Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1908, p. 4

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Ta ine wel he NT SHARPENER | For Lawn Mowers Fills a Leng Felt Want Makes Old Lawn Mowers Better Than New. Improves New Ones. + ¥ Handy tool to sharpen Kitchen Knives and Garden » Tools or anything that a , scythe:stome will do. > 35¢. SOLD OFLY AT Swot 8 hrvvane, Price ¥ THE WHIG, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306 810 2s Kay Aueet, J Xin ex at $6 per Edition: and & p.m, T WEEKLY BRITS WHIC 56 pages, pub- lished in parts on Monday an $1 a year. To bas to be Gr vahed a. spe of the best Job Printing % 'is ope Ofices in Canada; Brg aid, Stykuh, aad cheap The British Whig Publishing Co., Ed. The British Ww. J.B. fl EEN a er actor, Daily Whig. SHOUTING TOO LOUDLY. "Ten members of the liberal party in the Ontario legislature have an- nounced their retirement into private life, Harcourt, Monck; MeMillan, Glen- garry; Currie, Prince Edward; FPres- ton, South Brant; Musro, North Ox. ford; Hislop, East Huron; Me(oic, Kent; Cameron, West Huron; Ander son, East Peterboro; McDougall, East Ottawa." The conservative papers are spread- ing the above with comment upon the contrast shown by conservative mem- bers in nearly all clambering for re- election, It doe mot take much cour age to chmmpiow a signally victorious party, especially when that party feels pe soc. Beautiful Wall Papers. A Paper for Every Room, Every House-now in ready for your inspection. leasure to show you. look through this stock. Even though you do not intend to decorate now it is to your in. terests to find out just what we the time arrives, you will know where you may obtain at right prices, that which will make your walls are offering, so that when look miost beautiful. Let your own good taste be judge. THERE IS NO BETTER WALL PAPER LINE IN AMERICA. W. H. Medley, Cor. Clergy & Princess Sts, stock-- We believe t should be a pleasure for you to ROOFING! | ROOFING! | Oshawa Galvanised Steel Shingles, 'made by the Ped- lar people, will make a first. class roof at a moderate cost. They can be easily laid by any handy man. No solder, no paint, no dirt. Rain Proof, Snow Proof, - Fire Proof. See the Shingles at Anglin's Lumber Yard. S. ANGLIN & CO. Foot of Wellington St. Read in din nid Velna #h Turon Ne ona Jabutity, Bens. bd and Brain Worry, orrioen, a vd Roots of. aid ti six f: 0 po br Teal Gel len Tay een Tvonto, Ont R. CRAWFORD it is the very salt of §he earth and invulnerable. But several of the alleo- ed "retirements" are not on grounds of politival discouragemint.. MeCoiy, Hislop and McMillan are candidates for the House of Commons--are going up higher. Anderson has been on a death bed, literally, for over a year. Currie has been very ill, and unfit to run. McDougall is in the field, The re- treat is therefore members and Preston whole province hopes, to Brant's choice, Hon. A. G. Nachay "The liberal party in Ontario is strong for this provincial elec- saw liberals in better lighting fettle. The more 1 go through the province the more that is appar: There's hardly a convention in ridings new held by tories in which thete are not numbers of strong men who feel confident of winning. Take South Oxford, for example, half a dozen good men offering, Lots of men, and that shows there's a good hearty liberal spirit abroad - in the and." is yet, the be South lately said : united and tion. | never ent, Hon. F. Cochrane is going to law for a vindication of his character. It is charged by Mr, Laughrin, formerly a member of the legislature for Nipis- sing, that he was oflered ¥5,000 to keop out of the way when Nr. Coch- rane sought the seat, that he was promised imumunity from the spoils system and as registrar suffered deca- If the suit goes on we may Fitation. the get at the facts; but meanwhile election will" be over, WHITNEY A DECEIVER. Whitney has been exposed as a Wheén he sprang the Cena- dian Northern railway guaranten up- on the houso he alleged that he wanted to improve the security of the government, that the original mort gage on the road did not cover the terminals. He did nov give the oppo: sition time in which to investigate. It had been before +' - congervative party caucus, but th rite were not entitled tosany favours from the gov- ernment, and théy were expeciéd to gulp down the dose without a gri mace, Two days later the business of the house was