Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1608. S-- | Lit na aman | em smwanre ARE FOR CORTELYOU a iy & Degrees ls A FORGER.... = PushSie ml SPECIAL SALE At Mullin's. - | 8 In Addition to Being a ae large height lemons, be, per Open Exchanges on Candidacy TO-MORROW AP-- ; { Bigamist - Thus Far Prevented By the : Returning Officer Ill. Presidential Aspirations of Ser so---- J ustom rt {| This 1s the remarkable accomplisiment | « : : ( Depa ment lof our . d J. B. Walkem was to have oo a hy | non . nounced the official returns of ------ i day's elec fay, but wa ve-| Washington, June 10.1 dications 4 White Enamel Refrigerators {AD FIFTY GOPIEDI:crc eimcien boone mal esti, dit ei | lo LADIES # advanced by the Roose All kinds of new fur - 8 : . ; ! H be ments made to --- 1 | With less feo than you have ever used be! being confined to his house ' by a you will be ad } measure, and 1s 8 ha fore. It is Worth your while in the in-| cold. The returning fficer shouldn t | velt and Taft forces at Chicago as | ubsurpassed tariition I ve terest of health and economy in have! THE SIGNATURE WAS A GOOD| have caught cold jeet alter such a their candidate for vice-president. | tr To- one of our Refrigerators. We have them glorious tory victory. Secretary Cortelyou himself natural | iodailing: zepalring, aud To. Hom | AMITATION. ly declines to discuss the matter of 3 ying at shor notice : i i his candidacy for the very sufficient Accident At Wilbur. his candicacy 3 3 ARat males 3s Sussits for ws i $7.00 up to $42.00. | Anderson, Bigamist, a I Badl An accident N oad 0 Wilbur on |Feason that bis native' state already a our o urs 2 | \ hath ru ' me ; "a "rf OU has in the field a possible candidate is 2 | into new. We guarantees per- § 3 : 4 ; : fect satisfaction as to fit. JESAMEL aud GLASS LANED. Stating That He Was a Grady. | [8IWaY cars were nelly Jnmagtd, ht Governor Hughes. ' no person was injured. ile the cars bom 1 ic soa Rdunca 35 a5. Telephone 489. ate of Queen s--George Y,| ore being loaded with iron ore, the Ten ry for Sheie Sonfdenve 3 an. ) Chown Receives the Forged |chute,broke down, and about twenty [000 0 2 pos > si evr Hi hei TE 1 . MUots oppositio ier Ww © H 3 » | Paper. five tons of ore crashed down on the fp iu kl oo ntingent to the recogni- The latest designs for early sum: a John We F H . | NO MORE DANDRUFF. ! aA ars. Son uf somthiorn Taft delegates in the hc mer wear. This represents the 4 i ---- {married the twenty-one-year-old dangh- : battle before the national committer . \ © ire C i e- 3 , Kay ur ouse, 2 | Newbro's Herpicide Destroys the ter of Rev. W. 8. Jamieson, of Ren- x Wat A Tange: Period. : inf now in progress, the coupling of the balance of entir Cloth Suit D i id and who bow js in penitentiary! I np au Nillig company wi names of Tait and Fairbanks or of = partment for this spring and gives } ere, 1s forger as well H pi BO a "ye BNCHISe © 1 Roosevelt 1 Fai ks © ye tio- ° sis3 BE EEEEETIE ; | : is S : wr isa forger as well, It will Je REY and Fairbanks on one ti § the best idea possible of the valu I a ¥ 200CH Joes your head iteh 7 # your €oga n i » r © 1D; res te heir : : remembered that Anderson claimed to |3treets for carrying wir 9 1 ket has become impossible. * | be a Queen's University graduate. mill for the transmission of power! yg p,q heen determined by the friends i j and up to-date styles we have of can full of white flakes oer! This was denied by Registrar George fom Kingston Mills waters. The C00 fo Governor Curtis Guild, of Mas- g fered, when 16 only remains out 0 [Gressing your: hb Er » PEERY. Chown, who eould find no entry of | PRAY asks the city council to grant|e,dhysetts that his name shall be pre |} i : ock jew i & Sastrul Is your hair