Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1908, p. 1

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4 'got after YEAR 75--NO. 106. MR. FOY FAILED To Prosecute the Combines After Work Began. je CURRY 5 0 0 M PLA NT man and his wealth. from the hOfty-second MADE ON THE HUSTINGS EGLINTON, ONT, Candidate Curry Arraigns torney-General For Droppi Cases Long Airaid of Foy. May 5.1. the attorpey partment at Eghaton candidate for East York that he committed the two Years bit that still pending. It bad Ww. K general Fhe pointed tack coml the been Toronto, Currey ago, rignored that be accepted 350.008 from | ivan to fraudulent practices, but he the combines to resign the office erown attorney. He absolutely der it. "They say | was hought hy combines | 1 doesn't se ta been considered peeossary ane out of the way but do not seem to have heen the attoruey general' s department This department. had also failed go on with the prosecntion of the ware combine though the atton general had been hawded the by It was really a high compliment t some, people suid the speaker had | paid ta retire from the fight. Ap ently it was generally acknowled that other authorities would not it ap. The care of the Bell wns Another instance of the vetenceof the present government had used his influence against corporation to help ite overwor operators, and had refused payw for the Assistance he had given. bad suceeded in getting a coms dion appointed. That commission m recommendations to the hit va leriglation had been introdi to help the girls, ! m to wet myself. afraid o ine Sold The Hope Blue Diamond. Parix, May 5--Dealers, acting on half of the owners in Philadelphia, nounes that théy have sold the mous Hope Blue diamond. It is derstood that it wad bought for Baltan of Turkey. One the 5 fia6.900 and anot DAILY MEMORANDA. Tha Store for Men's Nobby Hats All Opera pa Anntinl Metting Board of Trade, day, May Oth, 8B p.m. Wijou Theatre--"1ils and Death Mundrel, the Smuggler." John He Davie Sings, "The Best Thing In Li Wonderland Theatrg-- "The Night ors," very realistic pictures. Illustr Song, "Trading Smiles,' sung Clare Smith Fivanmelieal Alliance Chamber, eight o'cioek congider forming branch Moral and Reform League WHIC TELEPHOVES. 248-Husiness 229 Fidttorisl Rooms. 298--Jobhing Departwant. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. - Honse, Primrose Minstrels, Mevting Cow this ev of time only. Best quality Sets 6 Pieces, $1.40 10 Pieces, $1.65 all colors. ROBERTSON BROS. Ago Begun--Not | said, lil rol {gale case foolishly I'elephone government, report states kinds, all prices ar Camphell Bros Hid ening, Domipion Toilet Sets Special prices for a short The Daily ONTARIO, DO NOT ENVY THE RICH. PNEUMONIA ¥ THE NC Nos Sr KINGSTON, | Talk on Tainted Wealth Astonish-| | Dr. Manning Fish Explains o P. Rocke- | EEE ING SE | New York, May 4.~John Hay of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church, | Amendment hicago, ¢ pneumonia a nes | feller, dr., addressing the theory ak 8 the caus pr. Ho Manning | yvestenday, arrsigued the rich man 'The Election {who told lies, destroyed men's reput- | y tations and took advantage of those Act to Come Down. weaker than himseli, in order . | hieve wealth and power. He warned the young men of the lass to refrain from envying such a He took his text | Psalm, wherein | of tr ir {as is but erally supposed, in the | in the small ells in the framework at the hp Sg nose, at DEBATABLES ro aid, ha | he je UMoCocrns, Se | not y except wnt up in a cell of | is sort. lie explained, it noted an expl | just such a rich man is described, and | an to expand, anh Was absorb | his eloquent, straight-from-the-shoul- | | the blood, and becali@iahe of the AT Ider talk on tainted money seemed to | AND WILL TAKE UP MUCH |dauggrous ot disease { astonish his audience, ! Rev, Dr. Aked, pastor of the church, | TIME IN REVIEW. talso seemed astonished when Mr. | At | Rockefeller began his subject in such vigorous fashion, but he nodded his IRR | head approvingly, at all that was | and afterwards assured Mr. | ockefeller that it was one of the | talks on the subject he had ever | {In the Political Activities of Present | There is Not Likely to Be pissolu- | tion Before Many Months--The | Gold in the Yukon Said to Be in Hands of Guggenheims-- Has Little Information. Own Correspondent. ~dt had bes |e st | he ard. "There r { Fromm Our Rocke 5 Ottawa, May 5 is no sin," said Mr, 'in