Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1908, p. 5

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te ¥ 5 Makes the most nutri- tious food and the most dainty and delicious. The. oply Baking Powder sade from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit making, Royal is the aid DREAD TUBERCULOSIS The Speaker Discussed the Ques- tion 'in An Interesting Man. ner--What Precautions Ought to Be Taken, St, George's hall was filled on Fri day pirht to heat a lecture from Judge Barron, of Stratford, on tuber endosis, The chair was taken by Miivor Ross, who was supported by Mean Farthing, Rev, C. A. Sykes, Rev. Dr. Mackie, and E. J. 1. Pense, M. PLP. Lieut.-Col. Taylor, ' Drs, Ethetington and Knight Thd "mayor, on risine, ¢ rent pleasure at taking the chair. Judge Barron was a layman, not a scientist, und as a physician, it also gave him much pleasure to co-operate with the clerpy and laity in the fight avainst this terrible disease, a disease that escaped few families rich or poor, and wd intreasing at a greater ratio than the population. He trust- wl the government would be compelled to avmist indealing with it. Judge Barron, then being introduced dy: comypenced hig lecture + a homily on unselfishness. Many people, todayy he said, were too apt to he wrapt up in themselves, and their troubles. If we would onlv look ~arountk at the misery and sufferings of others we should be more cognizant of the blessings we enjoy. Addressing the chairman he wished to ask why such subjects were left for Jnymen to talk on whilst the medical profession was practic ally silent. Per haps it was because the technicalities of the'language of materia medica were beyond the average person. He wish ed to remind them that he was no scientisty and, therefore, was not pre pared to deal with his subject scicnt fiecally, but as man to man. If he should nrisuse scientific terms he beg ged to be excused bY the learned pro fession, for first vear students know more about it than he did, As for criticism, he rather courted than fear ed it. He had been in parliament, was very thin-skinned upon entering, but had, like My. Pense, learned that un tough hide was an essential factor for that position. He urged people th rend and think for themselves In this 1905 we were still fighting the dreaded disedse spoken of thou- sands of years ago in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Later Hippocrates, "the physician, and the son of a physician, was so mystified by its ravages that he attributed them to his sdtanic majesty. Four hundred and fifty years BU. be prescribed fresh air and sian: shine as the only remedy. Dr. Me. Cormick, many years ago, was hooted ut in Ireland for prescribine nrecisely the same antidote. In 1872 the law provided that every house containing confumptives be reported, visited and disinfected, but only now is our legis lature realising the need of this and listened to the reading of a bill intro duced the other day. 'The hill pro vided that immediately upon the ap- pearance of the symptoms the .atten- dont physician be called, but sven though this bill became law, and here ho particalarly désived to solicit My. Pense's | attention, the mass of the sufferers who cannot afford an attens «lant physician will ngt le benétited. Not long ago, from an obscure tdwn in Gerfaany, an obscure physician made 4° wide reputation bv the discovery 'of the "tubercle bacilli" or microbe that caused consumption, the celebrated Dr. Koch. who is now on expressed Som SUK sera, too, dd certainly been discovered, but was antitoxin for the tubercle bacittux to many a P I . . 000; in Germany 30,000 and taking it the world over millions yearly. What did it mean in Canada? If an bpideinie swept 8,000 people off the Gominion what a bother there - would be. in the legislature and the country would he roused, yet he ven- tured to say twice as many died from 'this dread disease, i ported while many die unreported the (vemy" lowest estimate we lose 000 | veel. were 5 homes in lamentation over its victims. n the province of On- tari alone at least 3,000 die annual Iy from tubérculosis. More than a billion dollars worth of lives are los: yearly in the United States, compute at $6,000 per life. Providence gh Ws lands to cultivate and seas to fish and the loss of hands means loss of production. In Canada he thought life equally as valuable as in the United States mah for man, At? $1,000 por head the domimion was Jos- ing, $8,000 a year. ; "Among the things not to do, . the judge was struck