Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1908, p. 1

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§ YEAR 75--NO. 136, BWED AGAIN Divorcee To Be The Bride | Of Nobleman. SECURING A DECREE REVEALS ROMANCE OF GRECIAN COURT. THE Mrs. E. F. Brewster is Free--Wife "ot Rochester Millionaire May Become a Lady in Waiting to the' Queen of Greece, Sioux Falls, 5. 1, --Mr Franklin Brewster, whose Lhushand is a millionaire, of Rochester, N.Y.; granted a divorce here and has for the home of her son-in-law, Sena tor Frelinghuysen, of New plorsey. Mrs. Brewster has said / (here she might marry an atiathe of » King of Greece." Hey daughter, Mrs Ashton Knight, Paris, and Mi Frelinghuysen wore presented at the Grecian cowrt, and at that time. Mrs Brewster mot the court offigial, If marries him whe will inwaiting to the (queen » June ha become Leader In Rochester Society. Rochester, N.Y. 10-NMrs. EF Franklin Hrewster was the wife of 1 June Franklin Brewster, head of the w hale- | sale drug firm of wowater, Gordon '& | Co., of this sity. The are wealthy and have unblemished sod ial | standing, | Mrs Brewster, divoreed, was a New York society, trips abroad, and soon after hor Hist trip, two years ago, it became maored that she was desirons of ting a divorce. Later the rumor came a fact, when the Browstera_ sepa rated and Mrs, Brewster loft' thi "ty about a yea: and a half ago to wet A divores after legal residence at Sioux Palle, 8D. It wan then hinted that after hor divores she would marry ga foreign nobleman, bit the name of the nobleman twas kept a profound secret, The divorcees ix a daughter of the late Sylvanivs J. Macy, of Rochester, whose family wae yolated to R. I. Muecy, New York, and who was a coal operator of wealth. ---- -------------- A SERIOUS SITUATION, -- Turkish Troops. Crossing Inte Persian Territory. st, Petersburg, Jane 10.~-8peaial despatches, receiver] here, Dididate a secious situation on the Turk Persian frantior. Turkish troops, which hith eto have been masse side of the Vieinity of Freorum vilay of, 'mre MW full movement towns Persia. Petachments already have in. vaded Pogsian toreitory, The Turkish oseupation of the district of Azerbin nan, west of Usniak Lake, has heen earriod out in a systematic wmknper antl the atlministration of this tere tory is similar to the administration in regularly annexed {erritory, which wand setm to indicate the Turks in toned to remain permanently. Bodies of Turkish troops, which have follow ed in the wake of the Turkish trilsos men, have commenced to collet yee. apes, In spite of the proverbial Turkish slowness a customs house has Peon establféhed at Kehlur, some miles inland from Urumiah. The Tarke have seized salt mines belonging to the Persian crown and have ox polled the shah's officials. Brewsters she Ww as | leader in Westorn | She made several hefore rn got he Has Been Repaired. Montreal, June 10. The Dominion lige stoamvhip Ottawa, which was hed ly battered about the bow, in a col lision with the collier Trold, in the lf, some time ngo, is ecaming out of dey dork at Quelwee, to-morrow oven? ng to take an cargo and sail Satur day for Liverpool, i DAILY MEMORANDA. Everyone Has voted Jampheil Bros'. Hats the hest. I'he lion Anil The Mouse, Opera House, 8.15 pag. Methodist Women's Mission Queen Street Church, 8 pan Week, 17th; Wamen's Residence Carden Party, Mrs, Gordon's, Queen's Univ Remember the Garden Party in Ald of the poor, Archhishop's Palace Orounds, Thursday afternoon and evening. trance Johnson street. Admission Aftérnoon Teas 10e, ; Supper, y Bijou Thentre--Travelogue, "The High- Tan of Seotland.'