rushed to a close, design edly: it would seem, and the bill was given its third reading at a session which was called hall an hour before the usual hour. Later, Mr. MoKay, the leader of the opposition, in reading over the act of 1004, discovered that it provided for a first mortgage on all the property, moveable and. im- movahle, building, plant, rolling stock, and revenues present and fo- ture. If there were anything defective about the mortgage, the Whitney gov- ernment had to assame. the responsi- bility since it was not given undil 1906 two years after the maps and re- cords had been fyled for inspection. The scandal deepens and becomes in- rlefensible as a consequence, and it is not relieved in the slightest by the gross deception of the premier. He in- timatcs that the. liberals knew the facts, They did . nbt or there would have heen a*more 'emphatic - protest against the deal. It was indeed smug gled through the house, and became effective when ; some. of the members were away from Toronto, and uncon- scious -of 'what was going on. Some conservative members, however, ox- pressed dissatisfaction, and they were in counsels of the party and conveni: ently absented thomselves from the session. which gave the full effect. Mr. deceiver. 'glad to have the a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1908. mately, in the passage of certain bills. Seme men's interests are vital ly and materially aficcted by legisla- and men who have mo ignoble purposes to serve are Very guidance of those who are skilled in parliamentary pro- codure, "the registered and officially recognized legislative agents," alore- Live measures, said.' There was a time, in the years ago, however, when the lobbies of Eng- land's great house ofl parliament were invaded by political thugs, and an Americar writer lays the Hattering anétion to his soul that the scandals which then occurred "were greater than any that have disgraced the American congress." For there has been something doing at Washington in the lobbies recently, that was rank enough to be outrageous, and the fedlings of one congressman found vent in a charge of bribery. It is one thing, to be sure, to make an indictment, and another to sus tain i, and there is the usual diffi- culty of gaining form or justification to the charge of wrongdoing. The very fact that the white light of pub- licity has been turned upon the trans reduced to four |™ expert adviser, actions of some men is having the ef- fect of making life at the capital more tolerable. It is hard to differentiate between lobbyists and between the motives by which they are influenced. Our wn Whitney broke out Yriously in the last session against those who lined she corridors of parliament and ade the passage from his office to chamber an occasion for stumbling. There in that group the men of great and little pull, and if the events of "that awful could be analyzed it might be profited most the legislative were week," seen that those who were net "the registered and officially recognized legislative agents." who are extolled in England and America, but the mighty men whose in- fluence, as representatives of the fin- ancial corporations, cannot be scouted or ignored. There has been a murmur among the mulberry leaves around Harrowsmith, and Mr. Gallagher, late M.P.P., has been heard from. He wants it under- stood that he is Jn need ; of the. sup- port of every " true conservative." 'He means by this the machine men, and they are not as bumerous as they were, ---- WHAT THE CITY WANTS. The close of Mr. Campbell's connce tion with the light department, asan opens the way for a candid review of the whole The city mow owns all the new and situation. groat workin called the public ulilities, and they involve business abd techni "feal treatment. There is, therefore, the concentration' of legislative wisdom to the end that the city may get: the re- sults financially which it has a right to expect. The Whig has already, on several occasions, a8 it is prepared to do again, advocated such a_course oh the part of the council as will secare to the city the best seriice on the part of its officials, 2 It has now an expert at the head of the works department an authority oni the subjects which come under his at tention. It has in connection with the water works department a man whose fidelity is beyond all question, an ex- pert. on pipe-laying, with a limited field for usefulness