v THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY &, 1908. oR ee _.~* PAGE SEVEN. For ---------- -- i ---- _- - 5 | Hobart College defegtod Columbia | { in an Intereplleginte lea ue game of THE: BOARD OF HEALTH O00 O0TOOTVOVOVVOVOO Te i lacrosse, Saturday, by a score of ten 3 } hi I di =1 --in---- to two. The game was played in mnie ; " } W ! snow flurries. / ! h re : ite n ian |THE LACROSSE TEAM HAS Rabe Marquardt, an American Ag TO CONSIDER THE QUES. h 8 TUS ; e A while Inds b 5 ick be 'BEG UN PRACTICE. sociation "find has won iow! TION OF VACC "INATION. straight games for Indianapolis. dian. When the Indians Will Play B i Charlie Carr bas received fer of i . X { y Brockville dere on the Sived an offer off 4 © ittee A: ted saw shite they . : L000 fro Eo oman. ppoin to Report first aw man th 25th--The Pool Situation--Y. $6.000 from an American League club on Smallpox Hospital Si : 4 % : T mn ------ were sure he was sick. for the first call on Marquardt ser. 4 M C. A. Harriers Busy Run- By the unanimous vote of delegates Discussion Upon Failure to ning. fepresenting upwards of 5,000 Cana- Enforce Sanitary Improve- | Another meeting of the Eastern Op.|di8n paddlers, it was decided at the ments. : ; tario baseball league was held in Na. convention held at Montreal, that the - 99 pence, on Monday. Con. Millan and anmal rdgatta of thet madian Canoe She hoard of health met, yesterday in Wh blood | Joseph Daley, "3 .1 Association woul i§ vear he held| afternoon. 'resent were, 8S. 8. Cor- is proj y fed {Ex il or and Kingston; under the auspices. of the Britannia| Pett (chairman), John Lemmon, Dr. 4 the face glows with health. |man and A. Allison, Bellville; D.|Boating Club of Ottawa. Eiheringtau, = br. _Etuns. Medical y 3 . {Sills and A. Pringle, Napanee. It | ¥ices at the expiration of the playing Health Officer Bell, Sanitary Inspector Scott i | {was decided on motion of Con, Mjl.|®é8son, but has turmed it down. Gordon and Assistant McCammon. THE CINDERELLA CUSTOM lan, that each home team furnish its Tid Cobb, the champion American ss Topartel hat, the quarey i oO : ' fague bats n, k : Vv and OUINGWOoOd streets GRADE SHOE. is a rich blood food. # foun alae. I was aise toed, that Friday, batting ai Tou for on was still unprotected. from the dump Is th rest stvle of Oxford Shoes for Me 18° For Sprang 1908 stands out Irom L ireo ate not' to: exceed ce runs with a double and a triple. Then ing of ria, Me. Sundos suid that 8 the newest siyle oO xior 10e8 for Mien and rong t common place, suey may i ho . . = . § he s ch d bw U a I % reluse already there gshou » | persons. All games will be played un- {he was chase oy Lapin loupe levelled. Recently two persons had| B jwomen. An up-to-date Shoe aptly be named WORKS OF ART wa ) All tH you have seen them ur still be'ter {der the National League rules, been summoned for dumping refuse enjoyed the ease and comfort wearin The : 7 hen he tried to streteh hi 3 in. one of these models you cannot realize | Ih owing *hedule was drawn . i is ty "| there. The board decided to notify the fh Ss BO op ged. "= ETT me en the tor te pi womens ier | § |. WITH NEW STYLE OF EYELETS " June 17--Napanee at Belleville. Byracuse ni ¥ Won the duall condition. : : $3.5 $4. Juns 20--Kingst i track meet with nsylyania State er A ; in 20--Kingston at Gananoque. : : soore. of 12 = The Kingston and Pembroke Rail- H JENNINGS. Ki St June 2 JAnanc-jue at Napanee. College by He : of dt to 53. The way company engineer asked that the Men's Tan Blucher Oxfords, "Sad- . y . , June 27--Belleville at Kingston. meet was eld gn. muddy track and tlet to the Northestreet sewo k 3 " RB 3 July 8<Belleville ut Napanee. the time for the yafiods events was om ved wind rnd ho ie vid dle