most with the warn- ing not fondle vats. | with parents# not to let ch catd 10 bed 'with them. He held in his hand a letter from a gentleman at Brantior. This gentlensgn had a lady friend who was suffering with * tuber | Suan inate nd. he wished to know what" should be dbue for her, A purse was' found Rid Sent to' im estignte the case. © Ia dountl that the trouble oggigted with a dat, but was traced thrdu Rhree different persons, all suf. fering fhm the same cause. With re gard bo expectoration, though an un. pleasant subjeet, it was a stern faet that a tablespoontul contained a billion germs. A doctor in Berlin states that ¢ contains. suflicient to kill the popu- ation of the American continent. A Jive-cons piece govered with a thin coats ing contaiged more germs than people in the Laited States, so minute they. Addressing Mr. Pense, the speaker sgid' 'the' nineteenth © section of the phblic Health act provided that in all contagions (liseases the medical at tendant. orities. tis high time that the splen- did system obtaining in Hamilton was in vogpe theosihout the dominion. As to bow the - disease was contracted: there. were thee specific ways. In. gection hg Sdods. He asked if Kings ton pad An abbatoir for the killing of dnimals Under the supervision of a veteripaty, In. Ottawa they apparent: ly think move of . English stomachs than Canadian, every particle of ex- ported 'ment being examined. , The oth. cr day a beel weighing twelve hun dred pounds: wag thrown od because of tuberculosis. Wie safeguarded' by carelt] inspection, He desired to urge the inspection of all meats, as disease cannot be detected after déath, "Then with"regard Yo milk, children were particularly endangered. "\ recent vis- itor to the \Ginelph Agricultural Col lege "discovered that the first drop pings from" the cow wore livid with microbes. His association suggested the other day. that cattle sheds be ipspected every week. It had been at- témpted in Toronto, but two hundred farmers protested in a body and the act wag repealed, Take Denmark, the market for the' world's best butter and wilk, as an example; there every sta: ble was regularly inspected, He warned people against milk served in open cans, jugs placed outside the door, and advosated strongly the bottling sys Tem, andl" urged people to investigate the soured §f Weir milk, the condition of the cows. and their surroundings. Prof: Bottomley says a woman who'al- Towed her skirt to be dragged in dust for half an Hour; gathered 16,500,000 bacilli of re admon, Another meth: od = of "rentraction, was inoculation. Then . ters. waa inhalation. Perhaps some have not noticed that we breat band then pause before taking breath. We breathe out carbonic acid gas-poi- so; While' we "pause the poisonous gases disperse. of we inbreathed imme- Ad we would inhale, the moist in the air, E ration dries At 0 to He pleaded ildren take are whole | Only half ave re.! At ihat very hour thére, i | Kingston A notify" the proper auth-| ri" ATL Bers TG, result that the death fate has boen re- diced to almost owve-hall. He did now epvy the Jot of M.P.'s, althopgh he j envied Mr. Pense personally, but he { would' five anything for the 'chance or a little while in which to make the legislators' ears burn. In conclusion, be said, although he { bad a and. doleful tale, every cdoud had its silver lining. The Bible | spoke of sins being visited upon the third and the fourth geniration, hut he was glad to say that it was not an | hereditary diseagpe. Dr. Flick's book } on the subject should be in every | school library The old idea of { heredity longer obtained. Mi- | crobes, organic life, cannot be. inher- | ited; families were not swept away be- ! cause of heredity. Insurance compan fos, in their qt fi as to hereditayy constomption, werg far astray. Delicgey might be inheritefl and the disease con tracted through lack of energy to re- sist it. Take precautions against con- tagion through expectoration; .it is more. dangerous than living with tu. bercular people. Another silver lining was the fact that the Genoese phys jeian, Dr. Oester, had discovered, namely, that once cured a person was sad er Ol no "THorever immune, on the basis of poi son killing poison. Jews are more im- mune 'than any people, possibly be- cause of the bygone scourges through which they had passed. Inherent im- munity could be pransmitied, and that was a great blessing. No absolute cure had been doscovered, antitoxin, as' in the case of diphtheria, or perhaps it was because the right time had not