Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. | on i mr Appetite for Crabs it : ALT ok HE | ---- \ igh AC | tug RAILWAY , bon Whi CORRESPOND. THE codfish has an enormous appetite | { t as Br Btgonreorion wea ENTS TELL US. s 5 ! i ---- A. Deacy bas returned home after|putheran church, lagf Sunday. n Pacific Railway for Shelli crabs and ube The Tidings From Various Points | spending & Tew "ds with her sister, : . . k s Be att alive aad be £at3 . STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. meseexers , Es SE TE SACRIFICE iINorthwest He cals them all without in- LD ---- - digestion and grows fal. He has o wig Lng Prt Aad What News From Myers' Cave. A 'Barn Near Newboro Was De . powerful liver, ? ying. Mygrs' Cave, April 28 School re- stroyed. Leo Lake Breezes. . - Excursions Leg: Kingston, y, Apel 28th, 'nd ery second Tuesday following until 20th, pened this morning. The teacher, | Noghorg April 28.~J, ¥. Graham The oil from the cod's liver makes Leo Lake, April. 29,--School is pro- DAYS RETURN LIMIT op 7 a Miss Bell, having" spent the Easter was in Brockville last week attending . : - grossing favourably under the able Scott's Emulsion Sldss round trip tickets at' vacation at her home in Colebrook, | po ; 5 i fax. oT SPring asses as a grand juror. | management of Miss E. Berrigan. returned on Mc ¥. The roads are | zi, Stella Warren was at home 10a Many of the farmers have started A natural power fo digest and fo "hh prodisce flesh © in every. spoonful [ERY LOW RATES evry rtant North-west points deving up, nicely, Lovg Sane Is oll number of friends at a pleasant sugar y . ugar-maki gO 3 in 3 seeditig) and repoyt the soil In fie | 4nd from all reports quite 3 amount party nr Wednesday My gs thape. A number of the sailors have was made. Mise Ethel Morcan was | iia locality. William dobroom, of ik for the oper Jakes B, 4 - the guest of Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, Lake | wo oppor, was @ visitor in town This power means new vigor and new | Lansdowne. G, Fisher apd P. Mur K. &P., ava 0. p,| flesh for those who suffer from wasting Office, Ontario Se. diseases, ; Al Drugyists; 50c. and $1.00 AT, view, the latter part of last "week. ||. oo ook. H. 8." Foster, municipal ray spent Sunday at MH. Orc's, Willets- Beautiful Wall She was the guest of Miss Mollie Mc- | cco &o naking hi ds this <= : : " g his rounds Gregor on Saturday last. Miss Bessie | ily botir, Mr. and in. 1 b Bower gor on Sa y las 155 € | week. James Welsh and family, of spent a few days at St. Catharines. £4 P : ' : aper A Paper for Every Room, in Cis Take Mo J nl, ia 0 Sh Rg 4 . t i 2 ' | 0 ; {aud will reside in Miss Wright's house ee us A iy otshiolina, is J. ©. Michell, Lucy and Jen- 4. Drummond street. Frank Single- mother, Mrs. Fisher, sy! INN yl HE SYSTEM Every House--mow in stock-- 3 ready for your inspection. A . " | pleasure to show you. We believe nie Gr spent Saturday at Lake "ton, Smith's Falls, was ia town on View, J. C. Mitchell spent Sunday at JQ, curdey on business. A number Grayville, the foest of his daughter, § qo here attended the play, "'Parsi- : Toledo News. Mrs. D. Gray. E. Dellgea left on Mon- $4.) > j, Brockville on Satirday even- Toledo, April 29.~Miss Viola Edgar, |day last for ng. Miss May Bolton spent the holi- Principal of Elgin publie school, spent | hire for the drive. ed z day season im town, the guest of Mrs. the ter holidays at ber home here. |chell' spent Easter at Grayville, the |p "Bolton. Capt. Ssmue Scott row- B. Wickware, student 'of Queen's, is {guest of her deughter, Mys. D. Gray. ed to town from his island on Satur- home for the holidays. Miss VC {1 Dellyes is slowly "eonvalescing. A. day afternoon, "the lake being prac- Cauley resumed her duties on Mon- day as principal of the public here after spending Raster week at Homessekers" Excursions to Man. | it should be a pleasure for you to lecok through this stock. cha and the Canadian North- Even. though Ee ot intend Mert and return, good going May Meng you de no A to decorate now it is to your in. #2th, 26th, June 9th, 23rd, July | terests to find out just what we th, 21st, August 4th and 18th, | are offering, so that when the i returning within two | time arsives, you win know where : : . _| you may o n at rig prices, : 'months of going date, The fol that which will make your walls EL lowing are fares to some of the Principal points Dellyea had the misfortune to lose tically free of ice. A large steel vat her home in Lombardy. Jobn Doagh- look most beautiful. 