Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1908, p. 3

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GREAT LOSS OF LIFE A JAPANESE CRUISER SANK . AFTER EXPLOSION. RAND [OPERA HOUSE ¥, FOR Sam, And go GHAt Nusibek ot the Crew and E : ; ERTISIN hs 1 1 very Night a -- a / hy are . Wosk; 16 . PLAIN SEWING DON OF ANY] TWO GOOD. HOUSES NOS. 60 'and 88 Sons of Royalty in 'the! SATURDAY MATS iv tnd. t y Wellitigton street Af [ie ATURDA VBE, ai6 hind Shull an write to} Caves, Sullington strevt. Apply A. B. Ula w- Wearables | ra 0 summit colic oo BS SERRE es : Tokio, April 30. --Admiral Yoshi- PHRA che io {THE OPPORTUNITY TO F IRNISE| GOOD MILCH Cow rin » 5 ? : matse, co nder of the training » ZE a . Sstmate prompty dome ¥, J. Wire: od, in gu d o udidion. Apply * 4 : : Flectrician, 300 Wellington st : Squadron, reports that am explosion BICC BR--~ BRIG HT Fl y ¢ i | -------------- red in. he. Stack Magazine of the Than. Ever. 5 " > re ~ aE . BLACK MOULD FOR FLOWER } Gohger Matsushima, at four o'clock! Xew Music-ew: Danests--New Costumes | SOBER, COMPEFENT CAPTAIN, FOR | SOM HOE PROPERTY 10 SELL] = or top dressing. Also ashes Zemoed, Mak, 8 hobs" on" 1s Ft 2015 hs TE Cal 0 A po | NSARM. OF Bor | Magenta SA A te dR | Bk EA Sm Makatg, 8 harbor on the Po gs | 200--In the rand Cast and Deuce En- 17h ington street, rr ------ TE » : ; hi Fo fel 5 Matsushi a immedh tely i pp - - wr pr - " Prices Evening, 28¢., 38¢.;60¢ 78¢. n NO. 138 UNIVERSITY AVE. DOUBLE Walking Skirts White Waists i. ni" Gn be wan | Bm ie Se somsvie | 3 Cupiricn woop ou | Ln bh Neen vw, | ISITY AVE, pounin sutk, until only the bridge was visi- Bt repair Ste job, "Ad rae | Ra, '3 k od pm ble. Efforts at resc is i ts now on sale. # dw. Eo 4 large experience al gardening and ing, open plumbing Apply W, Neat well-made, strictly tailored| Ww Lawn Waists, Embroidery po rr Pow mod ll aa rae we. ad Stn. aaihyising Ins. AREY ee tu Salisvan, clarence Sirvet: Ipdies' Walking Skirts, in Brown. apn} neiennes Insertion, long |aving 'the lives of 141 men, including AUCTION SALE AT wank." Wages SIG ar ar : > . ; 3 some officers. The majority of the of-] Solid: Brick residence, with stable and Be 1b 0 'o., | A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF Eqack, Blus,, snd Grey, nicely ard sort sleeves, front and back | fore wore Nob op ly u dre bual, the Via of Cas . Shor weeks Wilbur Lean Ore Co, yards 5 salars or oer "be » wes t . TI desir Soh ARs, Stitched and trimuned with self i 5 a will be soid at WM. MURRAY'S Auction ¥ an fnstening, $1, $1.28, $1.50, $1.65, | At the time of the admiral's report Hoams, Brovk St., on ia AN EXPERIENCED ENGINEER TO . : o'crock { ** + (ie Trvenit: pr-- . x ration of ray jon tur DRESSY Sore EN TO GET|VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALW. skrappinge, all sizes, $4, $4.75, the "cadets aboard numbered fifty ' i. : won | SATURDAY, AT $5.50, $..75, $2. $2.25 to 50. © eight, opt of a complement of 300. ' Noo . $5. 2 n N he preservation of steam ballers Sprig made at Gallo. Double house, on Johnson Street, the I is feared that all are lost. 7] ¥ esontatives will have full o 4 ; 1 s he r-- ania district, Ieferences Way's. Style, Price Snish guar. property of the late Joseph Jamie sone of Baron Chinda, viee minister ¢ 8 : + : 3 AUCTION SALE. bised. Apply The Victor LU 5 on, now used as Awol bi aed Vests of the foreign office, and of Prine SATURDAY, MAY nd MARKET pound Uo, Potxin Bide Bay Sto Ls y's Livery, - tamber's shop. Abply tan Nard Gyana, field marshal, are "amon Square, Chestaut GC ding. 