™' Mowing Piotures, "Thrilling and Comic Mesnos at a Fire" ; Buiperdf Nero on the Warpath Jobe Robert Davis sings "The Man Who Fights Tha Fire." Grand Mevting, i We are showing some very' was | loft that | the | { Papier. | + charge of indecent assault upon Miss | pordolio in 1905, but [twenty-one days HOFYe | mere id ort the Russian Misheries question Rev. P. J, 0°Cal 1 Fathers WIFE STR The Husband Makes Up For Silence, Jacksonville, Pa., Ju at the « conclusion idl and did talk enough for leaac her, i | { | 10 i that Holler, alte: ff teeny to speak ta her again, ength of time he kept silon j Yeurs ago, which was accident While mind htin of sugidenly became paralyz v secand she became speechless, Mr. Holler at first was true; 1t seemod Loo g happened to his an excited rar i "ml his shortcomings, te i she in and was engaged | her i could not ood, i i ICKEN DUMB. wile t SR wif ne i n belie hen | His | } riv-1 for WW ' ot W e KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE (BNET { i -- -- both of sure It 1s Likely That Monteith) miter, hos cater Will Drop Out. 'ee wigs moved to change his wind al few days ago, only after a distress i that in| | CARNEGIE MAY GET AGRICULTURAL PORTFOLIO, {when he syw that there was no chanee | of a comeback Mrs. Holler. He oratory and in an in I marks to heights of | stoned manner he made up for al golden opportanities he had negle ted, | wife could do was to make | sll | {motion his WILL SERVE FIVE | perate Criminal, Stratlord, Ont., June 10 pleaded guilty who tc Kennedy near the latter's home, YEARS. | Vigorous Treatment For a Des- William | Findlay GL Bacn indicted a jwas said to have envious eyes for the | Pen indicter » Was to npas- | the | he addressed a few re-| Said That Ferguson, of Grenville rosé | May Go Into the Cabinet to Be Made Minister of Power and Gamey May Go in Also. Toronto, June 10.1 Mr. Mouteith retires to privgte life the porticiio will {likely go to J. KE Yictorig { East, who was elected by acclamation, Carnegie, jand who is the only yualified OAC, | { reelected this West Year, Elgin, aradunte to he k Maeuonald, he has hardly strong egpuph hold upon the governy- sentenced to liftecn months in Central [ment to get it. prison. ten months broken his parole, Judge Barron creek that the prisoner out that period pemitentinry, which practically a five-year sentence, Pepper an old pal "Foxy" Smith) leaded that he drunk when he committed the which was . heinous Kennedy, the victim, still suffers nervous pwostration, (who is asx in design. Another Sensational Murder Paris, Pari, June 10 murder, following killing of the artist, his: brother-in-law, has caused sation hore. The vietim retired broker, who was stabbed closely upon Steinheil, a Was a named Re in his bedroon his large -posidence in Rue dewelry, valued at 30,000 francs sHme money, There no more trace stock wore stolen. there was at M. Steinhail's house. The [seventy-five votes murderers left no clue. THE MODUS VIVENDI. ni a lady | As Papper is a ticket-of-loave man with three years, to serve, and having | law and de should | at Kingston lever recurting rumor of 5 division of means | the of wits walt, Miss from in the and sen rich mey, 1, in | Pepinere, | North Brant. and is It May Have to Have Newfound, land's Consent. London, dine 16.-Tt is stated the of the Newfound to The Hague still unsettlod, and a renewal of modus vivendi is probable. The M ing Post strongly protests and hb there is no reason for the Amer apprehension that the British gov mebt may follow the principle, sorted in the recent arbitration tr and refuse the renewal without consent of Newfoundland. -------------------- Entered 'A Store. Canfield, Ont., June 10.--The ir al store of Moodie & Co., was od, last night, and & quantity of elry, tobmcco, fruit and some clot stolen. The burglars entered by ing out the glass of the front reference 'hat land is the orn- Opes wan ern. a= eaty the ener nter jew hin tak- wine mens with G. LL. Ferguson, Grenville, is tiondd for the cabinet position ; out portiolip, which was beld hy the Dr. Willoughby. Me it, {thongh hardly of cabinet calibre, More interest centres about may get the and suid this Smuath, that rnized lanels, forests | mines. of the Boo, is to have heen d a share | portfolio, if he defeated ( NJ it y, however, Mr thus be At any rate, & solidly [ New Ontario wut have other upon cainnet positions than are {tistied hy Mr, Cochrane's position |the cabinet, | There is stle doubt but { Adam Beck will have to portioliv of Me. Hearst, promi ol likel 1 Sees More Gamey wil rex conservative claims a in what Hon. be made Another mystorions [minister of power, with a