THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1908. PAGE SEVEN --_-- ------ _-- SE -- ---- _-- ) 0 ASOLINE | ONCE MORE WELL GY COUNGL = _ Help the Bowsls, Carter, TAT" Ao SHIN orem or au ror koAD| 11: Si 1 | Gontly-- Do. as Na CUT GLASS i : ent at the Grand Opera House onl y : as 20c. PER GALLON [| Clarence J. aces is a farmer of REPAIRS Funnlny avcning; Gamat ans anf on . oes a | Ulverton, Que, known as a man of ------ $ best plays of the season, when Mrs : a : } | integrity and good judgment. He writes | Refused From the Light Plant Leslie Carter presented "Du Bares When pain follows physic you are do- | they are gentle, acting in Nature's | We have just received Put in your tank t { in no uascertain terms of the great Committee--Civic Holidav on | hy David Belasco. This was Mrs. € Aol ing the bowels an injury. You are : way. - i a large shipulent of the Dock Rl i Saul eh ots | benefit he derived from taking "Fruits Aug. 10th--A Painting Tender | ter's first appearance in Kisgston,| + Wrecking the stomach, too. No pain, no griping, ne irritation. | very latest designs 'in ay " { atives" for a long standing kidney Awarded. aud those who witiessed ber perform-| You are causing the bowel lining to Take ome daytime or night time n fine cut glass. The new : whenever yor need it, Correct the { "Oregon cutting is stock Spark Coils, Spark : y ) " | trouble. : ; lance will always remember her as one : # Plugs, Columbia Dry "Batter- The city council wet last evening. 1 oj (hy post aetresson thoy ever saw harden, just as the skin gets callous trouble at the start. { the most artistic pro- under irritation. ies, ete. x i i, : Present were Mayor Koss, Adderme n The play, which was written especi You won't need them long duct of the kind that Repairs promptly attended > Ancrove, Chown Craig, Free, Graham, ally for Mrs oUarter, is laid jn the | Then the bowels cease to supply their { For Cascarets are curativ 5 Thei | we have ever had the to. } 2 Henderson, McCartney, Nickle, Rig-} 0 oe yo xy of France, and fol own laxative, and you have consti- tion i set th bow i. i Lely Ap good fortune to secure $l Ee wey, Toye and Hoag lowing Vers, rtraying a strong pation. | an Sto set ® Jowels right. We have it in a variety § i i } ! $ vo i } i These communications were referred | 7 0 bi G6 he court in all its : Cascarets are oqndy tablets. They are sold of articles and will be » BR Harsh physic alSo inflames the stomach, | by all droggists. t aever In bulk. Be sure to | pleased to show them | j to commitices : : oJ eplendor. As "'Jeanvette Vaubeinior,' ; t get the genuine, with CCC on every tablet. 8 ouiaen » ; Mother Superior acknowledging with | bor coris 1a Du Barry." Mes Co and the result is dyspepsia. aha ib ry tablet." | to our patrons. They y 4 " . The ke this: i ¥ C thunks the receipt of one thousand {ter hax a pert that only an sctres Constipation and dyspepsia are gener- make fine wedding pres- Kingston Foundry. i ' Fs dollars from the city council to the | her temperament and ability could ally due to salts, castor oil or cothar ents. 5 Hotel Dieu hospital. portray to satisfy an audiened, he tics -- Jumes Johnston asking to be reliev- § jo 10 0 of the greatest emotional | : --,S€,_ ed from paving business tax. actresses ever seen ob a local stage Y i | , , ; ou can get the same help witho: ! " J. Massie, V.3., re acoount for pro- | hee work keeping her audience with i ge in » ep Hnout the i nnear $ arre slightest danger of injury. The vest-pocket box is 10 cents. . o i y | y A of) d 3 . fessional services in consultation with | her from curtain to et Mrs hes / 4 4 sro rag curtain. r . . a > 'The month-treatment box % | American I RRs Ye , official vetermarian of city, « Carter was ably supported by an all. | Cascarets are just as effective. Yet 12,000,000 boxes sold aonoally. Cor Princess and Well " I / Thomas W. Milo asking to have a \ i ington Sts. star caste, every one being perfectly o ; tree removed from the front of his | guiteds to bic or her part. Richard EE -------- " . " " property on Bagot street. Thornton, a= "King Lows." was good! { Kingstow Milling company re enter | ond Wadsworth Hagris was all that 0000000000000000000000 OOOO! SOVOO00OOCOO00 | I suffered for many years with kidney | '"¢ the city with power from King- could be desired as "Comte Jean Du HERE ARE A FEW Coal Oil | trouble, with bad pain in the back and 1100 Mills and asking that a fran- | Barry." brother inlaw of "Du Barry," Good Specials i | all sfmptoms of disease of the kidneys, | "his longer than ten years be grant | handling his diffienlt part well. Fred ALL NEW GOODS. If you wish to be successful at Lubricating Oily | [took every known kidney remedy and ed, erick Burt, was good as *"Cosse-Bres- tend The ' . 