b reveeminsassanninioneseenns WERE CONVICTED ONE-THIRD OFF THEY WEREIN BURGLARIES AT TORONTO JUNCTION. % i CHOOSE YOUR HAT} Solin Whe es Fat Os CONDENSED ADVERTISING mos WOR sazn, of Hospital--A Delicate Opera- T NIGHT. . RATES PAIR OF QGOLD-RIMMED EYE- [CANOPY POPPED CARRIAGE TWO tion Performed--Said Shipping |, The, Falk of Aba tat Tae Dre J glasses, on Tuesday. Finder Kindiy| seats. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock is Sul, male Success of he Geniucy. i td Tet fhy Soar) | Sache, apt Sarre Sa wad 10 Minimum charge for one in| = _-- . mm ------------------------ Toronto, June 10.--Michael Martin, a word. M : John Riley and John Sullivan were HE LION Sriien, 35¢.; thre Insertions, Sc; TO-LED, TWO GOOD HOUSES Nos. 60 AND ) ! wv 1 $ 5 32° Wellington street. Apply A. WM, before Judge Winghoster, this morn- FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, | Cunningham. SN MoCann' ing, on charges of committing a series AND storage for furniture, ete. RR of burglaries, on March 17th last, at TH E MOUSE WANTED-FEMALRE, 51 Brock street, A JREWBELL GAS A » Po Toronto Junction. The two latter KITCHEN GN "OR THE HOTEL : Bw, used only 3 months. | Appl¥ ta ney were Fgh. while ge A a, GIRL, FO BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FOUR J. R. C, Dobbs, 109 Brock St a the store of Keys & Sons, and Salli nished at Morton, on the Rideau Jom r 3 i $1, $1.50 - ann' B "|THREE NDRE \ van, while attempting to escape, was] Oi™ lf lS o. Tic. ¥ . AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- Apply to McCann, 51 Brock Si Nk. A ay rio at Ai shat by Constable Peters. He has $ Yani. 3 4 Bh hog pr klerences re Ply to James Saul, Tamworth, Ont. just left the hospital and came into SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, Ty rock stu. NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, court with the aid. of a crutch. On 3 : x x: TENE -_ r all modern improvements. Possess Bargain Matinee, 2.30. Evening, 8.15. | A COOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO Pre Vem Y ono resin nee. ening 5 ashing. Apply ii the oT oniag. to lst May. Apply A. B. Cunningham. sooh MILK Pog aT WACGON ans, <class order alan the one charge Sullivan and Riley were found "guilty" and they will he] VOELCKEL & NOLAN'S Tnion Bern Motwrison, 82 Lr | SUMMER, COTTAGE, FURNISHED On| Afien' mileh cows tn beat of se on St. Union St dition. Satisfactory reason for a tried on the other charges this after \ pi - - ie raished, on Lawrence and x . : noon. Martin was allowed to go. He PIXIE MINSTRELS HOUSEKEEPER FOR WORKING MAN Rideau, Apply to MeCaun, 51 Brock ng. Apply Box "S.T.'" Whig office, : : . . a SEK BEPE NG 3 " tr with small family. Middle-aged wo street. said he might have been with Salli- van and Riley on the night of the Best All Star Negro Show, B0---Jte man preferred. Good wages. Apply gt Te " JMACKINAW RICAFD IN FIRST burglaries, but he was so drunk - he | fined Jokers--30.| Great Pabs Grotid to Box "UO. H.': Whig office, BRICK HOUSE, 417 JOHNSON 87 class condition, BOX6} fork, inclu ® ' modern conveniences, redecorated 3 HP. AuxiMary Engine' arn ding : 4 3 ging: and con Your only trouble will come because we offer you so many i a a ther | First Part, Vaudeville Olio. Afterpiece p YY Ios could no emember. » he othe 4 te Sine i Dan a i Kas for cooking, new plumbing. Aj lete - g y Prize Band, Singers anc evry. Grand ply 419 Johnson St Diets in every detail. A snap for to select from. : 3 : om path prisoners said, in. court, they never | Street Parade at Noon WANTED-GENERAL, ) qu sale. Apply Rox B. t . Saw , y: Bargain Matinee, Children 15e. ; hig office, . But--and here's a pleasing - thought--THIS INSURES sa Martin before Ruins ge. i -- LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. HE