department tof his own, vhis is bitterly opposed Thy some members of the cabinet | The redistribution gave Whitney Hour new in New Ontario and Hour in Toronto. Jt helped to inc | H. Ejsher's majority in It smgshed John Auld's | majority in Essex South and left him lout in the cold. I there had been no seats crease John of forcible entry than |gerrymander he would have been over to the good. It {gave the government two out of three | representatives from the Hurons. It {helped "Sam" Charters to win Peel, To the tune of over sixty votes it as. biistod Jolin Thompon to wilt" Fast Peterboro. Tt won an Ottawa seat for the goverament. In West Kent, which has. not re turned a conservative to the provin cial assembly in twenty years, G. W, Sulman is torious 100. This unexpected victory, however, ig saddened By the news of the death of his son, who had been an invalid for some time. The boy was in the West Indies for his health. Vie by over | Can Get No Statement The official returns for Lennox will | not announced before Monday | next meantime the retarming officer will not make any statement. The con servatives make the claim that Cars callen, constrvative, has fiftoen maj orty, whi'e the liberals assert that returns from | {there have heen no dow, Nothing was known of it untill apening of store this morning. Casting Vote Decided Fleetio Montreal, June 10.--Final retar Vercheobs give it to the ll eral, w makes the parties 6, conservatives St. Hyacinthe liberal was elected oltiver's vote. was by a te, 6,000 Yards Dainty ne. ns in hich stand : Liberals, 13; nationalists, 2. and the the returning Exvbwoiderios and insertions in a great variety of widths, from the baby embroideries right up to = ing widths, at Laidlaw's special hroidery sale to-morrow; read notice, narrow kirt- om their BILLIE MUST DIE NO PARDON FOR BOHEMIAN FORTUNE-TELLER. Convicted at Chicago of Murder- ing Man and His Four Chil. dien to Get Lile Insurance-- Priest Has + demned Man Innocent, Spri id, 1, June 10.-Gove page the recommendition of state hoard of pardons, decided to interfere in the ouse Her Hk, wader death sentence in cago for murder. The execution, Friday, Jane 12th. Bilt y's "harch the pulpit of St. Mn laghan y of perjuwred tion and inti the prosecuting attorneys and pol The accmsation against Billik that Declared Con- nor the not man Chie ace foordingly is expected to take place on is a) Boheminn® fortumotelier, whose sonviction was declared from hy of the Paulist to be the resnls 1 » die to sugges. tion on the part of ee, ha was Two Years "a Penitentiary. Vancouver, B.C. 10 [Fraser was sentenced at New | minster to two years in the tary, for embezzling eleven thousand {dollars of government funds, while in {office two. years ago. Frazer was col lector of customs at Huntingdon and {three years ago his accounts were {checked and found to be $5,000 short. {He was dismissed, but escaped secution. Subsequently he boasted he {was still ahead of the guvernment, al- though he had been forced to return 85,000. Apother investigation was or dered ond it was found that he was still 86,000 short. He made sestitu tion, was prosecuted, found guilty and sentenced. I Danie West June ---------- Gold Mine Sold. Pembroke, Ont., June 50. Patrick Shannon, of this town, has sold the Chrystal gold mine tn Lake Wanapi- tag to a syndieate of Toronto and London capitalists. Me. Shannon {bought out the interests of the late {Thomas Mackie, M.P., the late Hon. Peter White and other Pembroke en Jilalista Just before the death of My, ackie, and has since had caretakers on the property to prevent prospect ors and others earnping the rifh gold quartz off the dumps Fun For Sailors. Auckland, N.Z., June 10.-The offic cers of the American fleet will bo en- tortained at a state ball here on Au t Mth. The blue jackets of the will hate the freedom of the railways, which have arranged daily exomrsions for them, and . which also will provide Iawcheon for the men. In conformity with the suggestion of Rear Admiral * Sperry no alcoholie liquors will be served at the entertain: ments of the men. ------------ Baseball On Tuesday. nL Chicago, 10: Phila: delphia, 0. New York, 3; era 3. St. Louis, 4: Washington, 1. Cleve land, 15. lon, 6 ~ National League<XNew York, Pittsburg, 2. Chicago, 7 St. Louis, 0, Cincinnati. 