Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1908, p. 1

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The Dail » British W YEAR 75--NO. 107. LOTS 10 (OME The [Legislation to Be Brought Down, THE FLEGTION ACT MAY CAUSE A VERY LONG SESSION. / Opposition Will Fight the Clauses Made For a Special Revision of the Provincial Voters' Lists in the West For Next General Election. From Our Own Correspondent, Uttawa, May 6.--krom the nature of the debmte which opened ycsterday af wernoon, on the second reading of the government's bill to amend the elec tion act, it is evident that the tail end of the present session will be an exceedingly long tail. There is the direct challenge of the opposition that the session wall last unt Christmas, if this measure is really mtended to be put through. When the house met, the premier, io accordance with his promise AA Mon. day, mentionwd legislation still to be introduced this session. The list in cludes the following : Resolution in respect of aid to Hud- son's. Bay railway. An act to extend the boundaries of Manitaba. An act to act, An act to amend the grain inspec tion act, An act to amend lands act, An act in 1espeet to Chinese immi gration. An act to amend the customs act, An act in respeet of the Yukon coun cil, which will make the Yukon coun «il elective instead of only partially elective as st presen, But to return to the election Lill Mr. Aylesworth devoted a couple of hours to his explanation of its terms and Me. Borden indicated to My. Conmes, during some by-play, that he and his party bad the floor and in tended to keop it for a very long time to come. It is likely from all accounts to prove by | amend the civil service the Dominion Hats That for quality and value Are unexcelled wt Campbeld Dros', lead Whig Want Advis Vietoria Day Committee, 8 Pim Cheese Board, 1.30 p.m., Thursday, Board of Works, 4 pan, Thursday. Ttuminag, Sale in Aid of Hotel Dieu Hosp. AY 7, 8.9, in YWOCA Build ing, Qor. Princess and Sydenham Sts "Romney's Boys" Conevre Ca., who- are veritable wonders as singers and mesic. Inns, will be at the City Hall, May 14th. Bijou Theatre--Condy, "Aunt Sally®s Bustle' : Drasna, "The Nobleman and The Mitkmaid.' John Robert Davis Sings, "Some Day When Dreams Come True," WHIG TELEPHONES. Husiness Office. Bditorial Rooms. obbing Department. Legal Forms, all Kinde, at Whig. Toilet Sets { Spefial prices for a short time only. Best quality Sets. 6 Pieces, $1.40 10 Pieces, $1.65 all colors. a TAKE NOTIOR Ghblen 878 uling enh Jo Furwen, Eo re "WALNUTS abolishing abuses and punishing fraud] in election campaigns wilt, of. course, have the support of both sides of the house. but the opposition is deter mined toeresist to thé uttermost. the) provision which is made in this hill for a special revision of the provin- | cal voters' lists in the province of | Manitoba for the purpose of the next] general election. ° Mr. Borden's following met in cau us, yesterdgy morning, for the dis ussion of their position on this mat- | ter, and it was afterwards announced | that the opposition would keep things | going till next" Christmas, before they | would allow this feature of the elec tion bill to become law. The strong- est of protests has come from Pre- wicr Roblin on the subject. The Manitoba electoral lists as they come to the clerk. of the crown iu chancery are not as they stand avail able for federal election purposes he cause of the fact that the boundaries of the federal constituencies. do mot | begin to coincide with the provincial | districts, and it was this fact which | gave rise to the thin red line Yam, | | | « i | « | | of which a great deal was heard from the Manitoba conservatives after the! last election, ! It was pointed out by Mr. Ayls | worth that ipstead of having ~ the | striking out of names on the various! Voters' lists left till the eve of the | election eampaign that the present bill will provide for having the pro-| vincial lists fitted to the federal dis. | tricks in' plenty of time before cam. | paign begins, and morcover, that an appeal will be available where there is any reason for supposing that the work has not been correctly done, Thi was one of the points seizedthy the opposition leader yesterday after noon. He wanted 10 know who was to have the power to interfere with the voters' lists. Changes should be made hy officials, Ha drew attention to Mr. Aylesworth's statement that thers wore two systems of voters' lists in Canada. Oue west of the houndary line between Ontario and Manitoba, and the other cast of the bowhdury. In the west they had registration, and in the last municipal lists assessment rolls and registration, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, Dundas, Out., bas over 1,000 popu lation, y A tornado has done great damage in Missouri and Southern IHlinois, i Premio Whitney made his first ad- Cuebee provineinl elections are June 8th, the same day as the tario elections. Guelph council has struck a fourteen will rate of taxation, the lowest rate in the dominion, Charles Deane, an hotel porter, at London, Ont., committed suicide swallowing carbolic acid. An arbitration treaty between Ja pan and the United States was sign ed at Washington on Tuesday, Pwo men reported to the Toronto police that they saw a skifi With one otcupant sink in Lake Ontarsé. . Deputy Surveyvor-General Flewellin~ of New Bronswick, who committed sui cide, was short in his accounts. Rev. W. T Graham, Sarnia, hax been: invited to the pulpit of First Avenue Baptist chur h, Toronto.