been hit upon for «injection. The opsonic treatment only tells when to inject, but Sir Al- mot Wright had not discovered the time for consumption. In Muskoka sanitariumg there is mere ozone, more electric storms than in Ontario, which burns out the impurities of the air. They had tried to produce ozone in Toronto, but it percolated the tent and escaped. After all sickly children were better out of the surroundings of Muskoka, with patients lying around everywhere the atmosphere was not helpful. The tent system introduced by the Lord Bishop of Huron under the diligent Daughters of the Kinz, wags a great success. The Preshyterian divine, Rev. Mr. MePherson came to a | tent ninety-eight pounds, land in one year reached 175 pounds and was perfectly cured. Mr. Pense moved a hearty vote of thanks to the judge for such a us:ful, informing and well sugar-coated lee tare. He said Ii Hung Chdng. when he returned to China could only talk of our hospitals and homes for the { sick, He assured the people that the | sentiments favored, in a debate recent- iv in the legislature were those of i Danghters of the Empire, | and 'would eventually result in notifi- | eation, and consumption hospitals, Col. Taylor in a few forceful re- marks supported the mation advoeat ing 'sanitariums under thé supervision of an energetic, capable, competent minister of education. ' After a fitting contribution by Dr. Knight. the Rev. Mr. Sykes moved vote of thanks to the second- el by Dr. Etherington Stor a few remarks from the mayor, in which he said physicians had two duties, the laboratory and their practice between which their time was fully occupied. and he hoped the government would be compelled to assist in the matter.' Mr. Pepse announced the coming of a fuberculos's: exhibit from Ottawa, under vhe special patronace of hiv worship the mavor, to which he vrged the attention of all, and the audience dispersed or weighing Aver, Accompanies Famous Edison. To-day Dr. George¢"F. Dalton, of Kingston, who has spent the past two years in the Manhattan Kye and Kar hee vit New York, left for Florida as nhy to Thomas-A. Edison, who has critically ill in that hospi- tal of ea: (rouble. Dr, Dalton was one of the doctors who attended on the celebrated scientist during his ill nese, Mr, Edison' has now sufficiently recovered to travel, wand has asked the voung Kingston doctor to ae company him and remain two months with him on bis Florida plantation. Urge Tariff Commission. Washington, D.C., March 21.--A bill for the creation of a tariff commis- gion of nine members was introduced, yesterday, by Senator La Follette, under which it' would be competent for the commission and the president, acting together, to suspend any farifi schedule and to put on the free list any article upon which there was such a combination as would control pro- duction prices or wages either in the United States or in any foreign mar- ket At The YM.C.A. : meeting at Bijou Theatre, Sunday afternoon at 4.15 o'clock Doors open at 4 p.m. Elmer Davis will deliver address, and G. B, Cum- mings will lead the singing. Boys' meeting at Y.M.C.A., 'Sunday 10 a.m. Mr. Burton in charge, Men's To Attend Course. Lieuts. Arthur Craig, Frank Birch, and Dr. Simpson left, to-day, for To- ronto, to attend the school of instrae- tion at Stanléy Barracks. They will all try for captain's papers. Will Visit Japan. Washington, March 21.----The invita: tion of the Japanese government, that the United States fleet should visit Japan before its return home, has been accepted, The acceptance of the invitation will be: conveyed to Japan through the Japanese ambassador, Baron Jakabira. Driver Covle, of the RCHA, is confined to the station hospital. While out on parade, he was throwh off his horse, and the animal -rolled on him. HE is doing nicely. Bananas, Edwards & Jenkin. The Eves brothers, cabmen. state that no one of their number was in- volved in the Cape Vincent episode on Friday. None of them were at the Cape. Quite a large class came before Ma- jor Mundell in the signalling examina- tions held yesterday. . The "King" hat at Jenkins' is fam- ous for a twofifty hat. Band Sergeant Wolfe, of the ROH. . went to St. Thomas to-day, "4 Newman & Shaw's glove sale. * LIKELY BRITAIN WILL HELP; THE DOMINION, | Toitching the Influx of Hindus In-| to Canada--Mackenzie King is| Busy Interviewing British | Officials | London, Mareh 21 Canada's sug-| gestion that there should be co-oper- | ation between Great Britain, India and Canada for the prevention of the | continued influx