5 Boston, * 3 lo, §. Toronto, 2 Rochester, 1. Bale timore, 5 Newark, 8 (twelve darkness), Providend: ity, 4 2 . CHANGES PROPOSED THF | Without Portiolio--Beck Likely ph ie] {Bt ws Corners, so far made public. | peniten, | 81 Leagun-Mantreal, 3. Dafla- | PITH OF THE NEWS, | The orld. has Over The Manitoulin returned ratney, Mulai thw | le | { Halfid, sargent Moroe ar killed pros ine rims were ir the i Nine Italian pil ia | Novara, Italy. Fhe net of the Casino, Monte Carlo, exceeded this vear all re- 21,000,000, rgtroad wreck in proceeds orids by f {to work there f | them from union ioldstein, i murdered at ound committed { Mrs. Keech, { threw a of earnclic acid iu | the face of Miss Elizg Webb, { The shortage of W. P. Flewelling, {late deputy surveyorgeneral of New Brunswick, runs up to $20,000, Over misteen thousand settlers from 8 No support ds, or § have been has been to it believed Winnipeg, suicide, Georgiana quantity i the United States have settled in the | | anadian west since the New Year, i It is believed that eighty Chinese | i | were drowned in the wreck of the British steamer Powan off Lantag Is land. Nearly have grand jury, at ing the Buck a hundred moulders {| Brantford, for | stove works. | Emergency meas | vite-regal council ues adopted hy the India proside omh outrages and in { stern penalties for | conspiracies, Mpose are reported so plentiful near Moncton, N.B., that they are spoiling | the formers' crops and even walking into their yards. During four days in Korea gagemonts with took 26,000 prigoners The -Presbyvteri adopted Dr. Patrick's or church uni Pringle on the Yul the Japanese fore fought twenty-six th insurgents and { | | es eqn general assembly motion in fav- and heard Dr. on immorality and his controversy with Hon, Frapk Oli- ver and the government. About 20,000 Berber tribesmen are reported to be marching on to join Midlui Hafid, at Fez. He left Meuinex of n said to have completely annihilated the remnants of the Cherarda rebels. The clapper of the famous emperor's bel in the Cologne cathedral, weigh ing several hundred pounds, crashed down on the floor of the edifice, Tuesday, doing considerable dagnage. The accident occurred while the hell was tolling. At the on fiftieth annual commence- ment of Baker University, the honor- ary degree of - D.D. was conferred upe on the Rev, Walter M. Patton, MA. Ph.D,, recently appointed to a chair in the Wesleyan College, Montreal. For 4 speech in which he imd the ikon as symbolic of a Pagan form of religion, M. Tohekheides, ao social-democrat member of the douma, has been suspended for fifteen sittings As a protest against this the social igts left the hall in a body. {Thé méeting between King Edward and Emperor Nicholas occurred at Reval with due formality. Thousands of spectators gathed on the battle- ment summit of the Mont De La ca- thedral, along the wooded shores of the bay, and at other points of vant- age to witness the incoming of the ships of war. WA HE IN LEAGUE ACCOMPLICES SUSPECTED IN M'CORMICK CASE. | Railroad Officials Believe Water- | town Claim Agent Worked in | i Collusion With Others. Watertown, N.Y., June least one other and possibly more per sons will probably be implicated with iW. J. MeCormick, the former Ney | York Central elaim agent, who is charged with having obtained front the feompany = thousands of dollars, was {the statement made byw lawyer, the stipulation going with the statement tbeing with the understanding that the matters to the | railroad push veriest | details | Superintendent { mised that there shall Jet jin the ease, and if tne lawyer's |sertions bear fruit the entanglement may become greater, Probably nat until fall will the true condition of af-/ fairs become kmpwn.! T'o search out each of the elgimants, Get their story, verify the check, with many little de tails, is 5 labor which must recive months. It is suspected by the railroad offi- ciale that in one instance' there must have bophy collupion