884.50 P, one of kis new milch cows. Messrs, $3.0 Sooontly been installed in the O : ly been installed in the On Don. Duneau tnd Wesleyan Mediregor tario cheese factory. erty is moving to Brockville. Miss Minnie --Burow, teacher, réteimed eon Tet your own good taste judge. 83.55 Souris have gous to work 'ju the Big Dipper While returning from the play in the mine. My. Jamieson, manager, was canning factory on Friday evening, Monday to Lansdewne, after visiting with her sisters, during the holidays. THERE 1S NO BETTER WALL PAPER LINE IN AMERICA. the yrudst of Nr. ond Mrs. J. C. Nit- 4 yg, Mary Fleming had the misfor- Lambert Garvin, - Westport, was the W. H. Medley, chell, Lakeview, on Sunday of last tune to sprain her ankle very badly, guest of Mrs. M. Hart for the past "Cor, Clergy & Princess Sts, week. Migs Ethel Morgan returned to aud she is now confined to the house. week, tix, Mes, Jobe LU. Meagher, Miss Aun: nis Marshall, Belleville, spent s few days this week with James Meagher Miss Hilda Metiurn, second concession, i¥ spending the week here. Michael] morrow in order to continue her Fabey, KingsfoW, 'is spending theludies in the high school there. Con- holidays at his home here. Miss M.]gGrmation services were held at the way 'of recovery. Miss Magda Daedisel enmjoved her Eastér bholisdiys at home} but intends to return to kEganville to- # % yr a, 2 pring Coats Regular values $6.00, 7.50, 8.00, 10.00, 12.50, 14.00, 15.00. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY rewt, avy dally rm , 8 , Naps Deser- APAnes, and wil points sorth. i quick despatch to Bannock. , , and ints on ral lario, route your puents, via Vay Rail jews x way. For rt apply to B. W, DICKSON, Agent. pie, 'No. 9.00, Your Choice For $4.98 Each Owing to the extraordinary cool spring, her home on Sunday last. Miss Liilie § preston MeCann left on Monday, hav: Sedgquirk aml MN Mollie McGregor | ing secured a position in. a cheese visited at Lakeview on Sunday oi { factory. last week. Mr, "and Mrs. C. Mofire- | 1, the electrical storm on Monday gor spent Bupday of lust week at W. afternoon a large barn belonging to Salmond 5, - and Mrs. T. D. Perey, 1) bh. Shaw about two miles fom the Myers' Cave, spent Easter at Harlowe, village, was struck by hghtning and the guest of their. daughter, Mrs. E. { hurned to the ground. as well as two Wood. sheds, which adjoined the barn The most of the machinery and about 3, 000 feet of lumber was saved, . but some machinery, including a liree stone filter and a horse power, also five tous of hay. were destroyed. The comedy drama, 'Diamonds And Hearts," in the canning factory on Friday evening, under the auspices of the Newbore hand, was very largely attended. The company has been en: gaged for a two nights' engagement in Westport on Thursday and Friday evening#, under the auspices of the Catholic church. R. Charland, of Oak Leal, was a visitor in town on | Sunday. Harry Fleming, Chafley's | Locks, is the guest of his uncle, John | Fleming. George Fleming has heen | engaged as second engineer on the | tug Edmupd for this season. | Collins Bay Notes. Collins Bay, April 28.