Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1908, p. 1

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Che Daily Brush Whig YEAR 75+-X0, 14. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1908. LAST EDITION LAPOR TE 1 TRA GEDIES SUED FOR DAMAGES, From Club. | Seeks $1,500 For Blow Over Head Determined WORK OF MISCREANTS. Attempt to Ea WILL IT " DISSOL VE? Probabilities Toronto Ont. May 14, Ottawa George D. Sherman. Perth Amboy, NY., May M.--~Dyvna- i i { Watirtown, N.Y,, May 14.--The trials! and tribulations of a village "copper" | miters Asbor oy "wreck the 3425,- will be heard in county court, when [000 residence of George D. Sherman | the case of Joseph Denny against pear here, yesterday. John F. Colon, comes to trial. The! A Reavy charge of the explosive | action is one of assault and battery, placed near the front of the dwelling, and the plaintiff seeks the sum of 8§1,- tore off the piazza and broke all the | 500 for veimbursemcot for alleged in- windows on that side of the house. | juries received from the eficets of the The explosion started a fire which was policemen's club. Both parties live ia) | checked before it had gained much the village of Clayton. [ headway. Mr. Sherman. and his fam- Colon is known to every summer re- | ily were not injured by the explosion. 'dent of the Thousand Islands, from! The dynamiters gave warning of his wae and build, Leing close to six] | their intended outrage in a note re feet four inches tall. His immaculate | e6ived by Mr. Sherman, last night attire and large shining badge makes |idlehurst' is considered one of the him a man easily spotted by the tra-| Most beautiful residences in this part vellr who wishes to he directed to of the state Where the Sherman fam- the right boat down the river. Colon |il¥ is prominent. . has never been in trouble before, so! Detectives from Albany arrived, ves far as can be learned. * "lterday, to investigate the expiosion. According to the papers in Deany's| They considered the note a valuable complaint he was walking along James clue. Mr. Sherman had discharged street on the night of March 5th, three men from his employ on the day minding his own business. Without |h® note. was recited, any provocation whatever, he | as eon serts, the village "cop" came up and CONSTITUTION FOR DUCHY. banged him over the head, seriously as : injuring him, costing him much for Grand Duke Frederick Gives Up doctor's bills, and making him the Feudal Privileges. joke of the whole village. He thinpks| Schwerin, Germany, May $1,500 will repay him. | Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg In Colon's papers a denial is made {in has ceased to be the only state in The bluecoat! Germany withdit a constitutional gov- {ernment, for Grand Duke Frederick { has given up his feudal privileges and {granted a constitution similar to that | enioved by some of the other German | Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence {10 a.m.)-=East- erly winds, m st- ly fair to-day, i then showery. Friday, showery. There May Be An nc Appeai to the Country Soon. 'Borden Talks About 1 the Marine Department] Enquiry---The Hodgins Charges--- Evidence of a Contractor. It Appears That at Mrs. fs, Calnnews Died in Flames. Body Taken From Ruins of House of Marder | Identified by Rings on the Fingers. t their annualifg thus doing eig hteeg| days pay, but | arrangement had | From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, May l3~The situation twelve days' drill, eritical. An immediate dissolution 1s' days' drut for twelve possibile. ihe government has endeavs| far definite ored to cliect a compromise with the been made. opposition on the election bill, "The And then the opposition met in caucus, yesterday| bill began and morning, and agreed to keep on house rose. fighting the bill, refused to accept the) The inguiry into the compromise and will vote no money. by Major Hodgins The government mnpeds money where-| the Transcontinental railway with 10 pay the civil servants, on ceeded with but the session was Friday, and if none is forthcoming an! journed to enable papers to be immediate dissolution may be the out-| Alexander Coghill, Toronto, come. | evidence belore © the public At the opening of the house, yester- committee. He owned a dredge which! day, Mr. Borden brought up the dis-) he leased to contractors the ! continuance of the nguiry into the mer of 1W5, He was on that dredge! marine department's afiairs because o | all summer while it was at work I ir i Gay the pressure of owudge Cassels" judicia | Matchadash Bay, near Thessalon, | nates The sufirage is to be accord- | duties. He wanted to know what | Near him was another dreds 4 ing to property classifications, and the | tunity id be aliorded be a 1c he H . \ York. May WM.