Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1908. aus LETTER I) FE THE BLAME], Tr, [eens Miss Rose Hurst, 737 Harris Street, | Ages Need Rich Blood ' That Appleton, Wis,, Writes Something i Pink Pills Maks of Interest to Al Women. DELAY IN "PAYING INTER. | | woman needs moticine more than Read What She Says: | COLONIAL EMPLOYEES. |°%; b* crinvins ie mire com tawa, for the ball tonight, and willl stay on for her holidays. i i Gold in 3 Miss Frances Lewis, of Newboro . i has been staying with Miss Bessio| i 1 Smythe, West street, for a few ere] 32 Mrs. Max Dennistoun of Peterboro, wi lg | and Miss Demmistoun, are with Mis, Miss Frances Taylor is up from ou|# | sularly mus | Organited Obstruction Will Have | oire a . J anything happens { Edward Torrance, King street. to Be Dealt With--Asking For | lo intericke with that patersl course SIPC IRII SS Miss Laura Gibson, of Gananoque, y LUE ough urspeasal le sufler ," SA P| oot the week-end with Mrs. W, K Money to Pay Civil Servants. | t the health bf weery fusi Yesterday 'was an ideal day for|T. Smellie, at "The Avonmore." | Ottawa, © June v ; ppasition | ¢ ami the He alth of ever momgnt croquet, ar indeed anything else, So! Mr Irwin Saver, x Toronto, is gave another flagran +x} tion i] a mans life. depot ub . | the secoml "party" wes a great suc-| expected in town for t June ball. Bre jpoliticat mnsineerity tod hey = 1 richie fe an " bile. dey 0) By ess. MN dontagoe Strange and J -~ - - : ! So good for her as ABBEY'S SALT. igan the sedsion by protesting ¥ upg ly. i is the simple scientific Mrs. W, St. Pierre Hughes were hos- Miss Patterson, who was visiting jinocence of the charge of obstruction | jens in why Wiliams lin pills] 59% and their guests were Mrs, K.| Mrs. George Hague, Farl street, has jand occupded much, valuable time in| re worth this weight in gold to wo-{ {+ Veylor, Mrs, Ratisay Duff, Mrs, | returned to Athens. idoing ¥o, amd theo they proceeded t en of 'ail ages front curly irlhood | John Macoaughton, Mrs, Noel Kent! Miss Katie Gordon, Queen's College, | make the case against them more | uu they actually make the rick, rod Mre. Richard Hooper, and Miss Hei- | returned on Monday, from Toronto. vonzlusive than ever by blocking the | jood all women sead en Fraser, drs. Hughes took them all] Mr. H. Book hoped to pet down Hntercoloniad estimates the whole day, Mrs. Kdwin Ward trouksdale Ont. | 2¥¢T to tea at her house, There were| from Toronto, to-night for the ball. | : { un] a number of lookers-on, and the third] Mrs. McLeod, of St. John, N.B., is { with the result that it was not until | 4. "For. yours: 1 suffered from . {11:23 to night that the one item unger | Jue nilmets that make the lives of | 858 had its players also. There is! expected up to-morrow or Friday, to] consideration was allowed to gol |, many of my ses iserable no diminution in interest in this{ hit her sister, Mrs. J. B, Carruth | | theongh. it is true that the vote | ie weak aris actable, Fwould] ood old lady-like sport. hw ers, at "Annandale." Makes every day a bright day. jamonnted to the consid rable sum of | Lous that I could not go about. My - - - Miss Doris Suckling, of . Aorentol) ees |$S250,000, but the nature of the ques | ciomach was out of order, and I fre Mr, and Mrs. George Steel, i] who ® down for to-might's ball, is} (tions asked and the organized wonner | untly vomited the focd | took.| Smith's Falls, announce the coming| the guest of Mrs. Felix Shaw, Magot| The Earl-Garbide {in which a small clique of conserva { Headaches and baexaches afflicted me | marriage of their daughter, Miss Geor- | street. [tive members applied themselves to |, ariy ull the time. Then I took a4 to Mr. Percival St. Helier lLe- ' oo . { the process of badgering the munister | ore ¢8ld which sc tded on my lungs Sueur, of the interior department, Ot- Mrs. Morrissey, mother o! Cadet 3 Feed Ace lene lof railways showed only two clearly {gd | went to an hospital for treat. | 2%8: which will take place on June | Morrissey, Montreal, will be here for | the intentions of the opposition. 