'Toranto. : alkem & Walkem, ol old, ¥ Ph ki ™ s *, = +L » Good quality Prints, Fancy Ribbed Cotton and Lisle Thread, Jthem. Capts. Name, Yoshimori hands high, si%- Years Wrappers Fo a8 - T™O "MORE SO0D CANVASSERS . kind, single or double. Also'? Now "Meh Or ERY rectory. ah SOME PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OF HB ro are also thought te be lost. Sale at 11 o'clock, WM. MURRXY hence Fall. Apply at once , Wartelsky, Viereha, consintihg wl Tr Stripes a desi Dark and i ae : Cows. ANTED--F, i } Taght ng ds ap or _-- White, long, short and no sleeves, pho couse of the explosion is un-| suction. WAN EMALE, betwen 32 rir nig - Office, frame store and' dwelling, well estab. RS, beeding, ribbon and lace trimmed, . Pa lished general store business, good known. The Pescadores Islands are a wr B : " ' . ¥ Whi 5 DRESSMAKERS ALSO AVPIPREN- 3 egllars, flounce on skirts, fitted y low group hetween Formosa and tices Sélary from commencement for ™ reason for sgling. Apse tod SK. bedy, linings, sizes 32 to 42 bust |®/t ®izes, 15c., 20c., 28¢c., 30g, § fina. TRUNK MURDER CASE. laticr. Apply Steacy & Sjgacy NEWMAN & SPRIGGS BLECYRIC co | Metemn 81 Brock Bi, Kiigsion ' he up your Oxtures to look Mke - fer $1, $1.25, $1.50, 33c., 35¢, 406. to fbe. each. mT THO « DINING-ROO) GIRLS, "ONE new. Silver, Nickle and Coppér Plat-| CITY PROPERTY CHEAP: NO. 98 ' ' DOWN IN GANANOQUE. Woman Tells How She Slew Her AA hy at he ing. Hous Wiring. Repurr work Bagot St., near City Park, ell fm- . \ . -- Neighbor. Brifish-American Hove! done x Large crtitent of Fhe Provemeits; 200 Fr ni ge ke . Leeds Tor Conventi. mis o ts a -- and i J liers, hy h a sion ; 3 i ¥ t., "Well built Petticoats Corset Covers i - 7 a en Promises Watertown, N.Y., Agril 30---Start- A GIRL TO WORK ON SKIRTS, ALSO Sie Just , #9 Princess St. 'Phone "tons hohe of Shout 12:rgoms : No. : ge 'y : ° Ivey. ling developments in the Bregoan an apprentice Aoply to Miss Glos . 23 sari HL, BE ru, - Black Mercerised Petticoat . Corset-Covers of 'fine 'Wainsook, Gananoque, Aptil 29. Richard Wil- marder case came to light, dase ynishs, son, 100 Earl street. : ¥ . y snap. Geo. CLE. Recl Estate" 08 ET Ceris etticoats, ac- . son, contractor; has been awarded the when Mas. James Faxmer told not TION W Clarence St. 3 cordeon , plaited flounce, frills, [full fronts, trimmed with lace and {contract for sewers and waterworks | only the. completo story of her like, GENBRAL ANP i ERENCES SITUA ANTED, - - Strappings, ete, lengths, 38, 40, enbroidety, all styles and sizes, | Connections this year. He has a gang| bet alse. what is poecepled. as a druth- | Macnee, 25 ou Ntrests . BY EXPERIENCED XOUNG LADY ) PO-LET, 4%, for 0c, 81, $1.10, $1.25 to, 4 c. 78 je. § 88 work on Mill street and will have, ful story of the crime. good stenographer, hoakknepur | a S---- 84 50 + 1 ' or 25¢., 40c., 50c., 65¢., 75¢., 90¢. that part rushed through as quickly| According to her statément the hus: APPLICANTS For THE POSITION general office assistant Hest of rofer FURNISHED RW fade, oR ROOMS, E od > . a . o oR, & hie mag ur "firuitube, ete i ty 2.25. os "possible. - Road Buperintendent|band, James Farmer, never fnew of SET, Puree t 8 Fottavitie Hos. oor: APPIE. Box CB. 389,7 Whig 81 Brock street. , ran Wheeler and his assistants have been the murder which had, been committed red bed Hospital, training = general, | ------y ---- Cor is Hosier at work . this week on King gteeet| in Lis home witil the moment the ithe a three prouthe ecolirs in EXPERIENCED DOMRSTIO SER. | NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, Se : 'y clesning Mt up, and it now presents o | trunk. containing the mutilated. hady tes on handred doa h onthe; Yants, oie party arriving about May | por modern, it Bu Vedios in FF ust -- J Bab Sidi very respectable appearance, of Mrs. Patrik Brennan was opened paid during the throes yeapss -gourse. rR May ig