Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1908, p. 1

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AE ee YEAR 75--NO. 13 te KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908. . LAST EDITION = -- m-- -- -- -- - | DIDN'T FEEL THE SHOT. | | caNaNoquE TIDINGS. DIED UICKLY = That Blood Ran ~ | ATEST NEWS = Annual Meeting of the Yacht | oe oe His Bach, | Club-Hald. At: the ShR 5 ! Toronto. June { a k i { : { { Fdmontion, Alta, June 1}.--While { Gananoque, an-4 15 a ilk. by. tushing water. Afb Gea looking after the targets in the Jas. / innal business meeting of the Ganano- | 'a 11.1908, Ottawa bit nig sy tushing water, « ar, . = © bat e SOT A 1 hile watching on his own vessel, the } que yacht. oul) the financial report] fg Valley and Up~ iper shooting gellery the proprietor; | { ' a bimie Bhp Fy a. William Thompson, was, Monday, aé- 'Des hes rom was a very satisfactory one, showing | IQ will Assemble at Quebec tug Yom Bowling. Bai Eo Suet Sian [After Bursting a Blood cidentally shot in the hack by one of | patc F Near And a balance on hand of 3150 A i, i & ; ' per St. Lawrence. Ter-Centenary. [Gear wan in the cabin of the wg | VeSSel While Coughing. [th patrons of the resort. Thompson | Distant Places. Sutiee. was appotuted lo copier) with | Foe + 110 a.m-- Light {The half-awakened an Sind. Bate {did not know that he had been shot | {the Gananoque canoe club and settle | rariabl ind 8 Jail aware, Than ba ny ithe question of amalgamation. The | vanable winds, RE ia tl to breath helors the {until he w told that blood was : y, ? i a A ns th work of building suitable storing fa | fine and cool to~ N am ! lown his hack. He w k { roo ax filled with water. In the jrusning down ns Bach, 2 Was 1a { ] | Io an Jus plied i Be 3 Clenr jen ta the Jasper House and upon ex- , jeilities for canoes and motor eraff | day and Friday de a desperate attompt tor re dks amination it was found that : {will be proceeded with at _ouce. The ' . fing p ' rea ! i of -- ' rn L A NARROW ESCAPE ---- ris m-- © - - 10f a Watchman on a Tug Up West. Ashland, Wis, June 11 whdenly awakened from a heavy last | i ¥ . \ : eto Aoors ° fol- : . small bullet from the twenty-two eali election. of officers resulted as fol the cabin door, which he finally sue. 1 i 3 i abin doo ¥ thre gallery rifle had entered dix back {lows : Commodore, Charles MeDon- i 5 i eveded in doing after nearly stunning ; ) gun near the kidneys Yesterday morn lald; vicetommodore, Uliver Adams; | ihimsell by ir into various Mw ie a - i THE MILITIA DEPARTMENT Wimpalt I i os breath AN ESTIMABLE LADY PASSED ing he was operated on at the public GIVEN IN TAE BRIEFEST POT. [rear-commodore, Irving Rouse, « sr; i he 4 ha {hospital, and part of the shot, which SIELE FORM. {secretary, Clark Taylor; treasurer, C. | ISSUES AN ORDER. iwas nearly gone, his hands touched TO REST. bad divided sxttncted. Not IV. Ketchum: executive committee { the door, he threw it open and stumb- jhaq divided, was , xin ed, olhing 1. 3 QUlive com goa} : | sor s expected from the wound. {E, Birmingham, F. T. Lent, D. Ford | : » nate ad i &00 1 later | |serions 1 expe te . There Will Be Units and Com- I Rp 2nd an fre. | Harry Hunter Had a Close Call] Matters That Interest Everybody | jones . A. Watt, Freeman o ito th ater, 8 free i : tu} ies ) k A Fr Bei Shot-- fle i panies From All Parts of the fn the sinking vessel. He rose tq om ng Shot--A Rifle nl VERY HARD WORK of Everythin Easil Yond | Wright; measurer; D. Ford: Jones Dominion---The Best Meh From the surface where he had a battle to the Hands of a Small Boy | . . y Joseph Wadsw rth and Mr Th mas | 4 % ' el a o | Josep adsworlh anc 8. omas the Regiments Will Be Chosen keep afloat. Finally Gear found sup Proved a Danger--A Game of In Preparing For the Republican and Remembered. {Boyd wepe quietly married at the ~The Concentration Will Cost Port tn : Suduing Xho, Js fir Baseball. Convention. A growing state of amarchy is re [George street parsonage, Brockville, | were heard and he was pulled ashore ¥ worted from Persia. . { Ir y i , sv. | $100,000. hy a rescuing party. He was then Napanee, June 11.