Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1908, Nr TASTEESSEIRettess siItnitetIanTeIY Ssscesesotessens Crumley's For Housefurnishings" We want to see all our old customers a crowds of new ones in our Housefurnishing Department thik month, for we are showing some' of the greatest values in these seasonable goods, which we have ever had to offer to the public. Tine and thought have been lavishly expended on this department and everything is ready for the most careful and critical inspection. Come and compare prices and values. Be- low are a few of the many articles showni= Linoleums All widths, Black and Floral Patterns, Dark and Light Colors, fully guaranteed, special prices. Oil Cloths For Floor, Stairs, or Tables, all new, fresh goods, different widths, nice clean patterns, for 25c., 30e., 35¢., 45¢., 60c. Rugs Some of the finest to be seen in town, all harmonious colorings and pretty patterns, from $4.50 to $25. Lace Curtains! All the latest patterns and all new, fresh gpring stock, differ- ent lengths and widths, beautiful designs, from 26¢. to $10 per pair, Cash Coupon Premiums All kinds of Housefurnishings to be A cir CASH COUPON System. Chairs, Iron Beds, Sofas, Desks, Tables, Cutlery, China, Clocks, Glassware, ete. Come and see them. sizes, beautiful different qualities, STTTTTTOTAASSINOIORIAININIRR0E0QRSARRARSROAGNSSANNSQOSR000OS : ; > i . » ' : : : on nanas ip Special Prices for Oranges ; Appi ge Saturday R.H. TOYE, King St re We dont: LL halos. they th the clothes. Your ride in our store is" phe pride in it." It's one of the things we are fae for Jats you, get to "the paint oF Jou foeling og . "YOUR STORE." To watch your interests hore te or them in sich a way that wheneyes of Ren FIRED PISTOL IN AIR CLIMBER, Brock Street Residents, Near University Avenue Startled--A Drunken (Citizen Tried to Get Into Another's House, The residents of Brock street Letwes Division street and University aV%enwe vere started early this morsing by the report of a pistol. Many went to their windows to see whet the trou ble was, and saw a man at su up stairs window, telling a magn sitting on his steps to get out or he would shoot him. Two nights lately this same wan has been gwakened by some one trying to get in his front door or trying to cligh up the porch. If was the same man who uied to gain en- trance both times. The man, who is well known in the «ity, was" intoxi- cated and thought he was going into bis own house and finding the door locked bégan 10 climb up the veran- dah. Last night he again tried to effect entrance, and the resident of the house opened the window and told him. to move on. No heed was paid to the remarks other then some foul names. The drank kept on ying te gain an entrance. Finally Ru scare bim away, the man in the window fired a shot into the air, and even this was paid po attention to. dhe man seemed bound to get in, so he took off his coat and tried to climb up on the pillars to = ths baleony above, but did not succeed. Finding all his attempts to gain entpance futile, bo went away, leaving his coat on the "steps. The coat was taken in charge by the police and is now at the station, HOSSACK STRIKES HARD, Government Has Broken Its Pro. mises--Time's Up. From the Hossack Letter. "Un January 24th, 1905, ney made a public appeal and declared that should - his Yuture conduct not be approved, the people might withdraw their confidence. Does Mr. Whitney feel that he has lost pub- He | confidence ? He has so arranges many constituencies by hiving liber als that the withdrawal of liberal con- fidence will not affect the standing of the parties in the legislature. On January 26th, 1905, Mr. Whitney pub- lished his 'glad appreciation' of the fact that 'liberals in large numbers' supported him, In 1908, apparently with the expectation of losing liberal support, Mr. Whitney's appreciation is expressed by higing the liberals. There were a grim humor in the situation did it not savor so strongly of the very ordinary, commonplace and tricky politician." "When the government passed the threp-fifths clause of the local option act it. was guitty of reactionnry legis- lation. Ever since Ontario became 'a province the majority in a municipal ity "has had the right to decide ppon the granting of licenses, These rights Mr, Whit- for aid, PPwese firnily established 'and founded upon a scuse of British justice and equality. Why has the government tampered with them ?" "A judge onlv a few dave aco de- clined to hear a cave in which his son- inlaw was a witness, In the Larose case the brother-in-law of one of the ministers 'was a claimant. and $130,000 was given to him and his associates The explanation is that the of this large sum farnished valuable information to) the government. What was the information ? The people paid for it and should kag what it as." "The close of the Session witnessed a rapid degeneration in: the govern- ment. Its acts have been suspicious, and the province should be on the watch.' 