Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1908, p. 4

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oF PAGE FOUR si THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1908, "EBA s000400 000008000000 | ps FP : : 1 rT : TE r-- rr ------ he THE WHIG, 75th YEAR EDITORIAY. NOTES. HEIR TO THE THRONE. A TALKING LOVEBIRD. 2 A DAILY BRITISH WHIG, i In Saskatchewan the government ace S------ ------ B i 810 King street, Kingston, cepted the suggestion of the opposi- | & Little Lad Very Popular With | A Marvel, Self-Taught, to Imitate year. Editions 26. 2.30 and 4 o'clock pm. : . WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub tighin rearranging thé constituencies' | Feople. ] Human Speech. fished mn parts on M and Thursday morn. | : 4 | London Mai ing at Cg year. To United States, charge | The proceeding is a lesson to some! « i a 3 Ee 0s be ac A love bird no larger than a canary has yi . 4 , Sst Job Feiutiog older and more pretentious Proyiuces | has tatght itself to speak as -Buenth rapid, dish, and cheap | «wg... » : ' NE i Ve jand ax distinctly as the best of talk work; nin Ry, Mack," in Saturday Night, has | ; {mg parrots at the village of Amble Ome Wes he sition, and | 4 bide Stourbridge Worceste The British Whi, Publishing Co., Lt'd become weary of the opposi ide, near urbridge, Worcester W. J. B. PENSE, especially of Mr. Foster's fuldling with | = | shire. The bird is of exquisite plum g Director. a programme that he calls "petty | jage and belongs to J. Skidmore, ol Stamiord house, Ambleside, a weld and peanutty, : a " -- i koown resident in the district. It -- ~ Switn x kidm * T sis . 1 wis given to! Mr. Skidmore about six - ie opposition in the commons is! ; | ) i ; hy his in-law, whe hori ago x : | aot gaining anything from the stop- | had had it for eighteen months with ge of supplies. The business of the | a {out its showing any powers of conver | bo | sation. During the last few months of This Tittle Devi E11 the 5 Intario, he n Vite life vestershire: however. T's 8 it . Device the Jiberzls in Ontario, has reason to endefiger or injure it will be the suf- | jie hie in Worcestershire, howe ver, it gly As be disappointed, but not cast down ferers | has acquired a remarkable aptitude : -- H So a Fig k {for repeating all that is said to it The Reot of the over the re ult of the provincial elec -- : ! Bb 4 hough 16 he: eve Po E il tions, 'The Whitney government had The Quebec conservatives think that | i | training 4 v strongly © entrenched . itself in office, [in a dominion contest they would be | RE'S { ACKAY. Broken Backs : HERE TO MR. MACK M M : . wing leader of } Lr. MacKay, the young leader © dauntry must go on, and the men who To a correspondent who "inter Tow | hs fed it recently the bird suddenly re | { marked, "Kiss me quick," giving ay 1 i And Removes and it had resources at its command, | mofe successful than in the provincial Bodily, for influencing the campaign, of which | contest They will keep on diseount- their in ~ |apticipatory smack. It politely re PRINCE OLAF. | marked, "How do you do ¥" and flat : | teringly added, "You're a littl Little Prince Olai, the heir to the ' . ne laf, . popular) Leguty, arent you?' all in a soft . 5 hin ae " { throne of Norway, is most 3 : . Col. Sam Hughes has made " FEpY | with the. tiases of his subjocts. ans | torte that was quite distinct from the to the calling down he ToveIvey from | Lie fair to make a fitting successor | Taueoys accents of the average par Sir Charles Tupper on the Yukon rail- | 4 his royal father. The little chap is rot t melodiously whistled a couple . vg " . fol bars y i x : . way matter. The colonel is a forgiv- | as sturdy as auv of the peasants who | OF bars of the national anthem and lar favor. It had made mistakes-- | t i: 2 Ea 8 ot . | proceeded to give some vory realistic : : ili {ing soul, which accounts for his great | inhabit his future dominions The. = : ' : this the premier confessed--and it wi crown prince was born on July 2nd |'™tations of the calls of thrushes, : : tience under provocation. . . . | Sharrows 1 ligne ake more, its greater power making | P® 1903, and will be five years of age in|*P8IToWs and lipnets. ] 4 's 1 m no g ¥ -- f " he 'Hanschen," is the