'In ment, 1 had the best of care, but the iOth, at the residence of the bride's | the June ball. : x {temperature whic bh would have tried | 4. gave me little-hope of recov. | Purents. After their wedding trip Mr. Mr. T. Muir is staying with Mrs. C t {the physical capabilities . ot the | ry. My face and limbs became swol and Mrs. LeSueur will spend the sum-| D. E. Mundell, Brock sireet. : enera or [atrontrn Hon, George F Graben kn and my system racked with a] ™eF at Britannia. Mrs. Balliott arrived from New - {ocd the: ordeal splendidly, and . it harsh dry cough. Ag the doctors dic pt York, last Saturday, and is visiting : Is fully approved hy fire under {wus largely due to the way in which A number of the girls, Miss Mabel! he ister, Mrs. F. W. Albree i ¥ " ) not le he ully n my 3 158 Mabel] her sister, Mrs. F. . ree, at writers. The feeding of Carbide the handled the multifarious questions ds ded ta 3 atu) Ve. Papi cuss, J in Sontrolled entirely by the Gas Brownfield, Miss Marion Redden, Miss! (1 sseburn." 4 {raised that he was able in the long Pills. By the time 1 had taken half a Marion Calvin, Mi-s Pessie Smythe,] Mr. F. G. Wallace, of Pittsburg, « Holds ron to wear down the opposition. | lozen boxes there was p.great chan zy Easily filled with Carbide and gy Miss Frances Lewis, and others, i » ar " : » oni y W n-| Pa., is at "Alwington," his summer : ! 4 ANT to say & word for Peruana |'Ihe renewed attempt to throw dust nh " : 8 i RO waste Gas; Gas Generated { for the better. .1 still continued to This is the Maid, who's quick to see Whene'er Digestion is at fault, She knows that nothing clse can be 4 ree deveve i i { i { cluding Miss Bessie Boyd, took lun- h ome. ' ? for systemic catarrh and trust |i the eyes of the people by disclaim: take the pills until 1 had used thie. | hon at the Country Club yestefday. | J Bs ts ¢ the feast being simplicity itself, but Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice, street, { i ei aria, ater others who read this may try It snd re- | ing responsibiiity for the delay of i { 2 ten boxes, and I am now enjoying 4 i u the enjoyment of each other's sotiety gave a little tea, yesterday, for her | put ! Ne jot and perfectly ceive the same good from ft that I did. : basin sd was originated by lect hosith. I kh tation & prrlec enith, ve n he si ation in a hod been alling for a long time | hg who strove hard to make bin that 1 be lies ot Br. Williams' | 2nd the country air and all were very | cousin, Mrs. M. Savage, of Montreal. i i 3 a no » ng seemed to do me any good, | uppear that the government were hoki The vl aa Tift great. - ow ; hy | Each machine fs thoug tried many doctors and |jjiame for the fact that the employees | DE 8 faved my : > M { < warranted to work sa PB actorily, : | y e fi P y . hag % : rs. Henry Kavanagh will return ; | { ne "any medicines. I had become 80 bad [of the Intevcolonial were without their i? - ang Hh ik Filly sus Na A few Indige dropped in at the tea to Montreal; to-morrow. 3 i Td Hgnt sien, for sum At there wae no pleasure in living, | ¥ e third time wit an] 28TO UY asta) BNE Lu . sverly i p n 2 pay. or th hird time within her 'system needed. That 'is all hour, yesterday, at St. Andrew's! Miss Maud Betts, Beverly street, has i Sizes from § to 500 light. lood : ' . manse, and met Miss Blackburn of Ot- gone down to Brockville for a week's do great chango for the better and 1 kept [ fused ore aud granted only 4 part of po of the trouble in the blood. That night, to see Judge and Mis. Foran, spend the summer there : . thf Ww ~ Miss Molson is now staying with . . 