Ring Eyelets Srarssansenns anasaees » July ll--Gananoque at Kingston, unusually Sates : Broke the Syra- I -- the. property of July 15--Kingston at Belleville,' uke recor : discus throw, which is Willi pay 2 , uly 13 -Jinguion at | Slowile. a Pl ey row, the company, which is willing do pay Women 8 Tan Blucher Oxfords, $3 50 July 22--Kingsion at Napanee, : A ball player mses more care in cided fi ar od uestion to the city "Saddle Ring', Eyelets............... . July 25--Belleville at Gananoque. Ehoosing wa bt thon any. of the oth. engineer and the chy solicitor for re- July 24--Gananogue at Belleville, |r implements 8 trade, according] ii d Women's Patent Colt Blucher Ox- ald : I to those who deal in baseball goods. The sanitary inspector presented the { Vl ' " Aug. J--Napan-e at Kingston. i RADE MARKS 'pastry flour."" As good Ange) TYubance at Singston, The balls are all the same, the gloves | ot AY (EPEC BREIAR Do fords, "Saddle Ring" Eyelets........ for one as for the other-- a n 2 : and THE BEST for Aug. B--Gananogue at Kingston. Mthoy wear do mot make 'much differ- |); , inspectors, showing properties Aug. 12-Kingston at Belleville. ence because after selecting one the |} ¢ had not been attended to, "and th. Auge 15 -Ropsien at Gananoque. Player uses it 5 oh tim. The Slotigs recommended that action be taken to : Aug. 19--Napanes at Belleville, We wears are ol £ Wmportance. He fects re ied. The ig SOLD ONLY AT Beaver Flour isa blend of Aug. 2 Kingston ot Canarcipio: J isn't particulas shout, the spikes in have, the Sntecte remedied. he Jolie ' i" yt Tre i Ang. 26-Gananogue at Napanee. his shoes, but his bats--there is where premises in question, so that the ne- contains just the right - . | Aug. 20-Belleville at Kingston. he is fidgety as a grandmother. cessary action should be taken as I) | : <Q 2G Bellevill ------ ? ibl proportion of each to J ept. 2--Gananoque at Belleville. : soon as possible. ; IMPERIAL CROWN ll make the whitest, most Sept. 5--Napance at Kingston. Have You Throat Droppings ? Dr. Evans wanted to know why the : | nutritious Bread -- and Sept. 9--Kingston at Napanee, ls there a chronic cold in your nose, | law had heen enforced in some cases, BRAND g h ligh : Sept. 12--Belleville at Gananoque. a dropping of phlegm in your throat,| and why so many others had been al- the ig test, tastiest J a awful breath, constant spitting and| lowed to go scott free. On the sani- Every garment guaranteed. , Pies and Pastry. The Y.M.C.A. Harriers. bad taste--you have Calarrh, and tof tary inspector's list were the names of Dursblity comfort, Insist on having Beaver The members of the Y.M.C.A. Har. | 0 it quickly we fecommend Catarrh-| some prominent citizens whose pro- Flour. | riers' Club are out for a ran every p22O0e- It clears gut the nostrils, perties remained unsanitary still. Made only by KINGSTON | . | night, in preparation ,for the two strengthens the throat, cuts out the Mr. Gordon said that the cases dealt : smmi-- HOSIERY CO. LTD. Kingston, & " writs for Ji races here on Victoria dav. The bovs phlegm, gives instant relief. Nothing | with last summer, in the police court, = 5 eT a ia BW Ont, 0. ENO; i get out and fun any time they get a 4a decayed iuls Laturrhorons, hat been upon Spesial Sumplniits RY Yo Rees Oe) D000 DOT 000 Cereals. chance, On Monday evenin wople no-| gr 5 bel. ma ey were not included in the police and FR Taylor . . ung péoy 0" 1 sizes, 25¢. and Sle. An dealers, inspectors' report. (a oR0 CB0B0H0EOBCEON0 f Oo. Limited, Chatham, ticed groups of two or three sprinting . « " al 67 along the roadside. Some likely run % . Dr. Evans wanted to know why the * -- i ners have shown up here during the Wipe Earth With Yankees. 