--Goverpor | me s of the lpisiiture are 1c be; Pr Unay woud i alorced hutwee | alled the atket, owned by ! . nor | members of t or , : | now and next January of continuin | Ontario hberals. Both dredges | Hughes. in a letter to General Stew- | elected by a svetem of indirect voting in a ? 4 'is : ho d here 1 ik a ¥ it g Em . ine if at OTC a oO ne « ar withheld, saw Lamphere a few minutes! and was oné of Budsherg's neighbors ark kL Woodford, announces formally| By means of a special arrab-ement | gi Wilfrid Laurier replied that Hl | vated. 'The interests of alter four o'clock on the morning oli George Berry, Tusea, 11l., came here that he would not be able to accept {the duchies of Weeklenbure-Schwerin | could give no definite information. a | ment were supposed to be the Guinness' fire coming out of the in July, 19065, with $1500. We told & nomination for the vice-presiden y. fan moment It would be necessar | hv an tor named I4.~"1 believe after this incident the house was 1 to Quechee and alse do that Ray Lamphere will confess ail) lames, that be knows about the Guinnes Two more of the ten who wer murder mystery and arson plot to the' poisoned, butchered and buried, on th prosecuting attorney of this county, | farm, according to the conviction said one of the officials engaged in une] the police, were Henry Guthall, Scan ravelling the saysteries of the Guinness) danavia, Wis., and John O. Moe, Ei farm. Lamphere"s spiritual adviser| bow Lake, Munn. declared he had urged the prisoner to Another probable victim, the autho open his heart to the prosecuting at | rities believe, was George Berry, Tus torney. ca, Il. Hf these three are definitely With this in prospect, the almos connected with the seven unidentified | positive proof revealed of Mrs, Guin | bodies, only four bodies will still re ness" murdered victimes, the positiv | main unidendilied. : identification of the bLody of the wo John Moe, rwibow Lake, Minn., man taken from the fire as that o] known to have come to Laporte in| of all the allegations. Mrs. Guinness by the finding of three December, 1vww, and to have drawn! claims that Denpy pitched into him, | rings on her charred fingers, the crime, $1,100 here. nat he was lured on b and that he used bis club only as al T seems (0 be well under way towards! Mrs. Guinness is well established b | [rotection to himsel its conclusion, so far as the mystery| witnesses. is vonprerned, I Guthall eame According to a deposition made to! miles from lola, the Prosecuting Attorney R. N. Smith, a fated Budsherg. His brother, who man whose name the authorities have wrote to the sherifi here, lives in lola Laporte, Ind., May in 8 sO no © the until fight over ued ciection contin the charges mage mn oeonnection with was pro- iB aa vied. | 14. The ~Sehwer . RY Te 38 of gave is} accounts' | in sume on | tnt a town a few op | home of the ill from Won't Take Second Place. ow ac (aod CT ei have | Ww «d not only John k the inspec rep sper man Foromnta, stealing Douglas B. Findlay, was ek acquitted on the charge of tv £1,300 from his 45 lr Guinness 1y he crew, boat 1 the Hacket Ig PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. George Gibbard was, chosen as the liberal candidate in South Toronto. | Rear Admiral Sperry, is soon to be | commander-in- chief of the Atlantic fleet. 1 Prince Prospero Colonna, formerly | mayor of Rome, has arrived to tour dens | the United States, WHIG TELEPHONES, | Hon. Dr. Pyne and Thomas White B43 Husiness Qiies, | sides were nominated as the conserva: pr afm [tive entdidintes in unt Totante, © hi gr Jontracts, amounting = lo nearly {850,000, wers lot by the Temiskamiog ane A id Northern railway commission. Martin Van Buren namesake and favorite ai hese" Buren, died in penury a R. Barry O'Brien, quoted --. a se cinl despatch from London, says Ire land will obtain home ule by peace: ful means. Alderman L. A. Lapointe is trying to have all the Roman Catholic schools of Montreal brought under the direc- tion of one board. The balloon Abereron, piloted by Dr. Niemeyer, has won the endwrance prize in the trial race for pilots for the In ternational cup contest in October. Pr. Beattie Neshitt was not ready to go on with. his action for criminal libel against the managing editor of the Toronto Globe, and had it tra- versed to the next assizes. commissioners in cutting off Private Beacham, committed his | account of the series of crimes at Camp Stotsenburg, | injury done to the tourist and camp-| hold a convention at in the Philippines, because of efforts to er trade, This was seeonded by Hugh | day next, May 19th. break his friendship with. another pri- | Wilson, and