between MeCor- mick ghd the party to whom the chook was made out. Just what set- t nt was made between McCormick @nd the claimant is nat known to the railroad company. In the first place, it is stated, the claimant received something over a thousand dollars, when he should have received considerably. more. The check was forged, the railroad officials as- sort, vet when the officials saw ~ the "laimgnt he stalnd that he had si 1 the theck and received the mones though in the first place he was not paid the Toll amount bv MeCormick: A Christie I has pro- no up that anoth- er case which involves The oteurred Very Latest Culled From Al Fee with 120% While The People Pra Montreal bricklavérs have gone hack Toronto, on June 2nd and, on the next day, is | 10:~That at | 10, 1908. ' ! Church Burned. of i i { | | ASTER IN BERLIN, Orderly Manner, Marshalled By Priests--Was Work Incendiary. | Berlin, June 10.--An attempt made, yesterday, to burn down old St Paul's Catholic church Moabit, belonging to the Domipienns which was orowded with people sembled to hear a sermon by the fa mous Dominican + monk, Bonaventuri About 1,500 persons were present, in cluding more than a thousand women and children, ®o hear the minister, While the congregation was: kneel ing dn silent prayer od Friar Bonaventsri that the church was on Without alarming the congregation, he voolly stepped over to the priest, who was celebrating the mss and requested him to close service. The priest left the altar and spoke to his six assistants, who walk ed down the aisles and whispered to the pew-holders that an insignificant blaze had broken out, and that they had better Lhe as possible All hurch { fire brigade ling building knowing the extent of the fire, {tunately did realize their and on the clergy's request made their exit rapidly and in an orderly man ner. The nearly was at Lire. leave building as soon this time the entire roof of the and the « hurrying to the burn was a mass of flames wa for- not peril, fire-fighters discovered that a dozen fire-brands, soaked with petroleum, had been distributed {about the roof. The flames were ex tinguished with difficulty after great damage had been done. The police Suspect a: gang of incendiaries, who, it in stated, set fire to the Old Carri son church, which was destroyed April 14th last. The firemen coolness the pre declare that only of the clergy, to-day, vented a great disaster BACK IN DETROIT. Woman is. Under Arvest For toxication. Detroit, Mich., June 10.--Mrs. Hall, the woman who wad said be principally. responsible for downfall of Percy Canadian boy Tote Maris to the Bowin, the young placed on trial here and acquitted of .-the murder of "Mother" Welch, was arrested on the street here, last night, on » charge of being intoxicated ghd locked up. Mrs, Hall left Detroit before the murder was discovered and, although the Po- lice searched all over the country for her as a witness against Bowin, they were unable tb locate her. She savs that she was in Cleveland during the trial of Bowin and kept out of sight She alleges that Bowin went to Bui- falo with her the next morning after he was said to have killed the old Woman to get possession of the mont y she had upon her person. She also claims that Bowin told her on the way to Baffalo that he killed Mrs. Welch the previous night and had her jewelry with him at the time. Desecrating Graves. | London, June 10.--A sensation {been caused at Tisbury, a small town | near Salisbury, by the ruthless dese- jeration of graves and the excavation by workmen of human remains in the | charchyard. It appears that drainage works were commenced without the tknowledge of the church wardens or | the families who had graves in the churchyard, and that a great many lgraves were cut through, human iskulls and bones being strewn about | and #tlosed to the public view, 1 } 2 ' | Antarctic Ship Launched. | Patis, June 10.