bird is named 1 y S or ressy uits for its injury. Why did H Ds save tha | ® Short time. He was christened Alex-| , . . vi ! y did Hon. Mr. Prevost leave the ander, but the Norwegians deman Acighs barely an ounce and is be TYTN Meanwhile Mr. MacKay can grow in Gouin government alter doing so much that he be known officially as Pring { lieved to be the smallest bird of hi of Serge ; of * re Frower. Helis: a young' san. whom to establish 'his competency ? That is | Olaf, after a celebrated ruler of Nor. kind capable ¢ imitating human speech. His chief companion is a 4 | Hon. Mr. Graham claims the eredit of what worries Mr. Bourassa, and when | Way centuries ago. and their wishes | hor without I more may be known hereafter. It [ing the #Laurier influence--to - n had, too, the prestige of success, with great chagrin. a, large majority in the legislature. It had rare opportumities to do things. It had launched some new undertak- ings, and by them caught the popu- There's more to recommend a Serge Suit for Summer Wear . : a : . large stuffed, green parrec discovering while on a missionary an idea begins revolving in hil mind | Pave been followed by King Haakon, | 87% "4 Ereén parrot, than you'd think. i ¥ : which he is never happy, and whose a x . ; . . : 3 23 8 a democratic and politic ruler. | : FiY. & W ROS journey in the northern country. As it gives him no rest until it is set | plumage he has so pecked away with a lawyer of large practice he impress- |, 4 ~ Frock Of Pale Green Linen. | Kisses' that he entire head and neck are now badd. The lovehird whenever Gis ed Mr. Graham with his remarkable mental endowments. He possessed the Mr. Bourassa has asked a great ; | (aking a Jncal of linnet wed, places a ; . a. RA SER a iti . p g ttle within the motionless beak § ; 8 ke for success, and | many questions in his political cam. r -- Ak ak of ¥ qualities that na > ' y q S------r | the stuffed parrot, though when in u ---- 1 Not only is it dressy and therefore desirable, = but being } light in weight it is decid®édly comfortable for the warm days of Summer. It is also strong and durable. A man can find few Fabrics b that combine these necessary qualikies as does the Serge. a issioner of crown |paign without getting the answers he ) : when later a commissioner of cro paig ith getting the an h | ih LW | conversational mood, he frequently in was wanted in the Ross gov- ldesires. He will now be privileged to | gy - {dulges in furious attacks on his silent { companion. i When you first look at one of our Suits and somebody else's side by side, they may seem the same. But look at the cut, ; look at the way the collar fits, the button holes, the sewing. the way the lining is put in, and then buy your Serge Suit of a house that always stands back of its prouiises, lands Cenuine Lernment, the call went to MacKay. [ask them in the legislature, backed by Unfortunately, he had a limited ex- [Wie ever hithful ally and supporter, ? { : | Killed In Saw Mill, ' perience in the forefront of battle, He | Mr. Lavergne. | Pg -- O Jay June 1 wi pe ar er S was only a few months in the govern- a 7 : : 7 a bf | rth Bay, Ont., June 10 Loui I'he noisiest man in the Quebec op " utd | Denault, a married man with a fam ee N ri lice . . ment helore it went out of office. Hq ily of six ren, was instantly kill ler WWW YAY See Our Special $12.50 and $15 Suits. porition--the one who dared the gov- \ led in Smith sawmill ittl : Pi vl only three and a hall years in op rent th . } i {th all i 1 | "| ervamen bm > a y i | e 1 V el d S. position, and less than half of this e ORE in the short cam i f | yesterday, Denault was stri log paign, and promised to do the most | 4 { with axe, which caught in a pull » time he acted as leader of his party. 3 lefeated. L. 0. P ies 3 i . ey ie slletie. ywverhea \ FOUR the af Must Bear Signature of The premier had snosrod at his' la damage--was defen ed, L 'elletier, | Ga [« vert d, rl around the halt } 4 but th: avery poor ~rece of Dorchester. Great boasters are not } ling and struck the man with great : yar, but wi ry poor orace, nN ! > e 1 mn the wo » y usually very popular. | A foree _ Death resulted from the wound : . : BE in a lew minutes p . . 