endorsed be Polive Magis- | be held, this evening, vate. trate W. B. Carroll hC. Ww T. gates to attend. The kaiser anc sorin, with a bril- | Sampson, W. J. Gibson, D. Ford: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dempster liv- liant suite, oe at\IHohkoenigsburg, | Jones; James McParland (Kingston), | ing just east of the town, received in Lower. Alsafe, William Hale amd W. Y. Boyd, the| telegram, sesterduy, from the hos-| storation of the ancient fortress there the &} pital in Chicago, in which their daugh- | main grievan appearing to be in which came ito the possession of the t { ter, Miss Dem pstor ! emperor in (S09, the township s it up a delegation in training as a nurse for some time | lor (Zorst]l, Los Angeles, owner of eral furnishing goods stores there, disappeared in New York oii May 2nd, the meeting, thus inter fering with town past, stating that Miss Dempster } after citizens, E, | mysteriously. disappeared, This wns speaker « { the followed eccond, th whe i i lefending © g issing 3 ay £4 in circumstances whieh have led his defending th ymn- | been missing Sunday whey wife to believe he has been murdered considerably alarmed and left on the! for his money. The British postmaster-general the House of Commons, speaking The resolution also contained an item that a copy midnight for Chicago. Word has since J. R.1 been received that shé has been found the proposed mail contract with C.P.R., for the far east, said that of it should be forwarded to Dargavel, M.P.P., and W. J. Hanna. | ndition, but provincial secretary. A vote was tak OVEry en and the resolution was carried with | The this contract would in no way pre | "9 to the contrary. however, vent them making another in the fu ture, should a more advantageous routs become available. At the urgent roguest of Persian commissioners from Teheran. the punitive expedition sent by Russia in- to Persian territory to quell the brigandage in the vicinity of Belesu- var has Suspended its operations, The expedition a ly has bent sieht villages and is guilty of farGuring brigands. 8 Saturday all wy shallow twenty or con & PONGEES RAJAHS | of P inspector eertified every load or is Bijou Theatro--Spectacular Pantomime, "A Knight's Adventures in a Haunted Castle" ; Compdy, "A Practical Joke By Students. John Robert Davis sings | We've Been Chums For Fifty Years." worst ui got could Our showing seemed gomplete, but another shipment has arrived "groat'"' seems almost the truer | Word The new c<giors are Navy, Copeohagen, Brown, Ten, Nile, Marmot, Chas Foreelonn: Hesoda, Halt 10 26 inches wide, yard, Silks Ww that questions. \ ager for the compe which intended marrying her. That was th Vote Pense finished long before next January. | supposed to be watching. He hired the |Z Honey's Boys, City Hall, to-night. | last seen of him, one Or Lae, Col. Hughes asked if the report was! paid the men, bought th pro-| Congert. starts sharp at 8 o'clock true: that the plan to mobilize 20,000 visions, and lived on the ying Liberals meet in Whig Hall, Canatian militia at Quebec was called) Witness said that he saw See Waldron's Special Advi. off. Sir Frederick Borden replied that] at work day after day. It 8 in such | night. it had been decided to hold the an~ water that it could not load! Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A. O. UW nual camps as usual and that the city] up more than about vards 5 Janets Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. regiments would hold their regular an-| one-third of its capacity I'he Wonderland Theatre Bathe Freres waal dri. + he reason for the chan Coghiil, but rather the of Gananoque transportation of a large body of it He raised a laugh at his own ex . troops at the time of Quehee celebra-! pense by declaring that he not iN 4 tion would seriously interfere with the see anvthing wrong in what Gendrean X transportation of the; thousands of had done. The testimony showed tht [iE visitors and they have asked that no the Ceglyl! dradge cost the contractor troops be moved for a certain number, about $50 gu day, including pay and} of days before or after the celebiration,| hoard of crew, and that he received In view of this situation the chang | irom. the govirmment about dew or had hoen made but as to what would be done towards taking troops io! uw ) tractor was paid by the scow load and Pictures, Tin Hinstrated of programme was chiefly the difficulty| day: that Quebec he was pot red to mak | a statement, He \vibrtiood tha | come city regiments ha to go; Mecklenburg-Strelitz will ward into: the road. A fow minutes his former employer, «J. C. Burke, that and if elected, would not serve. ach a general landtag, as well as! for. him 'ta consult Judge 'Cassels