i) -- lls naam, All the popular makes, E. T., D. Ladies' Fancy and Plain Sum- 'The 'coal. schooner Theodore Yoges | before his eves, Circulars of information and apphca an rau. oki alee, | HR ESHER WEST and A, P. G., ete., White, Drab, ; mer Hosiery, Cotton and Lisle § cleared for Oswego yesterday Suienang. Mrs. Former claims she catmmitied Hon anh furaished_Spou_requist to Telephon Dptowd 2.361, | rooms With or without board aud Grey, all sizes and styles to |Thread, Black, White, Tan, all] The consecvatives of Gananoque held | the murder alas, but hoy with: aw ing. ------ Modern eonvenlences. Apply S02 "fur A 2 Ar a OF ; a meeting in the town hall last even-| ax as stated. She struck down the Ae Een spit avery figure, 50c., 7hc., $1,|sizes, 25e.; 38¢., 40c., 50c., 75¢., ing to appoint, delegates for the con. | aed woman with an article, which she AGENTS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. | ss PR a ar $1 25, $1.50. per pair. % vention at belta on Friday, May Ist {had been using a few moments before. - spe MEN AND HN TO LEARN BAR| gent stseet, known os the : Strong efforts are being put forth to| Nothing concerning rd dol, Fhe sas 8, IE NAN 4.9000; Lyk MAN. WHO pod trade, Grgduntes earn twelve to |= REUBechy +. Fh or se Br a 8 send a solid delegation in favor of} *ntered into a quarrel which two Dopdip: Wether Kin teen dollars weekly, Help secure oY Jad, Nelann, 51 Brock ' Properties in King Romi u ems | ~ -- - Belts and Collars . Veilings JR Dargavel, af it is understood | Women had and which was the Cause ston 'and' vicinity, Splendid induce ito Re tioa oa ROR. 1 om SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE. KING " Mr. Jobuston will be on hand with a} of the murder ments to. the right man. Capital is Few. weeks completes course. Catan St. West, near Alwingte Ave., ning Mr, ! | NOL necessary, nor is it necessary to Write Moler Barper POG, OILY LO ] a 4 | Mrs, Farmer's school da Ve free. A great shoWike of Fa r A full stock of Famey Spring {strong following from the northern | 8 p ,(UBYY | Were have 'sn office. = References requined. owe, To ' Eg 0 g ney Belts part 'of the riding. In the meantime | Spent in Buffalo. According to the Hatfigld & McLaren, Capitalists . and hn onto ----r--. dene and Collars, for spring and sum-| Veilings, on groynd . floor, plain the liberal ' party has its eyes open fees she bore no bad reputation, ip } inartiers, Anmstrong'Hioek, Calgury TINSMITH = WANTED MUST BI me er wear. Impossible to describe |and dotted Mesh, Silk and Chiffon and is quietly allowing things to take Wat city. For four years she was em- Alberta. THirdtclass 'Dench' worker, capable ofl FIND DR oll different styles and qualities Viilings, for 28c., 30c., 33¢., 38¢.,§ (heir course. { ploy d as a. nurse girl Jn the Jamily 3 Inakiog up Stosk well apd fawt so ¥hes ture, goods Be suze to visit this department. |40c. and 50¢. per yard. 'The grocery firm of Walker & Me. ©f Philip Koth at Neo. 5! Richmond ARCHITECTS. tn rt Pill, so & Iw. other | rid Lean has dissolved partnership, Mr |B2Venue. It was in Buflalo he said Staple lines you are prepared to make! 990 Queen St Walkgr going ont of the business, Mr. |® . ha met Farmer and fll jn. love ARTHUR h Oger is to replace the retiring mem. with itn, They were married and hed fice, Leslie & Son, Alexandria, Ont Hark stiuit; at Proc SaiDER. 158 Cas Coupons. ber and the name is to be changed|™! on a: three months cruise, after Liewt-Col. Hudon, C.M.0., hot water " to McLean & Oger. which they came to Brownyille HENRY P.. SMITH, ARCHITECT, beatlg and modern fmproverients Mooney & Son wes, King street, | When she reached the story of ihe tec Anchor Building, Market Square BUSINESS CARDS. Apply to Armstrong MeCormiek, 103 . ein SN, « GTOMRRS, k ng street: crime; Mrs." Farmer was not excited 'Phone, 845, . - Gihtre strost. or Thames. Mille. 