Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1908, p. 4

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out a € wind o. @iver mine. Aud there is vob much clatter from the government of the provinee. -- - | 000000000000 000LVOV000D00CO00OCT00TOOTO0D QO | | TAINS RII VIIINAINY Household Necessities. Floor Mops, Dish Mops, Hair Brooms, Corn Brooms, Banister' Brushes, Feather Dusters, Metal Polishes, . Wy Furniture Polish, Btove Polish. | Reliable Goods. CORBETT'S, 3 when the crisis oceurred dypr'ug the wv D ORANGE JUICE AND HEALTH For Stomach and Skin. The Toronte News, of all the alleged | Few of us realize what an important independent papers, is wholly and com: { PATt the skin plays in keeping us well pletely dissatisfied with the federal] > King us fi, budget speech. | The millions of tiny glands, or The money of -- 3 the pores, are intended to rig the system Of Waste matter, which the blood o . bri Spectator, goes right back to the peo- | rn fe the "sn, is 8 singh ple. : That is some of them. Last carries off more Urea or w matter year in this provinee ¥30,000 went to the legal friends of the government on the outside, Yecess. 3 The World is gshamed of Mr. Fos- ter's kick, It was surprised that a min of His 'calibre would "attempt to make political capital out of the mat- ter." At the worst Mr. Fielding's as ' i DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 508- 310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $8 per . 30 4 o'clock p.m. SH WHIG, 18 fonday andl Thursday morn 'nited States, charge for pomage has 10 be made Soc. for Daily; boc. for Weekly. = Auached ls one of fhe begt Job Driating Offices anada; rapid, cheap : in improved y tion simply amounted 'to this: "That work; mine presses, The British Publish Co, LY'4. he was willing to stake the country's Ww. Sahat. the extent of five million Daily Whig. : disastrous commercial and INDEPENDENT CRITICS. The Star of Montreal, and the Her- ald of Hamilton, have, by their eriti- cism of the budget speech shown them- selved to be genuinely independent. The Star is not politically an ad- mirer of the liberal government, Iis proprietor is a conservative who hes given largely of his income in finane ig the elections of his friends ; and] yet he publishes a paper not tied to] sures the: conSgrvative members of the any party, and he shows it in 'this commons because of their attitude to- case. The Star comments on the mod- wards the Bominion Lands' act, which eration of the country in the manner|bas been under supervision. At the of running into debt. It says the ex-|last session the bill was under dis penditure © on the Transcontinental | cussion, and was withdrawn in order railway is not tobe measured by the |that the departure of the premier for same standard as alleged wasteful ex-| England might not be delayed. 'The penditures ; that for the money pro-{ Bulletin says the amendment of the Toronto Globe mised and invested there will be the| law is an absolute necessity in the! The Transeo tal will be partly railway itself, "an encourager of {interest of the settler, and that it can- finanecd Sut: current revenues. Were revenue 'and an earner of revenue." 4 opposed w sny of 4 latge conservative . pro- The Quebec bridge is in the same io at Via he -- Jets sq fingnoed ? 4 i. | category, and the govetnment will re-| disadvantage. cognize its responsibilities by seeing The chiof feature of the bill is to that the work is carried on in the give every homesteader the right to Chain on snap, en + man ry | oi 0 Dr - . nie ary, * price, and on{liament Hill 'would call disgusting is entering upon u building time, | condition that he bring it under cul-| graft. and we must expect to increase She tivation. To the farmer it means the mortgage on the farm, It is necessary, difference between a quarter section however, to guard against every ex-|and a half section farm, with the op- travagance and carelessness, and this portutiity for larger operations and is the load that is Jaid upon the gov- | the needs of his increasing family. The| election in 1908, The people of King- ernment, This is a fair criticism and longer the measure is delayed the| 8ton are rapidly gaining a reputa- absolutely impartial. more difficult it will be in more thick.