accumulating wealth in an A A ! honest ang legitimate manner and | 00° of the members of the opposition . the other day that it was the inten. | {using that wealth rightfully. But this hee me % set throug) | man the Psalmist speaks of had taken Lon ot Lhe guvarnniept to jn oy {advantage of others. Not only { supply, 'waive, leffisdlion anc go 30 i the country. The premier gave an ¢ fective reply to this, yesterday, by | announcing that the glection smend- | ment act,' fatheted by Hon. A. BB. | | Aylesworth, would be brought down, | to-day. This most debateable measure of the and will prob ably occupy much in committee, It would therefore, at the mo- ment that the session will bewyuite as log as anticipated the earlier | days. there ed, yesterday, some statements, n said by out | nne is was he of [1 loved evil vied |v Ha loved | lien puts upon | possible burden. lies. A man who tells himself the greatest It is dithcult to re MOV: Fiember to-morrow the told to ey Lday. With the power and influence he of Limist have had this man was cruel [and false at heart. | suppose that Pyou and 1 are prone to envy him. We {suy 'how splendid to have the power that man has." Power appeals to us always. H a man can get wealth anil use it for the betterment other men, we must not he particular {about it. Perhaps he was untruthful, ged | perhaps he did erush others in build ake {ing up his possession. The world over {looks these things. If that our om | frame of mind, let us hold our final He | judgment in abeyance until we can that | liek a little further at the picture ked | resented to us" ent | My. Rockefeller He of the need for mis fmoney, but lead righteous lives: men ade | who can always he trusted to do the right thing, vo matter what happens, the ave is the he gedsion, time seem to tin ry mn \ was little business accomplish- | Hon. Frank Oliver made | regarding the Yukon Gold compmny, which have | prattically secured the control the gold output in that district 'I he One of | compaity is the enterprise of the Gug- | who will genheims. My. Oliver's statements | amounted to this, that the govern ment had no information regarding the operations of the company, that it was a local affair. To-day the railway commission in Ottawn, and will do so regularly fodure on the first Tuesday of month, tofu hat | wen e of 80 to of nr claims 3. CLAP} the F States he conspisabus in the pe cal activities of the present vear Clapp, blican from She state the count hat lerat;, Governor Ji ] yi. ts tor Clapp was haf in Indiana, un SENATOR in GReS { the and | given which then drew men who a picture si make little " ol IE every most the when he was a and | education was ped in schools at that plage. After ing from the WiseOnsin law served-for a ten . county atto of St. Croix cow Wis, hat in he removed to ic was elected attorpespencral of Mi --a position in which be has three terms removed to We August Lemieux Demands Inquiry. schoo Ottawa, May S--~August Lemieux, barrister, of Ottawa, and brother of the postmaster-general, who was the| ohject of an attack by Taylor, | M.P., in the House of Commons Friday, regarding his connection with | ed a company engaged in the sale of Paul and has made that fire oxtigguishers to the Dominion | home. He was Bieted to the Saver has challenged Me. Tay-|in 1991 to fill yacanoy oerasic lor to have the matter in homie aie the dently the late 5 SACRELIGIOUS TH CRAZE FOR SLIM WAISTS. Seventeen Inches is the Record in Paris. Paris, May 5.-- From seventeen to twenty inches run the wnist measures af twenty of the most beautiful act vexsen in Paris. This interesting fact became known, this week, as the te on tewspaper which makes a specialty of theatrical matters, Mie, be- George an fa m= the on | gota So se or committee so that it may be fully vestigated, Polaire holda the record with a waist which measures scant seven GLAD TO COME AGAIN. teen inches when she fully dressed. ! Fhe craze for slim waists is now at ite height, A this week said that hali treating for other Vs had nesses by saerifleing the fad for appearing "Nine-tenths of the men of Paris," said he, ing about the strects clad," LX 8.13 ix Wales to Sixth Visit. London, May 5.