em YOUR BEING SUITED--you may examine, compare, and" t George Miller, the fifteen-year-old § UU B98, ooo arc 30e. PIA hang ite to Mra, G floss. Shaste Cuniubers, No. "118 Sireck S¢ m i 3 s frie or ra le i wr less an ry boy, who was shot be his little friend, | Seats on sale Thursday Kind Ka or Jie to din. Jay a Awniy tg, Gro. Cli, # Real Estate FARM ut or ®0 ACRES SITUATED 1 stree trong' reet. Wy nine mijes rom city in "w on until you find the hat that is most becoming and is priced Clareage Gildner, a week ago, under good locality, or will exchange for as you wish it. went a delicate operation at Grace THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH pr : RE Clty, : hospital, yesterday. by which the rifle wtimates on eleotric work. All kinds FULL, NO 160 JON OO and | SY propery' vor Mitel | Kutate For street--or very dressy wear, bullet was removed from his left lung 31 work Bros ir dana. J. J. Birch | Sas hedting on each flat. For par Agent, 79° Clarence street + Mate The removal was a success, but the J rican, 306 ngton sirest. ticulars, apply on the premises. ------------ es di i « spent a restless night and, to- vr Ba J - In every mo ish shape and coloring. lad spent. 'a alan he an 0g A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF|FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNK |ror Tum moNTH OF JUNE, 1 WiLL day, is reported as being not so As: Those "Who remember: She' splendid ita or x "ght. roe? baggage ture, goods, ete. parate ro0mS Ang offer the balance of stock, const ng if ho complications set in, young i hy G3 - ol 4 re ried. Tices . our own lock and ke! . ost, oH Boggs Hunaboy Nianhope } Pathe fire spectacle presented two Lytle, General Carter, 35 in St. Boras Agent pi A S Pasir, and SE Wa outs. a ith Oneé-Third Off All' 1 rimmed ler will recover months age, will be interested in a St. "Phone, 63 i 2 . Ive wi La wosduct io ™ A ~ . Queen f the reguls ell wiee on Shipping men along the water front Suitehnt Caiiar he odd at aay FURNIT hn TO FINISH OR me ee ett Yo wont slive Moline) "x ey ' Ha find Wade oy iat 4, spring. 3 Suish. Pr Prices Te Witting LARGE AND MEDIUM SEIZED BRIG UT to get a good rig at a low pric ts Some of the package lines have not | s«¢ . , , . SCE tan & een Sts . " even put all their boats into commis- THRILLING NES ond Stand. a section of West, Farl and Clergy -------- sion, and the tramp steamers are be- AT A BIG FIRE" Sts, 174 Farl street. : ing hit hard. As a result, a good hit PRESHY sa ENILENEN. TO Bld FIFTY-FOOT CABIN MOTOR BOAT, u i oi sed | | ri Spring Suis ma io equipped with 40 HP, & ind of coal a being handled W Ny ; . A Laugh and a Thrill Together, way's. Style, price and finish guar | gain, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, engine, and Engberg Electric e linder that ordinarily do not compete or anteed to please. 131 Proc Bt. warts, ete, removed permanently, ation for lMghting and cooking. - - i eo . Quaint Designs mn Muslins coal trade. : At Oswego the competi A Jittle girl overtirns a lamp and sets next to Bibby's Livery. without sear. Twenty years' experi. Cabin built 'of solid mahogany. end a * is | the house a blaze Fhe suburban fire -- ence. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, ar thoroughly equipped and furnished 5 ¥ y and Skin Blemish delightful for cruising. Prie a well ventilated rooms, for the sum now is your chance. James Laturney patricks mer in '"The Residence," wt inter The Carriage Maker, Vrincess St. hr S ¥ rain - f1on is very: kee n for what fra od | 0mateurs make extremly funny forts NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC €O.] . Nose, Throat erat being moved from Port Art Wir and } to extinguish the blaze. Then the big are making a study of lighting Specialist, 258 Bagot street. $6,500 Can be inspected at Fort William to Montreal. Steamers | city fire brigade comes thundering' up homea and public buildings both with ston Foundry Company Kingston, Do you wish to see some muslins that are " as : y as pretty and are forced to either take coal or re | and docs the business amid great ex Gas and Electricity, they favite you Ontario, Address communications te ) e cl tetnent. to consult them. All advice cheerful. W. CO. McCausland, in care of The dainty as those your grandriothers used to wear ? » in ballast. This condition. of af urn allas vs condition o ee . Ceti ly given free of charge. Nickel and ARCHITECTS. British Whig fairs js not confined to upper Cana We also offer a Fire Comedy. Stiver Pnting. Newman & Spriggs, r-- Come and see these--with odd and really beautiful sprays of dian ports, but is equally felt on the | "rHE EMPEROR NERO Ehetrip Co., 79 Princess Sts "Phone, | "oaroy ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, Cor. Quaen and Bagot streets. MONEY AND BUSINESS, little flowers scattered ovir a grounh of snowy white. American side. So many vessels have ox E WARPITL And these--with delicate or pronounced striping and tied up across the line that several ip HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEOT TH 8 OF men, with officers' and captains' pa ' SITUATION WANTED, t Anchor Building, Market Square. | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF spots of the palest Pink and Blue, of Heliotrope, and Red, and pets, have visited Toronto during the - p-- - Phone a : ff ariel Uquare. building and contents than any other Green, and Navy and Blacs, vokt few weeks seeking to. obtain TRAVELOGUE, DELIVERY DRIVER WAN / pe Godin, Sa oh Raining Theat a4 Job, knows city well, at Tiberay Sat SOT t hs Paritm, ' berths for the summer, 4 urday. Apply Mr, Jufls, 15 Rideas] FOWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER ot Square. Here are large patternd, too~--essentially modish. The Bank of Commerce crop. reports ' THE HIGHLANDS St. 3 : : chante Bank Building, Phone. Brock | 4 3 from the west for the last week of 0) , . And all are guarantee! to wash perfectly. May. indicate that the grain is. in OF SCOTLAND EXPERIENCED MATERNITY NURSE |[wM., NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFi LIVER: 00L, LONDON JAN AgLonn wants nursing by week or month fice, second floor over Mahood's Prug : AY pany, able many places, three weeks ahead, and JOHN ROBBIT DAVIS SINGS First-class references from the best store, corner Princess and Bagot hiring hr Nah der hy Po 10 . s r o cyhol¢ av ) wedical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, streets. Fotrance on Bagot street. ly Rnlimited Hability of alk % there is wvery indication' of bumper "The M Who Fig i . 2 ] . 244 , rom C to C ar crops. In Saskatchewan there has | "The Man o Fights The Fire.' 43 Montreal stroot. Pho 608 dmturity the uniiuited abliity of ai I scarcelv~enough rain in places the stockholdern,' Farm ahd ity pro. Before remewing old or giving heen - 5 arcoly: ) : : rates fud thete wh Points in Albe ria which SITUATIONS VACANT, PERSONAL, Rew business get rates from :Htrange mie had almos O00 Mm 1, on Se dhapesn Ee ------------------ & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. ND } WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- . i whple! however, the outlook is excep 2) -- Sete ber trade. Gradudtes earn twelve to| PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SWIM rT Trt rar ma------ am] tionally hope nally | I ful This Palace Of An sement, eighteen dollars weekly a ¢ LICENSES. MARRIAGE positions. Will equip shops. Con- Queen's University Gymnasium, by IY BROS Gor. Princess & Montreal Sts| Foot iru « fi, TT A practice. Careful instructions. Prof. Palmer, Specialist in Remedial CEE SER CE---- C-- FROM THF COUNTRYSIDE. or. r ncess on rea 8 Few weeks complete course. Cata- Work, also Massage, Fencing. Office CP ATRIG , ---- logue free. rite Moler Barber Hours, 11 to 12am, 4 to 6 and 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OW Crow Lake Items. i; College, Toronté, 7 to 8.30 p.m Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. B00 000000000CDROLOS00SOPNON00000R OAD Crow Lake, June 9.