49 Possible visitors for the June ball : & pcg ested in the above testimonial, Mies | | thy obstruction which had been car Sur, pursing medicines only Hurst was porsuaded by » friend to try [11 fn wold have ta be dealt with. [Feb (0 BIER CERRO ERA Mis Nan ww, al Totonte, ami if Over The World, "| We Don't Lose Many Customers for Poruna, and she is now perfectly well The fession was well advanced before l, he. gennice pike with the full thoy come, Cornelius Berming | Ottawa jurors will get $2.50 a day] snd fools like another woman. Such fs |1h® house got into supply, with "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ford ham, Barrie street, will be their | hereafter. hostess A man named Dick, at Winnipeg, al result. already stated Before the | Rane " ber story in brief, Hitase rose Mr. Graham made a request | Pale Peoj gl pn : the a rapes srauny - - - owed his wife to die of childbirth. : {to have the salaries of canal employ avers ax. . ar oe a, At Satarday's tennis tournament at| Roy Wood, son of W. Wood, of Lon- : as oves P9640 0460906094 passed, hut Mr. Foster decimed to | rs or hy an og fre : a be De. wil. | the Country Club, Mrs, H. E, Bur-{don, was drowned at Fort William. . accede to it, notwithstanding an as jones ie Mima p ¥ Te -) ville pa nt stall and Captain Russell Brown won| Seven drowflings are reported to the : surance by the minister that an op- § Hams BCID Dy ay J out against Miss Nora Gordon, amé|north of Helena, Montana, as a result | -- AND -- StopsHeadache [portunity for full discussion would be | ¥ . Mr. W, Irving. Mrs. Burstall's prize{of the floods EST. g s prize|of th ods, I A PETRIFIED FOR was beautiful silver frame. The] At Father Point, Que, the S88 afforded when the estimates gn capita a « @ te y considered ARE HN ra > a RPE a pe n ine : > ® rau tabitts ate. 4 safe and effective [account cam i to be ) : | Curious Find in: German West pein Were put ap by the players en- Corigthian, Allin live, iso London, : E.F, TOMKINS, Mayor of Coaticook, Dénnis Lynch Passes Away. , Africa. 3 > ow The ltalians of Hamilton and the Every woman who sullers At'to Ogdensburg NY , June 10 Dennis | Berlin, June 10.- Lovers Neos. If the weather holds a marques will] vicinity will inaugurate to put down i know their worth, ong { Eyneh, aged Jorty-; years, died, {feld, in Ossidinge, BpjeRab: » has ke put up on the barracks square and | the habit of carrying dangerous wea Whicl bow: MRS. A. EL FORD, North Sidney, C.B. { Tuemday, at his homo. Ho vonducted | sent to the emperor. an intoresting supper will be served there at the| pons. Which shows that our assortment and ------ ney, » | port on a petrified forest discovered |) 11 to night. The band will also add A growing state of anarchy in Per I have tried ybur tablets and wish to A fon an uh tour in the land of | othor enoyable feature. sia is reported. Fears are entertained give them the highest possible recome saloon men in Northern New Yark the Bakogos. i 35 - we - for the safety of the Russian minister] : ' mendation, D. W. NOYES, Mr. Lymeh, some years ago, organ | the petrified trees are from thirty Mrs, Henry Merrick, Bagot street,| at Teheran. : SEE TH EM. Of Noyes Bros, Boston, Mass, | ized an Antiprofavity League in cog- | 10 seventy feet high and from two to | hae asked a number of the younger| The Uanadian Medical Assoc iation . ' fia fect in diameter. "The trees re- people, Miss Mafjory' w linn} thihae apRainted 0. sommittie %o consid Write for catalogue and prices, to the Inventor and Manufactur- - "I was fluall on. M fielding vemind- |! 3 La y asked by a friend to jmeny days Hon. Mr. Fielding vemir br. Williams' Pink Pills do, bat they . 1 tawa, who has been staying with Mrs, | visit to Mrs. Ogilvie Dobbs. misgivings, What was my delight, had twice asked for a vote on account en i bowels. They don t bother with mers on improving until completely re- [what was requested in the i uhy thew sore' +) Bloc and merve and from there will leave for Sault It has done wonders for me and I gladly | vigorously supported by Hop William a i and backache ciatica ead: ( ackaches, 8 ca, } ; will be Mr. and Mrs. Mulloy and Miss PITH OF THE NEWS. try Peruna, which 1 did, with many |ed the opposition that the government t well. They don't act on the it we, i. pont'a ; Robert Meikle, Clergy street. Miss! Mrs. Frank Botterell, of Montreal, after taking the first bottle, to see 8 [to cover salaries, and had! heen re } symptoms. They "go. straight: to the Blackburn went to Belleville, last {has taken rooms at Metis and will covered, fea e. In his exposure of opposition | Ste, Marie, to visit Mrs. R Mrs I). Stewgrt Robertson, Sydenham troubles like anaemia, female irregu io r TO rs. Ross, : ' 0 ' "I now fecl like a new woman, | duplicity the minister of Fnance was | iti iota: rheumatism, "> -» od street, - Athen. Ont. recommend it fo others."