thinning 7 Andersen's namé fron the university {It 8 franchise covering the same per- | ganged to the Chicago convention as the yery large stock on iy ¥ : 8 {Are you av re ot have had ED | : spots Are you already, in fact, Ta Hidand out Anderson's decep- ernment for the use of the water = Si Ma : and we would not dved toc M | pidly becoming bald? M =o, that Blin The information came from (power, viz. twenty-five years. Headquarters For Hammond. i NT ] any over had not some arrived ; late. beginning to get ball nyo ok Yesterday Mr. Chown|0d granted by the Dominion gov-i, eapdidate for viee-president. NN Les po Sag . | the eficet of a measly little parasite] gh, cagetary of the Brockville Board Chicago, June 10.--The first head ---- W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. J. BE. Anderson, the bhigamist, who 149-185 Brock St. : Pestiferous Cause of Annoying Dandruff. . J i : shat hutrows in at She Foot of i of Education, who sent Mr. Chown a At The Bijou. quarters for a vice-presidentinl candi- - \ {hair, and throws up the sealp in doi | oortifiente handed in by Anderson two| An unusually iateresting bill is pre- [date were of ET 4 e A | ts + hair f Le = id e¢ opened, Tuesday, at the : To- . , ve ave vou RINGS Rdruff and / eats off the hair ot the |uonth aga, sented ni the. Bilon fodey and THURS } Aubbrinn or far dh Hy Ph T'o-morrow you can have you [| root. Seience's latest discovery is a This certificate bore the sienature of day. It inclades "Scenes at a Big! Hammond, of New York. They were pick of the lot at We. al kee d ¥ dedtroyer of that pestiferous germ. | yo Chow, perfectly forged. It stat- Fir J' with seriang and comic fea | in charge of John C. Montgomery, of / ways P a goo | That destroyer econtaingd in no iit od that Anderson had graduated at [tures; "Emperor Nera on the War {New York. Mr. Montgomery declared 9 50 | selection on hand and make { hair preparation on earth but NOW- | Guoen's in the year 1894, and had se-{Path," or "The Seulptor's Dream," | that Mr. Hammond will arrive in Chi- . . $0 order any special size or ja' Heprieidde. Try a and be cow cured second elass honors in mathe [and a fine travelogue, "lhe Highlands [cago late this week, or on Momlav. shape. Rivinced, A dehighiin vreRsing matics and physies. It also stated fof Seotland." John Robert Davis According to the clowst possitls a Cll * a . . A pe = Sold by Jencling deuggiets, Send 105 that Mr. Anderson had specialist |sings, Lhe Man Whe Fights the Fire." | calealation based, upon figures od 3 Suits in Navy Blue and Brown Cloths at Our gold is rich in color Bl! in stamps for sample to The Herpi-| standing in those subjects. The cer een AA a od bar the all Seere w : . 85 and 'style, and workmanship 1. { cide Co,, Detroit, Mich. Twa sive. | tificate was dated April Sth, 1908 and The Merchants Did Well. an a rotary Tut wi 9 aT , Blue Panama Cloths trimmed perfect phe. aid $1. G. W. Mahood, special | wus made out after the Ontario edu- A number 'of 'The: merchants. rejoiced 1 OF sixty mars than epousl. 40 give "- u 8S Navy : 11¢ J anama / A0LDS8, rin i a eatiount depuftinend had enquired as | over the distribution of dwibe money | Bim the nomination, providing the - with black silk braid, at $13.7! v Buy hom the maker and } : 0 Auserscn pro sina), standing, on Monday. for tauth of it 'went aver Copvintion i pot take the matter 5 Suits Black Vieuna Cloth at $15.75. got the advantage in price. 3 v " it no ng. sabia. naerson MWn- pale counters. Persons who fot as | m hand anc over ride the deeisinns PD Ravi bl nuk Da vas Ws rn : 4 = Wood's Phosyhodin 0. mediately set to work and made out ich o."