--~The death sum- | Pir Hibbert Tappet declines. the jon Saturday evening last, by Rev. Ottaw June 11.--A militia general (taken to a loeul ho pital, where he [MOUs Came quickly to Charles Paisley, amingtion for | i, N.3 ; oy foie Ihe ie | AWN, ; - aK ¢ ARE - . A a 3 B { ungtion tor " ou, ">. bs BE he Se Dart ; han 4 iti | wt son of Mrs. Charles Paisley arrived in town the fore part of rd ' § ntaining ; lies in a critical condition. It js [YOURS on oH 4 hia nes Fa 2 id wan an Sodurs ps re believed that. unknown parties open: fon Tuesday. Although he had been in So >, 4 haplain st the Asm [rede and have taken up residence on | "0 ie of 2 porn FE. 4 Spy 4 e health: for > few and navy veterans, 'loronte, is dead. storia avenue : . : few months, | : 3 ic a avenue, . ' he num~ 1o . 4 corks of the vessel, though [Poot health for the past ; y ; ] : : Yau % Conadins op hy or fd 4 the Sop . for doing go i ms lhe was able to le about and came | : Sorthery Persia is' reporte d to be! Daring the past few days a large | ber of twe ve p oan : ot) f * (ther 'ren ey K BR is Yios in {down street on Tuesday morning, planning for secession and indepen- [number of fine pike have been enught in the city of Quebec next dg a known, ie Sunken 8 n |about ten o'clock and upon returning | dence. . : . {from the wharf in front of the town the Jersntenary gtlehration ] aw git | twenty feet of water. Ihe meeting of King Edward and many of them weighing from ten Corps of ehec wilh participate in ine | | 3 § home a fift of coughing vaused | : £ the ar EO Eo : { ISR ag { : © caar, at keval, ended this morn- [fifteen pounds each Several ! " 3 Str The depart: | bursting of a blood vessel: and death | : | Suldbration a Hength. J he pits i PREFERENCE HELPS. ensued in a few minutes. Besides his | -g . ' isl {been hooked by youngsters who a ill selec 8 or « corps | : a ; af 3 ful strength 1 he husber of about ' de With New Zealand aged mother, one brother, John, and | % n my tigation 2 Jelegraph tom- ito get adults to land them | 4 . & 3 tke fart therein a | Canada's Trade Wi ew Zedland | ur sisters; are left to mourn. . The Bunion in the United States will be | The coal schooner (lara pulled out | ) 1 as veld. Cowan, Notes From All Over--Iittle regatta committee, H. Taylor, J.} - ' A rf . five thousand, ag hod Rapidly Increases. | misters are ©, Mrs. W. CoXall, Napanee; {of Gananoque Creek this evening en | well ax detachments from other city | " ¢ 5 ' ! | A monument to the Ru ti ¢ : y \} i } I Pe ¢ | Ottawa, June 11.---The growth of | Mrs. Angus MglLeod, Stoekton, Cal, | BY. Sd Jlussian victums | youte for Oswego, Capt, Wessels dis- | - Corps throughout Canada. Permanent | of the war was unveiled in Port Ar- | posed of his new motor craft the | ft, } Co x Canadian trade with New Zealand, re- {and Miss Ligzie at home. Deceased © « » number of 1,200 will hp | aha : nd, a 8 sed | " 3 , orps to the n Hh {multing from the reciprocal tariff pre- | was forty-three years of age The thur. | Yellow Kid, to the Hepburn Bros., of } | ! assembled representative of all branch- | s . | ond - a Cl . } engof Ca little standing army | ferences, which are extend&l togone {funeral takes place this morning at | 5 Son : a has sighed the contrast for Picton. b 9 to 12 In addition to the above there will be | Another, js shown in a report from [ten o'clock "to the Western cemetery, | Zard electric horse-power from Nia-| Mr. and Mrs. William W heeler, of | iJ. 8. Larke, Canadian trade commis- On Tuesday last, Mrs. Catharine : Tanner street, celebrated their golden | unity from all © the cavalry regiments ] r { ' . 