--Rain is much REONESDAY "hp 2 URSnAY, | ---------- . mois m---------------- me-- . MM, ¢ . nended in this locality. Farmers have al T nish thie doding and viantine. | «Tommy Has the Spleen. | COUNLY Of Frontenac. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. and report potatoes very scaror. Miss "Th E y } ' Lizeie Castell had the misfortune to i coat' bts Unitarian, burn her foot badly, last Saturday t xtraordinary Overe t ANY PERSON OR PERSONS HOLD- REV, CO. W. CASSOR, : aan Ll : . 3 ing accounts against th County of * us night, hy _ ying info a Plact in unning For Office Fro Pateuns are Berohy inst Tosied yn %o nr Neh a honlre. Trac een. These are three most emusing sub. ] ¥2rd the same to the County Clerk | Have Faith In Your Fellows. "" " i Let SUMMER FUEL" Gamble spent Sunday with his family | jects. Come and spend hott Court House, Kingstom, .on or before ave fg v stows oO I ) ' pen an hour 3 TUESDAY Fund 16th yo anand Have faith 1a your fellow ne here, Visitors : Isaac and George | recreation and have a goed laugh, not forwarded will be laid over until the appearance of evil or outward flaw HARD WOOD Korry, at their sister's, Mrs. James Soloists : next regular meeting of the Council, in deceive you into the denial of inward : Mahon; Mr. and, Mes. Ira Vealy, at C. B. S. HARVEY, Basso. November. {good and greatness. Every man has SOFT WOOD, James Castell's; Mr. and Mrs. John ay PNToL, Jaritons, Pianist J: W. EDWARDS, A. RANKIN, {his faults Every man has his vir SLAB WOOD Barker, at W. . . County Clerk Chairman of Finance. {ines. Give him credit for his virtues, MILL Woor, Hieks,, Mrs. W. L. Tharrett's; J. Cob, H. England, J _ yp a in spite of his faults. lelieve that TE - Erwin and Dr. Coutles, at J. W.|j CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, THE CROP PROSPECTS. lier' tower. 'ho fautts. iptioctio 1. ati SEDAR BLOCHS TRADE MARK, Knapp's; Miss G. Reynolds une Hinge Manager, nn {there is. the soul. of good. There m 1 dry new wood cut and ALT Gracie and Eva Knapp, at i 3 Sc. Only Two Places To Go Sc. Economy is a Desired Thing Just pn, human character without contain 4 ADDN G. 0. Trendivnick, at 8. Jones", F : N I | pick, at 8 ow, {ing good. Learn to believe it. Learn | James Swift & Co ; , Masih, at Ww. Raspp's ea iy Wonderland Toronto, June 10.~""Just now 1]to believe in it Have faith to be | 374 Princess Street WEARER i. Church, at her parents an 8 : beliove there is every reason to ex- | lieve that in spite of all divisions gnd Ls bn THE } R. Reynolds, af, Ww. Knapp hae, the 4 And Home pect a good crop," aid President iflarences. all win a me ows. ale . - fini contract of building the Sucker Cree PICTURES Byron KE. Walker, when asked the [Crimes and cruelty, humanity at the Thousand Island & St. Lawrence Owing to its being the most successful 1 # A bridge. THE GAMBLER" state of the situation. "There is noth {core is good, River Steamboat Com ies corset design ever created, i Ttisa well-known fact thata "D & A" A 5 LAL A realistic scene of the west: ing," he added, "which we need mors Model greatly enhances the beauty of a per- i | : Westisroul Tings, local d 5s | I have said often, and 1 repeat again Address, Rev. W. Casson, at 925 | InCounection with New