~In the presence of the representatives of the minister of marine and numerous personages well- known in political, se entific, and geo teraphical circles, the three-masted {ship with auxiliary steam power, { Pourquoi Pas, which is to start in a ifew months for the South Polar seas with the Charco Antarctic experi ition, was launched, yesterday, at St. Malo. Speeches wore made enlogising the members of the Ploneers of science. i I § has § i | Intoxicating Scents. London, June 10.~Georgina Ashton, a singer, who was fined at the Mary ing intoxicnted and incapable, declarsd that she had been singing at a house in the west end, and that she was overpowered hy the seent of the flow- ws with which the room was filled. i ------------ Cast His Last Vote. Peterhoro, Unt,' June 10.--Johne a Veteran conservative of township, dropped dead in a h, 8% Kakehurst, jtist af. da vote fr T. FE. conservative candidate. ghtv-uine years of age, Gir} Blacksmith. Berlin, June 10.-Niss Emma Susn- eighiomn Jars old, the da ith, has set up a i y where aghter . , California Late Valencia, Uranges. Edwards & Jenkin, | ; | NEWS OF GANANOQUE, 1 A Smith's Falls Man Takes Sweet Bride. yed. pr in ga celebration here for Do ¥ 3 CODLAESS OF CLERGY PREVENTED A TERRIBLE DIS. Big Congregation Left Church in {17% of An Sweet, the | some one inform- | the | Those $n the church, hot | on | expedition as brave | + {the air, The Daily British Whia Gananoque, June 9.--dn auswer to a { holies Mayor for a public meeting of all citizens n wsued by jinmon day, a fair-sised rowd met in ithe town hall at aght o dock, { Mayor MeUamunon filied the {chair,. and Ford MoCarney was ape {pointed secretary. After a lengthy i discussion on the lateness of the date, 1 of Brookville and Napanee having ided to celebrate at that time, it | was finaliy left in the hands of a committee, cotiposed of F. J. Skin { ner, Neil McCarney, W. A. Bulloch and . A. Robertson, look into {matter and report on Thursday even evening. {Ab { dec to A very pretty wedding took place at | the of Mr. and Mrs. Sweet 5 Corners, Moudav even- residence a MeCamumon | last | LAST EDITION Probabilities Toronto June 10, 1908, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence, 10 am.--Mod- erate northwest winds, fair and | cool Thursday, light variable wiads, fine and cool. the | Alan | | jing, when their daughter, Miss Jennie | Sweet, was united in marriage Ww Chapman, of Smith's Falls lhe ceremony was performed by Rev { Thomas Meredith, 1m the | about eighty vated guests. The pride attended by ber sister, Misg | Emma Sweet, BR. H, {did the honors for the groom. jthe ceremony the festive party paired to the spacious lawn, where | delightful repast was ser ved, following { Which Mr. and Mrs. Chapman eft ananogue, departed thence spend their Alta. The bride's mergus, among F100 | Leorge presen © was w hile re 16 and presents were nu them f cheoks for $1, i John B. McMurchy, {seriously ill for some | fax who has has on weeks, be out Be Timber at Brockville 8 spending a 80 recovered as streets, again. M lake, nurse in-training | General Hospital, | weeks vacation with her { Rev, and Mis William { lake, the parsonage George to i two Mr 1 lunber Baker, King time during the ww days with friends in King Miss Mabel Dullis Norwood, : spending the past two weeks with her mothe Mrs. Bulls, King. street, returned home, Mr. and Mrs ham Dundon, of Watertown, N.Y the guests of the latter's A, G. Wiltee, Garden street jdavs this k. Mrs. J. B {Leeds township, accompanied by | daughter, Miss Louise Cowan during the past few days to spend the summer with friends ancowver, 1, Miss Luella {spent short | friends in Kingston. Archibald | Kellar, of the C.P.R. offices, {treal, is spending a short vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mys James Mekellar, Garden street. Thomas Gordon, of Joyonville, is the Brest: of Ms? Kivkwaol, "Bons treet, -------------- nn A Very Sad Death. Godirey, Jung U.