| \'O" 8% Ioveteraté lovers of novelty. The Herald does not see that the people have cause for complaint on account of the Grand "Trunk Pacific railway, The people endorsed the pro- ject at the polls. The deficit now con- templated is not on consolidated ac- count, but in connection with the rail- ways, and later in connection with the Quebec bridge. The hote of Mr. Fielding "It is a time for eaution and for courage," is the right one, "There is," says the Herald, "no need for alarm at the prospective shrinkage of revenue, and the increase in expendi ture. Both conditions are no doubt temporary, and it will not be lang before the country's financial econdi- tion gets back to normal." This, also, is fair criticism, and absolutely im- partial. Even the Toronto World, conserva- tive, declares that "the hare fact that & deficit can be created by the inclu sion of capital expenditure in re | venue accounts cannot be used as evi- dence that the country is financially in a bad way." Continuing it says, that "it would be satisfactory to find the surplus revenue of Cenada suffi- cient to meet all the payments' pro- perly classed as capital expenditure, but this can hardly be expected in the case of a young country busily engag- ed in opening up vast stretches of territory and in developing its indus- tries." The World's only grievance credit to dollars to proved a financial panic." The people of the North-West, for whom the Winnipeg board of trade and Grain Growers' Association spoke, will appreciate the service which Mr. Fielding rendered them at a critica] time, and also the attack which is now being made upon him by Mr Foster. : *! THE LAND SHARKS AT WORK. "Fhe Edmonton' Bulletin severely cen- nae TITI TITTY EYTSY than the kidneys. much poison remains in the system when there is any skin trouble. The skin and stomach are intimate- ly associated. Find a person with a dry, hareh skin and you will find ome -- Ontario should at least have a con- tral, if not a monopoly, of the tel phone business. Municipalities are driven into a ded with the Bell com- pany fu order to avoid a duplication of systems, pope The conservatives of Ontario ine creased the cost of the government by 81 per head in, three years, as against | increase in cost of $1 per head in thirty-five years under liberal rule. How does that strike you? OPIRIT OF THE PRESS Not One. We mean exactly what we say about our Clothes. They are the examples of high class tailoring ever offered, ready for your service. : Men, who have had experience in wearing our Clothing, know it. The exclusive tailors know it. We know it. Do you know it 2 .-We want you to. Come here for a look! We're perfectly willing to rest our case on your judgment. 7 Men's Suits, swell ones, $15, = Spring Overcoats, a beauty for $15.00, Little Loose-Tongued. Ottawa Free Press. The lawyers made $30,000 out of the Whitney government last year. That Absolutely Refuses Benevolence. London, March 2L~Trooper 1. W, R. Mu oy, who lost his eyesight in the S uth African war, writing to the Canadian Associated Press, saves he has just received the Toronto Glohe of March 5th, and while grateful to the Globe and all who have subserib- ed, says: "1 cannot recognize the right of any man to thrust on me his benevolence. 1 must firmly refuse to accept private charitye The gifts giv- en now to the patriotic fund are really donations to myself from the Cana- dian government or from the originat fund. 1 will thankfully accept what is my due, hut to take private gifts would be to lower me in my own es- teem and to take away that belief in my manhood which I thank God is still strong in me." sb -------------- An Open Secret. It's an open secrst that Campbell Bros." $2 and $2.50 derbies excel all others for style and quality, to Accept WOODWORK aml OFFICE House Finish, § Quartered Oak, Cypress, Birch Gir any other kind of wood No nel to send your orders out of town, Ww STonrg So It Appears. Toronto Star. The Kingston liberals challenge the Kingston conservatives to hold a clean Fittings, n Grosvenor Raincoats, a Jeader for $12.50, Try Bibby's Celebrated $2.00 Hats. One price. No higher. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIHRS. can give You just as good ioh, right here vn the spot, G ur prices anyway. Always plensed to furwmish estimmtes. 8. ANGLIN & C0. Bay & Wellington Sts. "Phone, 66. ly settled districts to secure the ad Surely Not ditional unoccupied quarter sections, Hamilton Herald. and the less valuable will be the per- Tareite "ants the Datiiuion gov Py ernmen 0 bui a tunnel under the mission to purchase them, . bay, connecting 'the city with the 'is. This is the end toward which the op-l land. This essentially municipal work position are working, and the Bulle Toronto is willing to have recognized tin says they are influenced by a de- as a work "for the general advantage sire to stand by mémbers of the party of Canada." who have land in the North-West, the speculation .in whiuh has already been attended with considerable scandal. So lorg as the syndicates are at = work, with designs upon the settlers and a desire to bleed them as much as pos- sible, the government may expect op- position from them, and this eficit to thwart the settlers and their plans. But the ocarpers at Oilawa should come out into the open and fight so that the farmers of the newer pro- vinees may realize just who are their friends, . A Good Share. Q00000000000000000000000000000000000000O0000W; Hamilton Times. Hon. Mr. Fisher announces that the Dominion 'government will set apart, as a forest reserve, the entire timbher- ed eastern slope of the Rocky Moun- tains. Timber will be cut from time to time under strict regulations, the interest of the , future being kept in view, : FHELLEH RSE ABS Sra Rang RRR SR REX On University Board. * Edmonton, Alta., March 21.