4 . ince Mr. Whitney spent many many ( ! Sr Fer long years in opposition fighting The Taft boom is on, and the big | { Cheese Markets, P to Wra . with léss advantage and Rertainly secretary of the army will, in all pro = \ EE | with less of the magnetism which Mr. bability, on the first. throw of the! \ x fel hoarded: 460 sold at J is weese hog rd; 460 sold Very smaliand as cosy MacKay exhibits. dice, become the candidate of the re \ § fo take as sugar. | The leader of the liberals in On- publican party. He will bring ul tario is an inspiration to the young- |, the presidential contest. His op- | \ | 1,000 Islands--Rochester. i | Kingston's Only One Price Clothing House. Stirling, June 9. --There the balance sold at lle. + FELLER 440000000000 50 0400404040040 4 4 thee # + Two Specials in Ladies' Oxfords Ladies' Dark Chocolate, Gibson Tie; $2.00 Ladies' Patent Colt, Gibson Tie, $2.00. . The accompanying sketch shows the | C i | ) ARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. er men in politics. He is the repre- ponent will surel - he Bryan. Steamer North King leaves Sun For BILIOUSNESS, sentativé of a very numerous class. ------ bodice of a modish little linen frock, | days at 10.15 a.m. for 1000 Islan FOR TORPID LIVER. They have the ability, the energy, the At London, Mr. Whitney said the skirt of the gown being a plain | jatts and at 5.00 pm. for Bay o FOR CONSTIPATION, go. They only want the chance for references to the dissension in the cab Senin th a stiaight front panel joint Ports and Rochester. FURMLIOWSKIE | { that development in public weftice, { inet on the power. quistion was "an The motel gown Bodine shiuked ves]. The CP.K. Famshreauien * colonize FOR THE COMPLEXION] | which will make them the political | mconsequential lie." At Woodstock Mr. tucked green mull. The yoke was of | tion company's sales to June lst are force the country requires. No one in | Beck admitted that the ministers dif- | gheer white enihraidered: mull. ad the 1 15,000 acres in excess of sales for the Ontario, or in Canadaf had a more | fered in opinion on the subject, as| girdle was of lettuce green liberty | same period last voar CURE RICK HEADACHE. successful toug than Mr. MacKay in | they had a right to do. What is this | satin. | ------------ | the late election. All his supporters, | difference about ? . w ! A Fine Idea. MEN AND WOMEN, -- Use Big € for unnature ° at the points visited, wéré not--elect- The & wm [beso 3 Ea 4 ; p s the west are organiz- | Brookiyn or agile. discharges, in tions ed--that would be too much to.' ex- . ® 'Armery m g 4 i ' b rasan thows ha ead Cy. ing themselves imte a political party, in, several Nowrs:in Canada. ths a of iotices or uichrations the Ht fwd ALAA 442 LP pect~but he made a favourable im- |" school children hase organized what Pain} . i > » 5 " 2 bal ; . . asa, and not astrin pression everywhere with his splendid They ve made many atiempts \" ) they call the "Remember Club." They CRGINNA g E20 or guisonious, Bary Kine: surely platform addresses, and he is bound | ths direction without success. The (&0 up or down a street and count the Ir dnt in plain wrapper 4 The Kidneys, lika t ~ : grange and patsoik. movements did ) houses or the telegraph poles in so Oy express, prepaid, for , Bid thelr weakness to occupy 'a larger place in the pub- ! J They . $1.00, or A bot les 82.75. not pan out well, becanse the parties many brocks. They look into show Cuonle wu? on seaunert N L but In the nerves that 1 i ear them. 1c eye with experience and years. . . i 8 ake ice y yg Setgthon om did not have 'and follow any well-de- | windows and take notice of (he thing Jporifioaliy to ---------- ined 'mi | displayed. They count the number of | fe a fined aims, ie children at school or Sunday school | ONEY IN CANARIE * @* - + + + 3 | ---- FORCE BEHIND AN APPEAL. i They count all the white of llc. Mr. Hughes may be a candidate for The Larkin inc ident in Toronto is horses they: see in a day or a week | pe RY : boul oe ] re-election as governor of New York, | ot likely to end with the passage of | They look at pedple on the street and > Avan * 4 ects } THE SAWYER SHOE STORE " ne." Send sc b : £. the polls. The ni 10e: p ; remembe v ve dress | 1 ps He had no idea of this ociginally. but poll Che returning