Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1908, p. 7

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GANNON BLS FOUND IN A MARSH BETWEEN | OSHAWA AND WHITBY. | {| Were Fired at a Vessel on Its Way to Kingston 1813 With Specie to Pay the Troops--A | i Keg of Gold Was Lost. i | Oshawa Reformer } During the war of 1512-14 with the | United States, it was frequently the {ease that the pay for the soldiers sta | tioned at the fort at York, as Toroen-| to was then named, had to be con- | veyed from Kingston in sailing Isels. In the late summfr of 1513, al { schooner conveying the gold specie for | | this purpose was proceeding along the | | north shore of La ntario, when a violent storm aros 1 the master of | the vessel, naturallyWconcerned about | the safety of the treasure, put in for | | shelter at a small' inlet iabout half way between the { harbors of Oshawa and Whitby | the vessel was safe from the storm, but a new danger presented itself. Ay American gunboat sighted = the vessel | and opened fire with cannon. The crew | of the vessel being without defence, he- came alarmed for ite own safety and] took to flight, forgetiul of the treas- ure they were leaving behind them- all exceptypne--a ladl named McGann, i who thought to enrich himself to the extent of one keg of the pracious sov-| ereigns He seized the keg, of oak, | containing the gold and started for | terra firma. But the muck and mire, | made rougher by fallen logs and stumps, made a poor pathway for Me- | Gann under the weight of his load. | and he finally dropped it into the| marsh. When the gunboat had satiat-| od its desire for target practice it | ceaséd firing and sailed away. The be-| frightened crew returned to their ves-| sel and also to their search for the| keg of gold that McGann had lost But alas | In the muck and mire, and | because of McGann's indistinet recol- | | loetion of where he had dropped it, they never found it, and continued on | | their voyage, one keg of gold lighter Numerous cannon balls have been | found on the 'lands adjacent to the | marsh, a fairly convincing attesta-| tion The marsh is nearly dried up, since the waters of Lake*Omtario have receded in the ninety-five years that have elapsed. A long: grass grows over the spot, and the nest of the mud hen or of the sand snipe are more apt to be encountered than a' barrel of gold. THE SPORT REVIEW. in ves or march present | 9 There is ol nok Jo ere 1s always an insistent and steady demand for * 'something better." We have it in Semi- ready Tailoring--we show the most expensive cloths at half the old-time tailors' cost. Semi-ready does not cater to the public capacity for quantity so much as at appeals to the desire for Quality. q Spring-weight Overcoats in ' the distinctive Chesterfield type finished to your exact physique in 2 hours time, . Better ones at higher prices, $25 and $30, Semi-ready Tailoring H. D. Bibby Co KINGSTON. 0000000000000 CVOOO0VON BRASS KETTLES They have become almost a necessity and are just the | thing to heat water at a moment's notice. A Brass Kettle mabbs a very suitable gift at any time, our stock in this line will be found most complete, every kettle is fitted with the newest patent burner. j Call in when passing and let us show you what we have. Our prices range from | $4.50 up. Interesting News From the V»-- ious Sporting Fields. The Montreal hockey club lost about $1,400 last season. } | "Hritish Columbia has two men } | the Olympic tennis trials, Berlin hockey clubs complain that the rink got ail the money last win- ter. Fitcher McGinley, who had been holding out for a raise of salary, has joined the Toronto team, Hackenschmidt, the Russian wrest ler, is said to be sidestepping a match with the giant Turk of Con- stantinople, Coord Derelli, Zybisco, also a lurk, avoided Derelli, The Montreal Police A. A, will with draw from the Canadian Police A. A because Desmarteau, the Montreal police athlete, was suspended by the Co A. A. U. for taking part in an un- sanctioned meet. "Billy" Neill, manager of Tommy Burne, sails from Liverpool, Saturday on the Lusitania. Upon his arrival in New York he will post $5,000 to cov er the deposit of $2,500 which John son made, wherein Johnson agrees to stop Burns within twenty rounds Ottawa University Athletic Associa- tion will not hold the CAA U. megt in Ottawa this' Victoria day as usual, They wished to make théir meet ab Olympic try-obt, but as the C.A AU, had arranged that for Toronto, Ot tawa decided to defer their CAAU meet until next year. Toronto Globe: Hamilton js Keeping the wires to Cornwall hot trying to for Kinnear &d'Esterre | Jewellers. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. 00000 Cough Caution Dovover. Laven from o sme sold only 3 ny asim wn Ti ple to only you sho ease the irritated Don't blindly suppress it ith Is strange how : thin | the | increase F nipeg | the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, m-- COMMERCIAL CIAL MATTERS, What » Going An Worlg 2 £600,000 of a0 | Paulo stock has been issued, making the full amount hsted $9,100,000 A statement is issued authoritative ly, denying the published report that the Bank of Winnipeg will be merged with the Farmers' Bank In steel circles, which are very well informed, it is cqnfidently stated that | net earnings of the 'United States Steel corporation for the past quarter will be under $17,000,000. The passengers carried on the R. svstem numbered 6,291 396, an crease of MH.326 over last year. The freight carried was 5,581,347 tons, ag | of 563,272 tons. The train was Increased 581,682 G.T. in- mileage bv miles The whole of the funds required un- der the Grand Trunk guarantees for the prairie and mountain sections and | the Lake Superior branch of the | Grand Trunk Pacific have been raised | -- jexcepting £700,000, which is not! {wanted now Ihe Royal Crown soap works, Win- are to be merged with the Standard Soap company, of Calgary {and the Royal company, of Vancou- My. Bull will be managing di- rector, The merger is the outcome of a decision to combat Lever Bros. in western market | The line of oats owned by James A, Patten, of Chicago, formerly of Mon- treal, is variously estimated at from ten to fifteen million bushels and as he has them well bought the average | being low, he is likely to clean up a fortune. Those who are bucking Pats ten in this monster oat deal, figur that he will lose money owing to the large-sized 'corpse' or line of cash joats leit after the deal has been set- tied. ver Ladies' Blouse. design shown above for a waist | good in a different ma- For such a pur-| chiffon, | or fine em wast 8 mount- adjust The is especially terial from the skirt. it can be made of net, French organdie bhroidered Swiss. The ed on a lining. The ed by gathers on the shoulders and at! the neck, Velvet ribbon crosses over| the hust and again in the back, with | knots at the shoulders. i | THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things in| Short Metra Bibby's shirt sale to-morrow. A strike of 'hard coal has been made at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. | Russell Newbury, a seven-year-old boy, was drowned at Peterporo. The conservative members of the | legislature presented Premier Whitney with a &1,.000 silver The H.'D. Bibby themselves upon haying meh's suits in Canada. Resolutions introduced at Was hing ton by Speaker Cannon call for investigation of the paper trust Try Bibby's special ¥2 hats. Hon. W. J. Hanna introduced the legislature, on Thursday, his pro mised amendments to the license law | The students of New York Univer sity 'went on strike, on Thursday, be coaeg one of their number had been susnendel. . Bibby's sale" ot shirts to-morrow pase lace, fulness is service i company pride the best #15 an ito filch a few players fiom the home of Joe Lally. They Cumming and Smith. no N. L. UU. answer until the meeting whither the two-year pesidence rule | wif stand' or not. Gaseta Medica, Batdelona : There] seems to be a growing belief that ur | mental as well as our physical health | depends entirely on our diet. People | want to explain everything by what | they eat: and drink. Jt is a craze, and, | ike all crazes, it has no serious foun- dation. The secret of health remains what it ever has been, viz, general moderation and rational exercise, Denton Tecumseh. Young, known to averygbaseball fan in America as "Cy" Young, the famous pitcher of the Bos- ton Americans, vesterday celebrated his forty-first anniversary, and was last night presented with a handsome silver loving eup, donated by his team mates and. the newspaper men who have been with the team om its training trip. President Jobn 1 Tav- 'or made the presentation, The veter- wn was greatly affected, but responded 'eelingly. The troutl: uid lnsi sisson having Dr. § Soison ma marks on : 00 the medicine, iE on the lab Siabel. And it's not A Hote that Know! ke Dust, a trul Raa ih Four a Thuist on xy Cure- Compare 