3 stl # ao ' S | in Quebee, and ond company of five |Womer, which has reached the trade | Hambly, relict of the late William = ; als a po o a meeting of Cana | weddi anniversary at their home Hicets: hiv for Bre { k [and commerce depariment. Our sales | Hambly, Fredericksburg, died -at the tian tanners the prices of leather may {last evening. | rge number of their officers and forty-three men from each 4 " y 4 . a " be advanced. ' to New Zealand, which amounted to | residence of her son, C. W. Hambly, Hiriends remembered them on this aus All those taking part in the cele {536 in 1907. Our purchases from New | months, Deceased was an estimable To ner Dover the pericetion of | 513 MAH » conservative, hration will receive pay and allow { Zonland n the SRM Yeard Tose from lady, greatly beloved by her friends | the arrangements for 'the Republi an! The Queber Baltlefields mittee \ I'he {£7,366 to £75,015, Canadian exports |and mneighbdrs. She leaves to mourn | presidential nominating convention at S ' ommil tes ances on their arrival in Quebee, | of 4 \ still' needs, $190,000 of tl { A A A a J ng i oy ul : x Bors. Pb a ha $5 . \ 8, SLI, of the munimum of city. corps. to take part, full strength, ta New South Wales rose fram £72,- la loving mother, two sons and two |Chicago represents the fruits of months { x560 (06 Fequired i will Be chosen by the militia depart [#13 to £200,173 in the last thier | daughters, George R. Hambly and C. Ne hard work, in preparation. Mr. An illicit whiskey still and 200 gal- | #350, being disposed of in Brockville. ment. The detachments to be sent |Y00r% While our imports from New |W. Hambly; Mrs. Milo Hufiman, Mos- {Pover is the secretary of the Repubhis {160s of "moonshine" hiskey E8% He got wdrd yesterday that he held {South Wales rose from £41,459 to (cow, and Mrs. Norman Perry, Ogdens- [ean National committee, and by ~jr- Iona Ine Whiskey were {the winning ticket. from other units. thronghout the do found in the heart of M ; y Ee) 4a ™ . a h 3 s : e he « ontreal, T i minion will be chosen by the régiment £105,503 : burg. The funeral takes place this {tue of his position, which carries 4 Judge Hardy in the Bastions Thomas Baker drove the deputation commanders. The permanent corps oa afternoon at 2 pm. to the Eastern [salary of $5,000 per year, he has de- strike prosecution, held that picketing jrepresenting Gananoque . lodge, *; No will go into camp at Quebec on July BOUGHT LEGISLATGRS. temetery, ' , |Yoted all his time since Jast autumn |is not illegal, and dismissed the case, |} LO.O.F, to Kingston last even 3 Sth, the other troops hetween July ---- Harry Hunter had «quite an experi- to planning and arranging for the big The. bod ¥ of Herbert Me niaat 4 ing. The delegation was cgmposed of 20th and 24th. In the selection of § | $50,000 Was Raised to Protest |ence on Monday last. He was out at |gathering. Secretary Dover comes | of Black Creek. Opt. wah forind « thalC. W. Knight, John Munden, Freder company to represent their corps at | Betting. ' his farm working, 'when, whiz, went a | from Southern Ohio and was one of |creek, where it is believed he nit ick Floyd, W. 8. Bawden, Robert Unebwe the regimental commanders Baton Rouge, La., June 11. Charg bullet close to his head. He looked | the young men picked gut for prefer- | ted suicide, . n Chadwick and T. Baker. will be free to select the best men in | es that o $50,000 corruption fund ex- |" to see where it came from, when ment by the late Senator Hanna, whose There appears' to be no immediate Sterling VPennoek, King street, is IN the whole regiment. It has been ar. [ists for use in saving race track another flew: by, close enough to make | judgment of men of promise politically | likelihood of Hon, Nelson Monteith re- {Spending a few days in Brockville ranged that the rural corps sending | rambling in Louisiana from adverse him grow nervous. He preséntly {was almost unerring, Hanng made | signing his portfolio as minister of [having been summoned to attend 5 a company to Quebec will alto go [legislation were last night ordered in- fied ig hoy with a twenty-two- | Dover his private secretary, and short- agriculture, {there as a juror. : ' into their accustomed training camps, | vestigated by Governor Sanders. To ye sine Wile, a h he promptly took [ly before his death declared that he H.M.S.. Irresistible had a narrow hut only sixty-five per cent. of their | this endl he ordered a. concurrent re. |. Om him, ahd gave him such a lee- [had the Best private secretary in Am- | escape from sinking during the testing TO CLEAR McCORMICK. Q * ahd ~ www picous occasion | George Cosh, South street, struck | {what might be called luck, having | AND {purchased two tickets at one dollar leach on a motor boat valued at WANN Y YY YY Wt full strength. Tt is expected that the | solution introthiced in the chambers ire hat jo wil not soon forget it. lerica. Later 'Dover was made secre- | of the new Kingston flooding valves proposed concentration of troops in | of the assembly to day for the crea av A : he rifle bo own ud tary of the Republican National come | which suddenly refused to close. Friends Ready to Assist Water. Quebpe. will involve an outlay of tion of a ial investigating © qa © the ghiel, where the boy | mittee, preferring this to any ong of The Tor be , , to M. i J pe g ) 3 ) specia investigating com- | C. . Lb 3 iy ong eo Loronte board of control favor own Man. . 4 §100,000, mittee. He. nlse ordered 4 special sed will hk oo Make applioution dor it la number of prominent: positions in {ed the annexation of North Dover Waterfown, N.Y., Jine 11.-Stren: Regular Prices. were -- gion of the grand jury to investigate "ure on the care- [the government service. ', court to the city when a deputation [uous efforts will be nade by the rela: from 75¢ to $2.00, less use of firearms, fr : . . A BURNING QUESTION. the matter. The charges were made| 3 Melatghiin na enlled' to Paisley, from that quarter waited oh them. [tives and friends of Henry J. MoCor- ddim \ i . , a At Chatham, Ont., N. H. Smi ick free } f i inl e ~ hy a newspaper. Monday. t te o finers s A ' oN. . Smith, g |mick to free him of the financia en- Hai Been Sally. Settled By a ape Noss oa Honda, bo hn a al of Filbury jeweler, was arrested on a | tanglement which has resulted in his Sale Price Conference. 2 Drowned In River. Zan and danghitor Aubic. cf Voreom charge of perjury on the order of [arrest on the charge of forgery and London, June 11. --Russia accopts, | Michel, B.C, June 1L-Two little IB, gre expected in Napanee this mthe---- i ; i "ye stances nente admitted that eve sséible in substance, the recommendation that |girls, aged two bid four years, child | gook to wend the summer with rela: BITTER WAR WAGED Ex-Mayor Thomas Urquhatt and hi amg Bn q oa behalf ly the rove ' Macadoni . 3 rer John Latroo, miner, were lives, a" . ROO fondle yO 8 ¢ vig | effec oul . o A oO he revenues of Macedonia be primase Ro of Michel river, es. Yesterday afternoon a friend! AGAINST VIVISECTION. brother, Foronto, are the new owne is | MeCormick, and the speaker asserted : . Judge Bell under dramatic circum- [grand larceny. To-day a person of il AV, { " he epii drowned in the near foame of basel 8 o Han + . i . A ily devoted to local neds, th erncinl {Ore Phe ke vlavinr: ar. the 8 e of baschall was played between of two fine silver claims in Tudhope, | that he believed the matter would be Point in the pegotintions. The free (here. by weve playing : the merchants and the bankers at the whiclt they purchased at unk | straightened ut Superintendent exchange of arguments in faver of the [water when the younger ane fell into IDriving Park. The "atch was rather | French Deputy Vehemently De- | figures . : a known le heinte i a R W. & Te h ¥ ) iferent plans i h y he raging torrent. 