165 privy pits reported against by the past winter, and with time and the| The New Jersey Courier, of Toms| police inspectors, last year, had not merican proper training they sould make| River, N.J., says: heen cleared. Mr. Gordon said that good, and bring back some of the] "Us 8. Consul Howard D. VanSant,|enly forty-seven of the 165 remained ' 4 . . priges to Kingston, that so long ago] of Kingston, Can., writes the Courier| unattended to. When buying a Gas Stove, buy the best used to be hers. that he is president of the Victoria ball] Dr. Evans then wanted to know who » . : club of that city, which holds the! was responsible for following up the Tee éé 9 : v Settled To Work. championship there, and he wouldicases reported agdinst. Mr. Gordon wish 1Ca . CoaliOil A i Al the baseball teams have now | Jike to challenge either Toms River,| replied that it was against the health or . L bric ti g Oils Lakewood or Point Pleasant ¥or an] act for privy pits to be cleaned from u atin i ni Orientals and the Mic-Macs had a | international game or series of games.| May 15th to November 1st. Since last ta , We characterized by fe good workout at the cricket field, on | Howard promises to wipe up th oath November, the work had been attend- 18 acknowledged the best Gas Stove manu- Gasoline stealthy ety Monday night. A large squad was out with the Yankees, bit we wager a big fo Ya, and sally fatty scan fomained, factured. They comprise all the latest make special handling for both teams. apd as long as the cookie that if the game ever camel Dr. ans said that a he want : . . + Ne at ay kinds. | able signals which ight permitted Ty Sone work.| off he would soon som and begin| was to have those responsible for en- improvements. Simple in operation, made : Phe Victorias I and II also had a fine| rooting for the Ocean county boys be-| forcing the health laws to act. The of the best steel, handsome in design, dur- Prices on application. practice at Victoria Park. These two | fore the end of the second innifig." medical health officer pointed out that able, and having the best burners made W. F KELLY & CO. teams have been practising for some : the people had until May 15th to tl 3 ical § t 3 ' tee acd ore Saint In well. The Liniment That Will. clean their pits. 1ey are economical in the burning of gas: Bouth Cor. Ontario and Clarence You can absolutely depend on The discussion ended upon the un- | The Pool Schedule. Susith's White 'Linment to to. every. | derstanding chat the medical heath | 8 EXamine Them Before Purchasing. Pp No schedule for games has vet been! thing that an external application can officer prosecute those who have faile to carry out the orders of the board drawn up in thésnew pool league, but | do. Its action is prompt, certain and] I ramet Rs TT 77 PRINCESS thorough. It sto min, heals in- in regard to unsanitary properties ELLIO BROS 2 ps | r .s ST. ( it is expected that a meeting will be A petits weived from resi . held soon, when representatives of the! juries ahd cures inflammation of every He was id 4 ol Noth different towns will be present and| kind. It should be in your home for dents of Bagot street, hetween North SEER EEEEE CREPE IEE IE bring things to a head. Four good [emergencies now. 26c., only at Wade's | ¥treet and Raglan Read, Sn Bnpmtary Susi a) E : men can be soeured here, and ii the| Drug Store. grounds. The medical health officer EE ------ reported that the drainage on the All lengths, all sizes residence rule is followed out by all . : 3 gh block in question was insufhcient, and I i- Ci . aa . : 9 and to suit all condi the plates, 'Kingston should: Win out. , Yalidisy of U. 3. Divorce. that several properties were rendered ' x Built to order Vancouver, B.C., May 5--Thé ques- unsanitary. The