now that the wa- ter system has reached pretty nearly every fiabitable' portion of the city. And it Has at the power house men who are said to be competent to dir ect the public interests so for as steam and electrical power are con- cerned. Aretail these men, and the subordinates whom they contgal, em- ployed to the best advantage ? One has to go agein to the private capi- talist for lessons in economy. Would any wan, owing all these properties or planis, run them separately with divided interests ane staffs, and with out the harmony of action which makes for profits ? Certainly not, He would probably select a head for all the plants, a level-headed, experienced man, apd would commit to bim the task of reorganizing all the employees so that each fitted inth the place for which he: had "the . qualification and that all the departments worked with that understanding with each other which ensured success, "+ To Mr. Craig, the city cngineer, he would assign the excavations in streels and construction work for which has had a special training; to Mr. Hewitt he would remit ali pipe-laying, of every kind, for gas or water pur- poses; to Mr. Folger be would refer all matters pertaining to the electri- cal appliances and equipment, and to|short Me. Evans all that. concerned the steam-boilers and machinery in the 120 pump and power houges. In this way the mechanical and tech EE ------" CHASING DOWN THE SINNERS. The first sestion of the new Civil Servite Commissionr--that appointed to do. what the previous cobumission had failed to de, namely point out the offenders--has begun its work. At the outset, however, a disappointment is felt. The old commissioners grop- ed their way through much darkness, the civil servants and "suspects" bhav- ing, according to thé auditor-general, offered them no 'light and guidance They found out some things, and left on record that they believed there were ih the Bervice men without con science, 'men 'who weére dishonest. Two of commissiovers were the fist, witnesses 'before Judge Cassels, nd they declined to Roiut the finger fo anyone And say, "Thou art the man." 17 repea thot the public bave in, employment officials who are sehsing Awo masters, and doing it successfully, seripture to the com- trary, but mot being detectives, and not being. reguired to go further by the commission under which they act ed, they deolined to name the sinners. So the work practically will have to be done over. Each of the transact- ions of say the last three years will be examined, the transactions of the period covered by the present minis- ter of marine and fieheries, and where ever -evitlence is found of irregularity it will 'be pursued to a finish and the responsibility or censure for .it fixed. The work will be thoroughly done, in public, and justice will = eventually be handed out, The whole department must mean- while remain imder a dowd. Nor will there he mugh symputley expressed for it under the circumstances. The offi- cials gave the government and the minister all the worry they could, They became stumbling blocks in the way of the' first commission. They aided the opposition in a wanton at- tack upon Mr. Brodeur during the discussion 'of his estimates. They may be suffering mow, but not seriously. These who could: stand the taunts and jibes of press and parliament can stand the suspicion of being tainted until Judge Cassels has been able to single out the sheep from the goats and treat then as they should be, EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Grey was good enough to be a candidate in London when no one else would run, but now that the party is in' power in "Ontario and flush the Beck [action bands Bill a lemon. - me . Mr. 'Brodeur has at last seeh the ne codsity -of handling. the troublers of the opposition without gloves. After his' last round with the Bennett in tion they wore a sad and subdued ap pearance; : FT tpe-- . With" a" rearrangement of the debt the city would have thousgnus of dol- lars for public improvement, and in the sear future. Why should the citi- zens of to-day load themselves for the sake olf posterity 7 Why "Should: there not be civil vice falorm in Ontario, and the pointment and pramotion of offivials on 'wemt? Mr MdeKay favors it, Mr, Whitney is mum. Why? He fa- vours the spoils system, her. ape . Toronto's latest estimate of the cost of a plaut whereby it inay get power fron! Niagara is $3,575,080, and the contract for power runs for thirty years, The city may have occasion to repent of: the deal in sackcloth and ashes, a cheap of London, the official ex. Whitney government, soe But: he the dig Mr. Judd, ecutioner of the does not object to serve when official has to lose his head, does protest against the use of word "hangian." It is not a nified title. Axeman is better. -- Mr. Urey declined to be a candidate in London at a convention which was packed for Mr. Beck. He does not de cline a nomination from a "where every man who calls himself consepvative "whl Nive a voice and vot." The trouble is not over in London yeti \ convention : i-- Up north the people want to know what information the La Rose syndi- cate gave the government that they ment. One of the syndicate is David Dunlop, a brother-in-law of the minis- ter of mins. Evidently Mr, (ochrane is good to his own. {SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Weather Freaks. bey Free ton dpetch speaks of "the rises a snowstorm in May." What memories some of these rural dita have! The fourth 'of May Ie one of the freaks of nical departments would be harmoniz- Toromta fimancisl departments group of against the nomination of Mi date should | get $130,000 'from the govern ifmade in dunouncigg a court decision | Sometimes Votes may be Sought by tondemning u disallowan, we Liberal Book Bargains. orahto Globe. The school hook reduction is one of Premier Whitney's failures. He has helped the publishers to work off some dead stock, but the change has been within limits too narrow to admit of § general public benefit. ) Shying At t Giméy. 2 Exchange The#Oshawa conservatives are still very angry over the sort of rec eption given to Mr. Gamey on the occasion of his recent visit. It appears that just before Mr. Gamey got up to speak a number of those present left the smok¢f, to the great anmovance and disgust of of the faithful. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. Why Not in Ontario ?--Blighting Touch of Spoils System. Hamilton Herald. Some measares of civil service re- form which will diminish the power of patronage and make appointments to the public service more dependent on merit than they have been, is sure to be introduced at Ottawa before long promise to that efiect has come from 'the government. It would 'be pleasant to' be able to announce that a similar refoon is be- ing considered by the government of Ontario. The time is ripe for such a policy in this province. During the three years that the Whitney govern ment has béén in office it has made vigorous use of the "spoils" broom, and the political complexion of the civil service has undergone a rapid change. © The application of the "spoils" system has produced its na tural effect. For every official who has been unjustly dismissed there is a persons, the relatives and friends of the dismissed offic ial, who aré awaiting their opportunity to show their resedtment. A typical case is that of John Loughrin, late registrar of Nipissing He was dismissed from office, and is now the liberal candidate for that rid ing. Mr. Loughrin has many conser vative friends who believe that he was unjustly treated, and who will be in. clined to make their protest and ex press their [sympathy for him hv giv ing him their support. The action taken-by Charles Collins, of Dundas, effect of the patronage system Mi Collins, one of the most stalwart con servatives in Wentworth, . protests Wilson for the north riding, claiming that it was obtained through the arbitrary action of the "machine." He threat eis to run as an independent candi unless another conservative who of con field saner" to would command the confidence servatives generally renters the He invites "the older and members of the party to "'come the front and lift the party out frgm amongst the horde of office and pa tronnge seekers into which it has by a great misfortune fallen." Hf the conservative party of worth has, as Mr. Collins charges passed into control of gp horde of office and patronage scekers; that misfor tune is directly due to the patronage system. Not only is it a curse to the province; it is a source of weakness to the party in power. It would be good party tactics as well as a high patriotic dutv for the Whitrey gov ernment to abolish it S$ How fine it wollld be to hear My Whitney make a definite announce ment in favor of civil service reform such a reform