'The elder cone at ne-gided . . . . a . stie, of the » W. & 0., holds an - : aii on elura he Hasan : . ted to = ve her little siste v and a - ed the inte hants winning. by nounces the, Practice of Tor-| The Portuguese Chamber of Deputies | entirely different opinion, however Sales for cash ol a tion of one of the most hurn- |temy 1 er f we of fifteen to four turing Animals. | has adopted a vote of confidence in| Ex-Assistant District Attorney Madi : ing questions of European politics both lost their lives, | the government' bil Jus {1 . i Fopean. ion {eh nment's ability to carry out |son, of Rochester, was here, to-day X No Approval . i - HAVE BEEN IN JAIL, | the programme announced in the | for a conference with Superintendent 2 I I id Smallpox Epidemie. Irish "Patriot" Dead. : | king's address. | Christie in regard to the McCormick St. John, NB., June 11.---A Mone-| Chicago, June 11.---Uolonel John F. | Senators and Tommoners Have +1 Dr. C. J. 0. Hastings ly | . The day . a A . iad 2 . « OL stings, oronto, | case he day's disclosures brought ton despatch sags that forty houses|Finerty, editor of the Chicago Citizen, while speaking at the anti vIVISechion lgtated at Ottawa _that impure milk [to light alleged shortages drrrenn Served Time. meetiny at 100 Rae de Richelieu last are Hunrutiined nt Grambgue and for MANY years prominsft Ob hewd | From Our Own Corréspondent ight. He was ref to th Bivk [000 aut or thie for the death of 13,. [ting thousands of dollars. = MeCor ' vicinity, five miles m Shediac sr man, leetnre « ris miriot, . mgt, & Was relerring to the wndivi- | 000 y 4 a i 3 ot 2 ro wdiae, on paper man, er an t patric itawn, June 11 1 hat five mem { dole who steal dogs on the street uh of. the 530,000 Shildren, . whe, ude je a Sail. Ou Friday: he t Paris, June 11.--"Down with th thieves | Down with the assassins |" sald M. Lucien Milevoye, the deputy acount of smallpox, and church there [died at hig residence hore, Wednpsdyy, bers of the present sengte and House {died annually in Canada. { may have an examination has been closed, There are a large aged sixty-two years. Lol | and deliver them to _vivisectors. As | Joseph Larocque, one of the leaders | Commons have been in jail, was al for the tees ingen namber of cass of 5 mild type. N - "assassins," the term cam belof the New York bar. died o n 1 Vi © ar, di of pneumgy » M---- | declaration made, yesterday, by Hor 1 i | fatalities have yet Leen recorded, | ore Gervais, of St. Jares' Wouter) applied to the men who wantonly tor tnia, on Tuesday night, at his home, -------------------- This yal A mes yo the ture and 'butcher live animals under in the seve nty-eighth year pf his age of . : vas made onnee i faci i yoo «| King Fdwardk was appointed a Rue tibn wit 4 : ¥ the pretence of scientific research. {He had been ill for some time. | i a h an laquiry by Me. Monk M. Milles ¢ ---------- sign admiral, had a conference at Re- ---- concerning the appointment of Idward ievoye is in Javor of a law { The Belgian parliament is to open Sith the Rusgian foreign minister, [FOR THE NEEDY AMONG | Chartieryto the Mair lr a ry which will prevent dég Sienling for{in special session to .vote on the DREW LOTS TO FIND WHICH | ¥cauain Ia K ing n june th, . Iswolsky, and the latter also had } b aa E Viviseot on purposes to replace the! annexat of the Cong Pre | ON, to Mr. and Mrs. 2. J, McQuaid, Ys J ¢ house, Imeidentally on the divisior i ' 1 ation of the Congo Free State, LD a son anosker long conference with Sip VETERANSIN CANADA. Coli Sim Hughes cotad with the op existing law, which he declares to be| As King Leopold has refused all fur ONE SHOU DIE. pa . Charles Hardinge, permanent under atA BUY 1 the accomplice of that abuse. {ther