engineer advised that ® Nl of shoeqnaking. The prices are and RO) JMPERIAL g When you buy Underwear ask g for the PRORORORORO wy SE TR TNL SR WE es GE HR I WR TT settled down to good hard work. The tions : . i Lacrosse Practice. tion whether re-marriage in British : ; He. ] T : 3 5 tile be built. The board de- and erected m place om The lacrosse team called a_frastice Columbia on an American divorce is dided raiment to the city coun # 'short notice. br for Monday: night, Aud quite a few fegal will be discussed in police court. |¢i} that & sewer be constmicted on : Estimates Furnishe urnied out for & rum. The hoys meet| Mrs" Peter A. Ui Arvith, aged filty- [sanitary grounds. Goods Arriving Daily for the Spring Trade. Brockville here on Victoria day, and |seven, is charged with bigamy. She The medical health officer reported on Request. fi i §if3 will likely be iu shape to win but. |was for many years a resident of | ypon two wells, whose water was ex- 3 Yahi 9 v Some new players have put in an ap-| Vancouver gud has ten children. She ped o Dr. WT. Connell ad China Cabinets from $12 to 60. pearance, and it is understood that!was granted a divorce in 1905 at [found unhealthv. The wells will be Combination Buffets from $25 to 100. they are good ones. Tacomp, and the second marriage oc- | ordered to be filled in. . B Be ¢ me rei curred/ in Vancouver two weeks ago.| A committee, consisting: of Chair rass ds from $26 to 75. Selby & Youlden, Ltd, i The Chamjion Mic-Macs. Arsitlf is twenty years the jumior of | mam Corbett, Dr. Etherington, Dr. Dresser and Stand from $6.50 to 50, A fine picture of the Mic-Mac hockey | his wile. Evans and Francis King, was ap- Kingston Foundry. team, champions of the Kingston 5 jointed to report at the next meeting Solid Mahogany Dressers & Stand from $50 to 15 5 upon acquiring a site for a smallpox Amateur Hockey Association} is on] Tired nerves. with that "no. abis Yew in Heulersos y Window, and has tion" feeling that is commonly felt in hospital. R Jd Be I D eon greatly admired: . spring or early swmmer, can be easily x: Etherington UrGught up the 3 » . » and quickly altered by takine what is | ouestion of vaccination, and gave no' 0d . » : Victoria Teams' Practice. known to druggists everywhere as Dr. | tice that at the board's next meeting 230 ¥ rincess St. Telephone 077 Ambulance, A practies game will 'he played, at Shoop's Restorative. One will abso. | T~would move -that a general vacei Victoria Park. on Wednesday evening, | 10tely note a changed feeling within | Nation be ordered in Kingston. Dr between' the Victorias: 1 and Jl. tenins. forty-eight hours after beginning to Evans pointed out that a great num- 0 Oh take the Restorative. The bowels get ber of physicians were opposed to vac o sluggish in the winter-time. the circ. | Cination, but Dr. Etherington declared » pC 1 . 5 A paatsmey' Randicappea £3 lation often slows up, the Kidneys are| that the vast majority of doctors held Strawbe . . 1k 300 htt pay. y ORZEr| inactive, and even the Heart in many | the opinion that vaccination was ol rries, neapp es, talk of a .: itter when talking of | ages grows decidedly weaker, Dr. | smallpox preventive. ! ~, ESTABLISHED \ excellence ? The term iv now a mis | Shoon' Weil : < x Th : : : p's Restorative is recognized . -------------- . AND ADMITTED é nomer. It's just like talking of the |crvwhere as a genuine on rong Tin! i nanas Ri e Tomatoe CT. greatest ball player, instead of a great| vital organs. It builds up and] BROVEUR'S HOUSECLEANING. 3 ) Pp Sy do ball player. 'The .300 is now the| strengthens the worn-out weakened greatest. When it comes to great, | arves: it sh a ' : / . 