--1It is officially announced that the election of members to the senate of the uni- versity of Alberta resailted in the lection of Dr. Kennedy, Macleod: Dr. W. D. Ferris, chairman of the Alberte board of trustees. George Harcourt, deputy 'minister of agriculture; T. Jenkins, principal of the Strathcona high school: and J. McCaig, superin- tendent of Edmonton public school. Learn Dressmaking at Kingston. ae Porsonal Instructions or by Mail We teach everything from measuring to finish fromy the plainest Shirt Waist Suit Lo the most elaborate toilette, not only Jthe lang, but all outer goods : Coats, irts, Waists, Sleeves, Children's Ireswes, ete. Wo have taught over 7,000 in this way within the past 6 years abd guaramtes to give any one $10,000 hom we cannol teach our system: We also give a [Ww days trial free of charge angd il stedent finds it not what we have yertived it to be they have the privi- Age to stop as there is no pay io ad- vines. ou certainly are not risking an) Wing hy trying. Ideal Talior, System Is given free with this April 2nd, Ki EB 5, Terms ro We carry a nice assort- ment of RAZORS, The "Ever Ready" @ With 12 blades, for $1.00, is \ ght ; the best on the market. Other Rt. 0 the. Yelods ame Of that \ Bafety Razors, in morocco hurt, but' one of the seconds in his] 3 i" leather cases, from $2.50 to excitement "fell and| broke his knegcap A H = =} $5.50 per set. at the tragic moment when the mavor and the councillor exchanged pistol , 77 Princess | Street. = | Bros, Dublin, March 21.--Margaret Holy- wood, who has been a resident of Newry all her life, died, there, yester- day, at the age of 103 years. She re A Proper Hold-Up. Hamilton Times: . The Toronto. World uses no fine language to mask itd advocacy of le- islative piracy. It demands that Mr. hitney go to William Mackenzie "as a master," and tell him he must give NOT FORCED TO VOTE. up the a Lo Compulsory voting is not possible Ligh : . And i i kenzie will do as 'he is told." in Ontario for the present. Its advo- | vet we put horse thieves into peniten- cates have been of the opinion that tiary ! if men had to ballot for some one or became disfranchised there would be a B.N.A, BANK REPORT. Wehvier and a puter vole Those who 72nd Annual Statement--Increas- are looking for money, or attracting #4 Deposits Shown. attention, would, it is argued, vote Fhe: lta Bp Aoi. at. the. sev- early and get out of the way if they enty-second iy general meeting of had to do it. the Bank of British North America It is claimed, on the other hand, | showed that. interest-bearing deposits that there are some men, cléan-hand- actually increased as compared with Tanger Of Being Second. Paris, March 21.--~The Mayor of Mar- seilles and a miember of the general council fought a duel at seven o'clock ton, from to Aprit 10th. rs, 9 to for personal course, $10.00. For particulars we would be pleased to have all those interested call and have Thm on Rodda ADH ote pettrocn them om . y. 7 " 10 and 5 o'clock, at ritish American Hotel. MAIL COURSE. If you cenunot take personal instrue tion#, Write: for ouf booklet, iL is sent fron. Tells what we teach by mall, any one can learn between agp of 14 and 50. The MISSES ELLISON, In- Woman 103 Years Old. structors in Dresscutting, Strat- ford, Ont., Box 771. againgt the government is that it has not undertaken to build, operate and ed, high-spirited, honest, and exerting | , on occasions d4 very strong influence, the previous year, notwithstanding the tained all her faculties until the last, 'money stringency,' In an wnysually and enjoyed good health up to a few 1 Me residence duties in interesting report, published in full alsewhere, E. A, Hoare, chairman of the bank, refers to the adverse criti dsm that has been vented upon Can- adian banks because they lend call money in New York. That money is lent, as has been expla to: fet as a reserve ih case of a crisis, as it could be easily withdrawn in case it was wanted in Canada. Mr, Hoare says: "There is one statement fre quently made, both in this country and Canada, and repeated openly in the press, to the effect that Canadian banks' were gréatly hampered because their resources are so largely employ- ed in New York, Speaking for our selves alone, I am glad of the oppor- tunity of most "definitely acting | this statement. We employ pert of cali money in New York--we have alwavs done so~and when the recent panic broke out we had a considerable sam employed in this manner. It is only due to our manv and valued friends with whom