--{The barge Cornelia" 8 digthatging a load of lump eoal for Clarke & Rankin. Some of the farmers in this vicinity have started "seeding. Mrs. George Jones is visiting relatived in Bath. Miss Made- line Henderson lft, on Friday, to tnke charge of a school at Banerolt. Mrs. J. Gordon, Cataraqui; Mrs, G. A.D. Gibson, Ottawd, aad Miss Luel- Ia Aleombrack, row, spent Thurs day, at T. ¥. Vanliven's. Mrs. Beau- bean returned 'to ber home, on Ain- herst lsland, on Monday, after spend- ing a few days with ber daughter, Mrs. Smith. A young daughter has arrived ut the home of William Smith. be Albert $88.50 43.50 41.00 35.90 85.95 82.00 Death Of A Lady. we are compelled to make this heavy sazc- Elgin, April 3. ~The death occurred * at her home here on Wednesday, April 15th, of Mrs. Albert Uhurehill, at the age of cighty-thrée years. She was predeceased by her hushand some ten years ago. They wire among the early settlers of 'this viewnity, residing in the village at first. The past num- ber of years © wag spent on a snug farm one mile out the Newboro road. The decensed was a lady, of estimable character, She was a friend of all and converted in the MeKinley school house in Leeds at the age of sixteen, and since then bas been a strong believer in the Methodist doctrine. Lp 'to within three days of her death she was always found with Knitting io her hands, or a peddle and thread in a quilt block. She had just completed a quilt of many thousand pieces with- out the aid of glasses, The funeral service was conducted hy the pastor, Rey. £. W. Crane, on Fri: day, when seldom was seen such a gathering of sorrowing relatives around the departed. A family of five sous and ome daughter were all able to attend. 'fhe sons, Peleg, Gandno- que; Ephraim, Jones' Falls; Nicholas, Newboro; Wesley, Smith's Falls, and Benjamin, on the homestead, and Mss, J. B. Pennock, of the village, besides George Patterson, a grand-nephew, to whom she was a mother feom infancy, along with two sisters, Mrs Berry, Sweet's Corners, and Mes, J. D. Middleton, Sharbot Lake, Saud * one « 40.50 Vermilion = « 42°50 Yorkton + «= enex 40.00 Reging =» ~ Jaw --< B8.00 Winnipeg » "Pér reservations in the Tourist ea: and apy other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, . Johnson and Ontario Sts. NTERCOLONIA! CSET Nd ral Mail Trains' - From Montreal h0 to Halifax HH DONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers . From Halifax {ste STANDARD article READY FOR USH to Liverpool ada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS t 12.00 xing MONTREAL Fridays at 13.00 rifice in order to make room for summer stocks. Every eoatisguaranteed to be this spring's newest styles and have the broad- est gnarantee. They come in all the newest shades of Tan and Fawn Covert Cloth. News From Bicknell's Corners. Bicknell's Corners, April 28.--Wef- ! lington (Neill hag" 50ld his farm to gt \ P, 'Stover and A. Boulton, and expects to leave this neighborhood before long. It is understood that land has taken a rise in price James Sewell had a raising this week, putting an addition to his barn. Mise Kearn, of Morven, has been visiting her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sewell. Mrs. Percy Scott is able to be out again. Ming Ofive Emberley Ras returned home from Yarker. Miss Lizzie Haw- ley and 'brother, Carl, and Purcell Amey, are spending the Laster holi- days 'at home. 'Mr. and Mrs, B. Mc- Phérgon have moved to Mr. Beott's place; J. Sewell lost a valuable colt this 'week, Full range of sizes for Ladies and Misses. : \ Alterations charged extra. BATTERSEA BUDGET. Pike Run Short--Muskrat Catch Was Large. Battersea, April 28.The sap season | is over and a long and good ane it] has been, Karl Vanluven manufactur. | ed about three hundred gallons oi} syrup, besides a quantity of sugar. W.| Ormsbee also manufactured a large] quantity, "The pike run in the creeks! and swamps was unusually" short this spring. The ice held on . too long. The catch of muskrats was the! largest in years, notwithstanding the] high prices paid for the skins. CO. Lake heads the list with three hun-| dred to his credit, { Pr. 8. K. lake spent a week at See Window Display. Ce kh many other purposes. A éas equals 20 por.nds SAL SODA. ' : . Tidings From Moscow. SOLD EVRAYWHERE. Moscow, April 27.