Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1908, p. 7

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+ mt ERAN. SO I SBI iro Respetsseseeiterseeses Gold in Guwilight (Continued from page 3.) -> -> > Mes. F. D. Laflerty, of the adju- tant's residence, at the R.M.C., gave a bridge party, yesterday, in honor of Mrs. Lawrence Burhan. There were four tables in play, those present he- ing Mrs. T. D. RB. Hemming, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. John Bell Car ruthers, Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Mrs. H, E. Bur- stéll, Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, Mra. James Cappon, Mrs. Walter Mac- nee, Mys, Francis Macnee, Mrs. de Mowhray Bell, Miss Lois Saunders, Miss Mary Hora, Miss KE. Macdonell, Miss Lily Norton-Taylor, Miss Bessie Gordon helped the hostess with the ten things. s . * - - Mrs. Lawrence Buchan has been the raison d'etre of several informal little oflgirs this week, besides those men: tioned. Her iriends hope that she will remain through next week. q - ew [The Country Club renovations, which it Thoped will be finished by Mon- day, have prevented. any festivities going on there this week, - oe = Nis. DB. Norton-Taylor, Wellington nireet, asked a few of Mrs. Lawrence Buchan's friends to tes, on Thursday, - Nes. J, 8. kK. McCann, Queen street, gave a handkerchief shower, this af ternoon for Miss Jessie Ellis - > - The luncheon for Mrs. F. Ridout has heen put off 'till next week. -> - "> Mrs. Campbell Strange, street, is home from Ottawa. Mr. George Malloch has gone back to Ottawa. Mr. D. ham street, in visiting his son, fon. br. Archibald Malloch hay gone up to. Hamilton. : Her friends will be very pleased to hear that Nys. Alan Palmer, King street, ie recovering from an attack of appendicitis. v ad William Robertson, Syden- at the capital Hugh Robert Stewurt down Mr - -» Mrs. James Gildersleeve, (ore shreat, was expected home from Mor, rishurg, today. Major and Mrs. ' Norman Leslie, Bagot street, are expected to-morrow. Mjss Aileen Rogers, Gore street, : is home from Lachine. Dr. Leonard Jones has returned to New York Yom his trip in southern climes. Mr. R. R. F. Harvey has come home from Pembroke, where he was a guest at the marriage of Miss Frances Mur. "ray to Uaptain Georges Roy. It was a military wedding, and was solemn- ized in the Roman Catholic cathedral of St. Columba. Captain Roy has a great many friends in town. Captain Edouard Panet hag heen in Pembroke this week, going wp to be groomsman for Captain Roy. . > "> at Dr. James Douglas returned to New York on Thursday. Mr. D. O'Connor and Mrs. 0'Con- nor were expected back in Ottawa, to- day, after their two months' trip § Italy and other places on the co tinknt, Migs: Frances Sullivan is having a Joy gay visit with Mrs. 'Hugh Osler, in Winnipeg, and there is no word of her home-coming, Mya. Henry Casey, of Macleod, N. W.T., who has been visiting Mys. H. Hubbell, Bagot street, has loft town. - - - Miss Vida Cartwright, grand-daugh- ter of Sir Richard wo Lady te wright, has left for Summerland, to join Ber parents who are at present residing there. Colonel Cartwright's * health: lias greatly improved since ho has been in the west. Lady Cartwright and the Misses Cartwright will leave Ottawa in June for their summer residence, the Maples. Miss Fitz Randolph, of Fredericton, N.B,, who spent the winter ab¥oad, is now the guest of her sister, Mis. Ver. non Eaton, Ottawa. Mrs. M. C. Stafford, of Napanee, is the guest of her cousin, Mis. Woods, Nelson street, Miss, Saunders, Kinoston gis visit- ing Miss Ethel Hawley, Napanee, - oe - <-> WB. Carmichael, bas return- develand, where she was vhiting ber daughter. She will se . eure rgoms here for herself and hus sell's sister, 5 wen X s 8. NY. and Ay R. Uglow, Barrie street, intend i on Tole foe Atlantic City to spend several weeks, ¥ > - o- «Misa Beatrice McGill will back Hay wa Hall on Monday. © Bs Miss Carrie Barnum, - William street who has been Visiting at Heathfield the last fortnight, has come back BEY. Lost, Set au y Stuart Mrs. ¥. 