officer opened | try to remember how they were dress 4 hes from Bi Sopa in: he } . : . go | ny timne.q Write us betore buying. Address We has a strong desire for certain re +44 *=* the ballot so that he could see how it | od. 1 hey take notice of everything | 3 oot ind when Mr. Larkin | off So ML Hon mort in Saturday) COTTAM BIRD SEED! ome sneer sss coer srmmtnosessses sss ess sro ms Objitted. sail he was "een at | afternoon and compare notes. The boy | 82 Bathurst St., London, Ont, ' > hh, Ss Pp s wn O se forms, and failing to get them through the assembly ere it adjourns | or girl who remembers the most is crecy and had a right to examine Jiven g prize of a box of eandy. | | | { { | . again may aceept nomination for a | seeond term. Not beedyse he likes the ballots." Wherein consists the se The idea is a fine one, lt is the] office, 'or: bocaise "it "is . financial' ad crecy ? {right way to cultivate both observy vantage to him, but because he does Sion : and memory, and good. will g > feome of it. If you ask the average not want to lay down his work in an ABYSS OF OCEAN. | boy or girl how many blocks Le or} Tke---- she lives from the post-office or the The assomibly, in April, suddenly Effects of the Fearful Pressure in {city hall, not two out of ten can 3 came to a close when, "after a strenu 3 Depths. % : y ! » ¢e 9 Cook's Cotton Root Compound. us session of some week re jected Brooklyn Eagle, in public life has found 4 The great Uterine Tonin, amd the = > track s ) i Te jee oy More than half the surface of the! it of the greatest benefit to remember ? ly "ands offonrant Monin © race track anti-gagbling bill. The globe is hidden beneath water two | names and faces, ) ' lator on which womenew | zoveffior was bent upon its passage. | miles deep; 7,000,000 sc ; le wl three : . i 4 s square miles lie depend, oid in ¢ He immediately called a special sps- | 86 a depth of 18,000 feet or mare. | An Allisonville Runaway. BO 1, i sion, and in the meantime wend into Many places have been found five | Allisonville, June 9. Mr. and Mrs Each one of these four grates Ww. { 4 Stl rus & hostile district. and in_ the 'slvction ile and more = depth: The greatest | L Drummond visited Loveless, | BE Adie embos ke . | depth yet sound d is 31,200 feet, near | Rednersville, 'Sunday last. My and | nary $Y Member to , take the place | the Island of Guam: | Mrs. Nelson Parliament and Mr. and can be shaken separately of one deceased, made a sensational If Mount Everest, the world's high- | Edward Meteali visited James est mountain, were plucked from its | Boyd, Sunday last. J. W. Harns is + GF Po ee ge campaign. Now he has the as Tue BARKER MOTOR e 0 ne assurance 4 ' y : ~ of, sufficient . : in . | seat and dropped into this spot, the | busy, tearing down his house, and ir - > ~ pn . c has from the Oust shawn taelt 10 be gambling il ry Ms fn waves woulit-suill roll 2,000 feet aliove. fends building i, the near future Mre = i - The outer edge of a furnace hire burns . A » WE The Indl tor the en- | its crest. Babeock is visitflg her daughter . v A a ' . largegpent of . the public service com- Inté this terrible abyss the waters | Allon Colony, this. her "Nn . pln up quicker than the center, attention to details makeit mission and dirt nomination bill, | Press. dewa with a force oi move than | Calaan visited her sister. Mrs, THE LEADER OF 118 am. This last named bill 10,000 pounds to the square inch The | Drummond, last week. There was cn ROSS "party nominations shall accurgtely sanshiost ship Shae nih would be | ranawny aqcident Rathulay, Mi i h >oals,; jus 'h I I « ' f « L BARKER, NoRwaLK, Conn. | © ! $V ferumbled under this awful pressure | Ethel Goodwill's horse ran away, pot and the coals, just where the hottest part o redlec t the will of the enrolled voters | like an eggshell under a steam roller. | throwing Mrs. Istud out and breaking the f sl Id | as directly as possible." In other A gine beam fifteen feet -long which | her shoulder, and bruising Mise Ethel Le i € hire should be, words a éaueus is not the legitimate held open She musth of Gaul nd nl quite. severely, Sse. n H hia EAs Sa I'o heat the house properly and economically, b s : i making a cast at ac of more than | and daughter, Sadie, visited