---8chool re-opened on Monday with ap increased atten- dance in the jubior room. The wo- HALIFAX og Pre Setar AINS gE pre aie with the BM Fe AX immediate rival of the steamer, wak- OKETS AND FURTHER IN- TION, to t GRAND \ WAY AGENT, or to real Ticket Office 5 141 Bt. James Ste Montreal to Liverpool LAN Sex' LINE| 2 E WW. GILLETT 20075 man's auxiliary of the missionary so- ciety conducted an interesting service in the Methodist church Sunday even- ing. Mrs Marshall Huffman, confined to her bed for two months, does not improve very rapidly. Alred Knight, Napanee, spent Sunday at W. W, Axgelstine's. Miss Baker, teaching at Tamworth, spent 'the holidays with her parents here. Mrs. G. W. Lamp- kin and daughter visited Orillia and Poterborp turing the last week. Mrs, C. A. Baker has been visiting her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward, brook. Miss Wheeler, Tweed, is the ghest of her sister, Mys, Ruttan. North Cobalt Budget. Red Rock Mines, Cole- hrother, James Wheeler, Jdopes" Falls, survive to mourn the lost of 'the de- parted. Mueh sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. Denbigh Doings. Denlsigh, il 28.--Hugo . Sdwenei- do, who sold bis farm last fall, had naw alyo disposed of his live stock and farming pnts," and left this morning for Berlin, Out., where he in- tends to engage in some other busi- ness. Mrs. Sedwencido. and children re- main for a couple of weeks yet at the Debibigh House, a8 guests of her mother, Mgs. Po Btein. Adolphe John April 27.~The dwelling house for a week or #0, as {has to suspend work at his new leit Port Rowan recently, where he was en-| gaged in a professional duty. 8. An-| glio, who spent the winter at home, | has returned to the west and located! at Cypress Hill, where he will engage in the musical profession. DD. Lake and George and Adam Sleeth have al-| $0 returned west. "Harold Merriman, | ill with pneumonia, is somewhat bet. | ter. 'Mrs. Robert Dixon is also re covering from a severe illness Many farmers have had sick cattle) this spring and some have heen unior tunate enough to lose one or two, Dr.| Spankie's recent inspection of the vil lage school, and subsequent address on| "Ihe New School Laws," were much | enjoyed by those who attended. Miss Lena Todd, of Brewer's Mills, and! R. Waldron. 4 Le C. SMITH LEADS LIST Big Dividends In Service. . Public opinion is the I. CU. Smith Typewriters lead over all other wera ing machines Ihe rapid pise of the L. ( popular favor js shown hy eéhdlvun volume of evar-intressing detnond. Investors in 1. C, Sith Typewrite ers all over the world afe receiving eoradus dividends These dividends are paid in the Smith in te tr sales god the and| his - architect, Albert Crabtree, the roads ave beginning to dry up. | this morning for his howe néar Miss Anna Hardcore has returned to Cloyne, but intends to return as soon her school at North Cobalt, after as possible, as he bas been engaged spending her Easter holidays at home.{to build a new cheese factory here, as Lewis Hoppins and Ernest A. Barr soon as his present job is completed. attefided the dance at L. Duke's. |B: Wager, teacher in our village Sampson Cronk has returned to Co-{sthool, enjoyed the Easter vacation bale. Alderick Lavance, who has{with kis family at Deseronto, but has been alling for some time, is able tolreturned and resumed his duties. He he at work again. W. H. Wagar andihas brought hiv fewily back with Miss Ll. Lavance made a flying wisit to him and has taken lodgings at the Haeybury on Thursday Jast. 7T.