--<The Vales presided, last night, at the din mr of te Royal Colonial Institute, where many distinguished gue tended, including the Dukes of and Martborough, Lords Crewe Alverton and Sir Perey Giro Lord Strathcona wired his inaiht attend, The prince, to the toast of his health, proposed hy Hon. !g f. Hi Price, premier of South Aue-| evening, tralia, who that Australia| anticipated a diversion of the flow of emigration from Canada, elammed that no one in the room had touched shook | many portions of the émpite oi| He retained a lasting impressior thetoval and affetfiondte welcome hospitality Prince of WINE. US DRANK specialist, the women he was now pneumonia and brought on their il warm clothing to thin fashionable in ol i of Prince bert fe old re: An Incident at Gananoque--W a tod by Argyl Tried to Cross the Line, Sent Back. Mas of an { wo Were neil | ww are now go insuflicigntly A very remel here close of the Methodist the Lord's Su and left in the aced in the kept, 4 ext Gananogie, car circumstance nature happenec At the m (irace sacrament of administere the wit responding IOUS Su Pron.ised Aid To Emma. San Francisco, May S.~In the Mason guar house is Private walda, of Company A. First lion of Engineers. Buwalda has identiied as the soldier who hands with Emma Goldman; queen anarchists, and pledged her his sistance. 'The identification was made] hy detectives of the police force, and he was placed under arrest, Buwalda ing service the Wort | declared Bu Batta-| } the dece O w ch cuph Thre the the the gies being is generally someone entered and either drank or stole and also $4.85, collected for the town, Great felt over an offence of such yg | No clue to the ofiender has n found, number of Welsh quarrymén, employ of BD. J. in west of the this ing. Jt seems r wages are bging paid lsland and a number of from here left a week w of Clayton to wor not having » sent wit it tha night as with i {where as ¥ generous | friends made | memorable mer," he | fhe Atlantic Fring at the colonization "of Canada, will be brought hetore a vo before a court-martial! | 300 years ago, though time, | ately, will not pect of FIGHTING THE SHAKES Ea 7,1 PROFESSIONAL NAL DIVER HAS iors with much pleasure to visiting the dominion for the A NARROW ESCAPE. | [0 | this and joining with its people erent national commemoration." New Attendant Exhibition | Blufidered and Freed the| Shakes Too Soon--Kept Under Water, Cincinnati, MeNeil, of signal diver, those experience said, "1 shall in order to represent the celebration the first | he hy Champlain! A unfortun- | the my visit fuarry look i during ant § sug | of indignation again Cross a od Gordon town, went « mors over sixth | shey in (uarrymen I so ago hy way {that island, but apers w at the back to Car of are line the canse ALLEGED WIFE MURDER. { wns evidently {atrike, ag business brisk here in the quarry the other side of the kine and ofl sequently wages are lower here texpected that the difficulty will satisfactorily settied inside a condition Henry Steinburg is Wanted Fielding, Sask. Winnipeg, May 5.--The police New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincin- as May 5.~William { on N.Y. a profes had a narrow escape Ohio, Brooklyn, of trom death, yesterday, in a hottle | nyti and Toronto, have been instruct-|® "unave, TAKE NOTICE It you are Jeling put Jour Furnit of so in ish you w fet me know. Tactory price tor dE Framcesd wireet. por dis a satin. «d by the North-West Mounted Police dav to arrest Henry Stéinburg, formerly a! The young well-known scenic artist and clay mo- { church, held a delier, of. Boston, on the charge of | parish house last evening. The murdering his wile near Fieldiny, ja fauly goo attendance A Sask., a year ago. { gramme of a musical and lterars inbus ture was well rendered, followed under water With a dozen big bull snakes, and may die from the burst ing of a blood vessel, McNeil is showing at Chester Park, his exhibition consisting of a diving feat, accomplished with the aid of a people's ehib, of 1 a social in the Te ure, oul PERSISTENCE cin is the hev- weighted belt aroutid bis body, and a mimic battle with suakes that ave let into the water after' he has released the belt. A new * attendant hlundered and freed the snakes.too soon. The weight of the reptiles ahd the belt kept Ne Neil under water, though he struggled violently to rise. The spectators looked on innocently believing * they were watching the or dimary performance until a physician "aw flowing from the wan's mouth. Steinburg Lit mystiviously shortly | alter the woman's death and said j refeeshments. io be living in Ciccionati, where he | 'At Piney has married. He. is said to have gone [tion at the Grand Opera House to the North-West originally for his | evening, with Miss Louise henlth and to do some scemic work of | in the role of Uindy Lane. « wild west seemes. He was at one time | {hy a strong company. A fanly connected with the Boston city hospi- | house greeto ed hier. : is the Bilge" was at er. Whesenow, opéned her season the route Monday aiternoon. Miss Mary Wood, of Swith's { whe has been spending some ° here the guest of Miss McCarey, {the Provincial Hotel, has rete tal. i The onze which is declared to bel one peplete with sensational details, | acentred in a remote section. Brockville Rowing Cluo, Céach. Brockville, May 3.