--Rose Hurst, | Paterson, who declared, amid the ring prostration and St. Vite ---- No ailing woman.can fail to be inter. ling cheers of the liberal members that i OSTA an - * Hrene Mulloy of Stamford. Conneeti- 3 EI 5 a Saviano 4 Sh A tA) ance. Substitutes nd Amikations 4 ) & » nnecti Fe : Sutstut a oH Yea cut; 'Miss Ahearn of Ottawa; and|[The Very Latest Culled From All IEEE, anh bosib halite sa edae oh abBodO aL. | prices suit all classes. Ogdenshurg's lea cafe for many vers and wag one of the best-known nection with his business. On the of A tain their form as do branches Sand § oo fog girls, to tea on Saturday | er the question of a Canadian ambu- £3 gar counter was a charity box and Ty trified. f t ist : ¥ into this all who violated the rules twigs, he: petritiec ores 18 two I afternoon. lance association Ww ] Lp late ul or i a Al Bo mired in ne week | 3 MIGKELVEY & BIRCH, 68-71 Brock St posit their fines He had, original | or. B 2 No The marriage of Miss Mary Etta |of the Wabash fast passenger train at i i i 1 ! r. Henson Resigns. Biss 'ortemo - Stevensville, Ont., > a ) ie R Dennison. Portsmouth, to the Rev. | Stevensville, Out., are reported on the | $y py 40044448456 5$4PEELEEI0 4040+ MESES ES 40000 ideas of vonducting his business along | C000 0000006000 an elevated cale and succeeded. He | Boston, June 10.--Rev, P. 8S, Hen | Alfred ' Be ight, B.A, Ingersoll, will|road to recovery, war a charter member of Ogdensburg | son, for five years pastor of Tremont | take place on Tuesday, June 30th. Two persons were killed and seven | w y v of | Temply Baptist church, yesterday, an wo . - injured by the collapse of an apart { Lawlgre of Ethkg and also a membe " - " HO, FOR A HOLIDAY! the Hibernian: and CM. BA. He was | nounced his resignation. Re' said that Some of the married ladice bed ao ment house in course of cons truction | DAILY TO KINGSTON MILLS. a demoerat and during Cleveland's ih 8 purpose is to give hamsell a wider | Ligh tea and bridge, at the Country!at Washington, D.C. I | D ' _ . Pe 86 ws | last ter was deputy collector and in- | ministry and not only to preach from Clab, last week, the affair being of The fourth anmual convention of the| Y I The Commodious Str. Ecelwat suegtor of enstoms.. lle is survived by the pulpit in various parts of th | the "Dutch treat" crder zl members of the Canadian Retail As-| ei Sh the most wonderful Medicine i hk MAKE DAILY "1 RIES 10 Xing. his widow and five voung children | rountry, hut to de considerable liter - ES - soGation, opened in Hamilton on! . Severed. 3% is sounding ihe winedien) ay] Wow June 4th, TY until further BotiCe, work, Mrs. R. Waldron, "Arthur Place." | Wednesday afternoon. } » 3 Medical Board has recommended this Remedy for N. Monteith, minister of agri | J in the Iusans Asylms where, as is well | | Leaving Polger's Whart, Foot of Brock 3 lov. M TS came to Tremont y sm mn " 1 v oot © " Two New Deans At McGill, { "Rev. Mr. Henson came to Tremont] will give a small tea, on Thersday,| Hor . } dr | majority of the male inmates are victims of lost Vi { culture expects to regain his sea on in its most territde form, In Rurope the | 11.4% am 2.20 and . $ ra : . returning, Jeave "Kingston | Montreal, June 10.