an: | dean, Gontirean.. be said | he was going te Laporte, Ind, to { the counsel. the premier expressed] scted for the government DAILY MEMORANDA. pa Moving i. i Waiting For The Summer G the ne of transportation It howl been re | being sixty vards, full capacity presented to the department by the r Witness swore positively the | government must have paid at least! CAUGHT THE THIEF. A Strong Protest Against Cutting of the Town's Shop Liquor Licenses---A Gananoque Girl Found Unconscious ous in Chicago. The un of Grace election hoard, ! at The I BAJAH SILKS, in ' Brpwn, Creme amt Blacky NATURAL PONGEE SILKS, at 2e., Sb¢., GU. 10 81. SFE inches wide, { their own legislatures, to act on local work for Mrs. and that ol the hope that the inquiry would be Hod Carrera" Special Meeting, 8 p.m ia Ana Was Held by: : the Ci ris nd You' t t f as e y e 1 izens o . A. K. Maclean cross-examined Mr Battlefields' Commission that the 100 per eynt. more than the contract called for. May M.-An 3 tion meeting of the ratepayers of' the the town hall, last meeting for the | quar terly The annual congregational Methodist church, of officials for the was held, last evening. election resulted in the choosing of the following : John Connor, W. G Deany, John Mure Ie, S. Mullins, Chi: ford" Sine, F. Wright and J. J. Yule Gananoque, i 5} " fi DYNAMITE SHAKES TOWN, ul SPECIAL LINE, town was held in at Toc SILKS ' convened Creme, » Black # having been Mayor McCammon, requisition | number of ratepayers I'he hall was well filled Britton occupied the chair, in the of the mayor, and W. A. Tay | lor was appointed secretary. F J | Skinner presented a resolittion to the | meeting expressing the | damnation of the | of license evening, by Alarm Attached to Pulpit. Titusville, Pa., May 14.--For a con : . siderable time, it has been known to The Claytondiananogue ferry steam Re Mr. Nau, of St. Walburga rer, Now, as Ini aah {oun choi, that oba ohe has bow, i gular trips, a wkinen are put- fino articles from his residence while he flues in her boiler A Funnel's launch has been making the was Dreuching fo | his Fongrogation. " : 4 | Acting upon this knowledge, he in trips in her place, but, yesterday, | i. led a burclar the alarm when going out, lost her wheel, {to be the ringing of a bell in back of mn there was the pulpit. Sunday in the comrse of {the sermon the bell rang. The people were greatly frightened and it was some time before the Rev; Mr. Nau | town {was successful in explaining the cause hric {then three or four men went to his A od {he yme and found the burglar hiding {7° a! behind some boxes in the cellar He was secured by the and landed the locknp A Burglar Believed There Are Many Victims |} « of Explosion. | May 1.~The town of Vif the prone of linar was shaken by a terrific explo of dyopanite and gunpowder was being cused in connection the work on the new road be Vinales and San Oayetano. believed that many four bodies « have SHANG-TI ING wi $1 to a requisite the Jona Reeve E answer the of in signed by t and Havana, tales, Rio, sion which with tween It is viclums, SILKS NOVELTY ret wid Pate PONGER t 35 in del {| : a Special prices for a short time only. Best quality Sets. 6 Pieces, $1.40 10 Pieces, $1.65 all colors. ROBERTSON BROS. absence wT ting new George strongest con- board alarm action of the and. a'arm, there are out cotsequence, ony The party service to Tues- will} dele- no has arranged Delta, on A meeting to Moot been recovered who fatally ued. from the of Visaks suffired, houses wore. more ¢ 1 be explosi n SO persons have beer The whole All of the less Sats accidents on liberal the shop licenses were res © r was {Lad Was Shot Unt By Har old Laz nb. M police Hailevbury tw { Mattair, { through Lamb, Jennie has been tone elven year For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. In the eity, inciuding Farm Lands, in Canada in the best location. Apply to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE end Insurance Agency. EXTRAORDINARY One of the finest Mirrors in the country four Polished Okk Library Tables, one and Rustic Umbrella Stands, both beauties This all comes from _ the Oronhya 's. For sale at TURK'S, ki; Crow v. long AZO A man was aoe Bakes 481,000 Pies. 0. May 14. sixty-three, vears old, f this &ty, claims for pie baking. Mrs has averaged forty pies daily for last thirty-three years, In that she has baked 451,000 pies. The all eight inches in diameter, and laid wide by side would make a con me of pie 5,554 400 inches Divided by twelve to reduce it . : ud feet and then divides by the num- Goes To, Civil Service.¢* [ber of feet in a mile Brings the length Halifax, N.5., May: HH.