0. Willhofft wit 1 summer in Dr. James m Wy street, tion will be Mr, R. Boek with, to x A POOL LEAGUE With Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville and Belleville. Although ne final arrangements have been "made, 'the uew Pool League, to include Kingston, Gananogue, Broek: ville aod Belleville, will Jikely go through. A team of four from each place will ke up the league. Four fastglass players can be found in the "ity, and they should land at the 'head of the list. The locals are tak- ing i an interest in the game, and it Wil not be easy to pick the four to make Wp the local team. The teams will play home and home games. Belleville Was Beaten. A fast, clean of basketball was , last t, in the ¥. M. CA. gymnasium, between the Belleville and Kingston intermediates. It is the first game with an outside team the locals have played, and they handled" themselves like veterans. Every pla: did good work, and it would not he. fair to individualize. The Belleville teani is composed of an active, gentle: manly lot of boys, and althourh heat- en, played gamely till the final whistle, The score was thirty to ten, in favor of the home team. The play- ers were as follows : Belleville--Wilkins, A. Moon, Moore, R. Moon, Elvins. 3 Kingston--MeCarmick, Meek, Me- Cartney, McCullough, Meore and Fleming. Charles Moxley was ; Frank Kinnear, timekeever, and Frank Birch, scorer. Mr. Oman, phy- sical director, of Belleville, accompan- ied his team. The local team enter- tained their visitors after the match. Sporting Notes. Italy will have six or seven track runpers in the Olympic Marathon, W. H. Carson's trottér is likely to enter for the Chamber of Commerce stakes at Washington, Ty. Cobb is bating up to form, hut the rest of the Detroit Migers have not heen landing on the ball. The meeting of the St. Lawrence Baseball League, called for Belleville on Friday, was postponed, 1t will likely bo held some day next week. Johnson is being taken sériously in England, and . a $15,000 purse has veen offered for a match with Burns, I'he latter clings to his $30,000 pro- position, win, loge or draw. A practice "baseball game, between the Young Irishmen and Black Watch was schemlal for the cricket field this afternoon. The teams are getting into shape for the opening of the league. In a glove contest at Dublin, Bill Squires 'of Australia knocked apt Jem Roche, the former Irish champion, in the fourth round. 'lhe purge was 81,376, and there was a side bet of Cazeun, the French wrestler, who has been tooted as a top-notcher since his victories at Montreal, will probably wrestle Frak Gotoh, the world's champion, in Kansas City, for a purse of "$4,000. St. Catharines have challenged for the Mioto lacrosse cup, but ae all the Montreal Shameccks' Saturdays are taken up till September, it looks a Inte post-seasen series or a mid-day week session, A. F. Wilding, of New Zealand, who with N. FE. Brooks, of Australia, won the Davis cup at Wimbledon last year has decided to come to America to compete in the lawn tennis champion- shio contests, Betting at the Toronto Woodbine spring meeting will he conducted on ly the same lines as last fall, except phat' the layers will move about without fear of molestation. No nttempt will be made to pay off at stationary stalls. ' Boston 'Glebe ; Bostonians have sel. dom seen gu faster game. It s ems al- t incredible that two teams could Ney a full innings and change sides in less than four minutes, but the seventh wac played in that time, ench batter hitting the first or second ball gifched, 'restbug, 2.02}, the fastest trotting #tallion inthe world, was sold to a gyndiclte of Russians, who intend us ing the great speedster for breeding purpose. Negotiations for th: sale have been under way for three years, a8 the 'Prics was the stumbling block, but the Russians finally came up with the $25,000 required by M, V. Sav- of Minn is lio Rampal will 'be made by four <crunners on May 11th, to make the forty-seven mile rm from Hamil ton to Toronto, in an effort to break the record of. 7 hours and 29 minutes, set by Claude . Pearre, on January 23cd Jost. The entries are Sandy Big- ley of the R.C.B.C.; Nelson Boylen, West End YMCA; W. J. Melody, of Hamilton; Frank Murphy, 1LC.AA. The four will start together and will bo accompanied by the trustees of the Mulgreen trophy- GREAT DAMAGE ALONG RIVER Property Loss on the St. Lawrence is Heavy. The damage through high water to the Canadian