'Faerv liberal---and there are many ~who from & sense of duty supported in the last campaign the party new in power. when 'he considers the pres. ent situation will perceivy that the same sense of duty will compel hun to labor for a strong and able op position." GOOD JOKE F GONE WRONG. And Hugh Clarke H, Had to Put Foot in Mess. Montreal Herald. Mr. Whitney perpetrated rather a good joke on his followers in the Oun- tario legislature in the last week of the session just ended. He came down one day in one of his tearing rages and told the house what burden . his life was since the lobbyists had got after him. He could not dodge them. They were alter him everywhere. He couldn't walk from the office where the cabinet met to the Rgislative chamber without being waylaid half a dozen times hy people=-very respect able people most of them--esking for thisgs they sbouldn't get, and which the government couldn't let them have. Something must really be done, he insisted, to save him from the wiles of the lobbyist. "And then--Mr. Whitney had the legislature guaran- to the interest on $2,500,000 in favor of Messrs," Mackenzie & Mann, two «who, with their advisers, are rightly Sonsidleted the domain shed lobbyists this young dominion fn The worst of it is, that when he was in opposition TO SCARE, AWAY A PORCH| recipients | HAmusements. TO- N IGHT. | America's Most Popular Laughing Trust. GEO. H. PRIMROSE Tal MINSTRELS STAR 10 Side-Spliting Comedians, 15 Splendid Singers Fiphos Orchestra. PLE 5, nice show for mice people. Grand Street Parade, st pom Prices, 25¢., 80c., 'Toc, ot. Beats now on sale. wo Wig THURSDAY MAY 7th. CHARLES hid LING HANES ants roduotion - | a The Red Min HENRY BLOSSOM and VICTOR He BERT, Company of 60, As ted of 40, 2 Cars Orchestra, Chorps Beenery and Efle€ts. The Famous Datch Kiddies Together with JOHN FORD as "Cen Kidder, WM. RB. SWOR as "Kid Conner." Teems with Music, Mirth, Girls, Songs, Dantes and Travesties. Prices, 5c. ble, 78c., 1.81.00. Sgats now on sale. "Alice in Wonderland" Under the Auspices of Whatsoever Circle, King's Daughters, in id of Siunpson Ward, General Hospital. CITY HALL FRIDAY, MAY 8th Ho & pa, 25¢. apd, bc, VICTORIA DAY THE VICTORIA DAY COMMITTEE intend putting on a M ads Par on the night of May 256th, and will pleased to meet all Citizens, willing 3 to participate, at D. Hay's Machinery Hall Clarence St.. on WEDNESDAY, AT. 8 P.M. C. T. McKAY, Secrelary. Seats, If You Intend Selling Out ~CALL ON= TOMMY O'CONNOR Auctioneer and Commission Mart, 86 and 88 Brock St. ALL SALES CAREFULLY CONDUCT. ED, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS MADE, Mr. Whitney's joke would have been perfect. The trouble with NY, Clark 1s that he is a humorist himsell. PASTED TIGHT T0 WALK. Girl Under "Merry Widow" Hat Meets. Mishap. Oswego, N.Y., May 5.1 was all the fault of the " bill poster who spili- ed the pmil of paste om the font steps at the corner of Pridge Water streets. To be it up as best he could, 'but stil] rv remained a thin film of the sticky slippery stuff on the walk, The girl was charming as she tripped along: uader her "Merry Widow" bat, glancing. demurely frqm right to left. Had she glanced doit there would have been no calamity on that cormer, but she wag otherwise engaged. She stepped upon the paste. bor one awful moment she tied" to keep her foet and then she fell grace fully to be sure, and sat upon the cement steps. She looked to see af she had been noticed and 'hastily started to rise, but something: was holding her. She toed again and still again and then became alarmed. It was « heroic rescue which the voung mah, a restauraut proprietor in West First street, made and it required more than ordinary strength to separate the girl fre the" padle, which, good, but ghe was pretty and it was really worth the while, he thought, until she started on witholit a word of thanks. Chagrined, he stood, looking after her and was heard to mutter as she disappeared : 'Guess 'wou were more stuck up than 1 thought for,'s Death To Eleven Sailors. Newport, Ore., May 5.