* Hon, Adam Beck put his signature to the contract between Toronto and the hydro-electric power commission Conservative nominations on Tues day, were Mr. Eilber, for South Huroy and M. 1). Jermyn for North Bruce. Prince Edward of Wales, will not ac company the Prince of Wales to Can adda, as has been stated in Quebec. The Tercentenary poem composed by Cy Wamnan, coming out in Collier's g seb lo music by Reg on On: hy Weekly: is bein ioald De Koven. Ninety Bulgarians were sent from Toronto to Montreal, to he deported while 110 found work on the kaming railway. Frederick Cook; a young English man, wag fatally injured by being run over by a trailer of a Collage street car in Toronto, Mayor Campbell, St. Catharines: was refused permission by Secretary Bouglas, of the water commission, to examine the hooks. \ Capt. Joseph Bernier has left for Sorel in connection with getting the cruiser Arctic ready for another trip to the far north, A petition for the pardon of Caleb Powers, with conspiraey to murder Uoobel, is being signed. He was twice ssitenced to death. Drswming that he had placed 840, whiah' he bad loss yours before, and ught was stolen, in an attic room in hig pouse, Wil D. Schurtz, Gal lipolis, Ohio, elitnbed to the attic and James Femis- An ot bar in Mis hand ¢ civil I imho. when a dec thai. Tom. Ne Bee a At! . oleae Inthe marine dopa : : Binet is to stop the caltiva, i in the state: Mf the i ama oo 3 4 ; thoy hereaftor avy person pub- ting the killing of anyone to meditate in the peni- Callaban was fatally wound by his brotherin-law, Ja pier, 'allaban's store on Long's Creek, have Leen deafted for the purpose of | REFUSE DRG } KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, Cannot Send Ex-prisoners | to Canada. f GAT BASE THE PRE i AND WILL NOT GO FOR BRE- ELECTION. { | rotmrn i 1 Business Has Been Very Poor--A | Class of Emigrants Shut Out --Said An Has Been Jupiter, London, May 6.--Jobm Sir Henry" Fowler took their seats in the House of Lords, yesterday, vnder| the respective titles of Viscount Mor-! ley and Blackburn and Viceount Wol- verhampton, | Owing to the serious slémp in busi | Eighth Satellite | Discovered About | Morley and | | ness no fewer than 200 members of the ple their have stock exchange have placed names on the list of those wl decided not: to apply for recleetion for the current year. Many brokers de- | clare that business has been that they have been unabl expences 3 others, more seriously hit, | J SO poor | to make CANADA'S ---------- Great Mass of } ackually admit that they eannot raise | this negesgary nomination fee, Lord Alverston, presiding at the Metropolitan Prisoners' Aid Society, said that in 1907, he had sent a num ber of men to Canada, where, it was stated, there would be a «demmnd for them, but the experiment had not bben successful. Sir A.W, Willis pointed | out that in future the soviety would be unable: to send such men to Cana da. Canada and the other colonies | now absolutely refused to take, the dregs of the British population. The officials at the Greenwich obser. | vatory claim to have discovered an eighth satellite of Jupiter, During an Mr. Melotte, one of thy assistant ss: | tronpmers, discovered a faint marking | occupyi slight different positions in er dient plates. 'The drown) stances. procluded the possibility that it'was one of the known satellites ora minor planet. Repeated investigations | by Messrs. Cromeller and Melotte lod | to the conclusion that it was a new satellite with a retrograding orbital | movement. i The board of trade enquiry into the Maint Royal's breakdown in mid-At-| ic, ls the chief engineer not en. tively. free from blawé, Luv Jeb Wake- ham, superintending engineer is held The declining popularity of the pres: ent go twas again revealed by the result of the byveeloction in Wel SsrhMtmpion East, to replace Sir Hon. ry + who, as Viscount Wolver- hampton, took his seat in the Howse of Lords: The hbergls retained the seat (in the commons, but by a bare majority of eight, as agaivst a ma- jority of 2.865 in 1908, the reseit of today's election being © G. R. Throme, liberal, 3.3M: 1. B. Aswry, uhionist, 306. The unionist press atéributes the remarkable menlsion of public opinion 1G the Lad reaction in trade allowing a few vewrs of booming vom morte wh ich Vendeved Me. Chamber | would permit him, would | Just { liam Keyworth apd Allred GREAT STATES The Premier of the Dominion, Who Has ing | twenty-seven examifation of photographs of Jupiter | ; GANANOGUE TIDINGS, The Steamer Wherenow at King- ston For Repairs. ny B.