concessions a rative , : { secretary. of the British foreign offies, | wor Office Has Decided to Grant ert of the deBates committee | The mee Hg was held in the inter { looked Sor to a Telly re Are Polish Baron and Russian Million] ROBERT 1. REID. 8 : we debates of fe ¢ ¢ 2 i i fy 44 i { on the Macedonian, Persinn and other ™ t Col was recently adopts wit in place of | ®t of the Union Internationale Contre [tion of the ministry. - aire Participants in "American | i The Leading Undertaker. important questions. em at Instance o se onel a rearvangement of the staff. a pew|!8 Vivisection, of which Mme, de Sil-| Honorary degrees of LL.D, will be Duel." | "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. Mth band will give a good pro Hughes to Old Campaigners. position has been created. Mr. Monk| Ya 18 the secretary, and the pro- offered to J. J. Jusserand, ambassa- | Dresden, June 11.--Iems rkable fdets . gramme at Y.W.C.A. panlen party, Ottawa June 11.--Col. "Sam" {proposed that the question be referred | E¥aMmMe intloded a fow speeches an {dor of France at Washington; Sir | gre coming to light in reference to the 196 Johnson street, to-morrow even Hughes, MiP., has for some time past [back 'to enquire into the necessity of | several interesting musk al numbers (Louis Jette, lieutenant-governor of | mysterious death of a Russian sty-| y : and recitations, Mme, de Silva receiv- | Quebec, and John Mc Millan, B.A., ox- | ' | ng. heen interesting himself with the ol o\ the appointment and also Charlier' dent, Von Teelowsky, who was found Bibby's 81 shirts are Beauties, ed a large share of credit from the|principal of the Collegiate Institute, | with dobn I. Lane, » well-known hotel number of Crimean veterans resident | This brought Mr. Gervais to the de- | ®Peakers, also from the people whose{ Uta wa, by the University of Toronto. | yg city on Sunday. Two other Ru vas to v1 . po 1 3 A interest - fo tre } hem | fter ¢ esperate cf pf ¢ . : hs rt woud | : nd ay ar od glo pobiud hy in Canada. To strengthen hig repre- [fence and in a speech of an hour he Hh oh in the rclorm brought th BY ao - a Hesin Bie LPL in. which | sians, one of whom is a millionaire | Gurd's Ginger Ale. age, mn Howston, e will probably [ontations to the war office, Col. | created considerable amusement-by a] te the meeting. i 'She Te icy otceman An- | jundownet, are under arrest G 's 8 J 3. Biblay's choi : Hughes invoked the good offices of |landation of Charlier's virtues, his Dr. Fon eau de Courmelles represent | Chen) . te, Swen Saud, captured | Tsellowsky, it mow appeals, was al urd's Soda Water, Nee Bibhy's choice 40c. hosiery, Lord Grey, 'and a despatch just re. | university degrees and incidentally his at the Soe fete Franesise Aontre lal at ale ras ha egec io be She. of | Polish baron, belonging to one of the | Gurd's Quinine Tonic, ~ ¥ : : : a Se " a es en ars who entered OOK 8 | 1 : ceived [from the colonial secretary | former campaign speeches in favor of] Yivisection of which he is the presi gh , | noblest families of Warsaw, and serv et Ww DAILY MEMORANDA. states that the army council has | conservative candidates, He quoted | dent, and he delivered a short ad. | Jewel store, Port Figin, about. a {ed with distinction 'in the Russo-Ja- | Guard's Caledonia Water, Carupbol) Bros'. Hats nwarded special compnssionate pen- | Mr. Monk as asking of Mr. Charlior's| dress, in which he 'emphasized his favo ago, a got away with $400 {pancse war, Interest for the moment | Imported Sweet Ginger Ale. 4 . ¢ A : . . ant : ot tbe hint lect Fie: j « | Worth of jewelry, vo. And you wear the best sions, ranging from nine pence to a employer, in an outburst of admira- | orits theme of electricity 4nd X-rays, William D. Wright, fifty-seven vears | Co0t™®s in the role played in the In.ported Dry Ginger Ale Board of Education, 8 pm. shilling a