--~From a list of several applicants the services ofl Pebbis Carr, a well-known oarsman of Brockville Rowing elub, have been | ns by that organtzation to act | Heatrive = Herbison, a8 trainer for IWR. Carr was a mem spending ber of the hig four-oared erew of the | with a Brockville Rowing clab, which won, i have Jeit for Dryden, in Algoma pany trophies at the C.AAO. and Na-l goes uns they will in fatore ti mal regatins of INR, witing a mark site. of 5:25 on Toronto Bay. He will en: danghter Miss Helen, Stone few upon his dutica at once. are on A two weeks' eit in York, (oston and Hartiord. John Thomson, of Algoma for weeks with relatives inity. yi T0 FILL VACANT CHAIRS. Prof. White of Vassar to Succeed yj, Prof. Maschke. Chiengo, May 3ovibral. Heney Seeley White, of Vassar College, has been selected by the University of Chicago to fill the vacancy in the department of mathematics caused by the death Heinrich Masehke. themuaticians in America and is prosi- ght pt the American Mathematical The Kev. Thomas A. Hebei; pastor ct ne Fe pint hy Bot has heen engaged to finish "ont a few miles porth of the town. Pine street, His stated in Roman Catholic eir-! cles that (he sew archbishop for To- | ponte is Bishop F. r Bedroy, of men {Hriends in town and 5=Fhe anrouncemer 4 Dr. Fish first declared that the seat Of the prieumionia farses was pot, germ, 1 senators weare netug demo Ss ua his parents re to Hudson. Wis, oraduat- When Senator Make His | STOLE CHURCH JRCH MONEY AND Quarrymen Stiike--They First sacrile chur church | . oi out requi- | Anyi Coleman | snport i The Gananoqne-tTavion forry steam- Falls, | home. Miss Campbell. of ySunburv,| Preturned, however, the Afghans spread | She] aang term at the public sehoel at Fairfax! cessan a short time in Toronto they find Mr, and Mrs. Thomas{tribes. Dr, and Mrs. A. H. Mabee aad tribes are quiet and engaged in har | street, sis spend-| the 1908. [D THE TALE Plots Against Ex-| alted Personages. NATIONAL REVENGE = most | | Witliam Wright, M.P. the com | WAS THE AIM OF THE CON. | ™ous and Mr, Mahafly the legis | | lature, i SPIRACY SAYS GHOSE. ry i pointer | court in E. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Two men were Cobalt, by an explosion | Panama is trying war between Venezu The new Quebec | nthe un the river, near Fhe civid governor of iid fen private rigin | ish, work la aud bridge to up a Colombia, may be built Batiscan Lishon has for persons to carry arms, ! ungs boy ES : Watson, a teamste " mn the vard of the Frout street east, was | Shed- | To fo od den company, ronto Muskoka econservmtives pomi nu ted | en, sive, ul b for lor Framk Latchford has been ap judge Mm the Ontario hagh | thei After He Confessed There Was a suc ssion - to Justice May Rush of Others to Tell What | 1 Had Occurred--Said the Con- ing of Srante spiracy Widespread and! and the Serious. sion May 5.-It stated that | Rev of the natives arrested jn! Hon with the bomb affair, has | co whole plot. He was one Sieehrid j of the leaders, he aim of the | composer is to make conspiracy the murder of several) ouicn next fall His oth Wd ps persons as a national revenge. | solowts are to accompany hi go | The recent - attempts at Bomb outs i This setom di ung ain i ages, o were wes ; rage hes. od & Ey phe Toe! ment loensing bill Was pagsed in the | | General Lard: Mitch [iritiah House of Commons, Monday | was detailed, to look after| MEH DY a majority of 241. | { the establishinent of an explo ive fae- | The treaty providing for the mors | and the: distribution: of arms. comulete definition and demarcation of the oilter of the boundary between the United | Stats and Canada ratified had i statements. thew Washing ton ring phvsieal entirely ignorant plot. | missioner gard he overt Sa le CHR { the alvation he states, has ve him of coun! sized contract