York Cen« fect figure, whileit itipraves ordinary Aghres Wasshrook, aid : a ate AN ODD PAIR OF LIMBS that what Canada nels is a good Baggon. street, Boston. Mass, for the tral & Hudson River R.R. 1 tion, Sports 'have o » Comedy, op and of e terature. So iA De Luxe Corset" is the | team. Farmers are nearly through ARR YO. 4 a would bring ua back hy ak glarature favo X : s i: ine "ARE YOU SINCHRE 7 ung by 8 save Kingston iy. orp ne toi 8s, refined dis- planting. Meadows look fine, far : ) 1 he alotie Wo wt | 5. nut : slixis af Kitgance: Smart ' yi ahead of last year, but rain is much Clara S_. THIS WEEK suffic ay bv crop alone would . pa ve ¢ nda y, &. 05 § i gua needed. James A. Sproule was in Na- Ls Ke TN would Tt smid' Mé. Walker 3 two Tigi a4 pi 1 ined Vs uh panee on Friday. Leo Kenny, alter DERDAS "anil perhaps, i is 0 E wo he ¢ o i taily, 10.50 spending the past week in Riugston, Ju iggler and T Hek tard Performer not been badly enough punished that $2,000 PRICES - $1.00 to $5.00 4 returned home on Monday. Mrs. Friz. | e= - we dk not fulle, realize that. The br h 1d ! sto » ad I ' Lure i 3 4 vom house, on west side City o a ¢ whew per DOMINION CORSET CO., Manirs. vell and family, of Kingston, spent SERVED SIX SIX MONTHS. west may think that the depression furnace, bath _-- inh t ha ps ne | cent to Ne ) Week split to order, nett Lirls © at Will buy a fine New. Nrick Front Vin wl fromm all point Toronto Sunday last with her aunt, Mrs A was caused by a bad crop. As a mat efeto collar. A snap. rate Kingston | : ing Saturday fie." isses Katie and Liazie {| Norman n Ac f sh p v Howie The Misses : Ryan Acquitted of Reb, ter of fast, the bad crop was onlV.and 1100--Will buy a Brick Front doutit | to and inchiding Monde Sheehan have returned home from bing Station. incident Fhe depression would have lenoment house, on West Clergy Si. | seeco-- Paying 12 per cent. after dedn ting Marysville, where they had heen at- hs : / g y tending "the Scanlin-Meagher wedding. Cornwall, Ont. June 10. --After | come without it In the states they ekputines Such 'ha lakes, water ros Th q 4 : 11 Mics Mar spending six months in jail awaiting | had good crops, got more for their el A great bargain for an in un y of F ofl enac. hall hor atcoljenise ™ wi nl trial on a charge of Tobbing the G.T. | cereals and cotton than Canada, but vestor, olle ) X A . : shall, « |viD. iss Lwing, R. depot at Lancaster last December, § they ure in worse trouble, financially, i ' . Gananoque, was the guest of Mise x " {§#800---Will buy a Single Frame Cottage ROUMS, df Notman Ryan, of Toronto, was' giv than Canada. The real eause of de on Arch street. A spletdi y ho i Je OI | Lorraine Smith, on Sunday last given : ; Splendid home or | Tenders § coal nd Wood / oy ae . . ? , his liberty at the county court and | pression was the tendency and the a working man ers lor a . sessions of the peace, Judge O'Reilly | practice of people in living abead o $350-W . ' 5 ; , 3 : pe 300-Will byy a Comfortable ottage # Morris Chairs 8 Se ter Statements. presiding. Ryan and a chun hamed | themselves. If : there is a splendic in good shape, in Wade's Lane, rent SEALED TENDERS WILL BE angste urs 9.--The Glendower} "Joo Winters, of Ogdensburg, while | crop and Canadians have not learne ing at $5 per month. Thif house | ceived at the office ¢ Co . would be worth $600, in another | Court Mouse King : We are closing out some choose factory i® rummin fall blast framping, visited the Lancaster de | their lesson, they will start cutting part. of Sity. TAY Jat ar "ith a géod supply of milk, The pot, and the night operator, the same wide swath of over-expendi rom het pr 14 ' 'pretty designs of fancy many friends of Miss Minnie Trodden | Patterson. whe > Roi i and ny