day, to necessitous ex-sol- | tion, 'show mle the ovster where you |as real scence, to replace viviseetion, old, foruer manamet. of the 0 5 jtragedy by the Polish millionaire | : : : a ! . e " \ { anage . . , ged; i Sacred Recital, St. George's Cathe |diers who have received a war medal. [have found such a pearl. (Laugh-| which tndeservedly operates in thin = Roche ae 5 y vi i hot Mandowmer, Von Wastchinsky, od] Radnor Water. Hh + : ; 5 , ster, N.Y., and formerly » 42 { dral, 8 'p.m. This compassionate pension will only | ter.) name of science. low-student of the barons at the| in----p-- authorities in England on behalf of a\lgualifications a bullet through his lungs in a g Children of Mary, Lawn Social, Palaeofhe awarded to men who are sixty-five | Tt was true, he continued, that Mr.| The most elaborate speech of the] mnected with hotels in Syracuse and Grounds, this evening. . ol . § " Ble. Cleveland, swallowed ecarbolic acid | Presden Technical ~ University, in| Limestone Ledge No. 91, A. O.U. W. vears of age and upwards. The mn Charlier had heen convicted of defa-| evening was made by Dr. Bou her, | ome time during Monday night. The whose apartments the latter was meeis to-night, at 8 o'rlock. mum pay of nine pence a day is given {matory libel, but it was because he de- | whose arguments wbre based on statis body. was pot ou i il hn T a {found dead. i ' " Lawn Soelal in aid of the poor in th |to those with less than fourteen years' | clined to give the real author of an| tick and admitted scientifie records. | 3 night nd until 'aly ugs- Von Wastschineky was in a state of Karun Jt the Archbishops Palace. Fa service, and a shilling a day for =ix- article appearing in his paper. At this! 1 he. speaker handied the subject of Ae) sslimatos based on the wo. |intoxication when the fatal revolver | Importers Of Fine Groeeries. Supper, S8¢, A" Battery Band fn aio] eR years' service and upwards. On [stage My. Gervais declared that there|yivisection from both the divine andl)" tendency of real' estate in the |#hot. rang out,' and. remained in a1 attaining seventy years of age men in [were fivé members of the senate and| eolutionary standpoinis, comparing qe sooliohs wher the N a. conditic n of insensibility until arous Tenders for Coal received hy City i : iting + conn in_ jail. b i intelligence : - where or an 3 : ee | : . Clerk tit 4 pm. Oy ¥ receipt. of less than a shilling a day com ne Who had Joon in, duit ho the ovidences of intelligence and affec {County Losn company has its hold- [¢d from his stapor by fellow-students {For Every Variety of Dwelli hay be Fronted an fctonse up to hal, RH ar See amt po Jer tion .as fourd in anmals, notably |; , are that the dividend to the | Who called later in the dpe, five or! Lots, Etc. | rate. Veterans of campaigns [had onck been convicted of libel, but! dows. A | hare sauidation ie 19x hour b riff . prior to 1867 who have been wounded [a #harge of blackmail, which Jo fh Dr. Boucher "buried" the serams tiaschoiders; when the liyuidation Is es iter the 5 oho tn In the ¢ity, including Farm 1 i tite . i Ww, serious, eventudted In al ane a s 4 y nts | ve | Western Canad th ge discharged. for dimbility, or are {mitted was N os : ot add. demonstrated by finires how on the Sellar, and the figure may js%y's houkekesper. When th: house Abply to Bafa in va sufiering from disability due to their jnulle prosequi. He considered Charlier | many sorume have increased mortali- even reabh fifty cents. {keeper rusted into the room Vou! swIrT's REAL ESTATE and IN. . : 8 ie Soe 3 : military serviee may be eranted high- [well qualified and opposed the refor-f oo Joe a of decreasing it. 