8 Sarufully the with ot! note the poison yy there ways a on hes safe side by demanding "Pr. Shoop's "ALL DEALERS" French Model C/C a la Grace Corsets. What About A New Derby. Our $2 and $2.50 derbies are world- "eaters for style ahd quality, Camp- sell Bros.', Kingston's style entre for men's hats. for that box of bon bons. go to Uibson's Red Cross drug 'store and get Huyler's or McUonkey's. Always fresh, POTATOES| IN ANY QUANTITY -------- ------ A motion to dismiss a Catholic teacher from the public school staff yas defeated by the Toronto Board of da ation H. D. Bibby company are knows as the suit store of the town. See our special $10, $12.50 and $135 lines, Bibby's $15 suits are wonders. Shareholders of the Cobalt Lake Mining company are to ask the gov- ernment for reimbursement. Fresh supply of McConkey' = choice 'Wholesale or Retail, at A. GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. are after Lalonde, | is | man will give a definite | decides | | lasses, George Bernard Shaw has completed | a new play on the subject of mar. | |riage. It will be staged in London | shortly i Sulphur, cream of tartar and mo-| the kind that mother used to make. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's | Red Cross drug store | Cobb's glass works, Ont., were destroyed by fire estimated at" 8300000, Two were hart by falling walls Try Bibby's great $2 hats. | Lord Rosebery has been elected chan. | cellor of Glasgow University, to fill | the vacancy caused by the death of Lord Kelvin, who was chancellor since 1904, Huyler's. put yp in Only "at store. George London, Loss | | firemen | at assorted American "glass jar, 10c. and Gibson's Red Cross drops, ! Soe. drug | i Ellsworth Putnam. of Ot tawa, Kansas, a student in the gra- | duating department at Yale, has been | apoointed to a Rhodes' scholarship at | Oxiord, } Special olferings at Waldron's Satur- day night, | Prominent Buffalo citizins will co operate with Bridgeburg to have the | International Bridge compan charter | annulled if a driveway i= not con | structed as part of the bridge For your flower and garden seeds! go to Gibson's Red Cross drug store, | Ningston. i A despatch from Port Au Prince | states that executions by the rovern- ment still continues thure. Among others that, Thursday moraine, = rzeno IV, a writer and t. The H. D. Bibby company are showing a handsome range of 'Tooke! Bros." celebrated shirts, $1 each. | master in Chambers made an! ol addiag as defendant in the | Brown vs. Warm suit, the child | born since the death of the Brockville | and Ottawa horse map. ! Knox moth camphot flakes. in Kingston /at Gibson's Red drug store, / Sold] Cross | caramels. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Principal Maclaren, of Knox College, Toroate, has . gigaed after thirtv-five vears a pocial oflerings at Waldron's Satur ; During the past twelve months over | fifty men have heen killed while work: | ing on 19 miles of right of wav. | stretching east and west from a point | twenty miles north of Kenora. Flat Brim Derbies. it. dae $1 shirts are fine te The correct styles at Camphel} jon.' ing, slight,' the other day. | small | pressure and give off no of. fensive gases, because load- ed with Empire smokeless powder. gon in the Busines At the end "You can shoot SOVEREIGN shells all day and at the end not realize that you have beea shoot- as the recoil is so * said an expert shot They have breech and barrel For ail makes of arms. Costs | one-third to one-fifth less thas duty paying smmunition. tee puts all risk on the Dominica | Cartridge Co. DOMINION AMMU NITION | Our guaran. Lid, Mgntresl, Wires Sus HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS ? mls 1} Ii ] i i h : i ¥ fi J oY Ili i THER YOU ARE A BYSPEPTIE, d oven of twenty-five | To Ol | eared ; she writes : *'I have used 1908. f fF iil i yours durs- | , Ont., was | Burdock Blood Bitters and find Nas Load Buck | | in gy dnc fVaet relied in Subut of ears with d YT psis and could and | I was" trokl "op ge B.B.B. Ithelped | he wy and think is 4 wondarful | | would recommend is | rs tom Grp EZIEAJUSTA NOT WN use SHIRTS Do you ever find your cuffs a nuisance when working in your shirt sleeves? Aren'tthey continually bother- ing you and hampering the free movements of your hands? Some men use elastic bands to keep their cuffs up. But these are always unsatis- factory and uncomfortable, The "EZIAJUSTA" in SHIRTS keeps your cuffs out of the way No trouble is uired to adjust