C. YEAR 75--N0, 102. ps ---- QUEEN'S AND ---- HURCH Question of Separation Debated by Trustee Board. sembly---No Definite Action Was Taken By the Trustees. $s The trustees of Eniiersity met, discussed the petition of the asking for changes in the constitution of the university, so that Queen's become a mamber of the Carnegie foundation. No decision was at, and adjournment was made this morning, to further consider matter. The debate wae quite warm at times, the oppositionists to the sparation from the Preshyterian church being very emphatic their opinions, The petition of the senate was first made public in the Whig, of Monday, April 6th, when an - outline of the whole matter was given In order that Queen's may enjoy the Carnegie pension fund for retired professors, some changes must be made in the composition of the board of trustees 10 make that body undenominational The proposition is that the thus elected : One-third to for the first time under the stitution by the members of board, no denominational tion or test being reguived, said thied after their election soll-perpetuating. electing among themselves as they occur by co-optation; the other two-thirds of the hoard to be made up of one gov emment repevsentative, ome or two from the city council, one or two vlected hy the senate (outside of pro fesuors), one representative of the sci unre school, one representative gf the medical faculty, the remainder to be chosen freely and without denomina tional qualification or=test by the university opuncil. The board of trus tees, for the management of the theo logical faculty to consist of those members of the seli-perpotuating seo tion of the whole board who shall happen to be Presbyterians and of three other members to be appointed by the erictut assembly of the ros Quecn's enate an arrived till in hoard be be new the qualifica and the to be vacancies that' it is i acticable to make stich alteration in Queen's constitu. tion ns will bring the university un- der the benefits of the Carnegie foun: dation, witholt essential disturbance of wither the relation which the theo DAILY MEMORANDA. Yout To-day and all the time It's Campbell Bros'. Nebhy Hats, Special 1.0.F, Meeting to-night. "The New ' dophre.' Grand House, 8.15 pm, The Gymnasiim Classes of V. W, ©. A; will hold their annual Concert, Monday, Mav 11th, in Opera House Bijou ro Fights and Scenes in the - Turkish Capital" Melodrama 4 Harry the Postman Falsely Accused' John Robert Davis sings, 'The Bell Of The ™ Opera Bali. -------- WHIG TELEPHONES, B30 Eadutmpral a I 298-~Jobbing Department, ig arm. all Kinds, wt Whig. The Dal Whig i" always on sale at ug Store, ibaon" Market 8 Tree 18te 6aEh SvoRing, SE Toilet Sets last evening, and for four hours | the | elected i i old | tand if | wer I not i changes KINGSTON, i o to benefit from this there would! such a great amount for Ihe mjdter of increasing the salar was also relerved | i be Queen 8¢ professors to. These were the chiel « points gone over. The legal aspect was also spok-| en of and it was pointed out that le- ! gal advice mast frst be obtained he- | | fore any action towards constitutional | could be taken. Then the j matter had to go to the General As-| { sembly for its docis io, and it might The Matter Was Referred to the General As-| | logical hall has to the university or "| anything that is natural and vital 'in the relation which wow exists between | the university and the: Presbyterian { church, That is the essence of the before the trustees, MH virtually means a total separation' of the university from the church, and that is how the trustee hoard it wotwith standing the statement that the pre sent relation with the church would Le undisturbed. At the trustees' meeling the senate's petition for constitutional changes | strongly supported by Jans Douglas, 1L.L.D., of New York, and Pb. B. Maclénnan, K.U., of Cornwall, who contended that it would he in the of the nniversity that it be made undenominational. They held that the Presbyterian church had responded as as was expected, and that cha were not within vighteen outside) Quven's question regards was interest not largely il constitutional mace year (or months at the would mise the opportunity of from the Carnegie her professors when this securing, pensions foundation for | like an receive a bump there, the board ap-| peared to be pretty well divided upon | the matter, and no one could tell at] that time what the result would be.