99 are selhng out their stock and go- Word by word she recited tog dhe po JAMES ACTON, WOOD. ANP COAL Clarence stréet. 3 romptiy attended ps ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF in & diy Of ten hours. = Also wages SY ---- or. Queen and Bagot strests, reqbined did experiguoe.. Apply VP FROM 18T MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 ing out of husiness at omer... Mo id POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS ER- for 'sale. ord " ry ho: MORL romp. Srde MONEY AND BUSINESS, vincesy J the moment." s } ? " Mrs. Joseph Kenny, of Jones' Falls, her hee hr hae wolian Hgied WM. NEWLANDS, ARCIUTECT, OF. and Pillows . ceased by stesm. H. rotipany offers, Examine them at spent. some time in town during the shit ong the en 8 though 0 fice, second Boor over Mahood's Drug Mi ne, 2372 Bagot street. Godwin's & st week the guest of her daughter, Lk Entrances and Bagot ot Square, i :. eet Hegot street TL Vik Shon Mgt, Higa ares PITH oF THE NEWS. ! --------t a io iid 00. boats ua | LIVE 4 Mr. and Herbert J, Reid, who the ay Yiment Ra ad Fire liwtirance Company, Available were marsied at Adams, Mich, on} The Ve Latest Ou J b rs Cruiser, Launches, Speed sasets $01,187,215, In addition te Wednesday last, returned ta town yes. | | ry: Culled From Al n, 8; Macon. Coward & Which th polieyholiters | have' for terday afternoon and will zeside = ap | Over The World. SUNBURST OF © PEARLS 'awp] otige," Kingston, 0 - the Mackholiers pand, dnb "ely pro- - Copper, L.ead Mr. Reid's newly purchased resiclonce | Notice bas been given of a general Samonds. Reward for its return to perty insured at lowest possible Tin, Zinc: {Jan King street west. Miss Lily Pugh, | "duction of wages ia the cotton trade : PERSONAL. aan aioe rtd Jil of ping (BLE GH A er >. Barrielield, in the guest of Mr, and | Opired at Montregl. i'd FOR SALE OR TO LET. & Strange, Agents. Phone, 685 © We are hasdgoarters. Send us your Inquiries. Mrs. E. X. Bolnois, King street, for a! It is announced" that the United HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, - " " : few days. | States fleet has accepted an invita- | FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH ' PRO wh ab wets Jorn peti perty. in village of Sydenham For Bighou or Rluier Ek Ar, i : | » ae rey x 31 WILLIAN ST. Miss Chemty and Miss Mgford, o [190 to visit the Fiji Islands | \ ; -- : xX Metal Co Ltd . . vy Miss Bllen Stewart, bf Carthdge. further particulars, apply to Calvin ie Throat "and Skim Blewlsh CO, 8. KIRKPATRICK. 185010 oF Tr Ama) 4 | oy Ipsirance Wwmpariuin, Mark. i a + a " s 4% 4 A understood that Mr. Mooney purposes Sone immed. murder. My God, chant's Bank Building, corper Brock to. Oflice, 154 Colborne Nt . 4 . A ® docating in one of the western = pro-| XY did 1 do it? I must have been and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 214, | tei a-------------------- am ------ ky tempted. 1. never thought of 'it until ELECTRIC CARPET _ALEANING, [QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF bi 3 : ge ay Sewing. and sng. Feather Beds building and comlents them any other CHEAPER THAN ER, WB . "PATHE fo 1d RIFOOL; LONDON AND GLOBE * oy TORONTO, ONT. Ringston,. me the vy 3 Hr. and N.Y. aged 104 vpars, sald fo be the + Take, Sydenham, Ont Specialist, 268 Bagot stress. Marriage Licinwes, #2 Olarence Si, a Mr. and Mrs, Henry Thomas and] O9e8t resident in Northern New York, i 1 is dead REY Te -- r---- - family, who has been spending a couple | ** . X | of weeks in New Liskeard, the gussts| U8ttle drovers are asking the gov- BS ! THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT | of the former's parents, have returned whit to pay Sheth for "the cattle . 