "Wellington street. A FEW SETS OF BOOKS at might by competent bookkeeper, Charges moderate ply to "Bookkeeper, Whig office A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, og other baggs, e carted. Prices . right. APE 2° 3 Lytle, General Carter, in OR finish. Prices moderate. Good work uaranteed. W, Hy, Whittingham, Cor. jagot and Queen Sts. Kilpatrick's Old Stand, TO KEEP experienced Ap- Stake Races, and Saturday. every Tuesday, Thursday St. Band nm Attendance. Admission (Including Grand Stand) $1.00. St. James' Church Annual seve PC) mn OTTAWA Wednesday, June 17th Via G.T.R. Special Train, at 8 a.m. Adults, $1.75; Children under 90¢ A special train will jeawe Ottawa, at 7.30 p.m., all tickets good 10 return any regular train, June 18h, FURNITURE TO FINISH RE- DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way"s. Style, price and finish guar anteed tH please. 131 Brock St., next to Bibby's L4very. NEWMAN & SPRIG es ELECTRIC CO. are making a study of bting homes and public buildings bord with Gas and Electricity, they invite you to consult them. All advice cheerful ly givem free of charge. Nickal and Silver Plating. Newman & Spriggs, Flectrie Co., 79 Princess St; 'Phone, 12, PERSONAL. PHYSICAL CULTURE ming classes are being conducted in Queen's University Gymnasium by Prof. Palmer: Specialist in Remedial Work, aldo Massage Fencing, Office Hours, 11 to 12 am. 4 to 6 and THE MEMBERS OF CATARAQUI, 'to 8380 p.m. Kingston and Granite Lodges and the Daughters of Rebecca are moquested to meet at their Hall, on SAT RDAY, 13th inst, at 2 o'clock and proceed to Cataraqui Cemetery to decorate the graves of deceased Brothers and. Sisters All visiting Oddfellows invited, F. A: KILPATRICK, Secretary 'af Comnanittes. Connty of Frontenac, Tenders for Coal and Wood. SEALED TENDERS WILL' BR "RE- ceived at. the office of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to THURS. DAY, June 18th, at 13 o dock no on, from persons willing to furnish 115 tons of Scranton Toad, to be delivered at the Court House Gaol or Registry Office, in Kingston as may be rec uired up to "Pec cember: Ist next, the Uocal to be of good faaiity well screemed and free from dirs. 130 50 or more gords of Wood, composed of Maple, Beech, Hickory, or Ironwood, te be sound. and of good quality and to be delivered as follows:- 5 cords, one-half dry and one-half green before January Ist next, and 25 cords or more it required, one-half dry and one-half green after January 1st next The wood is to be subject to the ap proval and measurement of the Chair. man of County Preperty The lowest of any tender sarily acoepied. J. W. EDWARDS, R. SIHEANNON, Properly. County of Frontenac. ANY PERSON ORF. ERSONS. HOLD ing accounts against the County of Frontenae are hereby instructed to for- ward the same to the Cosnty Clerk, Court House, Kingston, oh or before TUESDAY, June 16th Any account not forwarded will be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Council, in November. J. W. EDWARDS, County Clerk AND SWIM are Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, Himself The greatest Hair Goods Artist the world has ever kilowh, is coming with HAIR GOODS Will be at Randolph Hotel, Kingston, TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH During this visit we will show latest Parisinn and New York styles nd you are invited to try om any of A crea tions and samples Cluster-Curle Waves on not DeCes- County Clerk. Chairman | County Switches, Pompadours, Coronet-Braids, Transformations Wigs, etc. Dorenwend"s Patent Toupee For Gentlemen Who are Bald, is a masterpiece of Scientific Hair Construe tion Securely adjusted. Comb and brush then just as your own hair. Don't fail to see thse Samples DORENWEND CO. OF TORONTO, 144. 108-105 Yonge St. Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get ori and cheaper goods from your own dealer, made by the : {Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St. FOR SALE. $2. 000-Witl ur 8 BN a fine New Brick Front ® room house, on West side of of City, furnace, bath and vioset and con cfete cellar. A snap. byw ch buy & Single Frasie Cottame; Arch Strep. Low iondid howe for A: RANKIN, Chairman af Finanee. In Dongola Kid and Pat ent Leather,strap and laced, with heel or sp ect, light and Fig for the sum- mer ad' : _... Af Mullin's. HORSE TO-LET. FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS storage for Murniture, ete, McUsalr 51 Brock street, BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR- nished at Morton, on the Rideau Apply to McCana, O51 Brock Se. NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STRE all modern improvements. Possession Ist May. Apply A. B. Cunningham. FURNISHED Ot Lawrence and 41 Brock SUMMER COTTAGE, unfurnished, on St. Rideau. Apply to MeCana, street. JOHNSON ST. redecorated plumbing. Ap- BRICK HOUSE, #417 modern cOnvenvuces, gas for cooking, new piy 419 Johnson S§. OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. Chambers, No, 118 Brock St Apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Estate Broker, 93 Clarence street. LARGE change FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOUNSON ST, 2 bathrooms, hot and cold water and gas heating on euch flat. For par- ticulars, apply on the premises, THE FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR located suinimer months centrally For further particulars, apply evening, to 58 Willams St, King St near FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI- | own lock and key. . G. Frost, orage Agent and 'arriage Painter, "Phone, 538. Sion 299 Queen St. LARG E AND MEDIUM S17 Db BRIG Hr weil ventilated rooms, for the sum mer in "The Residence section of West, Earl Sts, 174 Farl street, at and inter Clergy MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc, removed scar. Twenly years' experi- Lake, Kye, Skin Blemish | 58 Bagot street. HAIR, warts, without ence. Nose, Specialist . SITUATIONS VACANT. net ------------------ iN AND "WOMEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Graduates earn twelve i eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Con stant practice. Careful instructions Few weeks gomihlele course. Cata logue free. Wrile Moller College, Toronto. ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, OP Bagot streets. ELLIS, ARTHUR Queen and ce, Cor. P SMITH, ARCHITECT Anchor Building, Market Square, 845. HENRY atc. Phone, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212 NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. ce, second floor over Mahoed's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Fintrance on Bagot 'Phone 608 wM MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICK, TRSUER oF rriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St: C. Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON, The Thing That Counts. The thing that the lo ru the hfe declarations are j deed do. Our sidered than judged bv our church tag counts live. 1dged by in ng we is the we words abe Jess ¢ We are but hy the love we make our works. truth aml goodoess and fellow re more than of both €od church it nam manifest in to our Our ch erooeds our action mer wracters a in the sight It ie but at and vou attend, teal to, that to being a reli er is paltry if the by not the Lhe man deed vou Tr sista Mir gions 1 you ha dex ur pray paid for answer Our C. Address; Rev. Ww. at 25 Beacon sirect, Boston, literature. Capson Mass, HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated | with GLACIER The only substitute for Shtnad Glas, Artistic, Durable, Economical, D. J. aL Successor to Dawson dnd Staley, Princess street. High Grade Planos at Living Prices. Vietor and Berliner Gramophone. fama" Sewing Machine. Phoenix Fire' Ext inguivher ; and a full line of Musical (nstruments, "Music, 7 1 Tar Divison. Btn. in the! ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and | 3 { il permanently, | } Far , Barber | street. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT for the { PAGE THRER. -- FOR SALE. CANOPY seals. TWO aa CARTIAGE, TWO McCann, O51 Broek TOPPED Apply tw reet. GOOD NoOuUseEs Wellington street NOS Apply 00 AND A B. Qunuingham {a J THR B pi cou a { n \ JEWELL GAS RANGE be re GOOD AS W, Used only J months Apply iH. GC. Dobbs, luv Brock oT EE HU NDRED THOUSAND NO. rick, best quality | price right. yo y Ww James Saul, Tamworth, Ont, KER SPANIEL PUPPIES nd: White, or icely marked, 8 Wistered stock, BLACK Urenm and White months old Apply 10 St |= } an a | i ng FAR a ae i city hy 1 A Lano class condition a { 4 | Whig FOR o o a oO t ©" n | | | | | OUR Godwin's D MILK ROUTE WITH WAGGON id cans, in first-class order teen milch cows ln best ton. Satisleto ry reason An ny Hox ** SITUATED eity In a» exchange for M bout od OF 80 A( RE nite miles fr locality, or wi properiy. For particulars, ap. to A. F. Bond Real Fastate gent, TY Clarence street om i KINAW, mGarn JUx6 AuxiMury every detaih sale. Apply ofthese, IN foot Engine A Bux FIRS nel ding and snap Hr ete in ick THE MONTH OF JUNE T wil Ls flor the balance of stodk, conssting f Buggies, Runabouts Stanhopes nd Business Waggons, at a reduction { the reguiar welling pride, from ten © twenty-five dollars, « want » get a good ow is your chance he Carriage Maker, you rig at a low price, James Laturney Princess. St MONEY AND BUSIN ESS. POLICIES COVER MOR E oF jlding and eomtents tham any other pany offers, Exaunine them at losurance Fmporium, Marks ot Square. LIVE Fire asvets $6) 187.215 Which security the stockholders, perty rates | n & DEX ) u Xp w 24 AW ™ | | | : All our pious | daily i not | First-class medical doctors arLonm Available in addition t policyholders have for unjimived liability of ali Farm and city pro- insured at lowest possible Before renewing old or giving Hirauge HON. RPOOL, Insure.nce LONDON AND Company, the the ew business get rates from Strange, Agents. 'Phone, SITUATIONS WANTED. DRIVER WANTS STHADY well, at lherty Sat My, Juils, 15 Ridesu IVERY bh, knows eity rduy. Apply St ERIENCED MATERNITY NURSE ants nursing by wiek or wonth refarences from the best Apply Rurse Atkins, 13 Montreal atrogt FOUND. Te CAN hig HAVE office and OWN) Rn calling ut Ads ATCH pine hy aying for -- WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL woor, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order James Swift & Co 374 Princess Street. | Thousand Island & St. Lawrence { River Steamboat Companies | | Leavy } 5.00 Leave Leave Cape and Making | Vince York went Wes In Connection with New York "s tral & Hudson River R.R. ¢ Kingston daily, ex and 2.06 Kings a.m jr. ok n Sunday po Vincent d ' Bo pom th t CON ne nt to ro Sinte New end round trip o d igh sleeper to Kk rate ertow oy ud Cry fampi Mrs Wille { voucher treal, Englichn at Mlawy bridge ter Bucknell ted to end his ng Chnudiere H wife « PR an lilo from the b Blackburn the died night. Examine our line of Refrigerators a» beforé purchasing. We have them rangz- ing in price from $7.50 to $35. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess St PIG METALS Metal Co.,Ltd. Copper, Lead A LTE, Zinc. JO imitee. ST. ' TORONTO, ONT