| Adpurnment was made till nine o'clock this morning, when the dis cussion was resumed, (Continued on page 4.) TOM MOORE ON QUEBEC. --_-------- Impressions Made on Poet Hun- dred Years Ago. April 29. --1n a letter dated Augost 206th, 1, Thomas the poet, wrote © "My Darling After seventeen hundred rattling and tossing thrgugh lnkes, | rivers, ete. Yad at upon the ground which® made immortal and which looks more Elysium of hevoes than their deathplace, 'H anything ¢an make the beauty of the eountry more striking, i is the deformity and oddity of the eity which it smropndd, and which lies hemmed in by ramparts smid this delicious seonery, like a hog in armor upon bed of roses.' London, (ebec, Moore, Mother miles' woods, last Wolie on The Popular Hats. Cranphyel) sthish derbies Are Bros'. 2 and $2.50 Maedonnell, has resigned. Sir Antony P under secretary for «heeled et A Siam Town is at the Paris, April 30. ~The Temps, publishes a special despatch Battambang, saying the town is at the mercy of natives, who have risen to-day, ' bellion owing to European residents. Troops are in- | sufficient to insure protection. Bat- | tambang i a town of Bian in the French sphere. of i - Heooemt. ie- ---------- thelr time of relivement came. it! was pointed out that there was 4 dan or of losing some of the best pe) Bors Queen's has if the university did hot become eligible for the CUar- nogio Foamdation. It is losing one now in Professor Macomughton, who at Meliill will be entitled to pension, probably after six more years' ser tien, Nearly overy large university in Canada will he on the Carnegie Foun dation, and Queen's, if 1 does not qualily, will suffer, was a strong point made. The opposition to any change in the relation of Queen's to the Preshvterian church vigorous, 'The chief op positionists were Rev. Dr, Campbell, of Montreal, moderator of the general assembly: Rev, AMred Gandier, of To- vonto, and G. M. Macdonnell, K.C"., of Kingston, Sentiment was pot their only argument. "They held that "it would be unfair to the church to take such action as was proposed. The Presbyterian church had nursed Queen's from infancy, and in the past few years had done nobly towards her and would do still greater things in her hehpll. There was no guaranties that the government at Ottawa Toronto wotild do anything more even | il Queen's was made non<denomination wl, neither could it he taken for grant- ed that her constituency of subscribers wotlld be enlarged for men of all erence had aided her as a church in. stitution. They * held that the half million dollar endowment fund was] « I was or ' Sysstat prices tor A short time only. Best quality Sets. 6 Pieces, $1.40 10 Pieces, $185 : all colors. go pu _ ROBERTSON BROS. he . Iris QUITE TRUE | that a temporary rush of © business : F . 5 ° pert A mote than one in eight or ten years, growing well. It pow amounted to, £110,000, and only SVO000 was needed pofore Andrew Carnegie's $100,000 eoiilil be called for, Then there hope of benefactions from otber quar tors, : Regarding the matter of pensioning professors Se. Gandier's idea was that | vary shortly Queen's could establish a pension fund of its ows. A professor might not retire on an average of was anil as the. univepsity hecame better off fingacially, as he and others had great confideries that it would, the pormion fund would grow and. be «af ficlont for all neadS. The Uk f Foundation. amounted fo. $15,000,000, 4 SAYS IT WA a Wn Charlotietown, The suit Shanes + ant 1% Bennett whose name politicn, suits wenerally are brought tho Salmevatives. Mr. Hughes is ha a partner in & Covetankoc coniract NATIVES IN "REVOLT ionists. spatches, from | said the natives in revolt, and who ave threatening the [in hy the local mandarin. o toage of H, {frank railway, fwithin an hour of his landing at Liv ° WHITES AND BLACKS Sensation Created at Dinner of Cosmopolitan Club. j Of Lachite women. seated side { ronto. Suing An M.P. For Breach of Independence Mercy of the Revolut- Cochin-China, of the Central An- am provinces were in a state of re the abuses indulged The Cen provinces are not. far which is about the Cochin-China from Saigon, tral Apnam rom Dattambang, orty milés from ontier, HE Mr. Charlton's Baggage Stolen. London, April 30.