--During storm, Friday night, steamer Minnie E. Kellon shifted and swung a bad leak. Saturday noon a huge wave struck the vessel and wash- eid her deck and cabin, leaving the water-logged 'and' unmanage Eleven of the crew were drown. white trying to launch a vessel able. ed, some hoat. Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 For Women." "I was written expressly for women who are not weil. The Book No. 4 tells of Pr. Shoop's "Night Cure" and just: how his soothing, he ant tories can he ag, applied Th The hook, and strictly -ronfidential mpdienl advice is entirely free. Write, Dr. Shoopy Racine, Wis. The Night Cure is sold by all dealers. . . Alexander Rose, arrested. on suspic cion of being the man who bratally assaulted Miss Ethel Skitch in Well, woods store. on. Yonge street, . Teron. to, on: yridar last, was arraigned on four charges. £ Unusual i coming from adaval firm, was |} on the coast th] ON Ad- office. A CARRIAGE WOODWORKER. good at repairing. Ra Joby dress "Woodworker," Whi MAN TO MAKE HINSELF around a wholesale establish Xt dive mouths. Ap Wholesale," care Whig A YOUNG useful meat for Ply by fette oe WANTED-FEMALE, AND A HOUSE- R. E, Kent, 85 A PARLOR MALD maid. Apply to Mrs, King street. AP- A GOOD CENERAL SERVANT. at ply between 2 and 3 or 7 and 8, 196 Johnson street. GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENCES required. 'Apply to Mrs. Frances Hill Macnee, 252 King street, A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing or iroping. Keforencus required. Apply to Mrs. W. T, Connell, 11 Arch street. A GOOD GENERAL SER- A aller lock in the 4 ply fol Toh Merrick 130 street. ARCHITECTS. ARTIUR ELLIS, ABCHITECT, oF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. AT ONCE, vant. evening, Bagot HENRY P. SMITH, te« Anchor Bu Phone, 345, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, chant's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. 'Phone, ARCHITECT, Market Square. BR. rock 213. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second Soar over Mahood 8 Drug Tr rincess he street store y 1 Katrance os 608. streets ' Phone, ENGINEERS. R. BECKWITH, KE. M. Ontario Consulting 18 Market St., A. M. CAN Association Engineer and Kingston. ERNEST Soc. © Architects, Architect MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents tham any other tompany offers. Examine them at Godwin's ' Insurance Emportum, Mark: st Square. LONDON AND GLOB Fire Insurance Company, Availab assets $01,187,215. In addition to, which the policyholders have for! socur®y the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Farm and perty dosured at lowést possible | rates. Before remewing old or giving | new business rates from Strange | & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 0568. MARRIAGE LICENSES. LIVERPOOL, Ci; Ss KIRKPATRICE, Licenses, 43 Clarence St, (THE PARNGRAPH | PULPIT REV, kon w. Casson, Is God Just ? Surply God is just, We cannot well believe otherwise. In order to be just He must rule by laws kindly, univer sal, inexorable. Good actions must poceive their reward, always. Evil ac tiohs must their punishment alwave, As a man sows, so must he reap, always I'he of salvation must be hased upon these essential de mands of justice. There can be vo for giveness that gives ap undeserved ward or takes deserved pen alty. Salvation by divine mercy favor, but as the result human action. MH this is not then is God not just? receive law re away a cannot be or of 50, at 25 for the Rev. C. W. Casson, Boston, Mass, Address, Beacon street, literature. Tue BARKER MOTOR 'has from ihe first ghown itself fo be ? denign. ap MechaRical ideas of ven worth, com with the Fi materials and caretul attention to details make it THE LEADER OF ITS GLASS, . L. Banker, NorwaLK, Conn. WHITNEY A FAILURE. Took Office Auspiciously--Did Not Play Game -Squarely. Toronto Globe. No premier ever whe into office un- der more favorable conditions than those which awaited Mr. Whitney. The liberal majority in the assembly had dwindled away until it bad virtually disappeared. Determined to brin~ this gtute of demoralizing upcertaibtly to an end, many liberals all over 'the province voted fof his candidates and thus | gave him an unprecendentedly which the brother-m-law of his minis- large majority. All he had to do to retain it was to carry on the govern- ment of tHe prévince - with vigdr, purity, and liberality. Had this been dome many liberals who helped to put Rim into office' wondd have been will- ing to assist in keeping bim in it to enable him to show what he conld do 10 justify their