hydro-ele suth betwee sign 1 the city is tric power commis P. E Roy, director Social Catholique Lem appointed bishop Begin, "Ax has | Arch of 1 newspaper, to Calcutta, hose, one co~adiuto of Quebw Wagner, connection | confessed the i great] Am- | four the of son of ring t was { i part of | which the the viceroy ener. Ghose tory | Some Ghose prisoners, hinding | confessed, confuwmed has was at claimed of any travelled with the described a while others breakdown Com A. Kilbey, head of Army in the western requested Ganeral [Dooth his { | } { | i | were ne 1 India George man had 1n tion move | ment, which as } revolutionary campaig command, > ' . | government I'he prisoners were manded. BASEBALL RECORDS. A at the iti | Bengal youth has been arrested, ! Mosufferpore, in connection - with! The Games on Monday--Standing || outrage there upon the| of Leagues. Kennedys. Thereupon he confessed | league that he and another vouth intended 2. to assassinate Magistrate Kingsford, who had recently ordered several students Hogged, Mra. is dead, is | of | has t bomb National Philadel; Hymn, =. American York, 6; Ne hia, Boston, but Philadelphia, | sisth mmng, na- | leagus Kennedy | Boston, Detroit, {game called end of I New York, 11; Washington, 5 \ Eastern lea Montreal, 5; RY 15% a Newark, { Buffalo, Pros idence, 1 2 Louis rain) tive St his iblic ( Serious 'And Widespread. gue London, May 5.<The Calcutta respondent of the Daily Express that the anti-liritish Ep ! among the Hengniese, in connection with whieh the police made many ar | rests and seized many is prov more wile 5 he mev 134] Rod hes stor cor- 6 Toronto, he hne- rv. St, | his fing { soread as investigation {develops that the conspiracy was nol mete plot for revenge upon certain of- | ficers, hut an attempt at revolution. {! diselognres may include | Standings. | National league--Chicago, .78 | burg, New York, 563 18] 520; Philadelphia, .300; 117; Brooklyn, 112 St American league Philadelphia, B11 Louis, 529: Chicago, 112 Detroit. 357: League Pitts. Hoston, bombs, to be serious and 667; Cinciny Louis, New York, Cleveland BO Washing nate Progresses mod The startling Box. a plot' to kill General Kitchener, o mander-in-chief India, prominent Prominent id wer con other | Ben sational in and Buf 55: Roches Montreal, I61 Eastern league--Baltimore, 778 falo, 545; Newark, 500; Jersey Cit 500 Foronto, 375 officers. implicated he expected JEF gaiese gre a | arrests may Pro ence, FATHER AND SON DROWNED. ot A DEADLY CYCLONE. €ish | They Were Tryin™ to Lift a Hoop Net. Whig May 3 while last Killed By the Overturning of Train. Village, 1H. persons mi wrecked, a structive But Special to the Piet Ont., Mav 5 ng Phree || and French dead By the cap-| three men night, at mer; William old i mnt, doze ou oh oq " story fol clomdburst twenty home told 1 i 0% : lowed by de uring bridge, two to-day fierce evelone four drowned found this Mitford, SEOs Mack, mer = T nday teen The by Ca and be year ven ch pper inter urch were ho | whieh swooped down upon the seetior ortly after mudnight "4 Engineer War, an umdentified were Jaryis of searchers It William the morpmng prawn a party three Peeling and out in the were, meanwhile, net and it the stake, gave way, that the I'he twa men, who the boat, thrown over- the the crait swam the other tw } of the night an attempt rescuer was utterly impossible Mack well-known the aged and Conductor Smi that t! Frederick man The theee twenty drowned in creek spear- | beneath the wreel | Nashville freight overturned in & CONSIDERED LUCKY {FELL SIXTY FEET FEET AND LIVES | TO TELL IT. The } oard Tor wagh ville gnd| had been Louis train, which washout son were of a hes at was | ing pike ndifiy to "a heop while pulling tenly capsized, upright in he sard and rturned ashore but ond the ¢ | At elder man ine, H which be were out poor | sud is tur were nt Peeling hoy we under ov n : his 0 S84 and in darkness ih fishes He a VAS nn Black River district about fifty and leaves several children, Miraculous Escape of Workman on Grand Trunk Railway Shops at Stratford. Stratford of Was or k on and k © f wife top of the and the to feet the from | shops sixty was ada | SAY THEY KNOW MAN the not | Who Offered $4,000 to Secure Ac-! clamation For Cochrane. ground with file Doc" Davis the or excy he experience of as i killed in Larose mine, ton, igs (wo Lo) ee "Phone, LA ST EDITION Probabilities Toronto, Ont., May 5, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence (10 a.m.)