~The Gananoque rBaREBOGUe, 1908. Will push Clayton ferry steamer Where Now got | into difficulty on her trip from Deser- onto} vesterday, te begin hor regular trips Clavion. Something went wrong with her boilers and co up to Kingston for repairs Daly left for Kingston, last to hustle the work along At the meeting of the cusrteviv of ficial board of the Gananeg Fast cirenit, a unanimous invitation was tendered to Rev. Joseph €. Cornell to for a for ar. Mr. Cornell himself and ta Capt, evemng, th expressed invitation conference gladly ac it i that cept it The manufacturers has af Cowan & Britton, of "Manges, haspe, ote. v énbirely, on account works closed dow tof Jack of orders, C. V. Ketel, manager of the Ga anogue branch of the Bank of Toron- if having a new addition made to Lis summer cotinge, on the river front west. of the town. Messrs. Wil J. Pulliam nre having new hott houses ersctod on the river front, mesr Miss Machar's summer. residences, Miss Reid's roofs in public school, was ele daring the past the tegehier's King strost Brookiv: sister, Mus to, the West Ward for a eou- week on Miss pending the Gra- of day accourt of Orma Taylor time of Hines is NY Dr.) in her some guest ham James Kves, an of Leeds, who has been located at! Ham old resident p------ MAN. he had to] Social Reforms. mdi THE LIGENSING AG as plensed at their FOLLOWED BY PENSION AND/{ upon whether o OTHER BILLS, London Correspondents of New York Papers Predict Short Life For the Administration-- Between Two Great Issues. | New York, May 6.--The London cor- | respondent of the Tribune cables : The prime minister has gone far enough | to convigee friend and foe that social {reforms will be taken up with re- {newed energy in the next two years. | The licensing bill will pass its second {reading by a great majority, aad will be followed by the budget speech, in which old age pensions will be fore- shadowed, but little more than & bare {start with the system can be made when so much time is required for {setting up the administrative mechan- ism. Parliament 'can be expected to {enact the licensing bill, with the lords' amendments, and the London port, housing, children's and Irish } { | | i { University bills before Christmas, and i next year will witness a reform of the poor law so that legislation for pris- long and the unemploved can be fitted in with it. | This is the general policy which { Prime Minister Asquith, with Llovd- George's help, expects to accomplish, and while this goal is kept clearly in view he has a reasonable hope of holding the radicals and labor party with him. The noncomiormists meanwhile will he coaxed to accept a compromise of the education question. The free traders are in n panic over socialistic proposals, which threaten to compromise hopelessly the finances ol the country. They are between pro- tectionist, devil and deep sea cialiam. The Dundee election 50~ {was the Manchester contest, snd defeat of Mr. Churchill will shake liberalism to its foundations: Gave Him A Beating. Chicago, May 6.--Kighteen decrepid residents of Bethesda Home for the Aged, their average age being seven ty-one years, driven by fear that they would be foreed from their home, at the Confidence the the Inhabitants, , for thirty visiting with friends and relative is in mond, Wi some Vears this vicinity. Mrs. B. OO. Britton ks with relatives in Mure ph Kenny, of Jones' Falls, spend the past week with her parent and Mrs McArdle, First retwnerd home. William Gag street, spent time dur the past few days in Trenton, 1s spending a few Woe Toronto Jose ing Mr. he King a short Double Tragedy. Cleveland, Ohio, May 6.--Chatles Kuppe, a music teacher, ended the life of his. invalid daughter, Mollie, aged years, with chloroform and then committed swicide by Hang- ng. The young woman, as a result of long illness, had become mentally deranged. The father had. brooded over her sufferings, and had frequently declared it would be better if she were dead. Brockville Cheese Board. Brockvilie, Onf., May 6.