275 is more like it from the standard vy. Shipens,_ the Iniling appe- | Begun a litte Lats, But Going rape rut. \ E v tite, and universally aids ' digestion On Sot: It isa noteworthy fact that but| Is always quickly brings renewed Collier's Weekly : : thirteen men hit over .300 in toth| strength, life. vigor, and ambition.| Now that the tumuit and the shout- major leagues last season. Try it aid be convinesd. S : : i * Eh 3 - 3 . Sold by all! ing has died, it may be said that the With the great strides made in| dealers. ' ro of the Royal Commission on tA Jd : pitching and the usé of the "spit| A Montreal grain merchant recently | the state of the civil service contained ° ® 4 y ess t ball," coupled with moje heady play- seit 'an inquiry . to London by the nothing new in the way either of re. ing ol outfcds, od certain batsmen, wireless system and received an an-| velations or conclusions. It was what ? "Phone 8. Firm of A. L. SILRERSTEIN, ¢76 ["° | wp pt much Shanes swer in less than two hours. people had been saying for years. But : Broadway, New York, N.Y. pny longer. laken as a matter off - If vou ate nervous or dyspeptic, try|it looked worse in print. - A eom- gL : p domparison, the .276 hitter of to-day | Carter's Little Nerve Pills. _ Dyspepsia | mission of honest men brought in an xia v FH HHA -- y rd For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 89- perhaps is just as good as the «300 | makes you nervous, aml nervousness | honest report, and shamed that par- - ---- " ema sh ou 71 Brock St., Ont. hitter ol im years ago. He is up| makes you dvspeptic; either ome ren-| ticular devil who conceives that it is Gi TT g 5.8 Kingston aguinst that much stronger pitching. ders you miserable, and these little] the whole duty of commissions to Don't Pass b ver sines baseball has heccrne Poby- pills cure hoth. take their pay and say: "Hush! y : ar enough to warrant the title of t The Lusitania bas forty-nine clocks! N gl . Yolo- ood PPO 5 You Sannos ossibiy ave national sport the move has been to on board, all controlled by 8 master a ax deputy PN G o rtunities a better handicap the batsman and help the| clock in the chart house. bad been obliged to look through his , + |pitcher. It's time the table is being| Compromise with evil to-day if vou | monocte at the sins of two govern. -f turned and the game is opened wp. are sure you ean tomguer and kill it | ments and of many ministers in the Fans are wiucated day in and day | to-morrow. department of marine, tdok one out to appreciate the great work of The person: who has once experienced glance at the commission and wewd the pitchers and to enjoy a 1 to 0) the' pleasure ded before the storm. He resigned. game. They may sit on the bleachers ] ea feeling He had been told, "You had better and drink in that tort of play and t i or | look out. Courtney is after scalps." Shoe Polish think it's great. In the year 1887, When Sir Charles Fitzpatrick left the : there were fifty batters who bit over government he told Mr. Brodeur' Don't be deceived by imita~ "The commission will take the skin / tions. It means long life HOUSE-GLEANING. ud a ES -- -- 7" Mr. Brodeur megles "to your shoes to be sure Will not be complete without ' | i best place to get new, fresh, sani- ; i " , } iaTch of the OneY, Shas his bean tary mattresses or have old ones ; y ~~ | Vien! Estate rasestioents Ve ted like new, is at 110 , J C retarn, introduced . " perties decrease i values. / { hand, the tendency, ther or renova [ountry, in to increase in value Year hy COM Re a 3 : » : d iyear. We have so ¥Y good - 5 ne n ' , 3 __ -- : {his predecessor, re Poche ; wp [ Lit you are Chinking of "iaveating ng edge v le buy, seli and r | chm Rea! Esta of all kinds, and | woul likes to do with you. - .' J. Lockhart, gop Rea! Estate and Insurance . 3 &