3 . 4 i Petition re concrete walk on east | sae" one of the king's guard. known Gasoline . kidney pill but nothing gave me relief side of. Maitland street from Ring 8 "UCosse." and lover of "Du Barry ani I 'was getting discouraged. I was | : ' ae { i : Pei foes? : street ensterly, had a difficult role to portray We make a specialty of handling| advised to try *'Fruit-a-tives" and I did Yames: Johnust ok Prise) i 4 3 dye James Johnston asking permission | and was never found wanting. Lubricating Oils of all kinds.| so--and this medicine cured me when |, erect porticos in front of houses on | "Denys," porter of the millinery shop. Prices on application. every other remedy failed. I used alto- Clergy street. and "Sophie," "Du Barry's" maid, Ww F KEI LY Co gether fifteen boxes of *Pruit-a-tives" # C. Folger, manager Light, Heat | wore well handled by H. ©. Carlton « F. LLY & C( oy and from the outset they give me relief and Power company, asking for ine | and Miss Phyllis La Fond. The minor South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. | and I am now practically well again, no | cronse of salary., parts were all well taken, and the pte eet eee | atin in the back, no distress, and all the Dr. J. C. Connell gnd others regard play was superbly staged, "Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints | symptoms of severe kiduey disease have | ing grievance caused by Donnelly In brief. the play deals with the life entirely left me. Iam very thankful to | Wrecking company at waterworks | of a maid, "Jeanette Vaubeinier," a , Kingston Business College A Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tel graphy, and nif commercial subjects thoroughly * taught by competent experienced teachers. Day and night classes. Enter at any time. tates very moderate; Phone, 440, x H. F. METCALFE, President. . CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Children's Fine Kid Strap Shoes, sizes 3 to 6, only 50c. : Children's Fine Brown Strap Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, only 60c. Children's Fine Brown Strap Shoes, 8 to 10, (Fully guaranteed). These paints are he Ar » y x y 3 . Prone) , a Kvarantsd). This Juint (are | be once more well and I freely make | wharf at foot of West street, handsome little Frenely girl, who Ey aerinct Tek freely ponder the] who may suffer as I suffered and to |~treet watering on Karl street, from | the kingdom of France Bhe 'loves: a For nale rr 9. Siler by Aoyome, them I say "Try "Fruit-a-tives.," 183 | Allred to Albert street. voang guardsman named "Cosse." but Petitions for concrete walks on }is persuaded by others to take a dif A. STRACHAN. (Sgd) Crammnce J. Pracay. Chatham, First and Second streety] ferent course, going to different places eau ---------------- * Pruita-tives" -- or * Pruitt Liver | were read. and then to court as the king's favor "JUST IT." Tablets" are sold by dealers at soc a box A communication was reeeived from | ite. While here the revolution starts the Kingston Old Boys' association | in part, and the leader turns out to Children's Fine Brown 2-Strap Shoes, 8 to 10}, only $1.00. | ---- Girls' Fine Brown 3.Strap Shoes, 11 to 2, only $1.25. ; Deseronto Asparagus JUST ARRIVED. var Girls' White Canvas Shoes, 8 to 10}, best grade Potato YET whi $1.00. ss J cin For the Breakfast on a eold mornin -6 for $2.50 or will be sent on receipt B® hot slice of "Mid Cured Ham," and of pri Poni : demi " king that the civic holiday in King- | he her love by > ro rice, Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, |' g 1ha ' fn ¢ ® her lover. ' A Birictly Fresh Fggw, at MYERS', 60 Pe . . ston be fixed for August 10th, 80 at | her room. hut she successfully hides Broek wirest, 'Phone, §70, : to meet the wishes of both the Old | him, but in the end is foreed to sm Bova' associations of Toronto and {render him to the king. Me is impri Girls' White Canvas Shoes, sizes 8, 9 and 10, only 75¢. He is seen going into O-OVO O« OO . . Ottawa which could not run exenr- | soned. but released by the people who RECO ARALAALALRALLAARARARELP0000800880888 |i. (il August Sth. On motion of | take bins to Teton 4 ; Ald. Rigney the civic holiday was | on the last act "Du Barry," who has O- fixed as requested. fallen a prey to the people, is seen in The reports of finance committee, | the old wooden cart, her hands tied board of works, water works, fire and {| behind her back, being drageed to the THE BE T ; : light committee and light, heat and | guillotine. » | power commiftee, as already report: AAPA