support. To their sur. prise- he almost immediately began to dismiss public officials against whom no charges were ever made, so that there were more dismissals for pas trofage purjoses in the last four years than Shere h had been in the pre- ceding thirty. Before the closp.of his first term he put himself so complete ly in the hands of Wiliam Mackenzie as to be reduced to a position of political servitude akin to the rela tion in which some ic men in the Sudted Sines hog railva great ists a ¥ putes of that country. And, worst "i of all, be became a Party to the est snd most diseraditable vio tion of public trust that has occured in Cangda within half a century when he sanctioned legislation that made go present of and thirty thou- a amd I hon. ty pro- | ISSUER OF | FOR SALE, BAKERY OR for same to rent. Brock street. PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY kind. . Cull or write to Mrs. Cayicss ing street, over Armstromg's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH timates on electric work. All kinds of work DreRBuy done. F, J, Birch, Electrician, 208 Wellington street, BUILDING SUITABLE Apply Mclans, 51 SOME MORE PROPERTY TO BW Il you have say. give us dstally. Will turn fi into cash. Dobbs, 171 Wellington et, A JGB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or Cellars, or other carted; Prices right. ARvly to Lytle, General Carter, Malp St. Af GENTLEMEN GET made at ato oor NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. one up your fixturgs to look kke of silver, Nickie and Copper Plat- House Wiring. Repair work a quick. Large assortment of Las and Hlectrid Chandellers, Fresh Bats Yerien Just in, 79 Princess St. 'Phone 441. SITUATIONS VACANT, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen doliars weekly: Help secure pomitions. Will Sauip shops. Cone aa ant practice. Careful instructions. Weeks complete course, Usta- ioe free. rite Molex Barber lege, Toronto. TINSMITH WANTED MUST BE TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. Wellington street. Apply ningham 6&0 and 63 A. B, Cun TN A TAYLOR JD FOR FLOWER REDS or top dressing. Also ashes removed. Drop a card to Albert Stansbury, #41 Barrie street. YOUNG HORSE, Runabout, Harness, gain Hf sold at epnoe, Plum street. HUBRER TIRE n Cutter A 'bar. Apply to ' NO. 188 URKIVERSITY AVE. POU BLE solid brick house, hot Walter heat. ing, open plumbing. Apply W,; 1h Sullivan, Clarence street. PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OF H. 1 fartelsky, Verona, consisting ot frame store andi dwelling, wail estas dished general store business, good reason for selling. Apply to J. SR. McCann, 51 Brock St. Kingston. erry PROPERTY CHEAP: NO, Bagot St, sear City Park, all provements, 9 rooms, large exten sion; No 204 King St, well Luilt stone house of about 12 rooms: No. 82 Ontario St, 12 rooms, all' ime provements, hot water heating, " snap. Geo. Chiff, Real Kstate, 95 Clarence St. 8 fm TO-LET. A ---------------------- FURNISHED DWELLING, storage for furniture, ete. 51 Brock streel. OR ROOMS, McCann PASTURE FOR HURSER AND COWS, first-class bench worker, capable of making up stock well and fast. When applying kindly state the number of ten quart pails also a few other staple lines you are prepared to make in a day of ten hours. Also wages required and experience: Apply Pr. Leslie & Son, Alexandria, Ont LOST. A WALTHAM WATCH Finder Kindly wave at name and be re ON SATURDAY Stem Winder Whig office, with warded. ON UNION ORR ALFRED of Long Kid Gloves kindly return w Corner Barrie LAST NIGHT Sts., a pair Will the finder James' Rector) Union Sts. ? PERSONAL. BIRTHMARKS, | +s ~ Pemoved without scar. Twenly years ox Soca. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Har, No Throat and Skin Blemish Socialist; 258 Bagot street. FOR SALE OR TO LET. FIRST-CLASS BLACK SNITH ] perty, in village of Sydenham further particulars, apply to Lake, Sydenham, Ont. ROOMS TO LET. For Calvin BR 1IGHT AIRY ROOMS, ON street, near sireet car fufict fon and wile preferred; 'J hone ond conveniences. Apply Box Whig office TENDERS. Tenders for Bending Machine, Sorel TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undersigned at Ottawa, and endorsed on the envelope "Tender for Bending Machine, Sorel,"': will be recened at the Department of Marine and Fisheries Ottawa, up to hoon of the : EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1908. for the furnishing of one machine for hending steel boiler plates, to he deliver- ad at the Government Shipyard, at Sorel, P 4 Specilications