8 : | 10 town, and expect to-leave the la whith are condemned at the abéttoirs The Old Stand and the Bi Unitas. | Ve. £. W. CASSQON. p evden, as unfit for food. / ter part of the week for Dryden, Al Burglars attempted to rob the Bank Old Number --- oma district, where they will r- 3 4 Joma reside . Rer-{ of Commerce bradch Th a western God And A Man. & ' suburb of Winnipeg, but the safe xe: 4 "9 0 y bo Fo itt of God and a man, --a real sisted their efforts. MRS. COREY GOES TO PARES: | beset wi Johgson. Minnesota, red _OBFPICE NO. 1. routaEeonuy, "ATWart, Trad man. Such 4 -------- tr Holesale men to work to All orders prom t1 {a man, »¥ elding himself without > Former Actress Will Study Under | obliterate "the boundary between FR erin P ptly attended to, }& 0 , ye ding bir d wi h - re d d the 'United S g o ay. serve to the will and the high purpos Dé Resake. Willie H hit Slate. ---- {es of God, attaine unto the highest New York, Apwil 30.--Before sailing Servi atm ta i. is already ahs, Sndersigned are the drivers using and achipves the best. In. such fx Favors wih her hbo. New W. | 50 orm a" Kiognton, enim: | 0 She "Fathead tna yd GL, wad alive, ho best. In such a E. Corey, formerly Mobelle Gilman, | NEY: Jn » $htenced, gt { 8. : : Ho" i subhmest idgsteation of the divise | ) Guelp ic rl C P. Lawless' the actress, said. she intended to go | UIP. to an additional twelve years, PE. , wy 5 3 J: McFadden, { power, mw action, Cod and man 0.1." Fules: Lg : rd f I a to Paris to study for the operatic ules: Lamourcauy, aged eighty-four, | &, 3 Wm. Boyd, © God working through the man stage yndnr Jean le Resske. 'I have Sxertame with grief at the loss of hig}. Si 3 Nolan, the man working with God, --are a | 3 " y gr i on: Ww . sod, o | several voles entirely learned," Mrs. daughten and her family in the laid James Mitchell, force irresistible. You have it in vour Corry sail, "which 3 have to fnisk, | "ie at La Salette, died in_his rhage. Wir. McQuaid. power to be the mun ! Give voursell with' Me. De Besske, with. whens 1 Four boy fiends in Toronto recently nieservidly: - ic the | he pr 5 abnll appRar in Hand opera this gen: brutally tortured a ten yoar-old - ghild ie woods i) 2 ¥ i o th - rice of ol bo | san. } am not doing this with any because he refused to steal money 2 Th» Great Rngt s n a the patil ilities of y - . 8 3 fe . a. tl r Crm. a n BX pre ¢ possibilities of our Heuie to appear again an public, but eo hin hou for: thew, te buy cigar Lenon sne Bow | 8chicvements. simply for the sake of the work. I Prince .B \ ' Hiood (in /Sures Ne ArTT---- Lo . : a ince Ernest August, of Cunther a . 1 | Eh ; have always heen weed fo active lite land, the Suge an ok the a - jikay Monks Bras a = Address, Rov. €-W. Casson, at 23 i Tenders fer Binding Machine, Sorel Held cannot remain idle. Camberland - it 4 A oi ett J ; Beacon street, Boston, Mass, for the | THNDERS ADDRESSED To Ti Mrs. Corey: said. she intended do A am eriand, it I. reported' is ahout Tout pec hur, Hitoraturs » : ' {undersigned at Ottawa. and cud 1 oF . or 0 . i heer i the 4a - 4 . We enyelopo " . hove the in her omn house here. ng an olicer in the Lerman : > all ERS { Siac $ Balopn 3 nutes i+ . Toul \ -------------------- The Canadian Pacilie rai way. weel v TENDERS. | Beparn it of Marine 5 Fins Infinite are the powers and the pos Misawa, » BOOB THE OBSTACLES PUT ur crop teport, just issued, shows from | : eye | FAG IHATRN TR DAY OF MAS 1008 4 for the forniehing y " A pt ea, ighty 40 uinety. 1 ® ki rhe . i May Prevent - Emigration From : sowing compl - apd condi- The Old Cab S¢ . nding Sel hoi BAS, Lo he de Britain to Canada. biota most lavorablo. i. [Fen PQ . London, April 30.