-Two new deans | Temple from the Hanson Place Pap lin honor of Mrs. George Boomer, 8.30 and 6 pw. | have been appointed at Mofiill. Prof. | tist church, Brooklyn, in 1903, to - > ow» a*recount. Mr. Monteith will continue - e oe hy all governments and is Lis now uted a8 ' > . ' ¢ : ' 2 . : u : : veeific | e gre anding arr tripe ach -- or iad vem { Francis Adams. succeeds Dean Bovey | suceeed Dr. George C. Lorimer. Fo-night is the night of the battery | to admimister his portfolio. y and Germany, © Stave leases jn from seven ta ton $ RG . i "we " oy { » hy ens' Special. " | as di Al of "applied science, and Ih Ae -------------- hall at Tete de Pont barracks. Fhe latest returns from Ottawa : x 3 they never return. re Dre ain euthealy Seu : : ! " ; * comes Leaves Kingston 7.30 am [ Francia ™ Shepperd succeeds Dy. Rodd: [Discover Valuable Printed Works There were several little pienics on | county, Que., give Gendron, liberal, 5 Afters few # treatment. The skin becomes clenth Wound Trip Tick og 4 ' {dick ax dean of the medical facut { Herlin, June 10.~Frofessor Thor | Saturday, with Cedar Jlsland and] 428 majority. 'there are still sixteon | = regular. Headaches disappesr. No more weak me und Trip Tickets 2e., good until a ! mahle f the School of Art and | tv t longs the lake shore wlls to hear from, but Gendron is ex- f A> mory, the mind becomes bright and sctive, A Fool for any trip. Steamer can be) mahlen, of th ol of Art and In jrretty spots along © lake shore asi! i gre 2 for brain and Flood, A permanent cure 00 meties chartered for special parties, at reason-| Mr. Tudhope's Majority. [dustry, at Magdeburg, has discovered | objective points. | pected to win. : { IN sy) how chronic the case, us' send us today your Dame Yo bi ino carriag.T 106 Package ie. June 10.-J. B. Tudhope's |i the Cathedral School, which was] The coming out festivity at San. / The foots in Albsrta ave not damm | = of kestorine will be sent FREE fa' plain sealed pack: ¥ Captain, GEO, TIAMMOND. Majority in Fax L Simeoe is 177. in. [formerly the library of the monastery, | nandale," 'when Mrs. John Pell Car- | aged the crops, but several faiway RY ~~ axes 100 Net hestate a moment. We will tread you 2146 of the rarest 'old printed sheets, | ruthers will formally introduce her | bridges will revuipe repairs and the with success sud wiih bones! confidence, Enginoer, WM. DUNGAN. k \ , 4 For further information' address. Captoprtead of #2: Mr. "Tudhope is a liberal Re value of which he estimates § shter, Miss Doroth | waterworks and efeofrsc light plant at| Hanimond, Princess Theatre, or at! sbalwalt. 'who fing never Known defeat | "00 _Yalue of Wik ! ) at } so ond aug iter ss Dorothy, to so [1 chiricioe ist damaged : Boat, Foot of Princess St. in angthing he has undertaken | £3,750. The roval library of Berlin | ciety, isthe event for Friday. Ba Re blow open the sale 'of the | De. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. Po. Drawen L,'2341. WONTREAL. ari ------ {has offered L500 for the works wi date - - - rglars ble ) v » € 3 5 a - . . Ottawa Lumber company, at Hurd " ------ fup to 1650, and declares that 300 Mrs. George Boomer, of Toronto i infor lof s new! vered sheets > er . ; SE "man's Bridge, on Wednesday morning; & CA BS ! ' When a woman informs a man that fof the newly discovered sheets are en cama down, last week, to visit her pon prac tally wrecked the offices. | Health in every cup of " 3 : f . av me . » she's gaging for tell him somethiy for | tively unique. sister, - Mrs. Ry V. Rogers, Barrielry.. cecured nothing x : | | The Old Stand and the his own good it is time for him to , : . street. Secret ® rviee men are searching! stand fgom uader, : | The Alan Mail steamer Victorian, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey left, New York for Faiaello Palizzolo, 9 Old Number { The Allan stoner Pretorian arrived | from Liverpool, passed Cape Rave, at } (, day. for Point Pleasant, in North | clmowledesd = chick of - hw deadly | » 4 9 0 Bt Clinton So Sn 530 am. on 10th . Marysbarg. { Mafia Palizzo'o was twice tried for | 5 RS ig eT ST Little Mis 4 lillian Dunham, Earl mi ter in Htalv.: He: was fread { Ary Fr : | stroet, has gome down With her bro-| (liver Hazard Perry Belmont died at PERFECTION OFFICE NO. 1. 