$10 and $15 for their votes, | now being made in contested cases 2 Suits Brown I anama Cloth at $18.50. Tous nod elpueatad by who | 1° 2H ora Ok SEE ainly carried quite a lot of merchandise to en em 4 Suits Black Venetian Cloth at $16.75. rv ah u, Rak b eXPruLec io * ; own as ok LOTION oF carried ne Sin a . - . ial tn old Velie. "ures Ne airprised at the fine imitation of his h : : ahi in hy aie iv me INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. These are all ney and exceptionally good value ody, Ment d 8 Brat 4 terns re Onl side, 26, Oo J 100 + ba Ath tPenvintudy hominvions, signature, tory money distribpted throughout the | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By at price d named above. | Spangenberg Bl | ondency. Stun: veniontt, Mimiavions: Sper | "505 Chr den that And lida't Frets of « ) CrOCARES would se y nderson « : 4 BB BESTt AT.IAY JLTSTAIIZE | eras sow." ms 3 racbaone 1 he "honk bn peeerity bere Begerters On oir Rounds 5 JEWEI I ER obakn pkg pal ree, LAr in being sentenced to seven years in Muring the SUMEWE When you need a Cab 'phone 600, a paid : et fre Mad sine Co. we William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders our t 0108 0- orrow Pasmermbe, w 3 % 2 on of ree. - Jar Wires . : : : mison. When he arrived, on Satur x hi ' t Mari ] ; day, some of the penitentiary officiile POST OFFICE DANGER. restived at MeAuloy's, Phona 7H. ssuer o arriage Ri remarked that he had a criminal : he IEMs 0 hs Teny yin wi B Li BEC Bl The governorsenerat made an in- 1 shaned jaw. The forgery beats out the | 200% Coping Stonss May Cause he pleased to hear she ix able 46 be If not prepared to buy yon may select Licenses. B pection of the government harbor | correctness of their reading of the Loss of Life. out again after a serious illness, is v 3 ge 3. X works, nt Montreal as the guest of {hizamist. , Bran The coping under the roof caves of | "Witch Hazel Cream' for tan and -one and have it placed aside until required. the board of harbor commissioners, the post-othee building in a dan sunburn, Sold at Gibson's Red Cross gerous condition. On Monday night Drug Store. Phone {on Wednesday. BRIBERY CASES GALORE. Neil , : one large stone fell, and smashed an John O'Neill, Portsmouth, has re The Liberals Are Preparing For a iron grate beneath. Had there been moved to Montreal where he hows oly Protest any person on the spot identilicaighn tained a good position in the C.P.R. . of the remams would have been Ime offices. : About seventy-five liberal workers possible. Other of the coping stones fH. Cunningham, piano tuner from met in the Golden Lion committee weighing 0 pounds each 'ave he | Chickering's. Leave orders at Me rooms, last. evening, to report upon |. to Noose, and a cotiple are ..able Auley's book 'store. cases of bribery hy the conservatives |, So if ot ony time. Postmen fear to! J. McDonald, Montreal, was taken in Monday's election. At least anf oC 00 tthe hack entrance and on 85 a member of the Permanent hundred cases were reported, and oo getting out . throngh the large Army Medical Corps, to-day. nAMes nn particulars given. Prof co ow instead, There should be no} A number of Kingston laborers were minent conservative workers are n-laslay in making repaive. The local taken onl to Bedford, today, and volved. There are some tases of inv. government architect should go ahead given employment at the mines timidation also on the docket that | once and have the stone coping Messrs. John Kirk and J, E, Ken iy make gtaresting reading on: | rendered safe, or lives will he in dan- Lik left, to-day, at noon, for New he principals are under examination, ly : ny cv | Liskeard, where they wi waide The bribery was © widespread, and HE A Swne on the | 4 fhe Preshvierian ine prohably pot hall of it will ever che should ite a. rebitonte po 10 zo has appointed a commitieo to consider known. However, the liberals have 3 ad with things of this kind, and io Jute relations with Queen's uni "rs Fe enough evidenté on hand to unseat | 1 in ports, for there are such einklo . 