we do business in New York, to state that in no single in- stancedid this bank fail to obtain. re. payment of call loans when we wanted the money." Ag regards note jssee, the circulation of the hank did not expand to the 'volume of 1906, owing to the shortage of the wheat crop: Mr. Hoare pays a pratilying tribute to Canada and Canadian finances. months ago. ----------------. Correct The Mistake. Ii you have not been buying your hat from EK. P- Jenkins'. correct the mistake now. Smart dressers buy from own the road. It is for the Toronto News, which was founded under a new dynasty to show how 'a truly independent paper should treat public questions, to stand alone in- his general condemna- tion of the Laurier government. Asa model of ia x it is not filling who do. not vote in every election. tow Shove while living They only use the franchise when some special question: or emergency appeals lo them. To disfranchise them would be a calamity. And so for the sake of the good, the honest, and the pure elector, who can be depended ppon, and serve in a erisis, the bad, the impure and the corrupt must be tolerated. It is a queer situation and experience in view of the demand of the women for political enfranchisement. The sufiragettes would not neglect the polls if they had political endow- ment, No? Where is the guarantee of that ? Po the married women and spinstérs who can vote in the mumici- pal elections always do theif duty ? EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Foster is now the only and ori ginal apostle of ruin, and the Toronto "News is his organ, | Representative Hobson, of the U.S. congress, charges a gubmarine boat builder with attempting to bribe him. Was it Hobson's choice ? F. W. BOSCHEN Member Consolidated Stoce ~ Exchange of New York. i STOCKS, BONDS and GRAIN Bought, a%d Sold for Cask or tH DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TON.Y W. HECTOR H. HUME, mon. Clarence Chambers: Phone, 888, dynopsis of Canadian North sest » HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS; at Ottawa, of ne tom a SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Coal min rights may lsased for a period twaiy-one years at an amuual rental of $1 a worse 2.560 atres te od one individual or company. | royalty at he rate of five conte per ton aall Mr. Thompson Improving. Toronto, March 2I.--R. A. Thomp- son, the Member from North Went- worth, is in the general hospital, suf- fering from a mild attack of appen- dicitis, head of & family, or male sls a a ay ol 160 acres, more the bill. i Perms snie FOSTER"SKIPS A €¢G. The weakest point in Mr. Foster's criticism of the budget speech was that the finance minister had done a rash thing in touching the reserves of the people without their knowledge and consent. Nr. Fielding had explain ed the circumstances fully, freely, candidly. There had been an appeal from the west for assistance in the moving of the crops. The banks which bad to do with the handling of the grain were unable to cope with the situation. 3 entry must i : i r bo a person by fi Campbell Bros'. Is the place for nobby new hats j 2M if Col. Hall, and all but three of the officers of the 5th Canadian Artillery, at Victoria, B.C., have resigned, be cause they are not satisfied with the guns provided for them Hats for all shaped heads at kins'. The doondon Telegraph's expert ad- vises the overhauling of emigration machinery in Britain and Canada. RELIES IRNIREORIE® ™ ww BEAUTY (®) How to Get It. 2 How fo Keep It. 5 ¥ i» i Bs s = i 4 T i " iH Jen- :3 § BEST'S SHORTSTOP CURES ALL CouGHs f as 5 8 2 8 g§ f£¥ od [7 4 8 : : i $ fils F Fi AND ( f id §s i i £ I | LOO0OO000 OOOO0000000C0 A plain womso can be made pretty and & pretty ome can keep her beawty if & little care apd uttention sre given to She. detatis of the dail i 8%, tid ---- J. J. Hunter, formerly of Kingston, is again a liberal candidate in Centre Bruce. His opponent is the well-known spell-binder, Col. Clarke. Do the conservatives want a clean election? Why do they not accept the challenge of the liberals and re new the party compact? S---------- Quebec has a surplus of $579,344 the operations of the last year, with: agreed that the government should give relief to the extent of $16,000, 000, Its first. rate proposed was sev- on per cent.~the rate of the Bank of at the time. The second rate : | | | 3 ! oN i i il i i ® i i p i i = § i i | | {1 - " rial, 1 a few simple rules te follow in a 4 the proverbial "peaches and i i i ? £ i i i i § ! I ist ; 4 I 4 a ag I i i iy § 3 {EER 1 § «1 iH i fix f I lf i] i : | Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO., {South Cor. Ontario and Clarence A detachment of Peruvian. troops Hollowed some smugglers across the border and invaded the Chilinn town of Tarata, | F i is it I { £7 4-3 128 pi LF BF wil Bl ti J | iI 5

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