Mr. an 3% ye} puttibg a candidate in the | 1%'000 leet wan sracherl Tht ae oF Mrs. E. Jones, Sunday last. Mr. and these ashes must be removed whenever the furpace is attended to. field. There should he a meeting of had been passed between rollers, Mrs. A. Goodmurphy visited Datons She Wigible Yahs, wl the man who . Tie body of the. man eho should ait | Gootenmrphy Gilead, Sundng. Yee | In most furnaces, all the grates are geared together. They must all be shaken con & distriet 4 d be te | tempt to venture to such depths would | §. Humphy and son visited her fat er my rot vs 3 1 y i choice of the majority, With such a |De compressed until the flesh Was) ond mother. Mr. aad Mra. Eline Pon together. As the coal burns unevenly, eithef good coal must be shaken down with provision there cobld be no such con. | [075% into the interstices of the bote€] jun dav Just week. Evers Hicks of , the ashes, or the fire slightly shaken and the ashes and clinkers raked down with nk oo La OT land his trunk was no larger than al Bloomfield. visited his brother; Royal, k . ditions or conspiracies as one conser rolling pin. Still, the body would Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Cagroll a er. wn vative candidate charged against an- | roach the bottom, for anything hati Bryant visited DD. Aircworth. Hos In the "Hecla" Furnace, each of the four grate bars other in this city® Mr. Hughes' plan ll sink in lo vier oils Reuss MoFaul is improving quite can be shaken separately. When ashes accumulate on the is tO got rid of the boss, who is a ery Fy 2 sides of the firepot, shake only the side bars. This means naisahee and a ttoubler in Candaas * i i "Buy Toilet Lanoline" for sunburnt | getting rid of all the ashes--saving coal--keeping the fire well as. the United States. i 9.--Miss Bella Craig | faces and tan. Sold in Kingston af : : with sifti she It looks as if the legislature of New | pli iit to her old tieods Gibson's Red Cross Dros. Store i Llean--and doing away with si ting ashes. York will not be able to complete the | he : ¥: The lreton Bros. | It takes a lawyd®to draw a will so When the firnace is almost out, you can shake down the ashes farthest stunt assigned to it before the repub- JE J. Dials, erecting hat he can et Samething out of the fromthe fire without disturbing the Be souls and quickly Raved Masng fire. linn natiosal convention is on, fol- ; p People who 'won't take what they y~r> Clinkers cause no trouble, as they do with grates that sre' fastemed lowed afterwards by the demo- % ean get are apt to get what they dis TT together and must all be shaken together, cratic © na . convention. There (iri iver i like to take. i It is certainly easier to shake onc grate than four, may be adjowrnments of . r y With _ strawberries cheaper than An Automatic Lock holds each bar in position. This Lack opéns as the on this account, and a f . prunes, how: ean a. person, be a possi shaker is put and Jocks when released, : i ponement of action on & ith Rien "Buy foilet. watans and: taledin. how: : =o. %Hecha" Triangular Bar Grates may oe removed inv an instant and cach tions. In that cade he is|Drummond. The Orangemen ders, at Gibsow's Red Cross Drug! § bar replaced separately. : 3 villing to go to the people ns» i ights i Store. . Our new ratalogue describes the **Hech' Bar Graes, $e! Ribbed I date the governorship a celebra Tt is easier for some men to save a Firepor, Fused Joints and other exclusive features, If you are going to put | time, and to make his specialties the > [dollar than earn a dime. in a new furviace this year, write for a frec copy, | 56 platiofm upon which to invite the unfinished condition. This raises a wall of ashes between the fire- ke} provides that o | F ' Common With All Women. ~ : a i Invariably thev. suffer fr stipa- 4 = - borated. perfumed taleum powder tion 'and ahould * vie' Dr." milton . (lare Bros. & Co. Limited ae Ry ae i 10¢., at Gibson's Red Cross DrugiPilis because they cleanse the system, 7. KINGSTON AGENTS: ELLIOTT BROS. a ns bottler, of Sapte Sn the Marry Widow hat will{hring -- ovina ld : : - : 31 : av 3 ; S PE * n gn Im Se une) be go into Uhm ash barrel, 25. bax of De, Hamilton's Pills.

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