Thousand Islands is not 'as serious as on the American 1 This is due to the fact the Canadian islands are fargely in a state of nature and the d will i Joss of soil. The wharves of Bre under water and ie E, 01s i ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1908. - WOULD NOT BUY IT THE COAL SOLD CHEAPLY IN BOSTON, \ Is Coal That the Steel Company Refused .to Accept--The Boston Gas Company Can Use It-- This is the Explanation. . Montreal, May 2--Alexander Dick, general sales' 'agent of the Dominion Coal company, was in Montreal, to- doy, and was seen regarding the dis- pute in connection with the coal eom- pany's Boston contract. "What have you to say about Mr. Plummer's statement that the coal eompany is selling coal in Boston at a lower prive than that paid by the steel company *"' "Mr. Plummer," said Mr. Dick, "ap- parently does not understand the con- tract with the New England Gas com- pany. The coal supplied the gas com- pany is coal that the steel company absolutely refuses to accept. It is gas slack, which the steel company officials say they camnot use. It is, therefore, most unfair to criticise the coal com- pany for marketing in Boston cgal which the steel company would not bay." WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. The High Water Has Closed the ' Canal Traffic. Wolle Island, May 2.-Mrs. Merritt Daley, a lady of over eighty years, passed peaceiully away on Friday morning at the foot of the island. She leaves an aged husband to mora her loss. The funeral will take place on Sunday. There was a small party beld in brick hall on Friday evening, bat owing to bad weather, there was not a very large crowd. The Murphy brothers have had their fine home all newly painted and papered, J, 8, Briceland has just; complpted the work. The high water still continues to do damage along the water front. It was very high on Friday and washed away some of Mr, Allinson's lumber. There was another syndicate man on the island trying to locate a thor oughbred horse, but met with poor success. P. Grant has moved into the house dwned by Mrs. Knapp in the village. Allen McLaren is having an up-to-date launch built. H. Halliday has purchased a fine launch for his own use, The high water has closed the navigation in the canal for the launch owners, as it is impossible to pass under the bridge. Frank Fiteger- ald of Cape Vincent, spent a few days on the island last week. Tidings From Lapum. Lappm, May 2.--J. E. Boulton is having some repairs done by Henry Push to his outside buildings. Mes. F. E. Brown and Miss PFlorenes Joy- ner are collecting missionary money this week. Levi Brown lost one of his best cows last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lueas, of Camden East, have become residents of this. place, having rented Stanley Brown's house. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bush spent Thursday with Mre. William Love, John Brown visited his sister, Mrs. S. Vandewater, Yarker, Thursday. James Reid, Glen. burnie, is spending a week With his sister, Mrs. Michael Love. He is much improved in health after his serious illnéss. William Hysted, on the sick list, is convalescent. John Boulton, Kingston. is visiting friendy in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie Pringle were "At Home" to a number of their friends one evening last week. A very enjoyable. time was spent. Miss Lita Simpkins, Odessa, spent the holidays here, with her grandmother, Mrs. G.. Simpkins. Moe Annie Fields returned to her home in Gretna, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Rose and Edwin Bell attended, on Sunday. the mémorial service of A, H. Bell, Westbrook. Visitors: Mr. and Mr# I. Hartman, Maple avenue. with Mr. awd Mrs. Willian Pringle: 1H. E Bell,~ Boston, with Faiwin Bell. Mr Smith, Smithville, with Mrs. T. B. Hamm. Doings At Inverary. Anverary, May 1.