them and ho discomfort experienced They're very convenient when working, rowing, playing tennis or golf, washing your hands, etc. These ** EZIAJUSTAS" also prevent your cuffs from wearing out and soiling quickly. Tooke Brothers, Limited fi =a CURE relieve all the tronbiue ned Pa tn H pr en state of "the Ths eyatem, su such ness, Nausea, Pain in the Side, £o. While their mes EERE Ee "HEAD Scho they would bealmastpriosiess te thous. he i i El f ml Bul 2 fll Pow 2 R M Gray, a farmer of Slate Rin fer. was treed wo Se bali an hour | {2a large pack of I best #2 hats hangry wo v the H. D. Bibby Co, > CLOTHES are made a bit better than seems necessary, and are sold in' all principal cities in Canada. The H. D. BIBBY COMPANY, Street, Kingston. 18-82 Princess Our figures are * ve bo I. 7 'Lockhart, | Rea! Estate and Insurance Agent 159 Wellington Street. Kingston. Olls | Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline | we make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO,, | south Cor. Ontario and Clarence. American & The sudden changes in weather ought. to suggest the wisdom of putiiog in some good coal. We sell good Conl. It's the kind that sends out the' most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's best money Can buy, and there is none better mived. We deliver it to you clean. and without slate, at the very bottom prices. Booth & Co., | Phone 133. Foot of West St eda SRLS 0 2 FATRELINSAE "JUST IT." ' Wash., 1 San Fraoc | Ko. INTERCOLONIAL LV -YARLT 04 Royal Mail Trains Fromx Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH | Roy al Mail Steamers From Halifax to to Liverpool IN COANECTION WITH Canadian Pail Rallway | | | LOW ONE-WA}| RATES Second Class One Way | { Yaily, February 29 to April 20 c.|(anada's Famous Train 0" Poin B. $50.10: THE MARITIME Points, = EXPRESS Vancouver. Seattle, } { Portland, ete. | MONTREAL Frida) ® at ) Carries PasBeogers hLagRoeye pean mails reaching the steamer' '. particulars at K. & P., and o.| HALIFAX the following Salure 7 12.00 Full PLR Leaving Ticket Office. Ontario Se. F. (CONWAY, | Gem Pass. Agest, foe EN sa BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY On arty ' RCE ydenhan ppd es. Db iro and al [ulin to despatch to Bane ints on ip Ful ipments via lay r further Parti > . DICKSON, Age k at after: SPECIAL TRAINS tinils carrying passengers when inward stear ect with the MARITIME » HALIFAX srrvedinte al of Lhe steamer, m Ottawa, Torontgy @ an ynts west ! TICKETS AND FPURTHER IR FORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND [TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office 141 Bt. Janes QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA hour % from New Ye Crew Stesmshi He Hing at 10 ad Train 1 nion station ors Gia lars. | StL. RAILWAY TREE ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES, Daily Feb. 2¢ 29th to 2 20th. Vancouver, 'B Vie a, BC minsi py West- Tacoma, Reached in 45 Ly the new Twin adian."" 5,500 t« Sa 28th. March, Tih, 14th and 28d Apr and 8.8 "Trin ddad."" ot 8 pm. 24 5 | March, 2nd and 16th April West India Cruises tron? New York "Guiana," wi Portion San Diege Ki Paso, Tex, . - Mexico City . Local Branch Time adie Tre ne wi rave ur arrive at Gl Depot, Foot of Je oly stroety GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr 5 mall ....onnn 12.88 am. 107 3 express o... 2.85 am. 3.17 - a.m. y New Steams with al ap-to-date tri other Sratciins stehioery sui Irom New { York every 13 days For beuuly of scenery aod perfection of G- [elimate theses trips are unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets givieg rates of passage and all ioformation apply to A E OUTERBRIDGE & CO Agents, Quebec Steamship Co., 39 Broa vay, New ye wk: A. ABERN, Sec'y., Qu { Canad ar A ., - iHANL EY, and J. Kingston, Lity { No. m, al = - 703 pong TAS pom. GOING EAST Lve ity Arr 8 mall ..... 143 bop 2.17 a 2 fast ssprom 4.43 'sn iia 14 Joes! 8.13 a.m R50 a.m 6 mail 1225 pm. 12.56 p.m " 4 fast express. 1.02 pm. 1.39 pm. "* 12 local .. 7.08 pms 7.38 pm Nos. 1, 2.5. 4.5,.6.7 and 8 run daily All other trains daily exespt Sunday. | ALLAN Bn yal LINE M il For full particulars, apply %o J TO LIVERPOOL HANLEY, Agemt, Cor, vhnson Ontario Sts Corsican sails wm St. Jobs, April k ¥ win-Ser ow Stegmser, 1§ + RYE] Pwiferen Summer, 11; Cures ALL COUGHS in. Yio Al -WAYS, from J P be s . A Ayguut GTR, w¢# O, 8, STS BU KIRKPATRICK, Local Agmmts, City Te L- AND .

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