of Hindus into Brit- | ish Columbia, has been sympatheti- | cally received ' in official circles and | there is every pwospect that an ar- | rangement satisfactory to all concern | ed will be reached. Mackenzie King, deputy minister of labor, from . Ut- tawa, who arrived here, last week, has had lengthy 'interviews with the Earl of Elgin, the secretary of state for the colonies, John Morley, secretary of state for India apd the permancut officers of the Indiah department, lI of whom realize , the necessity of do- ing something. Any agreement reach ed, however, must be confirmed In Ottawa so it is not expected that the result of Mr. King's visit will be an- pounced until after the commission- er's return to Canada. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Ch i TEI Wasld. arles W.%Seeley, H S to be inspector of Shinz, NS. ment of steamboats. Emma Goldman, the anarchist, now in Chicago, is reported suffering from a nervous breakdowy, Owing to the opposition of the va- tican, the Prince of Monaco has aban- doned his intended visit to the king of Italy. Lieut.-Gen. Stoessel, on Friday. be- gan serving lis term of ten years' im- prisonment in the St. Peter and St. Paul fortress. : A. Thompson, M.P.P., of North Wentworth, operated upon for appen dicitis, reported to "getting along fairly well," A commissioner of charity, to as sume complete charge of the adminis tration of charity in the ci y, is pro- posed for Toronto. €¢. H. Mabwe, of Tillsonburg, Ont., has bought from W. W. Collier, of the Elmdale farms, Vontiae, Mich., the green pacer Axtéra, for $2,000. One of Perth's best known business men in the person of William A, Me- Laren, died Friday, after a short ill- ness. Decensed was in his fifty-fifth year, Chief Justice Meredith lias confirm- ed the election bf the three controllers of Torouto, Spence, Hocken and Har- ritson, who, consequently, will retain their seats. A. A. Tapliv"of Athens, Ont., for over fifty yeard a merchant, died, Sat- urday morning, aged / seventy-nine years, Me, Taplin was formerly reeve of Yonge township. Chief Justice Meredith has quashed the by-law passed by Toronto couneil cutting off té¥' liquor licenses. The wording of the by-law contravened the statute, Three years Hu" the peniteftiary was the séntence hide "to Philip Low, who confegse "to arson which nearly resulted in the total destruction of Finéh last year. As a result of yesterday's strike students at Woodstock 'Baptist loge, four move students have heen expelled, while Binety have been for- bidden to leavé the college grounds for an indefinite (period. _ Lieutenant-Governgr | die,. New Brunswick, refed to 'tion ap- pointments of the . Robinson govern: ment. His honer held that with the adverse vote of . the people it would not be right to da so. The mle of Abrugi, a cousin of the King of Italy, who is reported to be | engaged to marry Miss Katherine El | kins, sailed for Europé from New | York, to-day. The duke declined to] affirm the reported engagement Hon. Mr. Beck dialed in the leghsla- | ture that --he hag been paid for the | transportation of his horses to the] International Horse show, Mr. Smith | retorted by pointing out from the | public aeconnts that transportation | had been paid for horses belonging to} a member of Mr. Beck's family | WILL REACH TERMS is hulls, and equip- a is be of Col- | THE LAD TRIED IT. | Took the Adviee of His] Mother. Montreal, Que; March 21.----David) Machesky, a Russian boy of nine years | of age, residing at 38 Laugachutiere | street west, had a dispute with his} mother, this morting, the outcome of | which wa# that she rather foolishly advised the boy to go and hang him- self, little thinking that the boy would take her advice Seriously. Evidently the trouble had a depressing efiect on the boy as he got a rope and tying it around his neck proeeeded to stran- gle himself. He was in a very weak condition when found and had to he hurried to the general hospital for treatindit, where he is recovering. ------------ Verdict Of Not Guilty. 'Toronto, March 21.--The jury in the sessions who, after five hours discus sion without being able to agree on a verdict im the case of Mrs. Minnie I'ur- ner, charged with performing an ille- gal operation upon Rose Winters, in August last, were locked up for the 'mighty returned a verdict of "not guilty" this; moeming. Mrs. Turner, therpupon, was sent back to jail to await trial at the next assizes on a charge of murder. He Rénfrew Post-Office. Renfrew, March 21. ---The sum of $24,500 is the contract price for Ren- frew's new post-office. The successful tenderer is Joseph Bourque, Hull. Two Jocal firms tendered on the job, but were far away from the price of the successfal tenderer. Found A Gold Deposit. Cobalt, March 21 Roswell W. Vi . of Syracuse, N.Y, discovered a depost® off his daim in KRilter Boke. five miles from the township of the. By assay it is found to run Som the ton. 