a Aas WA wa PLLLL000004040000808000006404000000¢ BOB ELRLLAL0200R 060008 ed, were adopted. "The Lion And The Mouse." Obiection was raised hy Alls, Me There will be no advance in prices 4 IN WOMEN'S | i Thi be Fle man Re aa 9 Last S Girls White Canvas Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, best & A. GLOVER'S, grade, $1.35, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. $1.00. Women's New White Goods jast in. Best : : ' x a | Carty, Heudetaon ud Graham to | for the production het of "The Lion , Boys' Grey Canvas Boots, sizes 6 to 10, 60c, ) | To the Ladies of Kingston : the sum o 75 tendered by the light, land the Mouse," Charles Klein's ty VE! (Bun Y, 68 saike 9 12 fife 1 heat and power committee for damage N mafont ay, ahah Hens = in ® Boy 8 Grey Canv as Boots, size s, 11, 12, 13, boc, have removed to the former Boys' Grey Canvas Boots, sizes 1 to 5, 75e. | treal street, cornsr Princess. Re: Only a few pair left of the Women's Patent jamb the place. i O00 done on certain streets in' the laying | will produce at the Grand on Wednes- O- 4 of gas mains. The figure was agreed day, June 10th. The theme which Mr RIARIRAIRIR 4 A AAAs upon by the' city engineer and J. MW. Klsinqhas taken for this drama is a WANNA Children's White Ankle Strap Shoes, 90¢ and "SPECIAL NOTICE. grades, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. | ---- - : PBoard of Education rooms, Mon Button Oxford Shoes at $2.00. J. ROSEN, Campbell, They did not think the keenlvTalive to the machination of \ O00 ' amount nearly saflicient, trusts and kings of finante. Indeed it LADIES' TAILOR. Ald. Chewn explained that the mony be gail that "The Lion and the The French define a 0 streets which the 3175 covered 'were | Mouse" displays the excellent judg OO Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ste., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. lady as one who is "well to be reconstructed; and the above | mont shown by ME Klein in pwesent OX OOOO amount did not cover patching of the ing a phase of American life with shod and well gloved." streets. The blocks in guestion had | which the public has become familiar and stone, they dry quickly, with a hard | this statement for the sake of others ; C. W. Clement and others opposing | goes from a trimmer of hats to sway only 75¢ s : i : No costume, however now to Je Jom up angway, ul i thrgugh he Newanapery 2 mare i ' '1 OV other streets damaged by the hgeht | Jinse of the eptmtry. He depicts the fine it may be, will cover department were to be repaired. The king of finance ns he is, robbed of all 000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000 th C negleet of g 00 d blocks in question were: Bagot, | melodramatic attributes In opposi shoes * from Brock to West; Barrie, from | tion to him he places an equally true jig ® Broek to Princess; Broek, from fire figure of American womanhood. It is CT - - -- a------ ¥ ¥ / i > i > station to Division; Union, from Bar- | their struggle = with the ofmal victory Wom nw ho appreciate the difference be- B |e to Allred: Division, from. Broek 46 lor tthe. ot = which | untitutee the tween just shoes and shoes of quality and # (Alice; Montreal, from Queen to Bay. | basis upon which this powerful drama : » $ » 3 > : 3 *» » % distinction, come here for ideal shoes-- The tender of ¥175 was refused. | of emotion is built. The extraordin } ' tl at . Ald, Chown said that it would seem | arv success of the play is well-known Shoes tha sult. in order for the council to engage a | Its presentation' here cannot but ex There are no dissatisfied wearers of our new city engineer if that was all the | cite the widest interest. Seats now on a confidence it had in him in not ae | sale, shoes. We sell the same people over and copling 'his figure for street repairs over again. A number of by{aws for constr Both Political Parties. This weck we are offering three lines of tion of sewers and walks were given a | App agreed that there fire no hats Chocolate and Tan Colonials and Pumps, best American make of $4 shoes, All sizes first regding. to eyual Campbell's for style, quality Re mem be One I ' T h i 8 p 0 i n t : n On motion of Ald. Angrove the ten- | Gr value Men's fine swraw sadors, foe GPW. J. Savage, for pathting nul Boe. to $3; Panania hats «xomptionnl fare for the round long . distance tele. lazing of the doors aml window of | value, 85: crash hat Me. up, at ; Cu the city buildings, was accepted, it Campbell Bros'. t ri Pp ---- fo r t h e¢ p shonile i : OF L hein t the lowest I'he amount was a ------ Ll message an d fhe : I g y oie 16 See Ve window o ay ¥ pos, ? § Se : Council adieurned