-All of. the bag R. Chariton, of the Grand Montreal, was stolen rpool. Another Canadians trunk was pened, robbed and relocked a week wack. There have been many . com- The: decrease in C.P.R. net over the same period last year is, Mirch 2944,.706,73, and from July to March 31st, there i a decrease profits for Ist of New York, April 30. Declaring that thers i np puch thing as social egal ity hetwedn white people amd negroes AMONG Negroes themselves, the Rev, Madison CU. Peters explained why he took an abrupt departure} from the dinner of tha Cosmopolitan | chub in Brooklyn when he entered the] banquet hall and saw vege men and by side aad heard them engaged in discussion agi tating the abolition of the wace pro-| Lym by the process of intermarriage.) i oven ONTARIO, T™H URSDAY, : ; } hundred or more universities] He GIRL SHOT HERSELF, Woman From Arnprior Tries End Life. Cobalt, fist, April 30K tnenty- year-old named Mary Kittoer shot hetsest in the head with a thirty- eight calibre Coft revolver, Wed ts day. at a restaurant here, Where be was employed chambermaid. shot was heard in one of the rooms | by the proprictor"s father, who weat | to where the sound came trom, and | found the girl lying I a pool blood, She was taken to the aH hospital, a few minutes later, but | camnot recover. A yollig man, with | whom the girl has been Keeping com. f pany for some time, says the revolver | is his, and that he gave it to her to] keep for him. The girl has Deen em- | ployed in Cobalt for nedrly a year. Her home is in Aroprior, and she . is of German extraction. AAA AAR ENTRANCE EXANS. | to gu as t { L * *® E Dates for examinations have been fixed as follows : For entrance. to Model school, June, 28rd ; high | school entrance, June 24th, 25th and 26th. Normal School entrance, and jun- ior 'matriculation, June 20th ; entrance to faculty of education and scholar- shi matriculation, July # ond # HERI FFEFEERE APRIL favorable, of for 2,000 mmiorants. BONUS SYS SYSTEM IN USE | Superintendent of of Immigration Refers to Its Advantages. | Gives a Good Hold on the Agencies---There is a Leakage of 10,000 a Year to the States. Ottawa, April 30.--In the sgricul- ture committee, W. I). Scott, superin- aa at of pnenigration, ead a state ment on the bonus system. Heo stated that one great advantage of the bonus system is the bold which it gives upon booking agents, esabling the department to impress upon thems the sort of immigrants which it does not desire. For example, an English booking. agency posted at a time when conditions in Cawada were un- in defiance of remonstrances the department, an advertisement The department first deprived them of all bonuses and then made such representations to British authorities as to procure the cancellation of the agency's license. Another matter on which Mr. Boots dwelt was the alleged deift to us of immigrants on whom bonus had Leen parich. This, be said, does pot cour The leakage of immigravts to the! United States is about 16.000 a wear, and few of these are of the bonus classes, as attractions which Canada ean offer to the bonus classes are equal or superior to those of the lw ited States. Further, United States lists of entries are obtailied and com pared with Canadian lists, the names | of persons bonused noted and tle bonuses witheld. last vear the leak: age was 15.667, been bonused. FI IRNNR RIFLE MATCH FOR EMFIRE. ---- Transvaal Officer Donates 100- | Guinea Challenge Cup, Ottawa, April 30.--lt is notified in militia orders that Lieut. -Col. Ray- mond Schumacher, Witwatersrand Rifles, Transvaal, S.A., has, with the { To Render Justice to announces that electors another sent in Montreal. For! \ TWO SEATS FOR ENGLISH. English- speaking People. Montreal, April 30.--Promier Gouin the government has the Enghsh-speaking jecided to give this purpose the tributed, It is possible Westmount, West Ward and St. Antoine division will be added together, ded in Gouin that the | only object render justice to the English element in the metropolis | and give them their legitimate sentation,' and then divi two Says is to repre. approval of Lord Se borne, high com- missioner for South Africa, and the National Rifle Association of Great Britain, donated a 190-guinea chal: lenge trophy for competition in rifle shooting between regimental teams throughout the British empire on Em- pire day, May 24th. Teams from units of the active militia of Canada are invited to compete for this trophy Feams to consist of forty officers, pon. commissioned oflicers, or men from any regiment of cavalty or mounted rifles, brigade of artillery, or hatta- lion of infantry, or from anv of his majestv's ships-of-wae in active com- mission. : € FAST GAINING HEALTH, This M. D. Don't Take His Own i i Wf Me New York, April nnks of the war on discases into the rn Cortez re-assembled, yesterday, on the eighty-second tablishment commended a revision of the constitu: tion, the dual rights, a new electoral law fix- i the Hl rath AE, REVISE CONS TITUTION Ir ------ --_-- This is the Suggestion "of the King of Portugal. T-- Lisbon, Aptil 30.