and detailed information can be obtained m the Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, from the Director of the Government Shipyard at Sorel, and from the Agent of the Ie t of Marine and Fisheries, Mont Flach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque op a chartered Canadian Bank, for the wum of $300.00 10 the order of the - Minister of Marine and Fisheries This cheque will be forfeited if the whose tender is accepted declines to enter into a contract to deliver the bending machine, or fails to cary out the con tract. If the tender is not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Departvient does not bisd itsell to accept the lowest or any tendgr. Newspapers copying this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid. F. GOURDEAU Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher. lps Department of Marine and Fisheries Ottawa, Canada, 21st April, 1908. Department of Militia & Defence NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PETAWAWA CAMP GROUNDS SEALED TE NDIRS, MARKED ON the envelope "Tender for buildings, Fet- wawa Camp," and addr to the Secretary of the Militia Council, De: partownt of Militia and Defence. Ottawa, will be recgived until noon, May 15, proxime, for supplying the necessary labour and material for comstruction of eprtain buildings, at Petawawa Camp Grounds. Plans ant specifications may be seen and: full information obtained at the GOffices of the MDirector of Engineer Ser- viees, Milita Meadglarters, Onawa; the Co nding the Fastern Ontario Command, ington; and Lieut.-Uolonel eo, Pegbroke, Out. Tenders must be submitted on printed farms SAR by the Department of eg tender nac- an csepte on a Canadian Banke pen Oo eent. of the amount al hie to the order of the Minister of jitia and Defence, which amount will be forfeited if the party decline to enter Anta a contract f accordance with the ten: "The tment does mot bind itself to pecept lowest of say tender. BF. JARVIS, na. Ottaw, ET a " -, y be paid this insert Tan for e. un authority from the ~ TENDERS. and permanently, { + Storage PRO-| party b Apply to Haver Lower Station. City, SUMMER COTTAM, ON Lawrence River, near (ity, to McCann, 51 Broek St. NT. Apply 70 - ALFRED STREET, improvements. Fosscesion B, Cunningha am UNFURNISHED 08 Welle A NOS. all isl 77 and modern May. Apply A. FURNISHED bedroomed ton Nt Daniel OR brick bhaouse, Possession at Reeves, lroquois once Hotel BRICK ist near rooms v pars and stabling. dence, or to Ww. RESIDENCE Alwington Ave water furnace Apply at Day, Newcourt KING nine SOLID i St FURNI wins and 'rost, inter { PINE DRY STORAGE, FOR ture, goods, etc. Separate your own lock and key Agent and Uar Pa 200 Queen St. 'Phone FROM 18T MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 Earl street, at present Setupied toy Lieut.-Col. Hudon, C.) . Bot water beating and modern Po ements Apply to Armstrone MeCormick, 102 Centre street, or Thomas Mille, 7¥ Clarence street. BUSINESS CARDS. n LE ANING, 'RIC C ARP wr Sewing, and Layi Feather Beds and Pillows cleane by steam. H Milne, 272 Bagot street NOTICE. Tenders for Chain for Marine Fisheries wept. TENDERS THE TINE ROR RECEIVING 9 ders tor Chain Shackles, and » veils quired by the Marine und b .shor partment for which tenders ns to be received up to the J May, will be extended up to the yr next. Hevised Speoificatior al the Offices of the Age we Department at Ha MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS ADDRY to the Postigaster Liomera) whi ceived at (ntawa until June, 1908. for Majesty's proposed for dour years (weive Sus per vach way betwee Kingston, Portsmouth Rockwood Asylum. from the 1st July nest Printed notices containing fu * ther formation as to conditions of pro Contract tay be seen and Liank of Tender uy be obtained st the wt Offices of Kingston and Pogtsmouth an At the Office of the Post Ofos Taspecior atc Kingston Post Office Department. Mail Contract Brooch, Ottawa, 21st Apres. 190%, CG, C.. ANDERSON Buprrintendent, Pearsall's Millinery Merry Widow . Sailors and to receive tenders up to WRDNERDAY, MAY 6th, dor 3,000 Tons of Genuine West- , moreland Slack Coal Rinse * Tow ores Hoa Yarg, ingwton. of an ad Tenders to be for- warded 10 Came this morning. They will 'be picked up quickly, 50 come early. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess St. When tearliing the boy, keep the thought with vor that be wif) son Montiel Que, bs a man. | TIE DOMINION TEXTILE CO. LTD, Purchasing Dept,

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