ture. Then. there will be the samme jus R. Cha it, {of Bator adaiiing 1 larnish 115 shades i in. M ris Chairs. were sorry. to hear of her death which |elaimed that after their departure he | evitable following, The country needs S. Be ourt House Gao \ or Hews ry Ofc CARPETS. occurred on Wednesday evening. John digscoyered that the till had been role | a vear of economy. The natural re | eal Estate und Insurance Agent, 1; lr a Bs ay re un up Hamilton is happy over the grrival of | bed oF 836. Ryan and Winters were | sult of a good crop 'will be that mon Wellmgton St, Kingston { good quality well weroensd and free | iti dirt so 50 or more cords of ul nA 4 ties will jr Sm------ Sr ---- The | ev will be easier. Municipalitie il = composed of Maple, Beech, Hickory a young son. Visitors : Miss Mayme | arrested and tried at the assizes, n Also imported lines of Walsh and Miss Tessie Marphy at } jury disagreed. Wintors w let go | take advantage of this to plunge into St. James' Church Annual Ironwood, to be 'sound and of apestry, Velvet and Union | Mes. P. Mec ann's, Burridge; James | on his.own bail, and Rvolgae a held | improsaments on the old large seale 3 apd to bBo defivared as fo Squares at sale prices. Lerman, Westport, at James Mur | till yesterday, when neith nters | This will not be justified for the conn Excursion Fh a Ar a andl 2 one-half dry hy's, Edward Hick t John Shee | nor Patte » p ic i crop." \ nore if required Also a line of Duster hye: Cherles + Fetal. at Thos -- let wo wete. a, hind, and" he | dry needs caution As a oor PO p for, or on pny Janunry 1st ne and Smyrnia Door: Matts | Yoone's Ne und Mew. Fe Egan o 3,000,000 Child Abstainets. OTTA WA. rr a iret ts JAMES REID, Nichole Xt 5: Robert Donagh Teeth Seized For Rent, London, June 10.--The Duchess of men of Cowie Property : and sister, ie, of Salem; E, Hic London, June 10.-A han com- y Albany opened tha National Band of Wednesday, June 17th a Jowakt | op any tender not neve The Leading Undertaker, {% and Mies Wasic Burus, Fish Creek, | plained, sosterdday, the Brentford | Hope bamar at the Horticultural Via GTR. nly aopptad. Noo "Pho 147 at Thomas Bennett's; Miss Helen, magistrates that the Mamdlord, = wie | hall, yesterday... The organization now | Special Teal: at 8 som a. w EDWARDS, : wily Clock. os . = Magnet is home from Kingston. had disteained for rent, Rad tdkey # | comprises 24.000, hands of hope, with | Adults, $1.75; Childres {under 12, Pent. TAHNON, ' Chatman | Los -- valuable set of false teeth, Joavi Ving her | a membership df more than 3,000,000 90. A speial train will Jeave Oftaws,. at . ; Are Going West. toothless, She "aa evlorrod to the shildees, 7.80 p.m.. ail Yehens Bund to return Boy | The fewer friends you have Parham, June 8.--Crops are looking missionary, ; » reguing. teain, funy > they cost Fou. i . fine. Rev. 6. W. Macintosh who has Centenarian Priest. The Allan steamer | tian, ih a i > for Glasgow; a eC i an. Paris; un 10.~Canon Gadenhe, of of Pa, ou solebratés his ind' bf bisthday to-day. A % ° hus been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. He in in purfect health, and attends Barr, ille, has returned to A. ochial : a Ta NC iy smmens to wif hx parohial duties (oF HE. HOUSH OF QUALITY HM : At Mullin's. : oe eta, alte, fr 286 Princess St. ith, ; nl Tn : The Congregations) Union of Can- ikon to the publia for, their gensrous support in the | oil, comprising former Congregation. al unions in Ontario, Quebse, © Now | PA5¢ 488 announces that on |S Sa i tei) SATURDAY, June 13th fhoreh, Montreal, on Wednesday. Rev. JYoutz preached the opening ser- | He will open out a large stock of : x mt Allan stead Corinthian. for Ladies', Children's, Boys' and ed Cape Msgs on bk "Men's Footwear, home. G. Sm i a