~Many frrmers are | completion, already sowing their seed. Quarterly service in the M. E. church on, Sun- day was largely attended. Mys. (Rev.) +. Roadhouse, 'and Miss Florrie, spent this week at the parsonage. School opened again on Monday, after the bolidoys, with a larger attendance, some of the younger' children having started. Albert and Miss Alta John- son have returned to Sydenham, after &pending a week at home. Mrs, {Rev.) McMillan is at her home at Madoe, on account of the illness of her moth- er. Messrs. John Sears and Frederick Ferguson ayant Saturday and Sun- day in Uncle Sdm's domains. David Sears is ill with pleurisy. Mr. Emberly Kingston, spent Sunday at William K. Tolls'; Miss Path Richards has re- mrmed to King uffer renewing acquaintances here. Miss May Cooper of Kingston, is the guest of Miss Simpson. N. Holmes" house is' nearing Kilbirnie Notes. Kilhirnis, May 1.--The recent rains Bave helped the meadows wonderfully. The school teacher, Miss Vanlayven, has returned, after spending her holi- days with her pavents in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. David Rea have gone to Kingston, after spending the last -- OITAWA RIVER HIGH. Avniversary of Cut Knife Hill Battle. Otfaws, April 2-~This is the tweo- ty-third anniversary of the hatila of 'Cut Knife Hill. The monument to the sharpshooters of Ottawa, who were killed in this engagement, has been esos with wreaths. The surviving retérans waited on their commander, General Otter, and the event was re called, among memories of the Riel rebellion. to-day, appoint- ments are announced of Donald Mc Kay as harbor master at Goderich ; W. J. Roche, as assistant inspector of gas"at Ottawa; George Watt as méa- surer of shipping, Chatham; D. C. Me- Kenzie, a» harbor master of Big Har- bor, C.B.; Mr. Molnnis, ag wharfinger at Amaguadus Pond, C.B.; L. P, Far- ris as commissioner under the crimin- al code at "Whites Coves, N.B., and and also a commissioner of the police there. The Ottawa river is the highest in years. At the foot of the locks where measurements are taken every day, the river is twenty feet six inches deep, having risen ten inches since vester- day noon. The highest water mark for the year is generally reached about May 25th, and the boatmen expect that the river will go much higher. In 1005 at this date the measurements at the foot of the loths was eleven feet eight inches, while the highest point that year, sevemteen feet eight inches was reached on May 23rd. On this date in 1906," there was fourteen feet three inches, and on May 15th, when the highest mayk was reached, it was eighteen feet. year the measure- ment was ninetes feet tem inches, on May 25th, which was the highest, and fourteen feet on May 2nd, 1907. CHILD RECEIVED SHOCK From Electric Car--It is Dying in Hotel Dieu. Charles Layzew, who lives on Mon- treal street, near the outer depot, called at the Whig office this morning to make a complaint regarding _ al- leged improperly protected electrical apparatus on a street car. He says that when the car stops at the June- tion children play around it, and his four-year-old son last Saturday after- noon received a severe shock by touch ing something ander the car on the right side. 'The youngster was knock ed down hy the shock it received, A few days later it was taken ill, and 1» now dying in the Hotel Dien of spinal meningitis. Mr. Layzew blames the electric shook for caySing the 'trou- ble. Dr. Hanley is the' physician, and when spoken 10 this afternoon he stated that he didn't think the elec- tri¢ shock was reSponsible. Mr. Lay- zew claims = that the street railway company should' protect its electrical appara on the cars so that child- ren couiquot receive injury, Cure Not Proved. Louisville Courier Journal. It is not every one who proves the ineflectuainess of insomnia cures at seven years of age. The father of the lad, about seven, years oli was a physician and when the ehild found difficulty in getting to sleep was ready with ad- vice, "Vl tell you something that will soon put you to sleep," he saul. "you begin and count slowly up to 100 and then another hundred, and so on, and before you know it you'll he sleeping. Try it to-night when yon go to bed.' Everything remained quiet that night until the father went to retire. Aa he passed the boy's bed a little voice piped : "Papa." "Yes, my boy." "What comes after trillions ?"' But the wakefal yvoungster's wuery was not answered; his father had van- ished into his own bedroom. who was Often True. Washington Star. "I'he late Edmund Clarence Sted- man, the banker poet," said a maga- zine editor, "was really a better critic than poet. He had a Rirh