-Joan M.jof i ik 3iain bak : just plain pie baked by Mrs. Fox Baxter, marine editor of the Chroni-| | sixty and fivesixth miles. Thess cle, has heen appointed to a position] . 4a po thanty cents each hg in the customs department at Halifax. | 1 00 0 FEEL b " Baster hfs heen for twenty years in| $36,300 ¥ a pies have been worth charge of the Chronicle's shipping " news. Mis appointment to a gov-| ernment office is the fourth the liber-| als have made from the Chronicle's] stall. Ihe first was Fred. W. An.| nand, to the immigration department; second, Robert MeUonnell, to the sta tistical office, Uttawa: third, Ww. KEK Maclellan, to post office; fourth, John es M. Baxter, to custo house. was | was had wer Bellefontaine, Frank Fax, pastry state Mrs { calibre the | Fox the] we time | only hy at Belnois opposite he missioners' action the a gnnal through the wide, ines cook, « inte record ing out in in mded Bow on the in an Yneonscious « hospita { hopes are held out full details of lacking wit as to | what ha red er we if | tiouo i re ened are Two Life Senators Die. Madrid, May 14.~Two deaths ocomrred in Madrid that of the Mar Ayorbe, Spanich ambassador to | 8, Petersi yrg, and the that of the Conde Liners governor of 'Madrid. Heth senators, one vote us { notable Un fe w-- ween i long was rmer snl jus ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker; "Phone, 577. "m Princess stres®, NO ADVANCE though wl are still Our Own Special Blend At the old price of - 38 Cents the Pound. Fish In Baby Carriage. Brantford, Unt., May M.--County Canstable Kerr made a peculiar cap ture: of pickerel and bass, which are alleged to have been caught illegally out of season by Mr. and Mrs. Tay for, who were {ishing in the Grand tiver. The fish were stored away. un- der a sleeping infant in a baby car iy AShon other was Lime lide one were ------------------ The mother of William J. Whalen writes from Hot Spriegs, Arkansas asking. for news of her boy whom she | believes to be in Toronto In an investigation 'into an alleged theft of mink skins, at Toronto, it | was found that rats had taken them RATIFIED A TREATY | 3scee the Powe Britain May Give Color Coli a Decided Voice inl 38, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. Washington, May HM. <Departing Students Disturbed Lecture. very materials from its previous poli- Bellast, May 14 Edward Kimball cies toward its dependencies, Great "His majesty' poner ament resery ing | of Boston, a Christian S¢ ew the right before concluding » spering | tured, fast onaght, ia Britain has ratified a treaty in which it is provided that thowe which ard t in any matter affecting the i ball A howling mob seli ggverning shall toncur in treaties interests of a self-governing dominion | largely composed of the British ampire io obtain the | students, who and special agreements. A foreeast of this contemplated step on Ms part of CORCHITE 300 therein of the government | ithe use of drums, tia pans and toy Great Britain was given by Secretary of that dominion | trumpets they did their utmost 16. Root st a recemt gathering wader the This is stfictly new cobeession on} mevent the lecture. On being expell- the part of Gread Britain to the self fed from the buildiog. they indulged auspices of the International Law So- ciety, and it aefaide ta Canada. of Tous ha ve advanced in price, selling "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to 'His Majesty the King . Not i " Bride Badly Hurt In Fire. Meriden, Conn., May H.--Mre. Philip Simumbns, a bride of two weeks, was returning home, yesterday, when she saw ont of a window to her flat White. she was i and cut hor off. She sprang from a window and, grazing a picket fence, landed at the feet ofher bue- band, who had just arrived. She was dangerously injured. Oxiord Honors Professor Jamies. London, May M-Oxford University to-day conferred the honorary degres of doctor of sciemece on Prof. William James, who was professor of phile- : v at Jarvant University from 1 is amount that the Kivickers Trust. will Yekaterinoslav, May 14.--The at At the same time, a second body of made by prisonets own prisouuts rushed to the kitchen, and By fast the exhibition wi Turret (igen 's College the dours. By russe] part in the plot uthsr- iy over-looking the others! courtyard. Te were ordered to draw . The guards fired windows. Two shot down while at- over which she ox- in the throwing of stones. Wisdows tle this is clearly | wore smashed and the pistlornn was applicable to the dominion of Canala, | littered with missiles Expotually tibet iis igpected i i twas restored and the lecture delive ---------- 3 Things going on. swimmingly, 'agreement is fo five | boy. Get. around snd hip roll ug Pengo majorsty,

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