~At the first meetipg of the Bratkville cheese board the following officers were | sloeted : Preéident" John A. Webster, Ganano: que; fist vice-president, R. J. Leg gett, Newhoro. second vice-president, J.P. Redmond, Eseott; seoretary- treasurer, J. B. Wilson, Gunaboghe; salesman, George 8. Johnston, For: far; auditors' R. J. Jelly, James Bis- sell, Droekville. . x + Expelled" The Governor. St. Petersburg, May 6A despatch received here from Tabriz, Persia, says that thew was fighting all day, vestortdiv. on the stroots of the ity between the inhabitants snd the, ew. ty appoluted governor and' Bis follow. ere. governor: and they mally expelled hi. The local garerison has at heen able to cope with the sibuation. The people refused fa nooept the of itacked Frank P. Hennine former {manager of the bankrupt institution. and after beating him, threw, him bodily from the building, last even. Wi, threatening vengeance if he ever returned, The eighteen residents, the majority of whom are, women, said AHenning agreed to furnish them a tome for life for a consideration {$950. In many cases the 3550 repye- ented the entire savings of the man | for woman who was admitted. Jen nig was forced from the manage ment of the place when one of the in mates committed suicide and others | threatened to do so | Cut Her Throat. Philadelphia, © May 6.--While suffer {ing from temporary insanity, | Elizabeth McPhilomy, of Wayne, Pa., | committed suicide in an open lot negr {the home of her sister, in the north eastern section of this city, yesterday, by cutting her throat with a butcher i knife. She was visiting her {and while scantily clad left the hotise {and was followed by her brother in- law, who heard her get out of bed As he approached her the woman drew. the knifo across her throat i Then she ran oun again, followed ther brother-in-law. Sister, by Alter going about «| 100 yards she dropped dead. -------------- Revolution In Peru, Lima, Peru, May 6---Rumors are afloat here of a revolutionary upris- fing in the department of Cuzco pirsurgents are said to be in posses fsion of the city of Cuzeo, capital of | the province The government has | decided to turn over the political pri {soners, gathered in during the last {lew days, to a'military eourt for itrial. jand ammunition in the possession of | the shooting elubs of Lima Independent In South Renfrew. Arrprior, Ont., May 6. South Hen: {irew will have a-third candidate in {the provincial election) IE Res wan has announced His intention to run as an independent, vo iw prepared to ountline his platform but will do so in the near future, whet : He was about eighty years In St. Edward's church, Westport, on Tuesday, Father (OF Rourke perform Bryan and Miss Egan, daughter Asquith Will Send Forward I fused becomes, under. { these circumstances, as important as | the | of | Mrs. | The | It has also confiscated the arms | not | ed the nuptials which united Herley i of ! TWO GOVERNMENT DEALS. { Gripping the Goverament With Very Firm Hold, London Advertiser. Mackenzie nnd Mann ave the owners | of 'the Canadian Northern and of the | Eleetrical Development company. | The Electrical Development com- | | pany, which supplies the city of To-| jronto with Niagara energy. was! | brought to the threshold of inselven- | fey by the government power policy, | | but was rescued by Mackenzie and | after the government had re | to listen ta overtures for the purchase of the plant. i The future of the enterprise depends | r not the government, | { through the * hydro-electric -commis- sion, will build a competing trans | { mission line, or will come to terms | with the company--in other words | with Mackenzie and Mann. | i The government has evidently j cided on the latter course. It is use | {leds to pretend that its guarantee of | | Mackenzie and Mann's railway bonds {for $2,500,000, taking a second mort- | gage as security for $1.500,000 of the! amount, has no relation to the Ni agara power situation. The two deals | are tied together } The public believe, and probably! J with truth, that the government fear | od the disfavor of powerful financial | interests on the eve of the election {and has purchased their favor | campaign purposes. Rt will be found | | beyond a doubt that an arrangement | | has been made to hand over the trans. | | mission of Niagara power to the city | | of Toramto, and perhaps for an entire | district, to the Mackenzie and Mann {corporation exclusively. | The government definitely 'thrned its back upon public ownership, and di | clined to solve the problem in a man ner which would have dealt justly | with private interests, without sacri- | { ficing public interests, when it spurn- | ed the offer of sale made bv the Elec | | trical Development company in its | hour of need. i i i | | Mann, de- | i THE LATE WILLIAM CAREY, the Proprietor of the Albion Hotel. The death of William Carey, of this city, ocourred on Tuesday evening, at | | the Hotel Dien, after an illness extend. | ing over a few days. The deceased had | { been enjoying his usual good health { until Monday of last week, whe re | turning in a rain storm from the [hutial of his father, the late lamented Death of | Francis Carey, he contracted a severe cold which terminated fatally. Wil liam Carey was Form in Loughboro, thirty-four years ago. After coming to Kingston be opened a boot smd shoe store on Pripeess street, leaving that business to take over the Alion { Hotel. The sterling, manly qualities of the deceased young man, had made for thim, in the city and surrounding | country, hosts 'of iriends, who deeply regret his untimely deaths He 'is sur: | vived by five brothers : Rev. R. Carey, | Gananoque: James, Kaslo, B.