|Chatson House. Miss M. Saul, teach- Bertram, A: War ang FA Barr fer inthe adjoining "school section; made a trip to North Cobalt on Sa-{No. 7, spest her vacation, visiting turday night. W. H, Wagar spentliriends in this village and vicinity. Monday last at Cobalt. G. H. on Mrs. (Rev.) G. Paedisel 'presented ber son left Toronto on Monday where husband with a little gon. She has he will spend a couple of weeks. Visi-theen very ill, hut is now gonsidered Son © KE, rr, a Bb lopat's; Miss baw frag of Fol fk 'Women Suffer -Agonies snow has pearly all disappeared form of splendid service, whith is just a8 good as the GOLD "Buy L. C. Smith's ! Smits I" That's tbe er re posted on the "inside" | the dypewriter pitustion There's absolutely no Nrs. Has buying 1. C. Smith Typewriters kins, Ogdensburg, at L. Vanluven's;| % ita L, €. Swith is worth over one of! N dred cents on the dollar-never Pr. BE. Lake and wile and child, oi Ki c. D 8. K. Lake's el ds ho passes' a dividend, pever suffers " ingston, at Dr. BS. . Lake's; «4 Yslump."" and always leads the lst . Freeland and wife, Portland, at J. | Shrewd, far-sighted men--the Bulls and Bears of Businems--are squippiog their Hughes'; Ethel Lee, Kingston, at W.| offices with L. C. Smith Typewriters EXCLUSIVELY --Hecause the Ormsbee's. L.C. SMITH TYPEWRITER (The Standard Visible Writer) has an efficiency of 100 per vent, every day in the week and from one end to the other. It's. as simple as AD CO, and complets from A (0 Z, Tt foes the need for rapid work with specd to spare It fits into any business groove as though it Weére built 10 order, The L.' OC, Swith Typewriter original in design, perfect in construction brilliant In performance y It has cverturned all fypewriter traditions and' precedents cords io the typewriter world--set up a new standard of: pesults Have our demonstrator call and show you the machine, We hear all expense. Koop your eye on the Lo C. Sauith 1 J. E.FERGUSON CO., Eastern Dealers, 205. Queen Street, Ottawa. ~JOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess St., Kingston. full stock of Typewriter Supplies for all always on Second-hand Typewriters, Miss Berry, of Wolle Island, have re-| turned to their réspective schools, af: | tor spending Easter holidays at home. | Otto Vanluven bas returned to Syden-| ban high school. Easter visitors were : Fri, May 1, 9 a.m. ¥Fri., May 3 9 aan ¥ri., May 29, 6 am, Rath ot Bh po Buy L. © of men who facts of speculation in fhe hno A a Ten 5 Local Agents, year's PRAYED FOR DYING. - [ Regardless of Creed As He Heard] Screams. { Buckingham, Que, Apt 29-The | presence of mind end devotion of | Curate ager, assistant priest at the ill-fated village, is the subject of | much coniment, now that the frat | awful thefll has passed and the sur vivors are commencing to realize the extent of the disaster and to recall the dreadful momegts of its duration. One incident is particularly striking. When those who were out of Me den: er area were aroused 'by the twpult, Gras ne siieit faith To the clongy, the rushed to his howe to be divected. The cure was absent at Buckingham but the curate, Father Belanger, was aroused, He at once, with presence of mind and a selfcontrel which is to broken all ee gf : 7 NL makes of machibes Glenvale, April 28.--Mr. Nelles of the Y.M.C.A., Kingston, preached an excel lent sermon, in the Methodist ohureh, on Suisy evening. The death rs. J. 8. Wartman occurred op April 5 Decesed had been ill for several months diabetes, 'and became af- flieted with pneumonia a few days be- {fore 'her death. She be les et is i450 i Misa| She > and NEY , Toronto, ate visiting [Filkes. < And A Death At Glenvase. 1 Nault Impress This On Your Mind 4 fn CE AT EL Corn Blake Oe the Jin home retoaking gh dest vo original and gutine th gther substizute through, the < , he could hear | The intention of the imitator is ors, Aging the solemnity of the tragedy awakening to fact 8 in- Sy Bl the wonderful demand for wails and dying de- that had received thei a to confuse you by copying the man: rece ir BOIS ty raraing. the curate hale: Ry acu. less of ide " which ated ir all, regardless ne ity. sex, qr religion. wi was votions of his unfortunate parison ed his arms, and with an impressive: name of the original, Fol Pian] : wibed, pro- : their business to profit by... vesal more bodies were sen tos day sin the wddy below Maclaréin's}: : - mone could be recovered, ; but ofa : y y " v ®

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