at 5:50 o'clock "the kind that 'won't wear out." cat answer. thinking over! ---------------------------- Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store ; A LADIES' SLATE-SLATER. he special auditors who are mak ine an awdit of the city treasurer's - They Make Just As Fine Styles | accounts in Toronto, complainsd that ' a : As For the Men. they found no complete record of the We have ull heard of the witty poli- | city's properties. tician who found it hard to surmount Montserrat lime fruit juice is gold in : ° : his early reputation for clever quips, | Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross rug : { T and take his place ns a serious states. | Stoge. It is the genuine 0 HE JUNE BRIDE man. So gapidly was gained the fame A mining action hefore the won-jury 0 Toronto, was adjourned so J. H. 'SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Hopse of Good Shoemaking. PIPPI PIII PIII PIRI P PII PEPPER Ieee + of the Slater Shoe for men that many | court, ' i. | that Hon. Frank Cochrade could be . a - ™ people forgot that it was in the mak Who will soon find the Veil and The Ordnge-blossoms succeed- ing of ladies' shoes that the Slater's | subpoenaed, : \ ye 4 i ' They {.sWhiteside, member elect in e ed by the cares of the New-formed Ho! old made their first mark. They have | 1 Ro» ! hos ; + mpsheld, written 4 book ahout the Slater Shoe | Past Toronto, has resigned from the LET US SUGGEST for ladies, and it's a book that every | position of city tax collector. . . lady would like to read. It's easy to "Tooth brushes "tooth brushes, ® got ul any Slater Shoe store. The la- | all shapes and sizes, at Gibson's Red . ETT 5 dies' slute-Slater has all the desirable | Cross Drug Store. "Phong 230 : ol Ans ow Destroyed Linens and an Easy . Wasliing----the ond many advantages of the best Several thefis from passengers in LG : < ; onstant Use of one of sleeping cars are reported from North A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. made shoes of America. It's four-dol 5 "2 IN 1" hb d lars' worth of shoe beauty. And there | Bav. . : 4 5 shoes OO 'or sale ol Hamilto ole wil have 0 pow- » . . . . i Eddy S "3 IN 1" Was oardas de rao €onln hy, V. ) Smilin peop will hate gue In telephoning there are three links in the chain that constitutes "good = Se ------------------ = ei im---- service" : 1. The person calling. 2. The operator. 3, The person called. , Just as good as Eddy's Matches. # SOLDIERS AS DOMESTICS. x ! . No matter how much any one or any two of these links do to develop good « A. - Novel Experiment By Naval : s ) an) y l ] PE J. A. HENDRY, A Officer's Wilk: "| After Once Tasting service, the result is determined by the measure of co-operation of the third. London, June 10.~The wile of a na- val officer residing i te Sure; : . : x Millage has matinintarily solved the If the person calling fails to consult the directory and gives a wrong num- . omantie Survumh probiom hyd smis | ber, the operator inevitably repeats the error. If the person called fails to The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co. Ltd nT greg hails Nut nang answer promptly, and the caller leaves the telephone, naturally "there is no one ¥ : y on the line." wants old-fash- hag a "parforman," a "houseman.' a : " d a "kitchenman," each end : . M ONTRE Als . wo iy frm" b a 001 an Being human, the operator--the third link--is liable to" err occ asionally M f, A 3 The entire work © e household y ' n, the -- } ee 3 ar oe as fy anufaciurers of the sho bh swesping, serubbing, dusting, washing. yon liver oil but careful analysis demonstrates that she is not fairly chargeable with many of REFINED SUG ARS vy cooking, waiting, eic., is doue by the difficulties frequently ascribed to her. : Cae : L.A _neat-handed "parlorman," in a , y Granuiated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane [im Tice - uniform, attends to the If Link No. 1 gives the right number and calls distinctly, and Link No. 3 answers door, waits * at table, he . : i Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. ro pit ------ r promptly, the Telephone Compaby will be responsible for its part of the chain. f D STEWART ROBERTSON 4 SON, Agents fon Eatery . ~ | supplied with a blae uniform, under po no higher motive actuated it, the motive of economy, or self-interest, would mb ps Pe EE. oi pmm-- m= 1 takes ail the, work dome by his ywedy- ffi Pu : , . a. housemaid. Far from being : suilice. . ¢ If the party you wish to reach has no tel Tie, JOU can arrange to have him called to a Pay Station to talk to you. : All sizes, for preserving. ; oi 0 Seon ~~Order now while prices are right,' : hate