( Dani- el, Oates; Francis, Toronto: Neil of Vermont, and three sisters, Sister | Mary Alice, of the House of Provi- | denee; and the Misses Mary and Mar | garet, of this city. The funeral will take place on Thursday morning at nine o'clock, from the old family re sidence in Loughboro, to the parish i church of Rasdton, where a solemn requiem nigss will be sung for_the re | pose of his soul Lots For Kingstonians. Miss Rose McGlade, Clergy street, i | ane of the Successful competitors i the recent name contest Bhe bas been awarded a freehold building lot tin Montreal { Miss Anna Creflian street {has been notified that been {one of the sucesssiul competitors in the recent Limerick, and has awarded valuable property near Mont | real | Miss Dougherty, Sixth | boing congratulated « | building lot in Montreal, in the | Limerick competition, - ! | } } Princess hs has } | } whe been street 1% ol ent wh Winning re = A Visitor In The City. Police. Constable McGrath | gd i the { Brantford force; was calling ! : todav, | ton the blue coats at the pelice stq- | tion. Mr McGrath, a fine of manhood, is a son of Detective Me | Grath, of Toronto force. He is the | jguest of Capt. and Mrs. MeGlade | Clergy street. He is one of the cham | pion oarsmen of the Queen city specunen i f } Fell Into The Water. i | About eight o'clock, Tuesday oven: jing, a hoy, ahout ten years old, fell | {into the water at Macdonali park. He was playing around the rocks when he Jost his balance. Luckily the | water was not.very deep apd he wag | able to scramble ashore. He wad badly frightened. | ! -- May Be Changed. 1 The police have been making an in- vestigation into the recent row at "Heclxtonk Jack's" restaurant, and it may be that a charge will be lodged against the participants in the fight No complaint reached police head- quarters about the row when it wis! in e, and it may now be a very dithealt fask to secifre evidence : Revently - twentypiour young wen from the ecily went froma Tamworth, for a fifty-mile paddle wp the Salmon river. While going over the rapids. | two canoes were slightly damaged one toniaining two wellknown Kingston ne was broken in two and they were thrown into the cold waters, The ac cident to this conve was dus to the! inexperience of the: paddlers, and only] LAST EDITION Probabilities Valley and Up- per wrence (10 a. m.)=«East- erly "winds, fair to-day, then be- comhing showery. ay, showery. Thursd A Carnival of Values in Ladies' Tailored Suits OUR $8.50 SUIT Is a marvel, made of ail Wool English Homespun 5 weed, in two shades of Greys. Coat made semi-fitting, double breasted man-tailored por 1 and cufls, and wall Uped: througheut, seven Hore flare skirt with (averted pleat front and back, " The Willow. fine all ro Navy and Brown, de with sewi-fiiting back and fitted Cutaway frodl, tailored. collar and cuffs, fancy buttans, sik-lined eleven gore pleatell shirt - with deep stitched fold. OUR $20 SUIT Is a leader at oe all Wool of in and the price, made Venetian (loth, tolors avy and Brown Black, fitted coat . butyoned to Waist, man-tailored cpllar and cuffs, well Hned and<prettidy trim med with Silk Miltary Braid, Skirt pleated in alternative panels, plain panels handsomely trimmed with self Applique, Cail and soe thera While they re here, STYLE BOOK, AT free Pattern Coupon. . 256, HHP EFE 4 ++ | Steacy's, MARRIED. MALCOLM ELLIS At 4th, 190K Jennie daughter S Kingston, Lotiise w Elis, Pr Institute Malcolm, M.A miversity, Kipghton DIED aged sev Nav Wel ft May Mh Wi years Mt enty-LW at 1 a' k 1 Friends and ac n Invited to avy Hunboy Hi 'fi Sand v quaint respect iu tend AREY William yeurs Funeral fro boro © cloek, Railton mass will vis soul Sih. 1908, Lharty1ovg May aged In b Kingston Carey i homestead; Loughe merning, at 9 to St Varies Church, where & soletin rien be sung lor 'the repose © wn the ol Thursday ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker 'Phons, 577. 287 Princess wires?, NO ADVANCE Although Teas have advapeed in price, we arc still selling Our Own Special Blend At the oid price of 35 Cents the Pound. And the quality is as good as ever. ~THY 11= Jas, Redden & Co.. Importers Of Fite Groceries For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. mimes "Cadi A Tl Apply to EWIFT'S REAL ESTATE end Agency

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