-Moder- ate winds; fine to= day and on Wed« nesday : station= lary or a little higher lemperatare. ~ HOUSEKEEPERS' SUPPLIES NW \ #4 NJ Soon if wot ousecChaning You cote Lo the Done on that tain arciel will want renewing. Yau may want sew Lace Curtains. if it so happens § Don't Miss Seeing 3 The you'l will ajready of Lace Cur The quali patterns jower great nre better and the pr Ces are Nottingham Curtains $6.75. avy range offering All pay B0¢ ial to, are From we valnes ry SWISS CURTAINS, LCURTAINETTES, MADRAS MUSLINS, ART MUSLISS, CURTAIN SUHIMS, DENIMS ART DUCKS AND FLORAL SATRENS FLORAL SATIN CLOTHS HEAVY ART ' BAPERIES, BLINDS, CURTAIN POLES, ETC, Lace Curtains anywhe bere' the as cheal cheaper Foe ow fo foe] ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 577. 227 Princess street, belong Ves an employee to { ¥truction He eral con ng it May 5.--Friends of John Loughrin, who made a sensa¥on bn niymating at the nomination meét ngr Fast Nipissing, that he had heen offered 85.000 pot to contest a | dislocated bye-election with Hon. Frank. Coeh- | Davis was irane when he was admitted to the f ihe was . : fell Wasi Whitney cahinet, claim they can pro- Pro-iduee the man who made the proposi yy na-ition. The offer is said to have been | °° Ly {made by J. R. Booth. Friends of Me, j2T { Loughrin here declare Ottawa, rd = ay received a | cuts on his hip at wound sad" scalp ! a partially face, | amd in glass oni 3 i k placing Wrist work plac when he ground, alighting the tracks aptonsCious removed to from the Tennesse he overbalanced and | roofing, the | to the between wa enn upon the SOV ome tig hospital » Cute heing he will welcome j and bled freely is homé is mn an opportunity to peove his charge in Hi { sidered lucky to {eourt. y tale. tra last ative t god | Sniped The British. i Simla, May O5.--Gen. Willcocks, com-| tinander of the British forces, attacked | likely on) the Afghans remaining in the "neigh-| Manus, wanted by the French govern fhorhood of Landikotal, in Khyber went on a charge of burglary ll Pass, vesterday. He found a fow of lsafeblowing, will be liberated from | time | them and these did not make a long | the Montreal jail, where he i= now. | mesistance. They were diiven aevoss| "Kid" finished a sfatence of six Afghan froutier. As the British! years in the penitentiary on the 25th of March and was remanded jail the hills and sniped them in| pending the arrival of the do ments | The casualties were trifl- | necessa ¥ to the extradition. As these jare not forthcoming, the judge of the | as | extradition aurt will be bound' to | May Soon Be Liberated. Montreal, May B5.-It seems 3. very that George alias "Kid Me- ut} nrnedt! the ta i Miss ing. ig} No further outhreak is expected, ne support from the other | free MpMan The raiders are dwindling! Foguities or the French consulate | According to advices received | hic ited the fact that nothing has been vel here, the Mobmupsds and other hordes | yt recived and there in no French | to-morrow, However, la alowsn told a Star reporter that ft he - wxpected the general conipl dis away. vesting. The promptitude of Gen. Willcocks ving the troops to the stone of | urs Rn eadaodls pee contest | The aguestion ix whether the fudge will 1 developed isto al 90d it possible to, hold McMamse hil a (mht No wiaped lute then, in cose the consul might has i si pia {the documents. i | fen per cent. in Fheir Thicty arrests | Save. been made at An aged she tele {Colcuita in connection with the eon- i New | Mrs. [ia Western Apply to Baron Briggs { Moupdeviile, was shot and killed reach here in two or three dares, er Piarcion je punying into § gly, NO ADVANCE Teas have sdvaveed in selling Our Cwn Special Blend of igh price, At the 35 Cents the Pound. And old prive tha is as good as ever. A quality ~TRY Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries For-Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Ete. the city, fociuding Form Lands, in Canada in the best location. In EWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and | Insurance Agency. "Warden Killed Black Convict. Waestng. W.Va, May b Jomo a negro, sexving & ide sen in the sate penitentiary at by £4 Briggs, vesterday, riggs broke from the lockstep, and te G. when ordersd 10 get back in line, began rowing rocks at the warden, Jobn Fishcamdr, nn Indian on the tiord rierve. chided: bis Tile by y and

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