-1% Lis. nglved], with aint regret we announce the death lof ong of our most esteemed amd re spected voung ladies in the person of Marion k. Trodden, which took place at Strec t. spent a street, short i | Wil , ATE sister, Mrs for owan, we ( of her radatives and o Salter, time James this w street, a Me- Mon- the residonee of her «i ter, Mrs. A. Legarry, on Waodnesday Hast, at the tender ape of twenty-one | years, Deceased came lore a {months ago fiom Carleton Pla jvisit her sister, and in hope of gaining her health, but death came ia welcome guest {o her of {wufferings, which were by rn with {tience and hope. The passing {of such a Young life, barely womanhood's threshold pressibly sad and the Hanpest {thy is extended to her friend latives, The funeral took | the Sacred Heart church, | i } Ore House Collapsed. { Lavant Station, June 9 Bare, Poland, is spending {with her aunt, Mrs, I. Loe {Clara Lee wen Saturday and {day with her friend Miss | Roche, Wilbur. Mi Mrs | McFarlane spent » days {friends in Lanark | Sunday morning | Wilbur Iron (re company smashing two Luc was in the building at men havillk quit o clow R. I. Somerville a few days this week at his I Kingston. Mrs. Fo. Watt and Mice Watt spent Sunday with friends Lavant. few re relieve bh pa awn veding mex Mpa on is ang place Sediord -- Miss Mabel a few da Mix Ne KE t n tte apd J few About the ore house of the 0 two o clock ' collapsed, ne time at cars the work AN IMPORTANT INVENTION BY A CALIFORNIAN. Bt Carbide Generator Forms Gases i to Contact With the Air--A Muffled Blast at Intervals. New York, June 10.-A bespateh | i ! {the Herald from Washington ¥AVE eb one police court, yesterday, for he | Senator George C. Perkin of Ca dor § 'mim, has brought the attention of 1k {ndvy department to a new fogdispmel} ling device invented by one of his jConstityents. He requests that © the {department arrange to give the device (4 thordagh test on Gont Island, Frangisdo Bay. HH the hopes of the inventor ae real {ived the device will dispe! fog at irgding of theee miles in all chrections by meats of a carbide generator. "fie {details of the invention are kept seeret {but it is divulged that the only noise connected with the device is a mulled blast 4t intervals, t ' The devied, with some modification, imay alse prove sdaptable aboard ship [an the explosion ( are so mulled as to jbo scarcely pere ptible. The carbide generator, by means of San lL chemical process, explode. upon coming in contact with These explosions, it is agid. irontinne with decronsing force jor 5 | eomsiderable distance from the appar abun, has | a few | in | 8 with | sad event IK to 58 10 DSPEL THE FOG Which Explode on Coming In-| forms gases which g of | Somerville {] After |X i a for io} honeymoon at Calgary, | been | the | parents, | Sydenham | Wa meal to w det ich cannot 0 oon » Aspect all the tailor. Walsts, in now on n te v ¢ ontent Lingerie, the smart nd the Lacy Ires and Silk that are displ 4 SPECIAL OFFERINGS No. 1 Model 6 White Muslin wa te yoke do tucks, front dered back leit | Made of fis t with depth, taste wiih AT ¥ vey VIAL, No. 2 Model Tailored Waist of Lawn, Pin Tucks to Yoke depth, box pleat down framt with birttols, full length sleeves, NPECRL AT Flaite 2 a No. 3 Mode Waist fromit SEY dine Persian 4 mode French With A very Dressy Lawn, whole alternative rows Of fine Nwiss Fawbraoidery and Val, Lace, wah Homstohing Collar and Cuffs of fine Tucks and lace, § sleave, open back. SPECIAL AT #3 Colored Tailored Waists Made of Washing Percale Checks of Navy and White and White, and Hilack and White, ront made with large Tucks, Nei White Fanbrojdered Jot SIECial AT $1.78 arate tar al | MARRIED, TERBOUT At 7th, Mrs, M. O Wellington, terbout, Lo it Mi M AL HER A Fane wt Meagher, Mar Meagher, daughter Fohir Meagher » of Mary's wih, retia in Rims on J une { nd, Kingston, of ROBERT J. BEID. The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. SUMMER DRINKS Gurd"s Ginger Ale. Gurd"s Seo Water, Gurd's Q Tonie, Gurd's Caledonia Water, Imported Sweet Ginger Ale. In ported Dry Ginger Ale, Radoor Water. { i § ! i Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. ai In the #ity, fuck For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. | wasters Canada eg Tam Lands, in (Apply to in od | SWIFT'S REAL RESTATE snd i | Insurance Agency. "TARE NOTICE." | 1 Redl Top Desk, 3 Xia Denic, Glass Bookcase Peak on » 8 in 2 Cg i, Sr iKhaire. , at r » Store, "Phone, 7035, BK Seedless Oranges. Pincapples, Edwards & be

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