opinion of the critic's functions. Attacks on the value of criticism always angered him. "He used to tell about a typical at- tack of his kind. He heard it at a supper after the theatre. It came from an unsuccessful actor. "Mr. Stedman was replying to the toast, 'Our American Critics." He be- gan with the query, uttered in a ringing Voice : "What is a critic 7" "The unsuccessiyl actor in the en- suing pause ans@ered from the bot- tom of the table? " 'A man who doesn' thing when he sees it.' Two Cures. For. Sleeplessness. London Tit-Bits. For many years Lord Rosebery has suffered from insommia. After leaving the house at midnight Lord Rosebbry would often instruet his coachman to drive him about the streets for an hour or two in a closed eurriage, that being the only way in which he could court sleep. In the swish of the sea waves, however, his lordship t know a good » J claims to have discovered an effective sure, and when staying at Dalmeny, Lord Rosebery always sleeps at Bam- bogle, a house 200 yards away. This building is on the edge of the Firth of Forth, and the waves lap the sides of the tower. At high tide the sprav is flung against the windows of his room. NEN OF THE WORLD -- Ratters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Littla ol Everything Easily Read and Remembemed, John R. Dargavel, the sitting mem- ber for. Leeds in the provincial legis- lature, has been re-nominated. The S35. Lake Erie, C.P.R. line, from Liverpool for Montreal, inward, twen- ty five miles east of Fame Point, at 8 a.m. | Local option by-laws came into force on May Ist in thirty-one municipali- ties in the province of Ontario, cut- ting off some ninety-four licenses. It is stated that the Prince Wales may sail jor Canada on huge twenty-seven-knot cruiser domitable, four warships escorting Charles P. Fullerton, Winnipeg, has been nominated by the CPR. as their representative in the negotia- tions with .the mechanics, under the Lemieux act, At Winnipeg, the first instalment of the new locomotives for the G.T.P. arrived from Montreal, and have been sent west for construction on the line from Portage la Prairie west. Winston Churchill, president of the board of trade, was given an enthu- siastic ovation when he arrived' in Dundee, on Friday, to open his cam- paign for the vacant seat there. At Medicine Hat, the case 'against the Dreamers took a - new form when August Nieman, son of Frederick, was discharged on a - charge of arson and conspiracy and rearrested on a' war- rant for perjury. In Ottawa, Ald. W. E. Brown, against whom charges' of éorrupt prac- tices were brought ih connection . with his election in Vietoria ward, Jast January. has ended in the unseating of the alderman. The Wells-Fargo - Express company has reported to the authorities of Tor- reon, Mexico, a loss of $63.000 in Mexican currency, which it claims was taken from a through safe on its City of Mexico train. An exciting and spectacular fire oc- curred on Friday evening, in Mon- treal, and was attended by the rescue of two women from the top floor by Deputy Chief Tremblay and Foreman Lapointe, amid cheers from onlookers. of the In- Latimer Locals. Latimer, May 1.--'The roads are in very bad condition owing to so much rain. Farmers are unable to get their crops in, the season being so late and cold. Miss Pearl F. Taylor left on Saturday to resume her position as teacher at Hurlowe. Sympathy extended to Mr. Spooner and daugh- ters owing to the death of Mrs. Me Farlane, Montreal. John' Taylor spent a few days of this week at Opinicon. Mrs. Sadie Weir, city, spent Sunday at A. Rector's. Miss Emma Edwards is visiting in the eity Sacramental services will be held on Sunday marning. -------------------- Dynamited A Train. Butte, PMont., May 2-Thd fast bound Burlington train, No. 6, was dynamited near the Northern Pacific station here, last night. Every person on the train has been accounted for except Engineer Bussy, of the second engine, who is supposed to be buried under the locomotive. The dynamiting is believed to be the work of some tramp seeking revenge for being eject ed from a train, NEW YORK STOCKS. Prices Furnished By W. Hector H. Hume, Clarence Chambers. May 2nd. Stocks. Opening. Close. Amalgamated Copper ... j American Loco.; com. ... Am. Sugar Refin. Co. .. Am. Smitg. & Refin. Co. Am. Car Foundry .. .. Anaconda Min, Co. ..... Alches. Top. & St. Fe. Balti. & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid T Cen. leather .... . Canadian Pacific ... Ches. & Ohio ...... . Che. © NW. ..... ........ C. Mil.(® St. Paul ..... Colorado Southerp .. Col. Fuel & Iron, Distillers secs. red Erie Railroad ...... ...... ; G. North Rv., pref. Kansas & Texas, com... Kansas & Texas, pref... Louisville & Nashville . Missouri Pacific - Min. St. P. & 8S. St. M. National Lead ... .... N.Y. Contunl 0...) ... N. T. Ontario and West. Northern Pacific Penn. R. R. .. People's Gas .. Reaifing ...... Rock Idland ..... ..... .. Rock Island, pref. .... Southern Ry., com. . Southern Pacific ...... .. Sloss Sheffield .... U. 8, Steel, com. U. 8. Steel, pref. Upion Pac., com. Wabash, pref. ... i West Union: Tel. ..... .. CHICAGO PRICES, Is BT 62 1340 13.45 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Reserves, Inc. .. ia ~58,08 154 ed the fall Ss +4 % Our IHL 0 0440449 offer F444 Underskirts JUST TO HAND, the Newest has four-piece Flufly Ruffles, Brown, Navy, Grey, Green anc Window)... . . oe ANOTHER STYLE is made of Depth; correct for wear with v In Tan, Brown, Seal, Navy, (Sen in East Window)..... TWO-PIECE SUITS, made of Trimmed with Silk Braid, Seal Brown and Navy, specie FHEEF EIRP P04 RP HERPES Pt t 44 4b 404040 A List of Dip << Specialties We carry a complete stock of the following special lines. Women's Spring H 8 Oxfords and Strap 21 to 5. Women's Wide Toe "and Leather Knee Caps Baby Boots, with ankles, sizes 3 to 71. [Pre] Ic | - f 43 vs = " i | Neel por) = } 4 er Jam Organized Gang Of Thieves. Brockville Recorder. The arrest of William Trousdale at Broekville, on Thursday last, for steal- ing 1,600 pounds of mica from the Brockville Mining Co., has brought to lig an organised band of thieves who have been carrying on the nefari- ous work in Prochville for several months past. The mics wae discovered in his house and a further search re vealed $100 worth of clothing owned 'J. Onssman and over $100 worth jewelry, the property of H. B. Coates. Trousdale was foreman of the micg works owned by A. C. Hardy. He always bore a good reputation, ti in the best company, snd 0001 his arrest has consequently caused a mild sensation: He came from King. ston two years ago. His trial is now As a result of the high water in the Lievrengiver at Buckingham, Que., the immense boom of the James Mae Laren company, stretched across the river, gave way and allowed 30,000 to be carvied down the rapids the Ottawa river. « Bonilace bas passed from its status as a town, and attain diguity of a city, smbroidery trimmed, open back, three-quarter sleeve, at lined, Plain Covert, Stripe Covert and Black, from 85 to Fitted Coat, ThreeQuarter Sleeve Skirt hoes for grown Girls, Prices $2.50 and 1.75. Shirt Waists New Effects stock of new shirt waists is now very complete, all prices. We three great specials, lace and 1.00 10.00 More Spring Coats SEE OUR FITTED STYLES, well-tailored, lined and un Special Values tte A444 eet # Shades ir "Heatherhloom." One style § comes in Champagne, i Black, (See in east Rilk Moire, Tailored Flounce to Knee 6.00; our Maijored Costume, Light Grey and Black Spring Costumes Here Fine Vicuna Cloth, Semi Cut away Front, Full- Pleated Model. In - 12.30 al David M, Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. FEAL 0444040400004 0HD EPH R 1 44444400440 ER EE Women's Solid Comfort Boots, wide toes, with- out caps, low heels, $1.50, 2,00 and 2 50, eel Shoes, in High Shoes, Sizes Strap Slippers and Oxford Shoes, plain toes, 1.25 and 1.50. Steel Arch Supports, Ankle Su pports, Heelers for Boys. : Steel Supports for weak 3 eS 0000000000000 000000000 $1.00 and 1.25, - ~~ By Using Our Furniture Restorer Your labor gseems in vain Brass and Iron Bedsteads if you do not add something new. from our well assorted stocks. Springs and Mattresses to fit Also Dressers and Stands in great variety, at Reid's, ¢The Leading 'Undertaker, MACKENZIE & SMART: Tailors to Men of Fashion Sabian Indigo W Suit, $19.00 latest style, fit and workmanship sa . Pte, assortment of ftings a Trouserings just mported. > :

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