<The Camberwell | oe Reet ian atithe sypline at With N Numbe ' Dpecilications and detailed .§ distresy Couimittoe has asked the Uen- Tsarakoe-Selo, EX, - oF "Prince 1a New mer | TEND DREDGING. | Marine nod Frakes the! tral unemployed body whether, in view | Wilhelm of Swed » arapid \ | TESDERS'AbnH sBp 7 ae | Director of the Goverament Sh i Duchess Pavl 5 a i TO THE | Surel, and fr we the A gent of the serious obstacles placed in: the | Duchess Pavlong, § ny rand H E 600. [RT TOR ho, MAL 430) Gacrians, of Marine and bash mie" way of emigration by the Canadian | Duke Paul Alexgndroviteh, wr® practi- . opiired oF Ad, a : for dredgiag | rout V2 o shore 'f government, suitable men and their ally complete, i Hig Holl | Lfoxince of Ontario : i Wictorts |. Beh tender must be accompanied by JHamilies contd not be sent to Austral . Commonwealth go. mt has | Marhour, Tenders \ to be endirsed TTLl acecpted cheqie on a chartered Cape and the other colonies. The Gi eS béen in sonsultation with the govern- Orders promptly attend EASE Droduing Tala. snd Victori unk, laa he sum ob SHR 00.40 Fra committee has decided to discontinue » fe New South | ed to, day or night. deluge puase note that we bILn Cito will be forteied i emigration in consequence of the belief} Wo . 0. a rr . red in the harbours of Tin and to dar is Boespled declines that while the type of men required. by States fect during ENGLISH SHIRE 2 fot ac. log warioh 0 ht" or | aching. oF tila tu Sarry 10 25 foot ftract. "HH the tender In tiol accep Canada would: be- beneficial to the | 4% 1 isit. thape. 16 is 1 that ca. ay be Gn 5 py o dominion i would be a disadvantage] "Ore than $500,000 will 8 He ited to] NormarRoyal" Ved v Be Depurtwun. Se [hr Mil bo eluent iad thai to Glasgow to lose oie 3. purpose, " 4 : iy sha Man of 10 channel Jadite 5 the ath of [to acoept the lowest or any Judes y : . ; fa . he mp nde : % in" the | fant be 0% or before the Ist | Newspapers Eopgies this advertisement Can be 1 Ni ober, 1 ET without Ly fromm Uw Peps Lwant 5 a) MG. Tenders, wilt be | will td ¢ io NELLS AETERINARY OFFICE. | mag iens: oo analdered. unless ¥. COURDEAL So Cikemen Su: An arly ca oid with 6 netusl sfenabiied:, pr Minister of Marine aod Fisher m-- la TET tinder | ag And form of Depart toh of Marine snd ¥Vsbwrion The recent fol le sla ter of « 5, Ortawa, Cansda, 21st April 1008, ritthenakes in Santa Cres, Cal... hes | e plant § ; t ona of LAE wid rh o} ; ; REIT '4 bars, amd tie waote op ' pe Ne " hc i grape crop is in w i 3 ; To Hormally ded : i langer of destruction. + | within tw wear ia & waslety [8 slistinguished + Carnegie bony. tn Hab tbe Morsocan pretense Thecte 25 Hi v 3 Say PIE, Osan, der, or, as bo is commonly ented, the thelr te RSpted shoubia A 3 ghartored bask NOTIC ; : § ; ; ' oY | "Bultan of " payable $0 the order of 1 Honourabts \ ! =. the of Warks. for wx Tenders for' Building Fisheries X 5 i u tars J. mist be de te. ew York sosiety is i a-futter. For i i wos women wn Cruiser fo: British Columbia. [some tame it hos wumbered teed as : wil be re. Salma dor I endcin tnx the aly four hushed. Now susebody Frned can of uomphcopiange. of 4 [xvid 1 the Birsy of May Sieh hy says it is at least a thousand, and" on mot hisd fteeif |THE Of June went. SOBRE AG: that it has no leader. SC any Umder E fe "Nasturtiom sced, tall and dwarf," Other, a Sine aria find Wistarses firesh at Gibson's Hed Cress Drug £ "Sarah A Clog, conducting the man Tananess sivardron in evaisine in ! ; , 1908. ¥ Ay lending business of 1, BB. Tolan Bea, snd its officers are-to Pid ROR TR CH n Winnijeg, bas been fond uli of ont 4

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