1 . ther, harles Dunham to Frank-|,.. ; 0 at Hempstead, L.1., on Wed All orders promptly attended to, . . ¥ | aight or day. 4 RA ¥ 3 Los ville, and iil spend the summer wit 'inesday, aged forty-nine, He had al ------ h her grandparents, Nr. and Mrs M. | most varied career, having been in the { The undersigned are the drivers 'using 4 h Dunhger inavy, in the banking business, in : - > i mond, P. loss the above 'phone al the old place; -» {jougnalism and in politics. | Seviral people who were expected in!' |y has. been decided that the wed- | } ' sv the ball to-night, have dis- {ding of Madame Anna Gould and | Stowh ) appointed) theie various prospective prince Helie de Sagan will not take | Very nutritious and very digestible. Give it to your hostesses, {place in" France. 'The couple will be | children and drink it yourself. Mise Bessie Bod will leave for To inarvied, before the end of the month, | ronto, the end of the week, | probably in England. | { W. 5. Maciarlone avd] inclading the) THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO o Dd and Mre Three handeed persons including Mr. J. Sexsmith, of Watertown, spent | yf. pn quis de Dicn, presidint of the Paris IE Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R. N. AvtomoliM Club, were powemed by | Macfarlane, Johnson street. wtomaine on Tuesday right at af Surgical Aids Established 1860 a Brock stree | P p i is] - to the Afflicted Authors & Cox Toronte, Canada Canon and Mrs. front. hy tL! banquet. The ptomaine poisoning haye returned from eville, | attributed to a dish of duck that was ap r ------ * ¥ Artificial Whether you have had the Forl & years wit wt 4 - = - } served, One persch is dead and many mish ' v * lortune to lose one or amt Ye PRICE aa 4 Ry Mrs. Sidney Gearing gave a smalt others are in a serious condition, Limbs both legs--either above or ao ied beaina, | snulty, fea at the Standard Band, Tieton, on] -- . below the knees -- onr Artificial Limbs fecting helps for Qe s Mictes. » 1 AAT RIGHT "a 4 Saturday, for Mrs. Thomas Shannom,| To Reduce Price. will prove perfect substitutes. We can We make not cooly #. tii ; of Toronto. LR New York, June 10.--Announcement | J create artificial limbs to suit the require. cial Limhwebut aise nal ; : ' At Mp. Bernard Hepburn's tea only. nade hy Judge Elbert H. Ggry, | | micnts of each individual case Scppotts, Trusses, Abdom A uy, the lawh at "Rickarton." Picton, last] | chairman of the Lnited States Sei 80 perfect is the fit, and so exact is our Se yori. Hist Stock week, Mrs. Wilismson, of Raginaw,| 'orporation, that a gemeral reduction | J knowledge of what these helps 5 wwild ane way write us fuily Mick, delighted the guests with sev. jin the prices of finished steel products | | be, that busdreds of people stand nprght, about your case, and we eral sonys, not ~ sweetly sung, but jad been agreed upon. The reduction | J Walk and rus with the help of our Ar wit Bt you with the proper] sweetly whistled. [affects billets, steel bate, plates, stroc- | ff] sial Limbs, op i LL --- f tural iron, merchant pipe and wire | k The second class cadets are planning | nails. i > 2 ee EE PEA another picnic, via ' canoe for next . Saturday, hy the ; Decrease In Immigration. 'Lead soli or tenuis in be morning, thent: oiiawa. Juné 10.---The immigration Tin, Zing. § lunch at the Country Club, with mote], = April was 20,755, as Compared . goll and tennis after, are featured of with #4.051 for April of last vear. a / Send us Jou day inquiries. the daily bie cf tie girls just pow. dee of thirty-two per cent. For : - the first four monthe of this year Canada Metal Co..Ltd.," T ORONTO. 0 ONT. EE -- Nrs. 6. F. aman o Halifax, and | immigration decreased forty-six per her baby, are with Mrs. Alestinder cent. via ocean ports and increased Laird, Johnson street. ig and one-half per cent. from the A ---------------------------- : : oi, Bess Damier wil be ny irom finited Staten ' Nordheimer S inway Ls bebe rein b Shi Susi of An. June festinition' Bogen King Garlgs ie that : P P - Sao ai Jessie yeCant Queen. sionet, man she in at Prukae. Sinister of - janos ' nos vind estetinr. will go on ta' loxion nl ee IT Ep Vo 'arehouse: RERATEIONS ART STORE, 159 Princess St.

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