'By sup- . Ww, hinsky . y Saying Dinner Sets or rates of pension. varying from [ence back of the question. pressing 20,000 dos in Paris "> H. | Altogether five candidates in Quebec ety aahy ousted her 3 ang SURANCE AGENCY, eighteen pence to half a crown a day protesded {0 show how rabies urder lost their deposits through polling light heart attach i , y. - : Lien tack, and would soon | - according to their rank én discharge, |. on A Candidate. the anti-rabies ssrum treatment; had kiss than hall. the nib of votes ob be all right. He hen fall ala A | Ao Sg NOTICR. : All applications for these compassion: | Chicago, Hl, June 11.~Joseph Can- }increasd appreciably. since the Pas-| 00e¢ OY, the victors, They fire Mr. *e' othe i 15d Roll Top Desk, iGaey Desk, IT ate bee add y Montpetit conservative) in Vau.|Pof and the barpn's other companion Glass Bookcase and Desk 8 -_ 8 . pensions should be dressed to fnon, speaker of the House of Repre | tour method had come into use. dreuil:- Mr. Labelle iti i la student na Anderson, left the [Sets Leather Bottom, vig hy Sw A? Royal hospital, Chel- sentatives, hat arrived - in Chicaco, : Thorville, Mp Bloomber] (eomerc | apartment and went backyto the pub. [GISTs A bAreain lor chek, at TURKS We are showing some very ||%% 5% and declared Sima o sumdidte, doe an 2 Doutie Murder ? tive), in Bt. La tay en lic House where the thred had spent | - . " pretty designs. Fresh arrivals ' president of the 1} we of ace Hay, N.S. «use ~The bo- | (labor), in HochPlags, and Mr. Blan-| the previous might carousing. See Bibhy's dainty $1 onling shirts, : Crear To Visit Rome. they stop voting or elect some ono |dies of two men were discoveréd in chard {conservative}, in Vercheres. When = the polies aroused Wastachio- | By a vote of ven 10 2 the $15 SETS FOR u Rome, June Fl--Arrangoments are else. the harbor within the last fwenty- | The Manitoba government has issued | 5kY he was still intoxicated and pro- Hamikdn ity conned] refiied to = being made for the state visit of the four hours. - One was that of David damnation empower: dis-| tested with copious tears that he y i oar to Rome, which will take place Qaptutes Stonmont. Morton, of this town, md the othe ing aber Shmsethos tr oeions oy knew, Both of Mor bi bees dic [hs cousract ofoeed by the Hydra: $11 and $12 in. the © autumn. ¥. Muravief, the | Tomwah. Ont, June 11.-Lafest re (Clifford Murphy, of Halifax, N.8.1adiourn their sittings as often as pos- | The baron, be seid, must hage takeh jority decided to ask the citizens of 2 | Russinn : anibassador bere, is devoting 'parts give MeCart, liberal, eight ma- [Both had been missing since last | sible until the revision of the voters' his own life. The landlord of the pub Hamilton to ehooss between the Hy: a a a Si Ki Brasticylly. all his time to the details jority. elatuaty. le itapey Spons. Hh fists bas been fully completed. This julbe howse 'where the three students fro. Electric contract and the offer of andi 5 ou a suspitio ul play, ded here aw the first step in an | earoused asserts that a ouarrel arose' ; . o ; ' cn atlevatasuliou heuer Hal a At Opdeleburg. N.Y. Henry Hel lon his neck was broken. it is thought apreent 'between the ert and that the dispute endod with on] re Biber Tor Tooke sharia Russia is 4 ile, especially in view mer, Daluth, arrested here on charges | that Murphy wos also a vietim of (and opoosition at Ottawa in regard exchange of cards lor a so-called "Am. | William J. Vance, 8t. Catharines, 5 the kan problems. : 'of bringing stolen property into the violence. #4 to the Avlesworth election bill, and feriean duel," lots being drawn tode tailor, is charged with atiempting 1g Potor of Seria will alee visit |linited "Hate | from Catal; eas held. Leen that the first clause. of the bill will be | cide which of the combatants was 1c deceive his creditors, . this putu * on bla ARS B &% al Taryn, See Bi Wy aged] : Bl shigts. J modified mecording ly, 085 commit suicide, ; % ow Wt Tey Bib y's dor cool ui ary id i

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