1 a not require re orts, for ere a eh . . 2 Mr. Nickle and to make things warm} Quite a number of Kingstonians left , i 3 {distressing and sometimes dangerous for ROME of his active: suppor te ™ delays. © The postmaster has reported today for Verona, to attend a camp Kingston will again be in the lime | he intto tl leparimeht meeting there, held by the Holiness - light for political corruption. The lib- (the 'matter to the departmeon'. Mp vement. : : erals' sole object is to show that the Miss Nora Turpin, Main street, has conservative party here is just as cor- MADE FOOLS OF THEM. returned rupt as it was in the old days wien and: relatives on. Wolfe Island for Sir John A. Macdonald was unseated | What Happened to Two Drunks in | JC CHIE O% 70 and for te 6.000 Yards Dainty Fi for bribery on the pact of his most City Park. Dominion Day will be the day of the ' ar S ain y ine nthusiastic workers, tal Last evening two young men, buds annual picnic at Lake Ontario Park in . . : . The bribery cases will be carelullv!intoxicated, went out to the city park laid of the improvement fund. of St E b d d I encuired into, and the evidence _ rot {tg sleep off their jag. hey managed | Mary's colieterss : : : m roi eries an nsertions into shave for a protest petition. The [tg get to the gentre of the park and Mes." Jom 1. Hull and dasehie . . : . matter iw in the hans of the Bhéral | gtreteh ont under a free, and were |Gortrude, of West Virginia, Sa ghee. Narrow widths from Se to 15¢. Cuteutive il 8 aro committee of soon "gond Jo the ward . gu the ing her sister, Mrs. John McCabe, Pipe | Medium widths from 7¢ to 25c. we active workers. {band had left the cricket field and the [stroet, for a few days. aa ! , 4 people were going home the twol Good rubber tired cab always wi Wide widths from 20¢ to 50c. : C.0.C.F. "AT HOME." dievuks tothe the prey of some Jo you phone 600. Skirting widths 20e, 75¢, H0c. Stn, : loys out looking for fun or trouble, At the Bay of Quinte Methodist eo y \ over E soideries 25¢ 75¢ Fine Affair Held i» City Hall {and five minutes after they discoveisd | farence, Re 9 in Ros was and Corse t Cover Embi oideries 25¢ to 7a . Tuesd, Night. deepers they could not be recog- | credentials to joi yo Froshvie | . . o ay g the sleepers they could eredentials to join t) Preshyterian The entire lot will be offered To-morrow at ' home after visiting friends Five hundred people attended ihe nized, The conts were taken off, turn-]| church. taking a congregation in the "At Home' held i, the city hall, {ed inéide out and put on the Wrong Chicago preshytery \ » ~ Tuesday evening, under the auspices persons, and their trousers were turn The county court was delayed a fow Regular values, up to #7.00. of the Canadian Order of Chosen led up above their knees, Une man's hours, to-day, owing to the absence er en ® . Friends, and the affair proved a very {face was blackened with matches and | of one of the witnesses, who cothl not pleasant one. The visitors from ont the other had a handkerchief tied | ho Joeated. The witness arrived or ! i hair | the early afternoon train, from Wit. SALE 9 O'CLOCK AND LASTS ALL DAY. gide points were: BE. I. Fsserv, laround his forehead, making his grand coumcillor, London; W. F. istand up on end. How the me be Thur, and the sase pfoceeded. d * Montague, recorder, Hamiltog, and! came wiangled or got out o the Locking through the Roulanges . 