as would do away with the patronage blight know w ife is My friend, look here! you how weak and nervous vour and you know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and boy her a box ? Mant Aetna is again active and vio leit earthquakes are expected THERE 15 QALY ONE SURE WAY Hose Supporters that give ge rs ~ always ask. your dealer for C. M. C. HoseSupporters and see thatthe letters "C.M.C." arestamped on the metalclasps. Don't let the dealer substitute one of many imitatiogs. C.H.WesTwoop aCo. Livres TORONTO RLY 1. and Bia 2 : TT HERPICIDE NOT A FAKE, -- Unsolicited Testimonials Tell of It's Superiority, Alired R. Kelley, residing at 27193 Devisadero street, Sam Francisco, Cal. rite the following : "When t purchased ride, 1 thought, like the majority Ta pre- have called So tr a ed _att my sealp, and inquired of me what I have ® erpicide'; ¥ ¥ HELIA 040444 2 *¥ E44 HEPES also reveals the blighting | - - -- ---- - BAER LI EEE ARIA EA EAE EERE EEF SEF EHS +4 4 ¥: Spring Goods Arriving : Every Day. Men's Nobby Spring Suits in fine Tweeds, est patterns, $8, $10 and $12. newest cut, new- Men's Nobby Spring Suits, in Fine Cheviots and Serges, $12.50. Bibby's $15 Specials, Hand-Tailored Suits are beauties, in fine Blue and Black Worsteds, Fancy Worsteds, etc. handsome style, 25¢ and Fancy Hosiéry, new creations, i 40¢. per pair. Dainty Neckwear. any man's while coming to Our display of Spring Neckwear is worth see, 25¢. and 50e¢. in Spring Shirts, 25 and $1.50 Spring Shirts. We've bevies of beauties, . Rew patterns and very handsome, 75c., $1, $1 Try Biboy's Great $2 Hats. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. BELLE P2000 0044 0TRR 0020065404444 449 44% Went- | "slump."' offices with L. C. bas an efficiency of 100 per cent end to the other brilliant in cords in the typewriter world SR00enNc OIC REOROGIRIOIORIROIOOIOOIN ORNS James Reid's, PIC METALS - _ . -- L. C. SMIrH LEADS LIST Big Dividends In Service. Public opinion is the 1. C. Smith Typewriters lead over all other wra- ing machines The rapid pise of the L. C. Smith in popular favor is shown by the tre mendous volume of sales and the. ever-increasing demand Investors in L, OC. Rinith Typowrite ers all over the world are receiving enormous dividends Thewo dividends aro paid In the form of splendid service, which is just as good as the GOLD, .. "Buy L. C. Smith's! Bu L. O Bmith's 1" That's the cry of men who are posted bn the "inside" facts of the typewriter situation There's absolutely no speculation in buying L. C. Smith Typewriters. The L. C. Smith is worth over one hun the dollar--never cents on never suffers a dred * a dividend, 1 ' passes and always leads the list Shrewd, far-sighted men--the Smith Typewriters EXCLUSIVELY L. C. SMITH TYPEWRITER (The Standard Visible Writer) every day in the week and from one It's as slmple as A BC, and complete from A to It poeets the need for rapid work with speed to spars It fits into any business groove as though it were built to order The L. Ca Smith Typewriter original in design, perfect la performance. t has overturned all Hulls and Bears of Business--are equipping their Because the year's onstruction typewriter traditions And precedents--brokean all re set up a new standard of results Have our demonstrator call and show you the machine, we bear sll expense Keep your eve on the L. CU. Smith! J. E. FERGUSON CO., Eastern Dealers, 205 Queen Street, =~ JAOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess St., A full stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines hand, Seg fF ypewriters Ottawa. Kingston always un Lawn Mowers: Repaired We have in our shops an expert at Repairs on Lawn Mowers and Lawn Tools. : : : Er All Work Guaranteed to Be Right. | : "Phone us at 223--or drop a post card. We do the rest. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St 0000000000000 000000000000000OOOOOGOINIPIIEINOIGOYS HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY + By Using Our Furpiture Restorer Your labor seems in vain if you do not add something new from our well assorted stocks. Brass and Iron Bedsteads Springs and Mattresses to fit Also Dressers and Stands in great variety, at The Leadiog *Undertaker, Phone 147 for Repairing. Copper, Lead Tin, Zine. We are headquarters. Send us your inquisies, Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., or a 3 J

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