--The Portugese anpiversary of the of a constitutions! wmment in Portugal. King Manuel pe- on gov. re-establishment of indivi France "aml methods of try should placed a nomical fopting. At of the king's speech the members the cortez broke out imtoo cries of "long live the king," which was Mh up and re-echodd hy She others Tk ARE & ait more careful coun aud the more rigid finance wherchy be on eco medical fraternity, Rev. John Weod Elliott an Episcopalian minister, who has joined the of Divine Minis- try, in East Orange. and is attempt ing cures of people by prayer and the laying on of hands, has announced that of his patients js a promin- ent Elizabeth physician suffering with asthma and dropsy "He reports himself as fast regain ing his health and is enthusiastic over the treatment.' Mr. Elliott. Cirele one said Flat Brim Derbies. Ihe new styles at Camphell Bros', Ling i Iw *1 1 had po idea when 1 attended the meeting that 16 was proposed to advo | gale intermarriage.' He saul that the sight of wien and fegro men seated as were surprised him, bat that he attended bhanguets at religious ferences where blacks and wh from the same table This, white wo- | the ¥ hand] ale said i he { did not shock him, but he had. nevest seen the seating arrangement of alter | nite biwok men aed white women card! ried out so carefully before, i Aid "Daaghters of the Emgige,"' their work against tuberewlosis, igoing to the "Cale Uhantant, urday evening, May 2 Admission, 25 conta, Extensiont to eost 330.800 are con: templated by the congregation of Bloor Street Presbyterian church, To- in by Sat | An officer from the immigration de. tpariment, Ottawa, i® in Toronto te deport the destitute Bulgarians. S INSPIRED cl. on the occasion of his recent visit to Prince Fiward Island, but that, through his tors, be had a for particulars, and was fully pr. wl to refiat. the suit in question. This ation, he thought, had heen taken more for parposes of anncving him than with any serious honight of ob said Mor. Hughes, a TRAGIC SUICIDE. L in Prominent New York Shoots Himseli. New York, Apel 30. Following the suicide of harles Coster, a prominent broker and society mum, the stock] exchange firm of Coster, Knapp Ad 0. has announced its saspension on! the floor of he New York stock ex change. "Che 'firni has dove an exten sive business. Coster was well knows io am atour} athletio circles, and was a Member of many: clube and social otgacizations. He was rated as a millionaire and a successful business wan. He had frepared for his vbluntary death with a coolness and thoroughness which proved beyond any doubt that the act was premeditated, He selected a time when Mrs, Coster was at a recepfion, and after preparing himgell for bed telephoned jor his family Shy Seite He told the physicians that Mrs . Cos ter had a severe cold, and asked him to come 10 the House at onee. S6on alter He doctor arrived Coster retir- ed to his room and sent 5 bullet through his head. Fhe shot rang thtoagh the house just as Mes, Coster entered, returning from the reception. and she rushed to ber hus room. At the door of the room she met the family physician, who had found ber husband dead, with the i ig Ni, and § Hatchery Turns fry { localities i the | hab ly {of fof this region i | alias Kid McManus, Broker |! wd el READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. Out Esormous Cuantity of Fry. Care Vincent, N.Y. April 30 the United States Fish Hatchery here the hatching season for whitefish has past closed, luring which 14,200,000 have been placed in varioug locali ties at the foot Lake HiCTease over BOQsONn 8 15.2008.000 rook and land-locked vellow perch, in Process At Ontario, hatch lake trout with some 5.250 000, The brook Hm various state, lake ar last of trout, satmon, in all of hatching to be distributed throughout varieties I about are trout are the and other in the and river Parly of known as ust I under the With this hatch the ahout J Leved pi { far as this hat i it will add m tells hatch other and fish pro- hatching va in May will begin the 25,000,000 perch pike, wall-eped pike law as a game } season cl 20th. The an into wise wal concern to the game fish MAY DISCHARGE McMANUS, Additional Evidence Wanted Not Yet to Hand. April 30.