8 Grand Organizer Campbell, of Wamil- | park is not known as they were still} canal, the steamer Alexandria caught ; ~/ 5 f ton, all of whom gave addresses on [enjoying their well earned sleep when | the coping and was hung up on her w the work of the order. the watchers left them, side. Fortunately the danger was 4 . . >i During the evening, a programme of geen in time to reflood the Jock and 318 only in this lot, comprising the very music was alo rendered, and at the Gould Family Consents. save the ship from disaster? : olose reshments were sérvec essrs, New York, June 10.--George Gould, nvitations ave been issued for a latest summer styles in Wood and Veal contributed some fine | op pag sled for Burope, is quoted garden party at MeAdoo's grove, numbers, the former playing on bells, as having said © "1 expect to attend Thursday night: Brewer's Mills, next the latter rendering cornet solos. The | 0 wedding of my sister, Madame Wednesday: at Latimer, on Thursday and Cushendall on June 24th. Crosby Le . Bir ; Nisses Telgmann favored with violin Anna Gould, to Prince Holie de Sa 4 9 ! solos, Mrs. Telgmann gave purtintiops, gan. The marriage is to take place | & O'Connor's orchestra has been en g solos were given hy Mrs. J. Evans | Trot ov consent and blessing gnd | gaged for all of these events 4 R The steamer Ameriegq brought a and Miss Campbell, a visitor from | ith the full consent of all the Gould Hamilton, contributed some fine Vio- {pie 7 large number of passengers from Cape - ustres, Vicunas, J i=: anon ELT 4 v rare treat, and was; very moe en MRE ' eiIve. O {took as many back at two o'clock % 3 joyed. Dr. Richardson was the chair- Cy ha Ea in called to --- The two black bears and the wild OOOTCCOTO0000TO0O00000 4 p man of the peng. nad h Opening | ening, at the Randolph hotel, to eat, belonging to lake Ontario park, | | y % anc : We S the proceedings de "AC Ho APPro- | onsider allowing the Emeralds to en- | Wore removed to their Sumer. fuged \ ech > a } ' rine address. The "At 130 o or tir the league. This makes the thipd to-day; after their winter's sleep in ; brought to a tose 3 1 ls dle + time this has come up for considera the car barns. 2 e 0C ¢ 0g ore and wap voted hy Ee ity "| tion, and likely they will be allowed -_ si KB. . C of west ever dd in the ety. 10 'enter. . THEY SOON Ti Sn gy em p------ A womb his. dwo wars of sipana: : $ TIRE. The Place to Buy Your Shoes. : % FFLL INTO THE WATER. ting a man ig his money. if Live Together Fit Days and A u oy ; + : . . ----------" can t marry him she ean sue him for teen : ----- Each skirt is man-tailored and finished in Child . at Maedonald Park injhreach of promise. od wimaues Tom Bast. 1 E \ : 4 » B : . Danger. "A mon seldom realizes what it is ilwaukee, is, June Eileen | 0) This \W we are selling a few splendid Shoes, at Bargai the most thorough style. Ac die clog This pun, a [to he disappointed in Jove until after [days of married life were enough to | R Prices. aoe y a ama %s ald, fell in [he is lod to the altar by the woman | Convince Mr. and Mrs. Witliaa J. Far : : voll that they had made @ mistake in| B¥ Child's Chocolate 1 Strap Slipper, Double Tips, size 8 to 10], 1t e . ti 0 oR Ditdde girl about wine y ' i f ra oki ns Extra. ' Mncdanald of his choice. ; er hes Bi Amster, ) i to 101 fo the testunony « the wife, , Mrs. Mary Farrell, in divorce proceedings here. Just hall a month} § ke after the wedding day, she said, thoy { Blacker CutOxfords, low heel, size sis dh. md ® mma Eman» 31.25 I a The two wire, married fn Mitranus nvas Blucher Cut Oxfords, nice medium heel immediately 10 Syrncnds, where Mr. : 00. Parvell is one of the proprietors of | § and Oxfords, some $3.75, $3.50 and $3, dasuary 17th ity of Trunks and Suit Cases, at Low Prices. Gbe Joockett Shoe Store. | A GOOG OOOLO0

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