'The deposit is al SATURBAY MARCH 71 | Amer | Am | Am { Ate hes 20- spied 10 'be more valuable in atver.| 9 08 HOT WEATHER CATARRH. seems, Affects the Stomach, il fre) ! 3. 3 COLD WEATHER CATARRM. -- 4 Affects the Head, Throat, Kidneys, Bowels, Lungs, Pelvic Bronchial Organs. Tubes. -- Catarrh is recognized all over the civilized world as a formidable disease. In the United States alone, two hundred thousand people have catarrh annually. In other countries the ratio of victims is as great. For many years Pe-ru-na has held the foremost place as a standard remedy for catarrh, Pe-ru-na is well-known in both the western and eastern hemispheres. DEATH OF CONDUCTOR. Taok. First - Train Bridge. Montreal, March JI who took the "first train across the Victoria bridge is dead. Francois Mars, Longueuil, if was who had that honor. Tharsday he passed away, sur: rounded hy at the age of eighty-one. He for over forty nduetor for the Grand Treapk that time had many Qver Victoria The conductor Nt his family, was years a railway, and jn impopfant trains, including the that took the Prince of Wales, Edward V1l., on his Canadian tous in 1859, and the one Marquis of Lorne and Princess Louise from Quebec to Ottawa on their ar He retived from ac tive railroading nineteen vedrs ago. IX one ROW whith conveyed the rival in Canada NEW YORK S10CKS, Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) . 21st Close. March Stocks. Opening. Amal. Copper 57% Loco, Sug, Re. Co Smltg. & Re, og com. Lo Am Anaconda Min. Top. & Balti. & Ohio, . . Brooklyn Rapid T. ... . Central Leather Canadian Pacitic Chesapeake & Ohio Chic. & N. W . C. Mil. & St. P, ex div Coloradp Southern | Col. Fuel & Iron Distillers, secs bine G. North. Ry., Pid. .. Kansas & Texas, com... Louisville & Nashville... Missouri Pacific ... ... . Min. St. P. & 8S. St. M. N. Y. Uentral... Erie Railroad Northern Pacific | Penn. RB: RK. ... .. People's Gas... Reading...... Rock sland . Rock Island, pid... Southern Ry., com. Southern Pacific ... | LR Steel, com, UU, 8 Steel, pid... . 1. 8. Rubber, com, nion Pacific com... Wabash, pid. National Lead... CHICAGO PRICER. March 21st. Wheat, Opening. Close May A 5 ME daly... ia 80: Corn. May. July oars le Vork. May... de Car Foundry Co St, Fe 894 i vin wie ORR 3 6} Sins ABE-623 634 ew 1210.47 Prop in and ses ovr selection of spring suitiows! they + are heauties Crawford & Walsh, tailors, . Pa vou wll fhe "Kine" hot? We do. at Jenkins'. 5 i AE Select ah our Ee Millinery Now While Assortments are Best Beautiful HE SPRING fashions have been very definitely settled, and the 'choice of hats and of all kinds of trimming materials will cer- tainly never be more exten- sive or better assorted than at this present momeat. Creations in Ladies' White Shirt Waists ONE PRETTY STYLE i has Baby Yoke eof ered Panels and Group Three-quarter Sleeve, w Laee Fine Insertion ANOTHER PRETTY MODEL is "Wns s§ mad: of Val. ins I hree Mull . front ier neatly Lace SEE OUR SPECIAL C model, close fitting m double-breasted, lap pockets. In fawn velvet collar) nro and er I'rimmes fashionable sleeve made ol -hne exsian | Filet lace t of Tucks th ( A fr i I Embroid iff and t H r of Em "3.00 length Fine Tuck wit Lior tion 1 h Sex 1 I | iarter Slee th OAT---fashionable hip annish collar and with cuff, and black (black has reveres, 8.00 David M. Spence, The Leading Mill 3 yan WEEE BRN inery and Mantle Store. i [ We Will Continue Our During A few lines of Mission Furnit prices. SALE OF FURNITURE March. ure, suitable for Dens, at special Plate Racks, regular price, 84.50, for $1.50. Iron Beds, from $2.50 to 25. Marshall Sanitary and Ostermoor Mattresses, at Sale Combination Buffetts, from $25 to 875. Furniture, big reduction Parlor * Prices, Solid Mahogany Bedroom Sett, in Selid Mahogany, $1.26 for $1.00 $85 for $75, 3-Pieces Mahogany Sett, from $25 to $45, at R. Jd. 230 Princess street. PIG METALS We are headquarters. REID, "Phons, 577. Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. fend us your inquiries. - 81 WILLIAM ST. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., toronto. or FA ¥ -

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