--John Me wanted in France charge of having been im blowing of the sale in the ae Jon Express Montreal, Manus 10 answer a the f plicated m the offic detain him jai French government showed 1 go ahead with His | honor eoncluded by hel would adjourn the case week, and then M the pr ready to proweed he MeManas, unless the desare the proceedings in a stating that tow seculion was not would dis , * charge HHI AA AANNIIN ELECTION OAY. It is officially that the rprovineial elee- tions will be held on Bth June ; nominations on June ist. announced * * on WITCHCRAFT CHARGE. Well- Known Character at Lindsay! is on Trial April womar Mrs known srtune te Police 30 A Out an old t as a | Her was committed for triad Magistrate Jackson witcheraft, predersed stable Minthoros This is the com went over the distr belore first cas before local « thorns to the for twenty fobtune, He was : alleged stolen par a house oman and : tald y Loid where hidden. ¢ of was in 1901, wh who 1s being extradition, there, for rompany held here will ge Cho} allac, re nent, was He for He Ju vesterday, but Pletre ; French gover yet ready to proceed sent a cablegram to Paris evidence in connection with the put up to the present none had was before (nes, wesenting the not mar caw; ur rived Judge Choguiet remarked thst it was | fourth time the liad fist the prosecation, case the thie! | bron adjourned or pro-, | bahlg be discharged from. custody nextig) fines | Tuesday : ithat saved vy had | Unibrellas | Umbrellas ! Fifty Ask £ Wa poral contd they Campbell and ap - have no Bros qo money at The i price hats and { umbrellas i tailors for Winnipeg, for Crawlord & Walsh, Dw, Xr, retizing politics MERSONS It is stated at | Patrie will, hereafter, { gorvatives, - is busibess Bele, from i : Montreal that Ea 1pport the on | and it was not "far te wo - Crawlgrd & Walsh gtailors, SHOULD GET Ottaws, April 30.~1n the afterfhoon in the commons, vestevday, the public works' estimates were considered, and Ontario public buildings were reach- eed. It is expected that the Kingston items will come up Wwrmerrow. Xr. Foster rend a lotler from the Army and Navy Veterans' Assodiation asking that they shouki be allowed to smd a contiagent fo ------ THE FACTS ---- i spi. The Preservation of the Poreits a Ripe Theme. drew the altention the bottse to the necessity for immediately the real farts conerruing the pulpwood and timber resources of | the dominion. The presser replied that there was EN. Lawis nd more important question than the | tha forests of were far irom ureservalion of minion. inns Thaustible, and at the present rate of | consimption it was not dificvit te see that the forests would be peesfy well ame before many years afd of these 1.212 had | EERE EPI E Itai strat rrr tee seats will be redis | the canelusion | old 3 bg another] PEEP erate EEF FETE of { geting | the do i 1 the | Ley LAST EDITION Probabilities Toronto, Ohne, April 30, Ottawa Valley and Up- per-St. Lawrenc: (10 a. m)-+Gen- erally fair and cool to=day, snow or rain in some dd hes during zi -------- ee eras tet DAINTY: ' EMBROIDERIES | + I. | % (3 Le i+ {+ + + » + + There is always a refreshing hréath off newness shout the Fup braidery Section Phy are evi. dently the wanted kind, for this department busy with buyers from morsing te night. The as sortments are large and the patterns new, with all the spring and summer dresses being planned, what could be more attractive to women then this "offering of beautiful and stylish Ewbroider- es. is FEE YEE EE " - a AERA EA ES Edgings and Insertions Hundreds of pleces ed widths, Prices rapgiog He te Woe | Gorset Cover Embroidery At all the need trom 25¢ 30¢., 3hc, to Glc. : Waist Frontings Embroidered Flountings For Petticoats Dress Skirks, Pirst Communion Dress, oft. also dainty frilied efleeis. | # For Summer Dresses Embroidered work, dainty wide. OUR Beaut jfu Sei Musing? good needle patterns, 29 inches SPECIAL PRIUE, ¢ RAGAAEAABAGAAESAEAE oc MARRIED AWFORD 10s at in the ROBERT J. RE, The Leading Undertaker. "Phons, §Y7. 2]W7 Princess #itpet. = JUST ARRIVED! ------------------ : i i Gruyere Cheese, Limburger Cheese, Roguefort Cheese, Prime Old Canadian Cheese, Maclaren's Imperial Cheese, (10e., 35c. Lang 4 456¢c. pots), Jas. Redden & 00. Importers Of Fine Groceties, For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Bte. Yee aii Apply to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and Insurance Agency. i TAKE NOTIOR IF you sre Shing put your Puraiturs, SEER IRE : The contract between Torotigo uml the Hydro-Electric . Commimmon wifi i 1a fhe oily. iacinding Fama] Canada is be i 1 »